1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming

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Transcript of 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Chapter 1:



    1.1 C++ Programming Environment

    1.2 Compiling Process An error In Programming

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Learning Outcomes 1.1At the end of this sub-chapter, students should be able to:

    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

    Explain the history of C++ Illustrate a simple C++

    program structure Describe C++ programming

    development process Develop C++ program using

    Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE) Get started with IDE

    Create a project Create a simple C++ program Compile a C++ program Run a C++ program

    1.1 Introducethe C++


  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    The history of C++

    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    C with Class(Before 1983)


    C(Early 1970)

    C++ was designed for the UNIX systemenvironment

    C++ expanded and enhance version of C thatembodies the philosophy of OOP.

    C++ enables programmers to improve the

    quality of code produced, thus making reusablecode easier to write.

    C++s clarity, extensibility, efficiency and easeof maintenance makes it the language of choicefor development of large software projects.

    used widely in the area of communication,personal file systems and databases.

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    A simple C++ program structure

    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    // my first program in C++


    int main ()



  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    // Program: Display greetings

    /* Hello World!*/


    using namespace std;void main()



  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Greeting Output

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    C++ Programming Development Process

    Identify: needed

    input required

    output neededprocess.

    Understandthe Problem

    A framework

    shows steps inprob.solving

    Methods :Algorithm - a

    sequence ofinstructions (inhumanlanguage)

    Flowchart - Agraphicalsymbols to showprocess

    Pseudo code -half inprogrammingcode and half inhuman



    Convert analgorithminto a C++.programming language

    - includeadequatedocumentation, whicharecommentstatementswritten inyour




    Use a set ofdata to

    discovererrors and toensureaccuracy ofthe program

    Process ofidentify&correct error.

    Run programand checkresults.

    Test &Debug theProgram

    Update CodeVerifieswhetherperforming as

    planned/ meetthe currentrequirement

    Edit code tomake it moreefficient.

    Maintenance& Documentation

    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

    For example, somepart uses C++

    language code andsome part use Malay

    /English language.

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Develop C++ program using Integrated

    Development Environment (IDE)


    An integrated developmentenvironment (IDE)a softwareapplicationthat providescomprehensive facilities tocomputer programmersfor softwaredevelopment.

    All of the tools for writing,compiling and testing code in oneplace

    An IDE normally consists of: a source code editor a compilerand/or an interpreter build automationtools a debugger

    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Develop C ++ program

    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

    Do in lab activities 1

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Learning Outcomes 1.2At the end of this sub-chapter, students should be able to:

    Describe the compiling process of aprogram Identify the following errors in

    programming: Syntax/ compile time errors Run time errors Logical errors

    Identify effective debugging process Debug programs with syntax/

    compile time, run time and logicalerror

    1.2 Compilingand debugging

    process anderror in


    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Basic compiling process

    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    Example of compilingprocess of a program

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

    i d l / h

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Compiling process of a programPrepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,

    Information Tech and Communication Department

    1. SyntaxChecking

    The code checking for valid syntax use compiler. This includes checking for semi-colons, matching braces, etc. This doesn't mean the code is correct, but it does determine

    whether the code can be turned into machine code as written.

    2. ConvertingTo Assembly

    This step doesn't exist for all languages/compilers. Compilers convert source code (C++ language) to machine code .

    3. LinkingMachine Code

    Into AnExecutable

    At this step, many linkers will do final checks to make sure allthe required pieces, functions, components, etc have beenaccounted for.

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming



    This is where the "work" is done. High

    level code is translated into machinecode, the result is object files.


    All object files and relevent resources

    are linked together. Symbolinformation is verified (run into aLinker error may be more then once)and an executable is made.

    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    FP P i F d l / Ch

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Errors in programming





    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

    FP P i F d t l / Ch t

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    3 basic types of errors in programmingPrepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,

    Information Tech and Communication Department

    Error Decriptions Common examples


    Grammar errorsin theuse of theprogramminglanguage.

    Misspelled variable and function names.Missing semicolons(;)Improperly matches parentheses, squarebrackets[ ], and curly braces{ }

    Incorrect format in selection and loopstatements

    Run timeerrors

    Occur when a programwith no syntax errorsasks the computer todo something that thecomputer is unable toreliably do.

    Trying to divide by a variable that contains avalue of zeroTrying to open a file that doesn't existThere is no way for the compiler to knowabout these kinds of errors when the programis compiled.


    Logic errors occurwhen there is a designflaw in your program.

    Multiplying when you should be dividingAdding when you should be subtractingOpening and using data from the wrong file

    Displaying the wrong message

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

    FP P i F d t l / Ch t

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Special Characters in C++ programming syntaxCharacter Name Meaning

    // Double slash Beginning of a comment

    # Pound sign Beginning of preprocessordirective

    < > Open/close brackets Enclose filename in #include

    ( ) Open/closeparentheses

    Used when naming afunction

    { } Open/close brace Encloses a group ofstatements

    " " Open/closequotation marks

    Encloses string of characters

    ; Semicolon End of a programming


    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    What is syntax?

    Set of rules in programming language.

    Prepared by Pn Maznihabt Berahim, Information

    Tech andCommunication


    FP201 P i F d t l / Ch t 1

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Debug programs with syntax/ compiletime, run time and logical error

    Do in lab activities 1

    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department

    FP201: Programming Fundamentals/ Chapter 1

  • 8/13/2019 1.FP201-1.Intro to C++Programming


    Prepared by Pn Mazniha bt Berahim,Information Tech and Communication Department