2008-2009 (PDF: 1.64 MB)

Hope changes everything 2008.2009 NATIONAL IMPACT REPORT

Transcript of 2008-2009 (PDF: 1.64 MB)

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Hope changes everything


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Our Values

Our MissionTo be a leader in finding

a cure for multiple sclerosis

and enabling people

affected by MS to enhance

their quality of life.

Contents1 Chair and president’s

message 2 Accelerating the pace of

discovery 3 Alexander Normandin4 Collaboration leads to

$15 million for neurological study

5 Raising funds and awareness together across Canada

6 Ralph Cochrane7 Shining a light on

Vitamin D and MS8 A sense of community9 Summer camp for adults

10 The National Education Series

11 Getting the word out12 Jessica Sanftleben13 The shortest possible time13 Award winners14 Major donors16 endMS donors17 Research Partners18 Evelyn Opal Society19 Key corporate event

sponsors19 TeamMS top teams20 Top event fundraisers21 Statement of revenue and


We believe in and work toward the full integration ofpeople with multiple sclerosis in all aspects of life.

We keep those affected by MS at the centre of our work at every level of the organization.

We treat everyone with respect and dignity, and protecttheir privacy and rights to make decisions about their lives.

We provide meaningful benefit to the greatest possiblenumber of people affected by MS.

We give hope to people affected by multiple sclerosis.

We acknowledge the grassroots of our organization as one of its greatest strengths.

We recognize that volunteers, donors, and employees arecritical to our success, and we celebrate their commitment.

We demonstrate ethical behaviour and integrity.

We adhere to the highest standards of quality,transparency and accountability.

We create safe and collaborative environments that fosterpositive relationships.

On the cover: MS Ambassador, Mike Augustine, greets a participant at the RONA MS Bike Tour in London, Ontario.

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This inaugural edition of our impactreport, formerly known as the annualreport, is an innovation and underlinesour focus on the accountability to thosewho we serve for impact in all that wedo. With an overarching emphasis onneed, action and impact, the report hasbeen directly influenced by commitmentsmade in our strategic plan, Momentum2015*. This plan is the compass thatguides us as we identify priorities andmonitor results in the implementation ofour work toward the ultimateachievement of our mission.

The MS Society remained strong and agilein the recession and the accompanyingeconomic uncertainty of 2009. While ourfundraising revenues were impacted, wewere able to maintain the level of criticalexpenditures to enhance the quality oflife for those affected by MS.

Throughout the year, we wereexceptionally grateful for the ongoingsupport from thousands of Canadiansacross the country and around the globewho inspired hope and shared ourcommitment to end MS. From ParliamentHill to the mountains of Machu Picchu inPeru, thousands of Canadians donatedfunds, contributed time, energy andexpertise, and remained the fundamentalstrength of our organization.

The story of Alexander Normandin, aMcGill University student whose MSdiagnosis threatened to stall his plans to obtain a medical degree, is cause fortremendous hope for the future.Alexander underwent a bone marrow

cell transplant, giving him the strength to continue medicalschool. This is a testament to his fortitude and to theremarkable advances that have been made in MS research.We are very proud to count Alexander among thethousands of dedicated volunteers who support the workof the MS Society.

Last summer, a novel partnership between A&W and theMS Society led to our most successful cause marketingcampaign, taking place nationwide and including on-sitefundraising, television and radio ads, and online activities.Funds raised through A&W’s Cruisin’ for a Cause incommunities across Canada provide vital support forservices to people with MS and for pressing investments inMS research.

As we embark upon 2010, we extend special thanks toDaniel Larouche for his tireless work as national chair overthe past year, as well as to all of the MS Society’svolunteers, donors, event participants, sponsors, boardmembers and staff.

Together, we will end MS.

Linda Lumsden,National chair

Yves Savoie,President and chief executive officer

Hope changeseverything

*Available on our website at:mssociety.ca/en/pdf/momentum2015_leaflet.pdf


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“It has been a pivotal summer

for me. It was the summer

I decided to dedicate my life

to MS research.”

Jordan Warford, Fourth year B.Sc. psychology student at Saint Mary’s University

Accelerating the pace of discovery Next generation of MS researchers drive hope


NeedWhile questions remain with respect to the cause of MSand its prevention, repair and cure, this marks a time ofunprecedented progress and hope. At the MS Society, webelieve every effort must be made to accelerate discovery in the field of MS by attracting, training and retaining MSresearchers and increasing opportunities to conduct MSresearch nationwide.

ActionIn 2008, the endMS Research and Training Network wasestablished, offering innovative education and trainingprograms throughout the country and acceleratingCanada’s contribution to the global effort to end MS.

In Atlantic Canada, seven university students received endMSSummer Studentship Awards, each amounting to $5,000,which allowed recipients to work on MS-focused researchprojects under the supervision of experts in the field.

In Quebec, MS research trainees gathered at the Universitéde Montréal for the two-day endMS Summer School. Thisprogram was designed by established researchers toprovide education and training on the neuroimmunologyand neuropathology of multiple sclerosis.

ImpactThe student award recipients presentedtheir findings at the Atlantic endMSRegional Research and Training Centreretreat in September, bringing togethernearly 25 researchers and trainees andopening new avenues of collaboration.Experts were impressed by the freshperspectives of the students, who havesince indicated that this experience haspositively influenced their intent tofurther pursue MS research.

Of the 32 trainees who gathered inQuebec, more than 80% felt the course increased their knowledge of and skill in MS research, and three-quarters said that it had increased their interest in conducting MS research over the long term.

Photo from left to right: Emma Higgins, MeghanCash, Ian Sarty, Jordan Warford, Cindy McCarron,Jahnavi Vadaparti and Nicole Strowbridge.

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Research that’s changing livesWhile in his third year of medical school at McGill University, Alexander Normandin learned that he had a rapidly progressing form of MS. At the time, his neurologist and director of the endMS Research andTraining Network, Dr. Jack Antel, informed Alex of a clinical trial in Ottawa that would transplant bonemarrow stem cells as a treatment for MS; a study funded from a $4-million grant from the MS ScientificResearch Foundation.

Now, almost 16 months since the procedure, Alexander is pleased to share that his MS hasn’t progressed.He has since written and passed his medical school exam, and although it has been a challenging road torecovery, he reports feeling stronger by the day.

“The really incredible thing about all of this is that if this had been 10 years ago, there would have beenalmost nothing that could have been done for such an aggressive type of MS, and my story would havewound up quite a bit different.’’

Alexander Normandin

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“Findings from this first-ever

study … will help guide MS

Society efforts to fund the best

research and to deliver

programs that improve the

lives of people affected by MS.”

Lynn Hunter, Chair, national government relationscommittee

Collaboration leads to $15 million for neurological studyResponse on Parliament Hill brings hope


NeedFor years, information on the extent and impact ofneurological conditions in Canada, including MS, has beenlimited or largely unknown. Because of the relatively smallnumber of Canadians affected by any one neurologicaldisorder, studying their prevalence or incidence in asystematic way has not been possible until now.

ActionIn January 2008, the MS Society came together with otherorganizations to form Neurological Heath Charities Canada(NHCC) to convince the federal government to fundtargeted research on neurological conditions. That summer,NHCC members met with members of Parliament andfederal officials to talk about the need for more researchinvestment. By October 2008, Prime Minister StephenHarper made an election commitment to fund a nationalstudy in collaboration with NHCC. On June 5, 2009, in thepresence of MS Society representatives and those fromother NHCC member organizations, Minister of HealthLeona Aglukkaq confirmed that the federal governmentwould provide $15 million over four years for a nationalpopulation study of neurological conditions.

ImpactBy working together, NHCC securedfunding that is inspiring researchapproaches that have never been donebefore in Canada on this scale. In fouryears, there will be a much clearerpicture of the incidence and prevalenceof neurological conditions, risk factorsand the impact on individuals, familiesand society as a whole. Information fromthe studies will be crucial for futuredecision-making by individuals,healthcare professionals, organizationsand governments.

Photo: John Clifford, chair, Ontario Division, andKim Steele, manager, Ontario government relationsand communications, on Parliament Hill.

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“Our franchisees and

employees are extremely

proud to be associated with

the Multiple Sclerosis Society

of Canada.”

Paul Hollands, President and CEO of A&W FoodServices of Canada Inc.


Raising funds and awareness together across CanadaNew A&W partnership supports hope

NeedThe MS Society’s ability to attractgenerous corporate support, secure long-term partnerships and foster stronginternal and external relationships iscritical to our fundraising efforts.Without each element, our capacity tobuild successful large-scale, nationallyrecognized initiatives would be limited.Developing innovative opportunitiesexpand our fundraising potential andhelp raise money to support researchand services for people affected by MS.

ActionIn 2009, A&W, one of Canada’s fastestgrowing restaurant chains, became ournewest cause marketing partner.Launching its first nationwide Cruisin’ for a Cause Day in support of MS, A&Wpromised to raise funds and awarenessacross Canada. On August 27, one dollarfrom every A&W Teen Burger sold acrossthe country was donated to the

MS Society. Additionally, A&W assembled an impressivepromotional campaign to underscore their commitment toour partnership, including TV ads, radio spots, a Cruisin’ fora Cause blog and a Facebook event invitation.

From coast-to-coast, MS Society division staff and A&Wrepresentatives worked closely together to locally promotethe event, recruit volunteers, handle media and personallythank participating customers.

ImpactA&W’s Cruisin’ for a Cause proved to be one of our mostsuccessful cause marketing campaigns ever. It helpeddeliver our message to a new audience and allowed the MS Society to expand its fundraising opportunities. Thecampaign generated unprecedented awareness aboutmultiple sclerosis and raised more than $400,000 tosupport MS research and programs for Canadians livingwith MS. The campaign galvanized our volunteers and staffaround an unforgettable day and secured a long-termpartnership with one of Canada’s most legendary brands.

Photo: A&W restaurant promotes Cruisin’ for a Cause Day in London, Ontario.

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Ralph Cochrane

Reaching new heightsInspired by his mother who lives with MS, Ralph Cochrane has set a goal to raise $1 million by 2012 in themission to end MS.

Combining his lifelong passion of adventure trekking with his determination to raise funds for MS, Ralphcreated MS Climb. On his first excursion in 2008, he led a team of 23 people to Machu Picchu, Peru. In2009, he recruited a combined total of 29 MS Climbers to take on two journeys: Machu Picchu and laterMount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

To date, Ralph’s vision, leadership and sense of adventure has generated more than $470,000 through theMS Climb. With the addition of Mount Everest Base Camp in Nepal for 2010, Ralph has not only mappedout an incredible challenge for adventure seekers interested in supporting a good cause, but he is well onhis way to realizing his million dollar goal.

Photo: Ralph Cochrane on his MS Climb to Machu Picchu, Peru.

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With Canada’s rate of

multiple sclerosis in women

tripling in the past 60 years,

worried doctors have been

struggling to understand the

cause of the disease. But

today, the picture is clearing.

This is the first evidence

that the environment is

directly related to the gene

region that gives you the

major risk for MS,” says

professor George Ebers.

Study could hold key to MS treatment

“I hope it’s something that’s going to help stave off his illness…”

“It looks like MS risk isdetermined very early in life, or

around the time of birth or maybe even gestation,” says co-author Dr. George Ebers.

The research involved 600 MS patients in Canada and 2,000 of their relatives.

Study could hold key to MS treatment


The evidence continues to mount.

The lead author of the study, funded in part by the MS Society of Canada…

…may reduce the risk of a child developing

MS in later life.

“What it really does is bring together, in a direct way, the main geneticregion, and the main environmental candidate and say, ‘look, they’re related.’”

Significant and potentially important findings More research needed to prove any cause-and-effect relationship.

“This research represents

an important development in

our understanding of the

cause of MS.”

Dr. Paul O’Connor, National scientific and clinical advisorfor the MS Society of Canada


Shining a light on vitamin D and MSNew discoveries spur hope

NeedIncreasing the number of relevant andsuccessful approaches to MS prevention,treatment and repair are important stepsto finding a cure. When it comes toprevention, it is well known that bothenvironmental and genetic factors playsignificant roles in increasing MSsusceptibility. However, there had yet to be conclusive evidence to link thesetwo different factors.

ActionIn 2008, the MS Society of Canada co-funded a study with the MS Society in the United Kingdom to bring greater understanding about the role of environment and genetics in MS.Leading the team of researchers is Dr. George Ebers, a neurologist andworld-renowned expert in the field ofgenetics and MS susceptibility, whoseresearch has long been funded by theMS Society of Canada.

In January 2009, the MS Society announced thatresearchers discovered a direct interaction between vitaminD and a common genetic variant that alters the risk ofdeveloping multiple sclerosis. Since vitamin D is available topeople through sunlight, Dr. Ebers’ research demonstratesthat the environment may play a direct role in MS genetics.

ImpactNews of this ground-breaking finding opens the door toapproaches that could potentially help prevent MS.

Photo: Excerpts of media coverage on vitamin D and MS.

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“I wanted to find other

Chinese people to talk to

about my feelings and in

my language.”

Winnie Yang, Support group member

A sense of communityOutreach and awareness communicates hope


NeedIn 2004, the client services team in British Columbia’sLower Mainland Chapter noticed an increase in calls aboutMS from the Asian community, mostly from the largeChinese population. The disease has become morecommon among Asians living in North America, but thechapter office observed that not all residents of the LowerMainland area were making use of the chapter’s programsand services. Information needed to be more accessible tothis population in order to bridge any language andcultural barriers that existed.

ActionInitially, the chapter developed a Chinese-languagepamphlet, which included key information on MS and theprograms and services offered by the MS Society. Soonafter, a Chinese-language support group was formed toprovide a safe and familiar environment for the sharing ofinformation, experiences and mutual support. The LowerMainland chapter also partnered with the highly respectedUnited Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society(SUCCESS) to deliver MS information sessions withtranslation service.

ImpactWord of mouth and grassroots outreachin the Chinese community of LowerMainland resulted in over 30 peopleattending each information session.Presenting at these sessions were Dr. Charles Tai of St. Paul’s Hospital,neurology and internal medicine division,and Dr. Anthony Traboulsee, director ofthe UBC MS Clinic.

By providing Chinese-languageeducation materials, medical informationfrom experts and information aboutavailable services and programs, thechapter was able to start establishingitself as a trustworthy organization towhich people in the Chinese communitycould turn.

Sessions were made possible by an unrestrictededucational grant from Serono.

Photo: Dr. Charles Tai delivering a presentation inLower Mainland, British Columbia.

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Summer camp for adults

Rediscovering strengthsMany of us remember summer camp as a time for meeting new friends, learning new skills and creatinglasting memories. For twenty-three adults hailing from across Quebec, the week they spent in theprovince’s Lanaudière region in June 2009 will hold a similar significance. For one week, participants weregiven the opportunity to attend the first-ever summer camp for adults with MS.

Participants aged 32 to 65, living with functional limitations due to MS, spent the week taking part inactivities many had long abandoned, such as canoeing, swimming, rafting and basketball.

Camp attendees were not only amazed at what they were able to accomplish, but the experience leftmany with the desire to be more active in their chapters. By the end of the week, there were plenty ofsmiles, a few tears and the unanimous feeling that they were leaving with a renewed sense of theirstrengths and capabilities.

The MS Society of Canada, Quebec Division is especially grateful to Pharmaprix for their generous contribution, which enabled the division to offer the camp free of charge.

Photo: Two summer camp participants playing basketball.

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“I am always interested in

what the MS Society can

provide me and my husband by

way of information, so we can

learn how to manage my MS

better together.”

Session participant

The National Education SeriesPrograms, services and information deliver hope


NeedProviding accurate and up-to-date information to peopleand families living with MS is critical to our work at the MSSociety. As a trusted source, we recognize many turn to usto gain a better understanding about the disease and thedaily challenges it can present. We are committed toenhancing quality of life and place a high priority onmaking this information available to all clients. We alsoacknowledge that for many, the best way to be reached isthrough their local communities, although access can, attimes, be limited.

ActionSince 2003, the MS Society of Canada has conducted theNational Education Series (NES) to bring timely, credible,relevant information about multiple sclerosis tocommunities throughout Canada. The series covers a widerange of topics of special interest to those living with thedisease, as well as those whose lives are impacted by MS.The sessions include a panel presentation from leadingsubject experts as well as a moderated question andanswer period between the panel and the audience.

While the majority of National EducationSeries sessions have been delivered in alive, on-site format, in a few instanceswhere resources were available, videoand audio broadcasts were streamed torural communities.

This year, for the first time, the NESreached out to nine northern and remotelocations in Manitoba. Through the useof the MBTelehealth technology,individuals were able to view the livepresentation in their community.

continued on page 11

Photo from left to right: Aprile Royal, clinicalprograms, MS Society; Dr. Phyllis Hierlihy, TheStrongWomen Lifestyle Intervention Program; andJo-Anne Howe, dept. of physiotherapy, TorontoRehabilitation Institute. Speakers at the Women andMS session of the National Education Series inSeptember 2009.

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Getting the word outPartners in generating hope

ImpactThe NES has been exceptionally wellreceived by thousands of Canadians inboth English and French. These eventshave been offered in 74 locations fromcoast-to-coast reaching approximately16,000 people affected by MS. Nearly90% of the participants who attendedthese sessions have reported that theywould make at least one new choiceabout how they manage their MS.

The MS Society of Canada plans toincrease the number of sessions to ruraland remote communities across Canada.Through technology, the MS Society ofCanada will continue to reach more clientsin a meaningful and cost-effective way,bringing leading MS experts to a greaternumber of Canadians living with MS.

NeedIn 2008, the MS Society launched its first capital campaign,endMS. With the hopes of generating unprecedentedpublic awareness and raising $60 million for MS research,the campaign required two important elements to publiclyintroduce the campaign: a thought-provoking and creativeconcept that spoke boldly about the disease, coupled witha direct call to action; and a means to usher the campaigninto the national spotlight.

ActionDraftFCB Montreal, an ad agency specializing in cause-marketing and long-time supporter of the MSSociety Quebec Division, offered to discount their creativeand consulting services. After a few short months, thecampaign was armed with print, radio ads and a compellingcampaign message: End MS. It’s time. Give Now.

To promote the endMS capital campaign, the MS Societyreceived advertising support from two of Canada’s largestmedia corporations: a $3-million pledge from Astral Mediaand a $1-million pledge from Canwest Global. Theresulting advertising campaign propelled the MS Societyinto the national spotlight like no other time in its 60-yearhistory, with coverage on bus shelters, billboards, radio, TV,newspapers and websites nationwide.

ImpactIn 2009, research conducted by Leger Marketing, a pollingand market research firm, revealed that recognition of theMS Society logo increased from 68 to 71 per cent, duringthe months our endMS marketing materials were inheaviest rotation. Since the launch of the endMScampaign, other corporate supporters have joined orincreased their partnership citing their interest to invest inthe strong MS Society brand.

To date, we have generated unprecedented awareness andraised over $48 million of our $60-million campaign goal.These funds will help accelerate the pace of MS researchand make Canada the number one destination in the worldfor MS researchers.

The National Education Series continued from page 10

Photo: Billboard on Highway 15 in Montreal,Quebec

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The next generation of fundraisersJessica Sanftleben, a Saskatchewan MS Read-A-Thon participant exemplifies the valuable contributionyouth make in the movement to end MS. Motivated by her mother’s diagnosis, Jessica remains positiveand determined to make a difference.

Through hard work and devotion, she raised over $4,000 to become Canada’s top MS Read-A-Thonfundraiser in 2009. She created matching programs for local businesses and successfully solicitedsponsorship from as far away as Germany, Africa and Korea.

Jessica, now in high school, intends to move her involvement to the MS Walk, but will continue to inspireyounger MS Read-A-Thon participants by volunteering to read to them. Jessica represents the nextgeneration of fundraisers, whose ingenuity and determination offer inspiration that all of us can make a difference in ending MS.

Jessica Sanftleben

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Print Award winner Julie Bosman is recognized for Une complicité àtoute épreuve, an article on how multiple sclerosisaffects the family. It also focuses its impact onchildren while dealing with a parent’s illness. Itreveals the strong bond between TVA 22 heures’Sophie Thibault and her mother Monique Larouche-Thibault, who had MS. The article appeared in

Le lundi, a weekly women’s wellness magazine in May 2008.

Broadcast Award winnerJennifer Tryon receives the broadcast award forPaediatric MS. The story explores the cause ofmultiple sclerosis in children. It examines thepossible reasons behind the alarming number ofchildren who live with MS. GlobalTV aired the storyin September 2008.

The shortest possible time

John Alexander Media Awards

National Opal Award for CaregiversCraig Anderson (Alberta) is presented theNational Opal Award for Caregivers for outstandingcommitment and devotion as a caregiver to a personwith multiple sclerosis.

Aside from being a caregiver to his wife Sandi, Craigis a committed MS Society volunteer. He has served

as the president of the North Peace Chapter for the last ten years. He isalso the chairman of the North Peace Trail Ride for MS, a fundraiser thatraised over $49,000 in 2009.

Craig’s story is an inspiration to others as he has shown his strongcommitment to his wife, family and the mission of the MS Society.

National Award of Merit, Non-MemberAstral Media and DraftFCB(Montréal) are honoured with the National Award of Merit, Non-Member for outstanding contributionsthat further the work of the MSSociety on a nationwide basis.

Support from the two companies has grown from a regional partnershipto a national collaboration. DraftFCB produced compellingcommunications campaigns that inspire Canadians to take action forpeople living with MS. Astral Media’s advertising donations generatedthe visibility needed to draw attention to the MS Society’s messagethrough its numerous media platforms.

National Awards

The NeedSince November 2009, there has beenintense focus on a potential associationbetween chronic cerebrospinal venousinsufficiency (CCSVI) and MS. Dr. PaoloZamboni from Ferrara, Italy hypothesizedin preliminary studies that the treatmentof blocked veins could alleviate thesymptoms of MS. This has been excitingand reminds us every day of the criticalrole played by the MS Society: fundingonly the best science which is the surestway of accelerating discovery in MS;and, an equally critical role in providingtimely, relevant and accurateinformation to help people make theirown decisions about living with MS.

ActionIn November 2009, the MS Societyissued a request for research proposalsto study the relationship between CCSVIand MS. The call for specific researchproposals is unique and unprecedentedin the MS Society’s 60-year history.

ImpactThe MS Society’s role in research is tofund the avenues of greatest potentialand scientific excellence. By fundingresearch into MS and CCSVI, the MSSociety hopes that clarity will emerge asto the relationship between the two.

CCSVI and MS attract new hope


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Major donors


We are grateful to recognize the following individuals, corporations and foundations that supported thework of the Society through a gift of $1,000 or more in 2008 to 2009:

$100,000 +Doug & Sandra BergeronEMD Serono Canada Inc.Pfizer Canada Inc.RBC Financial Group, through the

RBC Foundation

$50,000 - $99,999Anonymous (2)Canada Safeway LimitedThe Law Foundation of BCThe Catherine & Maxwell Meighen Foundation

The Ontario Trillium FoundationTeva Neuroscience Canada

$25,000 - $49,999Anonymous (5)Robert Edgar ArnoldBayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Fondation Bergeron-JettéBiogen IdecIBM Employees’ Charitable Fund I & MJ Kelley Investments Ltd.Gaston LandryKin Canada, Atlantic District 7Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.Shoppers Drug Mart/PharmaprixShoppers Drug Mart Life FoundationVancouver Foundation

$10,000 - $24,999Anonymous (14)June AmesAqueduct Foundation - Hope & Faith Fund

ATU Jerry FundBell Canada Employee Giving Program

Government of Canada (HRSDC)The Lloyd Carr-Harris FoundationCN Employees’ & Pensioners’ Community Fund

EnCana Cares FoundationFace the World FoundationFirst TruckGenzymeThe GoatICI Canada Inc.Intact Foundation The Lawrason FoundationLeckie & Associates Chartered Accountants

Kenneth MacgowanLou MarounMedtronic of Canada, Ltd.Mercier FoundationNewcap Broadcasting

Noble Trade (a RONA related company)

Pinetree Supply Ltd.Provincial Employees Community

Services Fund (British Columbia)TELUSJon M. TemmeDavid L. TorreyWal-Mart Canada Corp.

$5,000 - $9,999Anonymous (14)Centre du Sport AlaryBackstage TechnologiesBest Facilities Services Ltd.BioMS Medical Corp. BMO Employee

Charitable FoundationIn honour of Flora BradyThe BrickCadillac Fairview Corporation LimitedCanadian National

Christian FoundationChandel Equipment RentalsJohn ClarkThe Arthur and Audrey Cutten

FoundationCyclo VacJohn Deere Foundation of CanadaJill EdgarEnCana CorporationEnerflex Systems Ltd.Scott & Melinda EwartFabian Family EndowmentGolden Legends ClubJacques F. Gougoux Foundation Hilton HotelHitachiHotchkiss Family Charitable

FoundationHusky Energy Lloydminster

Charitable CampaignING Real Estate CanadaLacombe Kinsmen ClubLandmark HomesLeon’s Furniture LimitedCity of Lloydminster - FCSSThe Alice & Murray Maitland

FoundationMcInnes CooperBill Needles Memorial

Golf TournamentPat OzirnyThe Paloma FoundationGrant PankiwJ.E. Panneton Family FoundationQuebec Department of Health

and Human Services

Rogan FoundationIan RogersRoyal Canadian Legion Branch 21Shandex GroupShaw Communications Inc.The Philip Smith FoundationSobeysSutton PlaceEdward F. WaltersTamia Washington & Grant Hill

$1,000 - $4,999Anonymous (111)Leonard Albert Foundation Alberta Power (2000) Ltd.Lyall AllisonAME Consulting GroupAMG Medical Inc.Applied Thought Inc.David & Rita ArbuthnotLorne ArmstrongAtco GasAtlas International MailAutodesk Canada Co.Baccarat CasinoBancorp Financial Services Inc.Barclay Construction Group Inc.Patricia BartelBatusJohn & Diane BeattieRandy BetcherBFL Canada Insurance Services Inc.M.C. BlairBLG FoundationBlue Castle CorporationBoomer Transport Ltd.Brian BoucherYvon Boulanger Foundation Gilbert BrettBridletowne PharmacyJeffrey Michael BrookeBrown Strachan AssociatesBurnswest CorporatonCalgary FoundationCalgary Mountainview Lions ClubJ. CammMaurice CampbellCanadian HeritageCarstairs & District Community ChestCarthy FoundationCasino of The RockiesBarry CavanaughGuillaume CayaCGC Inc.Nancy ChallinorJean ChamberlainClaude Chamberland

Champion TechnologiesAlexander ChristJohn Arthur Clark Family Testamentary Trust

Lorimer & Louise ClarkeMarlene ClaytonCobalt Pharmaceuticals Inc.Mitchell CohenChris CollinsThe Co-operatorsSalvatore N. Corea & Charlene

Luciak-CoreaCormark Securities Inc.Riki & James CoxCremona & District Community ChestBob & Gayle CroninIan CubittLeonard M. CullenCUM Employees’ & Pensioners’ Charitable Program

Marie France CussonRon & Elise DalbyCynthia DaviesAndré De BellefeuilleVincent De SantisCatherine DebruyneDell Direct GivingDimitrios DeschesnesYolande DesforgesJohn Di PoceDiaper-EezGeoffrey Paul DohertyJohn G. DohertySharon E. DowdallLeslie & Irene Dube DUCA Financial Services

Credit Union Ltd.Ariane DumotierJ.R. Edgett Excavating Ltd.Edmonton Oilers Community

FoundationPeter EmersonRobert & Marianne EngEpisode Inc.Bert EsselinkEsterhazy and District Donors ChoiceExperience It Inc.Fairmont Jasper Park LodgePaul Faynwachs In TrustFellowship Bridge

International SocietyFirst Calgary SavingsCynthia FishRoy C. FossLisa FosterFour Seasons Hotels and ResortsFraser Milner Casgrain LLPMike Fraser

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Fraser InstituteFraternal Order of Eagles #3318Fraternal Order of Eagles #2638Fredericton Community Foundation Inc.

Lars FrederiksenJames FreemanDavid R. FrenchHarvey & Leah FruitmanJacques FuroisBen GalipeauThe Gandalf Group Inc.General FenceGlen CorporationGor-Fay Realty Co. Ltd.H. Laurie GrahamJames & Elizabeth GrayGreat-West Life Assurance CompanyThe Herbert Green Charitable Foundation Inc.

Adam GrosjeanNancy GustafsonScott HagginsSteven R. HammondBarbara HanmerHarley Owners Group Western RegionHarmony Mens Group Of WindsorFlorence HarnoisSheila HattonCherie HemmingsenThe Hensen FoundationIn memory of Graham HillWalter & Nelly HillierIn Memory of Agnes HollingsworthMarion HolmesThe Honorable Order of The Blue Goose International (Québec Pond)

Howe & Gramlich Wealth Management Inc.

HSC Employee Charitable FundIrene HuebnerLiette HunterValerie Hussey Family Foundation of the Tides Canada Foundation

HYDRECS FundImperial Tobacco CanadaIndigo Books & Music Inc.Industrial Alliance Insurance

and Financial Services Inc.Investors Group Matching Gift Program

IODE Royal Bride ChapterJackman FoundationE.M. JanesJarell DevelopmentEmployees of Jazz Air LPRobert JefferisMubina JiwaJohnson & JohnsonWalter & Janine KatelnikoffGale M. KellyA & A King Family FoundationThe Kings Mutual Insurance Company

Kinsmen Club of Juan de FucaKinsmen Club of PrestonKiwanis Foundation of Kamloops, BCHolger & Claudette KlugeKnight & Co.Knights of Columbus-COS #8046Joe & Joan KooleSybrand KooleGertrud KrapfDr. Mark KriegerRichard KroekerKwantlen Polytechnic UniversityJacques LabelleDaniel LaroucheJonathan LawrenceLCBOAbe LeventhalJacques LévesqueGustav Levinschi FoundationLexusLife Long Learning Council of

Red DeerIn memory of Richard LighthallThe Link Social ClubLloydminster & District Co-opLloydminster BobcatsLloydminster Meridian BoosterLloydminster SourceJoan LowdenLoyal Order of Moose -

Oshawa Lodge #2132Philip G. LucaLorne R. MacDougallThe Brent MacIntosh Real Estate Group

Mackenzie Financial Corp.Terrence MacKenzieWilliam MaclaganLori MageeCarole A. MakusGordon J. ManionManulife Financial Sandra MartiniSimon MarwoodDonald MaxwellLarry MaykutJudi McCutcheonJohn McGuganSharon McNeil - Music For MSJR McQueenJudith MewettMMIS Inc.K.R. Moeller Associates Ltd.Molson Community FoundationGord MurrayRobert NadonThe Honey & Moses Nathan

Charitable FoundationFrank NeveuNorco Products LimitedNuvisAudrey O’BrienOntario Limited 379003

OPG Employees’ & Pensioners’ Charity Trust

Order of Ahepa Omirou OthisiaAlex A. OstenPaediatric Associates – Women’s College Hospital

Palace CasinoParagon Nordic Pharmacy Ltd.Alexander G. ParkDale ParkinsonRichard PersallLorne & Joyce PetersPatrick PetrieGestion Phila Inc.Philanthropy Preceptorship FundDr. Ed PineauSerge PoiréPoolman Roofing LimitedThe Powis Family FoundationEileen PrestonPrince George Community

FoundationQuality FurnitureLeslie RaendenIrfhan RawjiPhil ReddonMichelle ReevesSimone ReezeRekord Holdings Ltd. Reitmans (Canada) LimitedHeather RiceMarie-Anne RicherAlex & Kathleen RitchieLola RobbChad RobinsonW. Michael RocheRosetown and District

Combined AppealD. RossRotary Club of North KamloopsRotary Club of West VancouverRay & Pam RoyDonald S. RutherfordFrancoise RypensRonald SalhanyDavid SarlesSchendel Mechanical ContractingMarvin SchneiderScotiabank Employee Volunteer Program

Michael ScottSGI Richard ShepherdEd & Gail ShwedykArthur I. SilverVivian & Sheldon Silverberg in

memory of Jerry KerbelFrederick J. SluggettLarry SmithSteve SnyderSolstice Canada Corp.Soly Chabot Ranger LtéeSonya’s Store

Sorrell FinancialJack & A.M. SpruytRory SquiresStandard Community ChestTrent StanglDavid SteerMaxine & RJ SterlingT.A. St-Germain Charitable

Foundation Stony Plain Lodge No 225Sun Life Matching Gifts ProgramWilliam E. Sylvester3M Employees’ Charitable

Contribution FoundationEna & Bernard Tam FundTelebec Charitable Employees’ Fund Telus Employee Charitable

Giving ProgramThompson Valley Potters’ GuildClinton M. TinkerPaul Torlone & Marlene DiGiuseppeEvelyn ToyTrepanier Lodge 83The Trottier Family FoundationLouise TrudeauIvan TrushBarbara UdyUnited Commercial Travelers of America, Jack Kidd Council # 755

Vale Inco LimitedHarry & Myrtle van LutterveltRobin Veilleux Assurances CollectivesReta VigarFaye VilleneuveJohn B. WadlandMaurice WalshWeechie Holding Ltd.Welded Tube of Canada LimitedIrene WernerWest Windsor PowerWebco Material Handling Inc.George Weston LimitedCharles D. WhellyWhite Rock Lioness ClubHale WhitworthJoy WickettJoanne WilkinMorris WilkinsRyan WilliamsDr. Marilyn WillmanBrock WintertonKevin WolfeWolrige FoundationJudith WyseJane Zurub

The Multiple Sclerosis Society ofCanada would also like to thank theUnited Way of Canada.

(We apologize for any errors oromissions).

Page 18: 2008-2009 (PDF: 1.64 MB)

endMS donors


$500,000 +Anonymous (1)Alberta Ministry of Advanced

Education and Technology Astral MediaBMO Financial GroupCanwest GlobalCIBCGarrett HermanLouis J. MarounScotiabankThe Waugh Family Foundation

$100,000 - $499,999Anonymous (2)André AzziDon BarkwellThe John and Judy Bragg Family Foundation

The Rudolph P. Bratty Family Foundation

Albert Diamond Cohen Bob DeckerIan & Kiki DelaneyDeloitte & Touche Foundation CanadaThe Goodman Family and the DundeeGroup of Companies

Ernst & Young LLPKPMG Foundation Manulife FinancialDebbie & Fred MooreSusan A. MurrayNational Bank Financial GroupPolygon Homes LimitedPower Corporation of CanadaPricewaterhouseCoopers LLPResearch In Motion LimitedShaw Communications Inc.Kevin & Sandra SullivanTELUS Corporation Richard & Heather ThomsonDavid L. Torrey

$50,000 - $99,999AnonymousSandy & Margot AirdAltus Energy Services PartnershipBob & Joy AntenbringGayelene Bonenfant La Capsule sportive, MSA financial and Houston Golf Tournament

Purdy & Bea CrawfordJohn Feld & Phyllis YaffeAlistair M. FraserDaniel LaroucheKenneth Macgowan

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPBruce & Sylvia RichmondMark & Sarah WellingsHerbert Wyman

$10,000 - $49,999Anonymous (6)Ainsworth Charitable TrustPaul AtkinsonAvtar Bains & Monika Deol Michael Bernstein & Nandini DasGupta

Stewart BusbridgeCNFrances Carmichael & Jack CashmanBarry & Laurie CavanaughNeil & Andrea Chrystal John F. CliffordDon CopelandNorm CressyCuddy Farms Corporation in memory of A.M. Cuddy

The Cullen FamilyRossano DeCottisDinner and Jazz for MSEMD Serono Canada Inc.Elan PharmaceuticalsEmerson Real Estate GroupGeorge FineDavid & Beverly Garton Gibson EnergyElizabeth Gordon Sam & Sally GrippoChris HaslamHighland Farms Inc.Ramsay HolmesIn honour of Susan Huycke &

Sylvia Bosworth Milan & Maureen Ilich Foundation Richard Ilich & Lauren MelvillePeter JelleyRalph Jordan Helen KearnsDavid KnightJack Kowarsky & Maya CocoLaval Chapter, MS Society of CanadaPeter & Kelly LeggeDr. Samuel Ludwin John & Gail MacNaughtonMacquarie Bank Foundation Hugh & Sherri MageeGeorge MarlatteKen & Suzanne MayhewThe Nixon Charitable FoundationLeslie NobleDaniel Nowlan

Herb & Aster OsenJ. E. Panneton Family Foundation Peak Energy Services TrustPhillips, Hager & North Investment

Management Ltd.Jack & Darlene PooleProcura Real Estate Services LimitedLarry & Gerthe Rank Jim & Marcia RatsoyThe Rix Family Foundation William L. SauderYves SavoieJoseph & Rosalie SegalScotia CapitalMichael Shuh & Michelle FiebergSidoo Family Foundation Thane & Darci StennerSun Life FinancialWilliam D. SwisherTeva NeuroscienceTrudell Medical International

in memory of A.M. CuddyGabriel TsampalierosVariety - The Children’s Charity

of British ColumbiaWarrior Resources CorporationThe James and Kathleen Winton


$5,000 - $9,999Anoymous (2)Alliance Bernstein Canada Inc.David BardalYolanda Bronstein CI Funds Mike den Haan & FamilyBill DyerCharles J. Ford Richard Grafton Dominique HansenFondation Sibylla HesseSean HodginsGreg & Lisa KerfootMorley & Myrna Koffman Douglas C. & Anne MackayRobert & Debra MacLeodSenator Paul J. Massicotte &

Sylvie DragonMike McClintock Duncan McNeillLisa & Roger Park Sarah PepallDena Simon Stoneham Drilling Inc.Waterbury Newton

$1,000 - $4,999Anonymous (2)Chris Breen CAE IncJacqui Cohen/Army and Navy StoresConcord Pacific Group Inc. Mark DamelinDouglas DeruchieJonathan EhrlichJackie FoordIan FraserJeff & Sandra GoldsteinBill Gray Rohit & Aimee GuptaRichard HodgsonMahon Rowland FoundationMitchell McConnell Insurance Ltd.Kathleen MurphyDr. Jock & Janet Murray David G. Patterson Quebecor World Inc.Joe Randell Jonathan RobbinsIrene RussellSassafrazDr. Dessa SadovnickAllen SternWaterloo Chapter, MS Society of Canada - Fall Fashion Fantasy Show

Mark WhitmoreWoods LLP

(We apologize for any errors or omissions).

The MS Society and the MS Scientific Research Foundation salute our many donors, from the beginning ofthe endMS Campaign up to December 31, 2009. For a more up-to-date list of campaign donors, pleasego to endMS.ca.

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Research Partners

$10,000+Athena Resources Ltd.Bosch Rexroth Canada Corp.Bruce Del GuidiceDouglas & Joanne EllenorHenry S. MewsJohn & Ann Ogilvy

$5,000 - $9,999AnonymousMr. & Mrs. Ian DonnellyPaul DullaertJohn DungeyAgnes FaraciGary Levene & Deborah Eisenberg

Jean-Pierre MongeauJoseph F. MurrayPeter O’SullivanJohn J. RitchieJoe SpagnoloFrederick J. TroopUnilock Limited

$1,000 - $4,999Anonymous (34)Ian J. AdlerBetty AlertS. Alexander & B. MackenzieJames E. AllardVal AllardiceDavid AllenDr. John C. Allison Medical Services Inc.

Roman AltroggeRobert AndrewWendy AnwyllPatricia ArmstrongJ. Richard Armstrong

Family FoundationThomas ArnoldE.L. ArnottJane ArnupGrace & Don ArseneauE. Munro AshkanaseThe Gail Asper Family Foundation Inc.

ATS Inc.Maureen Bailey-LeeIn Memory of Joel BalfourKathryn BallsBarber MotorsJudy BargholzKaren & Bill BarnettJohn R. BarnettLeonard BartlettRobert BellThe Benjamin FoundationClara BennettsGilles BenoîtSylvie BenoîtMary BergaminBGE Service Supply Ltd.Bruce Kenneth BigelowWarren BiggarJosephine N. BirdMorley & Marjorie Blankstein C.M.

Thérèse BoileauLois Bolster

Johanne BouchardJocelyn BraithwaiteJérôme BrassardCatherine BrattyLillian & Peter BrownBuck’s Crossing Golf CourseStephanie BurgoyneJudy BushDavid R. CampbellLinda C. CampbellAlvin & Alice CarberryMartin CarsleyTim CasgrainJ. Charles CatyLaurie CavanaughCedar Valley Holdings Inc.Jack & Margaret

Charlesworth FoundationDr. Tony CianfaraniDr. Martin ClémentMicheline CloutierJames ColvinGrace CooperBruce CorrainiMr. & Mrs. Guillaume CôtéHélène Côté-SharpPaule CouetFrances E. CowanMr. & Mrs. Robert T. CrawfordElizabeth CrawfordLarry CreaserCrestview Investment

CorporationAllen CritesRobin Cruickshank & Alexandra Webster

Barbara CurrieGregory A. CurrieMargaret Curry-PhoenixAlec & Shirley CurtisSophie CuvelliezMarcelle DagenaisAndrew DalyWes & Judith DavisPeter DemikAnn denOudenDenis DessureaultDan & Jill DevlinAnne C. DickMrs. M. Jean DickDonald DickhoutJohn W. DicksonPeter & Anna DiGiuseppeElisabeth DingmanMariette DionGuy DomingueH. R. Doornekamp

Construction Ltd.Gestion R. Dubé Inc.Jack & Barbara DuffHoward & Barbara EckmanEdna EdwardsJake & Eva EliasThe Leonard Ellen

Family FoundationMarianne EngMr. R. EnnsNaomi ErlickDenis & Barbara ErwinArthur EvansFaithful Friends Foundation

Maurizio FanucchiDr. Barbara Fidler & Norval Wener

George F. FinkRoderick & Susan FinlaysonDr. Michael FiorinoCynthia FishLynn FisherViolet FlawnMargaret & Jim FleckRoger A. FournierDavid FoxeA. Scott FraserEsther FreemanDavid R. FrenchMary Theresa FryMr. & Mrs. Bill GaddRémi GagnonJay GarlandWilliam GarrattDr. Bernard GauthierHelen K. GibsonGML Mechanical Ltd.John & Marge GodelGopher Enterprises LimitedSuzanne GouinJ. Ian GrahamNorman GrahamTrudy GrantLarry GroveMichael HafemanNorman HagemeyerCamille HalabyDr. Harold C. HallMaureen HallRosemary HallTerry HalpinStuart HayBruce HerouxDr. Mark K. HeuleGordon & Maureen HillAllan HoganDouglas Homer-DixonBarbara J. HouldingJo-Anne HoweHranco Industries Ltd., in

honour of William H. HodgeRenata HumphriesLiette HunterWilliam & Joanne IrvineJohn JensenFrances JoaquinRick JohannesenVernon JohnstonFrances B. JordanJon D. JustKealson Ltd.Mr. & Mrs. Gordon KernApril KleinHolger & Claudette KlugeGeorge & Elizabeth KnowlesNatascha LethbridgeMurray & Donna KorthPierre LamulleG. LankhorstCarol LaPrairieRichard LarocqueMonique Beaudoin LaurentMichel LavoieJaney LawClaire LeBoeuf

Maureen Bailey-LeeEsther LeeMr. & Mrs. Daniel LeeJanet LeffekPierre LegrosKeith Lemay Professional

CorporationNancy LeverMajella LévesqueS.M. LewisMr. & Mrs. Peter LockieL V Lomas LimitedRichard LoretoEddie LucaPeter J. LudgateMary LumsdenJohn LussierS. LynnJohn & Jewel LyonsMarie MacArthurDonald MacDougallJames MackayCorinne MacLaurinD.R. MactaggartMonique MarceauErica MartelJune MathesonKenneth W. McArthurMr. & Mrs. Andrew McClureIan & Janet McConnellJ.C. & Frances McCutcheonPatrick McGurnLillian McIntyreNancy McKeanK. McKenzieMargaret McLeodRobert & Junith MeeGeorge & Sylvia MelvilleJean Yves MéthotWendy MillerJoe & Rejeanne MillerArmand & Hazel MisuracaFred MohrLise M. MonaghanDr. Denis MooreWayne & Susan MooreWilliam P. MorelDavid MorganAnnette MorinJohn MorinG. MoritaDon & Jacqueline MurphyMrs. G. MurrayMr. & Mrs. L. MurrayGill NarangKathy NeilsonPeter NeufeldNorth Waterloo Farmers

Mutual Ins. Co.Victor Walter Novikov, BA ATPSandra NymarkDr. Mary O’ConnorDr. Paul O’ConnorDonna L. OliverPatricia O’MalleyOrdre Honorable de l’Oie BleueDr. Rachel C. ParkErick Parnoja & Linda HurlburtCalvin A. PatersonPeak Construction Ltd.Mark Pelehos

Dr. Micheline PelletierNeil & Flora PerryAlver & Arlene PersonLaurette PietteBibiane PineauPioneer LoggingWard C. PitfieldMrs. G. PitmanSerge PoiréDr. Georgie M. PontikesPort Royal Mill Ltd.Stan Poulsen Trucking Ltd.Anne PrimeauProtax Financial Services Inc.Rosita PrzybycienMr. & Mrs. Bordon PurcellBrian E. RaineyMr. & Mrs. J. B. ReaFred RempelRoy & Wilma RobbinsCécile RobergeMr. & Mrs. Charles R.

RobertsonDr. Diane RobitailleW. Michael RocheRocky Cross Construction (North) Ltd.

Les Entreprises Claude Rodrigue Inc.

Rogers’ Family Charitable TrustKim RogersDeane & Brenda RossG. Margaret RossMargaret E. RossMargaret RothMarilyn & Ray RousseauRollande RoyIlana & Stephen RubyK. RuggieriNorman RusywichWarren RybakSaether Capital Corp.Karen SaffranCharles SaillantGuy Saint-PierreYvan SalvettiMario SamsonLyn SauderJérôme SaunierAl & Sandra SaxtonMichael SchertzerScientific Atlanta Canada Inc.Peggy ScottAndré SéguinSteven ShackHoward & Elayne ShaprayDoreen ShaunessyOwen Bruce ShimeDonald M. ShumkaAlbert SicardHeather SiftonDrs. Sacha Singh & Andie Wiseman

Sarah SissoGretta V. SlapkauskasKathleen SmileyDr. Allan SmithPaul & Shelley SmithLloyd SmithScott SmithJ. Douglas & Elizabeth Snedden

Soldan Fence & Metals Ltd.Cynthia SolomonL. SpockGlen SquiresJames M. StanfordTrent StanglDavid SteerDerek E. SternDonald StewartNatalie StibernikDr. Linda J. StirkFernand St-JacquesIrving StorferH J Stultz Family FoundationMark SuchanPat TannerRita TardifTestricsRoger ThibodeauJohn ThompsonAnn L. ThompsonOlive E. TildenKathleen ToewsDorothy TonningDavid L. TorreyDean & Kitty ToyeDora TrineerLouise Rousselle TrottierNancy TurnerFernand VachonMichel VachonMr. & Mrs. Frank Van OirschotNina Van VaerenbergCecil VanceA.K. VelanMilan & Catherine VotickyHugh WallaceU. WallersteinerBarbara Joyce Ward

Professional Corp.Sylvie WatelleThe WB Family FoundationRalph J. WebberDr. Linda WeberEdwin D. WedelJohn & Alice White –

In memory of Alice White, Linda J. Chorney, Sandra J. White

William & Eleanor WhyteThomas A. WilcoxBetty WilliamsMichael WilliamsViolet WilliamsDr. Marilyn WillmanFlorence WilsonMargaret WilsonFlorence & Mickey WinbergThomas WinikerCarolyn M. WooghLawrence D. WorrallH.D. WymanDrs. Mark & Phyllis YaffeDr. Laval YauShirley Young

(We apologize for any errorsor omissions).

Research Partners are a special community of donors who solely support research into the cause of andcure for MS. The MS Society of Canada is pleased to recognize these donors who made a giftcommitment in 2008-2009:

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The Evelyn Opal Society was created to honour our founder,Evelyn Opal, and to recognize the generous support of themore than 400 Canadians who have made their legacy tothe fight to endMS. We are honoured to welcome thefollowing new members of the Evelyn Opal Society:

Anonymous (7)Anne Bourne

We are humbled by the generosity of our donors and the extraordinary commitment they show to the fight to end MS. We are honoured to recognize thecontributions of the following Evelyn Opal Society members in the past year:

Evelyn Opal Society No ordinary Joe


$250,000 +Estate of Margaret Ada AndrewsEstate of David HousbyEstate of Marion Fulford MadeleyEstate of Nelson Johnson

$100,000 - $249,999Estate of Louisa Gale

$50,000 - $99,999AnonymousEstate of Helen ButlerEstate of Liliane ChabotEstate of Jessie HamiltonEstate of James Hartman

$25,000 - $49,999Anonymous (2)Estate of Fabien GrangerEstate of Fred HallEstate of Gladys O’RayEstate of Audrey May Trainor

$10,000 - $24,999Anonymous Estate of Mary Anne BrinckmanEstate of Gordon ButlerEstate of Marion Cooper

$10,000 - $24,999Estate of Cathleen

Ruperta DewhirstEstate of Edith GervaisEstate of Joyce KeepingEstate of Ethel McKendryEstate of Arthur ObornEstate of Jean A. ParksEstate of Joseph P. PerinEstate of Danielle

Dagenais PérusseEstate of Helen PetersEstate of Irène RiouxEstate of Joyce Mary Whiteman Rogers

Estate of Larry RoweEstate of Monique SamsonEstate of Sylvia Van Der HoutEstate of John Howard WalkerEstate of Charles Watters

$5,000 - $9,999Anonymous (5)Estate of Hannah BellEstate of Jean CrossanEstate of Elizabeth EdgeworthEstate of Mary EganEstate of Ruth HodgeEstate of Thomas Felix Honeygold

$5,000 - $9,999Estate of Margaret PatonEstate of Eber PollardEstate of Ethel SouthworthEstate of Connie Soyland

$1,000 - $4,999Anonymous (2)Estate of Stella ArsenaultEstate of Mary Evelyn CraggEstate of Mildred DaweEstate of André DupuisEstate of Mildred GuilEstate of Lydia HartEstate of Mary HealeyEstate of Lois HenningEstate of Lois KnightEstate of Monique LaroucheEstate of Diane MooreEstate of Rose ParkerEstate of Eric N. RackhamEstate of Stanley RobinsEstate of Joan TrottEstate of Fleurette Wingender

(We apologize for any errors oromissions).

Joe Nastiuk from Saskatoon,Saskatchewan volunteers on the localboard of directors for the MS Society andis a regular event participant andsponsor.

While every day Joe gives a little ofhimself to the MS Society, one day, hewill give much more – somethingextraordinary.

With his family’s full support, Joe hascreated a gift in his will in support of theMS Society of Canada. Joe joins morethan 400 Canadians across the countrywho have also chosen to create theirown legacy for a future free from MS.

Joe and our other MS Legacy donorshave given of their estates and areinspiring others to make a lastingcontribution. This past year, the MSLegacy program directed more than $3 million to MS Society services andresearch.

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Key corporate event sponsors and promotional partners

2008-2009 TeamMS Top teams

$500,000 +Astral Media NAT/QCPattison NAT/QCRBC ON

$250,000 +A&W Food Services of Canada Inc. NATClear Channel Outdoor ON Loewen, Ondaatje, McCutcheon Ltd. ONRONA Inc. NAT

$200,000 - $250,000Canwest Global AB-NWT/BC-Y/QCCommunication Corp.

CTV Toronto ON

$150,000 - $200,000Student Works Painting NAT

$100,000 - $150,000AM 640 Toronto Radio ONAtlas Van Lines (Canada) Ltd. NATBlack Press BC-YEMD Serono Canada Inc. ON/QCEnerflex Systems Ltd. AB-NWTRJ1200 and i.t. productions BC-Y

$50,000 - $100,000Astral Media Radio ONBrink's Canada Limited NATChatelaine NATCHUM Radio Vancouver BC-YCorus Radio London ONJACK/LITE Radio (Rogers Media) AB-NWTJohn Feld and Phyllis Yaffe ONMandarin Restaurants ON

$50,000 - $100,000Manitoba Lotteries Corporation MBMetroMedia Plus QCNeo Traffic Advertising QCRAWLCO Radio SKScotiabank BC & Yukon Region BC-Y

$25,000 - $50,000A Channel Ottawa ONAnne Klein ONBlue Cross ATL/SKCKAC Sports QCCorus Entertainment AB-NWTCTV Edmonton AB-NWTCTV Northern Ontario ONCTV Southwestern Ontario ONEnixa.TV QCLouis Garneau NAT

$25,000 - $50,000Mr. Lube NATNational Logistics Services Inc. ONNorco Performance Bikes ONOwlKids NATPizzaville ONPurolator Courier Ltd. ATLThe Q QCQuebecor QCReader's Digest QCRoyal Camp Services Ltd. AB-NWTRythme FM QCScholastic Canada Ltd. NAT/ONStandard Radio Inc. AB-NWT(EZ Rock/Team 1260/The Bear)

Stephenson's Rental Services ONToronto Community News ONTraffic QC

TeamMS encourages participants in the MS Walk, RONA MS Bike Tours and nationwide partnership Eventsto form teams with their family, friends and co-workers for fun and camaraderie.

$150,000 +MS Climb Ralph Cochrane NAT

$75,000 - $149,99Heart Brakers John Mullen AB-NWTJasper Rockhoppers Greg Van Tighem AB-NWTRace4MS - Ironman Canada Jasper Blake NATSolutions Partagées Gabriel Gagnon QCWoop de Woo Kevin James BC-Y

$50,000 - $74,999Butt Ugly Joanne Janzen ON

Helena WhittingtonCC Riders Alan Creaser ATLDirty Cranks Gavin Giles ATLGreatful Tread Martha Corbin / MB

Grace LackmanAngela MorelliDan Neufeld

Happy Fillmores Verna Haiden AB-NWTPaul Paridaen

Lespérance André Lespérance QCMaking Waves for MS Sarah Sine ONMidland in Motion Derek Faraci MBNicholson Family & Friends Kenzie Nicholson BC-YRONA - Équipe Guy Leclerc Lucie Laflamme QCSmokin' Embers Jan Hancock AB-NWTTeam H-Core Graham Metzger AB-NWT(the Greatest team on Earth) Kristen Stephenson

Team Julia Julia Daniluck AB-NWTTeam Tazza Crystal Phillips AB-NWTViarail Denis Lemieux QC

$25,000 - $49,99910 speeds of sweetness Jarrett Goettler SKA Few Spokes Short Dale Lynn AB-NWTAl's Pals Ineke Bezuyen ONAre We There Yet?! Gerry Chua / Edwin Hoffman ONA-Team Annette Matisz AB-NWTChris Chris Kieser AB-NWTCollections Paul Rochefort QCCornwall Optical Sight Seers Ron Dorey / Cam Thick SKCRC Loose Spokes Gilbert Vanden Heuvel ONCycledelics Denise Pelrine ATLDarcie's Gang Darcie James BC-YDoug & Marion's MS Erasers Sharen Robinson ON

$25,000 - $49,999EMD Serono Specialized Claudia Paez / Stephen Riby ONEnbridge Tracy Wong AB-NWTENERFLEX for MS Andrew Grenier AB-NWTEramosa Tim Sutherns ONeSPrit SPortif Christiane Thouin QCEssex Rattlers Douglas Gouin ONFinancière Banque Nationale Yannick Boulanger QCFranfreluches viriles Olivier Cossette QCGluteus to the Maximus Leanne Anderson ONGuys & Gals A 1000 Plus Alex Romanowich ONI Am McLovin and Mark Mahl AB-NWTThe Soar Arses

Lackner Loonies Pete Delorme ONL'équipe qui a du chien Josée Morneau QCLes Crochus Yves Mercure QCLes Cyclophiles Marcel Desfossés QCde Drummondville

Les Dérailleurs Mario Sorel QCLes Guy-Dons Guy Auger QCLes inconscients Normand Fafard QCLes Pédaliers de l'Avenir Lynda Archambault QCLet's Ride Tania Maclean AB-NWTLife's A Cycle Ted Stewart ONMenstrual - Cycles Jan Wallace AB-NWTMillennium stars Trisha Sims BC-Yself help group

Mr. Lube Jason Guenter AB-NWTMS Miracle Spinners Mike Hennessy BC-YMunnky Krunchers Chris Romanuik AB-NWTNLS Team Extreme Peter Reaume ONTHE PELETON Michael Elman ONRBC for MS Lesia Zelyk ONShifting Gears Kathy Alves AB-NWTSpirit Riders Linda Lessard QCSuccess MS Self Help Group Leslie Raffin BC-YTD Green Machines Andy Franze-Senese ONTeam Addison Dave Macmurchie BC-YTeamBP Shauna Bygrave AB-NWTTeam CNQ Brooke Coburn AB-NWTTeam Hartley Sarah Hartley ONTeam PRONTO! Barry Ryziuk AB-NWTTeam Stephenson's Stirling Mcarthur ONTeam Viagara Falls Mo Milne ONY-Ride Melcon Pascual II AB-NWTZena's Warriors Wanda Bouchard-Barry SK

$20,000 - $24,999Assante Michel St-Georges QCBrosha's Believers Eleanor Brosha ATLThe Brotherhood Team Paul Lafond ON Buddies for Life – Heather Murrell ONTeam London Life Stephanie Schembri

Barbara SmithBurning Buns Gordon Ross SKCap Santé Robert Barrière QCCordahi Crew Noel Cordahi ONCroix Bleue Medavie Monique Caron QCCyclelopes Tracy Tremblay AB-NWTCyclepaths Amanda Street MBEasyriders Angela Soper ONFriends of Jo-Anne Colin Findlay MBGlen's Titan's Never Tire Wayne Lavold AB-NWTJohn Ernewein Limited - John Ernewein ONMary's Crew Susan Schaus

L'équipe Briand France Paradis QCLes bicycleux QCMarcia & Mates Marcia Mundell ONThe Mayhews Ken Mayhew ONMeadow Riders Richard Louch ONThe Merry Striders Sandra Corbett ONMighty Spinners Brian Spence AB-NWTMisterlegou Martin Legault QCMS AIN'T Purdy James Purdy AB-NWTPete's Friends Peter Van Boekel ONPOAO - Maurice Keidan ONPedaling Our A$$e$ Off

PricewaterhouseCoopers Jonathan Simmons ONQuarry Physio Scott Allan MBQuivering Quads Ruby Laughren

Red Boot Bikers Pamela Ellis AB-NWTRoad Kill Mark Coffin ATL

Greg ReddenSally's Second Super Six Jeanne Desbrisay ONSore Aces Cheryl Chappus ONTEAM SPEED SKATING Sandy Dawnson ONOVAL (TSSO)

SPinning wheels for Angel Caroline Boisclair QCTeam Aero "BARR" Joshua Papke AB-NWTTeam Awesome Amanda Hamelink AB-NWTTeam Docktor Mali Docktor AB-NWT TEAM WindRiders Colin Wensley SK

We are proud to honour our national and division corporate partners for their generous contributions and support of our fundraising events.

Company Division Company Division Company Division Company Division

Team Name Team Captain(s) Division Team Name Team Captain(s) Division Team Name Team Captain(s) Division

Page 22: 2008-2009 (PDF: 1.64 MB)

2008-2009 top event fundraisers


for 2008-2009 events up to December 31, 2009

$50,000 +Bob DeckerKevin JamesJohn MullenKenzie NicholsonJordan Topor Madelyn Weingarden

$25,000 –$49,000Bill & Andrea BatesJulia DaniluckGavin GilesMyrna HastingsJulia Keshen Luc LacombeAndré LespéranceBernard LofchickMarco Madon Dale MartinKate MayhewSteve MeehanSoren SchouSusan SchulzeSarah SineRosa TavaresBarry TravnicekGreg Van Tighem

$10,000 -$24,999Dave AlbanoGiselle AmannLynda ArchambaultGeoff BadgerDon BarrVerne BarrDanny BaumHenriette BenoitPaul BernardsGordon Bertie Deborah BestRoy BestIneke BezuyenMarika BolducGreg BowenAndrew BritnellDave BroshaMartin BrousseauEllen BuckleyDebbie BunzeKenneth CarlsonCarole CarpentierRick CassonSimon Clément Patricia CluzeauDavid CollombinNoel CordahiSylvie CossetteAlexa CouplandLeah CournoyerDiane DafoeColin DaintreyGloria DawePete DelormeJeanne DesbrisayDominique Deschamps Suzanne DeschampsRueben DevlinBrad DickJaime DoucetJulie DranitsarisTom EisenhauerBruce ElliottTanya Ellis

Michael ElmanKen EnglerJohn ErneweinIan FillingerColin FindlayJohn FolkaDr. Mark FreedmanCrystal FrenchKevin FritzChristine GaddyeSheldon GilchristBruno GingrasLiliane GlassDonna GodfreyDiny GroenestegeJason GuenterRoxanne GuralVerna HaidenJamie HallDoug HansenJane HaqueRoss HarwoodCathy HoppenerAndrew HurlbutRalph JacksonDarcie JamesLinda JarrettRobin HalliwellRoland HouleGordon KeithKen KerrSatyar KhezriChris KieserDan Klassen David KnightBelinda LamocaGerry LanceFern LandryDanielle Leguard-WhiteJean-Luc LemireRichard LemireLinda LessardWayne LessardNancy LesterRay Lozinski Virginia LuksDanny LynnVaughn MaclellanChris MacmillanMarco MadonMark MahlTimothy MahoneyJohn MakrisRobin MaltaisParamjit MangatBart MannAndrea MartinDaniel MartinelliAnnette MatiszVicky MccannDoug MelocheYves MercureGraham MetzgerGlen MilneMo MilneSam ModiErica MorrisJack MorrisKeith MychalukMark OutramDion OxfordClément ParéPerry ParkerRoy PattisonNancy PilaterisJacques PronovostAngela Rankin

Ronald ReelederChris RomanuikJean RuestMike ShepherdDebra ShimeGenevieve SiggletBryan SimisterJonathan SimmonsDarryl SkjavelandRicardo SmithKirsty SpenceOfelia SpycherOliver SterbinskyMark StewartTim SuthernsLeah Tallon-SinclairGail TaylorMark TetraultJasmine ThebergeChristiane ThouinLinda TomsBenjamin ToporDarcy TriggFred TufnellHazel TurcotteSerge Vallière Martin Van BoekelHenry VanSteenbergenEmile Varsava Nancy VeilleuxJanina VeldmanTerry WakelinCraig WalkerLetitia WatsonJessica WilliamsDavid WiltonStewart WongMichael WyantMahmoud ZaerianTerry ZakreskiLesia Zelyk

$5,000 –$9,999Ron AbmaDorian-Marie AlbertLeanne AndersonNick AragonaDavid ArbuthnotKarsten ArendHope ArmstrongRay ArsenaultBarry AshbySerge AudetteCarolyn BartschSylvia BauerMark BazermanWarren BazinetDanielle BeaulieuMarc BeaulieuSteve BeauregardLeeor BeeleyMélanie Benoit Elizabeth Bentley-TaylorFabien BergeronJennifer BerginNadine BertolaRoy BertolaMichael BinderGeoff BirchJean BissonnetteDonna Black Jasper BlakeTim BlomCharlotte BlondeDon Bodman

Joanne BoissonnaultSylvia BooyTodd BoulangerChristian BouletClinton BrooksTasha BrooksKari Brown-JohnJudd BuchananEunice BuenoColin BulgerJennifer Burgess PevecJan BurghardtLori BurnettAmy BurryPhilippa BrysiukJim CampbellLauren CarsleyBob CaseJocelyne CazinJudy ChangPaul ChapmanJoan CharleboisPaul ChatignyJudith ChevalierJason ClarkePaul ClarkeRalph CochraneSusan CohenDenis ColbertJulie CooperMartin CossetteJacques CôtéLaurent Cournoyer David CoxKen CudmoreCatherine CulliganClaude CyrDoug DafoeMarc DaigneaultNandini DaljitDelores DanteAudrey DaoustChloé DaoustShelly DavidScott DavisJack DawsonKevin DayAlexandre DazéRose De AngelisRichard de CarufelCraig DeCourseyCharles De MicheleKarl DennhardtRaymond DesrosiersMaria Di BattistaSaverio DimondoGilles DionneDyan DixonMali DocktorRon DoreyDarla DriscollÉric DubéLaura-Lee DyckAnita EckhausNorman EvansAnne Marie EverittDerek FaraciAndrea FeyterFred FianderChris FillmoreAerin Flanagan GreenEamonn FlynnDerek FongSelena ForsythJP FouillardRoma FrancisTara Frisken

Trevor FroatesStan FunkAdrian GagnerTracy GallCathy GarrardDiane GauthierLisa GeigerJacqueline GelineauRebecca GellerAlexandre GiassonHenrietta GillisChantelle GilsonMalina GiorgioSuman GohriAdam GoldbergBrenda GosseFrançois GosselinDaniel GougeAnne GrantWinnifred GrayRandy GreenMichel GrenonCraig GuentherMark E HalloranAnnie HamelAmanda HamelinkJan HancockPat HasemanCameron HartleyDavid HawryshPatti HektorMike HennessyHerb HiebertDale Hildebrand Gord HillCec HolmesAlexis HolsteadRaymond HooglandMartin HopkinsMarilyn HopsonEldon HornerJim IsaakMark JacksonRobert JacksonRichard JurewiczNancy KastnerSheri KatzJennifer KeatingJeff KentRoss KingdonAlex KornKen KoshgarianShaianne KotlarIzabela KotulaJane KroekerPaul LabrecquePaul LafondHoward LangloisLuc LaroseDaniel LaroucheRobert LaverdureCarolyne LavigneWayne LavoldBlake LawrieFrance LeblancClaude LespéranceCraig LillyIan LittleShane LorenzAndrea LuciferoRosanna LuciferoJennifer LumbaBill LumsdenGordon MacDonaldCheryl MacLeanTania MacleanNadine Maheu

Bob MajowiczDavid MalloryJay ManaraYhanne ManciniCynthia MansfieldCyndy Marcil Cathie McCahonBeth McDonaldRobert McDonaldCatherine McKinnonMaxime MercierBrad MichelsonSuzanne MignaultJennifer MikulaBonnie MillerSherrill-Ann MonaghanAndré MorinLana MostRanda MufarrijHudson MuirJim Murray Heather MurrellLisa NagyMarc-André NantaisRod NeumannPriscilla NgDarlene O'ConnorKevin O'NeilTracey OstermannCheryl OttoLouise PaquinSheldon PatriquinWanda PetersonJames PetrielloCrystal PhillipsHarmony PoissonRoger PomerleauMichèle PotvinAnn PoynerRoderic PratJames PurdyTim RandlesElsye ReaderLyle ReidArthur ReinsteinSteven RiddellMilena RobaloJohn RobartsLaurie RobichaudKathryn RockAlex RomanowichAnn RoseMarie-CatherineRousseauDean RuptashBenjamin RusonikCatherine SaloClaude SancheCarrie SatherDoreen SaundersonMichele SavageYves SavoieAlvin ScheinGayle ScherbanSharon SchoeppLuke SchoonderwoerdLorraine SchwetzStéphane SévignyHazel ShawJohn ShewchukRanny ShibleyRyan SiebenDan SimsHeather SlaneyAl SlemkoJennifer SmithElizabeth Starenkyj

Ted StewartMichel St-GeorgesErnie StigantRenee St-LaurentDavid StringerWillie SwisherJonathan TaylorMelissa TennantMarie-Josée TessierDustin TherrienJoanne ThompsonKen ThrasherStefan TomaszewskiJordan Topor Lisa ToporSabrina ToporDonna TothCharles ToupinJulie TousignantGleason TremblayRyan TurnbullDavid TyersKathy VanceMatthew Van NostrandFrank Van OirschotJane VargheseDerek VaughanHelen VerrallRobert VogelJessika von InnerebnerMichelle WalkerTracy WalkerBetty WelchPaul WempleStanley WenerColin WensleyLois White DoranDavid M WiebeBarb WinfieldKevin WoodTom Zuorro

(We apologize for anyerrors or omissions)

Page 23: 2008-2009 (PDF: 1.64 MB)


Multiple Sclerosis Society of CanadaStatement of revenue and expenditure

For the year ended August 31, 2009 2009 2008(in thousands of dollars) $ $

RevenueDonations and fundraising events - net of related expenses 28,503 29,960Grants 2,283 2,560Allocations from United Way 1,197 1,220Restricted donations for endMS Research & Training Network 1,165 2,759Investment income 241 436Miscellaneous revenue 203 578Memberships 85 93

33,677 37,606

ExpendituresProgram services

Client services 10,495 10,285Research 7,324 9,893Research - restricted for endMS Research & Training Network 1,165 2,759Public education and awareness 4,086 3,958Chapter and volunteer support and development 2,806 2,743Government and community relations 1,570 1,390MS Clinics 889 843

28,335 31,871

Support servicesAdministration 4,039 3,876Indirect fundraising 1,689 1,551

5,728 5,42734,063 37,298

Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures for the year (386) 308

88% Donations and special events

7% Grants

3% United Way

1% Miscellaneous revenue

1% Investment income and membership

31% Client services

25% Research

12% Administration

12% Public education and awareness

8% Chapter and volunteer support and development

5% Indirect fundraising

5% Government and community relations

2% MS Clinics


Beginning in January, the MS Society will shift its fiscal year end from August 31 to December 31. The complete financial statements for 2009 (September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2009)are available on request. The financial activity for 2009A (September 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009) will be included within the financial statements for the new 12 month fiscalyear covering January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 and will also be made available upon request.

For a more in depth look at our overall activities, performance and growth this past year, we invite you to review the 2009 Stakeholder Report online at mssociety.ca.

Page 24: 2008-2009 (PDF: 1.64 MB)

National Office175 Bloor Street EastSuite 700, North Tower Toronto, ON M4W 3R8416.922.6065

British Columbia &Yukon Division1501-4330 KingswayBurnaby, BC V5H 4G7604.689.3144

Alberta & Northwest Territories Division 9405 - 50 Street, Suite 150Edmonton, AB T6B 2T4780.463.1190

Saskatchewan Division150 Albert StreetRegina, SK S4R 2N2306.522.5600

Manitoba DivisionSuite 100-1465 Buffalo PlaceWinnipeg, MB R3T 1L8204.943.9595

Ontario Division175 Bloor Street E. Suite 700, North TowerToronto, ON M4W 3R8416.922.6065

Quebec Division550 Sherbrooke Street W.East Tower, Suite 1010Montreal, QC H3A 1B9514.849.7591

Atlantic Division71 Ilsley Avenue, Unit 12Dartmouth, NS B3B 1L5902.468.8230

Toll Free: 1.800.268.7582Email: [email protected]: mssociety.ca



Chair, Daniel LarouchePast chair, Lou MarounSecretary-treasurer,

Geneviève BrouilletteChair (fundraising),

Bob DeckerChair (client services),

Dr. Mary Lou MylesDirector, David BardalDirector, Dr. Samuel Ludwin


Don CarrollJim CaseyDavid Garton Garrett Herman André Lespérance Charles WhellyMark Whitmore

Honorary directors

Alexander R. Aird A. Jeremy ArnoldFrank E. P. BowmanLaurie Dennet Dr. Bill McIlroyReid G. Nicholson R. Neil Wickham Jim Wolfgang


British Columbia & YukonChair, Lynn Hunter Second, Gerry Bramhill

Alberta & NorthwestTerritoriesChair, Suzanne Deschamps Second, James Orr

SaskatchewanChair, Joe NastiukSecond, Shelly Nicolle-Phillips

ManitobaChair, Brian LernerSecond, Tim Duprey*

OntarioChair, Linda LumsdenSecond, John Clifford

QuebecChair, François CoupalSecond, Geneviève Brouillette

AtlanticChair, Charles FordSecond, Chris Bourque


Chair, Dr. V. Wee YongMembersDr. Jack P. AntelDr. Virender BhanDr. Joan BoggsDr. Samuel DavidDr. Anthony FeinsteinDr. Mark S. FreedmanDr. Rashmi KotharyDr. Luanne MetzDr. Paul O’ConnorDr. Trevor OwensDr. John RichertDr. Peter RieckmannDr. Christina Wolfson


Chair, Dr. Rashmi KotharyMembersDr. Brenda BanwellDr. Paula FosterDr. Alyson FournierDr. Jennifer GommermanDr. Frank JirikDr. Steve LacroixDr. Paul O’ConnorDr. Alexandre PratDr. John RichertDr. Valerie Wallace


Chair, Dr. Christina WolfsonMembersDr. Pierre DuquetteDr. Anthony FeinsteinDr. Luanne MetzDr. Sharon Warren






Honorary chairRichard E. WaughChair, Alexander R. Aird Vice chair, Purdy Crawford, Vice chair, Helen M. KearnsCampaign chair,Claude Gagnon, QuebecCampaign chair,David Garton, Ontario

MembersAlistair M. FraserStanley H. HarttGarrett HermanDaniel LaroucheLouis J. MarounSusan A. MurrayBryan RakusinBruce R. RichmondYves SavoieRichard M. ThomsonDavid L. Torrey

*Resigned May 2009

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