1st Review Report(2)

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  • 8/3/2019 1st Review Report(2)


    Submitted to



    (Approved by AICTE & Affiliated with GGIPU, Delhi)www.bciit.ac.in

    MCA 3rd-YEAR

    5th SEMESTER

    P roject M anager Submitted by

    Ms. Pooja Dhanrajani Parul Dua(0701114408)

    Mrs. Sushma Bahuguna

  • 8/3/2019 1st Review Report(2)


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  • 8/3/2019 1st Review Report(2)



  • 8/3/2019 1st Review Report(2)


    Title of the Project : To test the Project ONLINE JOB HUNTING.

    Problem Definition:

    This website can be used by both recruiter as well as applicant. It allowsapplicant to create their account and then update their resume. Applicant canalso search the jobs. Recruiters can post for jobs according to theirrequirements.

    Features of this project:

    Facilitate job search.

    Facilitate company so that it can search for best candidates available.

    Help candidates to fetch a right job.

    User can search for different options available.

    User can do on-line resume posting etc.

    User can use search engine to look for different vacancies, facilities

    available etc.

    User can do apply for job on-line.

    User can download different forms etc.

    These all are the features of this project which needs to be tested to ensure that it

    works correctly.


    Software testing has its own life cycle that meets every stage of the SDLC. The

    software testing life cycle diagram can help one visualize the various software testinglife cycle phases. They are

    1. Test Planning

    2. Test Analysis

    3. Test Design

    4. Test Verification and Construction

    5. Test Execution

    6. Result Analysis

    7. Bug Tracking

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    8. Final Testing and Implementation


    Test Planning

    Test planning is predetermining a plan well in advance to reduce further risks.

    Without a good plan, no work can lead to success be it software-related or

    routine work. A test plan document plays an important role in achieving a

    process-oriented approach. Once the requirements of the project are

    confirmed, a test plan is documented. The test plan structure is as follows:

    1. Introduction: This describes the objective of the test plan.

    2. Test Items The items that are referred to prepare this document will be listed

    here such as SRS, project plan.

    3. Features to be tested: This describes the coverage area of the test plan, ie. thelist of features that are to be tested that are based on the implicit and explicitrequirements from the customer.

    4. Features not to be tested: The incorporated or comprised features that can be

    skipped from the testing phase are listed here. Features that are out of scope of

    testing, like incomplete modules or those on low severity eg. GUI features that

    don't hamper the further process can be included in the list.

    5. Approach: This is the test strategy that should be appropriate to the level of

    the plan. It should be in acceptance with the higher and lower levels of the


    6. Item pass/fail criteria: Related to the show stopper issue. The criterion which

    is used has to explain which test item has passed or failed.

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    7. Suspension criteria and resumption requirements: The suspension criterion

    specifies the criterion that is to be used to suspend all or a portion of the

    testing activities, whereas resumption criterion specifies when testing can

    resume with the suspended portion.

    8. Test deliverable: This includes a list of documents, reports, charts that are

    required to be presented to the stakeholders on a regular basis during testingand when testing is completed.

    9. Testing tasks: This stage is needed to avoid confusion whether the defects

    should be reported for future function. This also helps users and testers to

    avoid incomplete functions and prevent waste of resources.

    10.Environmental needs: The special requirements of that test plan depending on

    the environment in which that application has to be designed are listed here.

    11.Responsibilities: This phase assigns responsibilities to the person who can be

    held responsible in case of a risk.

    12. Staffing and training needs: Training on the application/system and training

    on the testing tools to be used needs to be given to the staff members who are

    responsible for the application.13.Risks and contingencies:This emphasizes on the probable risks and various

    events that can occur and what can be done in such situation.

    14.Approval: This decides who can approve the process as complete and allow

    the project to proceed to the next level that depends on the level of the plan.

    Test Analysis

    Once the test plan documentation is done, the next stage is to analyze what types of

    software testing should be carried out at the various stages of SDLC.

    Test Design

    Test design is done based on the requirements of the project documented in the SRS.

    This phase decides whether manual or automated testing is to be done. In automation

    testing, different paths for testing are to be identified first and writing of scripts has to

    be done if required. There originates a need for an end to end checklist that covers all

    the features of the project.

    Test Verification and Construction

    In this phase test plans, the test design and automated script tests are completed.

    Stress and performance testing plans are also completed at this stage. When the

    development team is done with a unit of code, the testing team is required to helpthem in testing that unit and reporting of the bug if found. Integration testing and bug

    reporting is done in this phase of the software testing life cycle.

    Test Execution

    Planning and execution of various test cases is done in this phase. Once the unit

    testing is completed, the functionality of the tests is done in this phase. At first, top

    level testing is done to find out top level failures and bugs are reported immediately to

    the development team to get the required workaround. Test reports have to be

    documented properly and the bugs have to be reported to the development team.

    Result AnalysisOnce the bug is fixed by the development team, i.e after the successful execution of

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    the test case, the testing team has to retest it to compare the expected values with the

    actual values, and declare the result as pass/fail.

    Bug Tracking

    This is one of the important stages as the Defect Profile Document (DPD) has to be

    updated for letting the developers know about the defect. Defect Profile Documentcontains the following

    1. Defect Id: Unique identification of the Defect.

    2. Test Case Id: Test case identification for that defect.

    3. Description: Detailed description of the bug.4. Summary: This field contains some keyword information about the bug, which

    can help in minimizing the number of records to be searched.

    5. Defect Submitted By: Name of the tester who detected/reported the bug.

    6. Date of Submission: Date at which the bug was detected and reported.

    7. Build No.: Number of test runs required.

    8. Version No.: The version information of the software application in which thebug was detected and fixed.

    9. Assigned To: Name of the developer who is supposed to fix the bug.

    10. Severity: Degree of severity of the defect.

    11.Priority: Priority of fixing the bug.12. Status: This field displays current status of the bug.

    The contents of a bug well explain all the above mentioned things.


    Test automation is the use of software to control the execution of tests, the

    comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes, the setting up of test

    preconditions, and other test control and test reporting functions. Commonly, test

    automation involves automating a manual process already in place that uses a

    formalized testing process.

    TOOL USED:I will use HP QuickTest Professional tool to perform automation testing. HP

    QuickTest Professional is automated testing software designed for testing varioussoftware applications and environments. It performs functional and regression testing

    through a user interface such as a native GUI or web interface. It works by identifying

    the objects in the application user interface or a web page and performing desired

    operations (such as mouse clicks or keyboard events); it can also capture object

    properties like name or handler ID. HP QuickTest Professional uses a VBScript

    scripting language to specify the test procedure and to manipulate the objects and

    controls of the application under test.

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    1:-Logo of the company must be placed at the top left of the


    1.1 Login Window must be placed at the right Navigation of the


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    1.2 Username

    1.2.1 Username should not be left blank.

    1.2.2 Username must be more then 4 character and less then

    10 character.

    1.2.3 It should not accept special character.

    1.2.4 No case sensitive.

    1.2.5 Space is allowed.

    1.2.6 Username must not take in numeric form e.g. 0123.

    1.3 Password

    1.3.1 Password should not be left blank.

    1.3.2 Password is case sensitive.

    1.3.3 Special characters are not to be taken.

    1.3.4 Password must be more then 5 character and less then

    10 character.

    1.3.5 Password must be in encrypted form

    1.3.6 Password must not be copied.

    1.4 Buttons

    1.4.1 Login & Reset buttons should be enabled on the


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    1.4.2 Radio Buttons

    Is applicant & is recruiter radio buttons must be enabled

    on the website.


    1.5.1 New applicant login here & New recruiter login here

    both text are enabled on the website.

    2. A Google search window must be placed at the left

    Navigation of the web site.

    2.1 Text box

    2.1.1 The text box must be enabled.

    2.2 Search button

    2.2.1 Search button must be enabled.

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    3. The headline (Title) of the application (company) must be

    placed at the middle of the Website.

    4. A marquee tag must be running on the website.

    4.1 In marquee tag view details should be enabled.

    6. When we enter Valid user name & Password

    with the Is Applicant field and click on Loginbutton then browser open the related sub pagewith all related information about the applicant.

    In that page.

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    6.1 URL of the application must be highlighted on the left


    6.2 The headline (Title) of the application (company name)

    must be placed at the middle of the Website.

    6.3 A logo of the company must be placed top left navigation on

    the IS Applicant window.

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    6.4 Welcome message must be highlighted top of the


    6.5 Logout button must be placed top right of the application.

    6.5.1 It should be enabled.

    6.5.2 When we click on the logout button then it should beaccess the login page.

    6.6 Changing logo must be placed left navigation of the


    6.6.1 Changing logo must be changed after some time.

    6.7 Job search field must be placed top right of the application.

    6.7.1 When we click on the Search job field then it must be

    open the related field.

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    6.7.2 URL must placed top left of the application.

    6.7.3 Welcome field must highlighted top of the application.6.7.4 Logout button must be enabled & when we click on the

    logout button then login window must be appears.

    6.7.5 Changing logo must be placed left navigation.

    6.7.6 Enter Key skill must be accepted.

    6.7.7 Job location must be highlighted on the application. Dropdown button must be enabled.

    6.7.8 Experience must be enabled.

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    16/36 Dropdown list must be enabled.

    6.7.9 When we click on the search button then it must find thenew jobs. When we click search button then it find the

    related job.

    6.7.10 Logout button should be enabled. When we click on the logout button it should

    Show logout successful and click here login again.

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    6.7.11 When we enter all correct information in the search job

    field it show information.

    6.7.12 When we click on the view details then it appears the full

    information regarding his requirement. When click on the view details then it appears the

    window regarding User information.

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    6.7.13 Apply button must be enabled. It should be placed bottom of the navigation.

    6.7.14 When we click on the Reset button then main page must


    6.7.15 When we click on the apply button then it must be

    appears the window.

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    19/36 In this field we enter the Email address. In this field we enter the copy of Email address. Here we enter the sub of the text. When we click on the text boxes then it send msg

    success fully.

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    When we click on this text box then it is back on the main page.

    6.7.16 When we click on the Reset button then it must be back

    on the search job.

    6.7.17 History of job applied job must be enabled

    and give information regarding job history.

    6.7.18 When click on the change password

    /Collapse then it must be changed the password /

    collapse & open the related page.

    6.7.19 when we select the skill collapse then key

    skills should be open. Here we select key skills like c,c+

    +,java, etc.

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    6.7.20 Upload new resume collapse. Browser field should be enabled. When we click on the browser field it

    should demand current CV.

    6.7.21 User name field must be highlighted.

    6.7.22 Company name field must be highlighted.

    6.7.23 Designation of the employ should highlight.

    6.7.24 Experiences field must be enabled.

    6.7.25 Month field should be enabled.

    6.7.26 Droop don list must be enabled.6.7.27 Month field should be enabled.

    6.7.28 Drop down list must be enabled.

    6.7.29 EDIT button should be enabled.

    7.When we enter correct username & Passwordwith the Is Recruiter field and click on Login

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    button then browser open the related sub pagewith all related information about the applicant onthat page.

    7.1 Logo of the application must be at the top left

    of the website.

    7.2 Title of the website must be placed at the topcentre of the website.

    7.3Url of the Job search website must be placed atthe left navigation.

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    7.4 Logout must be enabled on the form.

    7.5 A changing logo of every website like msn hot

    mail, yahoo.com etc are placed on the leftnavigation of the website.

    7.6 A welcome field of the applicant must be


    7.7 Information about the recruiter must be


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    7.8 Admin /recruiter must be placed on the leftnavigation of the website.

    7.8.1. Admin /recruiter must be enabled on

    the form. When we click on the (+) sign of

    admin/recruiter history then the subfoldersappears. The subfolders are History, Search;

    new jobs .The subfolders in History field areenabled.

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    25/36 Posted Jobs history shows the complete

    information about the recruiter.

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    26/36 Received Job history show the currentoffered job by the company.

    7.8.3. When we click on the search (-) sign of

    admin/recruiter then the subfolders appears.

    The subfolders are History, Search; newjobs .The subfolders of Search field areenabled.

    - Search resume must be enabled.

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    27/36 When we click on search resume folder

    then a window appears of search CV. Designation of the employ should be

    entered. Experiences field must be enabled. In the Minimum experience must be

    interred & Drop down list must be appearing. In the maximum experience must be

    interred & Drop down list must be appearing. Key skill must select & Drop down list

    must be appearing. User name field must be entered. Phone Number. It can not accept blank space. This field can not be blank. Company name field must be


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    28/36 Submit button. Submit button must be enabled. It should be placed middle bottom of the

    application. Re- set button. Re-set button must be enabled. It should be placed middle bottom of theapplication. When we click on the search new jobs(-) sign of admin/recruiter then the subfolders

    appears. The subfolders are Search; new jobs.The subfolders of Search field are enabled.

    - Search New job post must be enabled. Designation of the employ should be

    entered. Company name field must be entered.

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    29/36 In the experience field must be enteredyear & Drop down list must be appearing. In the month field must be interred &

    Drop down list must be appearing. Key skill must select & Drop down list

    must be appearing. Job description must enter in the text

    box. Expiry date must select & date format

    must be appearing. Submit button. Submit button must be enabled. It should be placed middle bottom of theapplication. Re- set button. Re-set button must be enabled. It should be placed middle bottom of the


    8. New Applicant registration.

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    New Applicant registration

    Login Information :

    8.1. User Name should not be left blank.

    8.2. User Name must be more than 5 to 10characters.

    8.3. It should not accept special characters.8.4. It should not accept numeric like.0123.8.5. Spaces are allowed.

    8.6 Password

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    8.6.1 Password should not be blank.

    8.6.2 Password must be 5 to 10 characters.8.6.3 Password must be in encrypted form.8.6.4

    Password should be case sensitive.8.6.5 It should take special character.

    8.6.6 It should not copy.8.6.7Re -Type Password

    8.6.8 Password should not be blank.8.6.9 Password must be 5 to 10 characters.

    8.7 Member Information.

    8.7.1 Agent Name should not be blank.8.7.2 D.O.B. field should not be blank.

    8.7.3 Education field should not be blank.8.7.4 Job Role must be entered.

    8.7.5 Key skills must be selected.8.7.6 Experience field should not be blank.

    8.7.7 Current company name must enter.8.7.8 Current designation must be entered. CV field must attach.

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    32/36 Browse text must be visible.

    8.8. E-mail field can not take space, & it can be


    8.8.1. Permanent address must be entered.

    8.8.2. Phone number must be interne, it is amandatory field.

    8.8.3. Accept my account text is must bevisible bottom middle.

    8.9The headline (Title) of the application (company) must be

    placed at the middle of the Website.

    8.10A logo of Yahoo! must be placed at the left Navigation ofthe web site.

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    9. When we click on the new Recruiter login herethen Recruiter information window must be


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    9.1. URL of the application must place top left of thenavigation.

    9.2. Logo must be placed top left of the navigation.

    9.3. Title of the company must be placed top middle ofapplication.9.4. Changing logo must be placed left side of thenavigation.9.5. When click on the "logout button then it must beaccess the login window.

    9.6. User Name should not be left blank.

    9.7. User Name must be more than 5 to 10

    characters.9.8. It should not accept special characters.

    9.9. It should not accept numeric value like, 0123.9.10. Spaces are allowed in User name field.

    9.11. It can not accept less than five characters or more than ten


    9.12 Password9.12.1. Password should not be blank.9.12.2. Password must be 5 to 10 characters.

    9.12.3. Password must be in encrypted form.

    9.12.4. Password should be case sensitive.

    9.12.5. It should not take special character.

    9.12.6. It should not copy.

    9.13 Re -Type Password9.13.1. Password should not be blank.9.13.2. Password must be 5 to 10 characters.

    9.13.3. Re-type password must same as original password.

    9.14. E_mail address.

    9.14.1. It can not accept blank space.

    9.14.2. It accepts valid email address.

    9.15. Contact Number.9.15.1. It can not accept blank space.

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    9.15.2. This field can not be blank.

    9.15.3. It can not accept less than ten characters & more than



    9.16 Validation of Start date.

    9.16.1. This field cannot be blank.

    9.16.2. When we click on the start date, and then must be

    open for the same date calendar.

    9.16.3 It can not accept back date.

    9.17. Validation of Expiry date.

    9.17.1. This field can not be blank.

    9.17.2. It can not accept character.9.17.3. When we click on the end date, and then must be

    open for the same date calendar.

    10. Submit button.10.1. Submit button must be enabled.

    10.2 It should be placed middle bottom of the

    application.11. Re- set button.

    11.1. Re-set button must be enabled.

    11.2 It should be placed middle bottom of theapplication.

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