1923. H SENTINEL News Of Neigh...

PAGE SIX . PLATTSBUEGH SENTINEL WED., NOV. 7, 1923. News Of Neigh boring LYON MOUNTAIN (Nov. 1.—\Vra. and Max Stackpole cepted a position: ! Mr. ano! ^frs. William Mason rc^. turned Monday evening from Glov- crsville whore they spent the week end / j Rogers Clemens, an employee of Victoria and- the Mason's, expects to leave Sunday home in Canada to enter into s with his mother, who owns chese factory. . <- Miss Florence Bombard of Albany, ; formerly of Peru, has resigned her accompanied toy Mr. and Mrs. Bet- tinUir 'motored here from Syracuse iSaturday an^ returned Sunday. The Misses Albina, Mina Arpin of Albany and their foro- ther, Francis Arpin of Pittsburgh Avere -called home Jast week Friday •by ttoe illness of their mother, Mrs. •Joseph Arpin Mrs. Baiker of Ilion is visiting her Position with the Standard Oil corn- Bister, Mrs. Grover King. l )anv in that cit >' a n d h a s accepted Arden Manley has .moved his fam- a position in Miami, Florida for the }ly to Rochester, N. Y. {winter. Rally Day services will be held at] Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wescott have re- tlie M. E. Church on next Sunday, turned home after spending: the suni- Kpeclal music: and recitations will mer months at the Lake Placid club, ~ ft&ke place at the usual service hour, where they were employed. 10:30 a. m. { ^ r - an( l Mrs. J. Alexander have \'{ Mr. and (Mrs. Herbert Lapoint have closed their home and gone to Roch- ireturned to their holme here after a ester for the winter. ' dfew weeks' absence. Mr. Lapoint i Mrs. LaRocque of Burlington, Vt., h a s (been in the thospital at Malone is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. W. for appendicitis <and afterward con- Stacy. valescent at his parents' home -Chateaugay Lake. iMr. and Mrs. Oharles Gautihie on Make plans to attend the American , Legion Fair which is to be held Nov. .13, 16, 17. Jiave moved into the bungalow for-j Mr. and Mrs. Francis LaPointe irnerly occupied by Mr. and \Mrs. Ar- joft Wednesday to spend the winter thur (Steward on Belimont Avenu.e af- in Springfield, Mass, ier spending the summer in Roc'he^l HOUSES POINT ter. ' ,_ M.. and Mrs. To n Pickengn, f Saranac Lake, Mr. Ernest ^ of Bangor and iMrs. Lydta McKin visited at |M/r. Wallace Owens? Saturday last. Mr. "George Raymond of Sohenec- tady motored here foi the week end. Mrs. Silas Bassette spent a few days last week with* relatives in Bur- tfngton and Montpelier, Vt. Miss Marian Harrica, JR. N., has (returned to New York. I^er mother, IMrs. E. <W. Harrioa, accompanied her a* far as Plattgbur-gih where she Spent a few days thus week. The Hallowe'en masked (ball was toeld at t v ,« ,dance hall on Tuesday - Jevenins of this week. Many and var- ied were the costumes. The prizes tfor (the most beautiful m ones were the Misses Elizabeth an«l (Florence Jette who were in Egyptian (oostutme and the freakiest to Mrs. CLeo .Revoir and ther sister, Mary who fcepreaented a colored MOREISONVILLB , 3<-ov. i.—Miss Ethel Sutherland is Visiting her sister. Miss Lottie Suth- Serland, in Peekskill. N." Y. Cards have been received in town •announcing the birth of a daughter, fWinifred Louise, to Mr. and Mrs. Ayres. of Schenectady. The net proceeds from the supper and sale held recently'by the ladies' •auxiliary of the Baptist church, net- ed the society $181. Rev. J. S. Stowell, Mrs. Lydia Reed, {Miss C A. Mead and Miss Mary Wells attended the Baptigt state conven- tion in Syracuse last week. Mrs. Gilbert Dare, Mrs. W. H. La- due, Mrs. F. J. Rugar and Mrs. J. K. IWever attended the tea at the Kent- Delord House in Plattsburgh Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. F. S. Sorrell and mother, Mi's. Woodruff, are visiting friends and relatives in Glens Fallsl The local W. S. T. u / are planning jto serve lunches on election day. iMrs. William Myers hns returned from visiting her daughter. Miss Pearl Hill, in E. Syracuse and from the W. C. T. U. state convention in Buffalo. •Mr. and Mrs. tt R. Anderson, of Nov. 2.—Mr. and Mrs. Andrev Weston and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W Craft of New York City, have re- turned home after spending two iveeks at Mames Inn. Mrs. II. F. Bruso Went back with them for a visit. The High School gave a wonderfu supper at Weston's Hall Thursday evening. Mrs. J. B. Safoourin of New York is visiting: iMir. and Mrs. John C. Sa.- "bourin. iMarnea' Inn is now closed aftei having had a very successful season. There is a rumor t'hat we may have a bridge across the lake from Windmill Point to Hotel Windsor in the future. It would <be a great &c- commodation for tourists. entertained Mr. LaGrave's parents, from Chateaugay. Mrs. Elizaibeth Whitney and daughter, 'Mrs. Eells .were recent visitors of Mrs. Celia Banker. Miss Lula Devins spent the week end with Ruth Allen. IMrs. Sarni Watson ivill entertain, the Ladies' Aid Society, Wednesday ftenioon of vhis week. Supper will be served as usual. Rev. Barker of Peru occupied the pulpit in the M. E. Church Sunday nesday, Nov. desired. given by the Quoen Esther circle, was very successful, the proceeds be- ing $16.40. Mrs. E. Haynos has purchased the 'place known as the Minnie place, ith a force of men are making ^j a j n many changes, when complete will EAST SCHUYLER FALLS Nov. 5.—Mr. tind Mrs. R. S. Cate, Sr.. and Rarlph Cate, Jr., have re- tu'rned from a trip to Albany and Balston in their sedan. 'Mr. Erastus Cook enjoyed a week- end hunting trip in the Adlrondacks Mrs. Mary Adelia Bromley ^turn- ed home Sunday after a visit twith her daughter, Mrs. H. B. Martin Witherbec. The many friends of Mis. Melisa DeForrest will i be ipleased to learn that she is recovering from her re- cent illness. Dr. Buck of Dannemora was a vis- itor on the street Saturday. W'hat's the matter with the wea- ther? It's all right. (Mr, and Mrs. G. P. Hare spent the week-end in the city, guests of their uncle, M. H. Denemore (Members and friends of the M. E. church of (South. Piattsburgh were entertained Ipy their pastor, Mr, am Mrs. Barker at th-eir -home in Peru. Harry Bromley and family wpen Sunday in Witherbee. Katherine Vaugfoin who 7th, Tho a good attendance Hallowe'en Party. Personal Mention be a modern cottage. T. Fiztgerald. of Malone. numbered among the callers in this cit> yester-i rtay. I D. A. Henderson and family of 44 j t., have moved to the west- p;irt of the stale. Miss Bessie Turner, who has .been' Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Walknp au-1 God gave His life? Jotin Gates of Albany, spent Monday [ This is not a plea for money, nor evening at the hume of Mrs. Ida a idea for work. It is a plea for 12 Gates, returning to iheir honn? Tues- of the S,74S hours of this year for the day morning. j Missionary Society. We need giver? . Mrs. Ida Gates spent Tuesday, in' and we need workers, but most of all this city visiting friends. j we need better attendance. Whether {Mr. an'd Mrs. George Barrette and you belong to the society or not, you son, GarfieM, and Emile Ecrement are invited to attend the meetings, of this city spent the past week enj} We lead such busy lives that vn- Mra. M. Christian of Dannemora employed at Lake Kushaqua post-j visiting called on friends Friday. office for some time, is spending two at the home of Mr. and less we plan ahead many important I Mrs. Z, Barrette in Burlington, Vt. j things arc neglected. Let us make Mr. Alpert, is conducting a modern weeks with friends and relatives in I H - R K choe > Deputy Attorney'12 engagements for this year. Set neat market in connection with his West Chazy and in this city. j General of the State, was visiting ip aside one hour of each month. Hold ither business. | F. C. Rcardon is visiting this city lhis cit >' yesterday. these engagements sacredly above i business. [ Deputy Sheriff H. S. Bruso will petty interruptions and expenses.' 1 •Harold "uonyea. who underwent an lpav « for Tr °y this ™°™ing -with a girl who will be committed to the State institution in t^at place. Miss Myrtle iFavro has returned from New York City after taking a DANNEMORA. fi.—W. C. T. V. will Xov. fi.—W. C. T. V. will meet at cpe-r:i.tkm ut the Physicians' hospital parish house Wednesday afternoon at Saturday, is on the road to recovery. 2:00. A large attendance is requested ( Miss Anita La Bombard has been as there is important business ' t o in- AuRuble Forks for several days, transact. j 'Miss Louise Hall returned yester- COMING EVENTS course in •ith friends hospital. ELLENBURG CENTER ov. 6.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greg- ory and family and Maud Magoon, of ( ^.^ ^.^ East Rochester, arrived in town Sat ' •Mi, day from a short visit in Burlington,- Vt. Mrs. John Breyette. and daughter of Whitehall, N. Y.. were the recent guests of Mr. Breyettc's parents in nursing at the Fordham Arnold are in theatre —Vaudeville urday for i few days' visit with Mrs. E. W. Harrica has returned to her home in Lyon Mountain, after a visit with friends in this- city for j several days. M Keeseville Mr. and Mrs. Fred New York on business. Mrs. Clarence Eurlcigh of Schen- rrtarly who has "been the guest of Mrs. C. G. Anderson, has returned home. Attorney and Mr?. Wm. St. Mary of Malone have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. H. LaRocque. Ernest Ellenwood of New York ,t his home friends. Grand and Maurice Coolidge left lvirsday for Tupper Lake where they expect to go in a lumber camp to in-\ for t-hf> winter. 3Ir. and Mr". George Jones and I Mrs. Emma Hinds, of Kast Rochester,' spent a few dnys in town, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. E, Holden, of Peru were eallers in town Sunday after- jr or t Covington, N. Y,, stopped in this Lake, noon. - [city yesterday on their way to Bur- p r pochard Eddy Sykes, PLattsburgh and Movies". Clinton theatre—George Arliss in "The Ruling Passion"; also comedy. Tonight—Meeting of K. of C. Sisterhood. Tonight—iBoard of Directors of Y. W. L. entertains. Nov. 0.—Capouilliea Concert^ un- der auspices of Musical Art- Club at High School Auditorium. i Elizabeth Mathews has been spending the week in Keeseville on . 3 l> ont the week en ' business. i here> Miss Rose Fuller has returned to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bassett and her home in this city after a visit daughter, Frances, Mrs. N. F. Bassett of several days with friends in Bur- of Sarannc and Max Pochop of Bur- lington, Vt. 1 lington, Vt., spent Sunday with -Dr. CITY AND VICINITY, •( Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Merrickk of and drs. L. G. Dassance at iSaraitac teaching in Keeseville, was at home Gordon Lashway, of Chateai*ay, took for the week-enst. . P la < e Tuesday morning, October 30, Mr. and 'Mrs. George P. Hare of at the Roman Catholic church at Ei- Fargo, N. D., -are visiting Mr. ami lenburg Corners. Friday evening, Mrs. M. L. Bromley at Briar Rose November 2, a reception was given Farm. They hav e made the trip in m their honor at the home of the bride's parents. The many presents The marriage of Miss Verda Dom- lington, Vt., where they will spend a f s t Lawrence Unl' inic, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred, some time visiting with relatives an<a . ard Ellsworth. Seen Dominic, of Ellenburg Center, and friends. Mrs. Moses Dapo and daughter, their car and are on their' Way to MOOERS be given by the boys and girls of El- lenburg and Mooers under the direc- tion of Mrs. R. C. Holt Saturday eve- their winter home in Florida. It that were'displayed were testimony would be hard to find a more com- «_—«.«..-«.«. .... * —-.«. contest to Tote outfit to camp Their son and PITTSBURGH DUE FOR daughter ipreceeded tham in Septem- TAITDT CCA CAM ber so as to enter school. Mr. Hare LlfliLI vVtlul dLnuVW was a former resident of Clint* I County. f ninS\ November 3, at 8 o'clock in the , Ml . a n d M r s Sanderson and Mr. public hall at Ellenburg, promises to Cajge of Voflt Edward have been vis- be a rare treat in oratory"and music. 1 The topics to be discussed are live ones, of vital importance to everjr one. Vocal and instrumental music. Remember the place and the date. Special services at the M. E. church closed on Sunday night. The last sermon preached by the Local Independent Fixe "Working In- to Sliape; Other Teams in Vicinity are Organizing iting Air. and Mrs. B. J. 'Stoughton. They .made their trip in their 1924 ^ If al)pearalices COUnt for anything, BuicK sedan. - Plattsburgh is going to see some court The hallowe'en party at tne school action tnat will bc* quite lively this house on Wednesday evening was winter. Basketball teams from all merry affair. Arabians, Turks, Chi- sec ti Ons of the state are organizing nd getting into shape for the sea- son . namen, in fact witches from many Rev. Jos. ] an( j s -vvere there. The room was Owen, of Alabama, was as good as the handsomely decorated with ever- Among the surrounding towns lirst. j greens and a grinning Jack-o-lan- which have organized quintets are The Presbyterian Missionary Soci- ' tern in eVery ava ilable place greeted saranac Lake, Lake Placid, Port ety met with Mrs. Charles Sample the ^ ^ The shades were lowe red Hem . y> willsbor0 , Mlneville and Lyon Wednesday afternoon. and aH toR . et:ier a very we ird effect Mountain. All these teams are well Arthur LEcuyer made a business . g . von The ^ pn)gram ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^.^ ^ imiiromiptu with no especial prepara- have been Seen-often in action on the Dandelion, local court. These teams are cor- trip to Montreal Wednesday. KEESEVILLE. Nov. o.—James McAloon. who 13 teaching at :the. Lake-road. School and Picri't. McAloon who teaches in Es- sex i*px?nt the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Aloon. sd Viriginia White of Saranac, [Brattleboro, Vt., were recent guests of ) x . V.. .who has ibeen the guest ot and Mrs. F. J. Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osborn have Installed a radio in their home. Mrs. Geox-ge Henry and son Ira j " have been visiting friends in Saranac' Lake. .Mr. Ford has moved from F . M. BPendy's tenement house on Mason St. to Eugene Rocque's house near the tBrookside Hotel, Mrs. Ole Larson, of Lyon Mountain has been visiting her daughter,. Mrs. {Thomas Roberts. The Ladies' Aid Society ©f the M. -E. church will hold their annual Bale and supper November 2 2. | Helen CaUauan for a few weeks re- fturns to her home this week. tion. A dialogue, the Margaret Bromley and j Sanford j responding with the management of Cook. ' Children's Hour—The'ma Cook. The Bluelbird—Florence Keet. ! High School court this winter. They -Under the Greenwood Trcc-^-iMary have all started "regular practicing, Crai^. j and The Village Blacksmith—'Merton Uvee Bromley. When I Thought I Saw a Ghost-- Helen Bromley. This was original and gives promise of Isoi>el Bero of Burlington,! the guest o.f 'her aunta, the Misses Delia and Jennie Bero. There will be a chicken pie suipper in I'nion 'Hall Thursday evening. No\ ember 8 for the benefit' of the Imfnriculate Conception Church. Mrs. L. C. Mathews of Plattsburgh has been the recent guest of Mr. and /•^•s. George Brewer. PERU Nov. 1.—Among the social, events of the week was a party given by iMrs. R. A. Forrence Saturday in hon- or ©f Mvs. John Hosford. Mrs. Eus- isell Martin entertained a few friends tit cards Tuesday afternoon and Mrs. E. W .Sartwell acted as hostess to a i (party Thursday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. John Hosford left yesterday by auto to 'spend the win- ter in Florida. Islv. and Mrs. Russell Martin and eon, Harold, also Dr. E. W. Sartwell and family leave for Florida around the 14th of November. ' During Dr. Sartwell's absence Dr. EDonohue of Albany will take over his practice. The Hallowe'en pari.\ given by the ladies of the Congregatoinal church Wednesday"* evening was largely at- iended and a good time was enjoyed by all I Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bombard and daughter, Kdna. Mrs. P. L. Souli: and little Ceeile Sa\age spent Sun- day in Kous°.s Point, the guests of 3.1V. a.Bd Mrs. E. F. Bombard. Miss Blanche Hebert left last Wed- nesday for Albany where f*he has Dr. Beuy. Oi A ho G. E. Robarge and daughter, spent .Saturday in Plattsburg. Tuesday. October 30, occurred sudden death of Mrs. N. E. De- U, aged t>0 years. Funeral was Friday at 2 p. m. at the Metho- dist Church. Rev. G. D. McChesney Rev. L. Sauerliree. a fortner r, officiating. s. Richard Hayes of Ticonder- ou-a spent the week end with bar •mother, 'Mrs. J. Threehouse. ;Dr. and Mrs. A. N\ Sweet an.l chil-Iren njjotored to iMiddUHown, I'unn., Wednesday where the Doctor will specialize "n bone setting- and whore they will make the! the local Independent basketball five and will again appear .on the Old rt ill be ready within a couple to begin their .schedule. Our local representatives hav been praeticiuj; 1 for a couple of weeks and are fast working into shape. The budding team will undoubtedly be a stronger genius. 'outfit than Platt.sb.urgh has had in Merton Bromley nad charge years in the professional game, of the games and several distinguish-j Saranac Lak'e, for the first time in ed themselves, carrying three round potatoes one alt a time ; large'years, will place a professional^ team tcross on the floor. ThLs will be composed the room having picked them up I of college stars and local players who i-ith one hand and with a tiny tea- have a big reputation as being quite spoon. 'Other .games followed, suoh| speedy J the court. Among those as guessing games and riddles. Thel- trying out for the team are Payne, Cook, carrying her crutch and'former captain of the University of ? her left hand landed the pota-j Pennsylvania live, Prendergast, the given time. Eva Bridges had the tongue twisters ; caused much lerriment. An original poem follow The--e children nere Mr. ami Mr: children of EJ V H. 5>{>ent Mr WiiU the aiul Mrs. William P r luive closed their intel- months and ha A. W. Shields house PEASLEEVILLE I'm just the witch of Endor. t For if you're good I'm sure you'll find •My heart is very tender. 'Tis «akl that on this Hallowe'en The winches all d^ roam And woe ibe to thr» l.ru^ ami girls Wiui'i-e found ;uv;iy from home. And should you uny mischi"f do On lhis the (loidin's nijrht. future j\[ \Uiif to l)e the one that's caught | By those ghosties all in white. Boyle and y o eunaren dear need what I say Sunday in A ;IJ1 stt , v i mioors tonight- '.\;id s)j your .pi-a>ers and eo to ho} And shut your eyes u.p tight. Miss Edith Arthur is the tearher. Ch.u-los Connors -wa>* a week-end sif>r at his homie at Sunset View inn. He ,was accompanied to .M-Hnut.-n !»v hi" um-le. Charles Mf- of (Syracuse University. Brown of U. V. M., Colon of U. V. M. and a few others. A very fast outfit should be assembled and it is to be hoped that j tho old rivalry between Saranac Lake and Plattsburgh will be continued at basketball. ! The local management has been it," to ai range for a game with Saraii.ic l^tke for the opening contest of th<- season in this city. Games Lt'f also pending with several other K-aius and a good schedule A\ ill be ar- ranged shortly. PIANO SOLOIST TO BE HEARD HERE XOAEMBER President iversity, and Rich- •etary of S. L. U., were Plattsburgh visitors yesterday. Ethel, of this city, have been visiting Mrs. Dapo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Durkee in Cherubusco. i Mrs. Alice Sharron, who has been visiting her sister, Mro. Swain in Sal- mon River, returned to her home In Brasher Falls Saturday. Miss Frances Palmar, who been visiting relatives in this returned to Troy Friday. John Willi*>rill of New York —The W. F. M. S. of the M. E. church .will pieet Wednesday, Nov. lM with 'Mrs; hf: C. Bolles, 143r Bsihlter-. hoff St., at three o'clock. The Rev.' Miss Coleman of- Ellenburg will grv*^ a report of the BrAneft nieetin*. ;v Hil the ladiea are cordially invited to at- tend. * —The Ladies" Aid Society of the Baptist Church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Miss Mor- j rison at 8 North Catherine St. —A stated meeting of Cumberland Bay Chapter No. 477, O. E. S., will be . held in Masonic hall this evening at S o'clock. There will be initiation GRAND ISLE, Vt., Nov. 6.—HoBart' and a soc ial hour, Collins, ^charged with '.participation | —There will be- a regular meeting In the theft of the automobile of of Camp No. 94, United Spanish War Landlord Barnes of the Alburg Inn Veterans, this evening at 8 o'clock. city, Iast summer > P^aded guilty yester- All members are requested to be pre- -H SENTENCED TO PRISON BY has city, spent last week with- his mother, da * in Grand Isle Countv Court and sent as business of importance will Mrs. H. A. Wood in this city. was sentenced to 3 to 5 years Mrs. A. A. Dumas of this city spent State's prison and fined $250 and fhe past week end visiting friends in costs of $12.00. The prison sentence Burlington, Vt., and doing some come up at this meeting. shopping. Mrs. E. B. Day of Lake Placid visiting at the home of her daughter for a short time. Mrs. Emma Wilson has been vi was suspended and he was put on probation for five years. Norman Munson of Burlington, al- so chained with participation in the same offense, isit- to tlhree years. ALIENS ARE ARRAIGNED BEFORE COMMISSIONER A i bert L. Bocare who was corn- sentenced to one fitted to the county jail in -d-efatilt of ball charged with a violation of ing-'at the home of her sister, Mrs. Tne case of Stanley Clarke, now the prohibition' law, furnished bail Guy Winch at Lake Placid recently. serving a term at State's prison for an( j was released yesterday Avhen »r r Miss Marsaret Wood, who is at- breaking and entering, was contin- ra igned before Commissioner W. 1*. tending Normal School, was a recent ucd * He - too > was implicated in the Pattisson. auto theft. | j oh n Phelan, John Worthington caller at her ho Lake Placid. F M.ls.s Edith CJyllenl.erg. who is to' assist Francois Capuuillici: m his con-] cert here, is a pianist who possesses a most, pleasing personality besides ;t wealth of musical ability. As an interpreter of Chopin she is effective Iiy rt j as-<",n of the .itrenyth of her tones. Her work as an accompanist \\as most admit dKf . FI-MI Boyfi tin SAEAKAO st. u but aual Gra\ h( '•£< - P •M »e •d n ( h h 1 eulth Nov. 5.—The Saranac Valley Granpr i.-miily win hold its regular, moetinsr Wfd- I A—"I wonder why th it youns; lady over there look*: at me so much?'' B—"She has weak eyes, and the doc- tor told her to rest them ' •>>• lo^kim? at something gr-een."—London An- swers. Mrs. C. B. Lawton and daughter, Marion, of .Glens Falls, N, Y., return- ed to their home this morning after spending the week end visiting with Mrs. W. W. Bell and Miss Katherine Bell at 90 Broad St. Mrs. Ella Davis Thcw of. Morrispn- ville is making an extensive visit at Albany, Schenectady, Saratoga and other points of interest. While in Albany she expects to visit her grandson, Harold Davis. Mrs. ytanley Scarsay, who under- went an operation a^t the Charnplain Valley Hospital yesterday morning, is getting along as well as can be ex- pected. Mrs. Letitia E. Crawford and Mrs. David Davison of Mooers Forks, have returned home after an extended trip through the. Green 'Mountains. Miss Marion Ames of 62 Oaic .Street, this city, began her duties yesterday as clerk in the office of bounty Clerk Sample. Mrs. George Harvey' and sou, Ira, have returned to their home in Mor- rison vHIe after a visit of ..-several days with friends in Saranac Lake. Charles Atwood of , Chazy was among the business Visitors in this city yesterday. T. J. Shannon arrived in this .city yesterday for a visit of a couplo days on rbusiness. ,'Mis.s Florence Pendergast, Jlisses Winifred and Kathleen De-Lisle, all of Saranac Luke, were Monday call- erp, in Pbitusiburg-h. llichartl E. Ellsworth and Hich- ard Syker of Canton, were among the business cuilk-r.s i a this city yes- terday. Charles Ormsby of Peasleevillc numbered among those who transac- ted business in this city yesterday. 'George Brown left yesterday for a business trip to New Vork City. V C. Marsh of Springfield. Mass.. is \ isitm-- thL^ cit\ on business. Charles 10. Hiy.^ is numbered il'Mim ilif.M> who tailed in th;* ciiy «-sterday. T. J. rthannoii is spending- a few .i^-s in this city on il.u.siness. <'ij)t«iin Juiu-3 of Plattsburah Bar- .n-ks is spendin-- »overal days in >- Adin-MidiH.-ks on hunting leavo. Mr. Henry McGarr- was in town lDMilay on business Ms- and \{>». Joseph .1o<-k of C(\<ly- ille were in town Tuesday on luisi- Fred 'Marcottc of Winooski, plead- and Hugh Murphy, aliens and sub- ed guilty to striking Sheriff Mott last j ec t s of Ireland, who were arrested summer and was fined $25 and costs, by LTnited (States Immigration In- spector Antomo Bonazgi, charged i with unlawfulo* entering the United [States at Chateaugay were arraign- meet j 0(j yesterday before Commissioner with Mrs. Dan Braman Wednesday pat tisson, waived examination and- PERU. The W. F. M. Society will afternoon, November 7th, at 2:oO, AJ1 ladies are invited. A social hour will follow the program. Hostess—'Mrs. Dan Braman, presi- Devotion . Business. The "Forewr rd 1 ' of the Creation were held in $1,01)0 .bail each for the December term of federal ' court in LTtica. In default of bail they were committed to the Clinton County j A family, consisting of a father j and mother and a baby were brought in by Inspector Bonazzi. They were forcos of Japan—Mrs. A. L. Clark. charged with surrepticiously entering Paper—Assets and Liabilities of ( the United States from Canada »t th* Japanese Pe&plc—Mrs. S. H. Me- . Rouses Point yesterday. Owing to Tntyre and Mrs. L. E Barker. ,. the fact that the law does not allow The Opening of tne Little Green ! sending of a child of that age to jail Door--Mrs. Ada Craig. A plea for the twelve. S.74S hours in the year. 12 for the Missionary Society. 8,73 6 Balance on hand. It is not much to ask 12 from 8,7-18 -—yet it. is more than most of us give. Our Saviour gave his life for missions. Is it asking too much that we give \'l hours a year to prayer for and smdy of that for which the Son of and as the father is entitled to a residence in the United States as lit* owns property in New Jersey, altho the mother and child did not come in in the regular way and were not en- titled to enter as they did, the oom^ missioner left the matter to be decid-f^ ed by ['. S. Commissioner at Mont- real. t'H recommended that the family be sent back xto Canada. They were taken back by a United States immigration officer last evening. Remember Our Guaranteed Rate. Of Interest This Bank has paid interest semi-annually at the rate of 4 3-4 per cent per year since July 1, 1921, and guarantees the same rate, to December 31, 1923. If you have money to invest why not take ad- vantage of this attractive rate of interest. We are able to guarantee and pay the above'rate of interest w4th absolute safety o our depositors and to the Bank becaust? our assets, amounting to over Five Million Dollars, consists of loans an '.'dinvest" ments made with the utmost care. Money dej.'OMtetl in our Savings Department November t>, will draw interest from Novembe on or before Tuesday, r 1st. The Burlington Trust Company BURLINGTON, VERMONT.

Transcript of 1923. H SENTINEL News Of Neigh...


News Of Neigh boringLYON MOUNTAIN

(Nov. 1.—\Vra. and Max Stackpole

cepted a position: !Mr. ano! ^frs. William Mason rc^.

turned Monday evening from Glov-crsville whore they spent the weekend /

j Rogers Clemens, an employee ofVictoria and- t h e Mason's, expects to leave Sunday

home in Canada to enter intos with his mother, who owns

chese factory. . <-Miss Florence Bombard of Albany,

; formerly of Peru, has resigned her

accompanied toy Mr. and Mrs. Bet-tinUir 'motored here from SyracuseiSaturday an^ returned Sunday.

The Misses Albina,Mina Arpin of Albany and their foro-ther, Francis Arpin of Pi t t sburghAvere -called home Jast week Friday•by ttoe illness of their mother, Mrs.•Joseph Arpin

Mrs. Baiker of Ilion is visiting her Position with the Standard Oil corn-Bister, Mrs. Grover King. l ) a n v i n t h a t cit>' a n d h a s accepted

Arden Manley has .moved his fam- a position in Miami, Florida for the}ly to Rochester, N. Y. {winter.

Rally Day services will be held at] Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wescott have re-tlie M. E. Church on next Sunday, turned home after spending: the suni-Kpeclal music: and recitations will mer months at the Lake Placid club,

~ ft&ke place at the usual service hour, where they were employed.10:30 a. m. { ^ r - a n ( l Mrs. J. Alexander have

\'{ Mr. and (Mrs. Herbert Lapoint have closed their home and gone to Roch-ireturned to their holme here after a ester for the winter.

' dfew weeks' absence. Mr. Lapoint i Mrs. LaRocque of Burlington, Vt.,has (been in the thospital at Malone is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. W.for appendicitis <and afterward con- Stacy.valescent at his parents' home-Chateaugay Lake.

iMr. and Mrs. Oharles Gautihie

o n Make plans to attend the American, Legion Fair which is to be held Nov..13, 16, 17.

Jiave moved into the bungalow for-j Mr. and Mrs. Francis LaPointeirnerly occupied by Mr. and \Mrs. Ar- joft Wednesday to spend the winterthur (Steward on Belimont Avenu.e af- i n Springfield, Mass,ier spending the summer in Roc'he^l HOUSES POINTter. ' ,_

M.. and Mrs. To n Pickengn, fSaranac Lake, Mr. Ernest ^of Bangor and iMrs. Lydta McKinvisited at |M/r. Wallace Owens?Saturday last.

Mr. "George Raymond of Sohenec-tady motored here foi the week end.

Mrs. Silas Bassette spent a fewdays last week with* relatives in Bur-tfngton and Montpelier, Vt.

Miss Marian Harrica, JR. N., has(returned to New York. I^er mother,IMrs. E. <W. Harrioa, accompanied hera* far as Plattgbur-gih where sheSpent a few days thus week.

The Hallowe'en masked (ball wastoeld at tv,« ,dance hall on Tuesday

- Jevenins of this week. Many and var-ied were the costumes. The prizestfor (the most beautiful m ones were

the Misses Elizabeth an«l(Florence Jette who were in Egyptian(oostutme and the freakiest to Mrs.CLeo .Revoir and ther sister, Mary

who fcepreaented a colored

MOREISONVILLB, 3<-ov. i.—Miss Ethel Sutherland is

Visiting her sister. Miss Lottie Suth-Serland, in Peekskill. N." Y.

Cards have been received in town•announcing the birth of a daughter,fWinifred Louise, to Mr. and Mrs.

Ayres. of Schenectady.The net proceeds from the supper

and sale held recently'by the ladies'•auxiliary of the Baptist church, net-ed the society $181.

Rev. J. S. Stowell, Mrs. Lydia Reed,{Miss C A. Mead and Miss Mary Wellsattended the Baptigt state conven-tion in Syracuse last week.

Mrs. Gilbert Dare, Mrs. W. H. La-due, Mrs. F. J. Rugar and Mrs. J. K.IWever attended the tea at the Kent-Delord House in Plattsburgh Tuesdayafternoon.

Mrs. F . S. Sorrell and mother, Mi's.Woodruff, are visiting friends andrelatives in Glens Fallsl

The local W. S. T. u / are planningjto serve lunches on election day.

iMrs. William Myers hns returnedfrom visiting her daughter. Miss PearlHill, in E. Syracuse and from the W.C. T. U. state convention in Buffalo.

•Mr. and Mrs. tt R. Anderson, of

Nov. 2.—Mr. and Mrs. AndrevWeston and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. WCraft of New York City, have re-turned home after spending twoiveeks at Mames Inn.

Mrs. II . F. Bruso Went back withthem for a visit.

The High School gave a wonderfusupper at Weston's Hall Thursdayevening.

Mrs. J. B. Safoourin of New Yorkis visiting: iMir. and Mrs. John C. Sa.-"bourin.

iMarnea' Inn is now closed afteihaving had a very successful season.

There is a rumor t'hat we mayhave a bridge across the lake fromWindmill Point to Hotel Windsor inthe future. It would <be a great &c-commodation for tourists.

entertained Mr. LaGrave's parents,from Chateaugay.

Mrs. Elizaibeth Whitney anddaughter, 'Mrs. Eells .were recentvisitors of Mrs. Celia Banker.

Miss Lula Devins spent the weekend with Ruth Allen.

IMrs. Sarni Watson ivill entertain,the Ladies' Aid Society, Wednesdayftenioon of vhis week. Supper will

be served as usual.Rev. Barker of Peru occupied the

pulpit in the M. E. Church Sunday

nesday, Nov.desired.

given by the Quoen Esther circle,was very successful, the proceeds be-ing $16.40.

Mrs. E. Haynos has purchased the'place known as the Minnie place,

ith a force of men are making ^ j a j n

many changes, when complete will

EAST SCHUYLER FALLSNov. 5.—Mr. tind Mrs. R. S. Cate,

Sr. . and Rarlph Cate, J r . , have re-tu'rned from a trip to Albany andBalston in their sedan.

'Mr. Erastus Cook enjoyed a week-end hunting trip in the Adlrondacks

Mrs. Mary Adelia Bromley ^ t u r n -ed home Sunday after a visit twithher daughter, Mrs. H. B. MartinWitherbec.

The many friends of Mis. MelisaDeForrest will ibe ipleased to learnthat she is recovering from her re-cent illness.

Dr. Buck of Dannemora was a vis-itor on the street Saturday.

W'hat's the matter with the wea-ther? It's all right.

(Mr, and Mrs. G. P. Hare spent theweek-end in the city, guests of theiruncle, M. H. Denemore

(Members and friends of the M. E.church of (South. Piattsburgh wereentertained Ipy their pastor, Mr, amMrs. Barker at th-eir -home in Peru.

Harry Bromley and family wpenSunday in Witherbee.

Katherine Vaugfoin who


a good attendanceHallowe'en Party. Personal Mention

be a modern cottage.

T. Fiztgerald. of Malone. numberedamong the callers in this cit> yester-irtay. I

D. A. Henderson and family of 44 jt., have moved to the west-

p;irt of the stale.Miss Bessie Turner, who has .been'

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Walknp au-1 God gave His life?Jotin Gates of Albany, spent Monday [ This is not a plea for money, norevening at the hume of Mrs. Ida a idea for work. It is a plea for 12Gates, returning to iheir honn? Tues- of the S,74S hours of this year for theday morning. j Missionary Society. We need giver?. Mrs. Ida Gates spent Tuesday, in' and we need workers, but most of allthis city visiting friends. j we need better attendance. Whether

{Mr. an'd Mrs. George Barrette and you belong to the society or not, youson, GarfieM, and Emile Ecrement are invited to attend the meetings,of this city spent the past week enj} We lead such busy lives that vn-

Mra. M. Christian of Dannemora employed at Lake Kushaqua post-j visitingcalled on friends Friday. office for some time, is spending two

at the home of Mr. and less we plan ahead many importantI Mrs. Z, Barrette in Burlington, Vt. j things arc neglected. Let us make

Mr. Alpert, is conducting a modern weeks with friends and relatives in I H - R K c h o e> Deputy Attorney'12 engagements for this year. Setneat market in connection with his West Chazy and in this city. j General of the State, was visiting ip aside one hour of each month. Holdither business. | F. C. Rcardon is visiting this city l h i s cit>' yesterday. these engagements sacredly above

i business. [ Deputy Sheriff H. S. Bruso will petty interruptions and expenses.'1

•Harold "uonyea. who underwent an l p a v « f o r T r ° y t h i s ™°™ing -with agirl who will be committed to theState institution in t^at place.

Miss Myrtle iFavro has returnedfrom New York City after taking a

DANNEMORA.fi.—W. C. T. V. willXov. fi.—W. C. T. V. will meet at cpe-r:i.tkm ut the Physicians' hospital

parish house Wednesday afternoon at Saturday, is on the road to recovery.2:00. A large attendance is requested ( Miss Anita La Bombard has beenas there is important business ' to in- AuRuble Forks for several days,transact. j 'Miss Louise Hall returned yester-


course in

•ith friends hospital.


ov. 6.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greg-ory and family and Maud Magoon, of ( . ^ . ^East Rochester, arrived in town Sat '


day from a short visitin Burlington,- Vt.

Mrs. John Breyette. and daughterof Whitehall, N. Y.. were the recentguests of Mr. Breyettc's parents in

nursing at the Fordham

Arnold are in

theatre —Vaudeville

urday for i few days' visit withMrs. E. W. Harrica has returned

to her home in Lyon Mountain, aftera visit with friends in this- city for

j several days.M


Mr. and Mrs. FredNew York on business.

Mrs. Clarence Eurlcigh of Schen-rrtarly who has "been the guest ofMrs. C. G. Anderson, has returnedhome.

Attorney and Mr?. Wm. St. Maryof Malone have been visiting Dr.and Mrs. J. H. LaRocque.

Ernest Ellenwood of New York,t his home

friends.Grand and Maurice Coolidge left

l v i r sday for Tupper Lake where theyexpect to go in a lumber camp to

in-\ for t-hf> winter.3Ir. and Mr". George Jones and I

Mrs. Emma Hinds, of Kast Rochester,'spent a few dnys in town, returninghome Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. E, Holden, of Peruwere eallers in town Sunday after- j r o r t Covington, N. Y,, stopped in this Lake,noon. - [city yesterday on their way to Bur- p r pochard Eddy Sykes,

PLattsburghand Movies".

Clinton theatre—George Arliss in"The Ruling Passion"; also comedy.

Tonight—Meeting of K. of C.Sisterhood.

Tonight—iBoard of Directors ofY. W. L. entertains.

Nov. 0.—Capouilliea Concert^ un-der auspices of Musical Art- Club atHigh School Auditorium.


Elizabeth Mathews has beenspending the week in Keeseville on .3l>ont t h e w e e k e n 'business. i h e r e >

Miss Rose Fuller has returned to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bassett andher home in this city after a visit daughter, Frances, Mrs. N. F. Bassettof several days with friends in Bur- of Sarannc and Max Pochop of Bur-lington, Vt. 1 lington, Vt., spent Sunday with -Dr.


Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Merrickk of and drs. L. G. Dassance at iSaraitac

teaching in Keeseville, was at home Gordon Lashway, of Chateai*ay, tookfor the week-enst. . P l a< e Tuesday morning, October 30,

Mr. and 'Mrs. George P. Hare of at the Roman Catholic church at Ei-Fargo, N. D., -are visiting Mr. ami lenburg Corners. Friday evening,Mrs. M. L. Bromley at Briar Rose November 2, a reception was givenFarm. They hav e made the trip in m their honor at the home of the

bride's parents. The many presents

The marriage of Miss Verda Dom- • lington, Vt., where they will spend a f s t L a w r e n c e Unl'inic, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred, some time visiting with relatives a n < a . a r d Ellsworth. SeenDominic, of Ellenburg Center, and friends.

Mrs. Moses Dapo and daughter,

their car and are on their ' Way to


be given by the boys and girls of El-lenburg and Mooers under the direc-tion of Mrs. R. C. Holt Saturday eve-

their winter home in Florida. It that were'displayed were testimonywould be hard to find a more com- «_—«.«..-«.«. . . . . * —-.«.

contest to Tote outfit to camp Their son and PITTSBURGH DUE FORdaughter ipreceeded tham in Septem- TAITDT CCA CAMber so as to enter school. Mr. Hare LlfliLI vVtlul dLnuVWwas a former resident of Clint*

I County.f

ninS\ November 3, at 8 o'clock in the ,M l . a n d M r s Sanderson and Mr.public hall at Ellenburg, promises to C a j g e o f Voflt E d w a r d h a v e been vis-be a rare treat in oratory"and music.1

The topics to be discussed are liveones, of vital importance to everjrone. Vocal and instrumental music.Remember the place and the date.

Special services at the M. E. churchclosed on Sunday night. The lastsermon preached by the

Local Independent Fixe "Working In-to Sliape; Other Teams in

Vicinity are Organizingiting Air. and Mrs. B. J. 'Stoughton.They .made their trip in their 1924 ^ I f a l ) p e a r a l i c e s COUnt for anything,BuicK sedan. - Plattsburgh is going to see some court

The hallowe'en party at tne school a c t i o n t n a t w i l l bc* quite lively thishouse on Wednesday evening was winter. Basketball teams from allmerry affair. Arabians, Turks, Chi- s e c t iOns of the state are organizing

nd getting into shape for the sea-son .

namen, in fact witches from manyRev. Jos. ] a n ( j s -vvere there. The room was

Owen, of Alabama, was as good as the handsomely decorated with ever- Among the surrounding townslirst. j greens and a grinning Jack-o-lan- which have organized quintets are

The Presbyterian Missionary Soci- ' t e r n i n e V e r y a v a i lable place greeted saranac Lake, Lake Placid, Portety met with Mrs. Charles Sample t h e ^ ^ T h e s h a d e s w e r e l o w e r e d H e m . y > w i l l s b o r 0 , Mlneville and LyonWednesday afternoon. • a n d a H t o R . e t : i e r a v e r y w e i rd effect Mountain. All these teams are well

Arthur LEcuyer made a business . g . v o n T h e ^ p n ) g r a m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^

imiiromiptu with no especial prepara- h a v e b e e n Seen-often in action on theDandelion, local court. These teams are cor-

trip to Montreal Wednesday.


Nov. o.—James McAloon. who 13teaching at :the. Lake-road. School andPicri't. McAloon who teaches in Es-sex i*px?nt the week end with theirparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-Aloon.

sd Viriginia White of Saranac,[Brattleboro, Vt., were recent guests of ) x . V.. .who has ibeen the guest ot

and Mrs. F. J. Ryan.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osborn have

Installed a radio in their home.Mrs. Geox-ge Henry and son Ira j "

have been visiting friends in Saranac'Lake.

.Mr. Ford has moved from F . M.BPendy's tenement house on Mason St.to Eugene Rocque's house near thetBrookside Hotel,

Mrs. Ole Larson, of Lyon Mountainhas been visiting her daughter,. Mrs.{Thomas Roberts.

The Ladies' Aid Society ©f the M.-E. church will hold their annualBale and supper November 2 2.

| Helen CaUauan for a few weeks re-fturns to her home this week.

tion. A dialogue, theMargaret Bromley and j Sanford j responding with the management ofCook. '

Children's Hour—The'ma Cook.The Bluelbird—Florence Keet. ! High School court this winter. They-Under the Greenwood Trcc-^-iMary have all started "regular practicing,

Crai^. j andThe Village Blacksmith—'Merton Uvee

Bromley.When I Thought I Saw a Ghost--

Helen Bromley. This was originaland gives promise of

Isoi>el Bero of Burlington,!the guest o.f 'her aunta, the

Misses Delia and Jennie Bero.There will be a chicken pie suipper

in I'nion 'Hall Thursday evening.No\ ember 8 for the benefit' of theImfnriculate Conception Church.

Mrs. L. C. Mathews of Plattsburghhas been the recent guest of Mr. and/•^•s. George Brewer.

PERUNov. 1.—Among the social, events

of the week was a party given byiMrs. R. A. Forrence Saturday in hon-or ©f Mvs. John Hosford. Mrs. Eus-isell Martin entertained a few friendstit cards Tuesday afternoon and Mrs.E. W .Sartwell acted as hostess to a

i (party Thursday afternoon,Mr. and Mrs. John Hosford left

yesterday by auto to 'spend the win-ter in Florida.

Islv. and Mrs. Russell Martin andeon, Harold, also Dr. E. W. Sartwelland family leave for Florida aroundthe 14th of November.

' During Dr. Sartwell's absence Dr.EDonohue of Albany will take overhis practice.

The Hallowe'en pari.\ given by theladies of the Congregatoinal churchWednesday"* evening was largely at-iended and a good time was enjoyedby all I

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bombard anddaughter, Kdna. Mrs. P. L. Souli:and little Ceeile Sa\age spent Sun-day in Kous°.s Point, the guests of3.1V. a.Bd Mrs. E. F. Bombard.

Miss Blanche Hebert left last Wed-nesday for Albany where f*he has


OiA ho

G. E. Robarge and daughter,spent .Saturday in Plattsburg.

Tuesday. October 30, occurredsudden death of Mrs. N. E. De-U, aged t>0 years. Funeral was

Friday at 2 p. m. at the Metho-dist Church. Rev. G. D. McChesney

Rev. L. Sauerliree. a fortnerr, officiating.s. Richard Hayes of Ticonder-

ou-a spent the week end with bar•mother, 'Mrs. J. Threehouse.

;Dr. and Mrs. A. N\ Sweet an.lchil-Iren njjotored to iMiddUHown,I'unn., Wednesday where the Doctorwill specialize "n bone setting- andwhore they will make the!

the local Independent basketball fiveand will again appear .on the Old

rt ill be ready within a coupleto begin their .schedule.

Our local representatives havbeen praeticiuj;1 for a couple of weeksand are fast working into shape. The

budding team will undoubtedly be a strongergenius. 'outfit than Platt.sb.urgh has had in

Merton Bromley nad charge years in the professional game,of the games and several distinguish-j Saranac Lak'e, for the first time ined themselves, carrying threeround potatoes one alt a time ;

large'years, will place a professional^ teamtcross on the floor. ThLs will be composed

the room having picked them up I of college stars and local players whoi-ith one hand and with a tiny tea- have a big reputation as being quite

spoon. 'Other .games followed, suoh| speedyJ the court. Among thoseas guessing games and riddles. Thel- trying out for the team are Payne,

Cook, carrying her crutch and'former captain of the University of? her left hand landed the pota-j Pennsylvania live, Prendergast,

the given time.Eva Bridges had

the tongue twisters ; caused muchlerriment.An original poem follow

The--e children nere

Mr. ami Mr:children of EJ

V H.5>{>ent


aiul Mrs. William Pr luive closed theirintel- months and ha

A. W. Shields house


I'm just the witch of Endor. tFor if you're good I'm sure you'll find

•My heart is very tender.'Tis «akl that on this Hallowe'en

The winches all d^ roamAnd woe ibe to thr» l.ru^ ami girls

Wiui'i-e found ;uv;iy from home.And should you uny mischi"f do

On lhis the (loidin's nijrht.future j\[ \Uiif to l)e the one that's caught

| By those ghosties all in white.Boyle and yo eunaren dear need what I saySunday in A ;IJ1 s t t , v imioors tonight-

'.\;id s)j your .pi-a>ers and eo to ho}And shut your eyes u.p tight.Miss Edith Arthur is the tearher.Ch.u-los Connors -wa>* a week-endsif>r at his homie at Sunset Viewinn. He ,was accompanied to.M-Hnut.-n !»v hi" um-le. Charles Mf-

of(Syracuse University. Brown of U. V.M., Colon of U. V. M. and a fewothers. A very fast outfit should beassembled and it is to be hoped that

j tho old rivalry between Saranac Lakeand Plattsburgh will be continued atbasketball.

! The local management has beenit," to ai range for a game with

Saraii.ic l^tke for the opening contestof th<- season in this city. GamesLt'f also pending with several otherK-aius and a good schedule A\ ill be ar-ranged shortly.



Presidentiversity, and Rich-•etary of S. L. U.,

were Plattsburgh visitors yesterday.

Ethel, of this city, have been visitingMrs. Dapo's parents, Mr. and Mrs.George Durkee in Cherubusco. i

Mrs. Alice Sharron, who has beenvisiting her sister, Mro. Swain in Sal-mon River, returned to her home InBrasher Falls Saturday.

Miss Frances Palmar, whobeen visiting relatives in thisreturned to Troy Friday.

John Willi*>rill of New York

—The W. F. M. S. of the M. E.church .will pieet Wednesday, Nov. lMwith 'Mrs; hf: C. Bolles, 143r Bsihlter-.hoff St., at three o'clock. The Rev . 'Miss Coleman of- Ellenburg will grv*^a report of the BrAneft nieetin*. ;vHilthe ladiea are cordially invited to a t -tend. *

—The Ladies" Aid Society of theBaptist Church will meet Wednesdayafternoon at 2 o'clock with Miss Mor-

j rison at 8 North Catherine St.—A stated meeting of Cumberland

Bay Chapter No. 477, O. E. S., will be .held in Masonic hall this evening atS o'clock. There will be initiation

GRAND ISLE, Vt., Nov. 6.—HoBart ' a n d a s o c ia l hour,Collins, ^charged with '.participation | —There will be- a regular meetingIn the theft of the automobile of o f Camp No. 94, United Spanish WarLandlord Barnes of the Alburg Inn Veterans, this evening at 8 o'clock.

city, I a s t s u m m e r > P^aded guilty yester- All members are requested to be pre-




spent last week with- his mother, d a * i n G r a n d I s l e C o u n t v C o u r t a n d sent as business of importance willMrs. H. A. Wood in this city. was sentenced to 3 to 5 years

Mrs. A. A. Dumas of this city spent State's prison and fined $250 andfhe past week end visiting friends in costs of $12.00. The prison sentenceBurlington, Vt., and doing some

come up at this meeting.

shopping.Mrs. E. B. Day of Lake Placid

visiting at the home of her daughterfor a short time.

Mrs. Emma Wilson has been vi

was suspended and he was put onprobation for five years.

Norman Munson of Burlington, al-so chained with participation in thesame offense,

isit- t o t l h r e e years.


A i b e r t L . Bocare who was corn-sentenced to one f i t ted to the county jail in -d-efatilt

o f b a l l charged with a violation ofing-'at the home of her sister, Mrs. T n e c a s e o f Stanley Clarke, now t h e prohibition' law, furnished bailGuy Winch at Lake Placid recently. serving a term at State's prison for a n ( j w a s released yesterday Avhen »r r

Miss Marsaret Wood, who is at- breaking and entering, was contin- raigned before Commissioner W. 1*.tending Normal School, was a recent u c d * H e - too> w a s implicated in the Pattisson.

auto theft. | j o h n Phelan, John Worthingtoncaller at her ho Lake Placid.


M.ls.s Edith CJyllenl.erg. who is to 'assist Francois Capuuillici: m his con-]cert here, is a pianist who possessesa most, pleasing personality besides;t wealth of musical ability. As aninterpreter of Chopin she is effectiveIiy rtjas-<",n of the .itrenyth of hertones. Her work as an accompanist\\as most admit dKf .

FI-MI Boyfi tin SAEAKAOst.

ub u t


h (


- P

•M »e•d

n (


1eulth Nov. 5.—The Saranac Valley Granpri.-miily win hold its regular, moetinsr Wfd-

I A — " I w o n d e r w h y th it youns ;

lady over there look*: at me so much?''B—"She has weak eyes, and the doc-tor told her to rest them '•>>• lo^kim?at something gr-een."—London An-swers.

Mrs. C. B. Lawton and daughter,Marion, of .Glens Falls, N, Y., return-ed to their home this morning afterspending the week end visiting withMrs. W. W. Bell and Miss KatherineBell at 90 Broad St.

Mrs. Ella Davis Thcw of. Morrispn-ville is making an extensive visit atAlbany, Schenectady, Saratoga andother points of interest. While inAlbany she expects to visit hergrandson, Harold Davis.

Mrs. ytanley Scarsay, who under-went an operation a t the CharnplainValley Hospital yesterday morning, isgetting along as well as can be ex-pected.

Mrs. Letitia E. Crawford and Mrs.David Davison of Mooers Forks, havereturned home after an extended tripthrough the. Green 'Mountains.

Miss Marion Ames of 62 Oaic.Street, this city, began her dutiesyesterday as clerk in the office ofbounty Clerk Sample.

Mrs. George Harvey' and sou, Ira,have returned to their home in Mor-rison vHIe after a visit of ..-severaldays with friends in Saranac Lake.

Charles Atwood of , Chazy wasamong the business Visitors in thiscity yesterday.

T. J. Shannon arrived in this .cityyesterday for a visit of a couplodays on rbusiness.

,'Mis.s Florence Pendergast, JlissesWinifred and Kathleen De-Lisle, allof Saranac Luke, were Monday call-erp, in Pbitusiburg-h.

llichartl E. Ellsworth and Hich-ard Syker of Canton, were amongthe business cuilk-r.s ia this city yes-terday.

Charles Ormsby of Peasleevillcnumbered among those who transac-ted business in this city yesterday.

'George Brown left yesterday for abusiness trip to New Vork City.

V C. Marsh of Springfield. Mass..is \ isitm-- thL^ cit\ on business.

Charles 10. Hiy. is numberedil'Mim ilif.M> who tailed in th;* ciiy«-sterday.T. J. rthannoii is spending- a few

.i -s in this city on il.u.siness.<'ij)t«iin Juiu-3 of Plattsburah Bar-

.n-ks is spendin-- »overal days in>- Adin-MidiH.-ks on hunting leavo.Mr. Henry McGarr- was in town

lDMilay on businessMs- and \{>». J o s e p h .1o<-k of C(\<ly-

ille were in town Tuesday on luisi-

Fred 'Marcottc of Winooski, plead- a n d Hugh Murphy, aliens and sub-ed guilty to striking Sheriff Mott last j e c t s of Ireland, who were arrestedsummer and was fined $25 and costs, by LTnited (States Immigration In-

spector Antomo Bonazgi, chargedi with unlawfulo* entering the United[States at Chateaugay were arraign-

meet j 0(j yesterday before Commissionerwith Mrs. Dan Braman Wednesday pa ttisson, waived examination and-

PERU.The W. F. M. Society will

afternoon, November 7th, at 2:oO,AJ1 ladies are invited. A social hourwill follow the program.

Hostess—'Mrs. Dan Braman, presi-

• Devotion .Business.The "Forewr rd1' of the Creation

were held in $1,01)0 .bail each for theDecember term of federal ' court inLTtica. In default of bail they werecommitted to the Clinton County

j A family, consisting of a fatherj and mother and a baby were broughtin by Inspector Bonazzi. They were

forcos of Japan—Mrs. A. L. Clark. charged with surrepticiously enteringPaper—Assets and Liabilities of ( the United States from Canada »t

th* Japanese Pe&plc—Mrs. S. H. Me- . Rouses Point yesterday. Owing toTntyre and Mrs. L. E Barker. ,. the fact that the law does not allow

The Opening of tne Little Green ! sending of a child of that age to jailDoor--Mrs. Ada Craig.

A plea for the twelve.S.74S hours in the year.

12 for the Missionary Society.

8,73 6 Balance on hand.It is not much to ask 12 from 8,7-18

-—yet it. is more than most of us give.Our Saviour gave his life for missions.Is it asking too much that we give\'l hours a year to prayer for andsmdy of that for which the Son of

and as the father is entitled to aresidence in the United States as lit*owns property in New Jersey, althothe mother and child did not come inin the regular way and were not en-titled to enter as they did, the o o m ^missioner left the matter to be decid-f^ed by ['. S. Commissioner at Mont-real. t'H recommended that thefamily be sent back xto Canada. Theywere taken back by a United Statesimmigration officer last evening.

Remember Our Guaranteed Rate.

Of InterestThis Bank has paid interest semi-annually at the rate of 4 3-4

per cent per year since July 1, 1921, and guarantees the same rate, toDecember 31, 1923. If you have money to invest why not take ad-vantage of this attractive rate of interest.

We are able to guarantee and pay the above'rate of interest w4thabsolute safety o our depositors and to the Bank becaust? our assets,

amounting to over Five Million Dollars, consists of loans an '.'dinvest"ments made with the utmost care.

Money dej.'OMtetl in our Savings DepartmentNovember t>, will draw interest from Novembe

on or before Tuesday,r 1st.

The Burlington Trust CompanyBURLINGTON, VERMONT.