©2003 Prentice Hall, IncMarketing: Real People, Real Choices 3rd edition 11-0 Chapter 11 Marketing...

Marketing: Real People, Real Choices 3rd edition 11-1 ©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc Chapter 11 Marketing What Isn’t There: Intangibles and Services

Transcript of ©2003 Prentice Hall, IncMarketing: Real People, Real Choices 3rd edition 11-0 Chapter 11 Marketing...

PowerPoint PresentationIntangibles and Services
Describe the four characteristics of services, and understand how services differ from goods
Explain how marketers create and measure service quality
Explain marketing strategies for services
2003 Prentice Hall, Inc
Strategies for Marketing People_1
Pure selling approach - an agent presents a client’s qualifications to potential “buyers” until he finds one who is willing to act as an intermediary
Product improvement approach - the agent works with the client to modify certain characteristics that will increase market value; person’s image changes to conform to what is currently in demand
2003 Prentice Hall, Inc
Strategies for Marketing People_2
Market fulfillment approach - agent scans the market to identify unmet needs. Then agent finds a person that meets qualifications and develops product
“manufactured stars”
2003 Prentice Hall, Inc
Marketing Places
Place marketing strategies treat a city, state, country, or other locale as a brand and attempt to position this location so that consumers choose to visit
Marketing Ideas
Idea marketing is about gaining market share for a concept, philosophy, belief, or issue
Newman’s Own
2003 Prentice Hall, Inc
What is a Service?
Services are acts, efforts, or performances exchanged from producer to user without ownership rights
Consumer services
Business services
Good-Dominated Products - tangible products supported by supporting services
embodying - strategy of including a service with the purchase of a physical good
Equipment or Facility-Based Services - heavy reliance on both equipment and personnel
hospitals, tanning salons, health clubs
People-Based Services
wardrobe consultants, decorators, realtors
2003 Prentice Hall, Inc
Core and Augmented Services
Core service is a benefit that a customer gets from the service
Augmented services are additional offerings that differentiate the firm
Example: Airline transportation
2003 Prentice Hall, Inc
Evaluative Dimensions of Service Quality
Search qualities - characteristics of a product that the consumer can examine prior to purchase
Experience qualities - characteristics that customers can determine during or after consumption
Credence qualities - attributes we find difficult to evaluate even after we’ve experienced them
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Measuring Service Quality
Gap Analysis - measurement tool that gauges the difference between a customer’s expectation of service quality and what actually occurred
Critical Incident Technique - company collects and closely analyzes very specific customer complaints to identify critical incidents
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Service Failure and Recovery
Analyze what happened to eliminate future failures
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Positioning: Defining the Service to Customers
2003 Prentice Hall, Inc