1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

1 CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics


CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University.1 Building a Swing GUI Consider the following “SwingApplication” (courtesy of Sun’s Java Swing Tutorial) Every app defines a hierarchy of components – “component” = “widget”! Containment Relationship

Transcript of 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

Page 1: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University.

Lecture 3:Layout Basics

Page 2: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Overview Last week…

– GUI design– Java (everybody comfy?)– Very little bit of Swing

This week…– Swing Time!– Building the GUI

• components, layout– Handling GUI events

Page 3: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Building a Swing GUI Consider the following

“SwingApplication”(courtesy of Sun’s Java Swing Tutorial)

Every app defines a hierarchy of components– “component” = “widget”!

Containment Relationship

Page 4: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Model-View-Controller Architecture What defines a component? In Swing (and similar frameworks), a

component has three crucial elements:– model: what data is associated with component– view: how the component is displayed on-

screen– controller: how the component responds to

user interaction / events For example, a JTextArea component

– Model: The text, stored in a String object.– View: A white window with text cursor.– Controller: A listener that updates the String

Page 5: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Model-View-Controller Architecture Another Example: the scrollbar

How about a menu? a toolbar?


min = 0max = 255value = 87

View Controller

mouse click on endmouse click on bar

mouse drag on scroller

Page 6: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Model-View-Controller Architecture All three elements are interdependent!

Why is this breakdown useful?– multiple components can tied to same

model– models can have different “look & feel”s




Component UserConduit

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CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

The Model Is The Program Models are your internal

representation of the state of the program.

Use any data structure you want, its up to the Component to visualize it.

You program the Component to display it the way you want!

You program the Model to store the data (hopefully efficiently) the way you want!

Page 8: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Swing components Top-level containers

JFrame JDialog JApplet

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CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Swing components General-purpose containers






Page 10: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Swing components Special-purpose containers

JLayeredPane JInternalFrame

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CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

JavaDocs look at Swing! JavaDocs are a Great Tool! Program with the window open, it will

save you time and headaches. Swing Components have MANY

options and methods available. Lets take a look at the JavaDocs for

Java and for Swing!

Page 12: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Swing components Basic Controls

JButton JComboBoxJList

JMenu JSlider JTextField

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CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Swing components Uneditable displays



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CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Swing components Editable displays

JColorChooser JFileChooser


Page 15: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Creating components Just call the constructors!

All we’ve done is create the structures

Still need to:– add components to container, w/ layout– display container

frame = new JFrame (...);button = new JButton (...);label = new JLabel (...);pane = new JPanel ();… Use the JavaDocs!

Page 16: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Layout managers Set the layout manager and add

components For top-level containers as root frames:

– add components to Content Pane

– add components to intermediate components

frame.getContentPane().add (button);

JPanel panel = new Jpanel ();panel.add (button); // … and more…frame.getContentPane().add (panel);

Page 17: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Layout managers BorderLayout (the default)

JPanel pane = new JPanel();pane.setLayout (new BorderLayout()); // not really needed…pane.add (buttonNorth, BorderLayout.NORTH);pane.add (buttonCenter, BorderLayout.CENTER);…

Page 18: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Layout managers BorderLayout (cont.)

– can’t add twice in the same place

– can add spacing with the constructorJPanel pane = new JPanel();pane.setLayout (new BorderLayout (5, 20)); // xGap, yGap

contentPane.add (buttonNorth1, BorderLayout.NORTH);contentPane.add (buttonNorth2, BorderLayout.NORTH);// this second add() puts the second button on top of the first!

Page 19: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Layout managers BoxLayout: across or up/down

private void addAButton(String text, JPanel container) { JButton button = new JButton(text); button.setAlignmentX(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); container.add(button);}

public BoxWindow() { JPanel contentPane = (JPanel)getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(contentPane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); addAButton("Button 1", contentPane); addAButton("2", contentPane); addAButton("Button 3", contentPane); addAButton("Long-Named Button 4", contentPane); addAButton("Button 5", contentPane); …}

Page 20: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Layout managers GridLayout: equal-sized grid of


JPanel contentPane = (JPanel)getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2)); // grid layout with 2 columns; doesn’t specify number of rows! contentPane.add(new JButton("Button 1")); contentPane.add(new JButton("2")); contentPane.add(new JButton("Button 3")); contentPane.add(new JButton("Long-Named Button 4")); contentPane.add(new JButton("Button 5"));

Page 21: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Layout managers FlowLayout: flows the rows, you


JPanel contentPane = getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); contentPane.add(new JButton("Button 1")); contentPane.add(new JButton("2")); contentPane.add(new JButton("Button 3")); contentPane.add(new JButton("Long-Named Button 4")); contentPane.add(new JButton("Button 5"));

Page 22: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Layout managers GridBagLayout: more flexible grid

CardLayout: changing components

Very Hard, Complex!.. but Powerful!

Page 23: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Layout tips Spacing components out

– create space with rigid boxes

– create space with “glue” (really bad name!)

pane.add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension (0,5)));

container.add (firstComponent);container.add (Box.createHorizontalGlue());container.add (secondComponent);

Page 24: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Layout tips Absolute positioning

JPanel contentPane = getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(null);

b1 = new JButton("one"); contentPane.add(b1); b2 = new JButton("two"); contentPane.add(b2); b3 = new JButton("three"); contentPane.add(b3);

Insets insets = contentPane.getInsets(); b1.setBounds(25 + insets.left, 5 + insets.top, 75, 20); b2.setBounds(55 + insets.left, 35 + insets.top, 75, 20); b3.setBounds(150 + insets.left, 15 + insets.top, 75, 30);

Page 25: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

“SwingApplication” example High-level view

import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;

public class SwingApplication {

public JComponent createComponents(){ … }

public static void main (String[] args){ … }


Page 26: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

“SwingApplication” example main()

public JComponent createComponents(){ … }

public static void main (String[] args) { … JFrame frame = new JFrame("SwingApplication"); SwingApplication app = new SwingApplication(); JComponent contents = app.createComponents(); frame.getContentPane().add(contents, BorderLayout.CENTER); … frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); }

Page 27: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

“SwingApplication” example createComponents()

public JComponent createComponents() {

final JLabel label = new JLabel(labelPrefix + "0 ");

JButton button = new JButton("I'm a Swing button!"); … << set actions for button >> label.setLabelFor(button);

JPanel pane = new JPanel(); pane.setBorder (BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(30,30,10,30)); pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); pane.add(button); pane.add(label); return pane; }

create border space!

Page 28: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

“MyWindow” example Let’s design a window that looks like

this when resized…

Page 29: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Keeping things Flexible The “glue” example and “positioning”

are nice to know, but not practical. Use your Layout Manager to do

everything. Put panels within panels! Stack em',

each panel can have its own layout.

Flow LayoutBorder


Page 30: 1CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. Lecture 3: Layout Basics.

CS480: Graphical User Interfaces. Dario Salvucci, Drexel University. 1

Recommendation Best Layout Manager: Border

– Flexible: You know that the CENTER expands.

– Easy: Not difficult to configure.– Sizes: Set Preferred Size

• Not as bad as Absolute Positioning, but not great!

– Recommended– And hey, its the default for a reason!