2. MEETING MINUTES Agendas 2020/BOS... · 2020-06-18 · Robert White YES The motion has passed....

SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Regular Session i June 23, 2020 MOTION REQUIRED: A motion is required to approve the attached minutes. 2. MEETING MINUTES Attached for your consideration please find a copy of the minutes for the budget public hearing on May 18, 2020 and the regular session on May 26, 2020.

Transcript of 2. MEETING MINUTES Agendas 2020/BOS... · 2020-06-18 · Robert White YES The motion has passed....

Page 1: 2. MEETING MINUTES Agendas 2020/BOS... · 2020-06-18 · Robert White YES The motion has passed. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, we’ll move right now to Item #9 on


MOTION REQUIRED: A motion is required to approve the attached minutes.


Attached for your consideration please find a copy of the minutes for the budget public hearing on May 18, 2020 and the regular session on May 26, 2020.

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May 18, 2020


At a special electronic meeting for the Budget Public Hearing with the Southampton County Board of Supervisors via teleconference call based from the Southampton County Office Center, 26022 Administration Drive, Courtland, Virginia, on May 18, 2020. 7:00 p.m.


Dr. Alan Edwards, Chairman (Jerusalem District) William Hart Gillette, Vice Chairman (Capron District)

Christopher D. Cornwell, Sr. (Berlin/Ivor District) Carl J. Faison (Boykins/Branchville District)

Dallas O. Jones (Drewryville District) Lynda T. Updike (Newsoms District)


Robert White (Franklin District)

OTHERS PRESENT Michael W. Johnson, County Administrator (Clerk)

Lynette C. Lowe, Deputy County Administrator/Chief Financial Officer Richard E. Railey, Jr., County Attorney


Nora C. Atkins, Administrative Assistant

On May 18, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. via teleconference, Vice Chairman William Hart Gillette as Acting Chairman says, good evening. I would like to, before we go any further, welcome everybody that is joining us this evening. I would like to call the meeting to order for our Budget Hearing this evening. And for those that are on the line, before I call the roll is there anyone that would care to open the meeting with a prayer? [No response.] Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, at this time we will call the roll. Dr. Edwards? [No response.] Mr. Cornwell? [No response.] Mr. Faison? [No response.] Mr. Jones? Supervisor Dallas Jones says, here. Present. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Ms. Updike? Ms. Updike? [No response.] Supervisor Lynda Updike says, present. Chairman Alan Edwards says, hello. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Mr. White? [No response.] Dr. Edwards? Chairman Alan Edwards says, I’m here. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Mr. Cornwell? [No response.] Mr. Faison? Supervisor Carl Faison says, I’m here. Can you hear me, Mr. Gillette? Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, yes, I can. Mr. White? Is Mr. Robert White on the line? [No response.] Supervisor Updike says, a big welcome back to Dr. Edwards. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, yes. Chairman Edwards says, I’m here.

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May 18, 2020


Supervisor Updike says, glad to have you back. Chairman Edwards says, thank you. I’m glad to be back. It’s always good to hear all your friendly voices. Supervisor Updike says, thank you. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, has Mr. White joined us? [No response.] Mr. Mike Johnson says, let’s have Chris one more time. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Mr. Cornwell, are you there? [No response.]

Alan Edwards PRESENT William Hart Gillette PRESENT Christopher Cornwell PRESENT (transmission difficulties) Carl Faison PRESENT Dallas Jones PRESENT Lynda Updike PRESENT Robert White ABSENT

Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette continues, okay. We will move on then to the opening of the Public Hearing for the FY 2021 Annual Budget. And we had asked for submitted comments and preregistration for this meeting. We’ve got a couple, and I’m going to turn it over to Mr. Johnson to enter into the record the written comments we received. Mr. Mike Johnson says, Mr. Chairman, we’ve only received one written comment. It’s from the Franklin-Southampton Concert Association, P.O. Box 3, Courtland, Virginia dated May 15, 2020. It’s addressed to the Southampton County Board of Supervisors, Courtland, Virginia. [Letter is read as follows.]

I am writing on behalf of the Concert Board and Membership to request that you review your earlier decision and reinstate in the budget support for our 2020-2021 season. We appreciate the fact that we have received such support for some twenty years. We realize that these time are different in so many ways, and we anticipated that financial responsibility might dictate cuts in support for organizations such as ours, but we expected across the board cuts, not total elimination. People marvel that such a great concert season exists in Southampton County and is offered to members at such a reasonable fee. As a matter of information, annual membership for full time students is only $10.00. Periodically we offer special programs to Southampton High School students at no cost. For people, who for one reason or another are unable to travel to metropolitan areas, our programs are their only opportunity to enjoy live musical programs. Our programs enhance the lives of your constituents and speak well for the County. The organization is headquartered in the County and all of its programs have, for some twenty years, been presented at Southampton High School. The Concert Association is operated entirely by volunteers, a majority of whom are also your constituents, and who feel that the treatment the organization is receiving speaks strongly of a lack of appreciation for their efforts. It was a shock when the pandemic forced an abrupt suspension of our 2019-2020 season. We are planning to reschedule our last two concerts as soon as circumstances permit, and had already booked a six concert season for 2020-2021. Thus while we are temporarily wounded, we are still alive and anxious to resume operation as quickly as possible. We beg you to reinstate financial support for us, which would also be an indication of your moral support for the performing arts, and the work we do. Thank you for your favorable consideration of this request.

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May 18, 2020


Yours very truly, Nancy T. Rowe, President

Mr. Johnson continues, that is the only written comment I have received, Mr. Chairman. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Mr. Johnson. Is the Honorable Cindy Edwards on the phone? Ms. Cindy Edwards responds, yes, I’m here. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, okay. If you will, you have the floor. Ms. Cindy Edwards says, thank you. Good evening, honorable board members and Mr. Johnson. At the April 28, 2020 meeting, I addressed you regarding the Solid Waste Fee. At that time, I took a stand for the taxpayers based on several factors. I refreshed your memory with previous board meeting minutes from 2012. I gave you the figures from 2012 to the present on trash tonnage. I presented you with a huge drop in tipping fees over the years from 2012 to 2020. I explained the cost of mailing yet another bill and the cost of having someone screen relief applications to only receive a small amount of revenue coming in after those screenings were done. I made you aware that we can only collect the Solid Waste Fee for three years. I recommended that the board get some real honest answers as to what the money that was originally spent for the trash disposal was used for that required the board of the need to start the Solid Waste Fee in the first place. At that point, I asked the board to make it their business to find out where the savings from the dropped tipping fee from 2012 to 2020 have been spent. The county should be wise in how it spends its citizens’ money and it should be embarrassed for creating unnecessary fees on citizens in order to fund whatever whims it has. Again I say, we need to do away with the Solid Waste Fee. Again I ask, when is the board going to get some truthful answers to these questions? I appreciate your time. Thank you. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Ms. Edwards. Well, in answer to your question, I don’t know if I can answer it all. But there was back in 2012, monies that were being taken out of the general fund to support the tipping fees and the trash hauling and the collection fee. That was putting a severe drain on the reserve, having to pull it out of the reserve to make up the difference. That money was put back into the reserves upon the advent of the $200 trash fee. The $200 trash fee does not, at the current rate even though we had a substantial drop in the tipping fee, does not completely cover 100% of the cost of collection and transportation of trash, along with the maintenance at the collection sites scattered throughout the county. Chairman Edwards says, William Hart? Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, yes, sir. Chairman Edwards says, I would just want to inject something. I think that at the time the county was spending about $280, so we were subsidizing people about $75-$80. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, okay. That money goes back into the general fund from the $200 trash fee on the revenue side, and I think I am correct on that. Now with the expenses and direct cost of paying the bills for maintaining the sites, the collection fee, and the transfer fee, we are in arrears with the total collection from the $200 trash fee and now goes back into the general fund. After looking at it through the proposal to add it to personal property to come up with how much of an increase would that be, that came out to approximately 70 to 71 cents. If we added that to personal property, that would put a total revenue in personal property and a lot of our citizens above the $200 trash fee. So with that in mind at this time, we did not identify additional cuts in the budget to come up with approximately close to $1 million to be able to remove the total $200 trash fee. So that is the best answer I can give at this time. Ms. Cindy Edwards responds, if you don’t mind me asking, how could we have had a balanced budget if we did not have enough in the budget to cover what we knew it was going to cost? I mean, where would the funds to come from when we knew the budget did not include enough funds to cover them? Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, let me find the page. Go ahead, Mike.

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Mr. Johnson says, I think you are referring, Ms. Edwards, to fiscal year 2012. And in fiscal year 2012, the board actually budgeted over $1 million of reserve funds to cover the cost of solid waste. They recognized as they were putting together the FY 2013 budget that it was not sustainable for the long run and began to look at alternatives for other revenues. Ms. Cindy Edwards says, well, that being going back to the reserve, what were we taking money out of the reserve for that we got so low? Mr. Johnson asks, when did we get so low? What are you referring to? Ms. Cindy Edwards says, okay. We had taken money out of the reserve, and we have been taking the money that we have been getting and putting it back into the reserve. How did the reserve get so low – what was that money being used for? Mr. Johnson says, the reserve has increased each of the last five years. So the reserve has come back up to an all-time high. But the reserve did dip down in that FY 2012-2013 timeframe to less than $4 million, which is pretty much the minimum we would need to maintain our ability to cover any shortfalls in cash, those kinds of things. Ms. Cindy Edwards, yes, I understand that. Just, why did it dip down to the point that we only had that in there? It had to be being used for something. Mr. Johnson replied, it was being used to pay for the increase in the cost of solid waste. Ms. Cindy Edwards says, but then we started charging the citizens in 2012. So, and at that point the budget was still not balanced because we were still going to need more money than just the Solid Waste Fee from the citizens to cover it. Mr. Johnson says, I see what you are saying. So the difference is the Solid Waste Fee was never set up as an enterprise fund, to fully cover the cost of managing and disposing of solid waste. It was simply one of the main revenue streams that help cover that cost. But a portion of the general property taxes, sales taxes, all those other revenue streams that go into the general fund make up that difference. Ms. Cindy Edwards says, okay. So we still haven’t done what we said we were going to do as far as dropping the Solid Waste Fee down in line with what the tipping fee has dropped either. Mr. Johnson says, that is correct. Ms. Cindy Edwards asks, is there a plan to do that? Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, well, we haven’t come up with a plan to do it, but we have certainly looked at how we might be able to do it moving forward. But this year, I didn’t think that we could tackle that one considering the unknown factors with regard to this COVID and the expenses that we might encumber depending on what is coming from Richmond or elsewhere. It is a question mark out there as to what it is going to end up costing the county. So we kept it as it was, rather than tackle cutting the budget further to come up with revenues to fully pay for the collection and transfer of trash. So we decided to leave it where it was until we know. I personally, I can’t find anybody that can tell me what the picture is going to look like in October, or September for that matter. Ms. Cindy Edwards says, right. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, nowhere have I heard of anybody who will even venture a projection on revenues, much less expenditures that could very possibly be incurred. We don’t know, though. Of course, our economy – the numbers will be coming in, I’m sure, soon. But our economy at best has been strained. And there are just a lot of question marks out there that we do not have answers to at this time. We have decided to start tracking expenditures in the month of August after this budget will be enacted on July 1st. We have decided, we have a subcommittee that will be meeting monthly to track expenditures starting in August. To try to answer your question about a plan, to help formulate a plan to move forward in the coming year, and there could very well

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be other cuts that are unseen at this point. And by the time we have to pass a budget that is balanced – before July 1, we are required to have a balanced budget passed. And what I’m trying to say is, once that is passed, we are going to have to monitor the expenses very close. And there could be further cuts coming as we move into the new budget year. Ms. Cindy Edwards says, all right. Well, I appreciate your comments. And you’re right, none of us knows what the future is going to hold for us in this budget year. But I would appreciate you steadily working to do away with the Solid Waste Fee. And, you know as we’ve spoken before, it is the highest tax rate – one of the highest in the state of Virginia. But, we’re also not only one of the highest tax rates but then the Solid Waste Fee on top of that. Hopefully with you all starting on the budget, we will be able to come up with some things and get some things in place, so that we will be able to do away with the Solid Waste Fee. I certainly would appreciate it. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you for your comments. I appreciate your concern. I know that we do have a valid concern from the taxpayers. That is more prominent now that it’s ever been before in this county much less the country. And we’re certainly going to try our best to keep an eye on these projections as well as the actual expenditures. Ms. Cindy Edwards says, thank you. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette continues, are there any others online that would have comments at this time? We have two submitted who were committed to speak at this time. Are there any others on the line that would care to speak at this time? Mr. Glenn Updike says, this is Glenn Updike. I would like to make a couple of comments. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, yes, sir. Mr. Glenn Updike continues, something that was confirmed in the years past, and that is giving to the retired sheriff a big bonus … [technical interruption] … without any extra expertise. Anyone can do that position. And if I recall right, the board gave a new position to the Sheriff’s Department for controlling speed for 58. That position never did generate enough funds to cover that position. And that position could also be utilized to take care of Vernie Francis’ position easily, with any additional funds or any additional needs or liabilities on the Sheriff’s Department. I don’t see why they didn’t approve it or expound it and I think it’s a big waste of county funds. What happens when Mr. Francis goes out on vacation, whose looking after it then? Or when he’s out on the weekends? Everybody, nobody can answer those questions that I have found. I don’t see why in the world that Vernie Francis, that deal, shouldn’t be removed from the budget. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Mr. Updike. Mr. Glenn Updike continues, oh, by the way. One other thing that I want to mention. It was certainly a pleasure and a blessing to hear Dr. Edwards on the phone. I’m glad to hear he’s back in the saddle again. Chairman Alan Edwards says, thanks, Glenn. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, anyone else? [No response.] Any comments from any of the board members? [No response.] Did Chris Cornwell join us? Chris, are you on the line? [No response.] If there are no other comments – Mr. Johnson, do you have any parting comments? Mr. Johnson says, none, other than to remind everyone that the board can take no action on the budget tonight. The board will consider the adoption of the budget on the next regular meeting on May 26th, that’s next Tuesday night. It starts at 6:00 p.m. That will also be a virtual meeting, and we’ve got the directions for participation posted on the county website at www.southamptoncounty.org. That’s all I have, Mr. Chairman. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, if there are no further comments – Chairman Edwards says, Mike, will that be a virtual rather than a phone?

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Mr. Johnson says, you can also participate just by phone. But there’s also a video link, Dr. Edwards, that you will be able to see exactly what numbers are on the computer as we go through the agenda. If you have got any questions or concerns about that, just let me know and we’ll make sure we get you trained on how to use that app. Chairman Edwards says, all right, will do. Thank you. Supervisor Lynda Updike says, William Hart, I think after we adjourn, I think it would be nice if you led the group in a prayer for our county and this virus. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, there being no further comments, we’ll adjourn the meeting. I want to thank everybody, the ones that called in and the ones that are listening on the line – I want to thank you for your participation. There being no further business and with no opposition, the meeting is adjourned at 7:30 p.m. _______________________________________ William Hart Gillette, Acting Chairman _______________________________________ Michael W. Johnson, County Administrator (Clerk)

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May 26, 2020


At an electronic meeting of the Southampton County Board of Supervisors via videoconference and teleconference call for their regular monthly meeting based from the Southampton County Office Center, 26022 Administration Drive, Courtland, Virginia, on May 26, 2020. 6:00 p.m.


Dr. Alan Edwards, Chairman (Jerusalem District) William Hart Gillette, Vice Chairman (Capron District)

Christopher D. Cornwell, Sr. (Berlin/Ivor District) Carl J. Faison (Boykins/Branchville District)

Dallas O. Jones (Drewryville District) Lynda T. Updike (Newsoms District)

Robert White (Franklin District)



Michael W. Johnson, County Administrator (Clerk) Lynette C. Lowe, Deputy County Administrator/Chief Financial Officer

Richard E. Railey, Jr., County Attorney Susan Wright, IT Director


Nora C. Atkins, Administrative Assistant

On May 26, 2020 at 6:03 p.m. via videoconference and teleconference, Vice Chairman William Hart Gillette, Acting Chairman, says, it’s about 6:03. I would like to call this meeting of the Board of Supervisors together, and we will begin with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Pledge of Allegiance is recited. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, okay. We will move along to the invocation. If there is anyone connected in the audience who would care to offer up the invocation, we will entertain that at this time. [No response.] Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, all right, we will now proceed and move to the Citizens Comment Period for this meeting. At this time, I will open it up for the Citizens Comment. [No response.] Is there anyone on the line or listening that wishes to participate in the Citizens Comment? [No comments offered.] Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette continues, hearing none, we will move forward to the Approval of the Minutes from the Budget Workshop first [April 22, 2020] and then the Regular Session that was held on April 28th. Supervisor Lynda Updike says, I make the motion that they be approved. [Budget Workshop] Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, the motion is made. Is there a second? Supervisor Carl Faison says, second. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, second by Carl Faison. Any further discussion? [No response.] Let it be determined by casting your yes vote. Mr. Faison? Supervisor Carl Faison says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Jones?

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Supervisor Dallas Jones says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. White? Supervisor Robert White says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Edwards? Chairman Alan Edwards says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Cornwell? Supervisor Chris Cornwell says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Ms. Updike? Supervisor Lynda Updike says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, okay. I vote yes also. Thank you.

Dr. Alan Edwards YES William Hart Gillette YES Christopher Cornwell YES Carl Faison YES Dallas Jones YES Lynda Updike YES Robert White YES

Motion has passed. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, moving on to the minutes of the Regular Session on April 28, 2020. Is there a motion these minutes be approved? Supervisor White says, yes. Chairman Edwards says, second. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, was that motion made by Robert White? Supervisor White says, yes, sir. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, do I have a second? Chairman Edwards says, yes. Edwards. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Dr. Edwards. All those in favor of approving the minutes of the April 28 regular session – Ms. Updike? Supervisor Lynda Updike says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Cornwell? Supervisor Cornwell says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. White? Supervisor White says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Edwards? Chairman Edwards says, yes.

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Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Jones? Supervisor Jones says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Faison? Supervisor Faison says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you. The minutes are approved.

Dr. Alan Edwards YES Christopher Cornwell YES Carl Faison YES Dallas Jones YES Lynda Updike YES Robert White YES

Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette continues, moving on to Highway Matters. Mr. Johnson, I would like to ask you if you would have comments regarding the Highway Matters. Mr. Mike Johnson says, thank you, Mr. Chairman. Regarding the Secondary Six-Year Plan and notwithstanding the direction from the Board last month to proceed in advertising the draft Secondary Six-Year Plan for public comment, Mr. Catlett subsequently advised me to place the matter on temporary hold. As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic caused Governor Northam to call “timeout” on the state budget, suspending all the new spending and diverting reserves to pay for essential services. State revenues were down by $700 million in the month of April, and Secretary of Finance Aubrey Layne is planning to reforecast the state revenues sometime in early July. Accordingly, Governor Northam expects to call the General Assembly back into special session in late summer to revise the state budget based on the new revenue forecasts. Mr. Johnson continues, as currently drafted, the plan includes two secondary construction projects. They are the Rt. 671 Bridge replacements, and the second project is the Governor Darden Road curve improvements. We’ve also got seven unpaved road projects that have been planned. That includes Buckhorn Quarter Road, Dickens Lane, Champs Drive, one section of Brandypond Road, Rosemont Road, Delaware Road, and Quaker Road. So regardless of the fiscal challenges associated with COVID-19, Mr. Catlett indicated to me that the planned surface treatment for Buckhorn Quarter Road and Dickens Lane remains on schedule for this summer. Mr. Johnson says, as you all know, the Secondary Six-Year Plan requires a public hearing prior to adoption. I will continue to coordinate with Mr. Catlett and advertise the plan for public comment as soon as VDOT is ready to move forward. That is all I have, Mr. Chairman, and I would be glad to take any concerns that any board member may have. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Mr. Johnson. Any concerns from this board? The individual Supervisors indicate that they have no concerns in this area. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, we’ll move on to Appointments. The Planning Commission. Mr. Johnson says, as discussed last month, Commissioner Doug Chesson’s term on the Planning Commission essentially expired on April 30, 2020. He is eligible for reappointment. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Mr. Cornwell. Supervisor Cornwell says, Mr. Chairman, I reached out to Mr. Chesson and spoke with him at length about his current position on the Planning Commission and his prior service to them and his desire to continue in that position. He indicated to me that he is willing to serve in that position moving forward. So I asked him to re-serve in that position for another term.

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Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you. Any other comments from the board concerning the reappointment of Mr. Chesson to the Planning Commission for another term? Supervisor Cornwell says, I move that we approve Mr. Chesson. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, do I hear a second? Is there a second to that motion? Supervisor Jones says, second. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you. I will call for a vote. Supervisor Updike asks, was that second from Carl Faison or was it from Mr. Jones? Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, I think the second was from Mr. Jones. I call for a vote. Mr. Edwards? Chairman Edwards says, no. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Mr. White? Supervisor White says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Mr. Jones? Supervisor Jones says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Cornwell? Supervisor Cornwell says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Ms. Updike? Supervisor Updike says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, and Mr. Faison? Supervisor Faison says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you. Motion carried.

Dr. Alan Edwards NO Christopher Cornwell YES Carl Faison YES Dallas Jones YES Lynda Updike YES Robert White YES

Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, moving to Reports. Financial Report, do we have a Financial Report? Mr. Johnson says, it is in your Supervisor packets. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, any comments on the report which you see on the screen? Supervisor Updike says, I can’t read the small print, but I have a question about why we are paying Timmons so much each month. I think this month it was 54.90 or something. Last month $1300 and something. For maintenance or something. Mr. Johnson says, thank you, Ms. Updike. The contract with Timmons is for the monitoring of the [inaudible] wetlands area and has been required by the Army Corps of Engineers for these years. It has been the tenth year since that area has been established as a wetlands. It will be the last year

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since the aforementioned years and they will be cut loose. So this is the last year that Timmons will be there. We are under no further contract with Timmons. When this trip is complete, their work is over. Supervisor Updike asks, what do they do? What does wetlands monitoring mean? Mr. Johnson replies, we have to submit a report documenting to the Corps of Engineers how the wetlands area is growing, the types of plants that are in there that were set out. There is a survival rate that we have to have. We have to make sure that we don’t have all non-invasive species or cattails in there. We have to make sure that beavers haven’t dammed up the area and are impounding water. We have to submit a written report with photographs documenting all these things. Supervisor Updike says, okay. Chairman Edwards asks, is that not something we can do ourselves? Mr. Johnson says, no. It has to be done by a VE [inaudible]. Again, this is the last year that we will do it. Hopefully they will cut us loose after this year. Chairman Edwards says, thank you very much. [Audio disturbance.] Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, thank you. Any other comments concerning the Financial Report? [No response.] Having none, we will move to the Sheriff’s Office. As you can see on the screen – I think everyone has that. It comes up on your screen. Any comments concerning the report from the Sheriff’s Office? [No response.] I didn’t ask, but is the Sheriff’s Office online? Sheriff Josh Wyche responds, yes, I’m on the line. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Sheriff Wyche, do you have any additional comments you’d like to point out? Sheriff Wyche says, not at this time. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Mr. Wyche. Any comments from the board? [No response.] Okay, the next one I believe is what you see on your screen now, Animal Control for the month of April. I don’t have the history, but is this pretty much in line with last year? Sheriff Wyche says, it seems to be from past reports. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, it seems to be pretty much in line. Any comments from the Board? [No response.] Thank you, Mr. Wyche, for that. And we will move on to Community Development. Sheriff Wyche says, yes, sir. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, any comments? [No response.] Any questions from the board? [No response.] Is there anyone on line representing Community Development? [No response.] If not, we will move on to Cooperative Extension. [No response.] Treasurer’s Office. Treasurer Cindy Edwards says, yes, I would like to give an update on the collection rates. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Ms. Edwards. Ms. Edwards continues, yes. Good evening. The collection rate at this time as far as Real Estate taxes is at 99.57%. That’s up from 99.55% in March of this year. Personal Property taxes is at a rate of 97.34%, up from 97.32% in April and up from 96.44% in March. The Solid Waste Fee is currently at 79.94%. It is up from 78.99% in April and up from 75.64% in March. Also I have collected $1,462.18 in delinquent meal taxes, which to go back from 2016 to 2019 (and that’s for one particular restaurant). And then another restaurant, I collected $305.79 in delinquent meal taxes from 2019. Thank you.

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Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Ms. Edwards, for that report. Thank you. Ms. Edwards says, you’re welcome. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, does anyone have any questions? [No response.] So we will move on to Solid Waste Quantities. You can see on your screen the quantities from 2013 FY up to the current numbers through April FY 2020. Any comments regarding the numbers that are shown on your screen? Supervisor Cornwell says, I’m surprised it’s not higher, honestly. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Chris. Supervisor Cornwell says, yes, sir. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette continues, I noticed in FY 2019 less than a 200 increase. It seems like it may be comparable with the total of 900 tons in terms of what it looks like for this fiscal year. Mr. Johnson says, if this year is fairly comparable to last year, we should wind up around that 200 mark. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, any comments from our board members? [No response.] Moving on to Blackwater Regional Library. Is there anybody on the call from the regional library, Blackwater Regional Library? [No response.] [To Mr. Johnson] Do you have your report there? On personnel issues. Mr. Johnson says, On Personnel, I just have several items to report, Mr. Chairman. Jasmine Ricks had initially started part-time in the Sheriff’s Office on April 13, and then on May 1 transitioned to full-time. Annual salary $30,418. Stone Baker was hired May 18 in the Sheriff’s Office; annual salary rate $35,213. There were two employees whose positions were reclassified in the Sheriff’s Office, both effective May 1. That’s Mark Howell and Malcolm Hedgepeth. Both annual salaries at $38,822. There was one retirement, effective April 30, in the Sheriff’s Office – Vicki Xinos. And there were two other employees separated in the Sheriff’s Office – Amy Justus (effective May 3) and Tyler Ezzell (effective May 18). Thank you. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, any comments from the board? [No response.] We will move on to Item 6, Financial Matters. Appropriation Resolution. Mr. Johnson? Mr. Johnson says, thank you, Mr. Chairman. In your agenda packages, you see a copy of the regular monthly appropriation resolution attached with provides a total appropriation of $742,278.91. That is comprised of a combination of tax revenues, expenditure refunds, reimbursements, and grants. We have revenues from the sources indicated in the resolution. Mr. Johnson continues, I will point out that the resolution does include $32,007.62 of what we call “new money,” for items that were not originally included in the FY 2020 budget but were subsequently approved by the board. That included $23,202 to upgrade the Children Services Act Coordinator position to full-time (which was approved by the board in December 2019). It includes $7,805.62 for the Newsoms Drainage Project (approved in two separate motions in July and November 2019). And then it included $1,000 for the Southside RAM Clinic (which was approved by the board in February 2020). It also includes an additional $60,000 of new money to cover unforeseen and unbudgeted increases in juvenile detention placements. At the back of that agenda item, you will see an email between Ms. Lowe and the Court Service Unit Director, talking a little bit about how that has come to be and what they are trying to do to minimize those costs moving forward.

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Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, any comments from the board? [No response.] Do I hear a motion to accept the proposed Appropriation Resolution? Supervisor White says, so moved. Supervisor Updike says, second. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, motion made and seconded. Did you get that? Mr. Johnson says, I think it was Mr. White and Ms. Updike. Is that correct? Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, yes. I call for a vote. Mr. Jones? Supervisor Jones says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. White?

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Supervisor White says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Edwards? Chairman Edwards says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Mr. Edwards. Mr. Cornwell? Supervisor Cornwell asks, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Ms. Updike? Supervisor Updike asks, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Mr. Faison? Supervisor Faison asks, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, and I vote yes as well. The motion carries.

Dr. Alan Edwards YES William Hart Gillette YES Christopher Cornwell YES Carl Faison YES Dallas Jones YES Lynda Updike YES Robert White YES

Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette continues, moving on to the next item under Financial Matters is the Bill Lists. Supervisor Jones says, I move the bills be paid. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, the motion has been made by Mr. Jones. Chairman Edwards says, second. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, it has been seconded by Dr. Edwards. I call for the vote. Ms. Updike? Supervisor Updike replies, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Cornwell? Supervisor Cornwell says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Edwards? Chairman Edwards says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. White? Supervisor White says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Jones? Supervisor Jones says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, and Mr. Faison? Supervisor Faison says, yes.

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Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, and I vote yes also. The Board of Supervisors approved the motion to pay the May 2020 bills in the amount of $1,576.09 to be paid by check numbers 200550 through 200863 with a voice vote recorded as follows:

Dr. Alan Edwards YES William Hart Gillette YES Christopher Cornwell YES Carl Faison YES Dallas Jones YES Lynda Updike YES Robert White YES

Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette continues, we will move to the Public Hearing. This first public hearing is for the proposed tax rates for FY 2021. Mr. Johnson, would you care to read that? Mr. Johnson says, I would be glad to do so. As you all recall, we actually had the public hearing on the proposed budget last Tuesday night. But because the tax rates and the water and sewer and solid waste fee are adopted by ordinance, we had to advertise them an extra time in the newspaper, which means that we had to push the Public Hearings over. So this is the first public hearing related to the proposed tax rates. This public hearing is held pursuant to Sections 58.1-3007 through 15.2-1427 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, to solicit public comment on an ordinance imposing the tax levies for the calendar year 2020 or the fiscal year 2021. All levies will be due on or before December 5, 2020. Notice for tonight’s public hearing was published in The Tidewater News on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 and Wednesday, May 13, 2020 as required by law. Upon conclusion of tonight’s public hearing, the board will consider adoption of the proposed ordinance under Agenda Item Number 8B. You will see in your agenda packages the table which shows the proposed tax rates. As you all know, the only changes from FY 2020 is a decrease of one-half of one cent on the Real Estate rate – the General rate/Real Estate rate, the Public Service Corporations, and the rate on Mobile Homes. The rest are just exactly like they were for FY 2020. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Mr. Johnson. I will open the Public Hearing at this point for the proposed tax rate and the proposed water/sewer/solid waste fees. [No response.] Hearing no comments from the public, we will move on to the Consideration of the Adopting the Budget. Mr. Johnson says, technically, we have a second public hearing on water and sewer fees. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, my mistake, I combined them. We’ve got to keep these separate. Okay. At this time, are there any comments on the proposed water/sewer/solid waste fees? [No response.] Any comments on the FY 2021 water/sewer/solid waste fees? [No response.] Chairman Edwards says, I don’t see any problems. I think we need to go with it. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, hearing none, I’ll move to Item 8. A) Adoption of the FY 2021 Annual Budget. Chairman Edwards says, considering the present times, I think this budget is very reasonable and I think it’s the best we can do for the county. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Dr. Edwards, could you repeat that, please? Chairman Edwards says, I said, considering the present times, I think this budget is the best we can do for the county. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Dr. Edwards. Are there any other comments from the board? [No response.] Can I take that as a motion, Dr. Edwards, to accept the proposed budget? Chairman Edwards says, I certainly will, I certainly will as presented.

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Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, is there a second? Supervisor White says, second. Mr. Johnson says, so just as a reminder, Mr. Chairman, I just want to make sure everybody understands. The current budget, the proposed budget, does not have funding for the Franklin-Southampton Concert Association. And as you all know, they submitted comments at the Public Hearing last week. If you all wish to consider restoration of some amount of funding to that organization, to approve the budget you would need to indicate what amount you would like to include for them. Otherwise, if you don’t include an amount, then there would be no funding for that organization. Chairman Edwards asks, is anyone sure if they’re really going to have concerts or not? Supervisor Updike says, that’s what we don’t know. Chairman Edwards says, I don’t know if it would be better to make it as needed, if a concert comes up. I’m not sure. Mr. Johnson says, what they indicated in their comments – and you have a copy of them in your agenda package again tonight – they have postponed two concerts in the current calendar year. And then they also had a series of concerts next year as well. Supervisor White asks, can we approve funding for them if they do? Don’t we have a contingency fund or something like that? Mr. Johnson replies, certainly you’ve got a healthy reserve fund – Supervisor Updike says, I could certainly go along with that. Mr. Johnson continues, that you could certainly reconsider at a later date. You could certainly do that. Supervisor White says, yes, that may be the way to go. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, please restate the motion, please. Supervisor White says, could we make the motion to fund the concerts if they are able to have them? Chairman Edwards says, if you make that as a motion. Supervisor Updike asks, up to how much? $2500 or $3000? Supervisor White says, I don’t know. I guess we would have to discuss it at the time. We’ve got to find out what they want. What was their total budget? Mr. Johnson says, we had originally included $4750 in the initial draft budget. The first budget workshop that you all made revisions, it was reduced down to $3750. Following, it was further reduced down to $0. Supervisor White said, well, I was just thinking we could just help them if they can have it. Like, you know, as Dr. Edwards says, if they don’t have it, we don’t need to fund it. So, we do have to make a motion? [Technical disturbance] Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, we did appropriate the full amount of $4750 for the concert series. What I don’t know is if there is any remainder of that $4750 in their budget. I don’t know that. Chairman Edwards says, Mike, do you know exactly if there was something left?

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Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette adds, that was 2020. Does that answer the question? Chairman Edwards says, what are the sources of their funding? Mr. Johnson says, I do not know the answer to that. Supervisor Updike says, their program that they give out at the concerts list a lot of people who are supporters. Local people. Mr. Johnson says, I believe we have a motion on the floor. I don’t know if it’s been seconded or not. Ms. Lynette Lowe says, no. Mr. Johnson says, what’s more, you have a motion on the floor on the proposed budget as presented. You can vote on that motion first, and then if you want to take any other motions separately. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, we have a motion on the floor to adopt the 2021 budget and seconded. I hereby call the question. Supervisor Updike asks, did you get a second? Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, yes, I believe we did. I believe it was Dr. Edwards and Mr. White. Am I correct on that? Chairman Edwards says, yes, that is correct. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, we have a motion by Dr. Edwards and seconded by Mr. White. Please vote if you approve with your yes vote. Mr. Faison? Supervisor Faison replies, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Jones? Supervisor Jones says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. White? Mr. White says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Edwards? Chairman Edwards says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Cornwell? Supervisor Cornwell says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, and Ms. Updike? Supervisor Updike says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, and I vote yes. The motion is carried.

Dr. Alan Edwards YES William Hart Gillette YES Christopher Cornwell YES Carl Faison YES Dallas Jones YES Lynda Updike YES Robert White YES

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Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, we move, I believe, to 8B. The adoption of the FY 2021 tax rates. Do I hear a motion to accept the tax rates for FY 2021? Chairman Edwards says, I’ll make that motion, please. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Mr. Edwards. Do I hear a second? Supervisor White says, second. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Mr. White, thank you. Let it be known by your yes vote. Ms. Updike? Supervisor Updike says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Cornwell? Supervisor Cornwell says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Edwards? Chairman Edwards says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. White? Supervisor White says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Jones? Supervisor Jones says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, and Mr. Faison? If he can hear me. I don’t know if you can hear me, Mr. Faison, but you have been muted. [No audio response.]

Dr. Alan Edwards YES Christopher Cornwell YES Carl Faison [TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES] Dallas Jones YES Lynda Updike YES Robert White YES

Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, the motion has carried. We will move to the adoption of the FY 2021 Water/Sewer and Solid Waste Fees. We can take them one at a time. Mr. Johnson says, the ordinance is on page 114 of your agendas. They are all on that one ordinance. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, okay. We will take them together – water/sewer/solid waste fees that you find in the fiscal year 2021 budget proposal. Do I hear a motion to accept for the FY 2021? Supervisor Jones says, so moved. Supervisor Faison says, so moved. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Mr. Jones and Mr. Cornwell. Supervisor Cornwell says, I think it’s Mr. Faison. It wasn’t me. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, I think it was Mr. Faison. Supervisor Faison says, I didn’t second that. I made the same motion, but I second it now.

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Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, well, thank you, Mr. Faison. All who approve of the adoption of the water, sewer, and solid waste fees for FY 2021, please say yes. Mr. Faison? [No response.] Mr. Jones? Supervisor Jones says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. White? Supervisor White says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Edwards? Chairman Edwards says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, Mr. Cornwell? Supervisor Cornwell says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, and Ms. Updike? Supervisor Updike says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette asks, I’ll go back to Mr. Faison, if you can hear me. Supervisor Faison says, yes. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Mr. Faison. Supervisor Faison asks, can you hear me? Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, yes.

Dr. Alan Edwards YES Christopher Cornwell YES Carl Faison YES Dallas Jones YES Lynda Updike YES Robert White YES

The motion has passed. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, we’ll move right now to Item #9 on your agenda, Miscellaneous. Mr. Johnson says, the first item, Why the Agendas Are So Light. I just wanted to remind you all the reason that the agendas are so very brief these days. You may remember back when we first talking about this in March. The Virginia Freedom of Information Act provides a very limited exception that allows local governing bodies to meet electronically during declared emergencies. The Attorney General of Virginia issued an official opinion on March 20, providing localities with guidance on electronic meetings. In that opinion, the Attorney General made it very clear that the General Assembly never intended to permit local governing bodies to handle all of their business through electronic communication means, even during a declared emergency, and that electronic meetings should be limited to resolving business that is either urgent or where a failure to act could result in irrevocable public harm. He went on to say that we should very carefully consider whether taking a given action during an electronic meeting is truly essential and advised local governing bodies to defer any and all decisions that can be deferred until such time as it is once again possible to meet in person with open doors. I just wanted to remind you of that in particular as this is the reason that we have deferred all of public hearings associated with land use matters, conditional use permits, and those types of things. A number of applications have been filed that are pending and that we advised Ms. Lewis to hold off advertising notices for public hearings for the Planning Commission. We’ve even got one item that the Planning Commission actually made the recommendation at their March meeting but, of course, we’ve not been able to assemble together since March, so we could

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not advertise the public hearing. So I just wanted to remind you the reason the agenda was so light. It is also to let you know that we’ve got a little bit of a backlog and a lot to catch up on once we are able to meet collectively again. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you, Mr. Johnson. Item B, CARES Act Funding. I’ll ask Mr. Johnson if he will brief us on this funding as regards to what’s been used as a limit in the CARES Act. Mr. Johnson says, as I shared with you by email on May 14, we did recently receive notice from the Secretary of Finance that we’ll be receiving slightly more than $1.5 million of federal assistance under the Federal CARES Act. It is important that everybody recognize that this money can only be used for direct costs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and cannot be used to make up for any budgetary revenue shortfalls. Any money that is not spent prior to December 30 of this year will have to be returned. In addition to that, this $1.5 million also includes the share for the six towns in Southampton County and the appropriation is made based on population, based on the town population. A minimum of $112,738 will be set aside for use by the towns and then the remaining $1,425,500 is available for the county’s use. Mr. Johnson continues, I included in the agenda package an actual copy of Secretary Layne’s notice. It includes 4 pages of guidance from the U.S. Treasury on how these funds may be used. It includes another 8 pages of frequently-asked questions. His notice makes it very clear that since these funds are provided “up front” rather than on a reimbursement basis, that the burden of ensuring that all Coronavirus Relief Fund funds are spent for qualifying purposes falls to the locality. The locality is responsible for maintaining all the necessary documentation to ensure compliance with federal requirements. If the federal government should later determine that a locality has used these funds for purposes that do not qualify, the locality will have to return those funds to the state promptly so that the state can return them to the federal government. So as a condition of receiving these funds, we had to sign a form where we agreed that if we fail to return any funds that the federal government said did not qualify, then the state can use what is called state aid intercept, which means they will reduce the appropriation of revenues to Southampton County by the corresponding amount to cover the expenses that may not have qualified. So the long and the short of this is that it is imperative that we use these funds in a prudent, judicious manner and in a manner which unquestionably meets all of the federal guidelines. Mr. Johnson says, now there has been some speculation, it has not been substantiated, that may consequently allow these funds to be used for local revenue shortfalls or they may otherwise come back with additional funding that can be used for revenue shortfalls. Only time will tell. So for these reasons, I’m suggesting that we proceed very slowly and cautiously. I’m suggesting that you allow your 452 Committee time to put together a plan on how these funds might best be used to assuage local impacts associated with the pandemic. [Technical difficulties] Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, any comments or questions? Supervisor Cornwell says, I have a comment. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, Chris, you and I will have to get together later. We need to set up this plan on how to track and follow through with the best use of these funds. Do you have a comment, Chris? Supervisor Cornwell says, yes, I’m not sure about this or not, but I am just inquiring about what kind of timeframe we might have to work with and when these funds are going to be available to us. Mr. Johnson says, actually, funds will be made available pretty quickly, Mr. Cornwell. We’ve already sent the required form back into the Commonwealth office. The funds transfer will probably take place in the next few weeks. But I would suggest we maybe take the months of June and July to put that plan together. If we’ve got it ready to present to the board in July, that’s fine. Even if it’s August, that should still give us the months of September, October, and November to be able to utilize those funds. Chairman Edwards says, I recommend moving slowly and cautiously with what we have to do.

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Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, any comments on notices, correspondence, or articles of interest? [No response.] Moving on to Late Arriving Matters. Any Late Arriving Matters for the board? [No response.] Mr. Johnson, do you have Late Arriving Matters? Mr. Johnson says, I have nothing. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette, hearing none, do I hear a motion to adjourn? Supervisor White says, so moved. Supervisor Updike says, second. Acting Chairman/Vice Chairman Gillette says, thank you. We are adjourned. I thank you all. Of course, I thank everybody in the citizenry for being on the line and for your participation. I think the next time I may see you. Supervisor Cornwell says, do you think we will be able meet next month? Do you think we will be able to meet in person? Mr. Johnson says, it’s possible. We won’t be able to schedule a Public Hearing. I don’t know if we will have the green light by the time I have to get that notice published. We will just have to sort of wait and see how things work out in the next couple of weeks. With the Commonwealth reopening and assuming there’s no big rebounding in cases, it is possible we could meet in June. There being no further business and with no opposition, the meeting is adjourned at 6:59 p.m. _______________________________________ William Hart Gillette, Acting Chairman _______________________________________ Michael W. Johnson, County Administrator (Clerk)