2. production techniques evaluation pro forma

Production Techniques Evaluation Harvey Hyde

Transcript of 2. production techniques evaluation pro forma

Production Techniques Evaluation

Production Techniques EvaluationHarvey Hyde

Graphic Design Experiments

Include an image of your experiments2

Graphic Design ProductionAdvantages of working in this mediumA lot of fun because It gives you a chance to be creative You learn while you do it Disadvantages of working in this medium Takes a bit of getting used to/difficult on a mac

What makes working in this medium better/worse than the other mediums we are exploring?3

Graphic Design ProductionGreen mixed with green makes it difficult to see, to compensate, I used a black outline and enlarged with the text tool to make it readable

WeaknessesClear branding, with a leaf to further the natural theme using a leaf from google images

Successfully advertising the brands link to nature through natural imagery from google images

Used shadows to make the scene more natural to the environment

Slogan play on words after downloading a Coca Cola eske Font from DafontStrengths

Include an image of your final product and, using text boxes and arrows, discuss the strengths, weaknesses and changes you would make to the product. Reference tools/hardware employed in the production and/or post production of the finished piece


Graphic Design Production

Clear AdvertisingSimilar Tag line Clearly showing the ProductClearly showing the link to nature

Include an image of your final product and a similar existing product and, using text boxes and arrows, reference the similarities and differences. 5

Radio Advantages of working in this mediumIt gives insight into a real radio ad and the levels of difficulty in creating one as you use similar tools which helps you experience a radio editors role.Disadvantages of working in this mediumIt was both difficult to record and edit and I didnt save the first time which held back the process

What makes working in this medium better/worse than the other mediums we are exploring?6

Radio Production

Discuss the content of your final product and the content of a similar existing product referencing the similarities and differences.


Radio ProductionMy radio ad was done by using Audition so luckily the tools were very simple Weaknesses:The song didnt entirely match the backtrackIt was difficult to make Some sound didnt save so it was choppySuccessesIt clearly advertised the product Song is catchy

Discuss the strengths, weaknesses and changes you would make to the product.Reference tools/hardware employed in the production and/or post production of the finished piece


Video Game Experiments

Include an image of your experiments9

Video Game ProductionAdvantages of working in this mediumCreative with PhotoshopUseful visual product advertisementFun with pixel and creating a gameEasy when you get the hang of it Disadvantages of working in this mediumTime management is difficult

What makes working in this medium better/worse than the other mediums we are exploring?10

Video Game Production

The 1983 Pepsi invaders Game an official Coke Adver-game for the Atari 2600 shows a a gun scrolling across the area and shooting Pepsi signs as to show they are bad Similarly my Adver-game shows a gun scrolling across the screen shooting other cans until it gets to the coke can shooting it 3 times before the can fires back and destroying the gun.

Include an image of your final product and a similar existing product and, using text boxes and arrows, reference the similarities and differences.11

Video Game Production

Strengths:Smooth enough animation using timeline on PhotoshopCan creation using pencil tool on Photoshop Appropriate for most audiences I was happy with the explosion animation Weaknesses:-The descending cans were too slow and blocky-The Unstoppable sign was rushed and under-developed

Include an image of your final product and, using text boxes and arrows, discuss the strengths, weaknesses and changes you would make to the product. Reference tools/hardware employed in the production and/or post production of the finished piece12

ComparisonWhich product do you believe advertises the product the best? Why?-The posters as they were both visually appealing and clearly advertise the productsWhich of your products is the most professional? Why?My adver-game as it wascreated in a proper fashion and cautious step were taken, to avoid infringement & copyright