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    Wayne's WorldAn Online Newsletter

    Discover New Hampshire's

    Excitement and Adventure!Wayne's latest publication...

    "Ask not what your soldiers cando for you.

    Ask what you can do for yoursoldiers"




    With the mess in Iraq getting worse and worse, and no solutions in sight, nor any exit strategy, what's next? Jihad-inspired

    Muslims and arms are pouring across the open borders with Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, and Iran Well, it worked in


    The Israelis warned us to close Iraq's bordersparticularly with Iranbut we ignored the advice.

    One of our major problems, of course, is that we've turned our invasions over to the military. Their background and

    training are in warfare, not peace keeping or politics. The situation was made even worse with Iraq when Secretary

    Rumsfeld took the invasion planning out of the hands of the military and did it all himselfwith Bush's blessing.

    The result was a short war, followed by one botch after another. In Vietnam we invaded, made a mess, and left. Ditto in

    Haiti, and so on.



    General Motors spent $4.5 billion on so-called health care for its 1.2 million employees and retirees last year. The

    company would have been a lot more profitable if much of that expense had been eliminated and gone to the bottom line.

    Yes, Im talking prevention instead of so-called treatment. For around $12 million they could have provided their people

    with a copy of my Secret Guide to Health. The immediate impact would have been 10% saving, as 10% of their people

    quickly adopted a more healthy lifestyle. The next year I would expect 20% more to be influenced by the success of the

    first 10%, saving the company about $450 million the first year and around $1.3 billion the second year.

    Changing the fare in company cafeterias and replacing junk food and drink machines in lunchrooms with baskets of fruit

    and pure water, the sickness prevention message would be endorsed by management.

    Not only would sickness care costs plung e, healthy employees do better work and miss fewer days of work.

    Companies might get their employees out for a half hour fast walk in the sun every day, maybe just before lunch, or in the

    middle of the afternoon. This would give them needed exercise, the benefits of being in the sun, and substantially lower

    stressall big health pluses.

    Forty years ago I instituted a no-smoking policy for my business, plus I replaced the fluorescents with full-spectrum lights.

    I had no-cancer match-books made with matches that wouldnt light which I gave away at conventions. How can y ou

    tell if a prospective employee smokes? Thats easy, just sit in their car for a minute and youll smell the smoke residue.

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    Smokers not only are much more likely to be sick, they have to take time off to go outside for a smoke several times a day.

    They are drug addicts and they arent likely to reform. Their addiction is o nly going to get worse.

    You dont need drug addicts or seriously overweight employees. They are going to cost you dearly in lost time and

    sickness expenses. And neither can be expected to change their destructive habits.



    If you have a teenager in the family and need more convincing than my Secret Guide to Wealth that college is a hugewaste of time, money, and youngster character development, then see if you can find a copy of The Case Against College

    by Caroline Bird, Bantam Books 1975, 30 8p, $2.

    My own experience was that college was a great way to spend four years having a good time, made less pleasant by

    unending tests of my short-term memory. I had a ball with my ham radio station in the basement of the fraternity house,

    becoming president of the radio club an d getting a student-run radio station going that today is the leading student

    activity. I had my classical music record collection and a beautiful blond girlfriend who enjoyed sex as much as I. I was

    also active in the glee club and the student players group, which had its own theater.



    Dr. William Douglass, used to write Second Opinion, and now does Real Health Breakthroughs, plus an email Daily Dose.

    In a recent newsletter pointed out that the sun doesn't cause cataracts, it's the infrared rays from incandescent bulbs that are

    the main cause. Thanks, Edison, not only are your light bulbs helping to make us fat, they're helping to blind us.

    So, what's the solution? Full-spectrum fluorescent bulbs.

    If you'd read the books by Ott and Lieberman, reviewed in my Secret Guide to Health (p.172), you'd already know that. I

    wised up forty years ago, when I replaced all the regular fluorescent bulbs with full-spectrum bulbs in my magazine

    publishing offices.

    Bill also points out that we shouldn't be using sunscreen. Your body gets its vitamin D from the sun, and it needs it. Your

    ancestors spent every day out in the sun. All day. You build up a tan by getting enough sun to turn your skin slightly pink.

    Do this daily. Your eyes also need those UVs, so no glasses. Throw away those dark glasses.

    If you're worried about melanoma (skin cancer), that's caused mostly by diet, so go out there and build up a nice tan. That's

    what I do. I try to spend at least an hour out in the sun every nice d ay wearing only some shorts and shoes.



    Since my mother had Alzheimers, I have a particular interest in this fast-growing plague. Recent Canadian research has

    shown that Alzheimers patients with the least vitamin B12 in their blood had the most brain impairment.


    And what vitamin are vegetarians missing? B12, of course. The one you get from meat.

    But, as we know from recent reports, as soon as you heat food (and that includes meat) over 118 it kills the enzymes our

    bodies need to properly digest the food, and also destroys the vitamins. So, those well-done hamburgers are not only

    loading us up with growth hormones and antibiotics - were not getting the B12 our bodies need to keep the brain going.

    Make mine very, very rare, please. And thats the way I eat my meatrare. Im getting my beef from local farms where no

    growth hormones or antibiotics are used. And then I cook my hamburgers and liver about two to three seconds a side. Its

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    98% raw, and I love it.

    You will too.

    Oh, plus I dont just chew what I eat enough to swallow it, I chew it thoroughly, knowing that the most important part of

    the digestive process is in the mouth. Dr. David Williams Reports also emphasizes the importance of not using aluminum

    cookware or ever eating or drinking any food that comes in aluminum cans. He also warns against most antiperspirants,

    since they contain aluminum. So do I, in my Secret Guide to Health.

    Alzheimers is not something to mess around with, so please do everything you can to avoid it. In her last years, I was theonly person my mother could recognize. Not even my dad!



    Youve heard about lemmings rushing in large numbers over a cliff to their death. Maybe youve even seen pictures of this

    phenomenon on PBS. I was reminded of this behavior when I thought about whats going on that few of us both er to think

    about, and which is not a subject fit for the major media or even the movies to touchour total dependence on fossil fuels.

    What if the oil stopped? Our cars, trucks, trains, planes and ships would all stop running. There would be no electricity for

    our homes. No chain saws to cut woodnot that theres a lot of forests left, anyway. No food for store shelves. No water

    for our homes.

    Without fuel our cities would die, along with factories and other businesses. Small farms with water wells and gardens

    would survive, but not much more. But, since theres lots of oil, whats the problem?

    And theres always hydrogen po wer, windmills to generate electricity, and solar cells, right? How about magnetic motors

    like the Takahashi scooter? And promises from zero-point energy, sonoluminescence, andeven cold fusion? Besides, we

    have plenty of oil and theyre finding more all the t ime, so stop the gloom and doom, right?

    Challenge: lets see if you can find on e reliable expert who is saying that we havent passed our peak in oil reserves and

    arent busy using up, at an ever increasing rate, whats been found.

    That new Caspian Sea source has turned out to be a fraction of the early expectations. So, here we are, increasing our need

    for oil, while the wells are being pumped dry. China, which is industrializing at a record rate, increased its oil imports last

    year by 30%! And their use, like ours when we got going, will be on a J-curve going upward.

    Our whole world financial system is built on oil. So, once investors recognize that oil prices are going to be rocketing, the

    financial system could suddenly self-destruct. With oil expensive and money next to worthless, what next? Individual

    lemmings are going with the crowd. They havent a clue that a cliff is ahead and theyre going to die.

    Now were hearing that several OPEC countries have b een exaggerating their oil reserves. Like o ur friends the Saudis.

    Hmm, how many of those 911 terrorists were Saudis?

    Im glad Im living on a farm with a well behind the house, with plenty of gardening space and a forest around me for

    wood. Maybe Ill start raising chickens, ducks, and other edibles again. Just in case. Rabbits are delicious, too.



    Since most of us dont pay that much attention to the musical chairs in Washington, you probably didnt notice when Paul

    ONeill got thrown out by Bush as the Secretary of the Treasury, and replaced him with John Snow. It made the tiniest of

    ripples in the media.

    Well, Paul did something really dumb. He asked a couple of his experts to calculate how prepared the country was to pay

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    the bills for commitments that had already been made. The findings were never publishedthe Bush administration,

    focused on the next election, made sure of that.

    The bill is $44.2 trillion and theres no clue yet as to how it can be paid. The Social Security bill is $7 trillion. Medicare is

    $36.6 trillion, and all the other commitments come to only $0.6 trillion. And these debts do not, of course, show in Bushs

    2004 budget.

    With the baby boomers starting to retire in five years, there will be fewer workers left to pay the bills.

    $44 trillion is four times the U.S. GDP and 1.5 times the whole worlds GDP. By next year itll be $46, if no major changesare made. Actually, considering the rate at which Medicare costs have been growing, the 1% growth per year estimate they

    used was conservative. Its been more than 1.5%, and that would bring the total bill to more like $65 trillion.Yes, of course

    I have a solution to the problem. A simple solution. A workable solution.

    If my message of how easy it is for people to cure any illness they have with no doctor or medication and never get sick

    again could be gotten to the public that Medicare bill would drop about 90% and wed be home free.No, I dont have any

    ideas on how to get the message out.Gutting Big Pharma will be as difficult as getting Big Oil out of the administration

    and Congress.

    Every family in the U.S. needs a copy of my Secret Guide to Health. We need to get the fast food vendors out of our

    schools, get rid of vending machines, and sink the food giants.

    With everyone suddenly d oubling their life spans, the Social Security costs would rocket. But wed sure see a huge growth

    in leisure businesses and travel for seniors.



    With the Nov. 1st issue of Newsweek devoting the front cover and eight pages to the flu, complete with the claim that

    36,000 Americans die from the flu every year (pages 42 & 48), its no wonder that millions of Americans are dutifully

    lining up for flu vaccine. Its the flu-scam at full steam ahead! Friends, its the money. Again. Billions.

    How many Americans really did die last year from the flu? 36,000? No, it was 175. Hey, look it up! I did.

    That $45 billion th e pharmaceutical industry spends on advertising and promotion isnt wasted. Ive counted 26 pages of

    drug ads in some Newsweek issues. That seems to buy a lot of editorial coverage. And were the patsies again. Suckers.

    But hey, so we spend a few bucks on a flu shotso what? Never mind that the panic is so intense that some seniors are

    spending ten times the going price to get this poison injected into their already immune compromised bodies. So, whats

    the harm? Well, how about Alzheimers? As Ive reported, all it takes is flu shots three years in a row and you have a ten

    times higher change of becoming an almost brainless Alzheimers veggie. Its the mercury in the shots. Thimerasol.

    Mercury zips up to the brain, and destroys the brain cells. By the trillions. A reader sent me a video illustrating how it does

    this. Its bad enough with the mercury from dental amalgam gradually seeping out and into your body. Hello Alzheimers

    and multiple sclerosis, both of which were virtually unknown a hu ndred years ago. That was before vaccinations and

    amalgam fillings.

    No parent who has done any research into the situation will ever allow their children to have any vaccinations. These are

    causing autism and IQ loss, plus other long term problems that have never been reported by researchers. Remember,

    medical research is paid for by the pharmaceutical companies, not independent laboratories, so theyre looking for benefits

    to report and turning blind eyes to problems.

    If youre worried about getting the flu, just do wh at many alternative practitioners recommend and take a couple teaspoons

    of silver colloid every day. You can make it for around a penny a gallon on your kitchen counter. No, at 10 or 20 ppm you

    arent going to turn gray. Thats more pharmaceutical company disinformation.

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    Since my mother died of Alzheimers I know how devastating this illn ess is. Oh, how I wish Id known enough to do the

    research then and helped save her. But, at the time, like almost everyone else, I trusted the doctors, considering them

    experts in the field. Now I have doctors calling me when someone in their family gets a serious illness.


    The Message

    David Booths big secretthe message from Sister Lucia, which those with too litt le to do have been buzzing abou t on the

    Webthe big deal terrible Third Secret of Fatimaturned out to be nothing new. Love and worship God and you will besaved from the coming horrible tribulations, you wicked, wicked people. Sigh.

    Well, there was one surprise from this 97-year old Portuguese convent recluse. Part of her message was for people to stop

    going to church! Hey, if that ever caught on it could topple the biggest industry in the worldorganized religion. No

    wonder the Popes have been guarding The Third Secret so closely since 1917, when Sister Lucia and two friends were

    given it by Mother Mary in a vision.

    Well, we were pretty wicked in the 20th century. We set an all-time record for wicked, which wasnt easy, if youve read

    much history. Between Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Edi Amin, Pot Pol, and a few other tyrants, the waiting lines at the Pearly Gates

    toll boo th must have stretched out for miles. Like waiting in line for gas in Baghdad these days.

    We got a hint the other day when Fr. Wingate explained that before someone is allowed to talk with Sister Lucia they haveto sign a non-disclosure agreement, and th at includes n ot disclosing there is an agreement. So thats why Booth could nt

    spill the beans back in March, after talking with her. Thats when George Noory, the host on Coast To Coast AM (C2C)

    threw Booth and me off the show because Booth wouldnt tell what Sister Lucia told himsaying that neither of us would

    ever be on his show again.

    When the non-disclosure agreement ended October 6th, Booth held a press conference (which I taped). Then, that evening

    he revealed the big secret on the feet2fire.com program. You can download it via their archives and hear it for yourself.

    From my viewpoint its a big deal over not much, though the program did attract considerable interest, with over 18,000

    downloads within 24 hours. Booth, who was unaware of the non-disclosure restriction before the visit, had agreed days

    earlier to go on C2C the night after talking with Sister Lucia. He claims he explained the problem to the producer before

    the show, so George must have been well aware of it all the while he was pressuring Booth. His throwing us off the show

    apparently was a put up job.

    My regret is my inability to reach the C2C audience to try and convince the listeners to change their lifestyles to reverse

    any illness they h ave, and perhaps even double their lives.

    My Failure

    What I havent discovered is a key to getting people to change their lifestyles. The grossly obese know full well its what

    theyre eating thats making them fatter. They hate being fat and would give almost anything to lose weight. The one thing

    they arent able to do is stop eating the junk thats turned them into laughing stocks.

    And its the same with most peopleeven those with terminal cancer who learn they could cure themselves totally if they

    could only stop eating cooked food and drink lots of pure water. Theyre impervious to reason or common sense. Its like

    dealing with drug addicts, who lie or steal to feed their habit. Like nicotine and alcohol addicts, logic cant reach them.

    Though Ive discovered the true fountain of youth, I cant get people to drink.

    What was it when I was young that kept me from getting addicted to cigarettes? All of my family and most of my friends

    smoked. They drank too, yet I was able to stop almost as soon as I got out of the Navy. I only drank there because it was

    the only way to be with my friends when we were on shore leave. They all headed for the Shamrock bar, not the USO.

    Both in my college fraternity and in the Navy everyone drank beer. But me. Even my girl friend loved beer. For some

    reason peer pressure didnt work on me. In the Boy Scouts, while all the other guys cooked hot dogs, I brought along lamb

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    stew makings on camping trips.

    In high school, while the other kids were playing baseball, football, or basketball I was busy at my workbench building

    electronic equipment. Have you any suggestions on how I can get people to stop making themselves sick and start

    reversing their health problems? They dont have to have diabetes, arthritis, cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, heart disease,

    and so on. Theyre all reversible if theyll change their lifestyles. But the rut theyre in seems too deep, even though it leads

    to pain and an early death.

    Almost thirty years ago, when I got to 260 pounds, I decided to hell with being fat and I went on a 1500-calorie diet. In

    eight months I took off 85 poundsand Ive kept it off. I weigh 155 today and, at 82, Im just waiting for the snow so I canget out there on my skis and go roaring down the slopes. When I discovered the benefits of a raw food diet, I changed my

    eating habits. I quickly settled into my new diet and havent had any backsliding. Oh, I have to eat cooked food now and

    then, just to get along with other people when Im at a restaurant. But thats rarelike my meat.

    What would it take to get you to change to a raw food diet? My friend Vern, who has cancer and has been given a few

    more months to live, understands that a diet change could save his life. But he just cant change.



    The world we live in today is more wicked than at any time since the days of Noah. So sayeth David Booth in his

    message from Sister Lucia. Well, theres a lot of wicked stuff going on, but how do we compare today to the days when

    Hitler was busy having 12 million people wiped out? And the millions Stalin killed. And ditto Mao. Oh, and Idi Aminand a few other African tyrants. How about all those Tutsis the Hutus massacred? And our atom bombs on Hiroshima and

    Nagasaki? The 20th century was the most bloody in history, numberwise.

    But we seem to be cleaning up our act, with fewer genocides, and with mean old Saddam Hussein out of the way. We

    have stirred up a Moslem hornets nest, mainly by winning a couple of world wars, the cold war, supporting Israel, and

    becoming the worlds strongest power.

    This stuff is always about power. So, where does God stand on all this wickedness? In our living world all we have to go

    on are the priests, who claim to speak for God.

    Hmm. Maybe theres some other communication medium that isnt biased by a need for power. Like the reports back from

    heaven through mediums who communicate with the souls who are there and presumably in closer touch with God, and

    certainly have no power ax to grind.

    From one medium after another we hear the same story from the other side. They tell us that this whole business of sin is

    a concoction of the clergy, used as a means to control us. They tell us that there is no hell. No Satan. So whats all th is

    wicked crap God is going to punish us for?


    A calamity may well be ahead, but it has more to do with whats going on in the solar system than any retribution for


    Last year both David Booth and Gordon Scallion had visions of an imminent major calamity. But, visions aside, what are

    the facts? Prof. James McCanneys Planet-X book says history tells us a brown dwarf planet comes swooshing through our

    solar system on a regular basis, raising hob as it goes by. Like a sudden polar shift which could send oceans sloshing

    coastal cities with mile-high

    waves and fast freezing new polar areas.

    Geologists confirm its happened many times before.

    McCanney tells us we can expect the planets to heat up and the Sun to go crazy when this visitor arrives in our solar

    system. NASA tells us that all of the planets have been heating up. We know Earth has, but its more likely Planet-Xs

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    influence than burning fossil fuels.The Sun is going crazy, with major sunspots appearing several years after they were

    supposed to be quiet.

    Sister Lucias message from the Virgin Mother last March, according to David, is that something awful is going to happen

    October 13th. Ill put my seat belt on.

    Its interesting that the two people who had the disaster visions have both built underground bunkers and are prepared

    with seeds to help restart civilization after the calamity. People keep asking me what I believe. I point out that Im a

    scientist, so any beliefs I might have would tend to color or even negate factual data. So I try not to believe in anything. I

    ask, what are the facts? They speak for themselves.

    The Earth is heating up. Were having major volcano eruptions. Bigger and better earthquakes. How big will be Mt. St.

    Helens eruption? Will the Yellowstone caldera erupt, as predicted by vulcanologists and geologists? Ill let you know in

    a few weeks. Meanwhile, Ive got a mini-bunker set up in the cellar. Thatll hold me until I can get over to stay with Booth

    in his.


    The 911 Mess

    Conspiracy theory? Yes, I have one, but its conspiracy facts that get my attention. Worse, are the unanswered questions

    these facts raise. No, Im not going to make a list of all the questions, since its unlikely that any reader would have the

    answers. Worse, if they did , I doubt theyd be safe revealin g them.

    Fact: Several entities sold large blocks of the affected airline stocks short the day before the attack. Have you ever seenanything resulting from this being investigated.

    Fact: Close-ups of the plane hitting the South Tower show a large cylinder attached to the bottom of the plane. What was


    Fact: With both planes a small flash can be seen just before the p lanes hit the towers.

    Fact: Cleveland TV news that morning reported the flight that later supposedly crashed in Pennsylvania had made an

    emergency landing as the result of a bomb threat and had been moved to a secure part of the airport, the passengers

    unloaded, and the plane was being searched.

    Fact: All four of the flights carried very few passengers compared to the normal load at that time for those routes.

    Fact: The White House had the Patriot II Act ready for Congress to pass within hours of the attack. Congress, unblinkingly


    Fact: One nearby witness to the North Tower crash is adamant that the plane had no windows and no airline insignia on its


    Fact: The photos of the Pentagon crash site show no airliner remains. No engines, seats, luggage, wings, etc.

    Fact: None of the Pentagons many security camera photos have been released, and those from nearby business security

    cameras were quickly confiscated.

    Coincidence: The part of the Pentagon that was hit was being renovated, so there was a minimal (or no) loss of life of

    workers in the building.

    Coincidence: The testimony of WTC survivors that the parking lot u nder the building, which is normally packed, was

    strangely empty that morningand that the elevators, normally full, were almost empty.

    Strange: Testimony of F-16 pilots that their request to go full speed to intercept the airliners was refused.

    Strange: The wreckage of the plane which crashed in Pennsylvania, said to have been brought down by terrorists when the

    passengers attack ed them, was spread over a large areamore consistent with the plane having been brought down by a


    Strange: The speed with which a list of the supposed terrorists was made public, yet a government official claims that none

    of these people were listed on the airline passenger lists. Oh, and seven of the people named have turned up alive in the

    Middle East.

    Strange: The reports by many people of hearing explosions at the time the buildings collapsed.

    Strange: The destruction of the o ther buildings in the WTC area.

    Really Strange: The finding of a terrorists pristine passport in the street.

    Oh, heck, you make your own listand send me a copy.

    Strange: Now Im reading reports of billions of dollars in gold being quietly removed from the WTC basement vaults just

    before the attack.

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    Obvious Questions: If, as is suggested, the attack was carried out by the government, were those few passengers on the

    airliners all intell igence people who were flown to another airport (such as Cleveland), and off loaded? Could the planes

    which crashed into the WTC have been military refueling or cargo planes under remote control?

    No, Im not g oing to make this book -length, althou gh the recitation of facts, coincidences an d unanswered question s

    would fill a book. Well, we got lied to big time about Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma City, Flight 800, Waco, and so on, so

    whats new? I almost forgot the Moon landings.


    Green for President

    If you are a big fan of Bush or Kerry, skip this. For that matter, if you are a big fan of either Bush or Kerry Id like you to

    explain to me how come these are the best two people in the country we could find for the job? The alternative? Nader?

    Come on, give me a break! No, the only logical alternative to politics as usual is to vote for someone who isnt a politician.

    Like who?

    How about a businessman with one hell of a track record? A WWII combat veteran (yes, there are still a few of those left).

    Someone with good technical smarts and plenty of brains. My overwhelming modesty almost prevents me from telling you

    that this describes me. But, not quite.

    Write in Wayne Green when you vote.

    My Platform:

    (1) If elected, I will make the United States the healthiest country in the world. Ill reduce our health care costs by at least

    90% and aim at d oubling ou r lifespans. Its doable, and I know how. Nothing new has to be invented. No more cancer,

    heart disease, AIDS, arthritis, back trouble, obesity, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, diabetes, ulcers, and so on. Not even any

    attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity. No more Big Pharma. No more pesticides on our farm crops or growth hormones

    in our meat. No genetically-modified frankenfoods. Yes, its all doable.

    (2) If elected, I will make American kids the best educated in the world, instead of coming in last on international tests.

    Further, Ill cut the cost of education by at least 50%. Ill make it so our kids have an average IQ of 150, the highest in the

    world. Theyll be able to speak a dozen languages fluently, without any accent, and think in any of them with no

    confusion. And that includes English! Theyll be able to read with a high level of retention at a few seconds per page.Kids? Heck, the new era of education will aim at life-long learning. And, like health, nothing new has to be discovered.

    We already know how to do everything Im promising.

    (3) If elected, I will cut our bloated federal government by at least 60%. Maybe 80%. Further, I will make sure that the

    government is in business to make life better for us. New Zealand did i t and we can too . Id start by eliminating all cabinet

    offices except the State and War Departmentser, Defense Department. The Defense Department would be renamed the

    Peace Department and the State Department would be renamed the Diplomany Department.

    (4) If elected, I will make sure that any foreign aid funds are given in exchange for land which can be developed into

    business enterprise zones (like H ong Kong was) which will repay our investment many times over, as well as benefitting

    the aided country.

    (5) If elected, I will adopt the Chilian social security system. This is one which would guarantee someone who never

    makes more than a minimum wage a million dollars at retirement. Read A Nation of Millionaires by Robert Genetski for

    the details.

    (6) If elected, I will cut the income tax way back. Maybe even cut it entirely. When it was introduced it ran about 2%.

    Theyve inched it up to about 40% today. By getting federal employees into jobs that generate money instead of just

    spending it, well save enormously. Then, theres those well-hidden CAFR funds which can be tapped. Theyre estimated

    at $60 trillion, and theyre invested in stocks. If we get this money out in the open there will be no need for an income tax.

    Or a national sales tax.

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    (7) If elected, I will see that we replace oil, coal, nuclear, natural gas, and hydro-electric power with cold fusion, which will

    provide energy at less than a ten th o f todays cost and is non-polluting. This will be a new multi-trillion dollar industry

    and I want it to be centered right here in the United States.

    (8) If elected, I will bring our military back from the over a hundred countries where we are now supporting them. Problems

    with dictators and rogue nations will be dealt with via low-cost education for their people, better food, and business

    opportunities. Business is war, just with out all the innocent casualties.

    (9) If elected, I will get Congress to remove the Post Offices monopoly so private companies can compete. This will lowermailing costs and greatly improve service. Read Monopoly Mail by Douglas Adie.

    (10) If elected, I will have the members of Mensa, the High IQ society (which I founded in 1960) set up think tanks to help

    government and businesses creatively solve their problems.

    (11) If elected, I would stop subsidies to big businesses and millionaire farmers.

    (12) If elected, I would urge every state to set up small business incubators in every town. This would provide millions of

    new jobs and generate hundreds of thousands of new enterprises. Big industry is busy outsourcing both manufacturing and

    white collar jobs to lower wage countries. We need to counter this with new small businesses, and I dont mean mom and

    pop restaurants and stores. We need jo bs for all those government employees who will be freed up, plus honest work for

    thousands of ex-lobbyists.

    (13) If elected, I would close our borders to illegal immigration. Further, Id give illegal immigrants three months to wind

    up their affairs and go back where they came fromat our expense. Any that dont leave would be deported.

    (14) If elected, I will encourage our farmers to grow organic produce and show them how they can grow five times as much

    on their same lands, with no need for fertilizers or pesticides. Rock dust on our farm lands will replace the minerals which

    have been lost, making the crops much healthier to eat and resistant to pests.

    (15) If elected, I will stop the adding of fluorides to our public water supplies.

    (16) Members of Congress would be allowed to serve one, and only one, term. They would be paid $1 million a year for

    their service to the country.

    (17) This is America. Our language is English. This is the language that will b e taught and used in our schools, no matter

    what language is spoken at home.

    (18) CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA, HSA, and so on. Do we need 17 different intelligence fifedoms, few of which talk with each

    other? I think not. Lets wrap them together into one agency.

    (19) Instead of putting American military personnel at risk in dangerous places, replace them with foreign mercenaries.

    (20) What have I missed that should be part of my platform? Im available for talks to any business or veterans groups

    within easy driving distance. Id love to answer questions on any of the above p lanks in my platform .


    Earthquake News

    A note from Floyd Fish in Arizona says he heard a news item last May that University of Southern California wasforecasting a major earthquake within five months.

    Nothing more was mentioned until July 10th, when it was reported that geologists are predicting a majorearthquake in California on the 5th or 6th of September. Well, Californians cant say they werent warned if the fan

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    gets hit on the Labor Day weekend. Maybe thats a good time for California families to make a trip East for theHopkinton (NH) Fairand hang around, just in case, for our famous fall foliage display. Weve got plenty to seeand do to keep them busy. Itll also be a good place to settle if their California home gets destroyed.

    Was that TV movie 10.5 a hint?



    Presumably youre keeping up with the current events the media allows us to know about via Newsweek et al. Inwhich case you couldnt have missed the cover picture of Steve Jobs with his iPod, plus the nine-page articleinside. Jobs iTunes has been a huge success, too. But, for the same reason I havent sprung the bucks for asatellite radio for my van, I also havent even looked to see whats available from iTunes. A thousand songs?Hmm, but how many of them would I want to listen to? My oeuvre is classical, ragtime, old time C&W, G&S, oldshow tunes, and stuff like that, not new age, any densities of rock, rap, gangsta, etc. I got off the train whenswing came in, way before anyone thought of lifting a rock to see what was under it.

    My preference in radio listening is mostly talk radio. Particularly when I can listen to experts with controversialtopics. I havent seen any mention of this being on the satellite channels or downloadable via iTunes. So, howabout a new download source, call it iTalkTalkTalk? That would get my attention. I want to hear about the stuff

    that Newsweek isnt allowed to print. I want the skinny on 911, not the thoroughly digested pap from some 911commission via The Wall Street Journal.

    How about making it easier to download interviews from lougentile.com, mysteriesofthemind.com, feet2fire.com,yowsusa.com, rense.com and coasttocoastam.com into my mini-iPod? At 99 each, Id run up a good sizedaccount. If I had the time Id love to make the music from my 78 rpm collection available. Most of that stuff is outof copyright by now and not available anywhere else. Some really wonderful stuff.


    Wheel Reinvented

    Canadian researchers have just reported a major break-through for heart attack patients. Theyve discovered thattreating the blood with UV radiation does wonders. Wow!

    But, I wonder if they managed this break-through on their own, or if someone involved read Dr. William Douglass1993 book, Into The Light, which Ive reviewed on page 5 of my Secret Guide to Wisdom? Dr. Douglass reportedat length about using UVs on blood, which was not a new technology ten years ago. Maybe in five or ten yearsCanadian researchers will discover that a raw food diet works even greater medical miracles. If they do, be suretheyll keep that discovery quiet.

    My thanks to Canadian reader Andrew Currie for spotting this one.


    Garbage In

    In Dr. Rowens Second Opinion he noted, For generations, conventional medicine has held that diet has little orno effect on your healthother than dietary cholesterol.

    Well, I knew that virtually nothing about diet is taught in the medical schools, For that matter, almost nothing istaught about why people get sick. Doesnt that seem basically stupid to you? If you put the wrong fuel into anyengine its going to have problems. Well, its just plain common sense that if we dont put the food into our bodiesthat theyre designed to use as fuel, that something is going to eventually go wrong.

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    The next time you go to your doctor see if you can get him to grasp this concept. Bet you cant.

    Dogs and cats adapted over several thousand generations to work best when fueled with raw meat. So, when wefeed them so-called dog or cat food, which had been cooked, naturally their lives are shortened and they comedown with illnesses.

    Big surpriseits the same with us humans. We do fabulously when fed what weve adapted to. But, when we eatfinger-licking good Col. Sanders and Twinkies, we get sick and die in half a normal lifetime. Our digestivesystems adapted to the food at hand long before bar-be-que, diet colas and super-sized fries. So were paying the

    price with our health.

    Its your choiceyou can be climbing mountains and out there having a great time at a hundred, or hobblingaround with a walker in a nursing home in your seventies.

    And what does Dr. Rowen eat? He says, If God did not make it, do not eat it. He eats vegetables, fruits, nutsand other natural foods. My diet is almost totally raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and meat.



    Like everyone else, I was brought up to wear underwear. My father did, and so did both of mygrandfathers. Everyone in the locker rooms at high school and college wore underwear. Everyone in the

    Navy did.

    So I was amazed one day in 1948 in a locker room when a friend of mine was changing into bathing

    trunks to see he wasnt wearing underwear. I asked him how come?

    He said he didnt see any good reason to.

    Sha-zam! I stopped wearing underwear. And I havent seen any good reason since.



    The science magazines, ever mindful that good news does not sell papers, threatens us with articles

    about asteroids having hit the Earth millions of years ago, causing mass extinctions. Well, by this time,

    any asteroids circling around in the solar system that have orbits likely to hit us must have already

    collided, right? Thats why all of the big impacts are mainly of interest to geologists. A possible collision

    by an asteroid these days seems pretty remote.


    What if a bunch of asteroids, comets and meteors, accompanying an intruding planet, were to enter the

    solar system? Then all those orbit bets are off. It would be a whole new ball game, with some pretty big

    balls involved.Were seeing more and more comets being discovered by astronomers. Were seeing a

    sudden rise in meteors hitting Earth. But what we arent seeing in the nightly news is anything about an

    intruding planet that might be hosting this entourage. A planet coming in from the South Pole direction,

    for instance, which could only be spotted by astronomers way down southlike in Antarctica. So, how

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    real are the reports of the U.S. having quietly built a major observatory in Antarctica? Mark Hazelwood,

    in his latest book, Delicate Earth, makes a very substantial case for the cover-up.

    If something big does come, the odds are itll hit an oceanand make one heck of a splash. A rock like

    that could cause a ripple which would go around the globe. Fast. And just might wipe out every coastal

    city on the ocean it hit. If it hits on land itll make a huge hole and probably blast dirt and dust into the

    stratosphere which could obscure the Sun for a year or two, and dust would get into everything.

    While its nice that the government is going to lengths not to cause us worry about all this, still, it would

    help if the more alert could be as prepared as they could to survive something like that. Just in case, you



    Nerve Struck

    Gee, Ive been attacked, complete with name calling. Im flattered. Someone, a.k.a. Clavius, says Im

    ignorant. Hey, Im the first to admit that there are an almost infinite number of things of which I am

    ignorant. But, ignorance is blissright? Gee, there must be a lot of blissful people.

    Well, Bliss may be an exaggeration, but Im basically a very happy person. I get great joy from listening

    to classical music. The beauty of the wild flowers in the field across from the house moves me to tears of

    happiness. Theres the joy of reading a good book. And the thrill of charging full tilt down a ski slope.

    Im in bliss when I get phone calls from people Ive helped change their lives. The excitement of visiting

    new places and doing new things. The beauty of Edward Hoppers paintings. The taste of raw fruits for

    breakfast and a big bowl of fresh salad for dinner.

    And, oh, how I enjoy researching and writing about things I think will be of interest to others.

    Im a sharing person. I love people and want to share the things I enjoy with as many as I can. Thats

    why I have so much fun being a guest on talk shows and in doing my weekly TV show. That way I canshare the exciting things Ive discovered.

    Clavius many arguments give me the impression this is the work of a NASA disinformation agent. Or

    else he hasnt bothered to read Dark Moon by Percy, which shows Clavius is full oferrMoon dust.

    Or Rens NASA Mooned America. The wording seems strangely like that of Richard C. Hoagland.

    Hey, Dick, cut the C stuff and join us out front people as Dick or Rick Hoagland. My birth certificate

    says Im Wayne Sanger Green II. Thats Wayne Green to you. Preferably just Wayne. I dont have an

    inferiority complex to compensate for.

    Sanger is a family name. My great grandfather Thaddius E. Sanger was the town doctor in my home

    town of Littleton (NH). He was a homeopathic pioneer. Figures.

    Clav also hasnt apparently yet gotten an eyeful of the testimony by Henry Kissenger, Alexander Haig,Lawrence Eagleberger, and General Dick Walters (CIA head) and Richard Helms on the CBC

    documentary where they talk about how the supposed Moon films were actually shot by Stanley Kubrick

    in his studios near London. He used a small crew to do it and then, at Nixons request, the CIA killed

    themincluding Kubrickto protect the secret. The documentary has an interview with Kubricks


    On the bright side, I much prefer Clavs attacking me via the Web rather than giving me a heart attack,

    the way it looks like they did to Brian Welch and a few other trouble-makers.

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    Write A Book

    Have you written a book yet? What does it take to get you going, a cayenne enema?

    If youve been around for long, if you havent learned enough about some subject to write a book, you need to get

    a life. So, what interests you? Have you done much research on it? Almost everyone I talk with on the phone hasa book in them.

    How do you get it published?

    How do you promote and advertise it?

    Gee, I should write a book on that!

    Write down on a piece of paper, I am going to write a book.Heck, theyre starting kids who can barely write offwriting books and the results are spectacular. Their interest in writing explodes, their IQs go up, and theyre having

    great fun.

    You need a word processor these days. I prefer a Macintoshof almost any vintage. I write using Word and thendump so its easy to spell check for typing errors/ Then I dump it into PageMaker, which automatically numbersthe pages. Its easy to add photographs or drawings too. I then print out the finished pages, trim off the excesspaper, and paste the pages together for duplication on a Canon Imagerunner 5000, which prints both sides of an 8-1/2 x 11 page (black ink only).

    Next, I run the pages through an office paper folder, giving me four printed pages per sheet of paper. I put thestacks of folded pages on the kitchen counter and collate them. I then trim the edge of the finished books with aream cutter and Im done. The Canon printer is the only really expensive part, so youll need to be printing a lot ofbooks to afford it. Ill bet you can find a local printer to do the job for you.

    Promotion? If your book will be of interest to some specific group, get in touch with a publication they are likely toread and get them to print a new book release about it. I have a $1 million promotion video (item #52) whichexplains how to get publications to do new products items and new product (and book) reviews.


    Outsourced Yet?

    With over a half million tech jobs having been shipped overseas, and the potential for about five times that manyto follow, maybe its getting time to give the long run some thought. Particularly if your job is one that could be

    done cheaper by a dollar-a-day worker in China or India.

    A good answer is to become an outsourcer instead of an outsourcee. By that I mean starting your own companyinstead of working for someone else. If its your company nobody is going to outsource you.

    I wont go into the details on how to do that since Ive covered it in my $5 Secret Guide to Wealth book.

    There are a bunch of things that are critical to know to successfully start your own business. Unfortunately theseare not taught at any college Ive heard of. Theyre important to know so you wont be one of the 90% of smallbusinesses that dont last five years. My book explains how you can get someone else to teach you everything

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    you need to know and pay you to learn. This experience will also help you to figure out what product or service isneeded that you can provide.

    Having your own business is the best way to make sure you will have the money and the freedom to do things.Its allowed me to visit 142 countries so far and buy things like a yacht, an airplane, a few Porsches, Arab horses,and a Mercedes 600 Limo.


    Nobel Prize

    Do you know anyone who might nominate me for a Nobel Prize? I dont want it for the money or the personalprestige, but it sure would help to get my books more attention so I could help more people to be healthy, to makemore money, and to be better educated.

    Can you think of anyone alive today who has done more to advance civilization than me? I cant. But then perhapsIm biased.So what have I done thats changed the world?

    It all started back in 1969 when, as the publisher of 73 Amateur Radio Today, I wanted to help the hobby getgrowing again after its growth got stopped in 1963 by the American Radio Relay League, the national ham radio

    organization. They proposed the FCC adopt a new regulation which would have prevented around 90% of theamateurs from continuing to use radiotelephone and go back to just using Morse Codeunless they passed a highclass license exam. This proposal put 90% of the ham radio clubs out of business, 85% of the ham radio stores,and almost 100% of the manufacturers, all within a couple of years. I saw the use of automatic relay stations setup on mountain tops and tall buildings to extend the range of mobile and handy-talkie equipment from a mile or twoto one or two hundred miles as a salvation. So I started publishing hundreds or articles on this new technology andhow to interface it with the telephone system. I started publishing a Repeater Journal dedicated to it, plus bookafter book on the subject. I put up my own repeater on nearby Pack Monadnock Mountain so Id know first handwhat I was writing about and publishing. My repeater (WR1AAB) made it possible for mobile hams anywhere inNew England to talk with any other mobileham.

    I wrote editorials about how much fun it was to be able to make phone calls as I was skiing down the NewHampshire and Aspen mountains with my little handy-talkie. The hams in Chicago developed a particularlyeffective system by putting their transmitter atop the Sears Tower and having receivers all around the city.Whichever receiver got the best signal from the mobile or handy-talkie, relayed it through the tower. That was theinvention of the cell system. The hams at Motorola and G.E. took my editorials to their top people and the nextthing you know cell telephones got started. Today there are over two billion users in just about every country in theworld.

    What started out in 1969 with around a hundred amateur radio repeaters blossomed into the largest part of thehobby, with over 8,000 repeaters around the country. I knew repeaters were in when I was flying fromJohannesburg to Swaziland and was able to talk with the Swaziland hams through their repeater. It was my

    publications that helped hams develop and pioneer this new technology, and it was this ham development whichhas become one of the largest industries in the world.

    Oh, in order to help the technology grow faster I organized a special hearing before the FCC Commissioners to getthe repeater rules simplified. I brought in repeater club experts from around the country to testify. The result wasone of the biggest changes in amateur radio regulations in historyand the unfettering of repeaters.

    I also organized conferences around the country to get the repeater clubs to standardize their frequencies so ourequipment could work anywhere in the country with any repeaters.

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    When the first microcomputer kit was announced in January 1975 I quickly got one and put it together. Wham, Isaw the future! I wanted to learn more about how computers worked so I bought every book I could find on thesubject. But they were college text books and very difficult to understand. I said to myself, hey, I did it with celltelephones, Ill bet I can do it again with computers. Whats needed is a magazine to help the pioneers develop thetechnology. Itll also help newcomers come up to speed. And, most important of all, itll make it so entrepreneurs

    will start making computer products and have a way to reach potential customers.

    But I didnt know squat about computers. I had been thoroughly grounded in radio technology, so I had no problembeing the editor of 73 and the Repeater Journal. I needed an editor.

    I started calling the editors of repeater club newsletters to see if theyd come help. I finally found a chap in Bostonwho was game. By May of 1975 Id chosen the name Byte and gotten letters out to the repeater clubs and any ofmy ham radio authors whod contributed computer oriented articles to 73. Then I called every manufacturer ofanything related to computers asking them to send me the names and addresses of anyone whod asked forinformation. Soon shoe boxes of addresses were arriving. I sent out subscription letters and was delighted to getaround a 20% response. One or two percent is considered good for magazine subscription letters.

    The first issue went on the presses in July, about five weeks after we started working on it. It was ready formailing as the September issue in August. I took copies out to show potential advertisers in Salt Lake City,

    Albuquerque and San Antonio. We were in businessthe first computer magazine. The launch, done mostly bymy 73 magazine staff, was distributed nationally on newsstands and the whole startup cost only about $100,000.It would cost at least $1 million today to do the same thing.

    Then I launched Microcomputing for the hardware hobbyists, 80-Micro for the Radio Shack TRS-80 users, InCiderfor Apple users, Hot Coco for the Radio Shack Color Computer users, RUN for Commodore users, and DesktopComputing, the first computer magazine with every article in plain English to make it accessible to the averagebusiness person.

    What a feeling it was when I saw five of my titles on a newsstand at the Singapore airport! Wow!

    The one thing that was missing was software for what were now being called personal computers, so I startedInstant Software. I bought the Peterborough Motel and converted the rooms into offices and the restaurant into alab with 30 computers. I hired software hobbyists and got my magazine readers to submit their programs forpossible distribution. My programmers turned them into commercial products and we distributed them throughcomputer stores in the US and Europe. We had some prize-winning programs.

    I was by far the biggest publisher in the computer field so, as this built a new industry, the megapublishers gotinterested. Id done my work, so I was ready to move on to something new. I sold everything to the InternationalData Group and got busy starting fresh with a compact disc magazine, CD Review. Well, I felt that the CD was

    the medium of the future. The then music and audiophile magazines would have little to do with CDs. They knewwed always have LPs and that CDs would be a flash in the pan. Within a year my magazine was the largest-circulated music magazine in the country.

    It was, of course, the personal computer which made the Internet possibleand look where that is today!

    It was my magazines and computer books that got the personal computer industry going. Look at how thistechnology has changed the whole world! Its one of the largest industries in the world.

    Is that worth a Nobel Prize nomination?

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    Why do I want it? To make it easier for me to continue with a wellness revolution. Then an educational revolution,followed by an energy revolution. Think of how eliminating all diseases can change the world! And thats what wecan do.

    Think of how an education far better than anything available today at any price could be made available for about atenth of todays cost. What a change that would make for the world. And the same goes for energy. Cold fusion isreal. It can provide unlimited energy at less than a tenth the cost of oil or coal, and it has no polluting byproducts.

    Ive published a Cold Fusion Journal, so I know what Im talking about.

    So, what can you do to help?



    Woe to those who manage to get on the Easton Press/Danbury Mint mailing list. I get two or three promotions aday in the mail. The latest is The epic story of Americas journey to the moon. Its got Hundreds of archivalphotographs and illustrations. And this 272-page book is available for a paltry three payments of $39. Gee, foronly $117 you can get this wonderful, leather-bound Collector Edition memory of one of the greatest American

    government hoaxes ofthe 20th century. Wheres my check book?

    To my knowledge, which is considerable, no living person or animal has ever even come close to the Van Allenradiation belt and survived.


    Iraq Solution

    This is the best solution to our problems in Iraq Ive seen yet. It could even stop all the bombing in Israel. Thesolution came via email from my old friend Art Housholder, a legend in the ham radio repeater revolution whichgave the world cell telephones.

    It seems that General Black Jack Pershing, who was made general of our armies in 1919, got fed up with Muslinextremists terrorist attacks on US forces in the Philippines just before WWI. So he captured 50 terrorists and hadthem tied to posts. He had his men bring in a couple pigs and slaughter them in front of the terrorists. Touchingpigs or their byproducts means theyd be barred from paradise, including those seven virgins, and doomed foreverto hell. The soldiers soaked their bullets in the pigs blood and executed 49 of the terrorists. They then dug a hole,threw the terrorists bodies in and covered them with pigs blood and entrails. They let the 50th go and for the next42 years there wasnt a single Muslim extremist attack anywhere in the world.

    So lets start collecting pigs blood and guts and send them to Iraq. We could even have our ammunition made witha couple drops of pigs blood in the hollow points. And whenever a martyr blows himself up we should carefully

    collect all the body parts we can and publicly bury them in pigs blood and guts. No virgins for these suckers.

    Isnt it better to outsmart the terrorists than trying to outfight them?



    As word leaks out about the potential to make big bucks building underground bunkers for families who are worried

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    about surviving the threatening eruption of Yellowstone, which could seriously affect not just North America, butthe whole world, we could see a new industry. The bunkers would want to be both waterproof and earthquakeproof, like the one David Booth has built for his family. He used five of the ten by twenty-foot steel shippingcontainers welded together, with doorways between them. They provide a kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, and soon. To help make them pay for themselves hes growing a mushroom cash crop in the bedrooms.

    Booths container-apartment is buried several feet below the ground as protection against the super-high windswhich remote viewer Major Ed Dames says are surely comingwinds which will flatten every tree and blow anywooden buildings away.

    Underground construction is relatively inexpensive. Ill bet a contractor could turn out nice livable secure homes foraround $30,000. Theyll have to have heating and cooling, which is simple where the environment runs around 58all year around. Theyll need a well and a septic tank, plus an acre or so for a post-disaster garden. The air intakewill have to be filtered to keep out volcanic ash. It should run underground for several hundred feet to make surethe fresh air comes in at the underground year-around temperature. This all came to mind when a friend sent me aclipping offering The Ultimate Secure Home for $495,000 in the mountains of SW Colorado. Thats a little tooclose to Yellowstone for my money, Id prefer something in the eastern Appalachian Mountainslike in NewHampshire, and not too close to the coast, which could be pummeled by tsunamis.

    A $100,000 underground home on a 20-year mortgage would probably cost less per month than renting an

    apartment. At worst it would make a nice vacation home for anyone wanting safety and privacy. Great for a writer.There are thousands of families who wouldnt blink at paying $250,000 for such security. After seeing The Day

    After Tomorrow a lot of New Yorkers will be thinking in terms of security thats within driving distance. Plus, NewHampshire is one of the best vacation states in the East. You can find out about whats going on by readingNHToDo magazine and join the thousands who come here year around on vacation.

    My grandparents did that in 1920, with my grandfather commuting every weekend from Brooklyn NY. Hisdaughter, Cleo, soon married a Littleton guy and I was born a year later in the Littleton NH hospital in 1922. Wevestill got three months or so before people whove had visions of a coming catastrophe say its going to happen, socontractors will have to get busy. If its as bad as some are predicting, money will lose all value anyway, so thedown payment may turn out to be the only payment ever needed.


    Coke Heads

    Are you still drinking that poison? Of course you areyou cant help yourself. Its seriously addictive. And youredrinking a lot of it. Dr. Batmanghelidj, in an interview with Art Bell, mentioned that the national cola consumption isnow 64 gallons per person per year. No wonder Im seeing Coke and Pepsi ads at every turn. And empty cansstrewn everywhere along our highways.

    One can of Coke gives you 12 teaspoons of sugar, an addictive, deadly slow poison plus caffeinea fasteraddictive poison, plus its mystery ingredients plus whatever aluminum is dissolved from the can by this highlycorrosive liquid. Scientists questioning Alzheimers patients say they dont remember how much cola they drank.

    The Batmans book, Your Bodys Many Cries for Water (see page 17 of my Wisdom book) points out that whenwe get thirsty we turn to soda pop and colas, coffee, tea, and so onall of which are a net loss waterwise. Thisdehydrates our cells, weakening our immune system, setting up the stage for cancer, high blood pressure, and soon.

    I wonder who is drinking my 64 gallons of Coke? Thanks, whoever you are. Let me know so I can visit you in anursing home where they have you tied to a chair so you wont wander off and get lost. Coke is fine for cleaningtoilets and car engines. Like other cleaners, it just should never be swallowed.

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    There seems to be a good deal of agreement that if there is another BIG war that its most likely going to bebetween the U.S. and China. Whatre the odds? 10%? 20%? 50%?

    It seems like weve been here before, back when the odds were being placed against us and the USSR nukingmankind off the planet. Between the weakness of their communist system and our forcing them to spend trillions

    of rubles on armaments and missiles, their system eventually collapsed. And has never recovered.

    Obviously the Chinese communist leaders have learned something from the Russian disaster. We arent seeingUSSR-made products coming over here by the boatload. Oh, we had hopes that capitalism would flower once thecommunist shackles were off. What wasnt predicted was that the gangsters would take over so completely. Theytraded one set of gangsters for another. Or was it the same group, but without their uniforms?

    What Id like to see are even the slightest signs that our American foreign policy toward China would aim to furtherweaken their weak spot (the whole communist system) and strengthen their move into capitalism. Our enemy istheir communist government, which reaches into every aspect of Chinese life. Yet, with billions pouring in from

    American consumers, more and more Chinese are getting wealthy.

    The key to making money, even in China, lies in education. So what might we be able to do which could help toeducate more Chinese? How can people be reached who live in a town with one radiowhich plays communistpropaganda through dozens of loud speakersand no telephones? Thats going to take a whilebut we can reachthe Chinese who are working in factories making products for American companies. Thats a start.

    When I first visited Yugoslavia, back during the cold war, a local ham I met was all excited. He was about to buyan old car. It was costing him nearly a years wages. Now lets suppose that we start building some of thecheapest, most affordable, cars possible. Like go-karts. And, of course, have them made in China. We could alsoencourage their sale in China. Every Chinese would want one. When I first visited Taiwan most of the peoplewere on bicycles. A few years later it was mopeds and scooters by the zillions packing the streets. Now theyhave cars. It was the French Deux Cheveux (two horsepower) Citroen which got the French off their bicycles. TheVW got the Germans off theirs. Cars change everything.



    With the temperatures on the Moon varying between 280 in the shade and +280 in the sun, those few peoplewith the ability to wonder are wondering how the Ectachrome film and Hasselblad cameras managed to bring backsuch clear pictures. According to Kodak scientists, at 280 the film would crack and break when the camera triedto advance it a frame. And, at +280 the film emulsion would melt. Curious.Further, the Hasselblad was fastened to the astronauts chest, with no viewfinder, and no controls for focusing or

    aperature. With their balloon-like inflated gloves they had no way to operate the usual camera controls, or to evenadvance the film after each exposure.Then theres the x-ray radiation from the sun, unprotected by Earths Van Allen Belt, which should have totallyfogged the film and killed the astronauts.

    Not to mention the navigation precision required to enter the Moons orbit at the exact correct anglea feat ourshuttles have been unable to duplicate on their trips to the space stations in near-Earth orbit.

    Enough to almost make you stop and think?

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    Why am I so persistent about the need for an educational revolution? Because our present public school system isfailing our kids so badly, yet its so thoroughly politically entrenched that its way beyond fixing.

    Failing? 63% of black fourth graders are illiterate. 37% of all fourth-graders scored as illiterate, 58% of them wereHispanics. Only 40% of whites. 46% of Asian-Americans, 12% of African-Americans, and 16% of Hispanics were

    found to be proficient in reading.

    If ya aint able ta read you aint likely ta amount ta nothin.

    So, Im plugging for a badly needed revolution. Thats me, your leader, out there. All alone. The pioneer with allthose arrows in his back. But then, Dubya has proven its possible to get to be president and yet seem unable toproduce coherent sentences unless theyre speech-written for him.

    Like? I know how hard it is to put food on your family. Will the highways on the Internet become more few? Atax cut is one of the anecdotes to coming out of an economic illness. I am mindful not only of preservingexecutive powers for myself, but for my predecessors as well.

    Had enough?


    Socialism Works

    Socialism failed in Sweden, USSR, North Korea, and China, but here in America its a whopping success.Witness the millions of Mexicans swimming the Rio Grande to get in on our free schools, free medical service,free welfare, and so on. Thousands a day are coming to the promised land for the bonanza were offering them.Hey, they dont even have to work or bother to learn the language. How long before we grant another amnesty for

    the illegals? And, hey, whats the big deal about a few hundred Muslim terrorists sneaking over the border with theMexicans? I see in the news that thousands of Califormia taxpayers have gotten fed up with paying toward thecomfy illegal immigrant lifestyle and are leaving the state for lower tax places to live. How soon will they switchover to Spanish as the state language?



    As more and more suspicions emerge about a WTC cover-up, turning more and more mushroom people intoconspiracy buffsplus the immediately following, but now highly suspect, anthrax scarewere all relaxing fromour worry about the media-hyped terrorist smallpox threat.

    The mushroom beds have been slightly disturbed by leaks about cover-ups of the Oklahoma City bombing (seemy video #53), Flight 800 being shot down by a missile (read Into The Buzzsaw), Roosevelt actually planning thePearl Harbor attack (read Day of Deceit), and the Waco massacre. Then theres the rising stink over the quicklyenacted Patriot Act Bills, which take away just about all the civil liberties we have left. Bush made a big deal outof getting bin Laden, who has not been gotfurther rippling the mushroom beds. And there are those missingweapons of mass destruction. Zzzzz?

    So, here we are a couple years after WTC (and the increasing questions about it) and the other shoe hasntdropped.

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    Not to trivialize our troops getting picked off by soreheads with towels on them, but we have far more murders inseveral American cities every day than in all of Iraq.

    Our estimated cost of placating Iraq next year comes to about $500 per US taxpayer. But heck, that comes out ofour paycheck before we ever see the money, so what the heck, right? Thats only about $10 a week, so whatsthe big deal. Now, wheres that damned remote?

    4/14/04The Wise

    The wise can help the wise to survive. The others will, as Noahs neighbors did, laugh. Few people will take sucha preposterous story seriously. We seem to have a few months for the wise to reach out to others wise enough tolisten and form survival groups.Booth has buried several 10x20-foot cargo containers next to his house as ahaven for his family. Scallion, too, has prepared an underground bunker. Ed Dames is in a cave on Maui.With the government buying all the available 10x20 containers and shipping them to Iraq, the more expensive anddifficult to handle 10x40-foot containers are left. I should think that 10-foot concrete or corrugated steel sewerpipes would work. We should be prepared for earthquakes, tons of ash, and the Sun blotted out for perhaps a fewyears.

    Well need hand tools, water, food, a chemical toilet until its safe to build outhouses. I was raised on a farm withno running water or electricity, so all this wont be new to me. Oh, stock up on seeds, candles, and anythingwhich might be good for trading when money doesnt work.

    With the US military and its materiel spread out around the world, government elite in underground bunkers, andwith major industries internationalized, it may not take long for the survivors to get things going again.


    I really should include James Lovelocks Gaia in my Wisdom guide. If youre not familiar with his theory, it has todo with the Earth as being considered as a living thing. Indeed, as Lovelock showed, our Earth seems to have aconsciousness and able to heal itself when wounded. Thus, it manages to keep things in a remarkably stablebalance.

    Many years ago I read a wonderful book, long ago stolen from my library by an employee. It was titled, A Religionfor Scientists. The concept was most interesting. It pointed out that each of us is made up of billions of cells,each demonstrating an awareness of its neighbors. Somehow this collection of cooperating cells has developed anawareness. The Gaia principle suggests that the Earth has somehow developed some sort of awarenessanawareness that we individuals are no more aware of than each of our cells is aware of our awareness.

    I hope I havent lost youIm going somewhere with this.

    More pieces of the great puzzle.

    But, as more and more pieces of the great puzzle are fitting together, it seems that Gaia can be considered thecollective consciousness (awareness) of all living things. Further, just as recent research has shown that ourindividual cells are a lot more aware of our thoughts and actions than we ever suspected, and their collectiveconsiousness is able to communicate with any living thing in some way (and maybe, hold your hat, with non-livingthings too).

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    When I experienced the feeling of being at one with everyone and everything, for me that included rocks.Psychically sensitive people can sense feelings that have somehow been imprinted on places where somethinghas happened.

    Then we have dowsing, where experienced dowsers can search (and find) anything they set their mind to. Water,minerals, lost objects, bodies, animals, and people.

    We have the mysteries of water. Ive watched an experiment where a magnet drastically changed the surfacetension of a large jar of water. And then I saw it being again affected by a psychic a thousand miles away.

    Neal Slade has explained how anyone can influence the shape of clouds. Art Bells audience clearly demonstratedthat their collective will could make it not just rain, but virtually flood both Texas and Florida.

    Pieces of the puzzle.

    4/4/04The Story None Dare Tell

    If word of whats really going on ever got leaked by the media, it would trigger a world panic. It would immediatelydestroy the economy of every country in the world. Every business would close down. Money would becomeworthless. Highways would become impassable. Food stores would quickly be stripped by mobs.

    Power would shut down, taking water supplies with it. All communications would end. No radio, TV, telephones,mail, Fed-X, UPS, and so on.

    Would this mess cause fewer deaths than keeping whats coming a secret and letting it just suddenly happen? Atleast the billions of resulting deaths would be quick and fairly merciful.

    Im sure this is what the Vatican and governments in the know have had to weigh. What would happen if six billionpeople all stopped work at oncepermanently? And all tried to head from the cities to the presumed safer hills,

    away from the oceans?There is no good scenario. The best approach is to let those wise enough to see whats coming take precautionsto survive and do everything possible to suppress any scary leaks.The Story?

    Its the end of the world as we know itand possibly an end for hundreds to thousands of years.

    So, what do the wise see thats being covered up by the world governments, with the help of the media? Its acataclysm of unimaginable proportions. And whats going to cause this disaster? Its the passing of whats being

    called Planet-X, which swings through the solar system about every 3,600 years.The wise have read James McCanneys Planet-X, Comets and Earth Changes. And Mark HazelwoodsBlindsided. Theyve read about a planet called Nibaru, Marduk, or Wormwood, as reported by ancient civilizationsto have caused massive destruction in its passing.

    Theyve read the geologist reports that Yellowstone is heating up and predicted to explode, which it has beendoing about every 600,000 years. The last blast was 650,000 years ago, so its a little late. The experts say thatwhen it does let loose its be about 2,500 times the Mt. Saint Helens explosion and is expected to kill all life within600 miles. Well, there goes the western US.

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    Theyre watching the reports of increased Sun activity, more comets and asteroids, earthquakes and volcanoeseruptingall as predicted by McCanneys book.

    It hasnt escaped them that nine major volcanoes erupted in 2001 thirteen in 2002, thirty-seven in 2003 and twelvealready in 2004. Theyve read that the snow on Mt. Fuji in Japan is melting for the first time in history. Theyveread about the areas around Vesuvius being evacuated and that Popocatapetl, near Mexico City is threatening toerupt.

    They understand that this means the magma under the tectonic plates is heating up and thus making it easier forthere to be a sudden pole shift. They know theres been many in the past, with each causing mass extinctions.The magma heating up has triggered thousands of undersea volcanoes to erupt, heating the oceans and changingthe ocean currents. Fortunately, virtually all of the worlds people have been kept busy with work andentertainment, so they havent noticed whats been happening.

    Governments and the media have been silent.

    Oh, there have a been a few voices in the wilderness, but theyve been quickly shushed. Some by death.Nostradamus predicted a pole shift shortly after the millennium which would kill 97% of humanity. That seems likea reasonable estimate. Chet Snow, in his Mass Dreams of the Future, made a similar prediction, based on hisgroups progressing about 2,500 people hypnotically to their next lives. Then we have David Booths and GordonMichael Scallions almost identical visions in March 2003 of a coming Yellowstone explosion, with Scallion beinggiven a date of September, 2004 for the event. We have similar visions by Sean David Morton, Edgar Cayce, andEd Dames.

    Visions-smisions? Then you havent read Dean Radins The Conscious Universe, which shows that scientistshave proven that precognition is a reality.

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