20-21 February 2020 | Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala...


Transcript of 20-21 February 2020 | Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala...

Page 1: 20-21 February 2020 | Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpurinsurance.com.my/documents/pdf/CECR_smaller.pdf · DAY 1 - Thursday, 20 February 2020. DAY 2 - Friday, 21 February 2020. 20-21
Page 2: 20-21 February 2020 | Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpurinsurance.com.my/documents/pdf/CECR_smaller.pdf · DAY 1 - Thursday, 20 February 2020. DAY 2 - Friday, 21 February 2020. 20-21

20-21 February 2020 | Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

The CECR insurance is a specialized annual cover arranged for operational risks. Items that can be insured include expressways, highways, bridges, tunnels, railway track, port, wharfs, breakwater structures and pipelines.

It is normally arranged and renewed on a yearly basis. The various coverage issues and how claims are handled will be presented during this interactive workshop. Case studies will be used to educate participants on how this policy is used to insure completed highways and related infrastructure works.

The speaker is an experienced engineer from the insurance industry based in Singapore and he will share his enormous experience with the audience.

Three specialist guest speakers will also present technical topics relating to this insurance product to ensure a more comprehensive learning.

A site visit to observe Malaysia’s longest expressway (PLUS) and their Traffic Monitoring Center will be conducted as part of this 2 day workshop.

• theneedforinsuranceforcertaincompletedengineeringrisks.• whyCECRcoverisapplicableandnotFireorIARpolicy• discussiononthespecificperilsthatwilltriggercoverage• investigationandassessmentofthisPolicywording• howtheclaimsaredealtwithinterestingtechnicalcasestudies.

• Insurance Practitioners: Claims / Marketing / Brokers / Agents and Loss Adjusters• Engineers from Construction Industry, Consultants and Contractors.• Personnel from Local Authorities (DBKL, MBPJ, JKR) & Highway Construction Company/




Bytheendofthiscourse,participantscanexpectto•Appreciate the coverage afforded by the CECR policy.•Highlight the importance of arranging such policy for completed engineering risks.• Learn the specific peril(s) that are considered under this cover.• Formulate best practice when undertaking CECR risk and related technical issues.•Understand the claims handling aspects for this class of insurance.



A 2 Day Workshop on Getting the best coverage for your Civil Engineering Risks using the CECR Policy

Page 3: 20-21 February 2020 | Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpurinsurance.com.my/documents/pdf/CECR_smaller.pdf · DAY 1 - Thursday, 20 February 2020. DAY 2 - Friday, 21 February 2020. 20-21

DAY 1 - Thursday, 20 February 2020

DAY 2 - Friday, 21 February 2020

20-21 February 2020 | Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

A 2 Day Workshop on Getting the best coverage for your Civil Engineering Risks using the CECR Policy

Time Session8.15 am Registration and Morning Coffee / Tea

9.00 amProgramme Overview and current Operational Risks in MalaysiaIntroduction to the CECR policy and its coverageBy: Ir Pooba Mahalingam, Programme Leader

9.45 am Opening by MII Representative

10.00 am Networking Tea Break

11.00 am“Challenges in Underwriting CECR risks in the Malaysian market”Mr Vidhyanandh Samuel, Head of Underwriting & Retakaful, Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Am Berhad

12.00 noon Case Study 1/ Review

12.30 pm Lunch

1.30 pm Assemble at Lobby, Seri Pacific Hotel Kuala Lumpur

1.50 pm Adjourn to Site Visit

2.30 pm Arrival at Persada PLUS, Subang.

2.45 pm Briefing by PLUS representatives followed by site observation & assessment

4.30 pm Group photograph & souvenier presentation

5.00 pm End of Visit and Back to Seri Pacific Hotel

Time Session

8.00 am Registration and Morning Coffee / Tea

9.00 am CECR Policy - Clauses and Endorsements: Review of site visit findingsIr. Pooba Mahalingam, Programme Leader

10.00 am Networking Tea Break

10.30 am - 11.30 am

“Typical Issues with completed civil engineering facilities – Highway structures, Slopes and road embankments “Mr. Bill Addington, Director, Techsol Sdn Bhd

11.30 am - 12.00 noon Case Study 2/ review

12.00 noon Lunch / Prayer time

2.00 pm The CECR policy coverage, policy condition and exclusions Ir. Pooba Mahalingam, Programme Leader

3.15 pm Networking Tea Break

3.00 pm “An Overview of CECR Cover – Owner’s Risk Perspective – assisted by a Broker”Mr. Sean Chou, Deputy CEO, Marsh Insurance Brokers (M) Sdn Bhd.

4.15 pm Q & A

4.45 pm Certificate presentation and closing

Page 4: 20-21 February 2020 | Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpurinsurance.com.my/documents/pdf/CECR_smaller.pdf · DAY 1 - Thursday, 20 February 2020. DAY 2 - Friday, 21 February 2020. 20-21







Ir. Pooba is a professional engineer with over 30 years of experience in construction, insurance and loss adjusting. He has dealt with construction, engineering, liability and property risks and claims for various insurance companies and reinsurers. He was with a global claims management company in Singapore and member of their major claims team that serves Asia. He was also based in Christchurch New Zealand as a member of the CAT loss team handling the 2011 earthquake claims.

Pooba has previous design experience working on the development of railway & Infrastructure works in the Klang Valley. He was subsequently responsible for risk management and claims handling involving projects such as Putra LRT 2, STAR LRT 1 and various highways.

Mr Sean Chou brings with him a wealth of insurance broking industry experience both local and internationally. He has been involved in various infrastructure, highway and railways risk projects & CECR insurance development.

Sean joined Marsh as Vice President leading the business development and currently serves as Deputy CEO.

He has spoken at various seminars & conferences on such engineering risk aspects based on his wide exposure in the industry.

Mr. Bill Addington is a British chartered civil engineer who has worked for number of blue-chip companies in the geotechnical and specialist foundations industries for more than 40 years. Having gained experience with contractors and consultants he has a good understanding of both the design and construction aspects of a wide range of foundation works and geotechnical processes.

Bill has particular expertise in soil and rock slope stabilisation, bored piling, diaphragm walls, marine works, ground improvement techniques, ground anchors and deep excavations. He has conducted forensic investigations of many losses involving such activities and prepared Expert Witness reports whenever disputes have resulted in subsequent litigation or arbitration.

He has been based in Malaysia for part 27 years having previously lived and worked in Thailand, Hong Kong, Turkey and the Middle East.

Mr Vidhyanandh Samuel (Vidhy) has more than two decades of experience in the insurance industry. He is currently Head of Underwriting & Retakaful with STMAB. Vidhy has an engineering background and this is relevant to his involvement with various technical and engineering underwriting work that he undertakes.

He was previously involved in risk engineering & claims adjusting, based in Singapore and Underwriting for the last eleven years.

Vidhy is involved in various industry related initiatives - PIAM and MTA committees notably, Risk Management & Fire (PIAM) and General Sub Committee (MTA) which is a current role. He is also a member of the Joint Committee (PIAM/MTA) on Detariffication & Phased Liberalisation. Besides the above, Vidhy sits in the Vehicle Theft & Accident Reduction Council as a Board Member.



Programme Leader

Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker

Page 5: 20-21 February 2020 | Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpurinsurance.com.my/documents/pdf/CECR_smaller.pdf · DAY 1 - Thursday, 20 February 2020. DAY 2 - Friday, 21 February 2020. 20-21

Category 1-2Pax 3PaxandAbove

MIIMember RM1700 RM1615

NonMember RM1870 RM1780

International USD550 USD530

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Cash Payment Enclosed is a Bankdraft / Money Order no. for RM___________ made payable to The Malaysian Insurance Institute. Direct Bank In to MII account : 2-64160-00004670

RHB Bank Bhd. G129, Ground Floor, Bangsar Shopping Centre, 285 Jalan Maarof, Bangsar, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Telegraphic Transfer in USD to MII account : 6-14165-00000321

RHB Bank Bhd. G129, Ground Floor, Bangsar Shopping Centre, 285 Jalan Maarof, Bangsar, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Payment Slip Attached) Please charge RM ________________to my credit card. VISA MASTER Card number : Expiry date : ________________ Cardholder’s signature : ____________________________

Note : 1. Effective March 2019 fees are inclusive of 6% SST2. Payment to be made payable to “The Malaysian Insurance Institute” 3. Participants will not be registered for the programme until payment is received.4. We wish to inform that MII does not accept personal cheques.

PAYMENTOPTIONS(Please tick (√) method of payment)


Important NoticeIn regards to Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“the Act”), pleased note that your personal data is used, stored, disclosed and processed by MII solely for the Purpose of registering training courses and/or in connection to other MII products or services. Your personal information may also be disclosed or transferred to relevant third party i.e to the industry related associations, industry related companies, government agencies and any of their respective agents. Any inquiries or complaints with respect to your personal information may also be channeled to MII by submitting such request to MII via post, email ([email protected]) or facsimile (03-2093 9287).

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Applicant’s Signature :_______________________________________ Date :_______________________________________

• Registration methods:• Online registration at www.mii4u.org/ilms/user/login• Completed registration form together with payment to reach MII at least 14 working days before the course date.

• Deadline to submit registration form is 14 DAYS BEFORE the programme.• Reservation for the course can be made by phone or fax but will be confirmed upon receipt of the registration form and full payment.• A FULL FEE is chargeable if no written notice of cancellation is received 14 DAYS BEFORE the course commences or if the participant fails to report for the

course.• Cancellation after the deadline WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. However, substitute participant(s) is/are always welcome.• The organiser reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the course due to unforeseen circumstances and will notify the contact person accordingly.• Confirmation of the course will be notified to the contact person/registered participant(s).


EnquiriesFor further information kindly contact: The Malaysian Insurance Institute (35445-H)

6th Floor of Wisma FGV, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. www.insurance.com.my or contact: 03-2087 8882, Azean (ext 406 / [email protected]),

Ashraff (ext 405/[email protected]), Santhi (ext. 407 / [email protected])

20-21 February 2020 | Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

A 2 Day Workshop on Getting the best coverage for your Civil Engineering Risks using the CECR Policy