1st Pillar To Success

The Ryan Nickel Co. © 2009 www.RyanNickelCo.com 1 st Pillar to Success: Improving Communication with Yourself Presented by:


Work on mastering your personal psychology through NLP

Transcript of 1st Pillar To Success

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The Ryan Nickel Co. © 2009 www.RyanNickelCo.com

1st Pillar to Success: Improving Communication

with Yourself

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The Ryan Nickel Co. © 2009 www.RyanNickelCo.com

I believe firmly that we’re created in the image of God and have all the divine potential with in us to become like Him someday. We’re born into this world in his likeness to become like Him. If He’s a creator of worlds and we’re in his image and likeness, how come we’re not creating the world we want around us? I believe that we too are to become creators – creators of our own lives and destinies. I feel that far too often we just sit by and wait for life to happen instead of living the life we create. I once heard it said that we’re born to succeed or to be successful but are programmed by others to remain where we are. That’s where I come in. I help re-program people for success. As a trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming I teach, train and assist others to re-program their lives to be successful in ALL areas of their lives. It doesn’t matter whether you want to improve your athletic performance, relationships, income level or just plain old ability to influence others for good. It’s all the same. You use the same neurological process to achieve the same results. One of the ways that I help others to do that is to help them to improve the communication with themselves, with others and the way their business communicates with its market. First let me give you a definition of NLP: Neuro: The nervous system (the mind), through which

our experience is processed via five senses:

• Visual • Auditory • Kinesthetic • Olfactory • Gustatory

Linguistic: Language and other nonverbal communication

systems through which our neural representations are coded, ordered and given meaning. Includes:

• Pictures • Sounds • Feelings • Tastes • Smells • Words (self talk)

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Programming: The ability to discover and utilize the programs that we run (our communication to ourselves and others) in our neurological systems to achieve our specific and desired outcomes.

In other words, NLP is how to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes. Understanding NLP in this way will give you a foundation for all the work that I do. To help you see it in a clearer way take a look at this diagram of how we receive, categorize and store information.

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The Ryan Nickel Co. © 2009 www.RyanNickelCo.com

What you need to know about this NLP communication model is that at any given time the external event that we’re experiencing is providing us with 2,000,000 bits of information a second. In a minute we would have experienced 120,000,000 bits of information. That’s a lot! However, here’s the most important piece of this puzzle: our brains are only able to take in 134 bits a second. So in that minute we’re only getting 8,040 bits of information of that 120,000,000. We have filters that distort, delete and generalize the information as it comes in to help us categorize and store it. We’re losing a lot of information every second. In fact it’s safe to say that this is the reason why so many of us can hear or see the same exact thing but have completely and totally different interpretations or memories of the same event. Now that’s just the first set of filters. We distort, delete and generalize the 2,000,000 bits of information into 134 bits. From there the information goes through another set of filters. These 7 filters are:

1. Time/Space/Matter/Energy 2. Language 3. Memories 4. Decisions 5. Meta Programs 6. Values and Beliefs 7. Attitudes

Once the information has passed through these filters we then create an “Internal Representation” of it. This is where we associate pictures, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings to the representation of what we’re experiencing. As you can see the Internal Representation leads to State (Behavior) which leads to Physiology and vice versa. This shows you that the images, sounds, words and feelings that you hold in your head directly affect your behavior and physiology. I think it goes without saying that your physiology and your posture dominate your behavior. It is said that if you want to change your behavior all you have to do is change your physiology. This is true. However, it isn’t long lasting, because while you can change your body posture you’re still holding the same internal representation in your mind that created the behavior and physiology in the first place. You need to start with the root. It’s like a tree. If you have a tree that’s producing bad fruit, you don’t pluck the fruit off hoping that its next yield will be better. No, you look at the roots. If you want to change the fruit you need to change what’s going on at the roots. Now that you know this, which 99% of the people that you come in contact with don’t know, how can you turn this knowledge into success for you? Here are the keys for an achievable outcome:

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Begin by asking yourself: “How is it possible that I don’t have it now?”

1. Stated in the positive. “What specifically do you want?” (If you’re not sure where you want to go you’ll never

arrive there. You cannot track what you’re not measuring.) 2. Specify present situation. “Where are you now?” (Be as specific as you can.) 3. Specify outcome. “What will you see, hear, feel, etc., when you have it?”

• Think about it as if you had it now. What would that look like? • Make it compelling.

4. Specify evidence procedure. “How will you know when you have it?” (What will need to be present for you to know

that you’ve achieved your outcome?)

5. Is it congruently desirable? “What will this outcome get for you or allow you to do?”

6. Is it self-initiated and self-maintained? “Is it only for you?” (If you want this for someone else and not for yourself, then the

likelihood of it lasting is limited.) 7. Is it appropriately contextualized? “Where, when, how, and with whom do you want it?” 8. What resources are needed? “What do you have now, and what do you need to get your outcome?”

• “Have you ever had or done this before?” • “Do you know anyone who has?” • “Can you act as if you have it?”

9. Is it ecological? • “For what purpose do you want this?” • “What will you gain or lose if you have it?”

• What will happen if you get it? • What won’t happen if you get it? • What will happen if you don’t get it? • What won’t happen if you don’t get it?

Now that you have your desired outcome specified it’s time to learn your preferred representational system. Preference Test For each of the following statements, please place a number next to every phrase. Use the following system to indicate your preferences:

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4 = Closest to describing you 3 = Next best description 2 = Next best 1 = Least descriptive of you

1. I make important decisions based on: _____ gut level feelings _____ which way sounds the best _____ what looks best to me _____ precise review and study of the issues

2. During an argument, I am most likely to be influenced by: _____ the other person’s tone of voice _____ whether or not I can see the other person’s point of view _____ the logic of the other person’s argument _____ whether or not I am in touch with the other person’s true feelings

3. I most easily communicate what is going on with me by: _____ the way I dress and look _____ the feelings I share _____ the words I choose _____ my tone of voice

4. It is easiest for me to: _____ find the ideal volume and tuning on a stereo system _____ select the most intellectually relevant point in an interesting subject _____ select the most comfortable furniture _____ select rich, attractive color combinations

5. _____ I am very attuned to the sounds of my surroundings _____ I am very adept at making sense of new facts and data _____ I am very sensitive to the way articles of clothing feel on my body _____ I have a strong response to colors and to the way a room looks Rep System Test 2 Step One: Copy your answers from the above statements to here: 1. _____ K 2. _____ A 3. _____ V _____ A _____ V _____ K _____ V _____ Ad _____ Ad _____ Ad _____ K _____ A 4. _____ A 5. _____ A _____ Ad _____ Ad _____ K _____ K _____ V _____ V

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Step Two: Add the numbers associated with each letter. There are 5 entries for each letter.

V A K Ad







Step Three: The comparison of the total scores in each column will give the relative preference for each of the 4 major Representational Systems. This information will be helpful in the future when you need to know how best to communicate with yourself. Cause and Effect Finally, you need to learn about Cause and Effect. There are two forces in life. One is the cause or results side and the other is the effect or excuses side. It can be written like this…

C>E One is powerful and the other is powerless. One is to act for itself independently and the other is to be acted upon. You’re either the creator of your life or the victim of it. This is the most important lesson that I would be able to convey to you, that if you grasped its importance would change your life for the better forever.

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Goals There are “away” goals and “toward” goals. When you focus on what you want you’re moving “toward” your goal or desired outcome. When you focus on what you don’t want and use that as a motivator to get you going in the direction “away” from what you don’t want it repels you. If you’ve ever experienced peaks and valleys in your performance or income it’s because you have an “away from” strategy. I experienced this when I had my mortgage planning practice. I would focus on all the things I either didn’t want or didn’t have: clients, income or my bills piling up. You can guess what happened. Though I thought I was going after my goals I was actually heading toward that which I didn’t want. I was facing or looking toward what I didn’t want while moving “away from” it. Here’s how come this strategy doesn’t work. Eventually you’ll get far enough away from what it is that you don’t want that you become relaxed and begin to drift back toward what you’re focusing on because it’s in your line of sight. You can’t help but go toward wherever your eyes are focused on. Try to walk straight while looking straight up. You simply can’t do it. The good news is that you’re able to focus on what you want because the choice is yours. The bad news is that deeply rooted inside of you is the fear of not getting what you want which causes your motivation to focus on that which you don’t want. That motivation will lead you toward what you don’t want because that’s how you’re currently programmed. There are several ways to over come that. Some are better and longer lasting than others. You can be hypnotized, chant positive mantras, create a vision board, see an NLP practitioner or even become trained in NLP among others. The training is the best route in my opinion because you’re not only receiving skills, you’re also keeping the change – the change taking place on the inside. However, even more importantly, like a tiny seed, you too will be able to yield much fruit when fully grown and blossomed. You will be able to assist others in this process of waking up to their true greatness, the greatness within. You don’t have to jump right into a 6-day training if you’re not ready for it. We offer a 1-day highly customized Creating Amazing Profits NLP Sales Training and Scripting Seminar. These seminars are presented right in your office or business for practicality purposes. However, before we accept your training enrollment, we offer a 90-minute introduction session in your office to see if there is a fit or not. If there is not, you’re able to keep the skills, ideas and techniques shared with you and your staff as a thank you for your time.

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Ryan Nickel is a Certified Trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and NLP Sales Coach. He’s been using NLP to build businesses for over 10 years. He’s been featured on the radio, TV and has spoken and trained at several university and colleges in the United States. Call today to schedule your office’s complimentary introduction 25-25-5RYAN5.