1A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Identification - Mass. · PDF file1A. Continuum of Care (CoC)...

1A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Identification Instructions: For guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC Application Detailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submit technical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question. 1A-1. CoC Name and Number: MA-516 - Massachusetts Balance of State CoC 1A-2. Collaborative Applicant Name: Department of Housing and Community Development 1A-3. CoC Designation: CA 1A-4. HMIS Lead: Department of Housing and Community Development Applicant: MA Balance of State Continuum of Care MA-516 Project: MA-516 CoC Registration FY2017 COC_REG_2017_149272 FY2017 CoC Application Page 1 09/22/2017

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Page 1: 1A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Identification - Mass. · PDF file1A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Identification Instructions: For guidance on completing this application, please reference

1A. Continuum of Care (CoC) Identification

Instructions:For guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC ApplicationDetailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submittechnical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question.

1A-1. CoC Name and Number: MA-516 - Massachusetts Balance of State CoC

1A-2. Collaborative Applicant Name: Department of Housing and CommunityDevelopment

1A-3. CoC Designation: CA

1A-4. HMIS Lead: Department of Housing and CommunityDevelopment

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1B. Continuum of Care (CoC) Engagement

Instructions:For guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC ApplicationDetailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submittechnical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question.

1B-1. From the list below, select those organization(s) and/or person(s)that participate in CoC meetings. Using the drop-down boxes, indicate ifthe organization(s) and/or person(s): (1) participate in CoC meetings; and

(2) vote, including selection of CoC Board members.Responses should be for the period from 5/1/16 to 4/30/17.


Participates in CoC


Votes, includingelecting CoC

Board Members

Local Government Staff/Officials Yes Yes

CDBG/HOME/ESG Entitlement Jurisdiction Yes Yes

Law Enforcement No No

Local Jail(s) No No

Hospital(s) Yes No

EMT/Crisis Response Team(s) No No

Mental Health Service Organizations Yes Yes

Substance Abuse Service Organizations Yes Yes

Affordable Housing Developer(s) Yes Yes

Disability Service Organizations Yes Yes

Disability Advocates Yes Yes

Public Housing Authorities Yes No

CoC Funded Youth Homeless Organizations Yes No

Non-CoC Funded Youth Homeless Organizations Yes Yes

Youth Advocates Yes Yes

School Administrators/Homeless Liaisons Yes No

CoC Funded Victim Service Providers Yes Yes

Non-CoC Funded Victim Service Providers Yes No

Domestic Violence Advocates Yes Yes

Street Outreach Team(s) Yes Yes

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Advocates Yes No

LGBT Service Organizations Yes No

Agencies that serve survivors of human trafficking Yes Yes

Other homeless subpopulation advocates Yes Yes

Homeless or Formerly Homeless Persons Yes Yes

Other:(limit 50 characters)

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Higher Education (State University) Yes Yes

Homeless Veteran Service Service Provider Yes Yes

Applicant must select Yes, No or Not Applicable for all of the listedorganization/person categories in 1B-1.

1B-1a. Describe the specific strategy(s) the CoC uses to solicit andconsider opinions from organizations and/or persons that have an interestin preventing or ending homelessness.(limit 1000 characters)

The CoC uses several strategies to solicit opinions from many organizations.-Decisions about CoC policy and procedures are developed at open meetingsthat are advertised using a mailing list of more than 70 nonprofit, municipal,housing authority and state government partner agencies (well in excess of 100persons, including homeless persons) as well as announcements on the twitterat @MABoSCoC.-Annual outreach to a wide range of interested persons, i.e. mailings to everystate funded Community Veteran Services Officer and municipal library in theCoC reminding them of what the CoC is, the work it does, and inviting them tocall, e-mail or attend meetings with questions or feedback.-An annual needs assessment includes the partners mentioned aboveparticipating in 4 public meetings across the CoC. Feedback is requested aboutunmet housing, services, and training needs. Those needs are considered inthe CoC’s RFP for projects and in making changes to CoC policies /procedures.

1B-2. Describe the CoC's open invitation process for soliciting newmembers, including any special outreach.(limit 1000 characters)

The CoC uses several strategies to solicit new members. 1) All monthlyPlanning Group meetings are advertised in advance via an extensive e-mail listwith requests for receivers of the e-mail to forward it onto interested parties. 2)Annual outreach to a wide range of interested persons, i.e. mailings to everystate funded Community Veteran Services Officer and municipal library in theCoC reminding them of what the CoC is, the work it does, and inviting them tocall, e-mail or attend meetings with questions or feedback. 3) All monthlyPlanning Group and many monthly / quarterly committee meetings areadvertised in advance on twitter at @MABoSCoC inviting participation andmembership. 4) Homeless Service providers are asked to invite homelesspersons they are working with to the meetings. 5) the CoC recently merged withanother CoC and special, individualized invitations to remain engaged inspecific pieces of work were made to each member of the dissolving CoC thatwas joining us.

1B-3. Describe how the CoC notified the public that it will accept andconsider proposals from organizations that have not previously receivedCoC Program funding in the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition, even if

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the CoC is not applying for new projects in FY 2017. The response mustinclude the date(s) the CoC made publicly knowing they were open toproposals.(limit 1000 characters)

The Collaborative Applicant (CA) issues a competitive procurement (RFR)seeking project proposals. , The RFR was posted to the Commonwealth’spublic procurement website on June 9, 2017. The CA notified organizations whohad inquired about CoC/ESG funds in the past, including those who were notpreviously funded. An announcement about the RFR was sent to every personand agency that serves on a standing or ad hoc committee, every CAP agencywithin the CoC’s geography and the leads of all surrounding CoCs were askedto share it with their providers.

The RFR details the submission criteria, the review process, andscoring/selection criteria including proposal compliance with allowable scopesof the project as outlined in the NOFA, consistency with the CoC’s priorities,and demonstration of capacity and understanding of the needs of andcomplexity in working with chronically homeless persons. All project proposalsto the continuum this year were included in the CoC application.

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1C. Continuum of Care (CoC) Coordination

Instructions:For guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC ApplicationDetailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submittechnical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question.

1C-1. Using the chart below, identify the Federal, State, Local, Private andOther organizations that serve homeless individuals, families,

unaccompanied youth, persons who are fleeing domestic violence, orthose at risk of homelessness that are included in the CoCs coordination;

planning and operation of projects.Only select "Not Applicable" if the funding source(s) do not exist in the

CoC's geographic area.

Entities or Organizations the CoC coordinates planning and operation of projectsCoordinates with Planningand Operation of Projects

Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Yes

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Yes

Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) Yes

Head Start Program Yes

Housing and service programs funded through Department of Justice (DOJ) resources Not Applicable

Housing and service programs funded through Health and Human Services (HHS) resources Yes

Housing and service programs funded through other Federal resources Yes

Housing and service programs funded through state government resources Yes

Housing and service programs funded through local government resources Yes

Housing and service programs funded through private entities, including foundations Yes

Other:(limit 50 characters)

1C-2. Describe how the CoC actively consults with Emergency SolutionsGrant (ESG) recipient’s in the planning and allocation of ESG funds.Include in the response: (1) the interactions that occur between the CoCand the ESG Recipients in the planning and allocation of funds; (2) theCoCs participation in the local Consolidated Plan jurisdiction(s) processby providing Point-in-Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Count (HIC) datato the Consolidated Plan jurisdictions; and (3) how the CoC ensures localhomelessness information is clearly communicated and addressed inConsolidated Plan updates.(limit 1000 characters)

Abbrev Key and Con plan districts - Massachusetts MA, Brookline BL,Framingham F, Lawrence L, Malden ML, Medford MD, Newton N, Waltham W.

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DHCD, the CoC collaborative applicant, is an ESG recipient. ESG and CoCstaff are embedded in the same unit. The CoC staff worked with ESG staff tounderstand unmet need, desired ESG outcomes and performance measuresand in crafting the RFR seeking proposals to meet the needs of the CoC. OtherESG recipients are L and N. The CoC provided feedback to both of them. L, anew ESG recipient, is working to develop processes consistent with CoCCoordinated Entry. N has already vetted their processes. The CoC hasprovided HIC and PIT data to MA, F, ML, MD, N and L, and specific populationinformation for unaccompanied youth to MA, F and L. The CoC has providedspecific feedback about strategies for addressing homelessness to MA, F, Nand ML as part of their Con Plan processes. BL and W are new to the CoC andwe did not provide them with data.

1C-3. CoCs must demonstrate the local efforts to address the uniqueneeds of persons, and their families, fleeing domestic violence thatincludes access to housing and services that prioritizes safety andconfidentiality of program participants.(limit 1000 characters)

The state offers 24 hour access to DV services through SafeLink hotline toimmediately connect those fleeing DV to shelter and services. Any familypresenting for shelter at the front door with a history of DV rcvs specializedassessment. The CoC collaborates with several DV providers. DV victims whopresent themselves to a non-DV service provider are guided through thestatewide process for accessing DV services as outlined in the attached CEpolicy manual. All DV victims may access CoC and ESG funded housing /services using the Client Centered Coordinated Entry (CE) process. In an effortto create a no wrong door approach, DV providers, CAP agencies,municipalities, traditional shelters & outreach guide persons through the CEsystem.

The CE process includes a Housing Preference Form (attached to thisapplication in the CE policies) that allows clients to identify communities theywould like. Persons are never referred to communities or housing types theyhave not requested.

1C-3a. CoCs must describe the following: (1) how regular training isprovided to CoC providers and operators of coordinated entry processesthat addresses best practices in serving survivors of domestic violence;(2) how the CoC uses statistics and other available data about domesticviolence, including aggregate data from comparable databases, asappropriate, to assess the scope of community needs related to domesticviolence and homelessness; and (3) the CoC safety and planningprotocols and how they are included in the coordinated assessment.(limit 1,000 characters)

Trauma informed care, confidentiality, data security, and client choice are allincluded in the CoC’s Coordinated Entry (CE) trainings. Trainings occur atleast monthly and are attended by any persons who interact with the CEsystem.The CoC utilizes data about those fleeing DV gathered by state agency partnersas well as from our HMIS. Data is de-identified, aggregate and includes # of

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persons accessing the DV shelter system, household composition, incomesources and amounts, and community of origin. Data is used in our annualgaps analysis / needs assessment.3 In addition to trainings listed above, the CE process includes a HousingPreference Form (included with this application in the CE policies andprocedures attachment) that allows clients to identify which communities, andtype of housing they would like. CE files are kept locked and the CoC’shomeless registry does not have personally identifying information (PII) in it. PIIis never shared without a signed release.

1C-4. Using the chart provided, for each of the Public Housing Agency’s(PHA) in the CoC's geographic area: (1) identify the percentage of newadmissions to the Public Housing or Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)

Programs in the PHA’s that were homeless at the time of admission; and(2) indicate whether the PHA has a homeless admission preference in its

Public Housing and/or HCV program. Attachment Required: If the CoC selected, "Yes-Public Housing", "Yes-

HCV" or "Yes-Both", attach an excerpt from the PHA(s) written policies ora letter from the PHA(s) that addresses homeless preference.

Public Housing Agency Name% New Admissions into Public Housing and

Housing Choice Voucher Program during FY 2016who were homeless at entry

PHA has General orLimited Homeless


MA Department of Housing and Community Development 36.00% Yes-HCV

Lawrence 27.00% No

Malden 21.00% No

Medford 0.00% Yes-HCV

Brookline 83.00% Yes-HCV

If you select "Yes--Public Housing," "Yes--HCV," or "Yes--Both" for "PHAhas general or limited homeless preference," you must attach

documentation of the preference from the PHA in order to receive credit.

1C-4a. For each PHA where there is not a homeless admission preferencein their written policies, identify the steps the CoC has taken to encouragethe PHA to adopt such a policy.(limit 1000 characters)

Two of the five largest PHAs in the continuum (Lawrence and Malden) do notoffer any priority for homeless persons, not even for those homeless throughdisplacement. The continuum engages with both of these housing authoritiesthrough our normal interactions. We have not in the past, but shall in the futuremake formal requests for them to alter their administration plans to offer apriority for persons experiencing homelessness.

1C-5. Describe the actions the CoC has taken to: (1) address the needs ofLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) individuals and their familiesexperiencing homelessness, (2) conduct regular CoC-wide training with

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providers on how to effecctively implement the Equal Access to Housingin HUD Programs Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Idenity,including Gender Identify Equal Access to Housing, Fina Rule; and (3)implementation of an anti-discrimination policy.(limit 1000 characters)

DHCD is bound by state law protecting persons from housing discriminationrelated to sexual orientation since 1990 and gender identity since 2011. DHCDcontracts with sub recipients require compliance with these laws. The CoC’santi-discrimination policies were revised in the governance charter on 8/9/16and fully incorporated into the Coordinated Entry (CE) policies and proceduresmanual on 1/31/17. A CoC staff serves on an ICHH commission whichinfluences statewide initiatives for LGBTQ persons.On 11/2/16 the CoC conducted a training on "Equal Access in Accordance withan Individual's Gender Identity" from 24 CFR Part 5 and further required at leastone representative from every sub recipient agency attend one of the trainingsconducted by HUD. Rather than create a recurring training specific to this topic,the CoC incorporated it into the CE trainings which happen at least monthly andinclude housing providers, shelters, CAP agencies, faith leaders and otherinterested parties.

1C-6. Criminalization: Select the specific strategies implemented by theCoC to prevent the criminalization of homelessness in the CoC’s

geographic area. Select all that apply.Engaged/educated local policymakers:


Engaged/educated law enforcement:

Engaged/educated local business leadersX

Implemented communitywide plans:

No strategies have been implemented

Other:(limit 50 characters)

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1D. Continuum of Care (CoC) Discharge Planning

Instructions:For guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC ApplicationDetailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submittechnical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question.

1D-1. Discharge Planning-State and Local: Select from the list provided,the systems of care the CoC coordinates with and assists in state and

local discharge planning efforts to ensure those who are discharged fromthat system of care are not released directly to the streets, emergencyshelters, or other homeless assistance programs. Check all that apply.

Foster Care:X

Health Care:X

Mental Health Care:X

Correctional Facilities:X


1D-1a. If the applicant did not check all the boxes in 1D-1, provide: (1) anexplanation of the reason(s) the CoC does not have a discharge policy inplace for the system of care; and (2) provide the actions the CoC is takingor plans to take to coordinate with or assist the State and local dischargeplanning efforts to ensure persons are not discharged to the street,emergency shelters, or other homeless assistance programs.(limit 1000 characters)

Not Applicable

1D-2. Discharge Planning: Select the system(s) of care within the CoC’sgeographic area the CoC actively coordinates with to ensure persons whohave resided in any of the institutions listed below longer than 90 days are

not discharged directly to the streets, emergency shelters, or otherhomeless assistance programs. Check all that apply.

Foster Care:X

Health Care:X

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Mental Health Care:X

Correctional Facilities:X


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1E. Continuum of Care (CoC) Project Review,Ranking, and Selection

InstructionsFor guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC ApplicationDetailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submittechnical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question.

1E-1. Using the drop-down menu, select the appropriate response(s) thatdemonstrate the process the CoC used to rank and select project

applications in the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition which included (1)the use of objective criteria; (2) at least one factor related to achieving

positive housing outcomes; and (3) included a specific method forevaluating projects submitted by victim service providers.

Attachment Required: Public posting of documentation that supports theprocess the CoC used to rank and select project application.

Used Objective Criteria for Review, Rating, Ranking and Section Yes

Included at least one factor related to achieving positive housing outcomes Yes

Included a specific method for evaluating projects submitted by victim service providers No

1E-2. Severity of Needs and VulnerabilitiesCoCs must provide the extent the CoC considered the severity of needsand vulnerabilities experienced by program participants in their projectranking and selection process. Describe: (1) the specific vulnerabilitiesthe CoC considered; and (2) how the CoC takes these vulnerabilities intoaccount during the ranking and selection process. (See the CoCApplication Detailed Instructions for examples of severity of needs andvulnerabilities.)(limit 1000 characters)

1. The Continuum considered the following vulnerabilities experienced byprogram participants in its ranking and selection process: ChronicallyHomeless, Domestic Violence Victims, Unaccompanied Minors, Families withChildren, Those with chronic mental health issues, Those with substance abuseissues, Elders (50 and older), Unsheltered, HIV / AIDS patients, and Veterans.2.The CoC uses an objective scoring tool (attached to this application) as partof the ranking and review procedures. Projects which specifically serve theabove listed vulnerable populations are given additional points for each of thevulnerable populations they work with.

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1E-3. Using the following checklist, select: (1) how the CoC made publiclyavailable to potential project applicants an objective ranking and selection

process that was used for all project (new and renewal) at least 2 daysbefore the application submission deadline; and (2) all parts of the CoC

Consolidated Application, the CoC Application attachments, PriorityListing that includes the reallocation forms and Project Listings that show

all project applications submitted to the CoC were either accepted andranked, or rejected and were made publicly available to project applicants,

community members and key stakeholders.

Attachment Required: Documentation demonstrating the objectiveranking and selections process and the final version of the completed CoCConsolidated Application, including the CoC Application with attachments,

Priority Listing with reallocation forms and all project applications thatwere accepted and ranked, or rejected (new and renewal) was made

publicly available. Attachments must clearly show the date the documentswere publicly posted.

Public Posting

CoC or other WebsiteX



Advertising in Local Newspaper(s)

Advertising on Radio or Television

Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)X

1E-4. Reallocation: Applicants must demonstrate the ability to reallocatelower performing projects to create new, higher performing projects.CoC’s may choose from one of the following two options below to answerthis question. You do not need to provide an answer for both.Option 1: The CoC actively encourages new and existing providers to apply for new projectsthrough reallocation.Attachment Required - Option 1: Documentation that shows the CoC actively encouraged newand existing providers to apply for new projects through reallocation.

Option 2: The CoC has cumulatively reallocated at least 20 percent of the CoC’s ARD betweenFY 2013 and FY 2017 CoC Program Competitions.No Attachment Required - HUD will calculate the cumulative amount based on the CoCsreallocation forms submitted with each fiscal years Priority Listing.

Reallocation: Option 1

Attachment Required - provide documentation that shows the CoC activelyencouraged new and existing providers to apply for new projects through


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1E-5. If the CoC rejected or reduced projectapplication(s), enter the date the CoC and

Collaborative Applicant notified projectapplicants their project application(s) were

being rejected or reduced in writing outsideof e-snaps.

Attachment Required: Copies of the writtennotification to project applicant(s) that their

project application(s) were rejected. Where aproject application is being rejected or

reduced, the CoC must indicate the reason(s)for the rejection or reduction.


1E-5a. Provide the date the CoC notifiedapplicant(s) their application(s) were

accepted and ranked on the Priority Listing,in writing, outside of e-snaps.

Attachment Required: Copies of the writtennotification to project applicant(s) their

project application(s) were accepted andranked on the Priority listing.


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Reallocation Supporting Documentation

Attachment Required - provide documentation that shows the CoC activelyencouraged new and existing providers to apply for new projects throughreallocation.

Document Type Required? Document Description Date Attached

Reallocation SupportingDocumentation

No Reallocation Supp... 08/18/2017

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Attachment Details

Document Description: Reallocation Supporting Documentation

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2A. Homeless Management Information System(HMIS) Implementation

Intructions:For guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC ApplicationDetailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submittechnical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question.

2A-1. Does the CoC have in place aGovernance Charter or other written

documentation (e.g., MOU/MOA) that outlinesthe roles and responsibilities of the CoC and

HMIS Lead?

Attachment Required: If “Yes” is selected, acopy of the sections of the Governance

Charter, or MOU/MOA addressing the rolesand responsibilities of the CoC and HMIS



2A-1a. Provide the page number(s) where theroles and responsibilities of the CoC andHMIS Lead can be found in the attached

document(s) referenced in 2A-1. In addition,indicate if the page number applies to the

Governance Charter or MOU/MOA.

Page 11 in the governance charter

2A-2. Does the CoC have a HMIS Policies andProcedures Manual? Attachment Required: Ifthe response was “Yes”, attach a copy of the

HMIS Policies and Procedures Manual.


2A-3. What is the name of the HMIS softwarevendor?

Efforts to Outcome (ETO) Social Solutions

2A-4. Using the drop-down boxes, select theHMIS implementation Coverage area.

Regional (multiple CoC)

2A-5. Per the 2017 HIC use the following chart to indicate the number ofbeds in the 2017 HIC and in HMIS for each project type within the CoC. If aparticular project type does not exist in the CoC then enter "0" for all cells

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in that project type.

Project TypeTotal Beds

in 2017 HICTotal Beds in HICDedicated for DV

Total Bedsin HMIS

HMIS BedCoverage Rate

Emergency Shelter (ESG) beds 1,643 48 1,544 96.80%

Safe Haven (SH) beds 0 0 0

Transitional Housing (TH) beds 307 157 66 44.00%

Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) beds 316 0 46 14.56%

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) beds 1,146 10 614 54.05%

Other Permanent Housing (OPH) beds 315 8 324 105.54%

2A-5a. To receive partial credit, if the bed coverage rate is below 85percent for any of the project types, the CoC must provide clear steps onhow it intends to increase this percentage for each project type over thenext 12 months.(limit 1000 characters)

All CoC funded projects are in HMIS.

PSH is below the 85% coverage rate because the providers who operate VASHbeds are not yet participating in HMIS and have declined to participate at thistime.

TH is below the 85% coverage rate because providers who operate these bedsare not required to participate in HMIS and have declined to participate at thistime.

OPH is below the 85% coverage rate because the providers who operate these62 beds are not required to participate in HMIS and have declined to participateat this time.

The CoC will reach out at least annually to stress the importance of participationin HMIS. This is not without results. For example, the CoC and its primarySSVF provider are actively engaged transitioning their work into the CoC’sHMIS. Our goal is to complete their integration into the CoC’s HMIS system onOctober 1st, 2017.

2A-6. Annual Housing Assessment Report(AHAR) Submission: How many Annual

Housing Assessment Report (AHAR) tableswere accepted and used in the 2016 AHAR?


2A-7. Enter the date the CoC submitted the2017 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) data into

the Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX).(mm/dd/yyyy)


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2B. Continuum of Care (CoC) Point-in-Time Count

Instructions:For guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC ApplicationDetailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submittechnical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question.

2B-1. Indicate the date of the CoC’s 2017 PITcount (mm/dd/yyyy). If the PIT count was

conducted outside the last 10 days ofJanuary 2017, HUD will verify the CoC

received a HUD-approved exception.


2B-2. Enter the date the CoC submitted thePIT count data in HDX.



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2C. Continuum of Care (CoC) Point-in-Time (PIT)Count: Methodologies

Instructions:For guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC ApplicationDetailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submittechnical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question.

2C-1. Describe any change in the CoC’s sheltered PIT countimplementation, including methodology and data quality changes from2016 to 2017. Specifically, how those changes impacted the CoCssheltered PIT count results.(limit 1000 characters)

There was a slight change in the proportions of data sources used for the PITfrom the previous year, due in large part to a CoC merger that happened shortlybefore the 2017 PIT which nearly doubled the number of DV beds, whichincreased the number of client-level surveys used.

2C-2. Did your CoC change its providercoverage in the 2017 sheltered count?


2C-2a. If “Yes” was selected in 2C-2, enter the change in providercoverage in the 2017 sheltered PIT count, including the number of beds

added or removed due to the change.Beds Added: 39

Beds Removed: 43

Total: -4

2C-3. Did your CoC add or remove emergencyshelter, transitional housing, or Safe-Haven

inventory because of funding specific to aPresidentially declared disaster resulting in a

change to the CoC's 2017 sheltered PITcount?


2C-3a. If "Yes" was selected in 2C-3, enter the number of beds that wereadded or removed in 2017 because of a Presidentially declared disaster.

Beds Added: 0

Beds Removed: 0

Total: 0

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2C-4. Did the CoC change its unsheltered PITcount implementation, including

methodology and data quality changes from2016 to 2017?

CoCs that did not conduct an unshelteredcount in 2016 or did not report unsheltered

PIT count data to HUD in 2016 shouldcompare their efforts in 2017 to their efforts in



2C-4a. Describe any change in the CoC’s unsheltered PIT countimplementation, including methodology and data quality changes from2016 to 2017. Specify how those changes impacted the CoC’s unshelteredPIT count results. See Detailed Instructions for more information.(limit 1000 characters)

The most significant change in our PIT this year was a result of our merger withthe Brookline / Newton CoC (MA-518) which added 4 densely populated citiesto the Continuum’s geography. While our specific interventions did not changecontinuum wide, we did bring a more formalized process to counting for thosecities, resulting in a significant increase in the number of unsheltered persons.

2C-5. Did the CoC implement specificmeasures to identify youth in their PIT count?


2C-5a. If "Yes" was selected in 2C-5, describe the specific measures theCoC; (1) took to identify homeless youth in the PIT count; (2) during theplanning process, how stakeholders that serve homeless youth wereengaged; (3) how homeless youth were engaged/involved; and (4) how theCoC worked with stakeholders to select locations where homeless youthare most likely to be identified.(limit 1000 characters)

The Unaccompanied youth committee, which meets at minimum quarterly, ismade up of several youth serving providers and other interested parties. Thisgroup was consulted heavily in developing a strategy for assuring youngpersons were identified during the PIT. Outreach to youth was done in the daysleading up to the PIT in two of the CoC’s largest school districts by providersthat work in those districts with homeless youth. Those providers worked with“youth ambassadors” (students in the school who had experiencedhomelessness) to spread the news to other students about the PIT. Magnetevents were held on the day of the PIT in places the providers, because of thework of the youth ambassadors, knew young people that may experiencehomelessness would congregate. The events included food and material goodsthat homeless youth may want / need including clothing and gift cards.

2C-6. Describe any actions the CoC implemented in its 2017 PIT count tobetter count individuals and families experiencing chronic homelessness,families with children, and Veterans experiencing homelessness.(limit 1000 characters)

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The CoC conducted two webinars and held conference calls to train and solicitfeedback from shelters, outreach team, day-time drop-in centers and mealprograms well in advance of the count to make sure that all chronic householdswere known to at least one provider who would be able to make it a point toassure they were counted.The collaborative applicant for the CoC, also operates the state’s family sheltersystem. We used our HMIS data that is all inclusive of families in the CoC whoare in shelter, to count all family households.

The CoC’s veterans committee worked throughout the year to develop andmaintain its by-name registry of veterans. This registry is regularly crossreferenced with both HMIS and the Coordinated Entry System to assurecompleteness. Veteran service providers, and formerly homeless veteranswere consulted in advance of the count to ascertain whether there were placesnot meant for human habitation or known to the CoC where veterans may besleeping.

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3A. Continuum of Care (CoC) SystemPerformance

InstructionsFor guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC ApplicationDetailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submittechnical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question.

3A-1. Performance Measure: Reduction in the Number of First-TimeHomeless. Describe: (1) the numerical change the CoC experienced; (2)the process the CoC used to identify risk factors of becoming homelessfor the first time; (3) the strategies in place to address individuals andfamilies at risk of becoming homeless; and (4) the organization or positionthat is responsible for overseeing the CoC's strategy to reduce or end thenumber of individuals and families experiencing homelessness for thefirst time.(limit 1000 characters)

4679 persons entered in FY2015 and 3877 in the current FY. 4041 in FY15 and3277 in current FY had no previous entries in HMIS in the past 24 months. TheCoC reduced the number of persons experiencing homelessness for the 1sttime by 764.DHCD oversees prevention efforts within the CoC as well as many statewideefforts including TPP in the courts. DHCD works with other systems of care,including Veterans and Elders services and our statewide family shelter (EA), toanalyze data identifying the factors that lead households to homelessness. Thisinformation is used to target and identify eligibility for statewide preventionservices including RAFT, HCEC, and HomeBASE diversion. Diversion andprevention services in the CoC include assessment, housing search, mediation,financial assistance, support services, and discharge planning. The CoC’sprevention providers actively participate in the CoC’s planning group andadvisory board. ESG RRH and prevention, are incorporated into CE.

3A-2. Performance Measure: Length-of-Time Homeless. CoC ‘s must demonstrate how they reduce the length-of-time forindividuals and families remaining homeless. Describe (1) the numericalchange the CoC experienced; (2) the actions the CoC has implemented toreduce the length-of-time individuals and families remain homeless; (3)how the CoC identifies and houses individuals and families with thelongest length-of-time homeless; and (4) identify the organization orposition that is responsible for overseeing the CoC’s strategy to reducethe length-of-time individuals and families remain homeless.(limit 1000 characters)

The average length of time persons remain homeless for persons in shelter orsafe havens was reduced by 3 days. The average length of time personsremain homeless for persons in shelter, safe havens or transitional housing wasreduced by 5 days. While this was our first attempt to measure this

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systemically, we presume that our having fully implemented coordinated entryprocesses that allowed us to more readily focus on the most vulnerable andpotential long stayers is one reason. A second reason is that DHCD, which isboth the collaborative applicant and the entity responsible for providing thestate’s “right-to-shelter” family shelter system has also implemented a targetedreview of data that led to an improved understanding of our longest stayers, andthen use housing search, rapid rehousing resources, and intensive casemanagement across shelter and state benefits systems to quickly re-housefamilies.

3A-3. Performance Measures: Successful Permanent Housing Placementand Retention Describe: (1) the numerical change the CoC experienced; (2) the CoCsstrategy to increase the rate of which individuals and families move topermanent housing destination or retain permanent housing; and (3) theorganization or position responsible for overseeing the CoC’s strategy forretention of, or placement in permanent housing.(limit 1000 characters)

-Persons retained or placed into permanent housing increased from 1082 in2015 to 1284 in 2016.-The greatest gains in the outcome measure were made in those exiting shelter,TH and RRH. While we believe that some portion of those gains are directlyconnected to training and support of programmatic staff across the CoC, webelieve that another portion of those gains are connected to improved dataquality. We think that the outcomes on this measure in particular aresignificantly better than the measure shows, but cannot capture because thedata quality on the exit assessments has been lacking.-We have, and will continue to take significant pains to train people in the properuse of the exit destination and assessment date fields. We will be focusing ourweekly HMIS training calls and our project oversight to further improveperformance outcomes.-DHCD, the collaborative applicant is responsible for overseeing the strategy forretention of, or placement in permanent housing.

3A-4. Performance Measure: Returns to Homelessness. Describe: (1) the numerical change the CoC experienced, (2) whatstrategies the CoC implemented to identify individuals and families whoreturn to homelessness, (3) the strategies the CoC will use to reduceadditional returns to homelessness, and (4) the organization or positionresponsible for overseeing the CoC’s efforts to reduce the rate ofindividuals and families’ returns to homelessness.(limit 1000 characters)

-The returns to homelessness reduced from 35 in 2015 to 19 in 2016.-Using our HMIS system we are able to know when a person is returning tohomelessness. This query of the system is run regularly.-Much of our gains are because DHCD (the collaborative applicant,) is alsoresponsible for the statewide family shelter system, provides family specificrapid rehousing interventions and requires stabilization services be made tofamilies for at least 12 months following their exit from shelter. The CoC willcontinue to look at projects from which persons exit and then return to

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homelessness. Those projects which have unacceptable outcomes will receivetechnical assistance and, as in the case of one underperforming CoC projectthis year, may be reallocated if outcomes do not improve.-The HMIS unit at DHCD is responsible for tracking these outcomes. TheDivision of Stabilization Services which operates all state shelter and the CoC isresponsible for overseeing the strategy.

3A-5. Performance Measures: Job and Income Growth Describe: (1) the strategies that have been implemented to increaseaccess to employment and mainstream benefits; (2) how the CoCprogram-funded projects have been assisted to implement the strategies;(3) how the CoC is working with mainstream employment organizations tohelp individuals and families increase their cash income; and (4) theorganization or position that is responsible for overseeing the CoC’sstrategy to increase job and income growth from employment, non-employment including mainstream benefits.(limit 1000 characters)

Two CoC providers operate projects that work with newly housed persons onemployment readiness. All CoC programs assess each project participant forthe benefits they currently receive as the first step in each household’s serviceplan. Potential new sources are identified. Case managers aid participants inaccessing other income, including assisting with applications, scheduling,transportation to appointments, and collecting documentation. DHCD, who isresponsible for overseeing these outcomes, provides access to SOAR trainedpersons to aid projects without one, and provide TA during monitoring forprojects that are underperforming in this measure.

The primary employment organizations for persons in our CoC programs are:Mass Rehab helping persons with disabilities access job training and support;One Stop Career Centers providing assessment, career information and jobsearch; and Jewish Vocational Services providing skills development, jobreadiness training and, and job search.

3A-6. Did the CoC completely exclude ageographic area from the most recent PIT

count (i.e. no one counted there, and forcommunities using samples in the area that

was excluded from both the sample andextrapolation) where the CoC determined

there were no unsheltered homeless people,including areas that are uninhabitable

(deserts, forests).


3A.6a. If the response to 3A-6 was “Yes”, what was the criteria anddecision-making process the CoC used to identify and exclude specificgeographic areas from the CoCs unsheltered PIT count?(limit 1000 characters)

Not Applicable

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3A-7. Enter the date the CoC submitted theSystem Performance Measures data in HDX,

which included the data quality section for FY2016.



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3B. Continuum of Care (CoC) Performance andStrategic Planning Objectives

InstructionsFor guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC ApplicationDetailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submittechnical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question.

3B-1. Compare the total number of PSH beds, CoC program and non CoC-program funded, that were identified as dedicated for yes by chronically

homeless persons in the 2017 HIC, as compared to those identified in the2016 HIC.

2016 2017 Difference

Number of CoC Program and non-CoC Program funded PSH beds dedicated foruse by chronically homelessness persons identified on the HIC.

384 546 162

3B-1.1. In the box below: (1) "total number of Dedicated PLUS Beds"provide the total number of beds in the Project Allocation(s) that aredesignated ad Dedicated PLUS beds; and (2) in the box below "total

number of beds dedicated to the chronically homeless:, provide the totalnumber of beds in the Project Application(s) that are designated for the

chronically homeless. This does not include those that were identified in(1) above as Dedicated PLUS Beds.

Total number of beds dedicated as Dedicated Plus 312

Total number of beds dedicated to individuals and families experiencing chronic homelessness 506

Total 818

3B-1.2. Did the CoC adopt the Orders ofPriority into their standards for all CoC

Program funded PSH projects as described inNotice CPD-16-11: Prioritizing Persons

Experiencing Chronic Homelessness andOther Vulnerable Homeless Persons in

Permanent Supportive Housing.


3B-2.1. Using the following chart, check each box to indicate the factor(s)the CoC currently uses to prioritize households with children based on

need during the FY 2017 Fiscal Year.History of or Vulnerability to Victimization


Number of previous homeless episodesX

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Unsheltered homelessnessX

Criminal History

Bad credit or rental history (including not having been a leaseholder)

Head of Household with Mental/Physical DisabilityX

3B-2.2. Describe: (1) the CoCs current strategy and timeframe for rapidlyrehousing every household of families with children within 30 days ofbecoming homeless; and (2) the organization or position responsible foroverseeing the CoC’s strategy to rapidly rehouse families with childrenwithin 30 days of becoming homeless.(limit 1000 characters)

DHCD is the provider of all state funded shelter for families and responsible foroversight of rapid rehousing strategies within the CoC. Eligible families areimmediately assessed for services through the statewide family EA systemincluding diversion, shelter, and RRH. Primary point of entry is the welfareoffice. Additionally, CoC partners work with highly vulnerable families shelteredin our CoC for coordinated entry assessment. Families over-income for EA andstate funded RRH services, are referred to ESG RRH funds. When immediaterehousing is not feasible due to multiple, complex challenges, the family isplaced in shelter and provided with intensive case management services todevelop and implement a rehousing plan with HomeBASE, ESG, or otherresources. In FY16, 21% of families were diverted from shelter entry andrehoused with state RRH HomeBASE and housing search at or very nearintake.

3B-2.3. Compare the number of RRH units available to serve families fromthe 2016 and 2017 HIC.

2016 2017 Difference

Number of CoC Program and non-CoC Program funded PSH units dedicated foruse by chronically homelessness persons identified on the HIC.

37 88 51

3B-2.4. Describe the actions the CoC is taking to ensure emergencyshelters, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing (PSHand RRH) providers within the CoC adhere to anti-discrimination policiesby not denying admission to, or separating any family members fromother members of their family or caregivers based on age, sex, gender,LGBT status, marital status or disability when entering a shelter orHousing.(limit 1000 characters)

DHCD, the Collaborative Applicant and primary grantee of the CoC is also thefunder for state shelter. The agency is bound by state regulation that protectspersons from discrimination in housing / shelter for reasons related to age, sex,gender, LGBT status, marital status or disability since 1990 and monitorscompliance through annual monitoring of our providers. Families may not be

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separated by state regulation. DHCD contracts with shelter providers and CoCsub recipients require compliance with these state laws. The CoC’s anti-discrimination policies were most recently revised in the governance charter on8/9/16 and fully incorporated into the Coordinated Entry policies and proceduresmanual on 1/31/17.

3B-2.5. From the list below, select each of the following the CoC hasstrategies to address the unique needs of unaccompanied homeless

youth.Human trafficking and other forms of exploitation? No

LGBT youth homelessness? Yes

Exits from foster care into homelessness? Yes

Family reunification and community engagement? Yes

Positive Youth Development, Trauma Informed Care, and the use of Risk and Protective Factors in assessingyouth housing and service needs?


3B-2.6. From the list below, select each of the following the CoC has astrategy for prioritization of unaccompanied youth based on need.

History or Vulnerability to Victimization (e.g., domestic violence, sexual assault, childhood abuse)X

Number of Previous Homeless EpisodesX

Unsheltered HomelessnessX

Criminal History

Bad Credit or Rental History

3B-2.7. Describe: (1) the strategies used by the CoC, including securingadditional funding to increase the availability of housing and services foryouth experiencing homelessness, especially those experiencingunsheltered homelessness; (2) provide evidence the strategies that havebeen implemented are effective at ending youth homelessness; (3) themeasure(s) the CoC is using to calculate the effectiveness of thestrategies; and (4) why the CoC believes the measure(s) used is anappropriate way to determine the effectiveness of the CoC’s efforts.(limit 1500 characters)

1.The CoC has fully rolled out its Coordinated Entry system and, as a matter ofpolicy and procedure, places all homeless persons into housing in order ovvulnerability regardless of age. We were awarded a grant from the state toconduct a point in time count of homeless youth in an effort to establish abaseline of need and measure progress across a number of years. This countis separate from the annual PIT conducted for HUD and it focuses exclusivelyon youth experiencing homelessness.2.Our primary strategies have been to reduce the barriers to accessing housingfor young people. Evidence of that strategy’s success is elusive because the

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CoC has in each of the last three years merged with other CoCs, increasing itsgeographic area and rendering previous baselines unusable.3.The measures we are attempting to use include # of youth experiencinghomelessness found during this ancillary count, # of youth experiencinghomelessness found during the HUD PIT, # of youth served by RHY programsin our geography, # of youth in Coordinated Entry, and RHY capacity.4.We think we’re making progress despite the geographic change. In the boththe ‘16 and ‘17 PIT counts we counted 31 unaccompanied youth, despitehaving increased our geography to include 4 new cities. We believe themeasures are appropriate because, when taken as a whole, they measure,specifically, whether the housing strategy is impacting the number ofunaccompanied homeless youth.

3B-2.8. Describe: (1) How the CoC collaborates with youth educationproviders, including McKinney-Vento local educational authorities andschool districts; (2) the formal partnerships the CoC has with theseentities; and (3) the policies and procedures, if any, that have beenadopted to inform individuals and families who become homeless of theireligibility for educational services.(limit 1000 characters)

Wayside Youth and JRI’s Youth Harbors Program’s collaboration with areaschools and the McKinney Vento liaisons (M-Vs) to bring attention to thedifficulties faced by homeless youth have resulted in 94% of homeless youthhaving been stably housed by the end of the year. The collaborative Applicantoperates the family shelter system and requires, by contract every family shelterensure children are in school, and they have a joint process with the M-Vs toidentify and assist homeless and at-risk families.

The DOE supervisor of all M-Vs across the state serves in a sonsulting role onthe CoC advisory board. JRI, Wayside Youth, and a number of shelterproviders serve on the CoC’s Youth Committee and the Planning Group. JRIhas MOUs with several schools and Head Start programs as part of theChildren’s Behavioral Health Initiative. Active partner, and subrecipient, ABCDis the Head Start provider for 9 of the districts in the CoC.

3B-2.9. Does the CoC have any written formal agreements, MOU/MOAs orpartnerships with one or more providers of early childhood services and

supports? Select “Yes” or “No”.MOU/MOA Other Formal Agreement

Early Childhood Providers No No

Head Start Yes Yes

Early Head Start No No

Child Care and Development Fund No No

Federal Home Visiting Program No No

Healthy Start No No

Public Pre-K No No

Birth to 3 No No

Tribal Home Visting Program No No

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Other: (limit 50 characters)

MA Dept. Early Educ. & Care - 600 child care slots No Yes

3B-3.1. Provide the actions the CoC has taken to identify, assess, andrefer homeless Veterans who are eligible for Veterans Affairs services andhousing to appropriate resources such as HUD-VASH and SupportiveServices for Veterans Families (SSVF) program and Grant and Per Diem(GPD).(limit 1000 characters)

The CoC has a by name registry of homeless veterans in the CoC. All veteranson the registry are case conferenced monthly at every veterans Committeemeeting and are screened by our partners at the VA for eligibility for VA fundedhousing resources. Those found to be eligible are immediately contacted andreferred to a VASH or SSVF provider member of the committee where housingservices are provided as appropriate. Those that have served but are noteligible for VA services are housed using the CoC’s Coordinated Entry System.

The CoC has been confirmed by the federal partners as having effectivelyended veteran homelessness.

3B-3.2. Does the CoC use an active list or byname list to identify all Veterans experiencing

homelessness in the CoC?


3B-3.3. Is the CoC actively working with theVA and VA-funded programs to achieve thebenchmarks and criteria for ending Veteran



3B-3.4. Does the CoC have sufficientresources to ensure each Veteran is assisted

to quickly move into permanent housingusing a Housing First approach?


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4A. Continuum of Care (CoC) AccessingMainstream Benefits and Additional Policies

Instructions:For guidance on completing this application, please reference the FY 2017 CoC ApplicationDetailed Instructions and the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition NOFA. Please submittechnical questions to the HUD Exchange Ask A Question.

4A-1. Select from the drop-down (1) each type of healthcare organizationthe CoC assists program participants with enrolling in health insurance,

and (2) if the CoC provides assistance with the effective utilization ofMedicaid and other benefits.

Type of Health Care Yes/No Assist withUtilization of


Public Health Care Benefits(State or Federal benefits,e.g. Medicaid, Indian Health Services)

Yes Yes

Private Insurers: Yes Yes

Non-Profit, Philanthropic: Yes Yes

Other: (limit 50 characters)

4A-1a. Mainstream Benefits CoC program funded projects must be able to demonstrate theysupplement CoC Program funds from other public and private resources,including: (1) how the CoC works with mainstream programs that assisthomeless program participants in applying for and receiving mainstreambenefits; (2) how the CoC systematically keeps program staff up-to-dateregarding mainstream resources available for homeless programparticipants (e.g. Food Stamps, SSI, TANF, substance abuse programs);and (3) identify the organization or position that is responsible foroverseeing the CoCs strategy for mainstream benefits.(limit 1000 characters)

-All families accessing the state shelter system are screened, as a matter ofpolicy, for food stamp and other mainstream resources eligibility and aided inapplying for them at every family shelter.-The CoC has accessed the SOAR program training and the collaborativeapplicant has two staff that are SOAR certified and are available to all programstaff across the CoC.-Planning group meetings (the large – full CoC monthly meeting) has trainingson a wide range topics. Recent trainings related to mainstream resourcesinclude applying for Section 8 and accessing health insurance.-The Continuum of Care grant coordinator is responsible for organizing thesemeetings and arranging for the trainings.

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4A-2. Low Barrier: Based on the CoCs FY 2017 new and renewal projectapplications, what percentage of Permanent Housing (PSH) and Rapid

Rehousing (RRH), Transitional Housing (TH), Safe-Haven, and SSO(Supportive Services Only-non-coordinated entry) projects in the CoC are

low-barrier?Total number of PH (PSH and RRH), TH, Safe-Haven and non-Coordinated Entry SSO project applications in the FY2017 competition (new and renewal)


Total number of PH (PSH and RRH), TH, Safe-Haven and non-Coordinated Entry SSO renewal and new projectapplications that selected “low barrier” in the FY 2017 competition.


Percentage of PH (PSH and RRH), TH, Safe-Haven and non-Coordinated Entry SSO renewal and new projectapplications in the FY 2017 competition that will be designated as “low barrier”


4A-3. Housing First: What percentage of CoC Program Funded PSH, RRH,SSO (non-coordinated entry), safe-haven and Transitional Housing; FY

2017 projects have adopted the Housing First approach, meaning that theproject quickly houses clients without preconditions or service

participation requirements?Total number of PSH, RRH, non-Coordinated Entry SSO, Safe Haven and TH project applications in the FY 2017competition (new and renewal).


Total number of PSH, RRH, non-Coordinated Entry SSO, Safe Haven and TH renewal and new project applications thatselected Housing First in the FY 2017 competition.


Percentage of PSH, RRH, non-Coordinated Entry SSO, Safe Haven and TH renewal and new project applications in theFY 2017 competition that will be designated as Housing First.


4A-4. Street Outreach: Describe (1) the CoC's outreach and if it covers 100percent of the CoC's geographic area; (2) how often street outreach isconducted; and (3) how the CoC has tailored its street outreach to thosethat are least likely to request assistance.(limit 1000 characters)

The CoC’s street outreach covers 100% of its geographic area 5-7 days perweek, depending on the community. In the Mystic River valley, our mostdensely populated area made up of six cities, we have two teams of peopleconducting street outreach under bridges, in libraries, parks, abandonedbuildings, vehicles, soup kitchens and along river edges to connect people livingin places not meant for human habitation with other resources, including shelterand housing. DPH has funded a full time outreach worker in the city ofLawrence working with an influx of persons living under the bridges there andstruggling with opiate addiction. Across the entire geography, the PATH staffwork on the street with unsheltered persons that are least likely to requestassistance because they are struggling with mental health and substance useissues. Finally, the CoC communicates outreaches to police, library and othermunicipal staff making sure they know how to contact the CoC and outreachteams.

4A-5. Affirmative OutreachSpecific strategies the CoC has implemented that furthers fair housing asdetailed in 24 CFR 578.93(c) used to market housing and supportiveservices to eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin,religion, sex, gender identify, sexual orientation, age, familial status, or

Applicant: MA Balance of State Continuum of Care MA-516Project: MA-516 CoC Registration FY2017 COC_REG_2017_149272

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disability; who are least likely to apply in the absence of special outreach. Describe: (1) the specific strategies that have been implemented thataffirmatively further fair housing as detailed in 24 CFR 578.93(c); and (2)what measures have been taken to provide effective communication topersons with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency.(limit 1000 characters)

Since all CoC housing is accessed through Coordinated Entry (CE), the CoCmarkets its housing by marketing the CE system. CE is marketed widely usinga network of providers and state agencies and is advertised on the CoC’swebsite and twitter. We have policies to assure equal access regardless ofrace, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender expression, sexual orientation,age, familial status, or disability as outlined on pages 10 and 11 of the CEpolicies manual attached to this application. Policies are included in monthly CEtrainings. All CE materials are written. Non-hearing/speaking persons maycomplete the forms w/out assistance. A free service for residents of MA helpshearing or speech impaired people communicate over the phone. CoCproviders are contractually required to provide help a person may need,including reading questions on CE forms to visually impaired persons, recordingtheir answers for them, translation services, and submitting the forms to CE.

4A-6. Compare the number of RRH beds available to serve populationsfrom the 2016 and 2017 HIC.

2016 2017 Difference

RRH beds available to serve all populations in the HIC 105 282 177

4A-7. Are new proposed project applicationsrequesting $200,000 or more in funding for

housing rehabilitation or new construction?


4A-8. Is the CoC requesting to designate oneor more SSO or TH projects to serve

homeless households with children andyouth defined as homeless under other

Federal statues who are unstably housed(paragraph 3 of the definition of homeless

found at 24 CFR 578.3).


Applicant: MA Balance of State Continuum of Care MA-516Project: MA-516 CoC Registration FY2017 COC_REG_2017_149272

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Grant Funding for Balance of State Continuum of Care New Project

PLEASE NOTE: This Word document is one of many documents that together with the RFR

attachments comprise the entire Solicitation published on COMMBUYS. All Bidders are responsible for

reviewing and adhering to all information, forms and requirements found on all COMMBUYS tabs for

the entire Solicitation.

The terms of 801 CMR 21.00, Procurement of Commodities and Services are incorporated by reference

into this RFR. Contract and Fiscal Requirement terms used in this RFR shall have the meanings defined

in 801 CMR 21.00.

Document Number: DHCD2018-01 Grant Funding for Balance of State Continuum of Care New


RFR Contact Person: Gordon Calkins

Division of Housing Stabilization

Federal Grants Manager

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Date of RFR Release: June 9, 2017

Response Deadline: June 29, 2017 3:00pm

Sticky Note
Reallocation language is found in Section III Part C on page 5
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Table of Contents

SECTION I: Background and Purpose

Purpose of Request for Responses (RFR) 3

SECTION II: Eligibility and Activities to be Funded

A. Overview and Scope 3

B. Participant Eligibility 3

C. Eligible Program Activities and Costs 3

D. Match Requirements 4

E. Leveraged Resources 5

SECTION III: Fiscal Specifications

A. Acquisition Method 5

B. Anticipated Funding, Expenditure and Compensation Structure 5

C. Value of Procurement 5

SECTION IV: Response Specifications

A. Schedule 6

B. RFR Specification 6

C. Submission Instructions 6

SECTION V: Response Content

A. Letter of Transmittal 7

B. Experience Narrative 7

C. Project Description Narrative 8

D. Documentation of Organizational Capacity 8

E. Debarment 8

F. Documentation of Respondent Eligibility 8

SECTION VI: Response Evaluation Criteria

A. Initial Review 10

B. Minimum Evaluation Criteria 10

C. Comparative Evaluation Criteria 10

D. Selection and Notification 11

SECTION VII: General Procurement Information 11

ATTACHMENT A: Funding Request 17

ATTACHMENT B: Submission Checklist 21

APPENDIX I: Balance of State Continuum of Care Geographic Area 22

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The purpose of this RFR is to solicit qualified, cost effective, and competitive applications to develop and

operate projects in the Balance of State Continuum of Care (BoS CoC.) Eligible project types can be found in

Section II, Part C below.

DHCD will require selected respondent(s) to assist in the preparation of all HUD-required application

requirements for submission with the MA BoS CoC project application to HUD.



Prior to submitting a response, respondents must supplement the information in this RFR with a careful

review of HUD’s Continuum of Care Interim Rule. The HUD CoC Interim Rule is available at:


Projects funded through this procurement must operate in the Balance of State geography.


Project participant eligibility criteria varies by project type as outlined in Part C below. At minimum, all

projects must require that participants meet the HUD homeless eligibility requirements specified in

Paragraphs 1 and 2 of §582.5 in HUD’s Homeless Definition Final Rule available at

http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-12-05/pdf/2011-30942.pdf. The CoC shall use the federal definition

of Chronically Homeless which can be found by going to


All project participants will be identified by using the Balance of State Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry

system. This system shall be the only source of referral for projects funded through this procurement.


Funds under this RFR may be used to provide any of the project types listed below:

Permanent Supported Housing – Rental Assistance (PSH-RA): Permanent Supported Housing projects that

will serve chronically homeless households where the project participant must be the direct leaseholder. If

funded, the CoC will limit eligible costs as follows:

1. Rental Assistance for project participants;

2. Supportive Services; and

3. Project administration not to exceed 5% of the grant total. The Massachusetts Department of Housing and

Community Development (DHCD) will retain 50% of the project administration funds that are awarded.

Permanent Supported Housing – Leasing (PSH-L): Permanent Supported Housing projects that will serve

chronically homeless individuals and families where the subrecipient must be the leaseholder and will sublet

units to project participants. If funded, the CoC will limit eligible costs as follows:

1. Leasing of a structure and operating costs to provide PSH housing;

2. Leasing of units that will then be sublet to project participants;

3. Supportive services; and

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4. Project administrative costs not to exceed 5% of the grant total. The Massachusetts Department of Housing

and Community Development (DHCD) will retain 50% of the project administration funds that are awarded.

Permanent Housing – Rapid Rehousing (PH-RRH): Rapid Rehousing projects that will serve homeless

individuals and families who enter directly from places not meant for human habitation or emergency

shelters, including youth up to age 24, and includes persons fleeing domestic violence situations. If funded,

the CoC will limit eligible costs as follows: 1. Short-term (not more than 90 days) or medium-term (not more than 24 months) tenant-based rental


2. Supportive Services; and

3. Project administrative costs not to exceed 5% of the grant total. The Massachusetts Department of Housing

and Community Development (DHCD) will retain 50% of the project administration funds that are


Joint Transitional Housing / Rapid Rehousing (TH/PH-RRH): In the FFY 2017 CoC Program Competition,

CoCs will be able to create new joint TH and PH-RRH component projects to better serve individuals and

families experiencing homelessness. These projects will provide low-barrier, temporary housing while

individuals and families quickly move from emergency shelter to transitional housing to permanent housing

through a seamless program design. The TH and PH-RRH component combines two existing program

components-TH and PH-RRH-into a single project to serve individuals and families experiencing

homelessness. If funded, the CoC will limit eligible costs as follows: 1. Leasing of a structure or housing units, and operating costs to provide transitional housing;

2. Short- or medium-term tenant-based rental assistance;

3. Supportive Services; and

4. Project administrative costs not to exceed 5% of the grant total. The Massachusetts Department of

Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will retain 50% of the project administration funds that

are awarded.

Joint TH and PH-RRH component projects must be able to provide both transitional housing and rapid re-

housing assistance to each program participant. HUD will require that applications for joint TH and PH-RRH

component projects demonstrate that the respondent has the experience and organizational capacity

necessary to provide both kinds of assistance as needed to each program participant. Additional information

will be provided in the FFY 2017 CoC Program Competition Notification of Funding Availability (NOFA)

when it is released and projects of this component type selected for funding may be required to adjust their

proposals to accommodate new understandings of HUD’s expectations that become evident at that time.


Per HUD’s CoC Interim Rule (See Subpart F – Program Requirements, Section 578.73 Matching

Requirements), the respondent must match all grant funds with no less than 25% of cash funds or in-kind

contributions from other sources. HUD also requires documentation of either cash or in-kind match. Therefore,

the respondent’s written commitments for cash or in-kind match must be documented on the letterhead

stationery of the organization that is the original source of the funds, signed and dated by an authorized

representative of the organization providing the cash or in-kind match, and must contain the following

elements: the name of the organization providing the contribution; the amount of the contribution, the name of

the project and the organization to which the contribution will be given; and, the dates the cash match will be

available. The dates should be listed as “the 12 month period immediately following HUD’s execution of a

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grant agreement.” Sources of cash match can be the respondent’s own unobligated cash, cash from federal

government grants/contracts, state and local government grants/contracts, or private grants or contributions as

long as the originating source of the match funds documents that the activities for which the cash match will

be used are eligible activities. The in-kind match should comply with the requirements outlined in the CoC

Interim Rule.


HUD and the Balance of State CoC expect that Leveraged Resources will be equal to at least 150% of the dollar

amount requested of HUD and may include written commitments to provide staff resources, services, buildings,

equipment, materials, or volunteer time that will be used toward the project. The written commitments for

Leveraged Resources must be submitted from the source(s) on letterhead stationery, signed and dated by an

authorized representative, and must contain the following elements: the name of the organization providing the

contribution; the nature of the contribution and how it will benefit participants, including whether the service

will be provided on site or off-site (e.g. cash, mental health services. substance abuse treatment, medical care,

child care, case management, etc.); the value of the contribution, the name of the proposed project and the

organization to which the contribution will be given; and, the date the contribution will be available. For

purposes of this RFR, the date should be listed as “the 12 month period immediately following HUD’s

execution of a grant agreement”.

The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) recognizes that documentation of leverage

in the above format may not be possible given the short turnaround time for this procurement. An e-mail to

the respondent from an organization which has agreed to contribute leveraged resources to the proposed project

may temporarily substitute for the documentation of match described above. The e-mail must specify both the

activities to be provided and the value of the resources to be contributed, the name of the organization making

the contribution, and the name of the proposed project. If DHCD selects the respondent’s project for funding,

documentation of the leveraged resources as described above must be provided to DHCD within 30-days of

HUD’s award. Detailed information on these requirements can be obtained at HUD’s website




Successful respondents will be included in the Balance of State’s annual grant application to HUD. Projects

submitted pursuant to this RFR and selected by DHCD for inclusion in the Balance of State Continuum of

Care’s annual grant application, and which are awarded by HUD, will receive a contract from DHCD. Federal

funds will be used to fund this contract.


A contract, if any, awarded through this procurement will have an annual Maximum Obligation Amount. The

contractor will be paid through a cost reimbursement system.


The amount of funding available through this procurement is not known until HUD releases its NOFA for

FFY17. Selected proposals will be funded using newly available funds thourhg the NOFA as well as funds

from reallocated projects. Renewal funding is subject to HUD’s approval of the Balance of State’s annual

grant application and projects. DHCD may increase or decrease the award amount of projects selected from

this procurement before responding to HUD’s NOFA for any reason. Proposals should be scalable and address

how they might increase or decrease according to the amount of funding available.

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RFR Release June 9, 2017

Deadline for Submission of Written Questions: June 16, 2017 by 3:00 P.M.

Respondents’ Conference: Not offered.

Answers to Written Questions: June 23, 2017

Response Due Date: June 29, 2017 by 3:00 P.M.





If one or more proposed projects are selected by DHCD for funding, then the following specifications shall


1. Single or Multiple contracts for CoC Funds.

2. Single Department Procurement. This RFR is a “Single Department Procurement/Multiple Department

User Contract.”

3. Anticipated Duration of Contract: July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019

4. Initial Duration: up to 12 months, with up to 10 renewal options for up to one year each option.

5. Respondents’ Conference: Not offered.

6. Opportunity for submission of written questions: Written questions may be e-mailed to

[email protected] between June 9, 2017 and 3:00 pm on June 16, 2017. Clearly identify on

the subject line of the e-mail: “Balance of State CoC 2017 CoC RFR.” A question and answer document

will be published on COMMBUYS.

7. Prior to preparing a response to this RFR, Respondents should read the following HUD Issuances:

i. HUD’s Continuum of Care Interim Rule; and

ii. HUD’s Homeless Definition Final Rule.

If additions or changes to selected responses are required based on the NOFA, DHCD’s Procurement

Management Team (PMT) will work with respondents selected to assist each to make the necessary changes.


Responses must be received by 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 29, 2017. Responses received after 3:00 p.m.

on Thursday, June 29, 2017 will be disqualified. Responses may be hand-delivered, sent by courier or

mailed to:

Procurement Manager – RFR DHCD2018-01

Department of Housing and Community Development

100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300

Boston, MA 02114




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Please submit one original and three copies of your response. The original and each copy must include:

A. Letter of Transmittal

A standard business letter, on official letterhead, signed by an individual authorized to negotiate and execute a

contract for the respondent must be submitted. The Letter of Transmittal shall state that the response is effective

for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from the response due date and shall also state that the

respondent accepts all the guidelines, terms and conditions set forth in this RFR in their entirety and without

modification or amendment.

CoC funds cannot be used to replace existing (non-CoC) funding of services. The Letter of Transmittal shall

indicate that if funded, CoC funds would not replace existing funding and shall contain the respondents’ full

address, employer or tax identification number and contact information (including title, phone number and e-

mail address) for the person with whom DHCD should communicate about your response. All letters of

transmittal must clearly indicate the project component being applied for.

B. Experience Narrative

1. A description of the respondent’s experience in establishing and operating the type of project being applied

for, including the number of similar projects for which they are currently receiving federal funds and the

numbers of persons in those projects in the last year for each of the following categories:

Number of new persons accessing the project(s).

Number of persons leaving the project(s) for permanent housing situations.

Number of persons leaving the project(s) for situations other than permanent housing.

Number of persons for whom the project(s) aided in accessing other mainstream resources.

2. A description of the respondent’s experience effectively utilizing federal funds and performing the activities proposed in the application, given funding and time limitations. 3. A description of the respondent’s experience in leveraging other Federal, State, local and private sector funds.

4. A description of the respondent’s experience in collaborating with relevant public and/or private entities to obtain appropriate mainstream services on behalf of the population to be served.

C. Project Description Narrative

Provide a description that addresses the scope of the proposed project, consistent with the scope as outlined in

Section II of this RFR. The Project Description Narrative should include an explanation of how the project

could increase or decrease according to the funding available, and should suggest any high limitations that

might result due to capacity or low limits due to economies of scale.

D. Documentation of Organizational Capacity

1. Identify the person who will be responsible for oversight of the project if the project is selected. Include

their contact information and resume.

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2. Identify and describe any unresolved monitoring or audit findings for any HUD grants (including ESG)

operated by the applicant or potential sub-recipients.

3. Describe the basic organization and management structure of the applicant and sub-recipients (if any).

Include evidence of internal and external coordination and an adequate financial accounting system.

4. Describe the estimated schedule for the activities proposed in the Project Description Narrative, the

management structure, and the method for assuring effective and timely completion of all work.

5. Verification that the respondent organization has the capacity to provide all HUD required deliverables in

an accurate and timely manner. This can be demonstrated by attaching HMIS data quality reports from currently

funded projects showing the organization’s relative completeness of HMIS data entered for similar programs.

Timeliness of HUD deliverables can be documented by the timely and complete submission of APRs for the

respondent’s current grants, if any. This documentation can also be in the form of a letter from a CoC Convener.

If the organization does not currently administer a HUD funded CoC grant, then the organization’s capacity to

meet timeliness and accuracy standards can be documented by the written statement of a state agency contract

manager. Please note; data for all projects funded through this procurement will be required to be kept in the

Balance of State CoC’s HMIS system, currently MAHMIS.

E. Debarment

A statement that the respondent is not now or ever has been subject to any state or federal debarment order or

determination, or a statement detailing the date and circumstances of any such debarment. DHCD will not

contract with a vendor that is currently debarred.

F. Documentation of Respondent Eligibility

1. Respondents must document status as a state or local government, public housing authority, or

instrumentality of state or a non-profit organization. Document non-profit status with a 501(c)(3)

determination from the Internal Revenue Service as a state “charitable” tax-exempt non-profit.

2. Project applicants are required to have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number and an active

registration in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR)/System for Award Management (SAM) in order

to apply for funding under the Continuum of Care (CoC) competition. More information on the CCR/SAM

registration can be found at: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/topics/grants. DHCD is requiring

verification of registration with CCR/SAM as it is a HUD requirement for funding.

G. Copy of the Respondent organization’s most recent audited financial statement.

H. A completed Supplier Diversity Program Plan Form (blank form is attached to the Forms & Terms tab of the Comm-

Buys page for this RFR).

I. Attachment A

1. Funding Request. Complete the attached charts.

2. Sources of Match. Complete the attached chart and include copies of letters as outlined in Section II D


3. Sources of Leverage. Complete the attached chart and include copies of letters as outlined in Section II E


J. Completed Submission Checklist

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The Procurement Management Team (PMT) will first review each response to determine if it satisfies the

RFR’s Minimum Evaluation Criteria. Any response that does not meet the Minimum Evaluation Criteria may

be considered non-responsive and may be disqualified without further evaluation. The PMT may, at its

discretion, determine that noncompliance is insubstantial and can be corrected, or that an alternative proposed

by the respondent is an acceptable substitute. In such case, the PMT may seek clarification, allow the

respondent to make minor corrections, apply appropriate penalties in the evaluation, or apply a combination of

all three remedies.

All responses must be targeted to serve homeless households (families or individuals):

The PMT will then determine if one or more qualified and competitive response(s) was received to serve

eligible homeless households.

1. If only one qualified and competitive response was received to serve eligible homeless households, the

PMT will review the response using only the minimum evaluation criteria in B below.

2. If multiple qualified and competitive responses were received to serve eligible homeless households, the

PMT will review all responses to evaluate them in accordance with the criteria in B and C below.

The PMT will operate under the direction of the Associate Director for the Division of Housing Stabilization

Input from additional DHCD program and fiscal staff may be requested by the PMT as questions arise. The

PMT will complete a single evaluation form for each response that reflects its consensus evaluation. The

Associate Director will submit the PMT’s recommendations to the Undersecretary of the Department of

Housing and Community Development for final approval.


1. The response is complete.

2. Neither the respondent nor any proposed contractor is currently subject to any state or federal debarment

order or determination. A respondent that was previously debarred, but is not presently debarred, may be

disqualified if the PMT concludes that the circumstances of the debarment would render the Respondent

inappropriate as a provider of the proposed services.

3. The response proposes to serve only eligible homeless households.

4. The response complies with HUD requirements as specified in the RFR and in the HUD CoC Interim Rule.


1. Scope of Services (20%)

Degree to which the proposed project demonstrates an understanding of the following factors:

a. HUD objectives and requirements;

b. Population identified by the CoC for a project under this RFR and the location and nature of the target


c. Relevancy to the target population for the project of the resources leveraged by the Respondent;

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d. Degree to which the response describes a coherent, realistic and practical program, outreach and

implementation strategies.

2. Organizational Capacity (20%)

a. Relative experience of the individual who shall have primary responsibility for the oversight and

management of the project;

b. Relative capacity of Respondent’s organizational infrastructure to establish and administer the project,

including demonstrated capacity to meet HUD reporting requirements through HMIS and to provide all

HUD required deliverables in an accurate and timely manner.

3. Experience (30%)

a. Demonstrated experience of Respondent in establishing and operating the proposed project for

unsheltered chronically homeless persons, including the number of similar projects for which they are

currently receiving HUD funds.

b. Relative performance of the respondent’s other similar projects (if any) against the criteria for scoring

CoC Applications.

Number of new persons accessing the project(s).

Number of persons leaving the project(s) for permanent housing situations.

Number of persons leaving the project(s) for situations other than permanent housing.

Number of persons for whom the project(s) aided in accessing other mainstream resources.

c. Relative experience in collaborating with relevant public and/or private entities to obtain appropriate

mainstream services on behalf of the population to be served.

4. Budget (20%)

Relative cost effectiveness including the cost per household housed, the amount of funds documented as

available for cash match and whether the value of program appropriate services leveraged to provide additional

services and benefits to participants equals at least 150% of the amount of HUD funds requested.

5. Supplier Diversity Plan (SDP) (10%)

All respondents must follow the requirements set forth in the SDP section of the RFR, which will detail the

specific requirements relating to the prime vendor’s inclusion of M/WBEs. Bidders are required to develop

creative initiatives to help foster new business relationships with M/WBEs within the primary industries

affected by this RFR. In order to satisfy the compliance of this section and encourage bidder’s participation of

SDP objectives, the Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) Plan for large procurements greater than $150,000 will

be evaluated at 10% or more of the total evaluation.


After each response has been evaluated according to the above criteria and the PMT’s final recommendation

has been approved at DHCD, DHCD will notify each respondent whether its response was:

1. Selected for implementation of the project; or

2. DHCD did not select the response for submission to HUD.

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The terms of 801 CMR 21.00: Procurement of Commodities and Services (and 808 CMR 1.00: Compliance,

Reporting and Auditing for Human and Social Services, if applicable) are incorporated by reference into this

RFR. Words used in this RFR shall have the meanings defined in 801 CMR 21.00 (and 808 CMR 1.00, if

applicable). Additional definitions may also be identified in this RFR. Unless otherwise specified in this RFR,

all communications, responses, and documentation must be in English, all measurements must be provided in

feet, inches, and pounds and all cost proposals or figures in U.S. currency. All responses must be submitted in

accordance with the specific terms of this RFR.

Supplier Diversity Program (SDP). Massachusetts Executive Order 524 established a policy to promote the

award of state contracts in a manner that develops and strengthens Minority and Women Business Enterprises

(M/WBEs) that resulted in the Supplier Diversity Program in Public Contracting. M/WBEs are strongly

encouraged to submit responses to this RFR, either as prime vendors, joint venture partners or other type of

business partnerships. All bidders must follow the requirements set forth in the SDP section of the RFR, which

will detail the specific requirements relating to the prime vendor’s inclusion of M/WBEs. Bidders are required

to develop creative initiatives to help foster new business relationships with M/WBEs within the primary

industries affected by this RFR. In order to satisfy the compliance of this section and encourage bidder’s

participation of SDP objectives, the Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) Plan for large procurements greater than

$150,000 will be evaluated at 10% or more of the total evaluation. Once an SDP Plan is submitted, negotiated

and approved, the agency will then monitor the contractor’s performance, and use actual expenditures with

SDO certified contractors to fulfill their own SDP expenditure benchmarks. M/WBE participation must be

incorporated into and monitored for all types of procurements regardless of size; however, submission of an

SDP Plan is mandated only for large procurements over $150,000.

This RFR will contain some or all of the following components as part of the Supplier Diversity Program Plan

submitted by bidders:

Sub-contracting with certified M/WBE firms as defined within the scope of the RFR,

Ancillary use of certified M/WBE firms,

Growth and Development activities to increase M/WBE capacity,

A Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Woman Business Enterprise (WBE), M/Non-Profit, or W/Non-Profit,

is defined as such by the Supplier Diversity Office (SDO). All certified businesses that are included in the

bidder’s SDP proposal are required to submit an up to date copy of their SDO certification letter. The purpose

for this certification is to participate in the Commonwealth’s Supplier Diversity Program for public contracting.

Minority- and Women-Owned firms that are not currently certified but would like to be considered as an

M/WBE for the purpose of this RFR should submit their application at least two weeks prior to the RFR closing

date and submit proof of documentation of application for consideration with their bid proposal. For further

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information on SDO certification, contact their office at 1-617-502-8851 or via the Internet at Massachusetts

Supplier Diversity Office.

Supplier Diversity Program Subcontracting Policies. Prior approval of the agency is required for any

subcontracted service of the contract. Agencies may define required deliverables including, but not limited to,

documentation necessary to verify subcontractor commitments and expenditures with Minority- or Women-

Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) for the purpose of monitoring and enforcing compliance of

subcontracting commitments made in a bidder’s Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) Plan. Contractors are

responsible for the satisfactory performance and adequate oversight of its subcontractors.

Best Value Selection and Negotiation. The Procurement Management Team (PMT) may select the response(s)

which demonstrates the best value overall, including proposed alternatives that will achieve the procurement

goals of the department. The PMT and a selected bidder, or a contractor, may negotiate a change in any element

of contract performance or cost identified in the original RFR or the selected bidder’s or contractor’s response

which results in lower costs or a more cost effective or better value than was presented in the selected bidder’s

or contractor’s original response.

Bidder Communication. Bidders are prohibited from communicating directly with any employee of the

procuring department or any member of the PMT regarding this RFR except as specified in this RFR, and no

other individual Commonwealth employee or representative is authorized to provide any information or

respond to any question or inquiry concerning this RFR. Bidders may contact the contact person for this RFR

in the event this RFR is incomplete or the bidder is having trouble obtaining any required attachments

electronically through COMMBUYS.

COMMBUYS. COMMBUYS is the official system of record for all procurement information which is

publicly accessible at no charge at www.commbuys.com. Information contained in this document and in each

tab of the Solicitation, including file attachments, and information contained in the related Bidders’ Forum(s),

are all components of the Solicitation.

Bidders are solely responsible for obtaining all information distributed for this Solicitation via COMMBUYS, by

using the free Browse and Search tools offered on each record-related tab on the main navigation bar

(Solicitations and Forums). Forums support Bidder submission of written questions associated with a

Solicitation and publication of official answers. All records on COMMBUYS are comprised of multiple tabs, or

pages. For example, Solicitation records contain Summary, Rules, Issuer(s), Intent or Forms & Terms and

Specifications, and Other Information tabs. Each tab contains data and/or file attachments provided by the

Procurement Management Team. All are incorporated into the Solicitation.

It is each Bidder’s responsibility to check COMMBUYS for:

Any addenda or modifications to this Solicitation, by monitoring the “Last Change” field on the

Solicitation’s Summary tab, and

Any Bidders’ Forum records related to this Solicitation.

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The Commonwealth accepts no responsibility and will provide no accommodation to Bidders who submit a

Response based on an out-of-date Solicitation or on information received from a source other than


Contract Expansion. If additional funds become available during the contract duration period, the department

reserves the right to increase the maximum obligation to some or all contracts executed as a result of this RFR

or to execute contracts with contractors not funded in the initial selection process, subject to available funding,

satisfactory contract performance and service or commodity need.

Costs. Costs which are not specifically identified in the bidder’s response, and accepted by a department as part

of a contract, will not be compensated under any contract awarded pursuant to this RFR. The Commonwealth

will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders responding to this RFR.

Appeals. Requests for an appeal must be sent to the attention of the State Purchasing Agent at Room 1017,

One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108 and be received within fourteen (14) calendar days of the postmark

of the notice of the department head’s decision on appeal. Appeal requests must specify in sufficient detail the

basis for the appeal. Sufficient detail requires a description of the published policy or procedure which was

applied and forms the basis for the appeal and presentation of all information that supports the claim under

paragraphs 1 or 2 above. OSD reserves the right to reject appeal requests based on grounds other than those

stated above or those submitted without sufficient detail on the basis for the appeal.

The decision of the State Purchasing Agent shall be rendered, in writing, setting forth the grounds for the

decision within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the appeal request. Pending appeals to the State Purchasing

Agent shall not prohibit the department from proceeding with executing contracts.

Electronic Communication/Update of Bidder’s/Contractor’s Contact Information. It is the responsibility of the

prospective bidder and awarded contractor to keep current the email address of the bidder’s contact person and

prospective contract manager, if awarded a contract, and to monitor that email inbox for communications from

the PMT, including requests for clarification. The PMT and the Commonwealth assume no responsibility if a

prospective bidder’s/awarded contractor’s designated email address is not current, or if technical problems,

including those with the prospective bidder’s/awarded contractor’s computer, network or internet service

provider (ISP) cause email communications sent to/from the prospective bidder/awarded contractor and the

PMT to be lost or rejected by any means including email or spam filtering.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). All bidders responding to this RFR must agree to participate in the

Commonwealth Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) program for receiving payments, unless the bidder can provide

compelling proof that it would be unduly burdensome. EFT is a benefit to both contractors and the

Commonwealth because it ensures fast, safe and reliable payment directly to contractors and saves both parties

the cost of processing checks. Contractors are able to track and verify payments made electronically through the

Comptroller’s Vendor Web system. A link to the EFT application can be found on the OSD Forms page

(www.mass.gov/osd). Additional information about EFT is available on the VendorWeb site.

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Successful bidders, upon notification of contract award, will be required to enroll in EFT as a contract requirement

by completing and submitting the Authorization for Electronic Funds Payment Form to this department for

review, approval and forwarding to the Office of the Comptroller. If the bidder is already enrolled in the program,

it may so indicate in its response. Because the Authorization for Electronic Funds Payment Form contains

banking information, this form, and all information contained on this form, shall not be considered a public record

and shall not be subject to public disclosure through a public records request.

The requirement to use EFT may be waived by the PMT on a case-by-case basis if participation in the program

would be unduly burdensome on the bidder. If a bidder is claiming that this requirement is a hardship or unduly

burdensome, the specific reason must be documented in its response. The PMT will consider such requests on

a case-by-case basis and communicate the findings with the bidder.

Environmental Response Submission Compliance. In an effort to promote greater use of recycled and

environmentally preferable products and minimize waste, all responses submitted should comply with the

following guidelines:

All copies should be printed double sided.

All submittals and copies should be printed on recycled paper with a minimum post-consumer content of

30% or on tree-free paper (i.e. paper made from raw materials other than trees, such as kenaf). To document

the use of such paper, a photocopy of the ream cover/wrapper should be included with the response.

Unless absolutely necessary, all responses and copies should minimize or eliminate use of non-recyclable

or non-re-usable materials such as plastic report covers, plastic dividers, vinyl sleeves and GBC binding.

Three ringed binders, glued materials, paper clips and staples are acceptable.

Bidders should submit materials in a format which allows for easy removal and recycling of paper materials.

Bidders are encouraged to use other products which contain recycled content in their response documents.

Such products may include, but are not limited to, folders, binders, paper clips, diskettes, envelopes, boxes,

etc. Where appropriate, bidders should note which products in their responses are made with recycled


Unnecessary samples, attachments or documents not specifically asked for should not be submitted.

Executive Order 509, Establishing Nutrition Standards for Food Purchased and Served by State

Agencies. Food purchased and served by state agencies must be in compliance with Executive Order 509, issued

in January 2009. Under this Executive Order, all contracts resulting from procurements posted after July 1,

2009 that involve the purchase and provision of food must comply with nutrition guidelines established by the

Department of Public Health (DPH). The nutrition guidelines are available at the Department’s website:

Executive Order # 509 Guidance.

HIPAA: Business Associate Contractual Obligations. Bidders are notified that any department meeting the

definition of a Covered Entity under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

will include in the RFR and resulting contract sufficient language establishing the successful bidder’s

contractual obligations, if any, that the department will require in order for the department to comply with

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HIPAA and the privacy and security regulations promulgated thereunder (45 CFR Parts 160, 162, and 164) (the

Privacy and Security Rules). For example, if the department determines that the successful bidder is a business

associate performing functions or activities involving protected health information, as such terms are used in

the Privacy and Security Rules, then the department will include in the RFR and resulting contract a sufficient

description of business associate’s contractual obligations regarding the privacy and security of the protected

health information, as listed in 45 CFR 164.314 and 164.504 (e), including, but not limited to, the bidder's

obligation to: implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that reasonably and appropriately

protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the protected health information (in whatever form it is

maintained or used, including verbal communications); provide individuals access to their records; and strictly

limit use and disclosure of the protected health information for only those purposes approved by the department.

Further, the department reserves the right to add any requirement during the course of the contract that it

determines it must include in the contract in order for the department to comply with the Privacy and Security

Rules. Please see other sections of the RFR for any further HIPAA details, if applicable.

Minimum Bid Duration. Bidders responses/bids made in response to this RFR must remain in effect for at least

90 days from the date of bid submission.

Pricing: Price Limitation: The bidder must agree that no other state or public entity customer within the United

States of similar size and with similar terms and conditions shall receive a lower price for the same commodity

and service during the contract period, unless this same lower price is immediately effective for the

Commonwealth. If the Commonwealth believes that it is not receiving this lower price as required by this

language, the bidder must agree to provide current or historical pricing offered or negotiated with other state

or public entities at any time during the contract period in the absence of proprietary information being part of

such contracts.

Prompt Payment Discounts (PPD). All bidders responding to this procurement must agree to offer discounts

through participation in the Commonwealth Prompt Payment Discount (PPD) initiative for receiving early and/or

on-time payments, unless the bidder can provide compelling proof that it would be unduly burdensome. PPD

benefits both contractors and the Commonwealth. Contractors benefit by increased, usable cash flow as a result

of fast and efficient payments for commodities or services rendered. Participation in the Electronic Funds

Transfer initiative further maximizes the benefits with payments directed to designated accounts, thus eliminating

the impact of check clearance policies and traditional mail lead time or delays. The Commonwealth benefits

because contractors reduce the cost of products and services through the applied discount. Payments that are

processed electronically can be tracked and verified through the Comptroller’s Vendor Web system. The PPD

form can be found under the Forms and Terms tab of this solicitation.

Bidders must submit agreeable terms for Prompt Payment Discount using the PPD form within their proposal,

unless otherwise specified by the PMT. The PMT will review, negotiate or reject the offering as deemed in the

best interest of the Commonwealth.

The requirement to use PPD offerings may be waived by the PMT on a case-by-case basis if participation in the

program would be unduly burdensome on the bidder. If a bidder is claiming that this requirement is a hardship

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or unduly burdensome, the specific reason must be documented in or attached to the PPD form.

Public Records. All responses and information submitted in response to this RFR are subject to the

Massachusetts Public Records Law, M.G.L., c. 66, s. 10, and to c. 4, s. 7, ss. 26. Any statements in submitted

responses that are inconsistent with these statutes shall be disregarded.

Reasonable Accommodation. Bidders with disabilities or hardships that seek reasonable accommodation,

which may include the receipt of RFR information in an alternative format, must communicate such requests

in writing to the contact person. Requests for accommodation will be addressed on a case by case basis. A

bidder requesting accommodation must submit a written statement which describes the bidder’s disability and

the requested accommodation to the contact person for the RFR. The PMT reserves the right to reject

unreasonable requests.

Restriction on the Use of the Commonwealth Seal. Bidders and contractors are not allowed to display the

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Seal in their bid package or subsequent marketing materials if they are

awarded a contract because use of the coat of arms and the Great Seal of the Commonwealth for advertising or

commercial purposes is prohibited by law.

Subcontracting Policies. Prior approval of the department is required for any subcontracted service of the

contract. Contractors are responsible for the satisfactory performance and adequate oversight of its

subcontractors. Human and social service subcontractors are also required to meet the same state and federal

financial and program reporting requirements and are held to the same reimbursable cost standards as


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Rental Assistance Budget

Eligible components are PSH-RA, PSH-L, PH-RRH and TH/PH-RRH

Check one: Tenant Based Rental Assistance Sponsor Based Rental Assistance

FMR for rent calculations can be found at http://tinyurl.com/2017HUDFMR

Unit Size # of units FMR 12 months Total Rent


0 Bedroom X X =

1 Bedroom X X =

3 Bedroom X X =

4 Bedroom X X =

5 Bedroom X X =

6 Bedroom X X =


Leasing Budget

Eligible components are PSH-L and TH/PH-RRH

Check one: Scattered Site Congregate Setting Clustered Units

FMR for rent calculations can be found at http://tinyurl.com/2017HUDFMR

Unit Size # of units FMR Area HUD Paid rent* 12 months Total Rent


0 Bedroom X X =

1 Bedroom X X =

3 Bedroom X X =

4 Bedroom X X =

5 Bedroom X X =

6 Bedroom X X =


*Use HUD Paid Rent column where the request is for less than FMR

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Supportive Services Budget

Eligible components are PSH-RA, PSH-L, PH-RRH and TH/PH-RRH

A description must be entered for Quantity. Any costs without a Quantity description will be removed from the budget.

Eligible Costs Quantity Description Annual Assistance Requested

1. Assessment of Service Needs

2. Assistance with Moving Costs

3. Case Management

4. Child Care

5. Education Services

6. Employment Assistance

7. Food

8. Housing/Counseling Services

9. Legal Services

10. Life Skills

11. Mental Health Services

12. Outpatient Health Services

13. Outreach Services

14. Substance Abuse Treatment Services

15. Transportation

16. Utility Deposits

Total Request for Grant Term

Operations Budget

Eligible components are PSH-L, and TH/PH-RRH Eligible Cost Quantity and Description $ Requested

Maintenance / Repair

Property Taxes and Insurance

Building Security

Electricity / Gas and Water



Total Costs

Summary Budget

Eligible Costs Total Assistance Requested

Leased Units

Leased Structures

Rental Assistance

Supportive Services


Admin (up to 5% of total request to be split evenly with DHCD)

Total of Request

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Sources of Cash In-Kind Match Instructions: 1. Type of Commitment: (required) Select Cash or In-kind to denote the type of contribution being used as leverage for this project. 2. Name the Source of the Commitment: (required) Enter the name of the entity providing the contribution. 3. Type of source: (required) Select Private or state or federal Government to denote the source of the contribution. For example, if state or federal funds are obligated by grant or contract to an organization and that organization commits to providing services to the proposed project with a portion of those funds, then the source of funds is government. The Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), HUD-VASH (VA Supportive Housing program), and the American Reinvestment and Recovery (ARRA) Act funds may also be considered Government sources. Project applicants are encouraged to leverage the funds from these sources, whenever possible. A CoC may receive extra points if any of its project applicants identify NSP funds as a source of leverage for one or more projects.

4. Date of written commitment: (required) Enter the date of the written contribution.

5. Value of written commitment: (required) Enter the total dollar value of the contribution.

Type Contributor Source Date of Commitment Value of Commitment

Please attach copies of all match letters for review by the PMT

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Source of Leverage Instructions:

1. Type of Commitment: (required) Select Cash or In-kind to denote the type of contribution being used as leverage for this project. 2. Name the Source of the Commitment: (required) Enter the name of the entity providing the contribution. 3. Type of source: (required) Select Private or state or federal Government to denote the source of the contribution. For example, if state or federal funds are obligated by grant or contract to an organization and that organization commits to providing services to the proposed project with a portion of those funds, then the source of funds is government. The Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), HUD-VASH (VA Supportive Housing program), and the American Reinvestment and Recovery (ARRA) Act funds may also be considered Government sources. Project applicants are encouraged to leverage the funds from these sources, whenever possible. A CoC may receive extra points if any of its project applicants identify NSP funds as a source of leverage for one or more projects.

4. Date of written commitment: (required) Enter the date of the written contribution.

5. Value of written commitment: (required) Enter the total dollar value of the contribution.

Type Source Type of Source Date of

Commitment Value of


Please attach copies of all leverage letters for review by the PMT

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Please complete this section by hand as your last step in your response or have someone else go

through your response to ensure that all required documentation/attachments are included.

1. Letter of Transmittal

2. Required Attachments (Not found on COMMBUYS)

Letter of Transmittal

Experience Narrative

Project Description Narrative

Documentation of Organizational Capacity

Debarment Statement

Documentation of Respondent Eligibility

Documentation nonprofit organization status

Verification of registration with CCR/SAM

Attachment A: Funding Request

Budget Pages

“Sources of In-Kind and Cash Match” chart and corresponding letters

“Sources of Leverage” chart and corresponding letters

Attachment B: Completed Submission Checklist (this form)

Copy of Annual Audit, if applicable

3. COMMBUYS Attachments

Massachusetts Substitute W-9 Form

Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing

Supplier Diversity Program Plan Form (if applicable)

Authorization for Electronic Funds Transfer

Standard Contract Form

Commonwealth Terms & Conditions

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