19th June 2012, Week 9, Term 2...Appearance: Toby is a wind up stegosaurus, he is approximately 11cm...

Principal: Malcolm McFarlane, High Street, Bowraville NSW 2449, Phone: 02) 65647162 Fax: 02) 65647801 Email:[email protected], Web: www.bowraville-c.schools.nsw.edu.au Calendar of Events Calendar of Events Calendar of Events Calendar of Events Inside this Issue Inside this Issue Inside this Issue Inside this Issue Wed 20th June - Whole School Assembly, Social from 6pm to 8pm at School Gym Mon 25th to Fri 29th June—Primary Industries Work Placement. Wed 27th June—Half Yearly Reports Issued Thurs 28th June— Primary Gold Day Fri 29th June—Secondary Gold Day Fri 29th—End of Term 2 Principal’s Report School News— School Farm Eggs, Cash for Cans, Missing, Primary Rugby League, Yr 10 Careers Excursion, Sadako, Social, Primary Gold Day, Primary Reports, Yr 10 into Yr 11 Parent Evening, Whole School Assembly, Congrats Maddy Wilkes. Canteen News Community News, Community Ads 19th June 2012, Week 9, Term 2 P&C MEETING Wednesday 20th June @ 6pm Learn what’s happening, Contribute to discussions and help make decisions. Child Care will be available!!!

Transcript of 19th June 2012, Week 9, Term 2...Appearance: Toby is a wind up stegosaurus, he is approximately 11cm...

  • Principal: Malcolm McFarlane, High Street, Bowraville NSW 2449, Phone: 02) 65647162 Fax: 02) 65647801

    Email:[email protected], Web: www.bowraville-c.schools.nsw.edu.au

    Calendar of EventsCalendar of EventsCalendar of EventsCalendar of Events Inside this IssueInside this IssueInside this IssueInside this Issue

    • Wed 20th June - Whole School Assembly, Social

    from 6pm to 8pm at School Gym

    • Mon 25th to Fri 29th June—Primary Industries

    Work Placement.

    • Wed 27th June—Half Yearly Reports Issued

    • Thurs 28th June— Primary Gold Day

    • Fri 29th June—Secondary Gold Day

    • Fri 29th—End of Term 2

    Principal’s Report

    School News— School Farm Eggs, Cash for Cans,

    Missing, Primary Rugby League, Yr 10 Careers Excursion,

    Sadako, Social, Primary Gold Day, Primary Reports, Yr 10

    into Yr 11 Parent Evening, Whole School Assembly,

    Congrats Maddy Wilkes.

    Canteen News

    Community News, Community Ads

    19th June 2012, Week 9, Term 2


    Wednesday 20th June @ 6pm

    Learn what’s happening, Contribute to discussions and

    help make decisions.

    Child Care will be available!!!

  • Principal’s Report Principal’s Report Principal’s Report Principal’s Report

    19th June 2012, Week 9, Term 2

    BCSBCSBCSBCS————School NewsSchool NewsSchool NewsSchool News

    Vocational Education Star

    Congratulations to Maddison Wilkes, Year 12, for her most recent academic achievement. Among a field of

    4000 potential candidates, Maddison was last Friday evening awarded Runner-up – North Coast Region

    Vocational Education and Training in Schools Student of the Year Award for her great skills and learning in

    Hospitality, Food and Beverage. Well Done, Maddison, we are all very proud of you.

    Netball Success

    Congratulations also to both our Junior and Senior Netball teams who last week won their respective

    competitions at Inverell. This is a great sporting achievement of which you should be very proud. Sincere

    thanks also to Miss Sarah Magill, and Mr Mick O’Keeffe for supporting and organising this great experience.

    Formal Assembly

    After such a busy and memorable term we look forward to celebrating the achievements of all at the Term 2

    Formal Assembly, commencing from 9:15am this Wednesday 20th June. Please try to attend to gain a better

    understanding of the many great things happening at Bowraville Central School.

    Have a great week.

    Malcolm McFarlane

    Page 2

    School FarmSchool FarmSchool FarmSchool Farm

    Chicken Eggs for sale!! All proceeds will be put back into Farm Finances

    How much? Pack of 6 for $2, Pack of 12 for $3—Eggs are beautifully fresh off the farm.

    Please contact School on 65647162 if you would like to buy our farm eggs.

  • 19th June 2012, Week 9, Term 2 Page 3

    Cash for CansCash for CansCash for CansCash for Cans

    Please send in all aluminium cans for our Cash for Cans program. Collection will be in the next week or two. A big

    thank you to our wonderful parents who have been collecting cans from various venues. Every cent go towards our

    school helps.

    Mrs Luck

    Primary Rugby LeaguePrimary Rugby LeaguePrimary Rugby LeaguePrimary Rugby League

    Group 2 Knockout will be held on Friday 29th June at Coffs Harbour. Bowraville is entering two teams, one in the

    Junior division and one in the Senior division.

    Mr Northfield


    Name: Toby

    Age: A couple of million years old

    Appearance: Toby is a wind up stegosaurus, he is approximately 11cm long and 6cm tall.

    He is Orange and Yellow. Last seen in the Food Technology room. If you have seen

    Toby or know someone who knows his whereabouts can you contact Mrs Riches, Brittny

    Young or Maddison Wilkes. Toby is a dear friend of ours and we miss him dearly.

    There is a large reward if returned safety and in one piece.

    Year 10 Sydney Careers Excursion Year 10 Sydney Careers Excursion Year 10 Sydney Careers Excursion Year 10 Sydney Careers Excursion

    Last week twelve Students from Year 10 travelled down to Sydney for the annual joint careers excursion with

    Nambucca High. We spent the days visiting Businesses, Universities, Private Colleges, ADF and Police Recruitment

    Centres as well as many other places that demonstrated a range of career options.

    When we were in Sydney we also got to go to Taronga Zoo, Sydney Aquarium, watch the Mighty Blues beat

    Queensland in the State of Origin and go to see a live show at the theatre. The students were all well behaved and

    represented the school in a positive and intelligent way .

    The only minor hiccup was the boy’s hotel room that by the end of the week looked and smelled like a science

    experiment gone wrong. So congratulations to all the students involved and I hope this has helped you to think about

    some options for when you finish your schooling.

    Mr King

  • 19th June 2012, Week 9, Term 2 Page 4


    A combined Primary and Secondary social will be held on Wednesday evening 6pm to 8pm in

    the school gym.

    Entry is $2 with Canteen serving lollies, chips and drinks. This function is for Gold Students ONLY!


    On Thursday a group of students and I went to Coffs Harbour to see a performance of “Sadako and the Thousand paper

    Crane”. It was amazing how the set unfolded. All the buildings and the set were pieces of giant Origami that moved as

    the story developed. The play tells the story of Sadako, a Japanese girl who lived in Hiroshima during WW2. Sadly, she

    developed cancer from the radioactivity caused by the Atomic bomb that was dropped on the city she lived in. Although

    at times it was very sad, we all enjoyed the performance very much and learned about how war can cause many

    problems. Sadako and her friends tried to save her by folding lucky paper cranes. It was a wonderful experience.

    By Clementine de la Hunty

    Primary Gold DayPrimary Gold DayPrimary Gold DayPrimary Gold Day

    Primary Gold day will be held on Thursday 28th June. The activity will be a games day on Scott's Head beach and BBQ


    Mr Rushton

    Parent/Teachers EveningParent/Teachers EveningParent/Teachers EveningParent/Teachers Evening

    A Parent/ Teacher evening will be held on Wednesday 18th July for all students K to 12 from 3pm to 6pm.

    Year 10 into Year 11Year 10 into Year 11Year 10 into Year 11Year 10 into Year 11————Parent EveningParent EveningParent EveningParent Evening

    On Wednesday 25th July we will be holding a Parent Information Evening for students entering Year 11 in 2013. In the

    coming days a letter with some information regarding courses offered will be sent home to students in Year 10. On the

    Thursday 26th & Friday 27th July we would like to hold 3-way interviews to help decide on subjects and to develop an

    personalised career plan for the senior years.

    Mr Symonds

    Whole School AssemblyWhole School AssemblyWhole School AssemblyWhole School Assembly

    Our whole school assembly for this term is tomorrow (Wednesday) at 9.15am. We will have the “BUB’S” Bowraville

    Ukulele Band, Secondary Performances, Certificates for Outstanding Writing, Athletics Carnival , reports and much

    more. The SRC will be presented with their badges for this year. All parents , carers, friends and family members are

    most welcome.

    Mr Symonds

  • 19th June 2012, Week 9, Term 2 Page 5

    Congratulations to Maddison WilkesCongratulations to Maddison WilkesCongratulations to Maddison WilkesCongratulations to Maddison Wilkes

    On Friday night Eve Riches, Helen Rushton, Maddison Wilkes and her

    mum Michelle were invited to a Gala dinner at the Coffs Harbour Ex-

    Services club to celebrate the North Coast VET awards. Maddi was

    nominated in the section for the Vocational Education and Training

    (VET) student in Schools award for her work in the Hospitality Food

    and Beverage course.

    This is a prestigious award as Maddi is one of 4000 students studying

    VET in a School Environment. Maddison was awarded runner up and

    we had a fabulous night. Congratulations to Maddison, not only have you achieved fantastic results in Hospitality, but

    your work at McDonalds including being Crew Trainer for the McCafe is extremely impressive.

    Mrs Riches

    Canteen NewsCanteen NewsCanteen NewsCanteen News

    Wed 20th June Thurs 21st June Fri 22nd June Mon 25th June Tues 26th June

    Sharon Morgan Veronica Annette Need help

    Alyson Alyson Alyson Veronica Alyson

    A big thank you to the helpers in the canteen last week—Veronica, Annette, Sharon & Tracy.

    Chicken Burger (Long Crumbed Chicken Pattie with Lettuce, Mayo on a long bun) are on special for $3.

    Hotdogs on special for $2.50 until sold out.


    Alyson Grace

    Canteen Co-ordinator

    To avoid disappointment

    please order your recess and

    lunch in the morning.

    Bowraville TheatreBowraville TheatreBowraville TheatreBowraville Theatre

    Bowraville Theatre are pleased to announce that in liaison with Bowraville Central School Catering and Barista course,

    that the Theatre Café will be open the last Thursday of each month commencing on the 28th June 2012.

    They will be serving Coffee and Cakes and light lunches from 10am until approximately 2pm...All Welcome!

  • 19th June 2012, Week 9, Term 2 Page 6

    Community NewsCommunity NewsCommunity NewsCommunity News

    Bowraville Theatre—June 2012

    Saturday 23rd June @ 6.30pm - and Sunday the 24th June @ 1.30pm the Valley performers will present their show at

    Nambucca Entertainment Centre. Doors open one hour before the show. Tickets can be obtained from Harvey World

    Travel Nambucca Heads, Finishing Touches Macksville, Mad Hatters Tea Garden Bowraville and Scotts Head Liquor

    Store and online at tickethost.com.au. Tickets prices as at Bowraville Theatre.

    Saturday 23rd June—The Film Society will be screening a double feature the first film show at 5pm is a drama called

    “Central Station” (1998 Brazil) and emotive journey of a former school teacher who writes letters for illiterate people,

    and a young boy whose mother has just died, in search of a father he never knew. The second film at 7pm is a drama

    called “Biewtful” a story of Uxbal, a man living in this world, but able to see his own death which guides his every

    move. Starring Javier Bardem. (Mexico 2010)



    Vacation care is a federally funded service which provides child care for primary school aged children of parents and carers who are working, studying or looking for work; respite places are also available. This service operates in

    Macksville and Nambucca Heads during the school holidays from Monday 2nd July, 2012 to Friday 13th July, 2012. Monday 16th July is also available at Nambucca Centre only.

    The program provides high quality care, fun activities, sport, craft, excursions and lots more! Hours of operation are from 8.00 am until 6.00 pm; fees start from $7.87 per child per day (with Child Care Benefits).

    After School Care service also operates at Frank Partridge VC Primary School Monday to Friday during school terms.

    For information on both services and bookings please phone Gail at Family Services on 65681474 Monday to Friday

    9.00am – 4.30pm.or email [email protected]. Bookings and enrolments are necessary before children attend.

    Nambucca Shire Council School Holiday ActivitiesNambucca Shire Council School Holiday ActivitiesNambucca Shire Council School Holiday ActivitiesNambucca Shire Council School Holiday Activities

    Wednesday 11th July Amazing Race—Get a team together and join in the fun with heaps more puzzles and clues to

    solve to win prizes (1st & 2nd). There will also be 2 scavenger hunts and a Treasure Hunt (with prizes). Transport for

    the Amazing Race will be by Busways local bus routes around the valley. So for a great day out and a chance to win

    some fantastic prizes, register now! Teams will be made up of 5, so either get a team together or join with a team on the

    day. All bus fare money will be supplied to participants on the day. Times for buses will be provided when booking for

    the activity. Please bring your lunch with you. Numbers are limited so get in quick or book a place!.

    Friday 13th July—Bowls Day 10am to 2pm—Ever thought about giving lawn bowls a try? Get a team together or join

    one on the day and have a bit of fun and a BBQ at the Bowraville Recreation Club. Coaches will be in attendance to

    guide you and there will be some fun games, such as “Spider & “Corners”, as well as team games of bowls. If you just

    want to have a great day, and maybe learn about a sport that you haven't tried before come along. Transport may be

    available, if you require, from Macksville or Nambucca. Bookings are essential and numbers are limited, so be quick!

    All activities are FREE and funded by Community Builders and Transport NSW.

  • Page 7 19th June 2012, Week 9, Term 2

    Rotary/ Australia & New Zealand Student Exchange 2012 Expression Of Interest OpenRotary/ Australia & New Zealand Student Exchange 2012 Expression Of Interest OpenRotary/ Australia & New Zealand Student Exchange 2012 Expression Of Interest OpenRotary/ Australia & New Zealand Student Exchange 2012 Expression Of Interest Open

    This program is designed for 14-16 year old students (in Year 9 or 10 in 2013) to experience a true “exchange” with a

    family member in New Zealand.

    Local students are matched with a New Zealand student who will travel to Australia and attend school here during Term

    2, 2013. Both student then return to New Zealand and attend school there for Term 3, 2013.

    The students family hosts the NZ student and includes them in their normal family life. This is an exciting way to

    experience another culture with the support of Rotary.

    More information and expression of interest forms can be found at www.ranzse.com.au

  • You’ll find a treasure trove of

    memorabilia from the past at



    Coach enquiries


    Ph: 6564 8200

    6564 7251

    “As good as

    you’ll see”

    Open 10am to 3pm, Sat & Tues. 10am to 12.30pm,

    Wed & Fri. 11am to 3pm, Sunday.

    Bowraville Community Pre-School

    Professional staff in a friendly, caring


    3-4 yr olds MON, TUES

    4-5 yr olds WED, THURS, FRI

    Time: 9am - 3pm


    Coronation St,

    (PO Box 65)

    Bowraville 2449


    6564 8648

    �Farm Supplies �Fertilizers (bag or bulk) �Sprays & drenches

    �Fencing materials �Bulk and packet seeds �BHP Building Products

    �Agents for Metalcorp Steel �Vegetables & banana cartons

    Plus all your hardware and produce needs

    Carbin St,




    A.B.N. 92 001 062 844 Bowraville & District ExServices Club.

    Phone: 65647304





    *Palms Family Chinese Restaurant*

    Tues: 5.30pm — 7.30pm

    Wed - Sun: Lunch: 11.30am — 2.00pm

    Dinner: 5.30pm — 8.30pm

    Ph: 65648898

    This newsletter is provided for the interest of parents and community and is supplied free through the support of advertisers.

    Would you like you Business advertised in the

    school newsletter???

    Please call Office on 65647162