1st conf

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  1. 1. Scrum Whats it all about Martin Kearns 16th Mar 2015
  2. 2. Having a New Set of Practices Although we cant will collective wisdom to arise in teams, we can make preparations that encourage it to emerge.
  3. 3. By moving away from command and control to one of autonomy to outcome creates a self- deterministic system. It is the capability to develop new knowledge that enables a team to continuously recreate its structure / processes and redefine role / function. Focus on the social system
  4. 4. We Learn about the nature of project elements and objectives and the means of achieving them during the process of experiment and discovery Having a New Set of Practices
  5. 5. Concept ualizat ionRe ect ion I mmersion I mplementat ion
  6. 6. Concept ualizat ionRe ect ion I mmersion I mplementat ion
  7. 7. Create guiding values to outcome Creating a coherent sense of project identity creates an environment for people to contribute in creative and diverse ways. People use their shared sense of identity to maximise their unique contribution to project success Task 1 Task 2 ----- ----- ----- Handover Output Input We focus on the outcome Collective Responsibility Waste
  8. 8. The Values
  9. 9. Learn the unknown Scrum focuses on the fact that a complex work tends to be imprecisely defined with many project elements that are not obvious in how they relate to each other or the objective. Focus
  10. 10. A collaborative mindset where people and business are free to share without the fear of retribution will encourage new ways of thinking and new ways to draw knowledge and/or insight. Openness
  11. 11. Be prepared to make personal sacrifices in service of teachings and people you value. Courage also mean taking the side of truth in all that matters rather than seeking the convenient lie Courage
  12. 12. The human capacity to make meaning together depends on a suspension of any one individual or subgroups having always to be in the right.Respect
  13. 13. Commit to a team by allowing dialogue to flow freely. Suspend your judgment and listen to opinion, see the true meaning. If everyone can see common meaning together they can participate. Commitment
  14. 14. Establish project principles Compliance Externalisation Internalisation Conformance Explicit Practices Education Collectively responsible Self determined Behavioral norm Create an agreed set of fundamental truths around a project that are the foundations for behavior and decision making
  15. 15. 1 6 Values Principles Practices Methods New information will be identified and valued when change is seen as a necessity to preservation and/or creativity. Maintain a higher sense of purpose within the team People must be empowered to make their own decision as to How they can achieve a goal A team must consist of all the skills needed to achieve the Definition of Done Team takes collective responsibility for their processes and outcomes My Scrum Principles
  16. 16. New Information To succeed, enable a strategy to sync with new information that is being amplified in your environment and then focus on ways to adapt quickly.
  17. 17. Sense of Purpose From uncertainty, inquiry and dialogue comes new meaning, learning and unanticipated ways to move towards a shared outcome.
  18. 18. Mechanistic Independence Push Pull Interdependence Holistic We can recover wholeness in our organisations and recapture our sense of connection between actions. To achieve such a desire requires a very different set of rules to the ones we currently conform to. Empowering self-organisation
  19. 19. Value a cross functional team As soon as designate someone as the other we reinforce our own sense of and no longer feel it necessary to play by the rules.
  20. 20. Collective Responsibility The source of power lies in the humon impulses that move towards wholeness. To make different choices, Scrum brings people together via practices and allow our new behaviours to be the guide to new learning.
  21. 21. Value of scrum The source of power lies in the humon intuition that move towards a more holistic world.
  22. 22. See the space between things Learn to recognise the connections that were always there but have remained invisible to the processes and governances of your status quo.