1st Batch of Cases

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  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases



    BSB GROUP,INC., represented by itsPresident, Mr. RICARDOBANGAYAN,Petitioner,


    SALLY GO .!.. SALLYGO"BANGAYAN, Respondent.

    G.R. N#. $%&%''



    February 16, 2010


    D - C I S I O N


    This is a Petition for Review under Rule ! ofthe Rules of "ourt assailin# the $e%ision of the "ourt of&ppeals in "&-'.R. (P )o. *+6001dated &pril 20, 200!,whi%h reversed and set aside the (epteber 1/,2002and )oveber !, 200/rders issued by theRe#ional Trial "ourt of anila, ran%h /6in "riinal"ase )o. 02-2021!* for 3uali4ed theft. The said orders,in turn, respe%tively denied the otion 4led byherein respondent (ally 'o for the suppression of thetestionial and do%uentary eviden%e relative to a(e%urity an5 a%%ount, and denied re%onsideration.

    The basi% ante%edents are no lon#er disputed.

    Petitioner, the ( 'roup, n%., is a duly or#ani7eddoesti% %orporation presided by its hereinrepresentative, Ri%ardo an#ayan8an#ayan9. Respondent (ally 'o, alternatively referredto as (ally (ia 'o and (ally 'o-an#ayan, is an#ayan:swife, who was eployed in the %opany as a %ashier,and was en#a#ed, aon# others, to re%eive and a%%ountfor the payents ade by the various %ustoers of the%opany.

    n 2002, an#ayan 4led with the anilaProse%utor:s ;%e a %oplaint for estafa and

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    ( R$BRB$.22

    Gith the denial of its otion for re%onsideration,2/petitioner is now before the "ourt pleadin# the saeissues as those raised before the lower %ourts.

    n this Petition2under Rule !, petitioneraverred in the ain that the "ourt of &ppeals hadseriously erred in reversin# the assailed orders of the trial%ourt, and in e=e%t stri5in# out arasi#an:s testionydealin# with respondent:s deposit a%%ount with (e%urity

    an5.2!t asserted that apart fro the fa%t that the saideviden%e had a dire%t relation to the subDe%t atter of the%ase for 3uali4ed theft and, hen%e, brin#s the %ase underone of the ex%eptions to the %overa#e of %on4dentialityunder R.&. 10!.26 Petitioner believed that what%onstituted the subDe%t atter in liti#ation was to bedeterined by the alle#ations in the inforation and, inthis respe%t, it alluded to the assailed )oveber !, 200rder of the trial %ourt, whi%h de%lared to be erroneousthe liitation of the present in3uiry erely to what was%ontained in the inforation.2+

    For her part, respondent %laied that the oney

    represented by the (e%urity an5 a%%ount was neitherrelevant nor aterial to the %ase, be%ause nothin# in the%riinal inforation su##ested that the oney therein

    deposited was the subDe%t atter of the %ase. (heinvited parti%ular attention to that portion of the %riinalnforation whi%h averred that she has stolen and %arriedaway %ash oney in the total aountof P1,!/,1/!.!0. (he advan%ed the notion that the terJ%ash oneyK stated in the nforation was notsynonyous with the %he%5s she was purported to havestolen fro petitioner and deposited in her personalban5in# a%%ount. Thus, the %he%5s whi%h the prose%utionhad arasi#an identify, as well as the testiony itself ofarasi#an, should be suppressed by the trial %ourt atleast for violatin# respondent:s ri#ht to due pro%ess.2* ore in point, respondent opined that adittin# thetestiony of arasi#an, as well as the eviden%epertainin# to the (e%urity an5 a%%ount, would violate these%re%y rule under R.&. )o. 10!. 2A

    n its reply, petitioner asserted the su;%ien%y ofthe alle#ations in the %riinal nforation for 3uali4edtheft, as the sae has su;%iently alle#ed the eleents ofthe o=ense %har#ed. t posits that throu#h arasi#an:stestiony, the "ourt would be able to establish that the%he%5s involved, %opies of whi%h were atta%hed to the%oplaint-a;davit 4led with the prose%utor, had indeedbeen re%eived by respondent as %ashier, but were,thereafter, deposited by the latter to her personala%%ount with (e%urity an5. Petitioner held that the%he%5s represented the %ash oney stolen by respondentand, hen%e, the subDe%t atter in this %ase is not only the%ash aount represented by the %he%5s supposedlystolen by respondent, but also the %he%5s theselves./0

    Ge derive fro the %onLi%tin# advo%a%ies of the

    parties that the issue for resolution is whether thetestiony of arasi#an and the a%%opanyin#do%uents are irrelevant to the %ase, and whether theyare also violative of the absolutely %on4dential nature ofban5 deposits and, hen%e, ex%luded by operation of R.&.)o. 10!. The 3uestion of adissibility of the eviden%ethus %oes to the fore. &nd the "ourt, after deliberativeestiation, 4nds the subDe%t eviden%e to be indeedinadissible.

    Prefatorily, fundaental is the pre%ept in all%riinal prose%utions, that the %onstitutive a%ts of theo=ense ust be established with unwaverin# exa%titudeand oral %ertainty be%ause this is the %riti%al and onlyre3uisite to a 4ndin# of #uilt./1 Theft is present when aperson, with intent to #ain but without violen%e a#ainst or

    intiidation of persons or for%e upon thin#s, ta5es thepersonal property of another without the latter:s%onsent. t is 3uali4ed when, aon# others, and asalle#ed in the instant %ase, it is %oitted with abuse of%on4den%e./2 The prose%ution of this o=ense ne%essarilyfo%uses on the existen%e of the followin# eleents? 8a9there was ta5in# of personal property belon#in# toanother 8b9 the ta5in# was done with intent to #ain 8%9the ta5in# was done without the %onsent of the owner 8d9the ta5in# was done without violen%e a#ainst orintiidation of persons or for%e upon thin#s and 8e9 itwas done with abuse of %on4den%e. // n turn, whetherthese eleents %on%ur in a way that over%oes thepresuption of #uiltlessness, is a 3uestion that ust pass

    the test of relevan%y and %opeten%y in a%%ordan%e with(e%tion //Rule 12* of the Rules of "ourt.

    Thus, whether these pie%es of eviden%e sou#ht

    to be suppressed in this %ase the testiony ofarasi#an, as well as the %he%5s purported to have beenstolen and deposited in respondent:s (e%urity an5a%%ountare relevant, is to be addressed by %onsiderin#whether they have su%h dire%t relation to the fa%t in issueas to indu%e belief in its existen%e or non-existen%e orwhether they relate %ollaterally to a fa%t fro whi%h, bypro%ess of lo#i%, an inferen%e ay be ade as to the

    existen%e or non-existen%e of the fa%t in issue. /!

    The fa%t in issue appears to be that respondenthas ta5en away %ash in the aount of P1,!/,1/!.!0fro the %o=ers of petitioner. n support of thisalle#ation, petitioner see5s to establish the existen%e ofthe eleental a%t of ta5in# by addu%in# eviden%e thatrespondent, at several ties between 1A** and 1A*A,deposited soe of its %he%5s to her personal a%%ount with(e%urity an5. Petitioner addresses the in%on#ruen%ebetween the alle#ation of theft of %ash in the nforation,on the one hand, and the eviden%e that respondent had4rst stolen the %he%5s and deposited the sae in herban5in# a%%ount, on the other hand, by ipressin# uponthe "ourt that there obtains no di=eren%e between %ashand %he%5 for purposes of prose%utin# respondent for

    theft of %ash. Petitioner is ista5en.n theft, the a%t of unlawful ta5in# %onnotes

    deprivation of personal property of one by another withintent to #ain, and it is iaterial that the o=ender isable or unable to freely dispose of the property stolenbe%ause the deprivation relative to the o=ended partyhas already ensued fro su%h a%t of exe%ution. /6 Thealle#ation of theft of oney, hen%e, ne%essitates thateviden%e presented ust have a tenden%y to prove thatthe o=ender has unlawfully ta5en oney belon#in# toanother. nterestin#ly, petitioner has ta5en pains inatteptin# to draw a %onne%tion between the eviden%esubDe%t of the instant review, and the alle#ation of theft inthe nforation by %laiin# that respondent hadfraudulently deposited the %he%5s in her own nae. utthis line of ar#uent wor5s ore preDudi%e than favor,be%ause it in e=e%t, see5s to establish the %oission,not of theft, but rather of soe other %rie probably estafa.

    oreover, that there is no di=eren%e between

    %ash and %he%5 is true in other instan%es. n estafa by%onversion, for instan%e, whether the thin# %onverted is%ash or %he%5, is iaterial in relation to the foralalle#ation in an inforation for that o=ense a %he%5,after all, while not re#arded as le#al tender, is norallya%%epted under %oer%ial usa#e as a substitute for%ash, and the %redit it represents in stated onetaryvalue is properly %apable of appropriation. &nd it is inthis respe%t that what the o=ender does with the %he%5subse3uent to the a%t of unlawfully ta5in# it be%oesaterial inasu%h as this o=ense is a %ontinuin# one.

    /+ n other words, in pursuin# a %ase for this o=ense, theprose%ution ay establish its %ause by the presentationof the %he%5s involved. These %he%5s would then%onstitute the best eviden%e to establish their %ontentsand to prove the eleental a%t of %onversion in support ofthe proposition that the o=ender has indeed indorsed thesae in his own nae./*

    Theft, however, is not of su%h %hara%ter. Thus,

    for our purposes, as the nforation in this %ase a%%usesrespondent of havin# stolen %ash, proof tendin# toestablish that respondent has a%tuali7ed her %riinalintent by indorsin# the %he%5s and depositin# thepro%eeds thereof in her personal a%%ount, be%oes notonly irrelevant but also iaterial and, on that s%ore,inadissible in eviden%e.

    Ge now address the issue of whether theadission of arasi#an:s testiony on the parti%ulars ofrespondent:s a%%ount with (e%urity an5, as well as ofthe %orrespondin# eviden%e of the %he%5s alle#edlydeposited in said a%%ount, %onstitutes an unallowablein3uiry under R.&. 10!. t is %on%eded that while the fundaental law hasnot bothered with the triviality of spe%i4%ally addressin#priva%y ri#hts relative to ban5in# a%%ounts, there,nevertheless, exists in our Durisdi%tion a le#itiateexpe%tation of priva%y #overnin# su%h a%%ounts. Thesour%e of this ri#ht of expe%tation is statutory, and it isfound in R.&. )o. 10!,/Aotherwise 5nown as the an5(e%re%y &%t of 1A!!.0

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    R.&. )o. 10! has two allied purposes. t hopes

    to dis%oura#e private hoardin# and at the sae tieen%oura#e the people to deposit their oney in ban5in#institutions, so that it ay be utili7ed by way ofauthori7ed loans and thereby assist in e%onoi%developent.1win# to this pie%e of le#islation, the%on4dentiality of ban5 deposits reains to be a basi%state poli%y in the Philippines.2 (e%tion 2 of the lawinstitutionali7ed this poli%y by %hara%teri7in# asabsolutely %on4dential in #eneral all deposits of whatevernature with ban5s and other 4nan%ial institutions in the

    %ountry. t de%lares?

    Seti#n /.&ll deposits ofwhatever nature with ban5s or ban5in#institutions in the Philippines in%ludin#investents in bonds issued by the'overnent of the Philippines, itspoliti%al subdivisions and itsinstruentalities, are hereby%onsidered as of an absolutely%on4dential nature and ay not beexained, in3uired or loo5ed into byany person, #overnent o;%ial, bureauor o;%e, exceptupon writtenperission of the depositor, or in %asesof ipea%hent, or upon order of a

    %opetent %ourt in %ases of bribery ordereli%tion of duty of publi% o;%ials, orin %ases where the oney deposited orinvested is the subDe%t atter of theliti#ation.

    (ubse3uent statutory ena%tents/have

    expanded the list of ex%eptions to this poli%y yet these%re%y of ban5 deposits still lies as the #eneral rule,fallin# as it does within the le#ally re%o#ni7ed 7ones ofpriva%y. There is, in fa%t, u%h disfavor to %onstruin#these priary and suppleental ex%eptions in a annerthat would authori7e unbridled dis%retion, whether#overnental or otherwise, in utili7in# these ex%eptionsas authority for unwarranted in3uiry into ban5

    a%%ounts. t is then per%eivable that the present le#alorder is obli#ed to %onserve the absolutely %on4dentialnature of ban5 deposits.!

    The easure of prote%tion a=orded by the law

    has been explained in China Banking Corporation v.Ortega.[46] That %ase prin%ipally addressed the issue ofwhether the prohibition a#ainst an exaination of ban5deposits pre%ludes #arnishent in satisfa%tion of a

    Dud#ent. Rulin# on that issue in the ne#ative, the "ourtfound #uidan%e in the relevant portions of the le#islativedeliberations on (enate ill )o. /!1 and House ill )o./A++, whi%h later be%ae the an5 (e%re%y &%t, and itheld that the absolute %on4dentiality rule in R.&. )o. 10!a%tually ais at prote%tion fro unwarranted in3uiry orinvesti#ation if the purpose of su%h in3uiry orinvesti#ation is erely to deterine the existen%e andnature, as well as the aount of the deposit in any #ivenban5 a%%ount. Thus,

    x x x The lower %ourt did not order an exaination ofor in3uiry into the deposit of E Forest$evelopent "orporation, as %onteplated in thelaw. t erely re3uired Tan Mi Nion# to infor the%ourt whether or not the defendant E Forest$evelopent "orporation had a deposit in the "hinaan5in# "orporation only for purposes of the#arnishent issued by it, so that the ban5 would holdthe sae inta%t and not allow any withdrawal untilfurther order. t will be noted fro the dis%ussion ofthe %onferen%e %oittee report on (enate ill )o./!1 and House ill )o. /A++whi%h later be%aeRepubli% &%t )o. 10!, that it was not the intention of

    the lawa5ers to pla%e ban5s deposits beyond therea%h of exe%ution to satisfy a 4nal Dud#ent. Thus?

    x x x r. ar%os? )ow, for purposes ofthe re%ord, should li5e the "hairan ofthe "oittee on Gays and eans to%larify this further. (uppose an individualhas a tax %ase. He is bein# held liable bythe ureau of nternal Revenue 8R9 or,say, P1,000.00 worth of tax liability, andbe%ause of this the deposit of thisindividual has been atta%hed by theR.

    r. Raos? The atta%hentwill only apply after the %ourt haspronoun%ed senten%e de%larin# theliability of su%h person. B*t 01ere t1epri)ry i) is t# deter)ine 01et1er1e 1s bn! dep#sit in #rder t#brin b#*t pr#per ssess)ent byt1e 2BIR3, s*1 in4*iry is n#t ++#0edby t1is pr#p#sed +0.

    r. ar%os? ut under our rules

    of pro%edure and under the "ivil "ode, the

    atta%hent or #arnishent of oneydeposited is allowed. Net us assue forinstan%e that there is a preliinaryatta%hent whi%h is for #arnishent orfor holdin# liable all oneys depositedbelon#in# to a %ertain individual, but su%hatta%hent or #arnishent will brin# outinto the open the value of su%hdeposit. s that prohibited by... the lawO

    r. Raos? t is only prohibited

    to the extent that the in3uiry... is adeonly for the purpose of satisfyin# a taxliability already de%lared for theprote%tion of the ri#ht in favor of the#overnent b*t 01en t1e #b5et is

    )ere+y t# in4*ire 01et1er 1e 1s dep#sit #r n#t 6#r p*rp#ses #6t7ti#n, t1en t1is is 6*++y #8ered byt1e +0. x x x

    r. ar%os? T1e +0 pr#1ibits

    )ere in8estiti#n int# t1ee7istene nd t1e )#*nt #6 t1edep#sit.

    r. Raos? Int# t1e 8ery

    nt*re #6 s*1 dep#sit. x x x+

    n ta5in# ex%lusion fro the %overa#e of the%on4dentiality rule, petitioner in the instant %ase positsthat the a%%ount aintained by respondent with (e%urityan5 %ontains the pro%eeds of the %he%5s that she hasfraudulently appropriated to herself and, thus, falls underone of the ex%eptions in (e%tion 2 of R.&. )o. 10! thatthe oney 5ept in said a%%ount is the subDe%t atter inliti#ation. To hi#hli#ht this thesis, petitioner avers,%itin# Mathay v. Consolidated Bank and Trust Co.,[48]thatthe subDe%t atter of the a%tion refers to the physi%alfa%ts the thin#s real or personal the oney, lands,%hattels and the li5e, in relation to whi%h the suit isprose%uted, whi%h in the instant %ase should refer to theoney deposited in the (e%urity an5 a%%ount.A n thesurfa%e, however, it sees that petitioner:s theory isvalid to a point, yet a deeper treatent tends to showthat it has ar#ued 3uite o=-tan#entially. This, be%ause,while Mathay did explain what the subDe%t atter of ana%tion is, it nevertheless did so only to deterine whether

    the %lass suit in that %ase was properly brou#ht to the%ourt.

    Ghat indeed %onstitutes the subDe%t atter inliti#ation in relation to (e%tion 2 of R.&. )o. 10! hasbeen pointedly and aply addressed in nion Bank of the!hilippines v. Court of "ppeals,[50]in whi%h the "ourtnoted that the in3uiry into ban5 deposits allowable underR.&. )o. 10! ust be preised on the fa%t that theoney deposited in the a%%ount is itse+6the subDe%t ofthe a%tion.!1 'iven this perspe%tive, we dedu%e that thesubDe%t atter of the a%tion in the %ase at bar is to bedeterined fro the indi%tent that %har#es respondentwith the o=ense, and not fro the eviden%e sou#ht bythe prose%ution to be aditted into the re%ords. n the%riinal nforation 4led with the trial %ourt, respondent,

    un3uali4edly and in plain lan#ua#e, is %har#ed with3uali4ed theft by abusin# petitioner:s trust and%on4den%e and stealin# %ash in the aountof P1,!/,1/!.!0. The said nforation a5es no fa%tualalle#ation that in soe aterial way involves the %he%5ssubDe%t of the testionial and do%uentary eviden%esou#ht to be suppressed. )either do the alle#ations insaid nforation a5e ention of the supposed ban5a%%ount in whi%h the funds represented by the %he%5shave alle#edly been 5ept.

    n other words, it %an hardly be inferred fro theindi%tent itself that the (e%urity an5 a%%ount is theostensible subDe%t of the prose%ution:s in3uiry. Githoutneedlessly expandin# the s%ope of what is plainly alle#ed

  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases


    in the nforation, the subDe%t atter of the a%tion in this%ase is the oney aountin# to P1,!/,1/!.!0 alle#ed tohave been stolen by respondent, and not the oneye3uivalent of the %he%5s whi%h are sou#ht to be adittedin eviden%e. Thus, it is that, whi%h the prose%ution isbound to prove with its eviden%e, and no other.

    t %oes %lear that the adission of testionial

    and do%uentary eviden%e relative to respondent:s(e%urity an5 a%%ount serves no other purpose than toestablish the existen%e of su%h a%%ount, its nature andthe aount 5ept in it. t %onstitutes an attept by the

    prose%ution at an iperissible in3uiry into a ban5deposit a%%ount the priva%y and %on4dentiality of whi%h isprote%ted by law. n this s%ore alone, the obDe%tionposed by respondent in her otion to suppress shouldhave indeed put an end to the %ontroversy at the very4rst instan%e it was raised before the trial %ourt.

    n su, we hold that the testiony of arasi#anon the parti%ulars of respondent:s supposed ban5 a%%ountwith (e%urity an5 and the do%uentary eviden%erepresented by the %he%5s addu%ed in support thereof,are not only in%opetent for bein# ex%luded by operationof R.&. )o. 10!. They are li5ewise irrelevant to the %ase,inasu%h as they do not appear to have any lo#i%al andreasonable %onne%tion to the prose%ution of respondentfor 3uali4ed theft. Ge 4nd full erit in and a;r

    respondent:s obDe%tion to the eviden%e of theprose%ution. The "ourt of &ppeals was, therefore, %orre%tin reversin# the assailed orders of the trial %ourt.

    & 4nal note. n any #iven Durisdi%tion where the

    ri#ht of priva%y extends its s%ope to in%lude anindividual:s 4nan%ial priva%y ri#hts and personal 4nan%ialatters, there is an interediate or hei#htened s%rutiny#iven by %ourts and le#islators to laws infrin#in# su%hri#hts.!2(hould there be doubts in upholdin# theabsolutely %on4dential nature of ban5 deposits a#ainsta;rin# the authority to in3uire into su%h a%%ounts, thensu%h doubts ust be resolved in favor of the forer. Thisattitude persists unless %on#ress lifts its 4n#er to reversethe #eneral state poli%y respe%tin# the absolutely%on4dential nature of ban5 deposits.!/

    9H-R-:OR-, the petition is D-NI-D. The

    $e%ision of the "ourt of &ppeals in "&-'.R. (P )o. *+600dated &pril 20, 200!, reversin# the (epteber 1/, 200and )oveber !, 200 rders of the Re#ional Trial "ourtof anila, ran%h /6 in "riinal "ase )o. 02-2021!*,is A::IRM-D.

    SO ORD-R-D.

    (B")$ $I()

    G.R. N#. $;$

  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases


    4led before the "&. n his &ppellant:s rief, (oria#a

    presented the followin#?














    The "ourt 4nds no erit in the appeal.

    Q& buy-bust operation is a for of entrapent whereby

    ways and eans are resorted to for the purpose of

    trappin# and %apturin# the lawbrea5ers in the exe%ution

    of their %riinal plan. n this Durisdi%tion, the operation is

    le#al and has been proved to be an e=e%tive ethod of

    apprehendin# dru# peddlers, provided due re#ard to

    %onstitutional and le#al safe#uards is underta5en.Q*

    (oria#a ar#ues that the buy-bust tea failed to %oply

    with the re3uisites of (e%tion 21, &rti%le of R.&. )o.

    A16! and its ipleentin# rules re3uirin# the iediate

    inventory and photo#raph of the ites sei7ed in the buy-

    bust operation. Further, (oria#a pro%eeds to 3uestion the

    %hain of %ustody of the sei7ed shabu.

    First of all, what is aterial to the prose%ution for ille#al

    sale of prohibited or dan#erous dru#s is the proof that the

    transa%tion or sale a%tually too5 pla%e, plus the

    presentation of the %orpus deli%ti as eviden%e. Thus, the

    eleents essential to the %rie of ille#al sale of

    prohibited or dan#erous dru#s are? 8i9 the a%%used sold

    and delivered a prohibited dru# to another and 8ii9 he

    5new that what he had sold and delivered was a

    prohibited dru#.A

    The RT" and the "& both found the above eleents to

    have been satisfa%torily proved by the prose%ution in the

    present %ase. (oria#a sold and delivered the shabufor P100 to Fa%undo, the poseur buyer. Fa%undo herself

    testi4ed that there was an a%tual ex%han#e of the

    ar5ed-oney and the prohibited dru#. "ertainly,

    (oria#a was aware that what he was sellin# was ille#al

    and prohibited. Thereafter, the corpus delictior the

    subDe%t dru# was sei7ed, ar5ed and subse3uently

    identi4ed as a prohibited dru#. &t the trial, the sae dru#

    with the identifyin# ar5s inta%t was presented in

    eviden%e. "oupled with the unwaverin# testiony of

    Fa%undo who had no reason at all to falsely a%%use

    (oria#a and who was only doin# her Dob, the prose%ution

    %onvin%ed the RT" to render a Dud#ent of %onvi%tion.

    n the absen%e of any showin# that substantial or relevantfa%ts bearin# on the eleents of the %rie have been

    isapplied or overloo5ed, the "ourt %an only a%%ord full

    %reden%e to su%h fa%tual assessent of the trial %ourt

    whi%h had the distin%t advanta#e of observin# the

    deeanor and %ondu%t of the witnesses at the trial.10

    &bsent any proof of otive to falsely %har#e an a%%used

    of su%h a #rave o=ense, the presuption of re#ularity in

    the perforan%e of o;%ial duty and the 4ndin#s of the

    trial %ourt with respe%t to the %redibility of witnesses shall

    prevail over his bare alle#ation.11

    n the issue of non-%oplian%e with the pres%ribed

    pro%edures in the inventory of sei7ed dru#s, the rule is

    that it does not render an a%%usedSs arrest ille#al or the

    ites sei7ed

  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases


    GHBRBFRB, the appeal is $B)B$.

    ( R$BRB$.

    FR(T $I()

    2G.R. N#. $'&//=. @*ne $, /==3

    ROS-NDO H-RR-RA,petitioner, vs. ROS-NDO

    ALBA, )in#r, represented by 1is )#t1erARMI A. ALBA, nd HON. NIM:A CU-STA"

    VILCH-S, Presidin @*de, Brn1 '&,

    Rei#n+Trial "ourt, Mni+, respondents.

    D - C I S I O N


    T1e Cse

    This is a petition for review1to set aside the

    $e%ision2dated 2A )oveber 2000 of the "ourt of

    &ppeals 8Jappellate %ourtK9 in "&-'.R. (P )o. !A+66. Theappellate %ourt a;red two rders/issued by ran%h *

    of the Re#ional Trial "ourt of anila 8Jtrial %ourtK9 in (P

    )o. A*-**+!A. The rder dated / February 2000 dire%ted

    Rosendo Herrera 8JpetitionerK9 to subit

    to deoxyribonu%lei% a%id 8J$)&K9 paternity testin#, while

    the rder dated * @une 2000 denied petitioner:s otion

    for re%onsideration.

    T1e :ts

    n 1 ay 1AA*, then thirteen-year-old Rosendo

    &lba 8JrespondentK9, represented by his other &ri

    &lba, 4led before the trial %ourt a petition for %opulsoryre%o#nition, support and daa#es a#ainst petitioner. n

    + &u#ust 1AA*, petitioner 4led his answer with

    %ounter%lai where he denied that he is the biolo#i%al

    father of respondent. Petitioner also denied physi%al

    %onta%t with respondent:s other.

    Respondent 4led a otion to dire%t the ta5in#

    of $)& paternity testin# to abbreviate the pro%eedin#s.

    To support the otion, respondent presented the

    testiony of (aturnina ". Halos, Ph.$. Ghen she

    testi4ed, $r. Halos was an &sso%iate Professor at $e Na

    (alle >niversity where she tau#ht "ell iolo#y. (he was

    also head of the >niversity of the Philippines )atural

    (%ien%es Resear%h nstitute 8J>P-)(RK9, a $)& analysislaboratory. (he was a forer professor at the >niversity

    of the Philippines in $ilian, Uue7on "ity, where she

    developed the ole%ular iolo#y Pro#ra and tau#ht

    ole%ular iolo#y. n her testiony, $r. Halos des%ribed

    the pro%ess for $)& paternity testin# and asserted that

    the test had an a%%ura%y rate of AA.AAAAV in establishin#


    Petitioner opposed $)& paternity testin# and

    %ontended that it has not #ained a%%eptability. Petitioner

    further ar#ued that $)& paternity testin# violates his

    ri#ht a#ainst self-in%riination.

    T1e R*+in #6 t1e Tri+ C#*rt

    n an rder dated / February 2000, the trial %ourt

    #ranted respondent:s otion to %ondu%t $)& paternity

    testin# on petitioner, respondent and &ri &lba. Thus?

    In 8ie0 #6 t1e 6#re#in, t1e )#ti#n #6 t1e

    petiti#ner is GRANT-D nd t1e re+e8nt indi8id*+s,

    n)e+y( t1e petiti#ner, t1e )in#r 1i+d, nd

    resp#ndent re direted t# *nder# DNA pternity

    testin in +b#rt#ry #6 t1eir #))#n 1#ie

    0it1in peri#d #6 t1irty

  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases


    #rdered dis)issed, nd t1e 1++ened #rders #6

    t1e Tri+ C#*rt A::IRM-D, 0it1 #sts t# Petiti#ner.

    SO ORD-R-D.2&3

    Petitioner oved for re%onsideration, whi%h the

    appellate %ourt denied in its Resolution dated 2/ ay



    Petitioner raises the issue of whether a $)& test is a

    valid probative tool in this Durisdi%tion to deterine

    4liation. Petitioner as5s for the %onditions under whi%h

    $)& te%hnolo#y ay be inte#rated into our Dudi%ial

    syste and the prere3uisites for the adissibility of $)&

    test results in a paternity suit.10

    Petitioner further subits that the appellate %ourt

    #ravely abused its dis%retion when it authori7ed the trial

    %ourt Jto ebar5 in si% a new pro%edure xxx to

    deterine 4liation despite the absen%e of le#islation to

    ensure its reliability and inte#rity, want of o;%ial

    re%o#nition as ade %lear in im vs. Court of "ppealsandthe presen%e of te%hni%al and le#al %onstraints in respe%t

    of si% its ipleentation.K11Petitioner aintains that

    the proposed $)& paternity testin# violates his ri#ht

    a#ainst self-in%riination.12

    T1e R*+in #6 t1e C#*rt

    The petition has no erit.

    efore dis%ussin# the issues on $)& paternity

    testin#, we dee it appropriate to #ive an overview of a

    paternity suit and apply it to the fa%ts of this %ase. Ge

    shall %onsider the re3uireents of the Faily "ode and of

    the Rules of Bviden%e to establish paternity and 4liation.

    An Overview of the Paternity and Filiation !it

    Filiation pro%eedin#s are usually 4led not Dust to

    adDudi%ate paternity but also to se%ure a le#al ri#ht

    asso%iated with paternity, su%h as %iti7enship,1/support

    8as in the present %ase9, or inheritan%e. The burden of

    provin# paternity is on the person who alle#es that the

    putative father is the biolo#i%al father of the %hild. There

    are four si#ni4%ant pro%edural aspe%ts of a traditional

    paternity a%tion whi%h parties have to fa%e? aprima facie

    case, a;rative defenses, presuption of le#itia%y,

    and physi%al reseblan%e between the putative fatherand %hild.1

    &prima facie %ase exists if a woan de%lares that

    she had sexual relations with the putative father. n our

    Durisdi%tion, %orroborative proof is re3uired to %arry the

    burden forward and shift it to the putative father.1!

    There are two a;rative defenses available to the

    putative father. The putative father ay show

    in%apability of sexual relations with the other, be%ause

    of either physi%al absen%e or ipoten%y. 16The putative

    father ay also show that the other had sexual

    relations with other en at the tie of %on%eption.

    & %hild born to a husband and wife durin# a valid

    arria#e is presued le#itiate.1+The %hild:s le#itia%y

    ay be ipu#ned only under the stri%t standards

    provided by law.1*

    Finally, physi%al reseblan%e between the putative

    father and %hild ay be o=ered as part of eviden%e of

    paternity. Reseblan%e is a trial te%hni3ue uni3ue to a

    paternity pro%eedin#. However, althou#h li5eness is a

    fun%tion of heredity, there is no atheati%al forula

    that %ould 3uantify how u%h a %hild ust or ust not

    loo5 li5e his biolo#i%al father.1AThis 5ind of eviden%e

    appeals to the eotions of the trier of fa%t.

    n the present %ase, the trial %ourt en%ountered

    three of the four aspe%ts. &ri &lba, respondent:s

    other, put forward aprima facie%ase when she

    asserted that petitioner is respondent:s biolo#i%al father.

    &ware that her assertion is not enou#h to %onvin%e the

    trial %ourt, she o=ered %orroborative proof in the for of

    letters and pi%tures. Petitioner, on the other hand, denied

    &ri &lba:s assertion. He denied ever havin# sexualrelations with &ri &lba and stated that respondent is

    &ri &lba:s %hild with another an. &ri &lba %ountered

    petitioner:s denial by subittin# pi%tures of respondent

    and petitioner side by side, to show how u%h they

    reseble ea%h other.

    Paternity and 4liation disputes %an easily be%oe

    %redibility %ontests. Ge now loo5 to the law, rules, and

    #overnin# Durispruden%e to help us deterine what

    eviden%e of in%riinatin# a%ts on paternity and 4liation

    are allowed in this Durisdi%tion.

    "aws# $!les# and J!rispr!den%e

    &sta'lishin( Filiation

    The relevant provisions of the Faily "ode provide

    as follows?

    ART. $. I++eiti)te 1i+dren )y estb+is1 t1eir

    i++eiti)te +iti#n in t1e s)e 0y nd #n t1e

    s)e e8idene s +eiti)te 1i+dren.


    ART. $/. T1e +iti#n #6 +eiti)te 1i+dren is

    estb+is1ed by ny #6 t1e 6#++#0in(

    $ T1e re#rd #6 birt1 pperin in

    t1e i8i+ reister #r n+

    5*d)ent #r

    / An d)issi#n #6 +eiti)te +iti#n

    in p*b+i d#*)ent #r pri8te

    1nd0ritten instr*)ent nd sined

    by t1e prent #nerned.

    In t1e bsene #6 t1e 6#re#in e8idene, t1e

    +eiti)te +iti#n s1++ be pr#8ed by(

    $ T1e #pen nd #ntin*#*s

    p#ssessi#n #6 t1e stt*s #6

    +eiti)te 1i+d #r

    / Any #t1er )ens ++#0ed by t1e

    R*+es #6 C#*rt nd spei+ +0s.

    The Rules on Bviden%e in%lude provisions on

    pedi#ree. The relevant se%tions of Rule 1/0 provide?


  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases


    S-C. '=. Fa*ily rep!tation or tradition re(ardin(

    pedi(ree.)T1e rep*tti#n #r trditi#n e7istin in

    6)i+y pre8i#*s t# t1e #ntr#8ersy, in respet t#

    t1e pediree #6 ny #ne #6 its )e)bers, )y be

    reei8ed in e8idene i6 t1e 0itness testi6yin

    t1ere#n be +s# )e)ber #6 t1e 6)i+y, eit1er by

    #nsn*inity #r Jnity. -ntries in 6)i+y bib+es

    #r #t1er 6)i+y b##!s #r 1rts, enr8in #n

    rins, 6)i+y p#rtrits nd t1e +i!e, )y be

    reei8ed s e8idene #6 pediree.

    This "ourt:s rulin#s further spe%ify what

    in%riinatin# a%ts are a%%eptable as eviden%e to establish

    4liation. n Pe "i* v. +A,20a %ase petitioner often %ites,

    we stated that the issue of paternity still has to be

    resolved by su%h %onventional eviden%e as the

    relevant inri)intinverbal and written a%ts by the

    putative father. >nder &rti%le 2+* of the )ew "ivil "ode,

    voluntary re%o#nition by a parent shall be ade in the

    re%ord of birth, a will, a stateent before a %ourt of

    re%ord, or in any authenti% writin#. To be e=e%tive, the

    %lai of 4liation ust be ade by the putative father

    hiself and the writin# ust be the writin# of the

    putative father.21& notarial a#reeent to support a %hild

    whose 4liation is aditted by the putative father was%onsidered a%%eptable eviden%e.22Netters to the other

    vowin# to be a #ood father to the %hild and pi%tures of

    the putative father %uddlin# the %hild on various

    o%%asions, to#ether with the %erti4%ate of live birth,

    proved 4liation.2/However, a student peranent re%ord,

    a written %onsent to a father:s operation, or a arria#e

    %ontra%t where the putative father #ave %onsent, %annot

    be ta5en as authenti% writin#.2(tandin# alone, neither a

    %erti4%ate of baptis2!nor faily pi%tures26are

    su;%ient to establish 4liation.

    (o far, the laws, rules, and Durispruden%e seein#ly

    liit eviden%e of paternity and 4liation to in%riinatin#

    a%ts alone. However, advan%es in s%ien%e show thatsour%es of eviden%e of paternity and 4liation need not be

    liited to in%riinatin# a%ts. There is now alost

    universal s%ienti4% a#reeent that blood #roupin# tests

    are %on%lusive on non-paternity, althou#h in%on%lusive on


    n +o ,ao v. +o!rt of Appeals,2*the result of the

    blood #roupin# test showed that the putative father was a

    Jpossible fatherK of the %hild. Paternity was iputed to

    the putative father after the possibility of paternity was

    proven on presentation durin# trial of fa%ts and

    %ir%ustan%es other than the results of the blood

    #roupin# test.

    nJao v. +o!rt of Appeals,2Athe %hild, the

    other, and the putative father a#reed to subit

    theselves to a blood #roupin# test. The )ational

    ureau of nvesti#ation 8J)K9 %ondu%ted the test, whi%h

    indi%ated that the %hild %ould not have been the possible

    o=sprin# of the other and the putative father. Ge held

    that the result of the blood #roupin# test was %on%lusive

    on the non-paternity of the putative father.

    The present %ase as5s us to #o one step further. Ge

    are now as5ed whether $)& analysis ay be aditted as

    eviden%e to prove paternity.

    -A Analysis as &viden%e

    $)& is the fundaental buildin# blo%5 of a person:s

    entire #eneti% a5e-up. $)& is found in all huan %ells

    and is the sae in every %ell of the sae person. 'eneti%

    identity is uni3ue. Hen%e, a person:s $)& pro4le %an

    deterine his identity./0

    $)& analysis is a pro%edure in whi%h $)& extra%ted

    fro a biolo#i%al saple obtained fro an individual is

    exained. The $)& is pro%essed to #enerate a pattern,

    or a $)& pro4le, for the individual fro who the saple

    is ta5en. This $)& pro4le is uni3ue for ea%h person,

    ex%ept for identi%al twins./1Ge 3uote relevant portions

    of the trial %ourt:s / February 2000 rder with approval?

    -8ery#ne is b#rn 0it1 distint eneti b+*eprint

    ++ed DNA de#7yrib#n*+ei id. It is e7+*si8e

    t# n indi8id*+ e7ept in t1e rre #*rrene #6

    identi+ t0ins t1t s1re sin+e, 6erti+iKed e,

    nd DNA is *n1nin t1r#*1#*t +i6e. Bein

    #)p#nent #6 e8ery e++ in t1e 1*)n b#dy, t1e

    DNA #6 n indi8id*+?s b+##d is t1e 8ery DNA in 1is#r 1er s!in e++s, 1ir 6#++i+es, )*s+es, se)en,

    s)p+es 6r#) b*+ s0bs, s+i8, #r #t1er b#dy


    T1e 1e)i+ str*t*re #6 DNA 1s 6#*r bses.

    T1ey re !n#0n

    s A denine, G *nine, C yst#sine

    nd T t1y)ine. T1e #rder in 01i1 t1e 6#*r bses

    pper in n indi8id*+?s DNA deter)ines 1is #r

    1er p1ysi+ )!e*p. And sine DNA is d#*b+e"

    strnded )#+e*+e, it is #)p#sed #6 t0# spei

    pired bses, A"T #r T"A nd G"C #r C"G. T1ese re

    ++ed /(enes.

    -8ery (ene1s ertin n*)ber #6 t1e b#8e bse

    pirs distrib*ted in prti*+r se4*ene. T1is

    i8es pers#n 1is #r 1er eneti #de. S#)e01ere

    in t1e DNA 6r)e0#r!, n#net1e+ess, re seti#ns

    t1t diEer. T1ey re !n#0n s /poly*orphi%

    lo%i#01i1 re t1e res n+yKed in DNA typin

    pr#+in, tests, nerprintin, #r n+ysisDNA

    nerprintineneti tests #r nerprintin. In

    #t1er 0#rds, DNA typin si)p+y )ens

    deter)inin t1e /poly*orphi% lo%i.

    H#0 is DNA typin per6#r)ed :r#) DNA s)p+e

    #btined #r e7trted, )#+e*+r bi#+#ist )y

    pr#eed t# n+yKe it in se8er+ 0ys. T1ere re

    8e te1ni4*es t# #nd*t DNA typin. T1ey

    re( t1e $F"P 1restri%tion fra(*ent len(th

    poly*orphis*23 /reverse dot 'lot#r HLA D P)

    +#i 01i1 0s *sed in /& ses t1t 0ere

    d)itted s e8idene by

  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases


    deter)ine 01i1 1+6 #6 t1e 1i+d?s DNA 0s

    in1erited 6r#) t1e )#t1er. T1e #t1er 1+6 )*st

    18e been in1erited 6r#) t1e bi#+#i+ 6t1er. T1e

    ++eed 6t1er?s pr#+e is t1en e7)ined t#

    sertin 01et1er 1e 1s t1e DNA types in 1is

    pr#+e, 01i1 )t1 t1e ptern+ types in t1e

    1i+d. I6 t1e )n?s DNA types d# n#t )t1 t1t #6

    t1e 1i+d, t1e )n is e7+*ded s t1e 6t1er. I6 t1e

    DNA types )t1, t1en 1e is n#t e7+*ded s t1e


  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases


    deter)inti#n #6 t1e ti#n )#re pr#bb+e #r +ess

    pr#bb+e t1n it 0#*+d be 0it1#*t t1e e8idene.

    R*+e '=/. A++ re+e8nt e8idene is d)issib+e,

    e7ept s #t1er0ise pr#8ided by t1e C#nstit*ti#n

    #6 t1e United Sttes, by At #6 C#nress, by t1ese

    r*+es, #r by #t1er r*+es presribed by t1e S*pre)e

    C#*rt p*rs*nt t# stt*t#ry *t1#rity. -8idene

    01i1 is n#t re+e8nt is n#t d)issib+e.

    Rule +02 of the Federal Rules of Bviden%e #overnin#expert testiony provides?

    I6 sienti, te1ni+, #r #t1er spei+iKed

    !n#0+ede 0i++ ssist t1e trier #6 6t t#

    *nderstnd t1e e8idene #r t# deter)ine 6t in

    iss*e, 0itness 4*+ied s n e7pert by

    !n#0+ede, s!i++, e7periene, trinin, #r

    ed*ti#n, )y testi6y t1eret# in t1e 6#r) #6 n

    #pini#n #r #t1er0ise.

    -a!'ert%autions that departure fro

    the Fryestandard of #eneral a%%eptan%e does not ean

    that the Federal Rules do not pla%e liits on the

    adissibility of s%ienti4% eviden%e. Rather, the Dud#e

    ust ensure that the testiony:s reasonin# or ethod is

    s%ienti4%ally valid and is relevant to the issue.

    &dissibility would depend on fa%tors su%h as 819

    whether the theory or te%hni3ue %an be or has been

    tested 829 whether the theory or te%hni3ue has been

    subDe%ted to peer review and publi%ation 8/9 the 5nown

    or potential rate of error 89 the existen%e and

    aintenan%e of standards %ontrollin# the te%hni3ue:s

    operation and 8!9 whether the theory or te%hni3ue is

    #enerally a%%epted in the s%ienti4% %ounity.

    &nother produ%t liability %ase, @!*ho ,ires +o. v.



    further odi4ed the -a!'ertstandard.This led to the aendent of Rule +02 in 2000 and whi%h

    now reads as follows?

    I6 sienti, te1ni+ #r #t1er spei+iKed

    !n#0+ede 0i++ ssist t1e trier #6 6t t#

    *nderstnd t1e e8idene #r t# deter)ine 6t in

    iss*e, 0itness 4*+ied s n e7pert by

    !n#0+ede, s!i++, e7periene, trinin, #r

    ed*ti#n, )y testi6y t1eret# in t1e 6#r) #6 n

    #pini#n #r #t1er0ise, i6 $ t1e testi)#ny is bsed

    *p#n s*Jient 6ts #r dt, / t1e testi)#ny is

    t1e pr#d*t #6 re+ib+e prinip+es nd )et1#ds, nd

    standard nor the -a!'ert?

    @!*hostandard is %ontrollin# in the Philippines.+&t

    best, &eri%an Durispruden%e erely has a persuasive

    e=e%t on our de%isions. Here, eviden%e is adissible

    when it is relevant to the fa%t in issue and is not

    otherwise ex%luded by statute or the Rules of "ourt.*Bviden%e is relevant when it has su%h a relation to the

    fa%t in issue as to indu%e belief in its existen%e or non-

    existen%e.A(e%tion A of Rule 1/0, whi%h #overns the

    adissibility of expert testiony, provides as follows?

    T1e #pini#n #6 0itness #n )tter re4*irin

    spei+ !n#0+ede, s!i++, e7periene #r trinin

    01i1 1e is s1#0n t# p#ssess )y be reei8ed in


    This Rule does not pose any le#al obsta%le to the

    adissibility of $)& analysis as eviden%e. ndeed, even

    eviden%e on %ollateral atters is allowed Jwhen it tends

    in any reasonable de#ree to establish the probability or

    iprobability of the fa%t in issue.K!0

    ndeed, it would have been %onvenient to erely

    refer petitioner to our de%isions in ,iin(#

    alleoand 7atarto illustrate that $)& analysis is

    adissible as eviden%e. n our Durisdi%tion, the restri%tive

    tests for adissibility established by Frye?

    %hwart>and -a!'ert?@!*ho#o into the wei#ht of the


    Pro'ative al!e of

    -A Analysis as &viden%e

    $espite our relatively liberal rules on adissibility,

    trial %ourts should be %autious in #ivin# %reden%e to $)&

    analysis as eviden%e. Ge reiterate our stateent

    in alleo?

    In ssessin t1e pr#bti8e 8+*e #6 DNA e8idene,

    t1ere6#re, #*rts s1#*+d #nsider, )#n #t1er

    t1ins, t1e 6#++#0in dt( 1#0 t1e s)p+es 0ere

    #++eted, 1#0 t1ey 0ere 1nd+ed, t1e p#ssibi+ity

    #6 #nt)inti#n #6 t1e s)p+es, t1e pr#ed*re

    6#++#0ed in n+yKin t1e s)p+es, 01et1er t1e

    pr#per stndrds nd pr#ed*res 0ere 6#++#0ed in

    #nd*tin t1e tests, nd t1e 4*+iti#n #6 t1e

    n+yst 01# #nd*ted t1e tests.2$3

    Ge also repeat the trial %ourt:s explanation of $)&

    analysis used in paternity %ases?

    In 23 pternity test, t1e 6#rensi sientist +##!s t

    n*)ber #6 t1ese 8rib+e rei#ns in n indi8id*+

    t# pr#d*e DNA pr#+e. C#)prin ne7t t1e DNA

    pr#+es #6 t1e )#t1er nd 1i+d, it is p#ssib+e t#

    deter)ine 01i1 1+6 #6 t1e 1i+d?s DNA 0s

    in1erited 6r#) t1e )#t1er. T1e #t1er 1+6 )*st

    18e been in1erited 6r#) t1e bi#+#i+ 6t1er. T1e

    ++eed 6t1er?s pr#+e is t1en e7)ined t#sertin 01et1er 1e 1s t1e DNA types in 1is

    pr#+e, 01i1 )t1 t1e ptern+ types in t1e

    1i+d. I6 t1e )n?s DNA types d# n#t )t1 t1t #6

    t1e 1i+d, t1e )n is e7+*ded s t1e 6t1er. I6 t1e

    DNA types )t1, t1en 1e is n#t e7+*ded s t1e


    t is not enou#h to state that the %hild:s $)& pro4le

    at%hes that of the putative father. & %oplete at%h

    between the $)& pro4le of the %hild and the $)& pro4le

    of the putative father does not ne%essarily establish

    paternity. For this reason, followin# the hi#hest standard

    adopted in an &eri%an Durisdi%tion, !/trial %ourts should

    re3uire at least AA.AV as a iniu value of theProbability of Paternity 8JGK9 prior to a paternity

    in%lusion. G is a nueri%al estiate for the li5elihood of

    paternity of a putative father %opared to the probability

    of a rando at%h of two unrelated individuals. &n

    appropriate referen%e population database, su%h as the

    Philippine population database, is re3uired to %opute for

    G. $ue to the probabilisti% nature of paternity in%lusions,

    G will never e3ual to 100V. However, the a%%ura%y of G

    estiates is hi#her when the putative father, other and

    %hild are subDe%ted to $)& analysis %opared to those

    %ondu%ted between the putative father and %hild alone.!

    $)& analysis that ex%ludes the putative father fro

    paternity should be %on%lusive proof of non-paternity. fthe value of G is less than AA.AV, the results of the $)&

    analysis should be %onsidered as %orroborative eviden%e.

    f the value of G is AA.AV or hi#her, then there

    is re6*tb+epresuption of paternity.!!This refutable

    presuption of paternity should be subDe%ted to

    the alleostandards.

    $i(ht A(ainst


  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases


    (e%tion 1+, &rti%le / of the 1A*+ "onstitution

    provides that Jno person shall be %opelled to be a

    witness a#ainst hiself.K Petitioner asserts that obtainin#

    saples fro hi for $)& testin# violates his ri#ht

    a#ainst self-in%riination. Petitioner i#nores our earlier

    pronoun%eents that the privile#e is appli%able only to

    testionial eviden%e. ain, we 3uote relevant portions

    of the trial %ourt:s / February 2000 rder with approval?

    Obtinin DNA s)p+es 6r#) n *sed in

    ri)in+ se #r 6r#) t1e resp#ndent in pternityse, #ntrry t# t1e be+ie6 #6 resp#ndent in t1is

    ti#n, 0i++ n#t 8i#+te t1e ri1t inst se+6"

    inri)inti#n. T1is pri8i+ee pp+ies #n+y t#

    e8idene t1t is /%o**!ni%ativein essene t!en

    *nder d*ress Pe#p+e 8s. O+8is, $' SCRA $A, respondent.

    R - S O L U T I O N


    efore us is a %oplaint 4led by Pedro '. Tolentino,

    Roeo . Nay#o, (oloon . Nualan#, (r., eliton $.

    Bvan#elista, (r., and )elson . el#ar a#ainst &tty.

    )orberto . endo7a for 'rossly oral "ondu%t and

    'ross is%ondu%t.

    "oplainants alle#e in their &;davit-"oplaint that

    respondent, a forer uni%ipal Trial "ourt @ud#e,

    abandoned his le#al wife, Feli%itas I. Ialderia in favor of

    his paraour, arilyn dela Fuente, who is, in turn,

    arried to one Raon '. ar%os respondent and arilyn

    dela Fuente have been %ohabitin# openly and publi%ly

    as husband and wife in r#y. Bstrella, )auDan, riental

    indoro respondent had fathered two %hildren by his

    paraour arilyn dela Fuente respondent and arilyn

    dela Fuente de%lared in the birth %erti4%ates of their two

    dau#hters that they were arried on ay 12, 1A*6,a5in# it appear that their two %hildren are le#itiate,

    while in respondent:s "erti4%ate of "andida%y 4led with

    the "BNB" durin# the 1AA! ele%tions, respondent

    de%lared that his wife is Feli%itas I. Ialderia in

    respondent:s %erti4%ate of %andida%y for the 1AA*

    ele%tions, he de%lared his %ivil status as separated su%h

    de%larations in the birth %erti4%ates of his %hildren and in

    his %erti4%ate of %andida%y are a%ts %onstitutin#

    falsi4%ation of publi% do%uents and respondent:s a%ts

    betray his la%5 of #ood oral %hara%ter and %onstitute

    #rounds for his reoval as a eber of the bar.

    Respondent 4led his "oent wherein he states

    that %oplainants, who are his politi%al opponents in)auDan, riental indoro, are erely 4lin# this %ase to

    exa%t reven#e on hi for his 4lin# of %riinal

    %har#es a#ainst the %oplainants ille#ally pro%ured

    %opies of the birth %erti4%ates of ara Mhrisna "harina

    dela Fuente endo7a and yrra Mhrisna )orina dela

    Fuente endo7a, in violation of Rule 2, &dinistrative

    rder )o. 1, series of 1AA/, thus, su%h do%uents are

    inadissible in eviden%e respondent did not parti%ipate

    in the preparation and subission with the lo%al %ivil

    re#istry of subDe%t birth %erti4%ates respondent never

    de%lared that he had two wives, as he has always

    de%lared that he is separated in fa%t fro his wife,

    Feli%itas I. Ialderia and %oplainants have used this

    issue a#ainst hi durin# ele%tions and yet, the people of)auDan, riental indoro still ele%ted hi as ayor,

    hen%e, respondent has not o=ended the publi%:s sense of


    The adinistrative %ase was referred to the

    nte#rated ar of the Philippines 8hereinafter P9 for

    investi#ation, report and re%oendation. Thereafter,

    the "oission on ar $is%ipline of the P %ondu%ted


    Gitnesses for %oplainants, )elson . el#ar and

    Roeo . Nay#o, subitted their a;davits as their dire%t

    testiony and were subDe%ted to %ross-exaination by

    respondent:s %ounsel.

    Gitness )elson . el#ar de%lares in his a;davit as

    follows? He 5nows respondent for they both reside in

    )auDan, riental indoro. Respondent is 5nown as a

    pra%ti%in# lawyer and a forer uni%ipal Trial "ourt

    @ud#e. Respondent has been %ohabitin# openly and

    publi%ly with arilyn dela Fuente, representin#

    theselves to be husband and wife, and fro their

    %ohabitation, they produ%ed two %hildren, naely, ara

    Mhrisna "harina dela Fuente endo7a and yrra

    Mhrisna )orina dela Fuente endo7a. (oetie in

    1AA!, he 8witness el#ar9 re%eived a letter fro a

    %on%erned %iti7en, inforin# hi that respondent was

    arried to Feli%itas Ialderia of (an Rafael, ula%an, on

    @anuary 16, 1A*0, but respondent abandoned his wife to

    %ohabit with arilyn dela Fuente. &tta%hed to the letter

    was a photo%opy of a "erti4%ation issued by the "ivil

    Re#ister attestin# to the arria#e between respondent

    and Feli%itas Ialderia. He also re%eived inforation fro

    %on%erned %iti7ens that arilyn dela Fuente is also le#ally

    arried to one Raon '. ar%os, as eviden%ed by a

    "erti4%ation fro the ;%e of the "ivil Re#ister.

    Respondent stated in his "erti4%ate of "andida%y 4led

    with the "BNB" in 1AA! that he is still le#ally arried

    to Feli%itas Ialderia. n respondent:s "erti4%ate of

  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases


    "andida%y 4led with the "BNB" in 1AA*, he de%lared

    his %ivil status as separated. Respondent has

    represented to all that he is arried to arilyn dela

    Fuente. n the 1au2ane3s, a lo%al newspaper where

    respondent holds the position of "hairan of the oard of

    the Bditorial (ta=, respondent was reported by said

    newspaper as husband to arilyn dela Fuente and the

    father of ara Mhrisna "harina and yrra Mhrisna


    n %ross-exaination, witness el#ar testi4ed asfollows? He was the forer ayor of )auDan and he and

    respondent belon# to warrin# politi%al parties. t was not

    respondent who told hi about the alle#ed ioral

    %ondu%t subDe%t of the present %ase. &lthou#h he

    re%eived the letter of a %on%erned %iti7en re#ardin# the

    ioral %ondu%t of respondent as far ba%5 as 1AA!, he

    did not iediately 4le a %ase for disbarent a#ainst

    respondent. t was only after respondent 4led a %riinal

    %ase for falsi4%ation a#ainst hi that he de%ided to 4le an

    adinistrative %ase a#ainst respondent.1

    n re-dire%t exaination, witness el#ar testi4ed

    that there were people who were a#ainst the open

    relationship between respondent and arilyn dela Fuenteas respondent had been publi%ly introdu%in# the latter as

    his wife despite the fa%t that they are both still le#ally

    arried to other persons, and so soeone un5nown to

    hi Dust handed to their aid %opies of the birth

    %erti4%ates of ara Mhrisna "harina and yrra Mhrisna


    The a;davit of r. Roeo . Nay#o, whi%h was

    adopted as his dire%t testiony, is pra%ti%ally identi%al to

    that of witness el#ar. n %ross-exaination, witness

    Nay#o testi4ed that he was not the one who pro%ured the

    %erti4ed true %opies of the birth %erti4%ates of ara

    Mhrisna "harina dela Fuente endo7a and yrra

    Mhrisna )orina dela Fuente endo7a, as soebody Dust#ave said do%uents to )elson el#ar. He was a

    uni%ipal %oun%ilor in 1AA! when the letter of a

    %on%erned %iti7en re#ardin# respondent:s iorality was

    sent to el#ar, but he did not ta5e any a%tion a#ainst

    respondent at that tie./

    "oplainants then forally o=ered do%uentary

    eviden%e %onsistin# of photo%opies whi%h were aditted

    by respondent:s %ounsel to be faithful reprodu%tions of

    the ori#inals or %erti4ed true %opies thereof, to wit? a

    letter of one Nuis erude7 inforin# )elson el#ar of

    respondent:s ioral a%ts,the "erti4%ation of the No%al

    "ivil Re#istrar of (an Rafael, ula%an, attestin# to the

    %elebration of the arria#e between respondent and one

    Feli%itas Ialderia,!the irth "erti4%ate of ara Mhrisna

    "harina dela Fuente endo7a,6the irth "erti4%ate of

    yrra Mhrisna )orina dela Fuente endo7a,+the

    "erti4%ate of "andida%y of respondent dated ar%h A,

    1AA!,*the "erti4%ate of "andida%y of respondent dated

    ar%h 2!, 1AA*,A"erti4%ation issued by the "ivil

    Re#istrar of )auDan, riental indoro dated %tober 2+,

    1AA*, attestin# to the arria#e %elebrated between

    arilyn dela Fuente and Raon ar%os,10and the

    editorial pa#e of the 1au2ane3s8February-ar%h 1AAA

    issue9,11wherein it was stated that respondent has two

    dau#hters with his wife, arilyn dela Fuente.

    Respondent, on the other hand, opted not to present

    any eviden%e and erely subitted a eorandu

    expoundin# on his ar#uents that the testionies of

    %oplainants: witnesses are ere hearsay, thus, said

    testionies and their do%uentary eviden%e have no

    probative wei#ht.

    n February 2+, 200, the oard of 'overnors of the

    P passed Resolution )o. YI-200-12/, readin# as


    RB(NIB$ to &$PT and &PPRIB, as it is hereby

    &$PTB$ and &PPRIB$, the Report and

    Re%oendation of the nvesti#atin# "oissioner of

    the above-entitled %ase, herein ade part of this

    Resolution as &nnex J&K and, 4ndin# the

    re%oendation fully supported by the eviden%e on

    re%ord and the appli%able laws and rules, and %onsiderin#

    respondent:s violation of Rule 1.01 of the "ode of

    Professional Responsibility, &tty. )orberto . endo7a is

    hereby SUSP-ND-D IND-:INIT-LYfro the pra%ti%e of

    law until he subits satisfa%tory proof that he is no

    lon#er %ohabitin# with a woan who is not his wife and

    has abandoned su%h ioral %ourse of %ondu%t.

    Portions of the report and re%oendation of the

    P "oission on ar $is%ipline, upon whi%h the above-

    3uoted Resolution was based, read as follows?


    The eviden%e of %oplainants to support their %har#e of

    iorality %onsists in a9 the testionies of )elson el#ar

    and Roeo Nay#o #iven by way of a;davits exe%uted

    under oath and a;red before the "oission and b9

    their do%uentary eviden%e %onsistin# of their BxhibitsJ&K to JHK.

    Respondent 4led his %oent throu#h %ounsel and did

    not forally present or o=er any eviden%e. Respondent

    opted not to present his eviden%e anyore be%ause

    a%%ordin# to hi Jthere is none to rebut vis-Z-vis the

    eviden%e presented by the private %oplainants.K

    Respondent instead subitted a eorandu throu#h

    %ounsel to ar#ue his position. &s %an be seen fro the

    %oent and eorandu subitted, respondent:s

    %ounsel ar#ues that the %oplaint is politi%ally otivated

    sin%e %oplainants are politi%al rivals of respondent and

    that the birth %erti4%ates Bxhibits J$K and J$-1K whi%h

    were o=ered to show that respondent sired the %hildren

    naely ara Mhrisna "harina dela Fuente endo7a and

    yrra Mhrisna )orina dela Fuente endo7a out of his

    %ohabitation with arilyn dela Fuente are inadissible

    be%ause they were alle#edly se%ured in violation of

    &dinistrative rder )o. 1, (eries of 1AA/. The rest of

    the exhibits are either hearsay or self-servin# a%%ordin#

    to respondent.

    The witnesses who are also two of the %oplainants

    herein, on the other hand, %ate#ori%ally state in their

    a;davits Bxhibits J&K and JK parti%ularly in para#raph

    2 that JRespondent has been %ohabitin# openly and

    publi%ly with arilyn de la Fuente, representin#

    theselves to be husband and wife.K n para#raph 10 of

    said a;davits the witnesses also %ate#ori%ally state that

    Jrespondent has even represented to all and sundry that

    arilyn de la Fuente is his wife.K These %ate#ori%al

    stateents ade under oath by %oplainants are not

    hearsay and reain un-rebutted. Respondent %hose not

    to rebut the.

    Bxhibit JB,K the "erti4%ate of "andida%y exe%uted by

    respondent shows that respondent is arried to one,

    Feli%itas I. Ialderia. &s shown by Bxhibit JHK, a arria#e

    %erti4%ate, arilyn de la Fuente is arried to one, Raon

    '. ar%os. $uly %erti4ed true %opies of said exhibits have

    been presented by %oplainants.

    Gith respe%t to Bxhibits J$K and J$-1K, we believe that

    they are %opetent and relevant eviden%e and

    adissible in this pro%eedin#s. The ex%lusionary rule

    whi%h bars adission of ille#ally obtained eviden%e

    applies ore appropriately to eviden%e obtained as a

    result of ille#al sear%hes and sei7ures. The instant %ase

    %annot be analo#ous to an ille#al sear%h or sei7ure. &

    person who violates Rule 2 of &dinistrative rder )o. 1

    (eries of 1AA/ as %ited by respondent ris5s the penalty of

    iprisonent or payent of a 4ne but it does not a5e

    the do%uent so issued inadissible as eviden%e

  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases


    spe%ially in pro%eedin#s li5e the present %ase. Bxhibits

    J$K and J$-1K whi%h are duly %erti4ed birth %erti4%ates

    are therefore %opetent eviden%e to show paternity of

    said %hildren by respondent in the absen%e of any

    eviden%e to the %ontrary.

    y and lar#e the eviden%e of %oplainants %onsistin# of

    the testionies of witnesses )elson el#ar and Roeo

    Nay#o, and %orroborated by the do%uentary exhibits will

    show that indeed respondent has been %ohabitin#

    publi%ly with a %ertain arilyn de la Fuente who is not hiswife and that out of said %ohabitation respondent sired

    two %hildren. These fa%ts we repeat have not been

    denied by respondent under oath sin%e he %hose to Dust

    ar#ue on the basis of the iproper otivations and the

    inadissibility, hearsay and self-servin# nature of the

    do%uents presented. "oplainants have presented

    eviden%e su;%ient enou#h to %onvin%e us that indeed

    respondent has been %ohabitin# publi%ly with a person

    who is not his wife. The eviden%e ta5en to#ether will

    support the fa%t that respondent is not of #ood oral

    %hara%ter. That respondent %hose not to deny under oath

    the #rave and serious alle#ations ade a#ainst hi is to

    our ind his undoin# and his silen%e has not helped his

    position before the "oission. &s between thedo%uents and positive stateents of %oplainants,

    ade under oath and the ar#uents and %oents of

    respondent subitted throu#h his lawyers, whi%h were

    not veri4ed under oath by respondent hiself, we are

    in%lined and so #ive wei#ht to the eviden%e of

    %oplainants. The dire%t and forthri#ht testionies and

    stateents of )elson el#ar and Roeo Nay#o that

    respondent was openly %ohabitin# with arilyn de la

    Fuente is not hearsay. The witnesses ay have aditted

    that respondent endo7a did not tell the that a %ertain

    arilyn de la Fuente was his paraour 8for why would

    respondent adit that to %oplainants9 but the witnesses

    did state %learly in their a;davits under oath that

    respondent was %ohabitin# with arilyn de la Fuente who

    is not respondent:s wife. ain their %ate#ori%al

    stateents ta5en to#ether with the other do%uents, are

    enou#h to %onvin%e us and %on%lude that respondent is

    not of #ood oral %hara%ter.

    ebers of the ar have been repeatedly reinded that

    possession of #ood oral %hara%ter is a %ontinuin#

    %ondition for ebership in the ar in #ood standin#.

    The %ontinued possession of #ood oral %hara%ter is a

    re3uisite %ondition for reainin# in the pra%ti%e of law

    Mortel vs. "spiras100 Phil. !*6 81A!69 Cordova vs.

    Cordova1+A ("R& 6*0 81A*A9 !eople vs. Tuanda1*1

    ("R& 6*2 81AA09. The oral delin3uen%y that a=e%ts

    the 4tness of a eber of the bar to %ontinue as su%h

    in%ludes %ondu%t that outra#es the #enerally a%%epted

    oral standards of the %ounity, %ondu%t for instan%e,

    whi%h a5es Jo%5ery of the inviolable so%ial institution

    of arria#eK iDares vs. Iillalu7 2+ ("R& 1 81AA+9.

    n the instant %ase respondent has disre#arded and ade

    a o%5ery of the fundaental institution of arria#e.

    Respondent in fa%t even so stated in Bxhibit JFK that he is

    separated fro his wife. This fa%t and stateent without

    any further explanation fro respondent only %ontributes

    to the blot in his oral %hara%ter whi%h #ood oral

    %hara%ter we repeat is a %ontinuin# %ondition for a

    eber to reain in #ood standin#. >nder Rule 1.01 of

    the "ode of Professional Responsibility, a lawyer shall noten#a#e in unlawful, dishonest, ioral or de%eitful

    %ondu%t. Respondent has violated this rule a#ainst

    en#a#in# in ioral %ondu%t.

    Ge a#ree, as %ited by the respondent, with the

    pronoun%eent ade in (antos vs. $is%hoso, * ("R&

    622 81A+*9 that %ourts should not be used by private

    persons parti%ularly dis#runtled opponents to vent their

    ran%or on ebers of the ar throu#h unDust and

    unfounded a%%usations. However, in the instant %ase the

    %har#es %an hardly be %onsidered as unfounded or unDust

    based on the eviden%e presented. The eviden%e

    presented shows that respondent no lon#er possess 8si%9

    that #ood oral %hara%ter ne%essary as a %ondition for

    hi to reain a eber of the ar in #ood standin#. He

    is therefore not entitled to %ontinue to en#a#e in the

    pra%ti%e of law.

    Ge 4nd su%h report and re%oendation of the P

    to be fully supported by the pleadin#s and eviden%e on

    re%ord, and, hen%e, approve and adopt the sae.

    The eviden%e presented by %oplainants rea%h that3uantu of eviden%e re3uired in adinistrative

    pro%eedin#s whi%h is only substantial eviden%e, or that

    aount of relevant eviden%e that a reasonable ind

    i#ht a%%ept as ade3uate to support a %onvi%tion.12

    Gitness el#ar:s testiony that respondent had

    been publi%ly introdu%in# arilyn dela Fuente as his wife

    is %orroborated by the %ontents of an arti%le in

    the 1au2ane3s, introdu%in# respondent as one of

    )auDan:s publi% servants, and statin# therein that

    respondent has been blessed with two beautiful %hildren

    with his wife, arilyn dela Fuente.1/t should be noted

    that said publi%ation is under the %ontrol of respondent,

    he bein# the "hairan of the oard thereof. Thus, it%ould be reasonably %on%luded that if he %ontested the

    truth of the %ontents of subDe%t arti%le in the 1au2ane3s,

    or if he did not wish to publi%ly present arilyn dela

    Fuente as his wife, he %ould have easily ordered that the

    danin# portions of said arti%le to be edited out.

    Gith re#ard to respondent:s ar#uent that the

    %redibility of witnesses for the %oplainants is tainted by

    the fa%t that they are otivated by reven#e for

    respondent:s 4lin# of %riinal %ases a#ainst the, we

    opine that even if witnesses el#ar and Nay#o are so

    otivated, the %redibility of their testionies %annot be

    dis%ounted as they are fully supported and %orroborated

    by do%uentary eviden%e whi%h spea5 for theselves.

    The birth %erti4%ates of ara Mhrisna "harina dela

    Fuente endo7a and yrra Mhrisna )orina dela Fuente

    endo7a born on @une 16, 1A** and ay 22, 1AA0,

    respe%tively, to )orberto . endo7a and arilyn $ela

    Fuente and the "erti4%ation fro the ;%e of the No%al

    "ivil Re#istrar of ula%an attestin# to the existen%e in its

    re%ords of an entry of a arria#e between respondent

    and one Feli%itas Ialderia %elebrated on @anuary 16, 1A*0,

    arepubli% do%uents and areprima facieeviden%e of the

    fa%ts %ontained therein, as provided for under &rti%le

    101of the "ivil "ode of the Philippines.

    Respondent ista5enly ar#ues that the birth

    %erti4%ates of ara Mhrisna "harina dela Fuente

    endo7a and yrra Mhrisna )orina dela Fuente

    endo7a born on @une 16, 1A** and ay 22, 1AA0,

    respe%tively, to )orberto . endo7a and arilyn $ela

    Fuente, are inadissible in eviden%e for havin# been

    obtained in violation of Rule 2, &dinistrative rder )o.

    1, series of 1AA/, whi%h provides as follows?

    Rule 2. )on-$is%losure of irth Re%ords.

    819 The re%ords of a person:s birth shall be

    5ept stri%tly %on4dential and no inforation

    relatin# thereto shall be issued ex%ept on

    the re3uest of any of the followin#?

    a. the %on%erned person hiself, or any person

    authori7ed by hi

    b. the %ourt or proper publi% o;%ial whenever

    absolutely ne%essary in adinistrative,

    Dudi%ial or other o;%ial pro%eedin#s to

    deterine the identity of the %hild:s

    parents or other %ir%ustan%es surroundin#

    his birth and

  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases


    %. in %ase of the person:s death, the nearest of


    829 &ny person violatin# the prohibition shall

    su=er the penalty of iprisonent of at

    least two onths or a 4ne in an aount not

    ex%eedin# 4ve hundred pesos, or both in

    the dis%retion of the %ourt. 8&rti%le +, P.$.


    (e%tion /, Rule 12* of the Revised Rules onBviden%e provides that Jeviden%e is adissible when it is

    relevant to the issue and is not ex%luded by the law or

    these rules.K There %ould be no dispute that the subDe%t

    birth %erti4%ates are relevant to the issue. The only

    3uestion, therefore, is whether the law or the rules

    provide for the inadissibility of said birth %erti4%ates

    alle#edly for havin# been obtained in violation of Rule 2,

    &dinistrative rder )o. 1, series of 1AA/.

    )ote that Rule 2, &dinistrative rder )o. 1, series

    of 1AA/ only provides for san%tions a#ainst persons

    violatin# the rule on %on4dentiality of birth re%ords, but

    nowhere does it state that pro%ureent of birth re%ords in

    violation of said rule would render said re%ordsinadissible in eviden%e. n the other hand, the Revised

    Rules of Bviden%e only provides for the ex%lusion of

    eviden%e if it is obtained as a result of ille#al sear%hes

    and sei7ures. t should be ephasi7ed, however, that

    said rule a#ainst unreasonable sear%hes and sei7ures is

    eant only to prote%t a person fro interferen%e by the

    #overnent or the state.1!n!eople vs. +ipol,16we

    explained that?

    The "onstitutional pros%ription enshrined in the ill of

    Ri#hts does not %on%ern itself with the relation between a

    private individual and another individual. t #overns the

    relationship between the individual and the (tate and its

    a#ents. The ill of Ri#hts only tepers #overnental

    power and prote%ts the individual a#ainst any a##ression

    and unwarranted interferen%e by any departent of

    #overnent and its a#en%ies. &%%ordin#ly, it %annot be

    extended to the a%ts %oplained of in this %ase. The

    alle#ed Jwarrantless sear%hK ade by Ro3ue, a %o-

    eployee of appellant at the treasurer:s o;%e, %an hardly

    fall within the abit of the %onstitutional pros%ription on

    unwarranted sear%hes and sei7ures.

    "onse3uently, in this %ase where %oplainants, as

    private individuals, obtained the subDe%t birth re%ords as

    eviden%e a#ainst respondent, the prote%tion a#ainst

    unreasonable sear%hes and sei7ures does not apply.

    (in%e both Rule 2, &dinistrative rder )o. 1,

    series of 1AA/ and the Revised Rules on Bviden%e do not

    provide for the ex%lusion fro eviden%e of the birth

    %erti4%ates in 3uestion, said publi% do%uents are,

    therefore, adissible and should be properly ta5en into

    %onsideration in the resolution of this adinistrative %ase

    a#ainst respondent.

    Ierily, the fa%ts stated in the birth %erti4%ates of

    ara Mhrisna "harina dela Fuente endo7a and yrra

    Mhrisna )orina dela Fuente endo7a and respondent:s

    "erti4%ate of "andida%y dated ar%h A, 1AA! wherein

    respondent hiself de%lared he was arried to Feli%itasIalderia, were never denied nor rebutted by respondent.

    Hen%e, said publi% do%uents su;%iently prove that he

    fathered two %hildren by arilyn dela Fuente despite the

    fa%t that he was still le#ally arried to Feli%itas Ialderia

    at that tie.

    n ar atter )o. 11!,1+#ood oral %hara%ter was

    de4ned thus?

    . . . #ood oral %hara%ter is what a person really is, as

    distin#uished fro #ood reputation or fro the opinion

    #enerally entertained of hi, the estiate in whi%h he is

    held by the publi% in the pla%e where he is 5nown. oral

    %hara%ter is not a subDe%tive ter but one whi%h

    %orresponds to obDe%tive reality. The standard of personal

    and professional inte#rity is not satis4ed by su%h %ondu%t

    as it erely enables a person to es%ape the penalty of

    %riinal law.

    n4aguirre vs. Castillo,1*we reiterated the

    de4nition of ioral %ondu%t, to wit?

    . . . that %ondu%t whi%h is so willful, La#rant, or

    shaeless as to show indi=eren%e to the opinion of #ood

    and respe%table ebers of the %ounity.

    Furtherore, su%h %ondu%t ust not only be ioral, but

    #rossly ioral. That is, it ust be so %orrupt as to

    %onstitute a %riinal a%t or so unprin%ipled as to be

    reprehensible to a hi#h de#ree or %oitted under su%h

    s%andalous or revoltin# %ir%ustan%es as to sho%5 the

    %oon sense of de%en%y.

    n the above-3uoted %ase, we pointed out that a

    eber of the ar and o;%er of the %ourt is not only

    re3uired to refrain fro adulterous relationships or the

    5eepin# of istresses but ust also behave hiself as toavoid s%andali7in# the publi% by %reatin# the belief that

    he is Loutin# those oral standards and, thus, ruled that

    sirin# a %hild with a woan other than his wife is a

    %ondu%t way below the standards of orality re3uired of

    every lawyer.1A

    Ge ust rule in the sae wise in this %ase before

    us. The fa%t that respondent %ontinues to publi%ly and

    openly %ohabit with a woan who is not his le#al wife,

    thus, sirin# %hildren by her, shows his la%5 of #ood oral

    %hara%ter. Respondent should 5eep in ind that the

    re3uireent of #ood oral %hara%ter is not only a

    %ondition pre%edent to adission to the Philippine ar but

    is also a %ontinuin# re3uireent to aintain one:s #ood

    standin# in the le#al profession.20n"ldovino vs. !u2alte,

    5r.,21we ephasi7ed that?

    This "ourt has been exa%tin# in its deand for inte#rity

    and #ood oral %hara%ter of ebers of the ar. They

    are expe%ted at all ties to uphold the inte#rity and

    di#nity of the le#al profession and refrain fro any a%t or

    oission whi%h i#ht lessen the trust and %on4den%e

    reposed by the publi% in the 4delity, honesty, and

    inte#rity of the le#al profession. ebership in the le#al

    profession is a privile#e. &nd whenever it is ade to

    appear that an attorney is no lon#er worthy of the trust

    and %on4den%e of the publi%, it be%oes not only the

    ri#ht but also the duty of this "ourt, whi%h ade hi one

    of its o;%ers and #ave hi the privile#e of inisterin#

    within its ar, to withdraw the privile#e.

    9H-R-:OR-, respondent &tty. )orberto .

    endo7a is hereby found '>NTC of iorality, in

    violation of Rule 1.01 of the "ode of Professional

    Responsibility. He is (>(PB)$B$ )$BF)TBNC fro the

    pra%ti%e of law until he subits satisfa%tory proof that he

    has abandoned his ioral %ourse of %ondu%t.

    Net a %opy of this resolution be served personally on

    respondent at his last 5nown address and entered in his

    re%ord as attorney. Net the P, the ar "on4dant, andthe "ourt &dinistrator be furnished also a %opy of this

    resolution for their inforation and #uidan%e as well as

    for %ir%ulari7ation to all %ourts in the %ountry.

    SO ORD-R-D.


    -RN-STO M. :ULL-RO,

  • 7/23/2019 1st Batch of Cases



    -versus 6




    Proul#ated?(epteber 12,200+

    x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x

    D - C I S I O N


    n this Petition for Review on Certiorari under

    Rule ! of the Revised Rules of "ourt,1petitioner Brnesto. Fullero see5s to set aside the $e%ision2dated 1A%tober 200! of the "ourt of &ppealsin "&-'.R. "R. )o.2*0+2, a;rin# in totothe $e%ision/dated A %tober200/ of the Ne#a7pi "ity Re#ional Trial "ourt 8RT"9,

    ran%h 6, in "riinal "ase )o. ++12, 4ndin# petitioner#uilty of falsi4%ation of publi% do%uent as de4ned andpenali7ed in para#raph , &rti%le 1+1 of the Revised Penal"ode.

    n an &ended nforationdated 1 %tober

    1AA+, petitioner was %har#ed with falsi4%ation of publi%do%uent under para#raph , &rti%le 1+1 of the RevisedPenal "ode, alle#edly %oitted as follows?

    That soetie in 1A**, in the

    "ity of Ne#a7pi, Philippines, and withinthe Durisdi%tion of this Honorable "ourt,the above-naed a%%used, with intentto preDudi%e and defraud, bein# thenthe &%tin# "hief perator of ri#a "ity

    Tele%ouni%ation:s ;%e, whilea%tin# in said %apa%ity and ta5in#advanta#e of his o;%ial fun%tion, didthen and there willfully, unlawfully andfeloniously falsify and$'B)T F THBRB')&N TR&N ">RT $B(PTB THBF&"T TH&T (&$ NGBR ">RT")I"TB$ THB &"">(B$ ) THB&(B)"B F (>FF"B)T BI$B)"B .B.,PRF T (HG TH&T THB &"">(B$&"T>&NNC PBRFRB$ THB &"T FF&N(F"&T) HB ( &"">(B$ F


    H)R&NB ">RT F &PPB&N( BRRB$) (>(T&))' THB @>$'B)T F THBRB')&N TR&N ">RT $B(PTB THB
