1ed Falkland Islands Sourcebook

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  • 7/31/2019 1ed Falkland Islands Sourcebook


    Falkland Islands Sourcebook

    Russell Phillips

    Copyright 2012 Russell Phillips


    Falkland Islands Coat of Arms

    This document is a guide to the Falkland Islands in the world of Twilight: 2000. Two versions are

    available, one for the first edition of the game, one for the second edition. This version of thedocument is suitable for games using the first edition of the game.


    Argentina has always claimed sovereignty of the Islands, and in 1982, launched an invasion to take

    them by force. The British sent a task force which, after heavy fighting, was successful in re-taking theislands. In the aftermath of the war, the islands' defences were significantly improved. RAF Mount

    Pleasant was established, and an infantry battalion was stationed on the islands in addition to the

    existing Royal Marine detachment (Naval Party 8901).

    Getting ThereIt is not easy to get to the Falkland Islands. They are around 250 nautical miles from Argentina, the

    closest land mass. In the world of Twilight: 2000, such a journey is a significant undertaking.

    Navigating there is a difficult task, using whichever skill fits the mode of transport used (most likelySBH, LAP or possibly JP).

    The Islands

    The Falkland Islands are an archipelago consisting of two large islands (West Falkland and East

    Falkland), and 776 smaller islands. The islands are situated roughly 250 nautical miles east of southernArgentina, in the South Atlantic. The population of around 3,000 is largely of British descent.

    Both main islands have mountain ranges and some swampy areas. There is no woodland, and much of

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    the islands should be considered open ground. Temperatures vary from 4oC in July to 13oC in January.Annual rainfall is around 570mm (22.5 inches), with snow and sleet frequent during the winter. Strong

    winds are common, especially during the winter.

    There are two large airports, Stanley Airport to the east of Stanley and RAF Mount Pleasant, roughly

    midway between Bluff Cove and Darwin. Both of these are on East Falkland. Pebble Island, to thenorth of West Falkland, has a small grass airfield suitable for light aircraft.

    Outside of Stanley, there are no paved roads. The road network consists of rough tracks, only passableby off-road vehicles. When it is wet, these roads can become entirely impassible.

    There are large numbers of anti-personnel mines on the Islands, laid during the 1982 war. All

    minefields are clearly marked, so there is little danger of stepping on a mine.

    Life in the Falkland Islands

    Life on the islands has never been particularly easy, since advanced services weren't available locally

    and the climate is harsh. The war hasn't changed life on the islands a great deal, since they werelargely self-sufficient before the war.

    Stanley is the largest settlement by far, with a population of around 2,000. Other settlements generally

    consist of a few farms. Stanley has two schools, the Infant & Junior School has students from age four

    to eleven, and the Falkland Island Community School has students from 11 to 16. There is a well-equipped hospital, though supplies are running low, and equipment is starting to break down due to a

    lack of spare parts. Stanley has a port facility.

    Roughly one in ten of the people in Stanley own an FN FAL rifle, acquired at the end of the 1982 war,when the weapons were stacked in piles awaiting disposal. Most of these rifles have little, if any


    The islanders' diet consists primarily of fish, lamb, mutton and vegetables. As spare parts for

    machinery are running out, the islanders are finding it more difficult to produce enough food, and arehaving to resort to more traditional methods.

    Historically, the islanders have been steadfast in their determination to remain British. Recently,however, an independence movement has started to make itself heard, led by MLC Biggs. Recent

    difficulties producing enough food, along with a growing feeling that Argentina is not capable ofattacking the islands, have increased the sympathy for the independence movement.

    Government and Politics

    The Islands are governed by Governor Donald Alexander Lamont (appointed by the British

    Government), who chairs an elected legislative council of eight members. Normally the Governorreports to the British government in London, but communications were cut off during the war, and the

    Islands are now isolated, with no means of communicating with the outside world.

    Although the islanders have traditionally had a strong allegiance to Great Britain, some are now

    starting to question this, and calls for independence are beginning to be heard. Whereas Britain wasonce a source of help and support for the Islands, the war has meant that the islands now have to fend

    for themselves. The British servicemen on the island are viewed by some as a drain on resources,

    rather than a neccessary defence force.

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    Governor Donald Alexander Lamont

    Falkland Islands Governor's flag by Graham Bartram and Antnio Martins

    Governor Lamont was born in 1956. He was educated at Eton and Cambridge, and joined the Foreign

    and Commonwealth Office immediately after graduation. He has since served in various foreignpostings, and was posted to the Falkland Islands in 1997.

    He married Gloria Louise Huntingdon in 1978. They have no children.

    Although he has no contact with Great Britain, he strives to continue to serve the interests of hiscountry. That means keeping the Falkland Islands as a British dependency, bringing him into conflict

    with the increasing pro-independence movement in the islands, and particularly MLC Biggs.

    Governor Lamont's native language is English (100%). He also speaks Arabic (70%) and Spanish(50%). He is an Experienced NPC

    Gloria is a Novice NPC. Her native language is English (100%). She also speaks German (60%)

    NPC Motivation: Queen of spades, nine of clubs: Lamont considers it his duty to ensure that theIslands remain a British dependency, and he will let nothing stand in the way of that duty. He is

    willing to order the local army and Royal Marine units to use force on the local population if that

    should become necessary.

    MLC Mike Biggs

    MLC (Member of the Legislative Council) Mike Biggs is a fourth-generation islander, born in 1958.

    Although he was previously a staunch supporter of strong links with Britain, he now believes that

    complete independence the only sensible course for the Islands. In his opinion, the British forces onthe island serve no useful purpose since no country is in a position to be able to attack, but they do put

    an additional strain on the scant resources of the islands.

    He married Elizabeth Young in 1980. They have two children, John (born 1983) and Susan (born


    MLC Biggs has become the spokesman for the nascent independence movement, and frequentlyclashes with Governor Lamont over the issue.

    MLC Biggs' native language is English (100%). He is a Novice NPC

    NPC Motivation: Ace of Hearts, five of diamonds. Biggs desires justice for everyone, but particularlythe islanders, and considers independence to be a just goal. He is somewhat miserly, and will always

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    pay as little as possible.

    Lieutenant Colonel Arthur George Pickton

    Lieutenant Colonel Pickton was born in 1955, the eldest son of an army officer. He joined the army as

    soon as he left school, and was steadily promoted. He is a competent officer, though lacking in

    initiative. He is not married.

    Lieutenant Colonel Pickton's native language is English (100%). He also speaks German (50%). He isa Veteran NPC

    NPC Motivation: Ace of spaces, queen of clubs. Pickton is extremely charismatic and well liked by his

    men. He is very stubborn, and once set on a course will not be distracted from it. This sometimes

    means that he is unable or unwilling to adapt to changing circumstances.

    Lieutenant Richard Cecil Brown

    Lieutenant Brown was born in 1978 and joined the Royal Marines just after the outbreak of war. He iscurrently in a serious relationship with Lisa Haywood, a resident of Stanley and a strong advocate for

    independence. He has a deep affinity for the local people, and has a lot of sympathy for theincreasingly vocal independence movement. He is careful not to voice those views to his superiors,

    since they are unlikely to be welcomed.

    Lieutenant Brown's native language is English (100%). He is a Veteran NPC

    NPC Motivation: nine of hearts, three of clubs. Brown has come to believe that the Falkland Islands

    should be for the local people, and that the continued British presence on the islands is unjustified. Heis willing to use violence when necessary, particularly in defence of his friends and colleagues.

    Military Forces

    British joint services flag by Antnio Martins

    The British military presence in the Islands was scaled down during the war, as forces were moved to

    fight in Europe. Consequently, there is no RAF presence in the islands, and the only Royal Navy

    presence is a platoon of Royal Marines. If transport was available, the UK government wouldprobably remove the remaining personnel from the islands. There is no presence on South Georgia or

    the South Sandwich Islands.

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    Falkland Islands Defence Force

    FIDF cap badge

    The Falkland Islands Defence Force (FIDF) has a current strength of 109 men, but retired members

    could be called upon if required to bring the strength up to 143. It is organised as a light infantry

    company, with light infantry doctrine and tactics. It has sniper/recce, machine gun, close combat,amphibious and logistic support units. They are equipped with Steyr AUG assault rifles, L7A2 GPMG

    and Browning M2HB 0.50" heavy machine gun. The unit has two functioning Land Rovers.

    The FIDF is a part time force. The members primarily work at their civilian jobs and train at weekends

    under the supervision of an NCO from the Royal Marine garrison. They can be called up in a similarmanner to territorial units in other countries when needed. They are Novice NPCs, with some

    Experienced NPCs.

    British Army

    4th Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment

    Tactical Recognition Flash (TRF) of the Yorkshire Regiment

    The 4th Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment (a Territorial Army battalion) is deployed to the islands.

    They are based at RAF Mount Pleasant, and are led by Lieutenant Colonel A.G. Pickton, who also hasoverall command of the military forces in the islands. Squads have L85 & L86, and are transported in

    Bedford MK trucks. The support company has six MILAN ATGM, nine L16A2 81mm mortars & nine

    L7A2 GPMG, and are transported in Land Rover 110s. The recce platoon has six Land Rover 110with L7A2 GPMG.

    Most are Experienced NPCs. The NCOs and officers are Veteran NPCs.

    210 (Staffordshire) Battery Royal Artillery (Volunteers)

    Another Territorial Army unit, 210 Battery are equipped with Rapier surface to air missiles and

    Blindfire radar. Each soldier also has an L85. The Rapier installation is fixed in place, with launchers

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    around Mount Pleasant. Some of the launchers have been cannibalised to provide spare parts for other,

    more immediately essential equipment.

    Most are Experienced NPCs. The NCOs and officers are Veteran NPCs.

    Naval Party 8901

    The Royal Marine presence on the islands consists of a single platoon, based just outside Stanley.

    They are led by Lieutenant R.C. Brown. They are equipped with L85, L86, L7A2 GPMG and threeLand Rovers.

    They are Veteran NPCs.

    Military Installations

    RAF Mount PleasantThe largest military installation on the islands is RAF Mount Pleasant. This was established after the

    1982 war, and is large enough to house around 2,000 personnel. It has two asphalt runways. The firstis 8,497 feet long and is oriented east-west, the second is 5,003 feet long and oriented north-south.

    Mare Harbour

    Mare Harbour is a settlement to the south-west of Stanley, which was also a deep water port and depot

    facility for RAF Mount Pleasant. Before the war, Mare Harbour dealt with military shipping while

    Stanley dealt with civilian shipping.

    Stanley Barracks

    Stanley Barracks are on Kiel Canal Road, just to the south of Stanley. It is a modern barracks complex

    with offices, sleeping quarters and a drill square. Naval Party 8901 is based at Stanley Barracks.

    Moody Brook Barracks

    Moody Brook Barracks is about 1km west of the outskirts of Stanley. It was used as the base for Naval

    Party 8901 until the 1982 war, when the building was damaged during the Argentine invasion. It hasonly been occassionally used since 1982, and is generally run-down.

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    FN FAL

    The standard Argentinian rifle at the time of the 1982 invasion. Some were taken by islanders at theend of the war.

    Image from Atirador at Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY-SA)

    Ammo: 7.62mm NWeight: 5kgMagazine: 20 box

    Steyr AUG Assault Rifle

    An Austrian bullpup configuration assault rifle.

    Image from Steyr Mannlicher (CC-BY)

    Ammo: 5.56mm NWeight: 3.6kg

    Magazine: 30 or 42 box

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    L85 Assault Rifle

    The standard British assault rifle.

    Ammo: 5.56mm N

    Weight: 5kg

    Magazine: 20 or 30 box

    L86 Light Support Weapon

    The heavy-barreled support version of the L85, the L86 Light Support Weapon uses the same

    magazines as the L85 and is equipped with a bipod.

    Ammo: 5.56mm N

    Weight: 6.6kgMagazine: 30 box

    L7A2 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG)

    A medium machine gun firing 7.62mm NATO ammunition. It is fitted with a bipod and can also be

    fired from a tripod (NMT).

    Ammo: 7.62mm NWeight: 12 kg

    Magazine: 50 belt

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    Browning M2HB 0.50" HMG

    The M2 HB (Heavy Barrel) is the standard heavy machine gun in many western armies. It is loaded

    from 100 round belts, and can only be fired from a tripod (NHT) or vehicle mount.

    Ammo: 0.50" BMG or SLAP

    Weight: 42 kgMagazine: 35

    Range: 150

    ROF: 3

    Dam: 6

    Arm (SLAP): x

    L16A2 81mm Mortar

    Image from Hisamikabunomura at Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY-SA)

    ROF: 1

    Mag: (2)

    IFR: 4,500

    HEDam: x25C

    Arm: x10

    KDR: 5Burst: 30

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    WPDam: x15C

    Arm: x10Burst: 20

    ILLUMBurst: 1,000

    MILAN Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM)

    A man-portable wire-guided anti-tank missile, fired from an integral tripod or vehicle mount. The

    missile will fly towards the target as long as the operator keeps the target in the firing unit's crosshairs.The firing unit weighs 16.5kg and each missile weighs 7kg.

    Image from www.esercito.difesa.it(CC-BY)

    ROF: 1

    Mag: (2)Range: 2,000

    Dam: x35CKDR: 5

    Burst: 10

    Rapier Surface to Air Missile System

    A British anti-aircraft missile system, in service since 1971. Once a target is detected, the operatorvisually acquires the target (an infra-red thermal imaging system allows use at night and in bad

    weather). The missiles are then guided to the target by the Blindfire radar, although they can be guidedoptically by the operator if necessary.

    The launcher unit carries four missiles. The Blindfire rader is mounted on a seperate trailer.

    Image from Nirazul at Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY-SA)

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    Magazine: 4

    Range: 6,800

    ROF: 2Dam: x20C

    Arm: x10

    KDR: 2.5

    Burst: 10

    Land Rover Defender 110 (4x4)

    The standard British military light truck since the late 1940s, the Land Rover is available in several

    models. The long wheelbase 110 is the most widely used by military forces. It may be fitted with a

    pintle mount, equivalent to a NATO heavy tripod (NHT).

    The Defender 110 is available as a pickup, hard top, soft top or double cab (with seats for five in thecab). The hard top or soft top can be removed to convert the vehicle into a pickup. Ambulance models

    are also available, which can take four stretcher cases.

    Travel Move: 180/45Combat Move: 60/35

    Fuel Capacity: 75

    Fuel Consumption: 25Fuel Type: G, D, A

    Load: 1,500kg

    Vehicle Weight: 3 tonsCrew: 2+8

    Maintenance: 2

    Night Vision: Headlights

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    Bedford MK (4x4) 4-ton Truck

    The standard British army truck, it is available in many variants and like the Land Rover, can be found

    wherever there is a British army presence. The soft top and sides can be removed, creating a flatbed.

    Travel Move: 100/10

    Combat Move: 35/10Fuel Capacity: 150

    Fuel Consumption: 40

    Fuel Type: G, D, ALoad: 4.5 tons

    Vehicle Weight: 9.5 tonsCrew: 1+10

    Maintenance: 4

    Night Vision: Headlights

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    Map of Stanley

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    Map of the Falklands, based on a map by Eric Gaba (Sting) at Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY-SA)

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    Map of RAF Mount Pleasant

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    All flag images are from the Flags Of The World website (http://flagspot.net/flags).

    Except where stated otherwise, maps are created using map data from OpenStreetMap

    (www.openstreetmap.org). OpenStreetMap contributors, CC BY-SA.

    Unless specifically credited, all other images are in the public domain.

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