20 slides that explains Content marketing

What is content marketing? -and how did we get here?

Transcript of 20 slides that explains Content marketing

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What is content marketing?-and how did we get here?

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This is a lake. In winter, the temperature in the water falls to plus four degrees, which is the temperature where water has the highest density, and thus weight. Surface water is cooled further and perhaps freezes. It will then have a lower weight and will add a layer on top of the lake. In spring, the day will come when the surface water also becomes four degrees.

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Then something happens! The entire lake turns, because the water now blends.A perfect oxygenation! The same has happened in the communications industry. A paradigm shift has taken place. The industry has been oxygenated and all conditions are upside-down relative to what we have learned.

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In the classic model for communication, there is a sender communicating a message to a number of receivers. One can say that it is a top-down approach. It is controlled and analyzed, all on the sender's initiative and conditions. 

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This model is basically obsolete. You´d better put it in a file called "Additional campaigns" or something similar. It applied in the age we call BG, i.e. Before Google.

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Now we have entered AD, ie Anno Digitalis, and your starting point must be this:The lake has turned. Now it's your customers/stakeholders/target audiences that rules at the surface, who takes the initiatives and sets the conditions.

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And they search content from a number of senders.

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Content that is relevant and interesting to them, which they also can share and chat about.

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And what do we do? Well, we go where we find the best information. And where do we find it? Probably among the 10-20 top hits on Google. It's that simple!

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This is why content is crucial to get your message through in the new landscape – content that is relevant and somehow creates value.

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And again, what do we do when we find content we really appreciate? Well, we share it with our friends.

Your customers/audiences have not just taken power over the information. They have also, the-mother-of-all nightmares for a communicator, taken power over the distribution! Or at least become highly involved.

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Pain points Thought leadership

So, how do I make my content relevant and interesting for my audiences? There is two basic key factors to be included in your content strategy:

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Pain points Thought leadership

What occupies your audiences thoughts? What solutions do they seek?Find their pain points and you will get response!

On which topics can you take a position as a thought leader? What knowledge can you share that will get you to that position? Stay focused and consistent and your audience will find you.

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The Garden of Eden

We call the point of intersection, where the audiences pain points and your thought leadership meets, the Garden of Eden. This is where you should reside as much as you can.

And where will the Garden of Eden be? Not, God forbid, at your competitors place. Not even in traditional media such as newspapers, trade press or television.

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Own channels

No, the Garden of Eden should of course be at your place! Use your own channels to build your Eden, with your site as a hub. Start blogging, create newsletters, invite to breakfast meetings, or why not produce videos for Youtube.

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Remember: Think as your audience! Think Google! That will give you a good chance of reaching your target audiences, whether it is about changing behavior, increase brand awareness or increase sales.

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