2005 byelection statement of votes - Elections Manitoba · 28 Henry G.Izatt School 36 87 16 0 0 0...

Statement of Votes for the Fort Whyte By-Election December 13, 2005

Transcript of 2005 byelection statement of votes - Elections Manitoba · 28 Henry G.Izatt School 36 87 16 0 0 0...

Statement of Votesfor the Fort Whyte By-Election

December 13, 2005

Relevé des suffragesdes élections partielles dans la circonscriptionélectorale de Fort Whyte

13 décembre 2005

cover flats.qxp 3/20/06 10:56 AM Page 1

Statement of Votes2005 By-election

Fort Whyte

CONTACT US:120-200 Vaughan StreetWinnipeg, Manitoba CanadaR3C 1T5

Phone: (204) 945-3225Toll-free: 1 (800) 282-8069Email: [email protected]

Web: www.electionsmanitoba.ca

TABLE OF CONTENTSFort Whyte By-election . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Voter Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Nominations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Voting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Registered Parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Summary of Votes Received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Standing of Parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Map & Poll-by-Poll Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Fort Whyte By-election 5

Fort Whyte By-electionSection 142(2) of The Elections Act requires that the Chief Electoral Officerpublish a book containing poll-by-poll results of an election. This publicationsets out the results of the by-election held in 2005 in the electoral division of FortWhyte.

On November 10, 2005, the Chief Electoral Officer issued the writ of election tothe Returning Officer for the electoral division of Fort Whyte, Johanna Denesiukpursuant to Order in Council number 441/2005. The member for the electoraldivision, Mr. John Loewen, resigned his seat on September 26, 2005.Nominations were set to close on November 29, 2005 and the by-election wasdirected to take place on December 13, 2005.

The boundaries of the electoral division were the same as in the 2003 provincialgeneral election as established in 1999 under The Electoral Divisions Act basedon the Report of the 1998 Electoral Divisions Boundaries Commission. A mapshowing the electoral division boundaries and polling subdivision boundaries areincluded in this report.

Voter Registration

A total of 17,820 eligible voters were registered in Fort Whyte. In Fort Whyte95.6 percent of these voters were placed on the voters list during enumeration,held from November 14-26. During revision, 578 additional voters wereregistered, or just over 3.24 percent of the total voters. The balance of 206 voters,or just over 1.16 percent of the total registered voters in Fort Whyte, were swornon to the poll on polling day. An eligible voter must take the required oath andproduce the required identification to swear on to the voters list. The followingtable details voter registration.

Voter Registration

Method of NumberRegistration of Voters PercentEnumeration 17,036 (95.60)Revision* 578 (3.24)Sworn on at polls 206 (1.16)Total 17,820 (100.00)

*Net amount of all additions and deletions at revision plus personal security voters


Fort Whyte nominations closed at 1:00 p.m. on November 29 with fourcandidates having been nominated. The following table shows the nominatedcandidates and the registered political party which endorsed each of thecandidates.

6 Statement of Votes Elections Manitoba

Candidate Political PartyShelagh Pizey-Allen GPMJean Paterson Lib.Christina McDonald NDPHugh McFadyen PC

LegendGPM The Green Party of ManitobaLib. Manitoba Liberal PartyNDP New Democratic Party of ManitobaPC The Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba


Voter turnout for Fort Whyte was 38.07 percent. The following table shows thetotal number of voters and the methods by which they voted.

VotingOpportunity Total PercentAbsentee 17 (0.25)Advance 369 (5.44)Homebound 5 (0.07)Regular Polls 6393 (94.24)Total 6784 (100.00)

Of the ballots cast there were six rejected (0.09 percent) and none declined.

Absentee Voting — Any qualified elector who will be away from their electoraldivision during advance polls or on polling day may take advantage of theabsentee poll in the returning office prior to the opening of advance polls. Duringthis by-election 17 voters (0.25 percent of the total votes) utilized absentee polls.

Advance polls — If it is not convenient for a voter to get to the poll on electionday, he or she can use an advance poll. During the by-election, advance polls wereheld from December 5-10 and 5.44 percent of the total ballots cast were castduring this time.

Homebound Voting — As in all elections, homebound voting was available forvoters who were unable to go to the polls because of a physical disability. Thenumber of people utilizing this voting opportunity was five (0.07 percent of thetotal votes cast).

Personal Security Protection Voting — Since June of 1995 The Elections Actprovides for people to have their name and other personal information eitherobscured or omitted from the voters list in order to protect the voter’s personalsecurity. During this by-election, four voters applied to vote under the personalsecurity provision.

Fort Whyte By-election 7

Registered Parties

At the time of the by-election, there were six registered political parties in theprovince.

Registered Provincial Political Parties at the Time of the Call of theFort Whyte By-election

Political Party Date of RegistrationCommunist Party of Canada - Manitoba April 30, 1999Manitoba Liberal Party December 12, 1980Manitoba Marijuana Party* March 9, 1988New Democratic Party of Manitoba November 17, 1980The Green Party of Manitoba August 17, 1999The Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba November 25, 1980

*Manitoba Marijuana Party is the former Libertarian Party of Manitoba. The name changecame into effect November 8, 2004.

Summary of Votes ReceivedThe following chart indicates the name, political party endorsation, the numberof votes received and the percentage of the total valid ballots cast for each of thecandidates.

Candidate Party Votes PercentChristina McDonald NDP 1650 24.32Hugh McFadyen PC 3542 52.21Jean Paterson Lib. 1466 21.61Shelagh Pizey-Allen GPM 120 1.77

Summary of Results

The following chart provides a summary of the results. The member elected forthe Fort Whyte electoral division was PC candidate Hugh McFadyen.

The Chief Electoral Officer received the return of the writ on Wednesday,December 28. The Chief Electoral Officer published notice of return of the writin the Manitoba Gazette on January 7, 2006.

Member Registered Votes Turn-Elected Voters Cast out GPM Lib. NDP PCHugh McFadyen (PC) 17,820 6,784 38.07% 120 1,466 1,650 3,542 6 0 1,892








8 Statement of Votes Elections Manitoba

Standing of Parties

The results of this by-election did not change the standings of the parties in theLegislative Assembly. The standings for the six registered political parties remainas they were following the 38th Provincial General Election held on June 3, 2003and are listed below.

New Democratic Party of Manitoba 35

The Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba 20

Manitoba Liberal Party 2

Communist Party of Canada - Manitoba 0

Manitoba Marijuana Party 0

The Green Party of Manitoba 0

Total 57

By-election 2005

Polling Subdivision Map


Poll-by-Poll Results

* Polling subdivision boundary descriptions are not included in this report but areavailable from Elections Manitoba.








Fort Whyte By-election 11

1 Villa Nova 15 34 31 1 0 0 81 139

2A Lindenholm Place 17 123 31 0 0 0 171 205

2B Sterling House 30 48 25 2 0 0 105 134

3 The Waverley 27 39 32 1 1 0 100 261

4 Linden Woods Village 25 44 26 4 0 0 99 333

5 Linden Wood Community Centre 10 64 35 1 0 0 110 393

6 Linden Wood Community Centre 10 85 25 0 0 0 120 325

7 Linden Wood Community Centre 17 71 31 1 0 0 120 353

8 Linden Wood Community Centre 15 54 37 1 0 0 107 293

9 Lindenwood Manor 23 46 7 0 1 0 77 325

10 Linden Wood Community Centre 13 89 24 3 1 0 130 390

11 Linden Meadows School 13 80 27 0 0 0 120 268

12 Linden Wood Community Centre 18 68 14 2 0 0 102 298

13A Lindenwood Manor 28 113 71 2 0 0 214 361

13B Lindenwood Manor 3 54 8 2 0 0 67 284

14 Linden Meadows School 19 87 6 2 0 0 114 386

15 Linden Meadows School 7 86 19 4 0 0 116 365

16 Linden Meadows School 9 78 33 0 0 0 120 360

17 Linden Meadows School 14 76 18 0 0 0 108 336

18 Linden Meadows School 15 61 25 4 0 0 105 319

19 Linden Meadows School 16 61 34 2 0 0 113 326

20 Henry G. Izatt School 21 44 14 2 0 0 81 279

21 Henry G. Izatt School 15 35 11 2 0 0 63 211

22 Whyte Ridge Elementary School 35 59 16 2 0 0 112 295

23 Whyte Ridge Elementary School 69 68 22 2 0 0 161 391

24A The Sharon Home Inc. Simkin Centre 13 51 15 0 0 0 79 316

24B The Sharon Home Inc. Simkin Centre 28 69 20 3 1 0 121 306

25 Whyte Ridge Elementary School 29 58 22 0 0 0 109 293

26 Henry G. Izatt School 32 33 17 2 0 0 84 262

27 Whyte Ridge Elementary School 49 89 14 1 0 0 153 322

28 Henry G.Izatt School 36 87 16 0 0 0 139 334

29 Henry G. Izatt School 39 83 16 4 0 0 142 365

30 Henry G. Izatt School 15 36 19 1 0 0 71 233

31 Whyte Ridge Elementary School 58 68 30 3 0 0 159 340

32 Henry G. Izatt School 14 85 12 2 0 0 113 291

33 Henry G. Izatt School 21 58 20 1 0 0 100 222

34 Whyte Ridge Elementary School 38 62 15 2 0 0 117 273

35 Whyte Ridge Elementary School 37 56 17 0 0 0 110 289

36 Bonnycastle School 23 25 14 6 0 0 68 319

37 Bonnycastle School 30 12 29 4 0 0 75 290

38 Bonnycastle School 43 45 46 4 0 0 138 343

39 Bonnycastle School 28 41 25 6 0 0 100 282

40 Bonnycastle School 62 51 20 4 0 0 137 342

Poll Polling Place

Fort Whyte






















h P










Registered Voters


Poll results continue on next page

12 Statement of Votes Elections Manitoba

41 Bonnycastle School 43 36 23 1 0 0 103 326

42 Bonnycastle School 20 39 39 4 0 0 102 288

43 Southpark Estates 16 28 23 0 0 0 67 289

44A Southpark Estates 41 16 16 0 0 0 73 298

44B Southpark Estates 39 24 33 1 0 0 97 326

45 Southpark Estates 26 25 34 0 1 0 86 291

46 Southpark Estates 43 51 28 3 0 0 125 343

47 Southpark Estates 61 52 57 2 0 0 172 363

48 Bairdmore School 24 45 34 2 0 0 105 326

49 Bairdmore School 35 61 19 2 0 0 117 363

50 Bairdmore School 41 52 18 5 1 0 117 325

51 Bairdmore School 28 58 20 5 0 0 111 291

52 Bairdmore School 33 31 26 1 0 0 91 293

53 Bairdmore School 36 66 24 1 0 0 127 354

54 Bairdmore School 24 31 12 2 0 0 69 288

Adv1 Returning Office 16 43 17 4 0 0 80 –

Adv2 Salvation Army Southlands 26 167 39 4 0 0 236 –

Adv3 Linden Woods Community Centre 16 24 13 0 0 0 53 –

Absentee 2 14 1 0 0 0 17 –

Homebound 1 3 1 0 0 0 5 –

Personal Security Voters 4Total 1650 3542 1466 120 6 0 6784 17820






















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RegisteredVotersPoll Polling Place
