2 Anger Cleanse

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  • 8/10/2019 2 Anger Cleanse



    Anger Cleanse Anger is a very low vibration feeling stored within ourenergy fields and within the tissues and organs of ourbody. It feels terrible when it is activated within our beingand because of this; we oftentimes resist fully feeling ouranger. When anger arises, if we would give it a fewminutes to be fully felt, without overreacting and

    unleashing it onanother being, wewould release it.However, anger isa scary, overwhelming energy that many of us

    unconsciously resist as a protectivemechanism.

    Though consideredto be apsychologicalproblem, anger is

    related with poorliver function. Mostorgans areconnected to anemotion and liver isthe organconnected toanger. Liver isconsidered as theseat of anger, itstores not only

    your anger but theanger from othersas well. It's themain organresponsible forhandling all of thechemicals cominginto the body.

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    But, if your liver is unable to render a toxin harmless for you, it'll store it for you tokeep it out of your blood. The toxic energy stored will eventually affect the organsfunction and leads to anger problems. (Read Liver Cleanse)

    The emotional life of the body

    The role of accumulated toxicity in the body and liver from diets and lifestyle habitsand its effect on our emotions and behavior has been highly underestimated.

    Modern medicine tends to take a very mechanical view of the body and thephysiological functions of its component organs. However, in traditional medicalsystems, the internal organs were seen as being strongly affected by emotions.

    Liver, Gall Bladder: Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder,which makes these two organs vulnerable to negative choleric emotions like anger,irritability, frustration, resentment, jealousy and envy. These negative cholericemotions are stored in these organs, and can slowly eat away at them if allowed tofester. Anger and rage can explode upwards from the liver into the head, causing alot of havoc in their wake: headaches, migraines; red, sore, bloodshot eyes; andmuscular tension in the neck and shoulders. Nervous and emotional tension andstress, as well as Melancholic emotions like pensiveness and worry, will stagnate theflow of the Natural Force in the liver, which in turn causes nervous, colicky,Melancholic disturbances of the digestive functions. This excess melancholy oftenaccumulates under the lower ribs, giving a stuffy, distended, congested feeling in the

    whole chest and diaphragm area. This is the origin of the term hypochondriac .The proper balance and regulation of our emotional life is an important part of ourdaily hygiene. It's important not only to the health of the mind, but, as we have justseen, to the health of the body, and all its internal organs.

    The state of anger causes physical effects in us as well. The response varies fromperson to person, but some symptoms include teeth grinding, fists clenching,flushing, paling, prickly sensations, numbness, sweating, muscle tensions andtemperature changes.

    The feeling of anger may differ from person to person; women, for example, aremore likely to describe anger slowly building through the body rate, while mendescribe it as a fire or a flood raging within them. Of course, it varies by what'sacceptable in the culture as well: Some Asian cultures may experience anger in amilder way and for a shorter time than Caucasian Americans. Either way, it's muchlike the fight-or-flight response; your body is gearing up for a fight to survive a wrongthat's been perpetrated against you. Chemicals like adrenaline and noradrenalinesurge through the body.

    In the brain, the amygdale , the part of the brain that deals with emotion, is goingcrazy. It wants to do something, and the time between a trigger event and aresponse from the amygdale can be a quarter of a second. But at the same time,

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    blood flow is increasing to the frontal lobe, specifically the part of the brain that's overthe left eye. This area controls reasoning and is likely what's keeping you fromhurling a vase across the room. These areas generally balance each other outquickly; according to some research, the neurological response to anger lasts less

    than two seconds. This is why you get a lot of advice about counting to 10 whenangry.

    Anger is a powerful emotion. If it isnt handled appropriately, it may have destructiveresults for both you and your loved ones. Uncontrolled anger can lead to arguments,physical fights, physical abuse, and assault and self-harm. On the other hand, well-managed anger can be a useful emotion that motivates you to make positivechanges.

    The physical effects

    Anger triggers the bodys fight or flight response. Other emotions that trigger thisresponse include fear, excitement and anxiety. The adrenal glands flood the bodywith stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. The brain shunts blood awayfrom the gut and towards the muscles, in preparation for physical exertion. Heartrate, blood pressure and respiration increase, the body temperature rises and theskin perspires. The mind is sharpened and focused.

    Health problems

    The constant flood of stress chemicals and associated metabolic changes thataccompany recurrent unmanaged anger can eventually cause harm to manydifferent systems of the body. Some of the short and long-term health problems thathave been linked to unmanaged anger include:


    Digestion problems, such as abdominal pain


    Increased anxiety Depression

    High blood pressure

    Skin problems, such as eczema and psoriasis

    Heart attack


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    Unhelpful ways to deal with anger

    Many people express their anger in inappropriate and harmful ways, including:

    Anger explosions some people have very little control over their anger andtend to explode in rages. Raging anger may lead to physical abuse orviolence. A person who doesnt control their temper can isolate themselvesfrom family and friends. Some people who fly into rages have low self-esteem,and use their anger as a way to manipulate others and feel powerful.

    Anger repression some people consider that anger is an inappropriate orbad emotion, and choose to suppress it. However, bottled anger often turnsinto depression and anxiety. Some people vent their bottled anger at innocentparties, such as children or pets.

    Expressing anger in healthy ways

    Suggestions on how to express your anger in healthy ways include:

    If you feel out of control, walk away from the situation temporarily, until youcool down.

    Recognize and accept the emotion as normal and part of life.

    Try to pinpoint the exact reasons why you feel angry.

    Once you have identified the problem, consider coming up with different

    strategies on how to remedy the situation. Do something physical, such as going for a run or playing sport.

    Suggestions for long-term anger management

    The way you typically express anger may take some time to modify. Suggestionsinclude:

    Keep a diary of your anger outbursts, to try and understand how and why youget mad.

    Consider assertiveness training, or learning about techniques of conflictresolution.

    Learn relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga.

    See a counsellor or psychologist if you still feel angry about events thatoccurred in your past.

    Take regular exercise.

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    The benefits of regular exercise in mood management

    People who are stressed are more likely to experience anger. Numerous worldwidestudies have documented that regular exercise can improve mood and reduce stresslevels. The effect may be twofold: physical exertion burns up stress chemicals, and it

    also boosts production of mood-regulating neurotransmitters in the brain, includingendorphins and catecholamine.

    Anger Cleanse

    Deep Breathing

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    Breathing can alter your body's physical state. Relaxation is an important steptowards healing. The simplicity of deep breathing makes this process easier. Inhalethrough the nose and draw as much air as is possible. Once the lungs arecompletely filled, hold the lungs full for a count of 5 (five). After a count of five, exhale

    from the very bottom of your lungs through your mouth. Do this 3 times. To start, thisbreathing should be done three times daily with an increasing count.


    Massage therapy, especially Rolfing (a deepmuscular massage) is a terrific method to helpcleanse muscle and connective tissue whereour 'toxic' issues are stored. Additionally, start aregimen of walking for short distances withdistances increasing as strength returns.

    Healing Sound Technique for Liver and General Wellness

    Smiling Energy and Healing technique

    1. Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit with your hands in your lap (right over left).Connect mentally to the location of the liver because the use of the healing soundand light for the liver will be employed. The better the connection, the quicker theresults will be.

    2. Practice youre breathing as earlier explained. Bring your breath deeply (throughyour nose) to the bottom of your lungs and link up mentally to your liver. As youstart to exhale, tilt your head back with teeth clinched, tongue to the roof of yourmouth.

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    3. Exhale and sub-vocally (heard only internally)say SHHHHH. You may want to orally practicethis sound for a while. The sound is like HUSH.Once you have used this sound for a while, it

    becomes easy to remember.

    4. Repeat this technique at least 4 times. You maydo it as many times as you wish but in multiplesof 3. You are ventilating the toxicity in your liverso the more you practice the greater the results.Practice it also during times of anger and stress.

    The next technique will be coupled with the healing sound. Each organ has anassociated color. The color for the liver is green--bright dark green--like emeraldgreen. We will use two things to impact the liver-the smile-down and healing light.Think of an event in your past that was the funniest thing you've ever experienced.

    Just thinking about this event causes you to laugh. This is the smiling energy you'lluse to help your liver. After doing the healing sound for your liver, begin thisfollowing:

    1. Stand, and walk around for a while.

    2. As you are walking, use your hands and your thoughts to move the energy fromyour liver into your naval area.

    These are some basic techniques that can detox the liver and remove the charge ofanger stored there. With daily practice you'll find the depression lifting and thetriggers that used to key your anger no longer working.

    To solve your anger problems, make some choices

    Do you want to keep doing what you're doing or

    Do you want to learn self-control and have a life that works?

    Do you want to look macho or

    Controlling or

    Do you want to be successful?

    Do you want to be right or be loved?

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    In every case, learning to control your anger and act responsibly will get you more ofwhat you want from life.

    If someone tends to be too argumentative, use behavioral training. Treat him or hervery well as long as he or she's agreeable and will discuss things calmly. If s/he gets

    oppositional and controlling, try to be silent. Do not respond at all. If the persondoesn't stop after a few moments or if she or he gets louder, that may be evidence ofanger management problems. Out of control yelling and bad behavior is actually achildish temper tantrum and it is not necessary to put up with it. Leave on the spot. Ifyoure home, go to another room, or take a walk. If you're dining out, take a taxi,leave money for the bill if there is one, but get out of there. It doesn't matter howimportant the occasion is; it's ruined anyway. Once the person realizes you're notgoing to put up with bad behavior, he or she will hopefully understand it isunacceptable and change it if possible or perhaps even get necessary therapy.

    The person who loses his or her temper looks like the bad guy to everyone else, nomatter who started the problem or who is really at fault. Keeping your cool is a veryimportant social skill. It doesn't matter who's right, who started it or whether it's fair.He (or she) who "loses it" to win an argument actually loses everything instead.

    To get better at controlling your anger, use the following exercise to visualize ascene where you got angry, and replay the tape several times, to get a clear pictureof yourself responding in different ways. When you do this, you are actuallyrehearsing different reactions and giving yourself new options. You always havechoices. You can laugh, walk away, get thoughtful, be afraid, be angry or be

    reasonable.Rewinding the Tape

    1. Imagine a previous angry situation as if its occurring now. Get as clear a pictureof the scene as possible, imagining what people are wearing, what the roomlooks like, etc.

    2. Mentally play the scene as if it's a video, and see how it develops. Don't worry if itplays out according to your worst fears; just watch it as you would any video?

    3. Because this scene didnt go well originally, consider what you'd like to changeabout what you're doing (remember, you can't control the others in the scene, butyou can get them to respond differently by giving them something different torespond to.) Rewind and replay this mental image, trying new ways to handle ituntil you are successful (that is, you handle the situation without losing yourtemper).

    4. Play the tape a few more times, with this successful process and outcome, untilyou feel confident you can do and say what you are visualizing.

    5. Play the tape again and again, visualizing your successful outcome. The moreyou replay it, and practice your new responses, the easier it will be to accessthem in the next discussion.

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    6. You have just reprogrammed your mind to create some new responses to tenseor angry situations, and you'll find these responses are available to you when youneed them. Use this technique any time you're concerned about an upcomingdiscussion or confrontation.

    1. Learn to trust yourself.

    It isnt as bad as you sometimes think it is. As you heal and grow, it will all work out.Relax and trust yourself.

    Repeat that in your mind every morning.Because the truth is, it all works out in theend. Put your full trust in yourself by

    following your intuition and doing your best,and then move forward one step at a timewith faith and confidence in the future. Lifewill not forsake you. Love, persistence and hard work combined rarely lead a personastray in the long run.

    If you have faith in your abilities, if you stay true to the path that feels right, if youchannel your passion into action, you will ultimately achieve a breakthrough. In otherwords, as soon as you trust yourself you will know how to heal and grow.

    2. Focus on what youre learning.

    Mistakes and setbacks are simply a form of practice.

    If the road is easy and free of bumps, youre likely going the wrong way. The bumpsin the road teach you what you need to know to progress down a path that is all yourown. Sometimes things have to go wrong in order to go right. Sometimes you needto change a flat tire or two before you can move on.

    Bottom line: Your journey isnt supposed to be easy, its supposed to be worth it. Tonever struggle is to never grow. There is no perfectly smooth road to anyplace worthgoing.

    3. Ease your expectations.

    Life is under no obligation to give you exactly what you expect. Whatever it is your eseeking will rarely ever come in the form youre expecting. Dont miss the silverlining because you were expecting gold.

    You must see and accept things as they are instead of as you hoped, wished, orexpected them to be. Just because it didnt turn out like you had envisioned, doesntmean it isnt exactly what you need to get to where you ultimately want to go.

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    4. Open up to someone you trust.

    You arent alone; let someone special in when youre in a dark place. You know whothis person is. Dont e xpect them to solve your problems; just allow them to faceyour problems with you. Give them permission to stand beside you. They wont

    necessarily be able to pull you out of the dark place youre in, but the light that spillsin when they enter will at least show you which way the door is.

    Above all, the important thing to remember is that you are not alone. No matter howbizarre or embarrassed or pathetic you feel about our own situation, there issomeone in your life who has dealt with similar emotions and who wants to helpyou. When you hear yourself say, I am alone, its just your insecuri ties trying to sellyou a lie.

    5. Use hope to drive positive action.

    Only in the dark can you see the stars. The stars are hope. Look for them.The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the mostyou can do is live inside that hope as you work for what you want. Do not admirewhat you hope for from a distance, but live right in it. Get deeply involved with thethoughts and activities that keep your hope alive and your intention possible.

    No, hope alone will not save you from despair. Hope empowers you to strive andgrow even when your circumstances are in shambles. The road that is built withhope is more pleasant than the road built in despair, even though they both mayseem to lead you to the same place in the short-term. But it is the positive growthyou attain on your way to this temporary place that will benefit your final destination.

    Its all about balance accepting reality without giving up on what needs to be doneto reach your desired destination in the long run.

    6. Move TOWARDS something instead of AWAY.

    Dont think about eating that chocolate cookie! What are you thinking about now?Eating that chocolate cookie, right? When you concentrate on not thinking aboutsomething, you end up thinking about it.

    The same philosophy holds true when it comes to freeing your mind from a negativepast. By persistently trying to move away from what you dont want, you a re forcedto think about it so much that you end up carrying its weight along with you. But ifyou instead choose to focus your energy on moving toward something you do want,you naturally leave the negative weight behind as you progress forward.

    Bottom line: Instead of concentrating on eliminating the negative, concentrate oncreating something positive (that just happens to replace the negative).

    7. Take a few steps back.

    Everything seems simpler from a distance. Sometimes you simply need to distance

    yourself to see things more clearly.

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    You are more than whatever is troubling you. A very real part of you exists beyondyour worries, beyond your doubts, independent from the troubles and frustrations ofthe present moment. Step back and observe yourself as you experience eachmoment. Be present. Watch yourself as you think, as you take action, as you

    experience emotions. Your body may experience pain, and yet that pain is not you.Your mind may encounter troubles, and yet you are not those troubles.

    Think of the most difficult challenge you face right now. Imagine that its not you, buta close friend who is facing this challenge. What advice would you give her? If youcould step back and, instead of being the subject, look at your situation as anobjective observer, would you look at it any differently? Think of the advice youwould give your friend if your friend were in your shoes. Are you following your ownbest advice right now?

    Dont allow your current troubles to cloud your thinking. Take a few steps back and

    give yourself the benefit of this distance and then give yourself some great advice.8. Give yourself time.

    Take all the time you need. Emotional healing is a process; dont rush yourselfthrough it. Dont let others force you throu gh it either. Moving on doesnt take a day;it takes lots of little steps to be able to break free of your broken past and yourwounded self.

    Take today breath by breath, one step at a time. Never let trouble from the pastmake you feel like you have a bad life now. Just because yesterday was painful

    doesnt mean today will be too. Our wounds are often the openings into the best andmost beautiful part of us. Today you have a choice to explore these parts ofyourself. Give yourself the needed time and permission to explore and heal.

    9. Look for the beginning in every ending.

    A wise man once said, Every new beginning comes from some other beginningsend. Today is a new beginning; treat it that way. Stop thinking about what mighthave been and starting looking at what can be.

    Say to yourself: Dear Past, thank you for all the life lessons you have taught me. Dear Future, I am ready now! Because a great beginning always occurs at theexact moment you thought would be the end of everything.