1.le pain 2.le coin 3.agréable 4.un chat 5.manger 6.une dent 7.le pays 8.une main 9.blesser bread...


Transcript of 1.le pain 2.le coin 3.agréable 4.un chat 5.manger 6.une dent 7.le pays 8.une main 9.blesser bread...

1. le pain2. le coin3. agréable4. un chat5. manger6. une dent7. le pays8. une main9. blesser

breadcornerpleasantcatto eata tooth (DENTist)countryhandto injure

10.crier11.un four12.une chose13.un roman14.sensible15.le stage16.le raisin17.ranger18.un lit

to shoutan ovena thinga novelsensitivetraining, placementgrapeto tidy (think arRANGE)a bed

nagerfaire des achatsmarrantennuyeuxle sportancienpuisil fautvraiment

faire de la natationacheterrigolobarbantl’EPSvieuxensuiteon doitextrêmement

lirevouloirétudierles passe-tempsun emploiun élèvequelquefoisles personnesle voyage

faire de la lecturedésirerapprendreles loisirsun métierun étudiantparfoisles gensle trajet

*this isn’t a joke

With a spoon…

• Your French exams are on Monday 13th May

• This is less than 5 weeks away

• Controlled Assessments are almost over, accounting for 60% of your final grade.

• What about the remaining 40%???

• Speaking and Writing account for 60% of the final grade

• Listening and Reading account for 40% of the final grade. Why?

• Because they are seen as easier skills.

• Note: Easier, NOT Easy

• … should be to revise some French words EVERY DAY from now until the exams

• Not EVERY WORD (the elephant) BUT dozen or so (a spoonful?)

• There is no short cut to learning languages. You need to ‘upload’ the vocabulary into your BRAINS and this CANNOT be done the night before your exams…

• Build some vocabulary work into your daily routine… It needn’t be onerous (a burden), 10-15 minutes per day is better than 3 hours the night before

• Make use of online resources

• Remember Linguascope, in particular the ‘Intermediate section’. There are downloadable pdf files with useful vocab


• http://www.cramit.co.uk/

• app available for iPhone and android phones (£1.49)

Just £1.49

Just £1.49

• People worth following:• @A_Star_French (A* in French)

• There is also a MFL Dept account for HHS:• @HHS_MFL_Dept (MFL Dept @ HHS)

• #dmcj

GCSE Bitesize: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/french/

Linguascope: www.linguascope.com (username: hempstead / password: mfl)

BBC Languages: http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/Languages Online: http://www.languagesonline.org.uk/Zut!: http://zut.languageskills.co.uk/index.htmlS-cool: http://www.s-cool.co.uk/gcse/frenchRevision Time : http://www.revisiontime.com/gCSEFre.htmLanguages Online 2:


• Available on VLE or via the link from my wikispace site:www.leprofquichante.wikispaces.com

• Why not improve your listening skills by playing the listening file and reading the transcript at the same time?

• You can then make links between the sound of French and the written word and you can highlight words that you do not know and need to learn…