1st The Hat – by Holly Keller 8 Important Sentences Pam ...

1 st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department The Hat – by Holly Keller 8 Important Sentences ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pam had a hat. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pam ran up. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pam ran down. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dan ran up. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dan ran down. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dan got the hat! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Go, Dan! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Go, Pam! ----------------------------------------------------------------

Transcript of 1st The Hat – by Holly Keller 8 Important Sentences Pam ...

Page 1: 1st The Hat – by Holly Keller 8 Important Sentences Pam ...

1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

The Hat – by Holly Keller

8 Important Sentences


Pam had a hat.


Pam ran up.


Pam ran down.


Dan ran up.


Dan ran down.


Dan got the hat!


Go, Dan!


Go, Pam!


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Sam and the Bag – by Alison Jeffries

7 Important Sentences


Max ran in the bag.


Hap ran in the bag.


Sam ran up the bag.


Sam ran down the bag.


Can Sam go in?


Yes, Sam can go in!


Oh, Sam!


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Ants – by Jonathan Zea

8 Important Sentences


Look at the big hill.


What is in it?




Ants make big homes.


They walk and walk.


They dig and dig.


They lift and lift.


Ants go in the hill.


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Jack and Rick – by David McPhail

Ten Important Sentences


Jack and Rick want to play.


Can Jack pick up the log?


It’s too big!


Can Rick help Jack?


Rick can pass the rope.


Can Rick walk to Jack?


Oh, no!


Can Jack help Rick?


Yes, Jack can help.


Now Jack and Rick can play!


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Todd’s Box – by Paula Sullivan

Ten Important Sentences -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Look, Mom!


I can dig in the sand.


Not now, Todd.


I am on the rocks.


Hop off, Todd.


The ant is so fast.


Don’t pick it up, Todd.


Here’s a gift for you.


Look in and see.


It’s a box of surprises!


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

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All That Corn – by Lucy Floyd

Ten Important Sentences


Look at all that corn!


It’s as tall as a wall!


Pick all the corn.


Where will the corn go?


The corn is in cans.


Where will the corn go?


We can buy corn at the store.


The corn is at home.


Pop! Pop! Pop! --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Look at all that corn!


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Dan’s Pet – by Alma Flor Ada

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dan held a small baby chick.


It was soft in his hands.


“I’ll call her Jen,” said Dan.


Dan helped with Jen.


Dan fed Jen every day.


Jen got very big!


One day, Dan didn’t see Jen.


“Jen is in here,” said Mama.


“Look at her eggs.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------

“Now I will have lots of pets!”


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Boots for Beth – by Lisa Campbell Ernst

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Beth was sad.


“My red boots don’t fit,” she cried.


“Could you use my boots?” asked Meg.


“They are too big,” said Beth.


“Could you use my pink boots?” asked Liz.


“Too soft,” said Beth.


Beth still felt sad.


Her friends all felt bad.


They got a big surprise for Beth. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

“New red boots!” said Beth.


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Space Pup – by Robert Cooker

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gus the Pup rests all day.


Gus can not rest at night.


Gus is Space Pup!


Space Pup helps people.


He says, “The bus is stuck in the mud!”


“Help us, Space Pup!”


“Hand me your rope,” says Space Pup.


“I’ll get the bus out of the mud,” says Space Pup.


“You did it, Space Pup!” they yell. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Space Pup helps people at night, but when the sun comes up,

Gus the Pup rests all day.


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Where Do Frogs Come From? – by Alex Vern

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Frogs come from small eggs.


A tadpole pops out of an egg.


A tadpole has to swim fast or a fish could eat it!


It looks for plants in the pond.


It eats the plants and grows a lot.


It grows two strong back legs.


They help the tadpole kick fast and swim.


Now the tadpole is a big strong frog.


Its long tail is gone, so it can hop.


It eats lots of bugs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Try Your Best – by Robert McKissack

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

“It’s Sports Day,” said Mr. York.


“Oh, no!” said Ann.


“Just try your best, Ann,” said Mr. York.


“You helped us score.”


“Next you will climb the rope,” said Mr. York.


“Now, it’s time to run a race.”


“Oh, no!” said Mr. York.


“Just try your best!” said Ann.


Just then he saw a big frog.


“I did my best!” said Mr. York. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

I Am a Butterfly – by Stephen Swinburne

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

I’m a little butterfly egg.


It’s time for me to hatch.


Now I’m a caterpillar!


I need food so I can grow.


Soon I will shed my skin.


At last I am a chrysalis.


Then my snug home cracks, and out I come!


I am an insect.


My wings help me fly.


I am a beautiful butterfly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Did You See Chip? – by Wong Herbert Yee

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

I wish I had friends here in the city.


Let’s take Chip for a walk.


Stop, Chip! Come back!


Did you see my dog, Chip?


I think he ran to the park.


I think he ran to the swings.


I think he ran out of the park.


Isn’t that the little black dog with the yip-yip bark?


He didn’t get lost at all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yes, Chip and I now have some new friends in the

city! --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Tomás Rivera– by Jane Medina

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tomás Rivera was born in Texas.


Tomás and his family went from farm to farm picking

crops. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

“Come quick, children!” Grandpa called.


“You tell the best stories!” Tomás said.


“This is a library,” said Grandpa.


“Read all you can, Tomás.”


Tomás started thinking of stories all by himself.


Then he started writing them.


Tomás Rivera’s stories tell about people picking crops,

just as his family did. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Now his name is on a big library.


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

On the Way to the Pond – by Angela Shelf Medearis

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

One day, Tess Tiger went to visit Herbert Hippo.


Herbert packed a big basket for a picnic at the pond.


“I’ll bring these four very important things.”


All of a sudden, Herbert felt sick.


“Sit under my umbrella,” said Tess.


All of a sudden Herbert stopped and cried, “Oh, no! I

forgot the basket!” --------------------------------------------------------------------------

She found the picnic basket and turned to go back.


She was lost!


“It’s a good thing I dropped these rocks,” she said.


“Here I am!” cried Herbert. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Friends Forever – by Ann Morris

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

We are good friends.


We play together.


We walk together and talk together.


We help each other.


Sometimes we just like being together.


My granddad is my friend.


Pets can have friends.


School is a good place for friends.


We can share books and a smile.


Good friends are great! --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

The Fox and the Stork – Retold by Gerald McDermott

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Long ago there was a fox who lived in the forest.


Fox liked to play tricks on his friends.


“Would you like to come to my house for dinner?” Fox

asked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

“Come in,” said Fox.


Stork couldn’t eat from the flat dish.


Stork was still hungry, but she didn’t complain.


The next day, Fox rowed his boat to Stork’s house.


Stork served the soup in a tall jar.


Fox couldn’t get a drop. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

At last Fox saw that being kind to others is the right

thing to do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

A Bed Full of Cats – by Holly Keller

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Flora is Lee’s cat.


Flora sleeps on Lee’s bed.


One night Lee had a bad dream.


He wanted Flora.


He moved his feet, but Flora didn’t jump on them.


Lee didn’t know where Flora was.


If only Flora would come back!


No one found Flora, and she didn’t come home.


Then one night Lee felt something on his bed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

There was Flora --- with four kittens! --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Me on the Map – by Joan Sweeney

12 Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is me in my room.


This is me on the map of my room.


This is my room on the map of my house.


This is my house on the map of my street.


This is my street on the map of my town. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is my town on the map of my state. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is my state on the map of my country.


This is my country on a map of the world.


Just think…in rooms, in houses, on streets, in towns,

in countries all over the world, everybody has their

own special place on the map. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Just like me on the map.


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

At Home Around the World – by Lucy Floyd

Ten Important Sentences


All people need shelter.


A house is a shelter.


Houses in different parts of the world are different. --------------------------------------------------

People make shelters from things around them.


Other people made homes that would last.


In hot places, people baked clay bricks in the sun.


In the far north, people made shelters from big

blocks of snow! --------------------------------------------------

People made houses from other things, too.


Some houses today are like houses from the past.


All around the world, we see all sorts of houses!


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Tell Me a Story – by Alma Flor ADA

Ten Important Sentences


“Tell me a story, Abuelita,” said Camila.


“Tell me about when you were a little girl.”


“When I was a little girl, my family did not own a

car.” --------------------------------------------------

“We had to use coal to cook.”


“We liked to jump rope on the sidewalk.”


“What did you like most when you were young,

Abuelita?” --------------------------------------------------

“I let my dreams fly with the kites.”


“What I liked most of all was the river in back of my Abuelita’s house.” --------------------------------------------------

“I wished I could sail all the way to the sea.” --------------------------------------------------

“I think we will sail, Camila.”


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

My Robot – by Eve Bunting

Ten Important Sentences


I got a new robot for my birthday.


I call him Cecil.


Playing tag is not the best thing my robot can do.


Helping Mr. Spencer is not the best thing my robot can do.


Doing tricks is not the best thing my robot can do.


Playing hide-and-seek is not the best thing my robot can do.


“Cecil’s cakes are pretty good,” I say, “but that is still not

the best thing my robot can do.”


“This must be the best thing Cecil can do,” says Dad.


“Even cleaning my room is not the best thing my robot can do.”


“The very best thing my robot can do is be my friend!”


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

On the Job with Dr. Martha Smith

Ten Important Sentences


Dr. Martha Smith is a vet at an animal shelter.


Come and meet a special cat.


Will she find a home?


Dr. Smith heard loud barking outside.


I will check them to see if they are healthy.


Jake is fine, but Puffy is sick.


We get more cats than anything.


People need to think about what kind of pet they can

take care of before they get one. -------------------------------------------------

I’m glad about Jake and Muffin. -------------------------------------------------

Now Puffy and Jake can be together! --------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

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Little Bear’s Friend

Ten Important Sentences


Little Bear sat in the top of a high tree.


He shut his eyes, and let the wind brush him.


He climbed all the way down, and there he saw a little girl.


“I think I am lost,” said the little girl.


“Oh, yes,” said Little Bear, “I could see the river.”


They walked along eating cookies and talking, and soon they

came to the river.


“I see our tent,” said Emily, “and my mother and father.”


He hugged Mother Bear and said, “Do you know what I just



I saw a little girl named Emily. She was lost so I helped her

to get home.


And now I have a new friend.


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Busy Buzzy Bee – by Karen Wallace

Ten Important Sentences


Busy Bee has work to do.


Busy Bee lands on a flower.


Busy Bee laps up the nectar with her long, narrow

tongue. --------------------------------------------------

The pollen sticks to Busy Bee’s furry body.


Her dance shows the other workers the way to find

the flower nectar. --------------------------------------------------

Inside the hive, the bees make cells.


The queen bee lays a thousand eggs every day.


When the grubs are nine days old she seals their cells

with waxy covers. --------------------------------------------------

In twelve days they change from grubs to bees.


They find the garden full of flowers. --------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

The Story of a Blue Bird – by Tomek Bogacki

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------

A little blue bird was born in the nest of a big tree. --------------------------------------------------

“Why don’t you go and learn how to fly with your

brother and sister?” --------------------------------------------------

“But I am still a little bit afraid,” the blue bird

answered. --------------------------------------------------

“Mama, Mama, what is out there?” he asked.


“Nothing,” she said. --------------------------------------------------

“Nothing, nothing, where is this nothing?” the little

blue bird thought as he walked away from his nest in

the big tree. --------------------------------------------------

“Oh! Come with me,” said the green bird.


And the little blue bird forgot that he was afraid of

flying. --------------------------------------------------

“What happened to make you fly so well?” asked his

mother. --------------------------------------------------

“Nothing,” said the blue bird, happily fluttering his

wings. --------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

Frog and Toad All Year: The Corner – by Arnold Lobel

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------

“Son, this is a cold, gray day but spring is just around

the corner.” --------------------------------------------------

I went around the cornet to see if spring was on the

other side. --------------------------------------------------

There was only a pine tree, three pebbles and some

dry grass. --------------------------------------------------

Soon I came to another corner.


“There was only an old worm asleep on a tree stump.”


“I was tired,” said Frog, “and it started to rain.”


“I went back home. When I got there,” said Frog, “I

found another corner.” --------------------------------------------------

“I went around that corner, too,” said Frog.


“I saw the sun coming out,” said Frog.


I had found the corner that spring was just around.


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

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Fishing Bears – by Ruth Berman

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------

Alaskan brown bears live near water.


They have small ears, small eyes, and a big long nose.


Cubs stay with their mothers for one to three years.


Brown bears eat both plants and animals.


Brown bears look for fish in rivers.


Alaskan brown bears also eat clams.


Alaskan brown bears get ready for winter by eating a

lot. --------------------------------------------------

Brown bears stay in dens for most of the winter.


When bears hibernate, they are in a deep sleep.


In the spring, bears leave their dens to look for food. --------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

How to Be a Nature Detective – by Millicent E. Selsam

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------

Nature detectives find tracks and clues that answer

these questions: What animal walked here? Where did

it go? What did it do? What did it eat? --------------------------------------------------

You can find tracks in many places – in mud, in snow,

in sand, in dust, even on the sidewalk or on the floor. --------------------------------------------------

A cat has four feet and sharp claws.


But the tracks of his hind feet fall exactly on the

tracks of his front feet. --------------------------------------------------

They look like the footprints of an animal with only

two feet. --------------------------------------------------

A cat pulls his claws in when he walks. --------------------------------------------------

So he does not leave claw marks. --------------------------------------------------

A nature detective can find many clues on a sandy

beach. --------------------------------------------------

A nature detective learns to look and listen – and

smell. --------------------------------------------------

She can find clues in a backyard, in the woods, or in

a city park. --------------------------------------------------

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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

Mesa Public Schools / English Language Acquisition Department

The Puddle – by David McPhail

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------

It was a rainy day. --------------------------------------------------

She said, “Okay, but you stay out of the puddles.”


I got dressed in my rain boots and coat, and went to

sail my boat in the largest puddle I could find. --------------------------------------------------

Then he jumped onto my boat and sailed away.


Then an alligator offered to help. --------------------------------------------------

So the alligator swam out to take my boat away from

the frog. --------------------------------------------------

But the boat looked different than it did before.


Next, a pig wanted to swim in the puddle.


Before long, a thirsty elephant showed up. --------------------------------------------------

She left, and when the sun started to come out, the

other animals left, too. --------------------------------------------------

I took my boat home.


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

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Poppleton Everyday – by Cynthia Rylant

Twelve Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------

One day Poppleton decided to buy a new bed.


So Poppleton went to the bed store.


Poppleton followed the saleslady to the biggest bed in the



The saleslady brought Poppleton a book.


“Do you want to buy the bed?” she asked Poppleton.


The saleslady brought Poppleton a TV.


“Do you want the bed?” she asked Poppleton.


“I always wake up to bluebirds,” said Poppleton.


The saleslady went outside and got three bluebirds to come in

and sing to Poppleton.


“Now do you want the bed?” asked the saleslady.


“Certainly!” said Poppleton.


And he picked up the book, the crackers, the bluebirds, and

the bed, and happily went home.


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

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Sleep is For Everyone – by Paul Showers

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------

Like birds and animals, people have to sleep.


When people are little, they are growing, and they

need a lot of sleep. --------------------------------------------------

Every part of your body has to rest after it does its

work. --------------------------------------------------

Your brain works hard, too.


When you are awake, it helps you pay attention to the

world around you – to the sights you see and the

sounds you hear, and to the things you taste and smell

and feel. --------------------------------------------------

At night your brain needs a rest from the thinking. --------------------------------------------------

Sleep is the time when part of your brain takes a

rest. --------------------------------------------------

Sometimes it is hard to go to bed. --------------------------------------------------

Most of the time I go to bed when my parents tell

me. --------------------------------------------------

Soon I stop thinking. I am asleep.


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1st grade Harcourt Trophies: Ten Important Sentences

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Baboon – by Kate Banks

Ten Important Sentences --------------------------------------------------

Baboon opened his sleepy eyes. --------------------------------------------------

“Look,” said his mother. “That is the world.” --------------------------------------------------

Baboon watched and waited for the turtle to pass. --------------------------------------------------

“The world is slow,” he said.


At the edge of the great forest, a fire burned in the

bush. --------------------------------------------------

“The world is hot!” he said. --------------------------------------------------

“Careful,” said Baboon’s mother. --------------------------------------------------

“The world is hungry,” he said.


Baboon took his mother’s hand, and they started

across a field. --------------------------------------------------

When he awoke, the sun was going down.


“The world is dark,” he said. --------------------------------------------------

“Yes,” said his mother softly. “The world is big.”
