1st Edition Mini-Mag: "May 12 - June 3 Hunger Strike & Why I Occupy"



May 12 - June 3 Hunger Strike & Why I Occupy"

Transcript of 1st Edition Mini-Mag: "May 12 - June 3 Hunger Strike & Why I Occupy"

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Table of Contents

Cover Art and Corporate Logo Designed by Earnest Camel …………………………....Cover—P1

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………….2

May 12- June 3, 2012 OccupyPolitics/James Farrar -Washington DC Hunger Strike Against

Corporate and Union Abuses (AT&T-CWA) ….………………………………………………………….3-4

Occu-WHY: Why Am I Doing, What I Am Doing? ………………………………………………………...6

Boring intro: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..6

Honor: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6

About Me …...………………………………………………………..…………………..…………………6-10

General Statistics………………...………………………………………………………………………………..6

How and when I was raised ………………………………………………………………………………………7

The South and Mississippi ………………………………………………………………………………………..7

Country-Politics, God- Religion: ……………………………………………………………………………….7-8 Marijuana and Anonymous ……………………………………………………………………………………….8

Family Honor and 1000 years of Family History …………………………………………9-10

Answer to Occu-WHY: Why I Am Doing, What I Am Doing ……………………..……….10

Occu-Why? …….…………………………………………………………………………………….....10-11

CORPORATISM Is Not Capitalism!! ………………………………………………………………………………11

Occupy Wall Street Declaration from 10-14-2012..…….….…………………….……………………………………11

I want to say a big Thank You to:


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May 12- June 3, 2012 OccupyPolitics/James Farrar -Washington DC Hunger Strike Against Corporate and Union Abuses (AT&T-CWA)

Where: Near the US Capitol in Washington, DC. & WWW.Livestream.com/OccupyPoliticsPAC When: May 12- June 3. What: -OccupyPolitics/James Farrar - On a Hunger Strike Against Corporate and Union Abuses (AT&T - CWA) Why these AT&T and CWA? I mean it would seem that If I was going against the corporation that I wouldn't be going after the union that 'protects' that corporation's employees. Not usually, but remember, this is politics in Corporate America...... AT&T;

1. Between 2001 and 2011 AT&T spent more lobbyist money than any other corporation.

2. I personally witnessed in the Fall of 2009 (4th Quarter), AT&T commit either fraud or a computer error made by a 30

year old system that had never glitches before do something the system was specifically designed to never allow. (I docu-mented hundreds of cases of long distance switches without any system or person telling the computer to do it and this was on a system that would flag an account with an employee ID just for opening the account much less making changes.) I documented over 500 accounts that I received inbound calls for that were like this. The statics that can give you an idea of what that means is: A) I was one of hundreds of people working in this position, if I got and fixed 500 calls then even if you lo balled the numbers and brought it down to 100 per rep you would still be looking at 20,000 cases 100 calls * 200+ reps. B) Then take into account that many customers probably auto paid, or never really look close at their bill if only half noticed and called then you go to 40,000 customers. C) only about 10% of the calls were below $30 many were never no-ticed or noticed after 6 to 12 months meaning an approximate difference of $10 per month 3 months = $30; a year = $120. So I will use the low number of $30 and we are talking 100 customers per rep * 200 reps * 2 since (over half never no-ticed) * $30 per customer - 1 Million 200 thousand. If we went a little higher and say 200 calls per rep * 200 reps * *2 with only half noticing * 6 months of the $10 / mo. overcharge average from $30 minimum to $120 for 12 months ($60) so: 200*200*2*60= 4 Million 800 thousand. I should note here the same thing happened with cell phones regarding data plans that I am not even counting here. I should also note I only handled calls for the 9 South East states, and there are approximately 5 regions or more so these numbers are small compared to the probable massive scope if it happened in every region.

3. In 2010 AT&T Lobbied congress successfully to pass a law making it where the thousands of customers they defraud-

ed, even if they can prove it, cannot combine into a class action lawsuit. They got congress to pass a law that makes it where each individual could sue for the $20 - $40, but not in a class action suit.

4. I personally witnessed Management instructing a lower Manager to commit fraud against customers and the compa-

ny. (these frauds were reported to the Mississippi Attorney General’s office, and I told them where the files were to prove it......), employees I overheard the Center Director tell a Senior Member of Management to send out land line phone equipment including caller ID units and house phones even if the customer didn't order it because the sales people got the sales credit, so did the Jackson Call center. It was the only product or service that sales credit is not removed when cus-tomer returns it or cancels the service. So even if customers returned it, AT&T had already paid for shipping costs, AT&T was accidentally rewarding fraudulently made sales, and some of the customers probably found it difficult to return the items for credit so I am sure there were many who were never refunded because by the time they tried to return or cancel it was too late. When I reported this AT&T's only reaction was to remove all sales credit from equipment sales, and the Center Director's response was to go through the whole office announcing in a loud (She was yelling it) "No one sell CPE (Customer Premise Equipment-phones/caller ID), don't offer it, don't sell it!", even though AT&T policy was and remained until I left (I doubt it has change either) to: "Offer a bundle that includes everything" and "Always offer everything on EVE-RY call, especially CPE."

5. Their 'contractor' that was doing hiring for them lied to me and everyone else about the benefits of the job;, and we

didn't know until we had left my job (and everyone else in the class). Local CWA Union reps teamed up and forced AT&T to stop using this person. 6. I was fired 7 days after the statute of limitations on taking legal action; this was January 22, 2010. I also had to file an internal EEOC complaint against them nationally to get the Local AT&T Management to provide adequate retraining after a long medical absence.

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7. I was fired for attendance with no escalating events to sustain the issue, and the CWA Union rep who 1st handled it, Ron Tyree, made a deal with AT&T that I could return in September to make sure my health was better. In September 2010 AT&T went back on its deal. I should note that there is a 6 month statute of limitations on filing a federal EEOC complaint, once I was outside that time frame, it seems AT&T wasn't worried about me. Oh, I should note that employment at AT&T is covered by a contract. They never pay unemployment unless there is a layoff somewhere, because you cannot be fired without cause, and if they have cause you can't draw unemployment. I was not laid off I was fired. Yet I am one of few who has ever drawn unemployment, and they didn't fight it because they knew I had the EEOC over their heads. They knew my health situation when they hired me; what they didn't realize is that I was in bad health, not stupid, and not weak; so I have fought and am still fighting them. It has dragged out this long because of CWA mismanagement since it left the hands of my Local CWA 3511 President, Kim Sadler. Ron did try, and he got a promise, but he didn't get it on pa-per. I would like to say in Kim's and my defense, we asked Ron several times to get it in writing, but Ron was retiring. CWA: I need to say here that I believe that the CWA members AND the Local CWA Presidents, are not being fairly represented by CWA at National or District levels, at least in the 9 South-East states, and here are the reasons why. Yes, part of it is personal, but if National and District were doing what they were supposed to on 2 different issues with respect to the States and Locals. 1 and 2 are examples of the problem and 3 will be how it affect(s) me. The first issue is what they have done over the last 4 years specifically to the State of Mississippi and the members there. For almost (if not more than) four years, the Mississippi State Level, has been without a person in the State Staff Rep. position. They recently announced they were finally going to open it up to be filled. I'm sure you are thinking there wasn't the money or there wasn't anyone who could do it; no. The reality is the top 3 or so people in line due to Seniority would not have put up with the CRAP that AT&T has pulled in Mississippi without fighting. Finally those people have either retired and someone more corporate friendly has Sonority. Sound like politics?? This vacant Staff rep position meant there was one less protection for cases like mine, or it meant my case was given to another States Staff rep who owes nothing to the Union Members in the State of Mississippi, as M. M. Smith showed while handling-not handling my case.

1. They have just shown at district level and National has turned a deaf ear to the South-East how little regard they have for

representing the 9 states. I say this because the "Collective Bargaining team has people from 5 out of the 9 states. Four states have no representation on this team, and from my understanding there are multiple people going from some of the 5 states that are represented. It is true that the 4 remaining states might have someone chosen as an alternate if one of the original team can't make it........ My personal Case. There are many details and I have plenty of source documents to show the lack of communication not just with myself, but the District reps that were supposed to be handling it wouldn't even timely reply to my Local President. I want to say M.M. Smith made Kim, the 3511 Local president, have to wait for him to call back for 3 weeks in September 2010, Novem-ber 2010, January 2011, February 2011, and March 2011: ALL 5 TIMES, he just wasn't doing an adequate Job, So I started calling him. M.M. Smith treated me the same way, I went through the same crap waiting for weeks for him to return a call and give me an update, when he should have been calling me once a month on his own.... M.M. Smith didn't act alone, the whole process has had holes in it. Regardless the CWA Union past my Local 3511 President, Kim Sadler, even to the District Supervisor Judy Denis and President Larry Cohen. I'll skip telling you the horror story of my appeal to the District V.P., Judy Denis; I will just say here that Judy wasn't any better at getting anything done or even investigating (she tried to put me off until my appeal time to the president wore off, she should have known by then I wasn't going to let anyone cause me to miss out on a deadline.) I'm not going to waste a lot of space here describing my appeal to the CWA President, Larry Cohen, because it is much easier to read about it on this: PDF of my Appeal to the Executive Board & here is another PDF that was inserted to make sure everyone knew everyone had a copy this time. (You'll understand what that means after the 1st PDF...$45.00 in Certified return receipt mail.). Please note just how ridicules it got. The same attorney from the Executive board emailed about 6 weeks apart e-mails to my Local 3511 CWA President saying they had no info on my case, (December 2011 and January 2012) and Kim had e-mailed the information back promptly the 1st time.

Ok, here's the deal on the contract. If AT&T hired me back like they were supposed to, I would be due up to 9 months back pay, the cost of up to 9 months of COBRA insurance coverage, plus reinstating me and reinstating my insurance (I'm currently having to pay over $1000.00 per month for a generic medication, because I ran out of coverage while CWA District had my case. That is about $25,000.00. This was AT&T's offer that came through M.M. Smith in PDF format. I didn't accept it of course or I wouldn't still be fighting, but I don't really want the job back anymore. I just what they owe me for screwing up my life, but I did offer to settle for $10,000.00; only so I can afford my medications until I'm able to finish college in December with a Degree.

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So why am I targeting these 2 entities other than a personal grudge..... 1st AT&T is one of the corporations that is abusing the system, and is an easy and valid target for an 'Occupy'. Why CWA, other than they failed me, the members in Missis-sippi, and with the South-East bargaining team 5 of the 9 states?? Why? Because I hate HYPOCRITES and Larry Cohen, CWA National President, came out in "Full Support" of Occupy on October 4th, but by his actions and those of the CWA South-East District (and even the 2 emails from the Attorney for the Executive Board to my Local 3511 President) CWA members might be part of Occupy, but the Leadership is no better than the Corporation- AT&T.

On October 4th CWA National President voiced full support of

Occupy. It’s members do in my opinion, but as far as MY South

East District, and National Leadership………..

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Occu-WHY: Why Am I Doing, What I Am Doing? April 7, 2012,by CJ Farrar

Boring intro:………...

I am often asked from the Extreme-Conservative-Republican to the Blue-Dog-Democrats people have asked

me, “Why are you doing what you are doing? Why Occupy?” You have to understand a little more about me to

understand why I hear it so often, have to understand some aspects unique to The South and Mississippi, un-

derstand a little of how and when I was raised, and my personal feelings on the aspect of humanity called

“Honor”. Honor comes in many forms; from ‘honor among thieves’, ‘Honor to : Country, Politics, God, Reli-

gion’, even ‘Honor thy Father and thy Mother’, and Generational Family Honor (Honoring the History of your

‘family name’), you will have to understand my feelings, even if you don’t agree. I’ll explain ME in as short as

possible without hiding anything. James C. Farrar, Jr. (C.J.)


I looked in several dictionaries for ‘Honor’ and none of them really say what I was taught the word means;

some come close, but close isn’t enough. I had to use several combined to find what I was taught the true vir-

tue of ‘Honor’ meant. The New Oxford American Dictionary had 2 phrases I’ll pull to use; first, “on one’s

honor under a moral obligation”, and second, “there’s honor among thieves PROVERB dishonest people

may have certain standards of behavior that they will respect.” Three through five come from Microsoft Word

2010 using the Encarta Dictionary: English (North America). From there, Honor strong moral character or

strength, and adherence to ethical principles; Honor (as men’s code of integrity), a code of integrity in some

societies, e.g. in feudal Europe and medieval Japan, that men upheld by force of arms (I personally don’t like

the force of arms in that one); and “honor bound obligated by a promise or ethical principles to do some-

thing”. I hope you can understand why I don’t feel that any of those definitions describes alone what I feel the

word means, but taking all 1 from ‘New Oxford’ and 3from ’Encarta Dictionary’ together STARTS to paint a

picture of what I was Feel honor is really about. And the “there’s honor among thieves PROVERB” explains

how I feel our “US National Leaders” have acted for too many years.

About Me, General Statistics:

I’m 40, male, divorced (once), straight, “Southern Baptist” (not 100% in agreement), and was/have voted pri-

marily Republican for most of the 22 years I have been old enough to vote, I left the Republican farm about 4

years ago though and I cannot see me and many like me ever returning. Now please do not misunderstand and

think I have flipped and run to the Democratic Party, though I’m closer to that party than Republicans these

days. So, regardless without debating either party here, I just didn’t/don’t feel that either party represents me or

most Americans regardless of Race, Sex, or Sexual Orientation. Therefore I went looking for something new,

and what I found was the concept I really want which is Justice. I found Justice Party USA as it first started,

and Said there is a word I can get behind, if only the people running it stay focused on Justice then my sense of

honor will be satisfied, so I made as sure as I can that Justice Party of Mississippi is organized where it can

only stand if Justice is followed by the Party in REALITY not just in words; so, in Early January I filed the

legal paperwork that made Justice Party of Mississippi, fully functional and recognized as a State Political Par-

ty with full ballot access as far as the State of Mississippi is concerned. The FEC has already had hearings and

has stated that as soon as Justice Party of Mississippi has actually had a candidate on a statewide National Bal-

lot then they, the FEC, will recognize JP of MS as an ‘Official State Party’, and that will happen in November.

Justice Party of Mississippi is prepared to go to work as soon as the opportunity comes along. Many of my fel-

low Mississippians still don’t realize the extent we have been lied to over the years, or they don’t want to ad-

mit it out of fear. Fear of: “If neither of the current Parties in politics represent how I feel then who do they

represent and are the PEOPLE even represented anymore?”

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How and when I was raised :

I was raised, went to school first through 12th grade in Clinton, MS, right outside Jackson, MS. I went to

church, while growing up, at Northside Baptist Church in Clinton. My Mother and Father divorced when I was

3 and I lived with Mom, and my sister, who is 7 years older than me. I Probably nearly lost my life to my sister

on her 40th birthday by sending her a Happy 50th birthday card, ok she wouldn’t have killed me, but even

though my brother in law, niece, and nephew all thought it was funny. She and I have traded funny cards any-

time we have exchanged birthday or Christmas cards. I remember in general the card that was her best… “It is

so lucky that our parents had such a wonderful, kind, smart, loveable, and intelligent child”, then I opened it

and it said, “And YOU are SO Lucky to have a SISTER like ME”. I love both my mother and sister, and I

loved my father, who died 17 years ago on Dec 31 1993. We buried him the day before Christmas Eve. I rarely

got to see my father as he lived in Atlanta, GA and the distance made visits difficult, but there were many great

men in my church; 2 that did so much for me as I was growing up Bobby Redding, and former MS Insurance

Commissioner, George Dale. I also owe a great debt to a man who treated me as much like his own children

and provided me guidance which probably kept me out of a LOT of trouble I would have gotten into. He

passed away many years ago also; his name was Jim Taylor. I was definitely raised not to be a racist, though

there were many who grew up around me who were and probably still are. I was raised by my mother who

worked 2 jobs and wasn’t home as much as she would have liked, but my sister was my surrogate mom after

school from my age 6 to 13 when she FINALLY moved out of the house. So, to say I was raised to be as a non

-racist Southern Gentleman would be accurate, but I while I am not a racist, there have been times in my life I

wasn’t a Gentleman either, though I do try. FYI: my definition of a Southern Gentleman is someone while

maintaining Honor, will respect his Southern History, though my ancestors like myself were/are flawed, while

being respectful and doing Honorable and Just things to correct the mistakes my ancestors made, especially

Racism which was and still is the worst southern flaw.

The South and Mississippi:

I love many things about the South and Mississippi, but there are several things I don’t. I have lived for about a

year of my life in Louisiana and about 2 years in California, so I haven’t been in Mississippi all my life, just

most of it. Mississippi, the South, the USA, hell the whole WORLD all have their problems. I don’t think that

the people of Mississippi are that much different from any other state as far as having problems. Yes, Missis-

sippi may have some unique ones like ending up near or at the top of every bad list and at the bottom of every

good list that has been made from economics to Conservative or Liberal adaptability, but if you look through

history Mississippi hasn’t had as much to work with in resources as many other states. Please, don’t get me

wrong, I do not feel that excuses MANY of the stupid attitudes that some Mississippi Politicians have. To Mis-

sissippi Politicians, I have two things as a 40 year old white male to sat to you specifically, 1) HAVE COM-

MON RESPECT: if ultrasound isn’t invasive then please pass a law mandating that anyone using Congres-

sional Insurance that needs a yearly prostrate exam, have it by ultrasound. I mean it isn’t intrusive,

RIGHT? I hate to bring this up again but number 2) Drop your Racism or get out of politics please, you are

making the rest of us look bad. I mean, I am proud of my history but isn’t it past time we

changed the Mississippi State flag. I think there’s a problem here;

Country-Politics, God- Religion:

I’m a patriot 1st, was raised to believe that America was the best in the world, and I think it is or it can be

again. I’m not sure what country out there is better than the USA right now, but with as much as is messed up

right now there MIGHT be one. I do know though that we have some major problems right now in the country

that is, has been, and I plan for the rest of my life to be MY COUNTRY. I was raised and have voted mostly

republican, but that has been based on what I was taught as I went through my teen-age years in the 80’s, and

while I’ll never know if it was ever what I was taught it was- I know it isn’t that now. Democrats in Mississip-

pi have long had a bad look to the middle class of this state. The reason, I feel, is that there seem to be 5 or 6

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plans that Democrats want to put in place. Middle-class Mississippi is afraid that if all those plans went into

effect, it seems that we wouldn’t be promising a mule and 10 acres, we’d be promising a $250,000 house and 2

brand new cars. The Democrats of Mississippi would be much more popular with the Mississippi middle-class

if they would all get behind one or two plans which is really all they want, but it seems like they

want all 6 plans to go into effect all at once. Nationally I don’t see much difference between the

Republican and Democrat parties except one or 2 points, and I think that

Nationally both Parties are Corrupt. So, I helped form the Justice Party

of Mississippi, which will hopefully grow as moderates realize that the Justice Party is

a party for moderates of both Parties, at least I hope it will be. If not I’ll have to just be

Independent, until a political party does gets act straight and until then I’ll just vote for

whoever DOESN’T HAVE THE JOB NOW, I mean if we replace ALL of them we

can’t end up with MORE crooks there than we currently have, can we?

I am a Christian, and I don’t care to convert or be converted. One thing though that I am very tired of hypo-

crites (Christians and Muslims) that preach the word of God as all of the Muslim, Protestant, and Catholic(or

any other religion); yet hypocrites refuse to practice what almost EVERY Religion in the world teaches

(including religions not mentioned)– A Peaceful and Loving God. I don’t try to push my faith on anyone else

or my beliefs, and I wish every religion that preaches peace and love would just start practicing peace and

love. I am technically a southern Baptist, but I have some beliefs that might not agree with Baptists.

1) I don’t think it is a sin to drink, but it is to drink to excess. I had a discussion with a Baptist Deacon one

day and asked him to explain when he thought that, though the Bible says Jesus drank wine. He replied

that wine wasn’t intoxicating back then like it is now. I replied that the Bible says wine

then was alcoholic because it says partake of the vine but don’t get drunk. His reply

was water wasn’t as safe back then; I pointed out Jesus took water and turned it into

wine, and if it had been a sin he would have just purified the water. As you can imagine

the conversation ended right there.

2) I believe that evolution and Christianity don’t conflict and believe both. I just feel

that the Days mentioned in the first 7 days of the bible were actually not literal AS WE AP-

PLY IT. I think God was referring to his days and I think we are in the 7th day. I also feel

that at some point in the history of evolution of the Earth as given by our system of time God reached out and

changed Homo-WHATEVER it was right before us or installed humans into evolution by installing our Spirit

(s) creating the next line of evolution and Adam and Eve.

3) With Adam and Eve I think he also changed them to the point where they “were like him” by not only

installing Spirit but also by giving us a Brain that would have been much better than the ones we use today. I

believe that originally God intended for us to use 100% of our brain, not just the 20% we are limited to using

now. I believe that that other 80% is the part that would have made us “in his image”, unflawed. I think that

the forbidden fruit was sex, and God said no to sex, not because it was evil, but if Adam and Eve were made to

be in God’s image and live as close to forever as that other 80% of our brain would let us (maybe that’s where

the occasional true ESP, or healing Miracle happens to someone, maybe God reaches down and allows our

body limited access to that part of the brain). I think that is why in the bible that Eve was told “because of this

you will endure childbirth and pain”, not because our loving God was punishing her. If that is true then as a

loving God he would have HAD to have removed the “Tree of Knowledge”, access to that other 80%, or we

would have overpopulated the Earth many, many years ago.

4) This is an extension of the last one, but if Satin had come and tempted eve in the form of Homo-

WHATEVER-was right before us, then when God ‘removed the serpents legs’, maybe it was figurative and he

made the missing link die out.

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So as you can tell when it comes to Politics and/or Religion, I think outside the box. I would consider myself

as a moderate balance of Liberal and Conservative from religion & politics TO economy & environmentalism.

I also want to add, I am a Capitalist with a True belief in some Socialism for the General Welfare, but I am not

a Corporatism based Fascist which is the reckless road our Capitalist USA seems to be directed into by most of

“The 1%”

I’ll go ahead and toss one last thing in. Separation of Church and State: 1) they weren’t to be infringed upon

which means if it has come to the point where even mentioning God in a school is a problem then stop, 2) sep-

arate means they also get no special treatment regardless of how popular they are. Religious freedom should

mean show favoritism to religion just because it is religion. And Religious Leaders PLEASE stop trying to

convert by LEGISLATION or by the SWORD. Stop the WARS we are in.

Marijuana and Anonymous

I Just want to go ahead and get this out of the way before someone else calls me names, I call myself.

Anonymous: I do and have considered myself as part of “Anonymous”, you know the people the Government

and News always adds ‘hackers’ and calls everyone “Anonymous hackers”. The claims

that all Anonymous is, is a bunch of lawless internet hoodlum hackers is totally untrue,

some might be. I can certainly say I personally have never hacked into anyone’s comput-

er but my own and that was just to make sure I had decent protection. Just remember

whatever groups you consider yourself a part of, I am sure there is a member of that

group somewhere doing things that might be illegal, it doesn’t mean you are a terrorist

though (especially if anyone reading considers themselves either Republican or Democrat

- I can find plenty of bad in each of those groups and you can too).

Marijuana, I support at least Medical Marijuana, but that is self-centered, because: I am currently having to

pay over $1,000.00 per month for the GENERIC version of Marinol. Marinol is the drug

that had been FDA approved in ALL 50 states for 25+ years; its active ingredient is

‘Synthetic THC’. For the few who don’t know, THC is the active ingredient in Marijuana.

So the problem apparently isn’t THC, just if it goes into a pharmaceutical corporation or

someone grows it themselves…….

So call me what you want, but don’t make the mistake of calling me dishonest. I have no reason or need to lie,

and if you imply that I am I take it as a DIRECT ATTACK on my HONOR. Don’t get that mistaken with me

thinking I am always right about everything, but I don’t say anything that I HONESTLY don’t believe, and if I

am shown wrong (it can take a while-BUT), I eventually admit it. That’s being wrong, not being dishonest;

there is a difference.

Family Honor and 1000 years of Family History There is a deep sense of honor in me. I’m not a virtuous man, but honesty and honor are two that

I absolutely try to maintain, not always with 100% success, but 97-99%--and I do try for 100…..

Maybe I think I succeed more than I do, maybe the fact that I am honorable enough to refuse to

answer a question than to lie about it makes me feel like I succeed. The only “Farrar Family” that

I have ever heard about is the one that literally traces itself back right 1000 years (Holmes A. ,

March, 2011). I’ll answer the question to the answer of Occu-Why after this part with a ‘Family

Legend” that has probably all but gone extinct even in the Farrar lines that will explain how I

feel. I do want to say a few things about my family history here because they, again— literally,

came over with the Virginia Company as Charter Members of it. They fought in the Revolutionary War; they

were part of the King’s Council, The House of Burgesses, and were organizers of the FIRST General Assem-

blies in Virginia in the 1630’s (Holmes A. &., 2002). I am proud that I am a “Son of the American Revolu-

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tion” (inactive-membership lapsed, money’s tight), and I stand by the document our country’s Forefathers

wrote. Even they admitted though that it wasn’t perfect, that is why there is an Amendment Clause in Article

V of the United States Constitution. It happens to be my opinion that at least one and maybe even a few care-

ful clarifications are needed in the form of CAREFULLY drafted Amendments.

I should add a few things about Farrar’s that can be historically proven to show we will fight for what we be-

lieve in, but I am running out of room; so I’ll only add one. Bishop Robert Ferrar, “Bishop of St. Davids, the

martyr”, 1500-1555, Halfax Parish, “In preaching reforms he was accused of heresy during the Marion perse-

cutions and refusing to recant, was burned at the stake for his Protestant faith on 30 Mar., 1555, in Carmathen

on the south side of Market Cross.” (Holmes A. , March, 2011, p. 56)

Answer to Occu-WHY: Why I Am Doing, What I Am Doing. Here’s that “Family Legend” I said I’d tell to answer Occu-Why.

There is an old parable, that says that a kingdom was at war, and in order to save his king gold a stableman al-

ways used one or two less tacks than were called for. He did this because he knew that as long as

nothing happened to the nails he did put in then the shoe would stay on, those other nails were

just there “in case”. Well, according to the parable, a messenger left the area with an urgent mes-

sage for the king, because an ambush was planned by the King’s enemies. On the way to the

king his horse threw a shoe; his horse broke its leg; leaving the messenger stranded. The parable

goes on to simply say messenger didn’t make it to the king. The king was ambushed and killed,

and a kingdom fell, all because s one person didn’t do their job like they were supposed to.

According to that “Family Legend”, as Paul Harvey would have said; “Here’s the rest of the sto-

ry”. About half a day after the messenger left a herd of horses were on their way to the king when

they passed through the town where the messenger had left from. The farrier who had been sav-

ing the king gold, advised the farrier that was in charge of the horses to just wait because the king

would be coming back through there. That farrier decided to push through like he had been in-

structed, unlike the other farrier that had bent the rules “To help the king”. On their way they en-

countered the messenger, trying to make it to the king but running out of time. The farrier in

charge, took the 2 fastest horses for him and the messenger to RACE to the king; leaving instruc-

tions to follow quickly, but not to wear the horses out as they might be needed. The messenger

and the farrier made it to the king. The king pulled back, circled the ambush with the fresh hors-

es, and ambushed those waiting to ambush him. When the king find out the details one farrier lost his head,

and the other was knighted and became a “Farrar”

Again, this is all told to me at a young age, the name would have been slightly spelled differently, but as a

child I always saw it in my head as FARRAR, not understanding that over 1000 years spellings had gotten

slightly changed. Now this is just a legend to this point, but from here on is documented historical fact, and I

can show direct male lineage to around 1050. I don’t say “Documented Historical Fact” lightly, the subject has

been thoroughly investigated (Holmes A. , March, 2011), and source documents exist separate from that ac-

count from documents filed with the ‘Sons of the American Revolution’ to historical societies in-

cluding in England both the ‘Heraldic Society’ and the ‘College of Arms’ to Religious Historical

records including records from ‘Halifax Parish Church’, Westminster Abbey’, and ‘St. Margaret’s

of London’

Historical Fact: during his reign ‘William the Conqueror’, around 1040, did knight my ancestor,

who was a farrier who became a FARRIER as recorded by the College of Arms, in England.




shoes in

Page 11: 1st Edition Mini-Mag: "May 12 - June 3 Hunger Strike & Why I Occupy"


Occu-Why? Because regardless if the family legend is true or not, I agree with the PARABLE and am personally so tired of

politicians not doing the job they begged for; and YES, I said you BEGGED for months for your job by


As it relates to the parable and POSSIBLY true, but probably not, ‘family legend’: Quit leaving out the extra

nails in the horseshoes; I personally am tired of seeing one figurative horse (WARS: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria,

and???? Iran) after horse (Economy, Liberty, Capitalism) another break its figurative leg (war machine) or

neck (internet bubble, housing bubble, and CORPORATISM)!

So For Me, It’s Not Occu-WHY; For Me, It Is OCCUPY!

CORPORATISM Is Not Capitalism!! CORPORATISM: as defined by Microsoft Word 2010 using the Encarta Dictionary: English (North America).

a system of running a state using the power of organizations such as businesses (for-profit Corporations) and

labor unions (non-profit Corporations) that act, or claim to act, for large numbers of people. NOTE:

(Highlighted Text in THIS SECTION ONLY Added by Author for Clarification)

The following pages will contain more information on WHAT I’m Doing, I hope I haven’t

Board you so much you won’t read further.


C.J. Farrar (James C., Jr.)

OccupyPolitics PAC, Inc. –CEO, Federal & MS State of PAC and Lobbyist.

Justice Party of Mississippi -Treasurer and Director of daily affairs

OccupyJackson -Incorporator & Committee member: Finance, Legal, Facilitation, and Media.

Student Hinds Community College

601-960-0667—850 N Jefferson Street A4—Jackson, MS 39202—

[email protected]





Bibliography Holmes, A. &. (2002). Some Farrar Island Decendants. In A. &. Holmes, Some Farrar Island Decendants (3rd ed., p. 416). San

Diego, CA, USA: Golden Rule Bindery, Inc.

Holmes, A. (March, 2011). The Farrar Family Island Family and its English Ancestry. In A. Holmes, The Farrar Family Island Fami-

ly and its English Ancestry (4th ed., p. 181). San Diego, California, USA: Golden Rule Bindary, Inc Esconidio, CA 92025.

Page 12: 1st Edition Mini-Mag: "May 12 - June 3 Hunger Strike & Why I Occupy"


Occupy Wall Street 10-14-2012 Declaration

As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies. As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power. We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.

They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage. They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses. They have perpetuated inequality and discrimination in the workplace based on age, the color of one's skin, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation. They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization. They have profited off of the torture, confinement, and cruel treatment of countless nonhuman animals, and actively hide these practices. They have continuously sought to strip employees of the right to negotiate for better pay and safer working conditions. They have held students hostage with tens of thousands of dollars of debt on education, which is itself a human right. They have consistently outsourced labor and used that outsourcing as leverage to cut workers' healthcare and pay. They have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility. They have spent millions of dollars on legal teams that look for ways to get them out of contracts in regards to health insurance. They have sold our privacy as a commodity. They have used the military and police force to prevent freedom of the press. They have deliberately declined to recall faulty products endangering lives in pursuit of profit. They determine economic policy, despite the catastrophic failures their policies have produced and continue to produce. They have donated large sums of money to politicians supposed to be regulating them. They continue to block alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on oil. They continue to block generic forms of medicine that could save people's lives in order to protect investments that have already turned a substantive profit. They have purposely covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty bookkeeping, and inactive ingredients in pursuit of profit. They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media. They have accepted private contracts to murder prisoners even when presented with serious doubts about their guilt. They have perpetuated colonialism at home and abroad. They have participated in the torture and murder of innocent civilians overseas. They continue to create weapons of mass destruction in order to receive government contracts.*

To the people of the world, We, the New York City General Assembly occupying Wall Street in Liberty Square, urge you to assert your power. Exercise your right to peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a process to address the problems we face, and generate solutions accessible to everyone. To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal.

Some people still ask what is Occupy about? There is definitely one thing that I have heard from every person who feels part of the “Occupy Movement” and that is we want all money out of politics that doesn’t directly from people. Do you want NO CORPORATIONS for– profit or non-profit messing with our elections? Do you feel that elected representatives represent corpora-tions not the people? If you feel that way too you might be part of “Occupy” without knowing it. Or you might have just decided to join us and Occupy…….

Why Occupy in Public? We Occupy Public Space Because 24 hours a day 7 days a week; Politicians Bank Accounts Pre-Occupied With Corporate Money!