1min mindfulness

Why you & your students need mindfulness… By: Stephanie Danyi SOU Fall 2014 ED 562 w/

Transcript of 1min mindfulness

PowerPoint Presentation

Why you & your students need mindfulnessBy: Stephanie DanyiSOU Fall 2014ED 562 w/ Rousell

Mindfulness is the practice of gently bringing your awareness back to the present moment, accepting things exactly as they are. 2

As educators we ask our students to pay attention, but we rarely teach them HOW to pay attention. Teaching Mindfulness is a way to enhance both academic and socio-emotional learning. 3

Usually our thoughts drift to the past or future, making it harder to pay attention to what is happening here and now. But, the more your practice, the better you get!4

Begin by paying attention to your breath. Take the next 10 seconds to notice how you are breathing. Is your breath shallow or deep, quick or long. See if you can make your inhale and your exhale the same length. 5

Even though when we practice mindfulness, we focus our attention on our breath or body sensations, we are actually training ourselves how to focus on ANYTHING! 6

For students and teachers this means more focus on lessons, reduced stress levels, enhanced curiosity and problem solving, improvement in relationships, and an overall sense of wellbeing. 7

So what are you waiting for? Start practicing mindfulness with your students today! 8

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