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    Monte Carlo simulation of flow of fluids through porous media

    Semant Jain, Madhav Acharya 1, Sandeep Gupta, Ashok N. Bhaskarwar*

    Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India

    Received 30 July 1999; received in revised form 26 August 2002; accepted 17 September 2002


    This simulation employs Monte Carlo technique for studying fluid flow through a porous medium in the capillary regime. Themedium has been modelled as a 2 or 3-dimensional network of elements, some of which are randomly closed to the fluid flow.

    Dijkstras algorithm has been employed to identify the least-resistance pathway, which is instrumental in determining the minimum

    pressure required to achieve break-through across the network. At higher pressures, network resistance has been calculated by

    determining the manner in which the cluster forms and by accounting for the nature of flowpaths. The simulation yields a linear

    relationship between the pressure applied across the network and flowrate showing similarity to Darcys law. Polynominal fitting of

    the data on the fraction of openable pores open as dependent on pressure applied across the network has been carried out and the

    coefficients determined.

    # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Monte Carlo; Simulation; Porous media; Fluid flow; Darcys law; Scaling

    1. Introduction

    Monte Carlo technique is a method of computer

    simulation of a system with many degrees of freedom. It

    makes use of random numbers to numerically generate

    probability distributions, which might otherwise not be

    explicitly known since the considered systems are so

    complex (Binder, 1979). Monte Carlo simulation pro-

    vides a good comparison between data from experi-

    ments on real systems to those from the model. It is used

    in areas like simulation of thermodynamic properties of

    fluids, crystal growth, combustion of coal particles etc.

    Its classical application includes evaluation of multiple

    integrals in statistical mechanics.

    The term porous media encompasses a wide variety

    of contacting devices such as packed towers, sand beds

    and substances like limestone rock, filter paper and

    catalytic particles. It is desirable to classify the porous

    media according to the types of pore spaces they

    contain. A proposed classification was by dividing the

    pore spaces into voids, capillaries and force spaces

    (Manegold, 1937). Void spaces are characterized by

    the fact that walls have little or no effect on hydro-

    dynamic properties in the interior; in capillaries, the

    walls do affect the hydrodynamics but do not bring the

    molecular structure of the fluid into evidence; and in

    force spaces, the molecular structure of the fluid is of

    considerable importance. This work concentrates on

    pores of the size of capillaries.

    Flow through a porous medium requires a description

    of both the medium and the flow. A porous medium can

    be represented as an extremely complicated network of

    channels, including those containing obstructions and

    dead ends too (Bernsdorf, Brenner & Durst, 2000). The

    distribution of channels is obtained from assumed

    statistical descriptions. The pores in the network can

    be interconnected or non-connected, depending on

    whether they are a part of a continuous network of

    pores that exists within the medium or not. Put another

    Abbreviations: APO, actual number of pores that have opened up;

    FOPO, fraction of openable pores open.

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: '/91-11-6591028; fax: '/91-11-


    E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Jain),

    [email protected] (M. Acharya),

    [email protected] (A.N. Bhaskarwar).1 Current address: Catalyst Technology Laboratory, ExxonMobil

    Refining and Supply Company, Process Research Laboratories, 1545

    Route 22 East, Annadale, NJ 08801, USA.

    Computers and Chemical Engineering 27 (2003) 385/400


    0098-1354/03/$ - see front matter# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

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    way, any channel classified as interconnected will

    ultimately be filled by fluid flowing through the

    medium, while non-interconnected elements will re-

    main devoid of any fluid flow. The fraction of inter-

    connected channels gives an indication of the accessible

    porosity of the medium.

    To describe the flow through a porous medium, we

    also need to specify two parameters*/applied pressure

    across the network and the flowrate (i.e. the net amount

    of fluid passing through the network per unit time).We have divided the paper in six main sections. The

    theory section has an overview of percolation theory,

    capillary pressure and pore structure models. The

    section following that describes the approach we used

    to develop the simulation code. It covers the algorithm

    used to identify the least resistant pathway, how the

    status of a pore changes from closed initially to open

    to finally part of a flowpath, the manner in which

    subsequent flowpaths are identified and finally the

    equations used to compute the flowrate through the

    medium. After briefly mentioning our constraints, we

    describe our results and finally present the conclusions.

    2. Theoretical background

    2.1. Percolation theory

    There are many physical phenomena in which a fluid

    spreads randomly through a medium, e.g. it may be a

    solute diffusing through a solvent, molecules penetrating

    a porous solid, or electrons migrating over an atomic

    lattice. Besides the random mechanism, external forces

    may also govern the process, as in the case of water

    flowing through limestone under gravity.

    According to the nature of the problem, the random

    mechanism can be attributed to the fluid or the medium.

    The former falls under the category of diffusion

    processes. A typical example is the motion of one

    molecule in a gas as it undergoes collisions with other

    molecules. In case of a dilute gas, each collision event is

    totally random as it is not influenced by other collisions

    that have occurred in the past. In other words, the

    medium has no memory of its past history. Also, themedium (which is essentially the molecules), is continu-

    ously varying after each collision and so is not in variant

    in time.

    The other, relatively less common, is known as

    percolation. In percolation processes (such as a fluid

    soaking into a porous medium), there is a distinction

    between the fluid particles and the scattering medium.

    This medium, although it varies in random fashion from

    point to point, is invariant in time. Thus memory

    effects cannot be neglected as in diffusion, and the

    random scattering of the particles of the fluid must be

    treated as being an inherent property of the medium.This difference between percolation and diffusion can

    be mathematically understood through the 1-dimen-

    sional Polya walk. The medium is described as a set of

    points placed at equal intervals along a straight line and

    the particles of fluid can move in steps of unit length in

    either direction with equal probability. In the case of

    diffusion, the points constitute the fluid as well as the

    medium and so they can move in random fashion

    without any constraints. In the corresponding percola-

    tion process, the points of the medium are assigned a

    direction to the left or right with equal probability. A

    particle entering the medium moves in accordance with


    Small letters

    fb fraction of pores that have been blocked

    n number of flowpaths present

    r capillary radius

    sg size of the grid along one dimension or sideCapital letters

    Pa applied pressure (on inlet face of network)

    Pc capillary pressure

    Pcr break-through pressure

    Pmax maximum pressure

    Q total flowrate

    Qi flowrate of ith flowpath

    Qmax maximum flowrate through the network

    Rc radius of curvature of meniscus

    Ri resistance of ith flowpath

    Greek symbols

    s surface tension

    f contact angle

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    the arrows at each point and so the medium plays the

    active role. As can be seen from Fig. 1, a particle can get

    trapped and be forced to oscillate indefinitely between

    two points (whereas this does not occur in the case of

    diffusion). In such a case, no percolation path can be

    struck between two ends of a line.

    This simple 1-dimensional illustration can be ex-

    tended further to 2 and 3-dimensional networks of

    elements, where some elements may also be blocked

    off to fluid flow. Consider a 2-dimensional matrix

    through which a path has to be found (Fig. 2). If all

    elements are open to fluid flow, then they form part of a

    single percolation path for the entire medium. As

    elements are blocked off, the size of the percolation

    path is reduced, but it still connects both ends of the

    network. At a certain critical fraction of closed elements,

    the percolation path ceases to exist. It has been observed

    that this fraction is 0.41 for 2-dimensional networks and

    0.69 for 3-dimensional ones (Efros, 1982) (Fig. 3).

    2.2. Theory of capillary pressure

    Consider the hydrostatics of two immiscible fluids orphases that exist simultaneously in a porous medium

    (Greenkorn, 1983; De Weist, 1969). In general, one

    phase will wet the solid. The entrance of one fluid into a

    small pore against the other fluid is opposed by surface

    tension forces between the wetting fluid and the pore

    walls (Scheidegger, 1963; Muskat, 1982). The result is

    that a certain pressure differential in the displacing

    phase versus the displaced phase will have to be

    produced to maintain equilibrium. This pressure is

    called the capillary pressure. In a single capillary, the

    curvature Rc of the interface gives rise to the pressure

    differential equal to

    Pc02s=Rc (1)

    The radius of curvature of the meniscus is equal to

    Rc0r=cos f (2)

    So that for a single circular capillary

    Pc02s cos f=r (3)

    As can be seen from the above expression, the surface

    tension force is inversely related to capillary radius.

    Hence, capillary pressure can be regarded as the

    resistance offered by a capillary to the flow of fluid

    through it*/the larger the capillary radius, the lower the

    Fig. 1. Particles a and b are trapped in the medium due to

    orientation of arrows.

    Fig. 2. Percolation pathway found in the network. Pores part of

    pathway have been shown connected with a dashed line. Black filled

    circles are inter-connected pores. Open circles are blocked pores.

    Arrows indicate direction of motion of a particle at a point in the


    Fig. 3. Intermediate stage of percolation in 2-dimensional network.

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    resistance. In this simulation, the resistance of an

    element is dimensionless and so surface tension values

    are irrelevant, i.e. the analysis is system non-specific.

    2.3. Pore structure models

    This simulation uses a simplified model of porousmedium. The model consists of a network of elements

    that represent cylindrical capillary tubes of different

    diameters and equal lengths. A single pore, then, is a

    series of elements placed one after another and so

    incorporates the effect of varying diameter along its

    length. Our model has all pores of same length. The

    effect of arrows (as in Polya walk) is obtained by the

    random generation and assignment of resistances (i.e.

    through assigning radii values) to elements of the

    medium. The concept of least resistance is used to

    determine the percolation path of the fluid.

    If pressure is applied to a fluid-filled porous medium,or to the fluid at the entrance to a capillary system, the

    fluid will penetrate those capillaries whose capillary

    pressure is lower than the applied pressure. In other

    words, the largest-diameter capillaries would be filled

    first and at increasing pressures, the smaller capillaries

    would get filled. This is referred to as the concept of

    least resistance.

    In actual porous media, the pores can be fully filled,

    partially filled or be completely empty. Although the

    simulation assumes a pore under consideration as being

    either fully filled or completely empty, it is possible to

    model a partially filled pore as a combination of two

    adjacent pores*/one being fully-filled and the othercompletely empty.

    In this simulation, the pressure applied across the

    network is incremented by a very small amount at every

    iteration. This approach is validated by experimental

    observations where the effect of hysteresis was dimin-

    ished or eliminated by carrying out the experiment

    sufficiently slowly (Dullien, 1992). Varying pore geome-

    try in a porous medium essentially implies a pore of a

    greater or smaller capillary pressure than a correspond-

    ing pore of uniform diameter. This implies that this pore

    requires a greater or smaller pressure for break-through.

    Such effects have been accounted for by selecting theminimum and maximum pore radii at the beginning of

    the simulation. The random selection of a radius value

    between the above limits for a pore incorporates all

    media effects that can affect the resistance of a pore


    Thus, though this simplified model does not account

    for the presence of films, permanent hysteresis (Dul-

    lien, 1992) or different connectivities of the pore

    elements with their neighbours (Cordero, Rojas &

    Riccardo, 2001) in the system, it incorporates most

    features of porous media that would have a strong

    bearing on the flowrate.

    3. Simulation

    3.1. Initialization

    The simulation requires a random generation of

    resistances of the elements that mimic the porous

    medium. The parameters of relevance are the size ofthe network or lattice and the desired phase fraction of

    blocked elements (Monteagudo, Rajagopal & Lage,

    2002). The resistances are generated over a range of

    values as would exist in a porous medium, but the actual

    distributions as reported in literature have not been


    At a given instant, each pore is either closed, open

    or part of a flowpath. To start with, all nodes are

    marked closed. It should be noted that there might be

    pore(s) having finite resistance but are surrounded

    completely by blocked-off pores. As these pores cannot

    be reached from the entry face, their status wouldremain unchanged from closed throughout the dura-

    tion of the simulation. As the pressure is increased and

    the fluid begins to percolate in the medium, pores that

    are filled are marked open. For a pores status to

    become part of a flowpath, it must become a part of

    either a dependent or an independent flowpath. It is

    possible for pores to remain open and yet not part of a

    flowpath because these pores could be dead ends or a

    sequence of pores that have as yet not succeeded in

    forming a flowpath.

    3.2. Least resistant pathway

    The simulation employs Dijkstras algorithm to

    determine the least resistant pathway. Since both

    pressure and resistance are dimensionless, the resistance

    value of the least resistant pathway can be equated to

    give the break-through or the minimum pressure

    required to cause the first flowpath to appear.

    The simulation has an entry face for the fluid to enter

    into the network which can be regarded as a single-

    source for the algorithm. By definition, the resistances

    of all pores are positive implying positive edge weights

    for the graph. The concept of edge weight is equivalent

    to the resistance of a pore and is stored in the pore itself.The simulation maintains a priority queue that

    contains all the pores whose source distance is yet to

    be finalized. All pores present in the queue are sorted in

    ascending order of their source distance. To begin with,

    all pores are assigned a source distance value as infinite.

    Then the source distance of the pores on the entry face is

    equated to the resistance of the pore. This is followed by

    repeatedly selecting a pore with the least source distance

    in the priority queue and relaxing all pores that are

    connected to it. The process of relaxation of the source

    distance of a pore involves updating the current value of

    the source distance with the sum of the resistance of the

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    pore and the source distance of the neighbouring pore

    (that has just been popped from the queue), if the value

    of the latter is smaller (Cormen, Leiserson & Rivest,


    After all the pores have been assigned the minimum

    possible source distance value, the source distance of all

    pores on the exit face is compared and the one havingthe least value is selected. This is the value of resistance

    of the least resistant pathway or the break-through

    pressure required across the network.

    For a pathway to exist between the entry and exit face

    of the network, the value of break-through pressure

    must be finite. If a pathway has been found, the

    elements are stored in order of their appearance in the

    percolation path and consequently, the order in which

    they will be filled up by the fluid.

    3.3. Opening of a node

    The next step is to carry out a depth-first search

    across all pores having finite resistance which have

    opened up. A pore is deemed to have opened-up when

    its capillary pressure is smaller than the effective

    pressure available at that pore. Effective pressure at a

    pore is the difference of the cumulative resistance of all

    pores that precede the current pore from the applied

    pressure across the network. The recursion for a pore

    ends when the capillary resistance is greater than the

    effective pressure or all adjacent pores having finite

    resistance have been explored.

    The pressure is incremented in steps until all the pores

    that have finite resistance and are reachable haveopened-up. Although the pressure is incremented

    slowly, at a given increment there can be multiple pores

    that open-up. This is similar to the morphological

    approach used to study fractal dimensions (Hilpert &

    Miller, 2001).

    3.4. Additional flowpath determination

    The process of repeatedly increasing applied pressure

    would eventually lead to other flowpaths opening up. A

    new flowpath comes into existence when an independent

    or dependent flowpath comes into existence. An in-dependent flowpath consists of a series of pores that

    have opened-up from the entry to the exit face, while a

    dependent flowpath is a sequence of pores from the

    entry face to a pore already part of an existing flowpath.

    The resistance offered by an independent flowpath is

    the sum of the resistances of all pores that form the

    flowpath from the entry to the exit face.

    For a dependent flowpath, the simplest case would

    involve just one sequence of pores from the entry face to

    a pore already part of an existing flowpath. Here, the

    resistance of the newly opened flowpath equals the

    cumulative resistance of all pores that have just recently

    opened-up and the flow resistance of the pore already

    a part of some existing flowpath. Flow resistance of a

    pore is defined as the cumulative resistance of all the

    pores starting from the pore under consideration to a

    pore on the exit face. Other than the above mentioned

    case, there is a distinct possibility of the existence of

    multiple series of pores that have opened up from a poreinside the network and joined existing flowpaths. In

    order to take into account the branching of flow from

    such pores, the resistance of each branch is computed

    separately by linear addition of the resistances of the

    pores that have opened-up (starting at the pore from

    which the branching begins till a pore which is an

    immediate neighbour of a pore whose status is part of a

    flowpath) with the flow-resistance of the pore which is

    a part of a flowpath. Thus, the flow resistance of the

    pore from which the branching begins is the parallel

    summation of the resistances of all the branches from

    that pore onwards. The effective resistance of thedependent flowpath is thus the linear addition of the

    resistances of all pores from the entry face to the pore

    from which branching begins and the flow resistance of

    that pore.

    3.5. Flowrate

    In the case of an actual porous medium, the physical

    quantity flowrate is defined only when the fluid

    actually exits from the pores at the end opposite to the

    one at which it entered (assuming 1-dimensional perco-

    lation). The simulated network, in reality, has severalexit points, each of which has its own flowrate. The

    flowrate through the network is defined as the cumula-

    tive flowrate from all the pores on the exit face.

    In this simulation, mass and volume conservation

    have been assumed to hold. The pores do not rupture in

    the pressure range being studied. Since fluid enters from

    one face and leaves from the opposite face, the

    cumulative flowrate could be alternatively defined as

    the sum of the flowrates entering the network through

    the pores on the entry face.

    When the first flowpath is obtained (using Dijkstras

    algorithm), the net flowrate through it (and in this case,

    through the network) is zero. As the inlet pressure isincreased, a new sequence of pores starts getting filled

    by the fluid, which may result in another flowpath

    joining one of the existing flowpath or flowpaths

    emerging from the exit face. All flowpaths have the

    same inlet and outlet pressures at any given time and

    vary only in their individual resistances. Thus, the net

    pressure driving force across a particular path, rather

    than the inlet pressure is taken for calculation of the

    flowrate. The flowrate through a path is then computed

    by dividing the driving force by the path resistance.

    Pi0Pa(Ri (4)

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    Qi0Pi=Ri (5)

    The total flowrate is then the sum of individual

    flowrates and can be expressed as



    Qi (6)

    The flowrate is calculated each time a pressure

    increment is made and also a new pore opens up.

    The pressure after which no more pores open up is

    called maximum pressure. Once maximum pressure is

    attained, the matrix is regenerated and the process

    repeated a few dozen times over.

    3.6. Constraints

    The random nature of the trials causes variation in the

    values of break-through and maximum pressures.

    Both these pressures vary with matrix size and fraction

    of pores blocked-off.

    The choice of matrix size and blocked fraction is

    dictated by two factors*/computer memory size and

    critical phase fraction values. The memory factor limits

    Fig. 4. Fraction of openable pores open vs. applied pressure for a 150)/150 grid at 20 % blockage. Continuous line represents the least-squaresaveraged trend line.

    Fig. 5. Flowrate vs. applied pressure for a 150)/150 grid at 20% blockage. Continuous line represents the least squares averaged trend line.

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    the maximum network size that can be simulated but

    there is also a certain minimum value below which the

    simulation is unable to generate statistically significant

    data to mimic the flow properly. At these finite sizes,

    the randomness associated with Monte Carlo simulation

    cannot be used effectively and errors result.

    4. Results

    In this work, we have a pore throat diameter

    distribution (pore size distribution) which is generated

    by a pseudorandom number generator according to a

    uniform distribution between the minimum and max-

    Fig. 6. Fraction of openable pores openvs. Applied pressure for 80)/80 grid at 30% blockage. Continuous line represents the least-square averaged

    trend line.

    Fig. 7. Flowrate vs. applied pressure for 80)/80 grid at 30 % blockage. Continuous line represents the least-squares averaged trend line.

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    imum values. These values were assumed to be 1 and 10,

    respectively. The pseudo-random numbers are used for

    assigning values to the required throat diameters, so that

    those are uncorrelated, i.e. the size of one throat is

    independent of the size of any other throat. Porous

    media may have polymodal and/or spatially correlated

    pore size distributions, that can also be handled by the

    model, but these are not considered in this work.

    The flowrate vs. applied pressure relationships ob-

    tained from the model for different sets of parameters

    show a linear dependence similar to Darcys law (Figs. 5,

    7, 9 and 11). In these plots, the values of the y -intercept

    must be negative. It is indicative of the fact that only at a

    certain finite positive pressure does the flow through the

    porous medium begin to take place. The values of

    parameters that have been estimated using linear least-

    squares technique, show a consistency in the predicted

    values regardless of the matrix size for a specified

    blockage fraction (Tables 1/5). Due to simulation

    time constraints we could not carry out runs at grid

    sizes greater than 200 for 2-dimensional networks.

    However looking at the graphs of the dominant para-

    Fig. 8. Fraction of openable pores open vs. applied pressure for 70)/70 grid at 40% blockage. Continuous line represents the least-squares averaged

    trend line.

    Fig. 9. Flowrate vs. applied pressure for a 70)/70 grid at 40% blockage. Continuous line represents the least-squares averaged trend line.

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    meter vs. grid size (Fig. 12) and cumulative flowrate vs.

    grid size at a specific applied pressure (Fig. 13), we

    believe that an infinite medium can be simulated

    satisfactorily in the 200/300 grid size range for 2-

    dimensional networks.

    The flowrate is dependent on the number of flowpaths

    and that in turn on the accessible porosity of the

    medium. In our view, fraction of openable pores open

    (FOPO) is a good measure of the accessible porosity. To

    calculate FOPO, we noted the actual number of pores

    that have opened-up (APO) while incrementing the

    pressure and then divided it by the number of pores that

    are not blocked-off.

    For 2-dimensional systems;

    Openable Pores0 s2g(1(fb)(7)

    For 3-dimensional systems;

    Openable Pores0 s3g(1(fb)(8)

    FOPO0APO=Openable Pores (9)

    On plotting FOPO vs. applied pressure for different

    configurations, i.e. grid sizes and blockage fractions, we

    note an initial linear rising trend, attaining an asympto-

    tic value subsequently (Figs. 4, 6, 8 and 10). This trend is

    Fig. 10. Fraction of openable pores open vs. applied pressure for 18)/18)/18 grid at 40% blockage. Continuous line represents the least-squaresaveraged trend line.

    Fig. 11. Flowrate vs. applied pressure for a 18)/18)/18 grid at 40% blockage. Continuous line represents the least-squares averaged trend line.

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    expected and holds irrespective of the grid size or the

    fraction of pores blocked. This is similar to the observed

    trend when calculated cumulative mercury intrusion

    volume was plotted against applied pressure (Bryntes-

    son, 2002). When the least-squares analysis is conducted

    and seven parameters of the polynomial estimated, it is

    observed that the parameter values gradually attain

    asymptotic values on increasing the grid size (Tables 1/

    5). This observation is in line with the fact that an ideal

    simulation would have all grid dimensions as infinite.

    At low blocked fractions, there are few chances of

    pores with finite resistance being surrounded by

    blocked-off pores. Thus all pores having finite resis-

    tance can be considered openable. The asymptotic

    value of FOPO attained in all such cases is near 1 (Figs.

    4 and 6). As the blockage fraction increases, the

    Fig. 12. Slope of flowrate vs. grid size at different blockage fractions. Simulations with grid size 40 and above rate for 2-dimensional grids, while

    stimulations smaller than this size were for 3-dimensional grids.

    Fig. 13. Flowrate vs. grid size at different blockage fractions at an applied pressure of 1000 units. Simulations with grid size 40 and above were for 2-

    dimensional grids while simulations smaller than this size were for 3-dimensional grids.

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    probability of finite- resistance pores being surrounded

    by blocked-off pores is higher and thus, a greater

    variation is seen in the asymptotic values of FOPO. This

    observation is most stark at blockage values within 5%

    of the critical value (Fig. 8). This observation can be

    explained by the fact that near critical values there is a

    sharp decrease in the probability of finding a flowpath,the implication being that there is a greater variation in

    the probability of finding a flowpath for a given

    configuration. For this to be true, it would be natural

    to expect a greater variation in the asymptotic value of

    the openable pores. These observations have been

    validated by the regression analysis while computing

    the parameter values. The R2 trend values indicate that

    there is greater deviation from 1 at blockage fractions

    near critical values, particularly at low grid sizes (Tables

    1/5). As grid size increases the R2 values improve

    indicating that the simulation is closer to that of an

    infinite medium.

    5. Conclusions

    This simulation is a simplified but innovative way of

    dealing with flow through porous media. Using the

    Monte Carlo technique and concepts of percolation

    theory, simulations have been carried out for 2 and 3-

    dimensional models of porous media in capillary flow

    regime. The flowrate vs. applied pressure results have

    been found to be in agreement with Darcys law.

    Parameter estimation of fraction of openable poresthat have opened up vs. applied pressure has also

    been shown to be consistent. More accurate results

    could be obtained by using actual resistance distribu-

    tions of porous media. It might then be possible to

    predict flowrate vs. applied pressure behaviour for

    systems with different physical properties (e.g. surface

    tension and contact angle).

    Actual experimental data for flow in the capillary

    regime have not been reported in literature, where the

    major focus has been on statistical description of porous

    media. Also, experiments that reproduce the exact

    conditions of the simulation would be difficult to

    perform. Therefore, the results mentioned herein should

    be treated as being of a qualitative nature.

    The parameter values have been computed after

    considering several thousands of points for each config-

    uration (matrix size and blocked fraction). Runs were

    concluded once the curve predicting FOPO vs. applied

    pressure exhibited an asymptotic behaviour. It has been

    our observation that until this asymptotic behaviour is

    observed the runs should not be concluded, otherwise

    the parameter values would be misleading. This is also in

    accordance with the random nature of the simulation

    because theoretically an infinite number of runs are

    required before presenting any trend.

    Further work in this field would include extension of

    the simulation to the region of Hagen /Poiseulle flow,

    where the resistance is inversely related to the fourth

    power of the radius of the element. The resistance

    beyond the laminar flow region decreases slightly andthen reaches a constant value at very high flowrates in

    the turbulent zone. This can be modelled as two separate

    flow regions, with elements having different (but con-

    stant) resistances in each region.


    We are grateful to Dr M.N. Gupta, Senior Manager,

    Computer Services Centre, IIT, Delhi, for the generous

    allocation of computational time. We would also like to

    thank all staff members of CSC, IIT, Delhi, for theircooperation throughout this project. In particular, we

    would like to mention Mr. Gopal Krishen, the system

    programmer, and Mr. Gulshan Naveriya, the hardware

    engineer, for their invaluable assistance.


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