1st Chapter Cherished ROUGH DRAFT

ROUGH DRAFT – Unedited First Chapter


Luca Phillips dropped me to my knees with a promise …He was sexy and confident, absolutely brilliant and Luca wanted me. I was infatuated from the first conversation, wanting to be what he needed. For the first time in my life I understood what it meant to desire. All he demanded was my trust. I’d been broken by my past and doubted I could give that gift, no matter how badly I craved him.Luca’s world was dark when looking in from the outside, but the light in his eyes promised something more. Hope. Together we could change the downward spiral my life was taking. His words.Kneeling at his feet, handing over control, he asked one question. How far are you willing to go to be….Cherished

Transcript of 1st Chapter Cherished ROUGH DRAFT

ROUGH DRAFT – Unedited First Chapter


Master of My Heart

Michelle Hughes

Tears o f Cr imson Pub l i sh ing

Copyright © 2015 by Michelle Hughes

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

Michelle Hughes/Tears of Crimson Publishing27687 AL Hwy 22Verbena, AL 36091www.tearsofcrimson.com

Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

Cherished/Michelle Hughes. – 1st ed.ISBN-13: 978-1508596837ISBN-10: 1508596832







Luca’s World

The Dungeon


Day One









Before you, I was nothing. A shell of a person that you saved with your guiding hands.

―Michelle Hughes



A year of emails, phone conversations, and online chat, now I was meeting him in person. Flying into a city I’d never visited, and hoping that this wasn’t another decision I’d live to regret later. My nerves were strung tightly, this meeting could very well change my life forever.

I guess to understand why I was meeting this man, you need to have a little background on my life up until now. I’m twenty-two years old, grew up in a small backwater town, and about the only thing I have to show for my life is a series of fuck ups that would require a list longer than this introduction to explain.

What would possess a person with limited education, a serious lack of self-confidence, and barely a hundred dollars left in a bank account to leave everything behind and meet a virtual stranger? Hope.

That’s what Luca offered me. Do I think there’s a chance that he can help me find what is sorely lacking in my life? Not really, but when you’re on the verge of saying fuck it all and there’s even a small chance that your life could be better, most people would take it. I know I did.

Let me explain something upfront. I’m not a sexual person. My teenage years were spent being abused by a piece of shit family member that left huge scars on my ability to ever enjoy sexuality. I don’t fall in love. I think that most men are slimy pieces of crap that should be wiped off the bottom of your shoes, and this idea of a lifestyle Luca’s talking about, to be honest it makes me very uncomfortable.

So I’m sure you’re asking again, why would you do it? He bought me a roundtrip airline ticket, flying me out to Chicago. For someone who’s never left Alabama, and always wanted too, that was a great incentive in itself. He’s promised to help me get my life back on track, you’d have to understand how fucked up my life is right now to get why that means so much. But the one thing he offered me that I couldn’t resist? Pièce de résistance? Luca promised that even if I chose not to stay he valued me as a person and he would teach me to feel the same way.

For a person like me, someone who’s always felt pretty much worthless, that’s an opportunity that my souls been yearning for. Maybe he’s full of shit, who knows? If there’s one iota of a chance that he’s not though, I had to find out. Worst case scenario I get to spend the weekend in Chicago, a place I’ve always dreamed of visiting.

Big words, but as I step off the plane into the O’Hare airport, my hands are shaking. This is a huge step! What if he’s some crazy psycho and the minute he gets me alone something horrible happens? Maybe I should have thought this through a little more? I want to stay on the plane and fly back home to Alabama. My feet lead me out the door, through the hall leading me closer to him, and I honestly can’t catch my breath.

Standing in this huge terminal, I don’t know how anyone finds another person. In my panic there’s a small voice in my head almost hoping he won’t show, it’s like a mental war going on between what I really want. Then I see him. One fear is put to rest, because he’s even more handsome than the photographs we’ve exchanged, but it can’t override my other concerns.

Walking toward him, his long legged stride has him standing before me in no time. I don’t know what to say. It was so much easier when we were talking online or even on the phone. Insecurity forces my eyes to my feet, and the soft chuckle that leaves his perfect mouth does things to my libido that I really can’t explain.

“I’ve waited a long time to meet you, could I at least see those beautiful eyes?” Beautiful and me were never two words that never went together in my mind, but

as I gain the courage to look at him, oddly enough I feel that way. His smile is brilliant. Perfect, like the rest of him. When he reaches out a hand for me to shake, I’m dumbfounded for a moment. It’s a sign of respect, and one I’ve rarely seen from men in the South.

Taking that hand, I feel the strength in his grip and shiver. I hope my palm isn’t sweaty, almost too quickly he releases, and I feel empty. It’s the strangest sensation to want that hand back in mine, my heart is racing so fast I’m not sure I’ll make it through the introduction! I lift startled eyes to his brilliantly blue ones, and the confidence written in his orbs is almost as attractive as he is.

“Your pictures don’t do you justice, Gina. I can’t wait to show you my city.” That smile again, it makes me want to melt, and considering my usual disposition toward men that’s an enigma. Everything about him is perfection, even the dimple in his chin that makes him seem much safer than what he probably is. “Should we leave?”

I manage a nod of my head, and he motions with his hand toward a sign where we pick up luggage. Walking beside him, the conversation is non-existent, but still he’s smiling and for some reason it makes me feel more comfortable that he’s not speaking. I reach down and pull my suitcases from the moving bin, and he quickly takes them.

“Thanks.” My word is so soft, because I’m a little shocked by his manners. I knew what lifestyle he lived, a dominant male that enjoyed training submissive’s.

Maybe my mindset was wrong, but I expected him to want me to cater to his needs, not be a gentleman.

“For what?” His hands are full and he nods his head in a direction before walking, and I follow, hoping he doesn’t want an answer because I’m still so nervous I can’t speak.

We walk out of the terminal and a car is waiting, door open, the chauffeur giving a nod of recognition. Luca hands over my bags, and motions for me to slide in the backseat. I’ve never been in a limousine before, and once seated I look around in wide-eyed shock. I knew he had money from our conversations, but I wasn’t really prepared for this.

“I thought we’d enjoy a light lunch and talk before I take you to your hotel to freshen up. Will that work?” Sliding in the seat beside me, he winks before reaching over to buckle my seatbelt. Normally I put one on the minute I get into a car, but my mind is elsewhere. I nod, after stiffening from the contact of his hands as he completes the task. I’m not repulsed, far from it, even that small touch makes me aware of my body in ways I haven’t ever experienced.

“Good. I’d love to hear you speak more. I find your accent adorable.” Sitting back in his seat, he buckles himself in and tells the driver where we’re going.

He wants me to talk, and all I can think about is taking in the sight of him. Twirling a strand of my hair around my finger, a habit I’ve never been able to stop, I open my mouth but nothing comes out. When his fingers entwine with mine, pulling them from my hair, it’s like having a volt of electricity stream through my skin.

“There’s no reason to be nervous around me. Yet.” The sensual tone of his voice gives me goose bumps and he lowers our hands to the small space between us in the seat, not letting go.

“I don’t know what to say.” I remember well from our talks that he wants honesty above all things, so I tell him the truth. Then I’m lost in his eyes again. There’s a tenderness in those depths that makes me want to weep and I can’t really explain why.

“You can tell me how your flight went. Did you enjoy it?” His hand feels so warm in mine, and just listening to him speak makes me relax a little.

“It was unreal. Seeing the world fly by and soaring through the clouds, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.” The words spill from my mouth, and it’s so nice to have someone to share the adventure with.

“I remember the first time I flew. I was still just a boy, but watching the scenery below made me feel so small in comparison.” His face brightens as he speaks and I’m in awe of this beautiful man sitting beside me. “Did you talk to any interesting people on the flight?”

“I saw a few, but I didn’t know them, so I pretty much kept to myself.” We were having a normal conversation, and it surprised me that he wasn’t bringing up all the other things we’d discussed that went along with his lifestyle. Pleasantly surprised.

“That’s something I think we could work on together. You’re such an interesting person, people deserve to have a chance to discover that.” He squeezed my hand gently.

“I don’t think I’m very interesting.” My voice softens in self-doubt and I wonder what he sees in me that I don’t.

“Stop, Gina. One thing you should already know about me is that I’ll never allow you to speak negatively about yourself. You’re a beautiful, intelligent, woman and if there is one gift I hope to give you, even if you decide not to stay, it’s the ability to see yourself as you truly are.”

His voice grew deeper as he spoke, and I knew instantly I’d displeased him. I wanted to take the words back because making him unhappy, for reasons I can’t explain, made me feel horrible. “I’m sorry.” With a whisper-soft voice, I pulled my hand from his, placing mine in my lap and lowering my eyes to them.

He wasn’t having that. His hand reached over and he grasped my chin, those bedroom eyes peered into mine. A finger grazed my cheek tenderly, and he smiled again. “You are going to make a beautiful submissive.”

My lips trembled from his convincingly spoken words as much from the light touch on my skin. I wanted this man. I couldn’t explain it, didn’t understand it, but my body longed for the first time in my life to experience passion. It terrified as much as excited me.

“I want you too, but we have much to discuss before that even becomes a consideration.” He took my hand in his again, this time resting it on his thigh.

Through his slacks I could feel the strength of that powerful muscle, and I felt so weak and small in his presence. Was I so transparent? He’d read my thoughts and I wasn’t about to deny the truth. It was somewhat eerie to know he could tell what I was thinking, but exciting as well. For the first time since meeting him, I managed to smile.

“That’s what I like to see.” I’d missed most of our trip, I noticed as the car came to a stop. He’d kept me so entranced that the city I’d been dying to visit didn’t even matter. I watched as the driver opened his door, and he slid out gracefully. That man could definitely fill out a pair of slacks. Even in the three piece suit he wore, I knew he would have a gorgeous body underneath. I was a little shocked that I was thinking that way. Less than thirty minutes in his company and already I was becoming a pervert. I flushed deeply.

He extended his hand, and I awkwardly took it, allowing him to help me out of the car. Luca wasn’t what I was expecting at all. He kept my hand and spoke a few brief words to the driver before turning his beautiful face to me again. “I think you’ll enjoy the coffee here.”

We were both coffee people, although I was more the, whatever was affordable at the supermarket type, while he’d spoken about all the gourmet blends he enjoyed trying in our talks online. Walking to a corner table I sat down with him, my mind filled with excitement about finally being here in this city with him.

My eyes took in the quaint coffee shop, every detail I was putting in my memories. The aroma was so decadent I knew I’d never forget the scent, and I closed my eyes allowing it to overtake my senses. When I opened them again, Luca was staring at me intently and immediately I blushed. “What?” Again, my words were whisper-soft.

“You.” His smile widened, and I couldn’t help but return it.“What about me?” I wished I had a mirror. Was my hair a mess, did I have

something in my teeth? Men didn’t usually look at me the way he was, and my insecurities came to the surface.

“The way you feel everything so intensely, I knew you’d be like this. It pleases me greatly, Gina. You please me.” His hand reached over to rest on mine and my heart raced again. “I truly hope you stay.”

I had no idea what he was talking about, but his words warmed my heart. No one had ever truly wanted me, at least in a way that didn’t involve destroying me in some way. “Why wouldn’t I?” I couldn’t hold his gaze, the sincerity in his was too great, and I wasn’t deserving of a look that invoked so much emotion.

The waitress came over, and I was glad for a break from the intensity that was all Luca. It frightened me how much I wanted to be what he needed. I asked him to order for me, because the list of coffee flavors was so long I had no idea what to get. He gave her our order then turned his attention back to me. I knew it even though my eyes were still staring at the table, because I could feel him. I know it’s strange to say that, but it’s still undeniable.

“I want you do to something for me.” His words pulled my eyes to his, and I waited for him to ask his question. “It’s very hard for me to know what you’re thinking when I can’t see those incredible eyes. They really are the most beautiful shade of green.” He was smiling again, I wondered if he ever didn’t? “When we’re together I want you to look at me, unless I ask you not to. Can you do that?”

I could do anything he asked of me in that moment, and I nodded, biting my lip, nervously. His hand turned mine over and those long fingers traced a small pattern on my palm. “I also need you to speak to me. Your voice is lyrical and I would like to hear it more. Will you do that for me also?”

“Y-yes.” It was almost impossible for me to speak when he looked at me as if I were the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. And keeping my eyes on his? That probably took even more than speaking did.

“Thank you for that gift.” Squeezing my hand briefly, he released it as the waitress came back with our drinks. Neither of us spoke as she arranged them in front of us, but he thanked her as she finished the task. “The reason I worry you won’t stay is because the things I’ll ask of you will be out of your comfort zone.” He picked up his mug, and brought it to his lips, never once breaking eye contact.

I had gotten on a plane, flew away from everything I knew, and he was worried about my comfort zone? “I’m already out of it.” I attempted a smile, but it wobbled somewhat. “Those things you had me look up online, is that what you’re talking

about?” I’d been shocked the first time he’d sent me links to pictures with women kneeling, bound by intricate knots of rope.

He seemed pleased that I was asking questions, though to be honest now that we’d met in person, I wasn’t sure he was ever not happy. “That and other things that I would want to do to you, if you were mine.” He watched me intently, as if by looking at my expression he could gauge what I felt.

“You mean like sexual stuff.” My face heated at even mentioning that topic, it wasn’t something I felt comfortable discussing. The only experience I’d had in that area had been forced, so of course I was terrified at the thought of him doing anything like that to me.

“I would want to explore your sexuality, yes, but I promise that anything I do in that area you would find pleasurable. That doesn’t concern me as much as how you will adapt to my methods of training you to discover that hidden side of yourself.” His elbows found the table, and his fingers created a steeple as he gazed deeply into my eyes.

I wanted to look away, hide the fact that I doubted he could teach me pleasure in that context, but I remembered what he’d asked. Keeping my eyes locked on his, dozens of questions came to mind. “Maybe you should just tell me what you think it is I can’t handle then, because honestly the sex part scares me more than anything else.” That was about as brutally honest as I could get.

“Should you consent to being mine, I wouldn’t allow you to be afraid of how I would please you. The only concern you would have is not pleasing me.”

“How could I not please you?” It was against my human nature to not be a person that made other people happy, so worrying about not pleasing him didn’t really concern me overly. “What would you do if I didn’t?” I felt like I was missing a very important detail, but couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

“All I would ask of you is your complete submission. Anything less would disappoint me. Talking negatively about yourself, refusing to let me train you because your fear of the unknown outweighed the trust I’d need you to have, those things were be very disappointing if you decide to be mine.”

He took another sip of his coffee, still keeping eye contact and I realized I hadn’t even touched my drink. Lifting my cup, I sipped slowly as I tried to understand what he was saying. Placing it back down on the table, my mind was confused. “You still haven’t told me what you would do?”

“I would punish you. How would depend on the level of the infraction, but it would all be for your good.” A small smirk appeared on his face, and I found it condescending.

“I’m sorry, but how could punishing me be for my good? It seems like that would be more for your good than mine.” I wasn’t ignorant on this aspect of his lifestyle, he’d shared with me the types of punishments he incorporated on submissive’s he’d had in the past. I wasn’t sure being spanked would be that horrible, maybe embarrassing, but the flogger thing truly freaked me out.

“From all our discussions I think the only punishments you’d receive would be because of your fear of sexual intimacy. It would be for your good because I wouldn’t allow you to hide behind them. Once you know that the only thing keeping you from experiencing pleasure is your mindset, you’ll grow as a person.”

He knew better than anyone the things I’d suffered under my stepfather’s hand. Not even my mother knew the extent of the depravity he’d brought upon me. That abuse had warped me in ways that even seven years later I was suffering from the memories. “I guess you’d have to show me.”

“What that man did to you was not sex, Gina. He used your body, broke your trust, and destroyed your ability to love. I can help heal you, but it will come at a price.”

“I think you know I’m not wealthy.” I chuckled self-derisively. I’d dropped out of college after a semester because I couldn’t make myself focus enough to pass my classes. It wasn’t that I didn’t have intelligence, the truth is even I knew I had a brilliant mind, I’d never been able to concentrate though.

“Money is not the object, as you well know I have enough. What I want from you is something far more valuable, and not easily gained. Your submission. It’s a gift only you can give, and it has to be willingly.”

The waitress walked over to the table, stopping our conversation again. She asked if we wanted anything else, and Luca declined, asking for the check. I’d barely touched my coffee, but the conversation we’d had really hadn’t afforded me the opportunity.

“I should take you to your hotel so you can freshen up and think about what I’ve said.” With another heart stopping smile, he stood, offering me his hand. I took it, knowing I should be grateful that he was giving me some time to process things, but the truth was I wasn’t. We walked outside after he took care of the bill, and slid into the limo.

I buckled my seatbelt, trying to get my thoughts in order, but all I could truly think about was being alone. “I don’t want to go to the hotel.” My words came out sounding childish, petulant even. I’d just met him and I wasn’t ready to have our time together come to an end, even if only briefly.

“We can have dinner together later, and discuss this more.” His words were patient, and encouraging. He wasn’t trying to get away from me, which is something I really feared, but seemed to be allowing me time to make a decision. The problem was I didn’t want more time.

“I’d rather go home with you.” I said the words and was shocked at my bravado. Biting my lip hard, I turned to glance at his face, hoping I hadn’t disgusted him by being over eager. The thought of being dropped off at some hotel was really unappealing. I came here to meet him and I didn’t want us to part. It was the first time in my life I wanted to spend more time with a man.

The driver pulled off into the street, and Luca stared into my eyes, studying me again. “I don’t want you to rush things. This is a huge decision, Gina, if you come back to my home everything changes.”

His words warned me to take the time he was offering, but I’d waited my entire life to feel anything for another person. “Don’t make me leave you, Luca.” I felt so insecure, like my world depended on him allowing me to stay by his side.

His hand lifted to my cheek, and he grazed it softly. “I hope you’re ready for my world then, sweetheart, because if you do this everything you thought you knew about life will irrevocably change.”

Taking a deep breath at the rush of sensation that moved through my body at his words, I swallowed repeatedly. My mouth felt dry, like I hadn’t had a drink of water in days, but I knew this was what I wanted. So what if it was crazy, or I didn’t know what I was truly getting into. I wanted Luca, in any way he would have me. “I’m ready.”

That brilliant smile of his made the world seem like a brighter place. He tapped on the partition separating us for the driver, and told him to take us home. Heart racing, palms sweating, I felt more alive in that moment than I’d ever felt before. Change was scary, but it was also exciting, and I couldn’t wait to see where he’d take me on this ride.

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