2006-2-20CHATPER 1,Legal English,2005-2006 II1 Chapter One Introduction to Legal English Legal...

2006-2-20 CHATPER 1,Legal English,2005-2006 I I 1 Chapter One Introduction to Legal English Legal English – SEMESTER 2 2005- 2006 Presented by Xiaowen Cha,Dept. of Social Science, Maoming College

Transcript of 2006-2-20CHATPER 1,Legal English,2005-2006 II1 Chapter One Introduction to Legal English Legal...

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Chapter One Introduction to Legal English

Legal English – SEMESTER 2 2005-2006

Presented by Xiaowen Cha,Dept. of Social Science, Maoming College

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A better prospect for lawyers who are Legal English experts

中国加入 WTO 后,越来越多的外资进入中国市场,中国的企业也涌出国门寻找商机。企业所面临众多的涉外法律问题,如知识产权、涉外经济、国际贸易等。 巨大的市场需求给涉外律师的业务拓展提供了契机,然而中国的多数律师由于外语等门槛的阻碍,很少有能力涉足涉外案件,业务领域相对狭窄,缺乏国际竞争力。 如今,有 5 年以上国内外律师事务所或知名跨国企业工作经历的人才,成了市场追捧的“宠儿”。

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Nathan, a nonresident of NY, appeared specially in an NY domestic-abuse case under NY Code chapter 236(1999) to challenge the court’s personal jurisdiction over him.

Could you tell me the meaning of the following Para?




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Part I Course Introduction

1. What is Legal English?2. What can we learn from this

course?3. How do we organize the teaching

and study?4. Assessment5. Tips for well-learning6. Reading list and resources

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I-1.What is Legal English?

Legal language or the language of the law

The language used by lawyers, judges and jurists, including certain vocabularies, terms and certain expression.

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I- 2.What can we learn from this course?

教学内容 教学时数 教学形式第一部分 基础法律英语介绍(一) Introduction to Legal English导论 2 讲授与讨论(二)Legal System 法律制度 3 讲授与讨论(三)Judicial System 司法体系 3 讲授(四)Legal Profession 法律职业 2 讲授与讨论(五)Legal Education 法律教育 2 学生自讲第二部分 国际法(六 ) Public Int’ l Law and Private Int’ l Law

国际公法与国际私法 3 讲授与讨论(七) International Treaties国际条约 2 讲授(八) WTO Rules 世贸组织法 3 讲授与讨论第三部分 实用法律英语(九)Constitutional law 宪法 2 学生自讲(十)Criminal Law 刑法 4 讲授与案例(十一)Contract Law 合同法 4 讲授与案例 (十二) Tort Law 侵权法 4 讲授与案例(十三) Property Law 财产法 3 讲授与案例(十四) Civil Procedure 民事诉讼程序 3 讲授与影片观摩(十五) Corporation Law 公司法 4 讲授与讨论(十六) Commercial Law 商法 4 讲授与讨论(十七) Criminal Procedure刑事诉讼程序 4 讲授与影片观摩(十八) Course Review 复习 2

合计 54

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I- 3.How do we organize the teaching and study?

A.Lecture (Chinese and English) Background knowledge of each chapter. Legal terms occurring in each main-text

B.Seminar (English) Topics discussion Case-study (eg. Contract law) Presentation by group work (eg. Legal Education)

C.Simulation (English) Negotiation stimulation (eg.Commercial law) Opening a company (eg.Company law)

D.Movie Watching Civil procedure Criminal procedure

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I- 4.Assessment

A. The general assessed assignments of lectures or seminars (including writing, speaking)

B. Two pieces of written assessed coursework (which MUST be your own individual work and be fully and properly referenced)

C. A two hours unseen written examination in Jun.

D. Your attendance and attitude

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I- 5.Tips for well-learning

A. A good law dictionaryB. Pay more attention to study the background

legal knowledgeC. Pre-reading and review for each lecture or

seminar (the best important)D. Note-taking is necessary E. Make use of the e-resources

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1)   何家弘《法律英语》北京 : 法律出版社 20042)   何主宇《最新法律专业英语》北京 : 机械工业出版社3)   赵雁丽《法律英语教程 · 上下册》西安 : 西安交通大学出版社 20034)   杜金榜 《法律英语阅读教程 ·1-3 册》北京 : 对外经济贸易大学出版社 2003 5)   赵建 夏国佐主编《法学专业英语教程 · 上下册》北京 : 中国人民大学出版社 19996)   沙丽金 , 林萍编写 《法律英语教程》北京 : 中国政法大学出版社 , 19977)   唐桂民《法律英语听说教程 · 上下册》北京 : 对外贸易大学出版社 , 20048)   李宗锇 潘惠仪《英汉法律大词典》北京 : 法律出版社 , 19989) Bryan A. Garner 《牛津现代法律用语词典 -A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage 》北京 : 法律出版社 , 200210)Catherine Elliott, Quinn F., English Legal System, Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited, 200211) Bradgate Robert, Commercial Law, London: Butterworths, 199512) Jill Poole, Contract Law, London: Blackstone Press, 200113) John H.Jackson, Legal Problems of International Economic Relations: cases, Materials and Text on The National and International Regulation of Transnational Economic Relations, USA: West Publishing Co.,1995

I- 6.Reading list

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I- 6.E-Resources英文互联网资料法律资源网 : www.findlaw.comWillem C. Vis 国际商法模拟仲裁大赛 : www.cisg.law.pace.edu/cisg/mootPACE 大学法学院 : www.law.pace.edu/cisg美国爱荷华州司法网 : www.judicial.state.ia.us/supreme/opinions/20011115/00-0068.asp美国法律新闻网 : www.law.com/lawdictionary美国芝加哥肯特法学院 : www.kentlaw.edu/academics/lcw/grinke/start.htm教会组织网 : www.ecclesia.org/lawgiver/defs.asp香港法例资料系统 : www.justice.gov.hk法律英语翻译网 : www.lawtran.comLexis- NexisWestlawSwetswise 中文互联网资料法之精神网 : www.lawspirt.com法律语言学研究网 : www.englishresearch.8u8.com北大法律信息网 : www.chinalawinfo.com厦门大学法学院 : www.law.xmu.edu.cn/romanlaw/sub6.htm

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Part II Elementary Knowledge of


1.How is law classified?

2.Source of law3.Language focus

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II-1 Classification of Law

a) Common law and Equityb) Distinguishing law by looking at to whom the law

is addressed. Private law relates to individual citizens(contract law, tort

law, property law, company law, family law,etc.) Public law relates to institutions of government(constitution,

administrative law, criminal law,tax law,etc.)

c) Procedural law and Substantive law Procedural law regulates how rights and obligations are

enforced Substantive law defines rights and obligations.

According to different criterions, law can be categorized in a number of ways.In Anglo-American legal system countries,

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II-2 Source of Law

Generally, law comes from sources:constitution, statutes and court decisions, but every country has its own features.What we talking about are the sources of Anglo-American law

English lawLegislation and case law

Legislation is produced through parliamentary system

Case law created by judges in the course of deciding cases(court decision, judicial decision/common law/equity)

American lawA. ConstitutionB. Statutes

Enacted by Congress or the legislature or a state(legislation)

C. Administrative rules and regulation Legislative bodies give their

power to governmental entities, eg., EPA,SEC

D. Common law

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1) 民法

2) 刑法

3) 程序法

4) 实体法

5) 公法

6) 私法

7) 普通法系

8) 成文法系

9) 普通法

10) 衡平法

a) Common law system

b) Public law

c) equity

d) Criminal law

e) Private law

f) Civil law

g) Procedural law

h) Common law

i) Substantive law

j) Continental legal system/civil law system

Match the following Chinese terms with their English Equivalents by drawing lines between them.

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II- 3 Language focus-Cont’d

Useful everyday expressions

(1)    Expressing one’s idea or opinion

A. As I see, law often forbids or publishes peoples.B. In my opinion, law is a set of rules which regulate

people’s behavior.C. For my part, we categorize law on different bases.D. As far as I concerned, a civil case is brought by one

citizen or body against another citizen or body.E. In my view, it just means social habits, patterns of

behaviorF. To my mind, they’re books, not laws at least

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II- 3 Language focus -Cont’d(2)    Expressing disagreement• I’m not really sure you’re right.• I disagree with you entirely• I’m afraid I don’t agree• I really can’t agree• I wouldn’t agree what you said• I wouldn’t go along with you here• Well, it depends• I’m not so certain• You must be joking• No, I don’t think so really• I don’t agree with either of you.

Practice: Work in pairs, expressing your disagreement on the following

statement and then trying to put forward your opinion.What is the best way to study legal English?

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II- 3 Language focus

(3)    ClassifyingA. Law can be classified into criminal law, civil law,

common law and so onB. Law can be categorized in a number of waysC. So we’ve sorted law into many categories (4)    Comparing and differentiating• The two legal systems vary in may aspects• The meaning of common law is different when

contrasted with equity• Can you discern between common law and

statute?• We distinguish them by looking at to whom the

law is addressed.• Can you differentiate them?

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Suggested Law Dictionaries1. 美国最权威、发行量最大的由 West Publishing Company ( 西部出版公司 ) 出版的《布莱克法律字典》 (B lack ’s L aw D ictiona ry ) , 另外比较好的是《牛津法律辞典》。2. 网络版 : www.priweb.com/lawdictionaries.htm

•Butterworth's Legal Words Dictionary. •Duhaime's Law Dictionary. •Lawyers.com Merriam Webster Dictionary of Law. •FindLaw Legal Dictionary•Law.com Legal Dictionary. •International Law Dictionary & Directory. •Eaton County, Michigan Prosecuting Attorney: Common Legal Terms in Michigan. •Minnesota Supreme Court Legal Glossary. •See also OneLook Dictionaries.