2 - Sandra Trošelj - Stanišić - Protection and management of matine environment in Croatia

International Workshop „Intelligent Underwater Systems and Technologies “ (IPSIT2012) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing 27 March, 2012, Zagreb Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection Department for Sea and Coast Protection Sandra Troselj Stanisic, Senior Adviser Protection and management of marine environment in Croatia Current activities and plans in line with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and national legislation

Transcript of 2 - Sandra Trošelj - Stanišić - Protection and management of matine environment in Croatia

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International Workshop „Intelligent Underwater Systems and Technologies “ (IPSIT2012)Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

27 March, 2012, Zagreb

Ministry of Environment and Nature ProtectionDepartment for Sea and Coast Protection

Sandra Troselj Stanisic, Senior Adviser

Protection and management of marine environment in Croatia

Current activities and plans in line with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and national legislation

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Regulation establishing a framework for action of the Republic of Croatia in the field of marine environment protection (OG 136/11)

Institutional framework

Marine strategy development action programs implementation Regional/subregional approach Activities on the nationa/regional/subregional level Relation of MSFD in the context of existing EU policies

Croatian contingency system for accidental marine pollution

Concluding remarks

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Regulation establishing a framework for action of the Republic of Croatia in the field of marine environment protection (OG 136/11) – legal framework

National:Environmental Act (OG 110/07), (Art. 19.(2)., 48. i 49.)

EU:Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy- MSFD (OJ L 164 25 June 2008)

Commission Decision 2010/477/EU on criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status of marine waters (OJ L 232 1 September 2010)

“Common understanding” documents – EC guiding documents (non-obligatory) for implementation of various MSFD aspects

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EU Common Water PolicyMSFD (2008/56/EZ)Water Framework Directive


Teritorial sea

Protected economic zone

Coastal watersSurface waters

Underground waters

Pressures on the sea

LB pressures



WATERS (by 2015)

Marine strategy (including Programmes of

measures and Monitoring and Observation System)

Adriatic river basin district management


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Regulation (scope):

Establishment of framework (initial bases and criteria) for Marine Strategy development, implementation and monitoring.

Geographical coverage – “areas which are under the sovereignty of the RC and in which the RC exercises sovereign rights and jurisdiction”

Marine Strategy – a tool for achieving/maintaining GES of marine environment by 2020

General goals include goals defined in: MSFD Regional initiative – UNEP/MAP “Road map” for EBM National strategic documents

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Regulation (general goals):

to protect, preserve and enable recovery, and where practicable, restore the structure and functions of marine and coastal ecosystems and to protect biodiversity and sustainable use;

to preserve marine protected areas and ecologically significant regions of the European Union NATURA 2000 network ;

to reduce pollution and inputs in the marine and coastal environment so as to ensure that there are no significant adverse impacts on or risks to human health and/or marine ecosystems and/or uses of the sea and coast;

to preserve, improve and restore the balance between human activities and natural resources in the sea and on the coasts

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Institutional framework

Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection (MENP) (coordination)

Other competent bodies ministries, state institutes, legal person with public

responsibilities, scientific institutes

Implementing bodies Coordination Commission National Committee for implementation of the tasks laid

down in Regulation and for development and implementation

of the Marine Strategy (National Committee) Working bodies

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Marine Strategy development:

Preparatory documents:Initial Assessment – of the marine environmental status (state, pressures, economic-social analysis)Set of characteristics for GES Set of environmental targets (ET) and indicators

Action programmes:Monitoring and observation system - for on-going assessment and regular updating of targets Programme of measures - to achieve and/or maintain GES

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Plan of action for development of Marine Strategy


IA - finalizedSet of characteristics for GES-determinedSet of ET – established

2014Monitoring and observation system established and implemented

2015 Programme of measures – established

2016Programme of measures – beginning of implementation

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Marine Strategy development - IA

Preparation :based on existing dataapplying consistent and comparable methodology (sub/regional approach)

includes:1. analysis of the essential features and

characteristics of the current environmental status of the marine waters

2. analysis of the predominant pressures and impacts on the environmental status of the marine waters (cumulative and synergetic effects)

3. economic and social analysis of the use of the marine waters and of the cost of degradation of the marine environment - assessment of direct/indirect profit from ecosystem goods and services- analyses of cost of degradation (selection of approach!)-link with programme of measures (cost-benefit analysis of measures)-support – decision making and programme of measures

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Activities- national level

Prepared Draft of the Initial assessment of the state and pressures on

the marine environment in Croatian part of the Adriatic (currently in consultation procedure)

In preparation TORs for: Economic and social analysis of the use of the marine

environment and of the cost of its degradation

Determination of GES and Environmental targets (ET)

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1. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL FEATURESTopography and bathymetry of the seabedGeological features of the seabedMovements of water massesThermohaline featuresChemical parameters (pH, oxygen, nutrients)


3. BIOLOGICAL FEATURES Short-living single-celled organisms (bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton)Benthos communities (macro algae, angiosperms, invertebrate)Structure of fish population (demersal, pelagic and i coastal)

4. POLLUTANTS (heavy metal, organotin compounds, POPs),

1. PHYSICAL LOSSES AND DAMAGE (construction activities, impacts of fisheries, mariclture, maritime traffic etc.)

2. CONTAMINATION BY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (pesticides, antifouling substances, heavy metals)

3. NUTRIENT AND ORGANIC MATTER ENRICHMENT (input of fertilizers and other nitrogen and phosphorus-rich substances, inputs from point and diffuse sources, riverine inputs, eutrophication: TRIX index)

4. BIOLOGICAL DISTURBANCE (introduction of microbial pathogens, introduction of NIS, impact of accidental catch on large marine vertebrates)


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Marine Strategy development - Set of characteristics for GES

Based on:


11 qualitative descriptors -descriptive outline of good marine environmental status

Commission Decision 2010/477/EU

Sub/regional cooperation

Base for:

Defining ET

Allowing comparison to which extend GES is achieved

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Marine Strategy development – determining of GES

Commission Decision 2010/477/EUCriteria for assessing the extent to which good environmental status is being achieved in relation to each of the eleven descriptors of good environmental status

1 Biodiversity 2 NIS 3 Commercial fish/shellfish 4 Food web 5 Eutrophication 6 Seafloor integrity 7 Hydrographical conditions 8 Contaminants 9 Contaminants in seafood 10 Marine litter 11 Energy

28 criteria linked with related 56 indicators (to make such criteria operational

and allow subsequent progress) linked with references to applicable methodological standards

(where available) need for further development and additional information (revision of


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Set of ET

qualitative or quantitative statement on the desired condition of different components of marine waters, and pressures and impacts on them

enables regular marine waters assessment

Based on:

IA and GES characteristics

Existing ET for marine environment

Sub/regional cooperation

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Monitoring and observation system and Programes of measures Monitoring and observation systemBaseline for:


Achieving ET

Implementation of measures

Based on :

IA, Set of ET

compatible within the marine subregion and marine region

combining and harmonization of existing national monitoring programs and databases

taking into consideration obligations from WFD, Bird Directive, Habitat Directive, regional monitoring programmes etc.

Programes of measuresBased on :

IA, Set of ET

using integrative (existing national/international measures and transboundary impacts) and adaptable approach

measures – impact assessment, cost-benefit analysis and technical feasibility analysis

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Marine Strategy - Implementation

Reviewing – successively every 6 years

New Assessment (2018) – new “management cycle”

Other:Public information and


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Regional approach (MSFD Art. 4. i 6.)

Coordinated development and implementation of marine strategies in defined marine region (Mediterranean) and subregion (Adriatic Sea)

Why? To achieve consistency and coherence at different levels in marine environment:

- assessing - monitoring -measure implementation

and to allow comparison of the extent to which GES is achieved

Relevant framework of cooperation: UNEP/MAP (region) Joint Commission for the Protection of the Adriatic Sea and Its

Coastal Area (subregion)

Marine Strategy - Implementation

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Activities- regional level

UNEP/MAP implementation of the “Road Map” for EBM (Decision IG 17/6 -15 Ordinary Meeting, Almeria, January 2008) Step 3. - “Identification of the important ecosystem properties

and pressures” under which initial assessment is being carried out by the UNEP/MAP Secretariat in collaboration with CPs

Initial integrated Assessment of the Mediterranean Sea - February 2012

2010-2011 – GDE/TE meetings on Step 4 (Development of ecological objectives) and Step 5 (Derivation of operational objectives, indicators and target levels)

“Ecological and operational objectives and related indicators” -February 2012

Work to do on the Step 5, Step 6 (Revision of monitoring programs and updating of targets) and Step 7 (Redrafting of the management plans)

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Activities- subregional level

Joint Commission for the Protection of the Adriatic Sea and Its Coastal Areas (dated back to 1977) Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, Slovenia (B&H and Albania-

so far observers)

Joint position about cooperation regarding implementation of MSFD and UNEP/MAP EBM „Road map”

2008 Sub-commission for harmonization of evaluation methods and development of indicators for the purpose of assessing the marine environment of the Adriatic.

2011 renamed in Sub-commission for development of Adriatic Marine strategyExchanging information on indicators

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Contaminants D8



to asses the descriptor

Indicators to be measured

Feasibility(YES, achievable,


Monitoring programme(institutional or


Type of data


Time period


Area Covered


Reference web


Presence of contaminants at concentrations which may adversely impact organisms, populations, communities and ecosystems

Concentrations of contaminants in water, sediment and biota are below threshold values identified on the basis of toxicological data

Contaminant concentrations and their trends in water, sediment and biota (see (a) and (c) below)

yes in sediment and biota, no in the water

institutional Hazardous substances (Heavy metals, organic pollutants)


hot spots 1/year - hot spots; seasonally - shellfish culture zones


Concentrations of contaminants should not be increasing

Presence of pollution effects at organism, population, community and ecosystem level

Levels of pollution effects are below thresholds representing harm at organism, population, community and ecosystem level

Levels of pollution effects and their trends measured using appropriate methodologies (see (b) and (c) below)


institutional Biomarkers


coastal area



The occurrence and severity of pollution effects should not be increasing

(a)- Relevant contaminants to be identified at EU, regional or subregional level(b)- Relevant biological effects to be identified at EU, regional or subregional level(c)- Existing regulatory provisions to be respected

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Marine Litter  (D 10)                

ATTRIBUTECriteria to asses the descriptor

Indicatorsto be



(YES, achievable, NO)

Monitoring program

me(institutional or research)

Type of data


Time period covered

Area Covered





1) Marine litter in the marine environment

Inputs, impacts on aesthetic values, the potential presence of toxic compounds and socio-economical damage

Amount, composition and source of litter washed ashore and/or deposited on coastlines



litter dynamics, accumulation areas

Amount, composition and source of litter floating at sea, in the water column and on the sea floor



2) impacts of litter on marine life

time-trends and spatial variation in inputs and impacts on marine life

Amount and composition of litter ingested by marine animals



3) Degradation of litter at sea

degradation of marine litter and potential sources of contaminants

Amount, composition and source of microparticles (mainly microplastics)


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Activities- subregional level

Subcommision´s planned activities in 2012 First step – assess and evaluate the already existing

data/information in the Mediterranean and define the indicators related to ECAP taking into consideration MSFD

Answer the questions: What do we have?What do we need?Where are the gaps?How to prepare socio-economic analysis? ...

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MSFD and other EU policiesexpansion of the WFD“Environmental pillar” of the Integrated

maritime Policy (IMP)

Links with: “Maritime Spatial Planning” policy

(EC Communication – Maritime Spatial Planning in the EU – Achievement and future development; COM(2010)771 final)

ICZM policy

Common Fisheries Policy

Biodiversity and nature protection initiatives (EC Communication – Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 – COM(2011)244 final)


Adriatic Sea Monitoring



Adriatic Sea Monitoring



Strengthening ofcapacities:-administrative-scientific-technical

Strengthening ofcapacities:-administrative-scientific-technical

National legal framework

National legal frameworkEBMEBM


GES of marine environment

by 2020

GES of marine environment

by 2020

Need for harmonization and coordination on the national level of all EU policies related to marine environment

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Croatian contingency system for accidental marine pollution

National legal framework :Contingency plan for accidental

marine pollution (OG 92/08)prepared based on Environmental Protection Act (OG 110/07) Maritime Code (OG 181/04, 76/07, 146/08, 61/11)

International framework Protocol (of Barcelona Convention) concerning

Cooperation in Preventing Pollution from Ships and, in Cases of Emergency, Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea (Prevention and Emergency Protocol) (OG IT, 12/03)

Agreement on the Sub-regional Contingency Plan for Prevention of, Preparedness for and Response to Major Marine Pollution Incidents in the Adriatic Sea (OG IT, 7/08)

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Croatian contingency system for accidental marine pollution

Contingency Plan for Accidental Marine Pollution (OG 92/08) - responsibility of the Ministry Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, MENP and other responsible authorities.

Establishes procedures and measures for: predicting accidental pollution

Monitoring of marine environmentDesignating and management of PSSAsSystem for control of marine trafficTechnical resources and services for preventing and

restricting sea pollutionAssessment of risk and sensitivity mapping

preventing and restricting of accidental pollution risk

preparedness for and response to accidental pollution and unusual natural marine phenomenon

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Croatian contingency system for accidental marine pollution

Risks and threats for marine pollution- identified in the Plan: Accidents at sea (ship collision, fire explosion, construction

failure, accident during ship operation, accidents on offshore maritime facilities)

Accidents on submarine pipelines Sunken ships and aircraft, Unusual natural marine phenomena, Aircraft or helicopter crashes into the sea, Accidents on shore installations and terminals

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Croatian contingency system for accidental marine pollution

Implemented in cases of pollution by: oils and/or oil mixtures hazardous and noxious substances (excluded in county

contingency plans) unusual natural marine phenomenon

Entities for the implementation of CP: Headquarters – commanding and coordinating activities Marine Rescue Coordination Centre-Rijeka (MRCC)

operational and coordinating activities (operational and coordination activities)

County Operational Centre (COC) – operational (and commanding) activities

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Croatian contingency system for accidental marine pollution

Some of the tasks of the Headquarters / MRCC / COCs are:

- Commanding/coordinating activities,- Mobilization of available technical and human resources,- Surveillance of polluted area,- Issuing orders for sampling and analysis of the pollution of

marine environment during and after intervention,- Collecting evidences for the purpose of preparation of

claims for damage,- Making decisions on methods of pollution removal,- …..

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Concluding remarks

Possibilities for use of new technologies in marine environment protection In monitoring activities Intervention activities (specially in cases

representing danger to human life- pollution by dangerous and noxious substances)

Other (suggestions?)

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Concluding remarks

Identified challenges in marine environment protection:Better integration of science with decision-making

Enhance administrative, technical and scientific capacities

Improve institutional coordination and cooperation on all levels

EBM application on national/regional/local level



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Thank you for your attention!