

Transcript of 1958:12:24


:c:;::.:J::E 2A, l.C5\J ':'::J rr:::m AS. cnu:'.-:::2 ::-..;;o:.c ~ Ji:-:1 ir.Do-.:c:.l ~~to=~ ?u0linh~

~ I I

-.u:··-- -·""TJ,-.r.Tn-;r- . ... : .; ~t ... nt r -· . -- . .. ~., ........ -~ .... I n..-..... ..; ,100.' evnr·- M',.,., ..... i""' .,1:'"\..L lJ---- i- u ................ ~ ."' .. •'- t

<ttu?.o::, Al' s!=-.1. Su~s riotion R~to~ a _,J.. 25 ::;>er Quc.rter b~· ;Jni.l or 0.::-.;r:::-ier AdvertizinG ~~tea s ~.50 ner coltn."1 :i:_'1_C~1_, __ _

g:::-.ISTl.:dS l.95G

Itt s ~irlst:Jns Evo t:": Tho snorr 1a fa~\; coft ,.,n cle:'..ll, oovcrint; nl~. t:1c $C.:'..l'S Of 195G. Thiz is the F.i.rbt 0:1I'ictiJaS of The Knik Ar.::. Oouric.r, but ue hope thc~c \.1.11. be o..~· :1ora. ":Te hope .1~ :;ive :·ot'!. a better p~pc:r {'.::: uc lccrn. We hope; ~·o·.1 1r.i.:l j heJ.._p "..13 to do so 1;>:· lct·:;ing. us l::nou uhen you ore ,:L. :csed

,. _, d I ~ , 0 I or e1s~~~~sa • 1 .~ ~o~ I you td-ll give us t~1.a norrs but nbove Pll~ r.t thi;.; I ~"1I'i:-:t::J..'l.S Season, _ u~ }10:->e 1 t.1..~t Dveryone, Ev'-'r: , .. lc:re, t:ill b10u fJence n.:.ld ha.TO th Spirit of Ohristo.".~; i:1 the· Hcnrt~.

J. re~dar has eucce~t.xl th..'\t The Oourier run n ?olJ on I c..ll of thif "lbsts" i:l our eonuu:.li ty for thio p~st

ye~r - ::JUC~1 c.;.a T!~e 5 noct out:.:t:'\:l .:lnf;

peo?le, tho~c ,,.:lo hAve contri"".:utoo :::lO~t to the t;ood of t::te co:J!J-u...""'.it-J ~his past !'a~r .

The liost po;:>ul..""X teen­~er

The nost i nproved yn.rd And aey other "The Uost"

uhich you reeders o~~ thinlc of.

People are tniu!d-"'lg about our Telephone ~rston. Dal O~erg S.?~·s, "T:1e uhole tclepho~1.e do:-0. i::: s~" • • Tl1e t.h:inb I th:bll:: is silJ..y is that "';":e have a (ltoopern­tive s:rsten but it is not a coope~tive. ':i'!1e ide..~ tr.at I l'.nve to p.....,y a toll to tnlJ::: to ey 071n b:rothe;r '\'lho is on the snuo ::;>hone a:.·stcn is ridiculous. Our orm bonrd c:-..."'l ci.o so:~ething about thct." Dn."'\l17 JcJ.l u~.s o;.1o of the first people to uorl:: to get phones L1 tho area r:-:1 the oportuni t~· Et.rosc to be rid of "*'e old Fire Co~.l!>nl'l~ hc\nd orn."lk J..inos. ~ rtOI'!­ked lil::e a be.:-.vcr n~'ld t ool= npplic0tions £o~ ucnLer~hi nt the tine tlu-.t '?.1a L:,.-.~ nus!~ Tele!>honc Ao::.oci~tio bccr:.::1e or~-::-.nizoG.. :-re n~s

Pn&;e 2

r told b:· the bo, .. ,r.:'. nt that tioe t:1at t~ ~ ~u.ld. have direct co:ucction to either PtJ.:'"lcr o~ ~10!lor~ga • it. E. A. cnc~ er:.:;;i:t~o:~s had verbnl.ly .rn-o~ti.~ t:10.t . Dann:r f eels th.."..t ~lC TTa.S

nisloo nnd so pc.::;;;;e:i on tM s :::d~lcnd.i.nc -T ·1f'or:·:..'ltion for the I;.'::. A. s:·':J~e:n still lecvca Ohugi~ iso~ted £ro:.:1 the rest o:: the S"Jste:~. Da~ .. sa··s, 17 T11.:'.t st~tenont e.ctu.o""lll;t sold ne o:t buyint; L1to the ~·ste:J.. I ha.d expected to at l~st be nble to call. P~ or I uouldn t t hn.ve bo-u.cht a phone." I believe tds obligntion should be ful- . filled ns soon as ::_")Ossible to tha sstisfnction of All in this area. n


26 DIED LAST 02..!8~:..\8

\. Hou can you hel~ to ~revent loss of lif'a anC: s-J.i'fcrfnb this Ohrist~s? ::ere is i1hat the ~rationt'-2 :o~l:'d of Fire Undal':"i';'r'i ter::; S'UL;gest5 • Sot uo tree in n cool p~ o£ ~~' .a~~ it in a pn.il. of noist e..··.x<~h or unter n.nd atmY £ron C:oors or exi t.s.

Ohecl: elect±±e tr".cint; and discnrd sets .,;.it:1 .-;orll or frt'.;:ed cords~

L!OHTTITG 001:?3.)': - ool1t.

----~----------------------------------------------------------~ . . .

D:JC::::JER 24

tO~~~rn~ ~Vi2!tf~1$

Ohriot::J..."lS & Uerr Yo,::..rc Dvo Holic:lays - Most tlcct:t.lga sUBponded .



----------------------~ ~

/flY@~ rr~ ~~ ~rro/ (Mrl~tma~

fro rn

f~t;c 6

~ DA:~C. E AT CI...u~!VAL I c?~.,:v..;, cZ, ;,;:;'),._"' r.·i'&' on . F.ID.. I d' ,.[/( "F \3 ~~-'//;; ~~.::J~F /) {~

The first o£ nn ""-?~ rr;: ~@ .~9~!{j§ (fi:·(' .t . series of i'rcc 11 Auch t~onrr I ~ . J "'

d--.nces u~s held nt tl1c ?nr::~ Dependable ine::::pc:~~ .f iv ... ~ !!.1.ll 0:1 So.turC.~ mght I renoval of trasi1 c..~ g~~.t;e D cer.1ber 20th. Sc::wor.:-.1 oro- is sonething oo::;t of us are h~strns uil1 tz:," out so thn.1 interested in. 'i'ri;:Js to tm ano nay be o!loscn to ~ coDDUn.ity dUD!> a:re 'uoth di3-nt rct;U].--.ril;r so:1eclulad taoteful as uell a::; incon,_ da::lees. Tho atto:1c!.nnce uas eni-ent tUld the !::n.o-;Tledge sn.<tll due to t;1o vhorb tine thnt our t;arcnge ir.ill be t;i v on lnat ·--eol: for publio- picked up re;;ulal"il;r is quite it~·, ho~ -ever, t!1ose presont a relief. The 00t;:7':::.J: DIS?OSAL mtj oyed tho cvonillti vc:r 'SERVICE is one of t:1.e oldest nuch nnd found tho ou~c . g~ rb~e r enovol. o.cc:1ta in bood. Tho b:-.nd1 a four .P~~ our coo::runi. ty • :?OJ:':lcrl:r 1motm ce orchcstr~, \70.0 co:;)oacd j as Ornssee Uatori.:uc, this of oenbors of the rdl.i t~XJ'


. route is nou 'oei.n(; o?ernted tr.t th a fon.ile voc:-liot. by t:r r.s;,rr1.8 'licasvold of L.".dies of the Fricnc::cy lTci- . 2.3 taie. I!r. Ti.~!~old -;dll t:;hbor Club solc1 oo!'!'e~, po, j pick up ~1'\Tbage nnd trcsh md c:>Jco. It ic h?POC: th~t ueo~ in clenn iTc:l. DQ.i.n~ tho next such nff-..~r ~s ! ained equiprJent for only :,.,3.00

....J4 better f'..ttondoc: so th.".t tl1ej' per oonth. He is cl:.:ays on ~ (2 ~ OJA cr•n n~:dn present tho tine nnd ~"ll'antcca s~rtisf-

U tl<1 C.S onjo;·t'blc oi'f:-.i.rs of lnst ' action or "Double :our <hrb<1ge Ill rr.i.ntcr. . I Jack". ( Thie · ~ th a. grin) f~ O 11:>1~ ((:· fl!Hl~@@ ~ ___ ___ _ _ __ ! So ur.y oot cnll t:1c Countcy

lQJ 1\~~U , Disposal Service at Ho. 2-.,. t THE Kl"IK !JU.l OOU:U:zrt 711!..1 io~O, f or nuton~tio trash I~ Ra I] & ~ ~ /)0 (} 2E r.UT :~ -:-JED:~D.IT b.!nSC ~ pick up to keep your yard

lQj ~ DOS TO TID HOLID .. t.: l neat ~an::d:-_c:::.le::.c::.;ill:.:.• ____ . ..,

~~rrg~v~~. - ~- =~~@OJ~~~f!~~~~ 04,~! f'.) fU\ € l.,·· "'p "' - ' I I A I I) , 15l. \~ " ~ ; J~. f~ I or .... ·~~ I .; ~"'· ._; IJQrl fC) •

l.f 'r. ~ I -_\! .. -~~!'r=~; !.Jt,. ; ti u I J.t. ' .. i I I\_. I . .LI ! - .,

I ,,,, ~~~ tl "

) ~ ~~ 5"' £1 ~i · ... ,.;; ~.:!. ·-.!. T;::lm/.1.3 ~ EVE::t::ros ... E"~K~:oo · '*"'\ 't J./"" r ~, :.~!) "lALTErt ~J..'ql! • • • • l'RCi-R!;'TU{ -- l "\ ...- '"<£· .-, '-."C:.. .:· ' Y j LOO~U'L'D LT ruL?H DOl'LE' S SHOP ... ~ 7 . ..1LE


,._ ~ ~ '"'· . , • .!, - ~ I :rro~-rcon LOOP :~.cAD H0.-2-5;>66 ,),· ~ c:~~r 1 ~' ----~., lr .. Q. .. ~ I - .. ..J ·-...J!/lrr-;5:, ... I

~~') . :7: ~ ':)~ I HOoestead 2-5~"1 r -~ lJ r:. ~ R1 .. ".1{ J<~ r y .:1. Vu a-t~. ..~r?.J~(~.~ ! ':L t-rr /\i J I

rtv If t) ~~ ~~ q ~ff? tt 11 /~~ {./v ulfJ .. 1

J,/ t>"' .u,.-# '~ ~

c.wd a_ H A~PV ~Eff W~&\~

ru Jb £~~~

....... ___ _

---·---- ~~- -··----- ··--- · ··- --~~~~---·-; ·. ·· A. ~, .. , . I It: v· -.,-.. -~- -A,. ~~·

~r I n.noLL:u, the dol2_ r::uc:1 T.ns rnfUcd . ' _ ... ! j' b:· t:1c Prien~ :~Gi.:;:1i:>ors Club, rrns ; '"' ~

\70!1 ~r r.:rs. ;:'\:r-.r Toe( o~ S;>t::r..ard. The j -;.·.r-1\ tic~:ct hnd been so~c.'.. to her the <i'lY ofj . u·di4~4 tho c":.rm-r.int; ( Docc:.:bCl~ 20th) b~· her 1 ~ ..J sistc:I'-in-lnrr, 1.:"..l'ic Pctronovich. I "'( ~s. J:'odd cill hLt'v'C no difficult~r .finC:..in,:;; n Moth-.:r ::o:- ·t:1a doll as aho. I has t:U'ae s::.l?.ll cr~:lC.----<.~LI.Uf;hters. ,~. 7hc c'.ra.\~ for t:1e doJ..J.. 't'TC'..S held at t:1c D~ce t~.t C.'l.rn.iv:-~ :~..,ll uhere Holly! -;,. imS on displcy ;>.ll mrcnil10. I

--- ·------- --- - "" :Tord has been rccicveC: here that 13,.

& ~. DICK Bf..RG.!]l and D~VID arc vcr..r h.~ppy at The Oop!Jcr Vc.lley .School. Dick is assista.nt to Fq,t:1er Spils nho is .ia charge of cous~~ction. Last sur:u:1cr Dick nade Ilo:t'C concrete block th.:m nll the other ~10r::nen. Dnvid is n. s:ll,'"b!1 t;rC'..dC student c.nd a ne=!Jor of t!le School Student Do~· ..

------·---- -- . ---


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_kq_ ~"" :Jo u.r ht~'f:­~(

~ Don1t forget the Firc-:.rorks DispL:ty

en :r~ Y~e Eve <'.'i:>out .5tOO p.r&. at To::1 SL".lf~crs Fo.r ::ort:1. Tr.:'iler Po.rlt J0-R n 0Rt~ Ju_e~

(' LClSt D DEc. 3o ¢ 31


&-oN J)j E\t) X-AI~ s DAY

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12 oz. RITZ CRACKERS 35¢

DRIED B~-5 oz.- 79¢

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