1809). (Lexington, KY) 1836-07-21 [p ]. - University of...

'm a.f m VAJ V.AAA VAWVYY XXTOILETTH SALOONyx AAAA'iAAvvv v vN1 n . W. TUCKED, 2?ar&er 4' JYwftiona&Zfc fair Dresser, cs,n r !h TTianr.AND Columns, Main street, Lexington, Ky., nearly opposite the Phcenix Hotel,) ONTINUES all branches of the business ir his usual fashionable and tasteful style. From his long experience, having made the prin ,iionfthi, TfiMsniiiAN ait his study, and perlec' tion in its practice his aim, he feels confident, that the most fastidious, will acknowledge themselves ratified with his performance, as being all tney miM rpsmiahlv desire. Though his business has much increased since the public have become well acquainted with the mmrit he offers, vet eentlemen need not sear that on that account they will be neglected, or obliged to wait, for he has employed competent and obliging aid in every part of the establish- ment, and gives to the oversight of the whole, his own constant personal attention. it- - hoc. ci rrreivAri the latesCPhiladelphia and New York Fashyns for HAIR DRESSING, both for Gentlemen and Young Misses; and to his pan of the business will give his particular in dividual altpntirftliv Tn the nhilosonhical among his patrons, he wuulrl sav. that, ltd esi red, he will cut the hair so as to exlvbit phrenologically the intellectual en dow nenls and moral character. fj. V. T. has lust received a large assort ment of FANCY ARTICLES, consisting of Co,metics. Stocks. Combs. Collars, German Pipes, Siamese Musical Snuff Boxes, (a supeiior; article!, Magnetic fish ana ieese, ooaps, nuesi qualnyof Hair Brushes, Tooth Washes end Pow- - r'eis, Gentlemen and Lames' rocnei uookshuu Purse, Gentlemen and Ladies Suspenders, a sine assortment of Ladies' Hair Work, Wigs and Top Pieces d colours,) sine Razors and Strops, Children's Toys of every description, Tea setts, &c. a sine assortment of Plating Cards, Back gammon Boaids and Chessmen; also Tapeis and I.ucifrr Matches. ome sine Hat anna Cigars, Ca vendibh Tobacco and Snuff; Ward's Vegetable Hair Oil. Indian Oil and Indian Dve, for color ing red and grey hairs a beautiful black, withou inmrv to k n or hair, and other articles too nu- - m r"iis to mention. G. W. T. has a mode of operating upon the hend urculMilv his own, which gives undisscnibled satisfaction to those who submit their seat of thought 10 his magic manipulations, biiglueniiig up the su.nmer evening dullness of the wearied, and smoothing the wrinkles on the brow ofcaie. No description ran do it justice it must be tried to batanpreciated. Iu the rear ol the Toilette Saloon the attention ef Ins customers is attracted by the spacious, healthful, and luxuiious Mediterranean Baths, which gave gave general satisfaction last year, but which have since undergone a thorough repair and improvement ; and are now ready to admin- ister cold, warm, tepid, or sail Baths, from 5 o'- clock, a, mi. to to 10 p, m. In regir ro his whole Establishment, he in- vites the citizens of Lexington and visite.s to call and extend ihe patronage, already so liberally he- - st iwed upon bim, lor which they shall have hi thanks and his best exertions to please. May 2 J, 183G. 37-- tf WANTED Two Apprentices to the Barber- - Ing and HainUessing Business. Youths fiom 12 to 15 and 18 years, who can come well reeom-- . mended, will be preferred. G. W. TUCKER. fJ7The Observer & Reporter and Intelligen- cer will add the above to G. W.T's advertise-- , ment already in their papers. V DOCTORS CROSS AND JOUETT, AVIJNU settled in the city of Lexington ,' oner tneir services to the public as Physicians, Surgeons and Accoucheurs. Dr. Cross begs leave to remind the public, that while in Europe, under the great masters of the art, he pair particular attention to thosubject of, LITHOTRIPSY, and now proposes to relieve those afflicted with Stone or Grivel, by an opera tion, in which no cutting instrument is employed, and which is also, comparatively, destitute of both pain and danger. Office Maui street, immediately above Bren-nan- 's Hotel. Lexington, April 16, 1836. 15-- tf LAND FOR SALE. fjjnilE Subscriber offeis for sale the TRACT, U- Ut LAND, upon which he now resides, one and a quarter miles east of NichoIaTville jJJO Acres, all enclosed under good fence; fnriyor fifty acres Wood Land; a sine jnungOrcha'l ; a never-sailin- g Spring; comfort- able Dwelling and good out Buildings. Perseus wishing to plirchat would do well to eall immediately , as the subscriber intends selling the first good offer. W. T. MILES. May 12, I&S6 20-- tf NOTICE. iiivulvisiAINCES having transpired, -- i.,vrau.tuii rxpeuieni lor me to consu-ma.- e an intended partnership with Ingerson Sc JlhClelland for the construction of the stone woik at the Cliffs, on Kentucky river: The business in suture will be conducted in their names, and they will be responsible for all contracts and busi- ness connected with this work from the commence- ment to the close of their operations. Their characters as contractors, and iheir busi- ness habus will , no doubt, sufficiently recommend them to tht company and the public JAMESS COOK At-f- 23,- -1 - t DnUn Dr Herald. BAZLY STAGES FOR CINCINNATI. rjJpiIE stages on the direct route from ton to Cincinnati, will leave the office at Brenans every day a 3 o'clock P. M. and arrive jiext morning at 10; Leave Cincinnati every morning by six and arrive same evening by 10 sixteen hours from port to port, fare six dollars! this route is perhaps as pleasant to travel as any the roads are now sine, the teams, coaches, and drivers a not surpased any where, drivers of L aml, e""r;Vf 80ber habilsi "" will Pe'fe,Ctly Ease coacl,es " and of pleasant in no case will more than nine ... r aumiuea inside, no accident hav" ng occurred on this route during the season so far, i. the only aSSurance we offer of the Hon of the proprietors to do their duly, Ziya un.rn.aJ sausfaction and receive that p'a, oXe which the public may ihint - " piuycr iu nestow, PRATT '4 GA INKS, Proprietor,. Lexington July 5, 1836.-3- The Observer will insert 3ms and charja P&G JESSAMINE CIRCUIT, Set. April Term, 1830. James Shield, CompUinant . William Price's Heirs, see. Defendants, IN CHANCERY. THIS day came the Complainant by his coun- cil a.wi n hie mniinii and it auDearing to the sat isfaction of the Court that the Defendants, George Withers and Marina, his wise, the unknown heirs of Merryman C. Bradshaw and Eliza, his wile, John Ilaydon and Mary, his wise, Winrrie t. p..-- - .1,0 ,,.,ini.wn heirs ofNnDoleonJ. luce, JohnW. Price, Peter Withers and Evelina, his wise, Joseph Hughes and Cassanora, nn , , c, .1 IT mtiocnd Afarv. hisVifa. ' '" le' phensand Polixeney, his wise, David Dale and Louisa, his wise, the unknown heirs of bpencer c i,b onH iffttev m ivne. vv iiiiaiii ij""""' Suan, his wise, Joseph Drake and Martha his r i,.,vnniHn hmrcni I1IHTV 1)1 iHlSllCl " " WIIC, LUC Ulintiunii .www. j Hatchy and Sally his wise. American Kirtley and Milton Kirtley, William L. Martin . and wifo are not innaonanis oi wis ...-- .. wealth and having sailed to answer tne i,ompu bill agreeably to law and the rules of this Court- -it is therefore ordered that unless they the said ab- sent Defendants do appear here on or belore the ... j.n nrihn nni Julv term of this Court and ,. iho Cnmnlainani's bill, the same shall be taken for confessed against them: and it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be inserted in cnm ntiihnTici.il newsnaMi of this State, for two calendar months in succession. A Copy lest, D.B. PRICE.clkj cc 19-- Ot By John FLUTCncu , dc DENTISTRY. R. HARRIS. Dentist, informs the citi zens of Lexington, that he has returned to tha Citv. and may bo sound at the 1'ULK,1N1A HOTEL. ( Room No. 6) wheie he will be happy to receive the calls ofsuch as may desire his pro fessional services. He will remain in the city tor sew weeks only. March 4, 'Jo. U- -tl "TEXAS." TTN PRESS, and will shcrtly be published, and 11 for sale at the bookstoies,at the Intelligencer office, "Texas," being a Historical ueogiapnicai anddescript.ve work, of Three hundred taoes duodecimo, by Jirn.?. MJ1RY AUST1ST IIOLLEY. E, : : : : : : : $1 50 Lex. may 30, 1836. WAY CAR. A PAR will leave MIDWAY every morn Zjft. ingat 7 clock, and leturning, will leave Lexington every afternoon at 5 o'clock. CHAS. LEWIS, Master of Transportation. June 16 30-- tf The Daj is Fixed. N the "iUlJuly, the most magnificent scheme evfr drawn in the United States, will be de cided. ickets will soon he scarce, and early application should hp made to JOHN G. GRAHAM, Louisville, Ky., or New Albany, Ind. Where all orders by mail receivo the same atten- tion as personal application. Alexandria Lotterj, Class 2, Scheme consisting of only 7140 Tickets. PR IS 33 S-$1- 00,000 $2,O00; $10,000; S7,5()0; S4.000; $2,930; 52,UUU; ot$l,&UU; 31or$SUU, 31 ofS300; 31 of Si00, &c. Tickets 50 no Shares, Virginia Lotterj, Class 4, For the town of Wheeling, to be drawh at Alex- andria, Va. ,on Saturday, the 23d July. SCIIE RI E: 30,000: S 10,000: g8,000: g4,000: g3,000: 2,500: 100 ofgl.OOO!!! 10 of 500: 20 of g300: 81 of .$200, &c Ticket only 10 Shaies in proportion. A variety of Schemes are being drawn constan- tlyTickets varying from S5 to 10. The Nos. are received in Louisville eight days from the date of the drawing and forwarded immediately to an customers, uo not lorget to address JOHN G GRAHAM, Louisville, Ky., or June 32 2-tf New Alhany, Ind. PAINTING. rHE Subscriber would respectfully inform citizens of Lexington and vicinitv. that he is ready to execute, all orders in the above bu siness with neatness and on the most reasonable '.arms. HOUSE PAINTING, neatly executed in all its various branches, both out and inside. Inside painting done in lively or dead colois and washing inside walls in dis- temper colors ; warranted not to rub off. SIGN PAINTING. All orders for plain, gold, or ornamental signs, thankfully received and punctually attended to. Also, IMITATION OF FANCY WOODS AND MARBLES; Paper Hanging and Landscape painting on walls or in oil or distemper colors; clean- ing and varnishing all kinds of Oil Paintings or Engravings; painting and gilding Pictuie Frames; Japannings ann Polishings; Transparent Win- dow Blinds or Fire Scraens painted; Gilding and Glazing, Cutting Glass to Fiames or elsewhere ; Transferring Engravings to Ladies' Work Boxes, or elsewhere, as may be requested together with such various other kinds of work, as may be call-e- d for. The Subscriber is recently from the City ol New York, where he has had several yeas expe- rience in the above branches, he therefore thinks himself competent to execute all orders in his line to the entire satisfaction of those who may savor him with a call. Is he should not he able tn ,,' satisfaction to those who may employ him, there will be no charge made whatever, he therefore, hopes to leceire a shire of public patronoge. His Shop, until further notice, is at Mr. J. Beach's Coach Repository, on Main streeu. JAMES ANDREWS. N. B. All orders for the country thankfully re- ceived and pjomptly attended to. I"ington, June 21, 1836 32-- 4t FRJSII FLOUK. LOT of superior Familj Flour, wiih asu- - i.ciur urana, in Dairels am ha r harrr in suit purchasers, kept constantly on hand and for B.ue oy k. i.ONG, MUl-s- t. Lex. July 4. 183G. BARRELS of good goose creek salt No. 1. togethei with an excellent as. sortment of tho very best Family Groceries for 8ale oy It. LONG, Mill-st- . Lex. July 4, 1836. BOTTLES of superior Old Poit Wine do. do. d. 300Madaria. No. 1. for sal e by R. LONG. Mill.n Lex. July 4, 1830 3G-3-m. alIj sav friends and ihe subscriber giaiefultohis THE generally for past savors, would ;- ur.i ,iiat. nfrer h.iviuc been en- - Y .' HVhjrrn for lhe laStlO aaaed in manuracl.iring vears.hehas hejn compelled, in consequence the scarcity of leas Tobacco, to change ir. some x.,... V,s husiness. He has therefore-Ju- st ceived and will keep constantly on haocTa'-com-plet- assortment of FRESH GROCERIES; A part of which is as soows: 50 Sacks COFFEE, 30 Barrels No. 3 MACKEREL, freh 183!; 10 Boxes Fresh Blown Raisins, G Drums Figs, first qualitj, 2 Barrels of first rate strained Honey, .n nhpcmiU- - first nualltv. A.complete assortment of SHOES Sc BOO TS, superior quality, 7 TWn Willow Market Baskets, of assorted sizes, Allspice, Ginger, Pepper, Indigo Shot; Also, 2 Parrels of first quality LOrfJ'U-G1- R. A complete assortment of lritUU- - RIES, of all kinds, will ae Kept cuiiiiu"jr hand, low for Cash, or sine Leas Tobacco. will be given for Iroii jfw-7- - The highest price fortyio fifty thousand pounds of Tobacco in the leas, of a first rate ,1ual..y.iioDEiiTGpAY N. B. Tobacco and Segais Uept conslltnt!) on hand as usual. Lexington Jan 1, 1836 ,rCl- - MONEY LOST. DOLLARS REWARD. Lost in the town of Frankfort, on the mor ning of the 4i h inst., between H eisigers tavern and the head of the inclined plane a sealed pack- et conta.niog THREE THOUSAND DOL-IIR- S, iu S50 notes of the Ba"k of KenUlckv .. .1 ..i.i .ii.n..Atl.0rni..i1.atT.niiis- - proDaoty an payauie tinwu uiv..... ville. The envelope was sealed, and the notes doubled in the middle, and as well as recollected, endorsed on the envelopemenl as sollows: "SJIIUU Bianch Bank , Lexington to pay a note in the drawn by Smith & Keats, or George Keats, to the order of John Brand, Esq." The above reward will be paid to any person who will deliver said package to Col.Teter Dud- ley, in Frankfort, to Messrs. Smith & Keats, in Louisville, or to myself.in Lexington. Banks and others may help to the discovery by taking notice of whom they receive notes e above desciiption. D. A. SAYRE. Lexington, Ky. Feb. 10, 1836. mar. -tf Emporium of Fashion. Gcntlemeii's Outfitting and Furnishing Establishment. 5IKR CHANT TAIJLOIS,1 MAIN-S- t. LEXINGTON, KY. j SQOULD announce to his friends and the V V public generally , that he is now receiving a full and complete assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS & VESTING Of the latest fashions, together with an extensive variety of Gentlemen's, Youth's and Children's ready made Clothes, of cloth and summerwear, vith every description of Fancy Articles in his line, rather superior to any thing offered in this market. They were bought in the East with, great care, for Cash, and will be sold low for the same malenal. Ihe clothes were manufactured expressly for himself, and are warranted to be in the height of the fashion, and in the best manner SHIRTS. Linen, Cotton and Silk, Shirts; Plain and Ruffled Bosom Gingham do.; Col-- ' lars, Sfc. WALKING CANES. Fancy, Sword, Whalebone and Gold I ipped Walking Canes. TAILORS' SHEARS, &c. Heiniscli's improved Tailor's Shears, Trimmers, Small Points and Barber Shears. STOCKS, &c. A new style of Stocks and Silk Bo- soms. FROCKS AND PANTS. Super ' Silk Frocks and Pants for Youths and Children. DRESS AND FROCK COATS, &c. Super Bombazine Dress and Frock Coats and Pants. SUMMER CLOTHING, &c. Morning Gowns, and Summer Clothing of all varieties. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Which he will make up to order, in the most ashionable and best style of workmanship. Orders from a distance shall be promptly attend ed to. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, he solicits a continuance of the same. 7The Fashions, punctuality and neatness oi work, shall be laithluily attended to. Lex. April 26, 1836 17-3- m JUST RECEIVED, BBLS. Mackeiel.No. 2. 4,000 lbs. Bacon, (to be sold from one lb. to a thousand.) 1 Hogshead superior quality SUGAR. R. GRAY. Corner of Limestone and Water streets, Brenuan's Hotel and the upper end of the market house. April 23, 183-G- 16 tf J ABES BtiACH. A 1 his Coach Deuositorv opposite General ja. Comb's, on Main street, respectfully informs the citizens of Kentucky, that he has now on the way , and expects to leceive, about the middle of May, a splendid assortment of CARRIAGES, Manufactured exDresslv for him. in New Ark.N. Jersey ; consisting of Coaches, Barouches, Bug- gies, Sic. Sic. His customers may be assured. that the Carriages arc made f the best materials. and in the first style of Elegant and Substantial worKuianship. J. B. will keep a number of hands in his shop, and is at all times ready to repair Cainages, and has no doubt of giving entire satisfaction to his customers. Lexington , April 30, 1836 17--- U F05! SALtf. A half league us land, in Colony, Texas , very eligibly situa- ted on Dick's or Dickson's Creek, a navigable stream, emptving into Galvastnn Bay, at whose moutu tne town oi l'owhatan is laid out, com- manding a sine harbor. The above tract was se lected for the proprietor by persons familiar with every league in the Colony it consists of a m of prairie and timbered laud, and is the 6nest mat can De, lor the cultivation of C otton or Sugar, all conditions having been fulfilled, and expenses paid. It is recommended to' "persons disposed to emigrate to Texas, as saving much trouble, ex- pense and delay. Ii.quire at this office. Lex uj27, ld35 J'S-- tf NOTICE. T a meeting of the board ol Directoisoi A' Lexington tne, Lite and uariue ';'""'" .... Company," it was resoiveo, tnai a DOLLARS per shaie be made on the stockhelcl-er- s Davable on the first Monday in June next. A. O. NEWTON, Secretary, Lex. F. L. and M. Ins Co. 05- - FOR S ALE. JZS ITiHE well known three story BRICK f8jS ti HOUSE on Kain street, occupied formerly hy Mmrison and Bradley, anfl at prese... by Mesis Isles and Wright as a Dry Good Slure. This extensive property, 30 feet front, '""S back to Waier str-e- t opposite the R?n Koaii Wa'ehouse, contains a brick Stable, Cani.ige house aird other buildings; forming dllogelhe' a most valuable possession for sloiesand family resi- dence- For terms apply)t my residence on the premises. LUt YD G V II.WOOD. Lexington, May 19, '3G-3- 2-tf JUST RECEIVED, . A LOT of SUPERIOR FLOUR, manufac-Q- l tured by I. W. Smith expressly for lamily 3e warranted superior. For sale by JOHN W. HUNT &SON. Zexington, May 16, lSSG 22-2- m F I RLU ISKS of fnsurance will be taken by the Lex ington Fire, Life and Marine lnsuiance against Fire, on Buildings or Fiiriiitme in town or country. Specifications in writing, to te lest with the subscnber. A. O. NRWFON, Acredry. Lexington, May 13, -tf KEMOVAL. ,mJllHaffiWI'lllim-,- . HE subscriber respect ii' T1 sully informs his old customers, and the public gen erally, that he has itrMnvED his CABINET SHOP and Dwelling House to the stand I Ii 1 Ii formerly occupied by J. J. u jj yi 'Sheridan, on Main Street, immediatclj opposite the Masonic Hall, wheie all articles in his line of business can be had on short notice and good terms. He invites all wish- ing to purchase to call upon him. VANXOYiS PATENT BEDSTEADS made to order on shoit notice. JOSEPH M1LWARD. Lexington, Dec. 12, 1835 2-- tf NEW STORE: (No. 4, Cheapside between Dr. Wal lace s book btore and J. D. Swift's Wholesale Grocery. THE subscrber would respectfully inform his anrl the public generally, that he. has just received from the City of New York , a complete assortment ol 5fiy Goods. suitable for the present season; and having form- ed an agency in that City, to purchase and import his goods, he will be able to sell at very reduced prices, for cash. His assortment consists, in pait, of the following articles: Super Blue Cloths; Black do Violet do; Brown do Coiut Brown nev sttle Invisible GreejrffPolish do Bottle do ; PelTlo London Smnke, Bronze do Cadet Mix; Silver Grey Single milled Cassimere ; Double'do Super Blue and Black do cheap Abbolsford Plaid new stjle Pink Mix, double and single milled Ribbed Cassimere do, and do with every other description. Super Vetings Super Super SalinEnglish and French And Summer Vesliugs of every description, quahtv, and price Bombazines and Thibet Cloths, cheaper than eieroffered in the City, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY. HATS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, BEST nUALITV; Prunella, Morocco, and Kid Pumps; Umbrellas. Collais, Bosoms, Stocks, Cravats, d Pocket Handkerchiefs. Fine fia'd Satins, Silks, and Shawles Plain Silks Painted Muslin', and French Chintz French, English, and Domestic Prints Fine Plaid Muslins Figured Swiss, Jaconet, and Book .Muslins Dimity Fnrmture Prints, and Drapery Muslin Bleached, Brown, and Plaid do Cotton Osnaburgs, (a heavy article for negro shirting.) LADIES' SHOES. White, Black, ami Blue Satin, French Moroc co, Kid, and Kid lined Prunuella, Bonnets, Parasols, Gloves, and Hosiery of eve' ry description. Together with a full and complete assortment of FasBey Articles, in his line. J. T, FUAZER. P. S. Arrangements are made to receive Nnv Goods every sixty days. Merchants from the country are respectfully inv.'ted to cal1, as they can be supplied at Now York wholesale prices, with carriage. Lexington, Ky.. May 27, 1836. 25-- lf KENAWHA SALT. LOT of No. 1, KENAWHA SALT,just received and lor sale by JOHN W. HUNT & SON. Lexington, May 18 22-2- m Stimulating Liniment No. 1, A. IMPROVEMENT OF JEWETT'S ST.UULATI.NG LINIMENT, NO. 2, Manufactured and sold byM. L. Lewis, sale and retail. THIS LINIMENT is celebrated for its . soothing and stimulatiuc tiualiue. to lhose who are in pain. It has a decided nhinig.i over all other Liniments kuou it n, as is not so volatile; there is a body to it which keeps the ar ticles ot stimulant r,om eiianine fiom the skip and when the absotbaut essels take up the sub- stance of the L nent, it puts ihe kystein into action, ann men me entering i ihiottn off, and perspiration makes lis apiieaiaime. The lollowiug certifiraie will sliow to the lead- er, what has bei-- done with the above article, towards relict ing those who lime used u. who wore sorely afflicted with pain. We, the undersigned, hating u(.ed Dr. Lewis's Liniment, behett it to be as jo-j- J u is recom- - ' ineiK'et!. Pr. T R. n'MNINRllAM Di. v vi t orvsi an r. Dr. WM. Al. Gl'FFIN, Dr. C. N LLbK J The above I mimeni, & a Keneia! ns BOTANIC MEDIC1NKS r, ..t. . tu.,1 BOTANIC DRUG STOKK, M"Cro,t 11. 1 . N. Benedict couiiuues to levole ... .. hl lima In tha l Ii nm .iiM w uib ui'tcMiii i rnnifF oi tjPOiimp. Just received, Ap. t ayennc ; Gum Myrrh, and ulv. allp. Llm, of superior quality. II T N. BLNEDIUT.-Agt- . Lexington, June 21 WANTED TO HIRE ANURE, 14 or 15 years ol age. Enq,.,. Gazette Office July 14 ST-- Bt H3w GC3S FOR 1835. ,, SAMUEL ROBINSON S; CO. Are now leceiving their SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, COMPRISING a veiy general assonnieQt of C J nearly every vanety of Facy and Staple Articles, usually kept in Dry Good Houses; which ate a choice ot of Cloths anrl Cassi- - meres; Men ld Bnvs' Summer Goods, Hats and Lariifs' Bnniiet's, Boots and Sh e Also, Hard- - Queen- - air, and China in I aa umner gPtls. (rnrenes, Aii. The reepctrully invile .stimn .mil Inriids to call 4iid examine. Ih1 surd 2. 18.SG. 13-- tf MAYES BLANCH AUD. BfPTJtlE HYRSb HORATF. F. BLAN-6- P CIIARD, hanid tlienivelves in the piactice ol me Ij' , in wv v n. u.i C'nuit will ai'en t to ill entrusted to their care with z- -l ann prm iiiiiuoe. LexinSt .ii, Miili 4, 1836 9-- tf NEW s'uaSTXTtrHS wahb BOOST, OfpHE under-igue- recen'l) from Cincinnati, Li having increased th.-i-r slock of Furniture, have the pleasure ofr.u"ein.ga large assortment, and will endeavor to keep sui h a supply as will en- able their customers to funm.i themselves on as short nonce and as lavorah.c teims as elsewheie . Thev have now nn h tnd and Mill continue to man- ufacture the fed mmg: SIDEBOARDS, various pHtiem", 'villi Marble Tops; Dressing Bureaus do do " Tables do do Centre " do do Pier " do do li ,. Enclosed rM-o- Stands do .o ZO MahogRin Dtuni, Cicakfasi,i Extension, Hall and bideboaid lames; SOFAS, Spring Seat; Mahogany Chairs; Boston Rocking Chairs, do; Easy do- -, Bed Steps; Patent Beadsteads, on an improved plan, tried and appioved ; with all other ar- ticles in their line. QF-Th- ey are prepared to attend to Funeral calls. An arrangementlias been made for a supply of Eastern made PIANO FORTES. for sale. Of-Ju- st received, as a sample, one of Swift's Iron-front- Patent Elastic Cushion-hamme- r PIANOS Also, a eecond-hau- d Piano for sale or 3'IIOS. W. POWELL, 1IORACE E. DIMICK, Joidan's Row, 5th door from Malust. Lexington, April 3C, 1836 17-- tf NEW SPRING ANDSUMME. GOOBS, FR 1335. "SMIE Subciiber is now receiung and opening M. at Ins stoic, Maui street, a large and hand-so- n e assortment of Fieuch, English and Amcri- - " STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS; Such as are usually offered in this market. He invites his friends and the public generally, to call and exainuie Ins stock for theniseles all ol which he inteflns to sell as low as any other house inthentv. JOHN SflttOCK. apnl 1G, 183G 15-- tf New &Feery jgrtore. CURTIS J. SMITH OL'LD lespeitfully inform his friends and Ihe public generally, that he has taken tha stand on Main street, lately occupied by T. Uankin, a sew doors below Urennan's Hotel, and immediately opposite Miss Susan Cook's Board- ing House, where he has and intends keeping on hand a general ossoilment of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, as good and as cheap as can De had iu the city. Families or dedlcis supplied by the quantity at the ivhnlncalp iinr. . r N. Ii. A large supply of measuresjlialf bush- els, pecks and half pecks, sealed, on hand and lor sale. May 12, 183G 20-- lf New Grocery Store. THOMAS P. SHROCK, OULD respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has taken the well known stand, faimerly occupied oy L. Tay'or as a Confectionary Store, and immediate- ly opposite D Laudeman's Saddler's Shop, where he has , and intends keeping on hand a general as ssoitment of FRESH FAMILY .Mil - KKB.SH GROCERIES, &II TEAS. as good and as cheap as can be 3 . had in the city. He also intends keeping an assortmant of COR DIALS and WINES, by the bottle or gallon. Also, an assortment of CANDIES, &c. JUST RECEIVED, &?ft&6& BBLS. SUPERFINE FLOUR, for sale for cash. Lexington, June 27.- -- 33 1m J. B. JOHNSON rpTl AICES pleasure in returning his thanks to his CJ friends and the public, for the liberal patron- age extended in him for the last ten years, and would respectfully inform them, that he has taken into partnership Mr. He.miy Crumbauqii, who will give his undivided attention to the shop. The business will ne conducted and known underthe firm of JOHNSON Sc CRUMBAUGH. iS I !t( P sSi' JO2EWS02? &. ORUSSBAUGXi Have on hand a sine assor ment of SAD- DLES; Iron band Leather TRUNKS, a fi.st rate ample; Enghsh Bridle Luiiihs, Single and D,iue, of the liet quality j togethe! wiih a go.id ol all other articles iiMiall y kent sit bv Sa Irileis, "Inch thry offer at a ieasonab!e pro- - Shop opposite Brennan's Hotel, Lexington, Ky May5,l83G 1, RENO VA riNGSCOURING, TAIL- ORING AND Sfl K DYING BUSI- NESS r H 1I I k linrlnrr....,l I.I f. .1 M k'"-'. wi tin ini.irm inf1 cn.zens JiL ol LeMn'ln an ihe tliihlic ei nerallt . ilmr he has openP,i a shoii I ir RENO V I'ING ai..l 1A1LORING Bl'SINb-ss- i on Alain treet, opposite Bieunan's Hotel. Ho' azures thn.e who mat fei disponed to uaunuizel jhiin. ihti hp will cpmp m, pains to give satisfac .iii iiihii cases tii, nik will be dnne . !,' ven bc.si .i.ai.nei, ai d oi. ihe lowest leuiis. JOHN FISHER. Lex. Miy 12, J ,3(5 '2U-- in C TANDY'S WHOLES LE PORTER. J ALE & CIDER E SPABLISHMENT Corner ol Ala and Lime, tone streets, Lex-Jun- e '"8 "i fij- 16 10-1 oi HAi.bt A M1L.1.KJN OF SHINGLES-300,00- 0, Srl. 200,000 I'ommon do, just rceip3 an it be o!d aitlie Market prtceor delivered in Lex iHion ai ihe uual or customary carnage. Person wauling to p'irhase, ft ill please apply 10 JOSLOPil D SWIFT, in Lexington, and their order will be promptly filled . J NO. B. MclLVAlKE. Mfysmlle, Ma$ 03, 183 624 tf Lex. Int. TO ?FXNTERS. E. WHITE cV WM. IIAGER PI C ' 1 I'LI-- inform the Primers o fl-se- - the f.nied Suti , to whom they have been individually known as established Letter Found- ers, that lhe hae now formed a copartnership in said business, and Irom then united skill aod ex- tensive experience, they hope to be able to give satuUciion to all who ma) faor iheni with thetr orders. The introduction of marhinery in place of the ter'ious ano unhealthy process ol eastirg tjpe by h.uid, a desideratum by the Iuopean sounders was by American ingeutjity and a heavy pxpendl tuieuf tune and money un the part of our senior paftner, fiist successfully accomplished. Ixten-sn- e use of the machine cast lettei das sully tested aiwl established us superiority in every particular jver those catt hy the nit process. Tlw Letter F(iundy Business ill hereafter br carried on by the patties before named, tinder the firm of White, Hager, & Co. Their specimen- e' hrbits a coinpietp-stiie- from Diamond to Sixty sour hues Pica, 'ihe book and news type beiryj in tlie inni moderate light and silc, White, Ilaeer & Co., are aeuts f r the saVe-o- Smith aiu' Unst Punting Press, which they ca fnriiish their ct sir meis a nianufdcti.ier's pnees- - Chases, Cases, Cnmpoi:ig Sticks, Ink, and ev- - ei aiticle uced i.i the Priming Busines, kept for srtle and furnished on short notice Old lw& raken in exchange foi new at nine cents per oounriV JN. is. Newspaper propnetors who will give the above three inseiums, will be entitled to Five- - Dollars in uch articles as they select from our specimens. !;. WIIITC & W. HAGER. New York, Oct. 1, 1835 13- - CABINET SHOP. rgnHE Subscnber lespectfully announces to the-E- citizen sof Lexington and its vicinity, tha he has just completed a thorough repair oHiis sho'r and is now ready to wait upon his customers with anything in the Cabinet line. He mil, jt the shortest notice, be able to furnish COFFINS of all s.zes and desciiptions. He has a NEW HEARSE for tjie better convenience of the citizens. His present stock of CABINET" WORK is now, and will be kept equal to any in the Western Country. His shop is on the cor- ner of Short and Limestone streets, diagonilly op- posite the Jail, and his family residence is in the two stoiy brick adjoining. By a stnct attention to business, he hopes to receive a hare of public pa- tronage. J. EDRINUTON. March 10, ! 635. m LEXINGTON BRANCH BANK Of KENTUCKY. rjSIHE regular discount da., , will be on Tues LL daymorn.ng of each itetk, and Notes aur Bills offered must be deposited in Bank on aeps preceding the discount day. WILL. S. WALLER. Cash,. July S, 1835 9.7-- is DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE. 1311. S. C. TRr,l Ti.'R, purchased the entire-S- . Slock of DRUGS of the late T. L. Smith, solicits a continuance of the custom of tne house His slock of medicines being very complete is prepaied to- eujp'v. moiesaie Dealers will find it ilieir in- terest to call. up wiih care. Cheapside, Lex. apnl a, 13G 13-3- m Ob. &. Rep. 3 m. is. 31. JB. B RO WIVING & CO. f-- S VV,NG pun based of Calib Wont ly, his stock t .lir,KIIADfZi-:- , which is extensive a. id well assoiled, now offeril Whole- sale and Ilet,iil, on as fair and iea,onable terms as like goods can be bought in any market nest of the inouuiains. They aie resolved to pare no pains to accommodate and please those who may frtVot them with a call. To the old pations of the house, they look with much confidence, and solicit a continuance of iheir custom, iiom whcih it is hoped a mutual benefit and satisfaction will be CALEB WORLEYTnav.-- g sold his stock of to M. E. BUO'tv N1NG tz Co. takes great pleasure in 'ecoiiiniending to his old customers and pjlrons, a continuance of their deal- ing with his success, at the old stano , opposite the upper end of the Public Square. He would at the same lime ve,y sincerely return his thanks for the liberal patronage extended to him during his continuai.re in busm-s- s. It is Ins wish asspeedilu as possible it close his business, and he hopes that allthose who have open accounts will call and close them by note or payment wunout delav Lex. June 15 , 1835 24-- tf CAREY'S L.IBRARY op CHOICE 1.2SS1P.ATUR3' tAS now completed its first Six Months of and the Dubhshp,. nfru..i.. .i lowing works in testimony of the fulfilment of the promises made to the public m the oriffinal pros pectus. r Life of Sir James Mackintosh, by his son. Kincaid's Rifle B.ijaJe. Characteristics ol Hinrioslan, hy Miss Roberts Une in a thousand, by G P.R.Jame,. ICienzi by K. L Bulwer. Random Recollections of the House of Com- mons, The Second Volume has commenced with Se- lections from he Drama, of Joaina lMUir ryLC.,'f"sm pennies, or Poslkumo """' " " ","am W""- -a wo,k resem ,., r . ,i' ,:.".. "7: r." " ue y "? s u- - "J ",v "iaicu iies iron the Diary of rlivsit inn. The Fust Volu ran be hrl onn.n ....l . l.hrnh ,h. -- -- .ic, WUIlOUt ; ; "wir, upon ti,e remittance of $i ju to uie publishers. The L.hiary ,s published weekly, contai;n!r ., :)tV. .,.,,,,, T! ,,, companies ,t, fou, paJ'Z H ii,K rim ol every volume. Price r aiinuni, in advance. C5. Address, E. I CAREY & A. HART. Oi, LOuIS A. GODEY. ''""ADtLPIIIA. CLUBBING. A remittance of five .lie his, vomme of the uZL'XXZ Novel., CMnp.ei, , 8,,,hers, contain,, g Pete ,,,v" N'wton Forester ? -- Pacha Many I ales-- au I Janl.et .,, Sa,..h r k. .." F list ic'jlietif l.ihmiu U..J- T -- j.- r. . ' S U00R- - My 21,1838-- 33 The Barrj Monument A LL tho,e gentlemen who hold subscription X. pap.rsor.u-d- s, f, the election of the above Monument will be go)d .m.n.,.,l,,J,,h Noilo E,.,iheTrea.U" er of the Committee. M,v 03, 1836 22-- tf ONE OR TWO APPRENTICES, rEI learn the Art of Printing, will be laken ii. bovsr.etv.een the ages of 14 and 16 would be pre feu- - J, Lexington, March 59-cr- . 4 TT ?

Transcript of 1809). (Lexington, KY) 1836-07-21 [p ]. - University of...

  • 'ma.f m


    AAAA'iAAvvv v vN1 n. W. TUCKED,

    2?ar&er 4' JYwftiona&Zfc fair Dresser,cs,n r !h TTianr.AND Columns, Main street,

    Lexington, Ky., nearly opposite the PhcenixHotel,)

    ONTINUES all branches of the business irhis usual fashionable and tasteful style.

    From his long experience, having made the prin,iionfthi, TfiMsniiiAN ait his study, and perlec'tion in its practice his aim, he feels confident, thatthe most fastidious, will acknowledge themselves

    ratified with his performance, as being all tneymiM rpsmiahlv desire.

    Though his business has much increased sincethe public have become well acquainted with the

    mmrit he offers, vet eentlemen need not sear

    that on that account they will be neglected, orobliged to wait, for he has employed competentand obliging aid in every part of the establish-ment, and gives to the oversight of the whole, hisown constant personal attention.

    it- - hoc. ci rrreivAri the latesCPhiladelphia andNew York Fashyns for HAIR DRESSING,both for Gentlemen and Young Misses; and to

    his pan of the business will give his particular individual altpntirftliv

    Tn the nhilosonhical among his patrons, hewuulrl sav. that, ltd esi red, he will cut the hair soas to exlvbit phrenologically the intellectual endow nenls and moral character.

    fj. V. T. has lust received a large assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, consisting ofCo,metics. Stocks. Combs. Collars, GermanPipes, Siamese Musical Snuff Boxes, (a supeiior;article!, Magnetic fish ana ieese, ooaps, nuesiqualnyof Hair Brushes, Tooth Washes end Pow- -r'eis, Gentlemen and Lames' rocnei uookshuuPurse, Gentlemen and Ladies Suspenders, a sineassortment of Ladies' Hair Work, Wigs and TopPieces d colours,) sine Razors and Strops,Children's Toys of every description, Tea setts,&c. a sine assortment of Plating Cards, Backgammon Boaids and Chessmen; also Tapeis andI.ucifrr Matches. ome sine Hat anna Cigars, Cavendibh Tobacco and Snuff; Ward's VegetableHair Oil. Indian Oil and Indian Dve, for coloring red and grey hairs a beautiful black, withouinmrv to k n or hair, and other articles too nu- -m r"iis to mention.

    G. W. T. has a mode of operating upon thehend urculMilv his own, which gives undisscnibledsatisfaction to those who submit their seat ofthought 10 his magic manipulations, biiglueniiigup the su.nmer evening dullness of the wearied,and smoothing the wrinkles on the brow ofcaie.No description ran do it justice it must be triedto batanpreciated.

    Iu the rear ol the Toilette Saloon the attentionef Ins customers is attracted by the spacious,

    healthful, and luxuiious

    Mediterranean Baths,which gave gave general satisfaction last year,but which have since undergone a thorough repairand improvement ; and are now ready to admin-ister cold, warm, tepid, or sail Baths, from 5 o'-clock, a, mi. to to 10 p, m.

    In regir ro his whole Establishment, he in-vites the citizens of Lexington and visite.s to calland extend ihe patronage, already so liberally he- -st iwed upon bim, lor which they shall have hithanks and his best exertions to please.

    May 2 J, 183G. 37-- tf

    WANTED Two Apprentices to the Barber- -Ing and HainUessing Business. Youths fiom 12to 15 and 18 years, who can come well reeom-- .mended, will be preferred.

    G. W. TUCKER.fJ7The Observer & Reporter and Intelligen-

    cer will add the above to G. W.T's advertise-- ,ment already in their papers. V

    DOCTORS CROSS AND JOUETT,AVIJNU settled in the city of Lexington ,'oner tneir services to the public as

    Physicians, Surgeons and Accoucheurs.Dr. Cross begs leave to remind the public, that

    while in Europe, under the great masters of theart, he pair particular attention to thosubject of,LITHOTRIPSY, and now proposes to relievethose afflicted with Stone or Grivel, by an operation, in which no cutting instrument is employed,and which is also, comparatively, destitute of bothpain and danger.

    Office Maui street, immediately above Bren-nan- 'sHotel.

    Lexington, April 16, 1836. 15-- tf

    LAND FOR SALE.fjjnilE Subscriber offeis for sale the TRACT,

    U- Ut LAND, upon which he now resides,one and a quarter miles east of NichoIaTville

    jJJO Acres, all enclosed under goodfence; fnriyor fifty acres Wood Land; a sinejnungOrcha'l ; a never-sailin- g Spring; comfort-able Dwelling and good out Buildings.

    Perseus wishing to plirchat would do well toeall immediately , as the subscriber intends sellingthe first good offer. W. T. MILES.

    May 12, I&S6 20-- tf

    NOTICE.iiivulvisiAINCES having transpired,

    -- i.,vrau.tuii rxpeuieni lor me to consu-ma.- ean intended partnership with Ingerson Sc

    JlhClelland for the construction of the stone woikat the Cliffs, on Kentucky river: The businessin suture will be conducted in their names, andthey will be responsible for all contracts and busi-ness connected with this work from the commence-ment to the close of their operations.

    Their characters as contractors, and iheir busi-ness habus will , no doubt, sufficiently recommendthem to tht company and the public

    JAMESS COOKAt-f- 23,- -1 - t DnUn Dr Herald.


    rjJpiIE stages on the direct route fromton to Cincinnati, will leave the office atBrenans every day a 3 o'clock P. M. and arrive

    jiext morning at 10; Leave Cincinnati everymorning by six and arrive same evening by 10sixteen hours from port to port, fare six dollars!this route is perhaps as pleasant to travel as anythe roads are now sine, the teams, coaches, anddrivers a not surpased any where, drivers of

    L aml, e""r;Vf 80ber habilsi "" willPe'fe,Ctly Ease coacl,es " and ofpleasant in no case will more than nine...r aumiuea inside, no accident hav"ng occurred on this route during the season sofar, i. the only aSSurance we offer of theHon of the proprietors to do their duly, Ziyaun.rn.aJ sausfaction and receive that p'a, oXewhich the public may ihint- " piuycr iu nestow,PRATT '4 G A INKS, Proprietor,.Lexington July 5, 1836.-3-

    The Observer will insert 3ms and charja P&G

    JESSAMINE CIRCUIT, Set. AprilTerm, 1830.

    James Shield, CompUinant

    . William Price's Heirs, see. Defendants,

    IN CHANCERY.THIS day came the Complainant by his coun-

    cil a.wi n hie mniinii and it auDearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendants, GeorgeWithers and Marina, his wise, the unknown heirsof Merryman C. Bradshaw and Eliza, his wile,John Ilaydon and Mary, his wise, Winrrie t.p..-- - .1,0 ,,.,ini.wn heirs ofNnDoleonJ. luce,JohnW. Price, Peter Withers and Evelina, hiswise, Joseph Hughes and Cassanora, nn

    , ,

    c, .1 IT mtiocnd Afarv. hisVifa. ' '" le'phensand Polixeney, his wise, David Dale andLouisa, his wise, the unknown heirs of bpencerc i,b onH iffttev m ivne. vv iiiiaiii ij""""'Suan, his wise, Joseph Drake and Martha his

    r i,.,vnniHn hmrcni I1IHTV 1)1 iHlSllCl " "WIIC, LUC Ulintiunii .www. jHatchy and Sally his wise. American

    Kirtley and Milton Kirtley, William L. Martin.

    and wifo are not innaonanis oi wis ...-- ..wealth and having sailed to answer tne i,ompubill agreeably to law and the rules of this Court- -it

    is therefore ordered that unless they the said ab-

    sent Defendants do appear here on or belore the... j.n nrihn nni Julv term of this Court and,. iho Cnmnlainani's bill, the same shall be

    taken for confessed against them: and it is furtherordered, that a copy of this order be inserted incnm ntiihnTici.il newsnaMi of this State, for twocalendar months in succession.

    A Copy lest, D.B. PRICE.clkj cc19-- Ot By John FLUTCncu , d c


    R. HARRIS. Dentist, informs the citizens of Lexington, that he has returned to

    tha Citv. and may bo sound at the 1'ULK,1N1AHOTEL. ( Room No. 6) wheie he will be happyto receive the calls ofsuch as may desire his professional services. He will remain in the city tor

    sew weeks only. March 4, 'Jo. U- -tl

    "TEXAS."TTN PRESS, and will shcrtly be published, and11 for sale at the bookstoies,at the Intelligenceroffice, "Texas," being a Historical ueogiapnicaianddescript.ve work, of Three hundred taoesduodecimo, by

    Jirn.?. MJ1RY AUST1ST IIOLLEY.E, : : : : : : : $1 50

    Lex. may 30, 1836.

    WAY CAR.

    A PAR will leave MIDWAY every mornZjft. ingat 7 clock, and leturning, will leaveLexington every afternoon at 5 o'clock.

    CHAS. LEWIS,Master of Transportation.

    June 16 30-- tf

    The Daj is Fixed.N the "iUlJuly, the most magnificent schemeevfr drawn in the United States, will be de

    cided. ickets will soon he scarce, and earlyapplication should hp made to

    JOHN G. GRAHAM,Louisville, Ky., or

    New Albany, Ind.Where all orders by mail receivo the same atten-tion as personal application.

    Alexandria Lotterj, Class 2,Scheme consisting of only 7140 Tickets.

    P R I S 33 S-$1- 00,000$2,O00; $10,000; S7,5()0; S4.000; $2,930;

    52,UUU; ot$l,&UU; 31or$SUU,31 ofS300; 31 of Si00, &c.

    Tickets 50 no Shares,

    Virginia Lotterj, Class 4,For the town of Wheeling, to be drawh at Alex-

    andria, Va. ,on Saturday, the 23d July.

    SCIIE RI E:30,000: S 10,000: g8,000: g4,000:g3,000: 2,500: 100 ofgl.OOO!!!

    10 of 500: 20 of g300: 81 of .$200, &cTicket only 10 Shaies in proportion.

    A variety of Schemes are being drawn constan-tlyTickets varying from S5 to 10. The Nos.are received in Louisville eight days from the dateof the drawing and forwarded immediately toan customers, uo not lorget to address

    JOHN G GRAHAM,Louisville, Ky., or

    June 32 2-tf New Alhany, Ind.

    PAINTING.rHE Subscriber would respectfully informcitizens of Lexington and vicinitv. that

    he is ready to execute, all orders in the above business with neatness and on the most reasonable'.arms.

    HOUSE PAINTING,neatly executed in all its various branches, bothout and inside. Inside painting done in livelyor dead colois and washing inside walls in dis-temper colors ; warranted not to rub off.

    SIGN PAINTING.All orders for plain, gold, or ornamental signs,

    thankfully received and punctually attended to.Also,


    Paper Hanging and Landscape painting on wallsor in oil or distemper colors; clean-ing and varnishing all kinds of Oil Paintings orEngravings; painting and gilding Pictuie Frames;Japannings ann Polishings; Transparent Win-dow Blinds or Fire Scraens painted; Gilding andGlazing, Cutting Glass to Fiames or elsewhere ;Transferring Engravings to Ladies' Work Boxes,or elsewhere, as may be requested together withsuch various other kinds of work, as may be call-e- d

    for.The Subscriber is recently from the City ol

    New York, where he has had several yeas expe-rience in the above branches, he therefore thinkshimself competent to execute all orders in his lineto the entire satisfaction of those who may savorhim with a call. Is he should not he able tn ,,'satisfaction to those who may employ him, therewill be no charge made whatever, he therefore,hopes to leceire a shire of public patronoge.

    His Shop, until further notice, is at Mr. J.Beach's Coach Repository, on Main streeu.JAMES ANDREWS.

    N. B. All orders for the country thankfully re-ceived and pjomptly attended to.

    I"ington, June 21, 1836 32-- 4t

    FRJSII FLOUK.LOT of superior Familj Flour, wiih asu- -i.ciur urana, in Dairels am ha r harrr in

    suit purchasers, kept constantly on hand and forB.ue oy k. i.ONG, MUl-s- t.Lex. July 4. 183G.

    BARRELS of good goose creek saltNo. 1. togethei with an excellent as.

    sortment of tho very best Family Groceries for8ale oy It. LONG, Mill-st- .

    Lex. July 4, 1836.BOTTLES of superior Old Poit

    Wine do. do. d.300Madaria. No. 1.

    for sal e by R. LONG. Mill.nLex. July 4, 1830 3G-3-m.

    alIj savfriends and ihesubscriber giaiefultohisTHE generally for past savors, would ;-

    ur.i ,iiat. nfrer h.iviuc been en- -Y .' HVhjrrn for lhe laStlOaaaed in manuracl.iringvears.hehas hejn compelled, in consequence

    the scarcity of leas Tobacco, to change ir.some

    x.,... V,s husiness. He has therefore-Ju- stceived and will keep constantly on


    assortment of

    FRESH GROCERIES;A part of which is as soows:

    50 Sacks COFFEE,30 Barrels No. 3 MACKEREL, freh 183!;10 Boxes Fresh Blown Raisins,

    G Drums Figs, first qualitj,2 Barrels of first rate strained Honey,.n nhpcmiU- - first nualltv.

    A.complete assortment of SHOES Sc BOO TS,superior quality,

    7 TWn Willow Market Baskets, of assortedsizes, Allspice, Ginger, Pepper, Indigo Shot;

    Also, 2 Parrels of first quality LOrfJ'U-G1-R.

    A complete assortment of lritUU- -

    RIES, of all kinds, will ae Kept cuiiiiu"jrhand, low for Cash, or sine Leas Tobacco.

    will be given for Iroiijfw-7-- The highest pricefortyio fifty thousand pounds of Tobacco in the

    leas, of a first rate ,1ual..y.iioDEiiTGpAY

    N. B. Tobacco and Segais Uept conslltnt!)on

    hand as usual.Lexington Jan 1, 1836 ,rCl-


    MONEY LOST.DOLLARS REWARD. Lost inthe town of Frankfort, on the mor

    ning of the 4i h inst., between H eisigers tavernand the head of the inclined plane a sealed pack-

    et conta.niog THREE THOUSAND DOL-IIR- S,iu S50 notes of the Ba"k of KenUlckv.. .1 ..i.i .ii.n..Atl.0rni..i1.atT.niiis- -proDaoty an payauie tinwu uiv.....

    ville. The envelope was sealed, and the notesdoubled in the middle, and as well as recollected,endorsed on the envelopemenl as sollows: "SJIIUU

    Bianch Bank ,Lexingtonto pay a note in thedrawn by Smith & Keats, or George Keats, to theorder of John Brand, Esq."

    The above reward will be paid to any personwho will deliver said package to Col.Teter Dud-ley, in Frankfort, to Messrs. Smith & Keats, inLouisville, or to myself.in Lexington.

    Banks and others may help to the discovery by

    taking notice of whom they receive notese

    above desciiption.D. A. SAYRE.

    Lexington, Ky. Feb. 10, 1836. mar. -tf

    Emporium of Fashion.Gcntlemeii's Outfitting and Furnishing



    SQOULD announce to his friends and theV V public generally , that he is now receiving

    a full and complete assortment of

    CLOTHS, CASSIMERS & VESTINGOf the latest fashions, together with an extensivevariety of Gentlemen's, Youth's and Children'sready made Clothes, of cloth and summerwear,vith every description of Fancy Articles in hisline, rather superior to any thing offered in thismarket. They were bought in the East with,great care, for Cash, and will be sold low for thesame malenal. Ihe clothes were manufacturedexpressly for himself, and are warranted to be inthe height of the fashion, and in the best manner

    SHIRTS.Linen, Cotton and Silk, Shirts; Plain

    and Ruffled Bosom Gingham do.; Col-- 'lars, Sfc.

    WALKING CANES.Fancy, Sword, Whalebone and Gold

    I ipped Walking Canes.TAILORS' SHEARS, &c.

    Heiniscli's improved Tailor's Shears,Trimmers, Small Points and BarberShears.

    STOCKS, &c.A new style of Stocks and Silk Bo-


    Super ' Silk Frocks and Pants forYouths and Children.DRESS AND FROCK COATS, &c.

    Super Bombazine Dress and FrockCoats and Pants.

    SUMMER CLOTHING, &c.Morning Gowns, and Summer Clothing

    of all varieties.CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND

    VESTINGS,Which he will make up to order, in the most

    ashionable and best style of workmanship.Orders from a distance shall be promptly attend

    ed to. Thankful for the very liberal patronageheretofore received, he solicits a continuance ofthe same.

    7The Fashions, punctuality and neatnessoi work, shall be laithluily attended to.

    Lex. April 26, 1836 17-3- m

    JUST RECEIVED,BBLS. Mackeiel.No. 2.4,000 lbs. Bacon, (to be sold from one

    lb. to a thousand.)1 Hogshead superior quality SUGAR.

    R. GRAY.Corner of Limestone and Water streets,

    Brenuan's Hotel and the upper end of themarket house.

    April 23, 183-G- 16 tf

    J ABES BtiACH.A 1 his Coach Deuositorv opposite Generalja. Comb's, on Main street, respectfully informs

    the citizens of Kentucky, that he has now on theway , and expects to leceive, about the middle ofMay, a splendid assortment of

    CARRIAGES,Manufactured exDresslv for him. in New Ark.N.Jersey ; consisting of Coaches, Barouches, Bug-gies, Sic. Sic. His customers may be assured.that the Carriages arc made f the best materials.and in the first style of Elegant and SubstantialworKuianship.

    J. B. will keep a number of hands in his shop,and is at all times ready to repair Cainages, andhas no doubt of giving entire satisfaction to hiscustomers.

    Lexington , April 30, 1836 17--- U

    F05! SALtf. A half league us land, inColony, Texas , very eligibly situa-ted on Dick's or Dickson's Creek, a navigablestream, emptving into Galvastnn Bay, at whosemoutu tne town oi l'owhatan is laid out, com-manding a sine harbor. The above tract was selected for the proprietor by persons familiar withevery league in the Colony it consists of a m

    of prairie and timbered laud, and is the 6nestmat can De, lor the cultivation of C otton or Sugar,all conditions having been fulfilled, and expensespaid. It is recommended to' "persons disposed toemigrate to Texas, as saving much trouble, ex-pense and delay. Ii.quire at this office.

    Lex uj27, ld35 J'S-- tf

    NOTICE.T a meeting of the board ol DirectoisoiA' Lexington tne, Lite and uariue ';'""'"....Company," it was resoiveo, tnai a

    DOLLARS per shaie be made on the stockhelcl-er-s

    Davable on the first Monday in June next.A. O. NEWTON, Secretary,

    Lex. F. L. and M. Ins Co.

    05-- FOR S ALE. JZSITiHE well known three story BRICK

    f8jS ti HOUSE on Kain street, occupiedformerly hy Mmrison and Bradley, anfl at prese...by Mesis Isles and Wright as a Dry Good Slure.

    This extensive property, 30 feet front, '""Sback to Waier str-e- t opposite the R?n KoaiiWa'ehouse, contains a brick Stable, Cani.igehouse aird other buildings; forming dllogelhe' amost valuable possession for sloiesand family resi-dence- For terms apply)t my residence on thepremises. LUt YD G V II.WOOD.

    Lexington, May 19, '3G-3- 2-tf


    tured by I. W. Smith expressly for lamily3e warranted superior. For sale by

    JOHN W. HUNT &SON.Zexington, May 16, lSSG 22-2- m

    F I RLUISKS of fnsurance will be taken by the Lex

    ington Fire, Life and Marine lnsuianceagainst Fire, on Buildings or Fiiriiitme in town orcountry. Specifications in writing, to te lestwith the subscnber.

    A. O. NRWFON, Acredry.Lexington, May 13, -tf

    KEMOVAL.,mJllHaffiWI'lllim-,- . HE subscriber respect

    ii' T1 sully informs his oldcustomers, and the public generally, that he has itrMnvEDhis CABINET SHOP andDwelling House to the stand

    I Ii 1 Ii formerly occupied by J. J.u jj yi'Sheridan, on Main Street,immediatclj opposite the Masonic Hall, wheieall articles in his line of business can be had onshort notice and good terms. He invites all wish-ing to purchase to call upon him.

    VANXOYiS PATENT BEDSTEADSmade to order on shoit notice.

    JOSEPH M1LWARD.Lexington, Dec. 12, 1835 2-- tf

    NEW STORE:(No. 4, Cheapside between Dr. Wallace s book btore and J. D. Swift's

    Wholesale Grocery.

    THE subscrber would respectfully inform hisanrl the public generally, that he.has just received from the City of New York , acomplete assortment ol

    5fiy Goods.suitable for the present season; and having form-ed an agency in that City, to purchase and importhis goods, he will be able to sell at very reducedprices, for cash. His assortment consists, in pait,of the following articles:

    Super Blue Cloths; Black doViolet do; Brown doCoiut Brown nev sttleInvisible GreejrffPolish doBottle do ; PelTloLondon Smnke, Bronze doCadet Mix; Silver Grey

    Single milled Cassimere ; Double'doSuper Blue and Black do cheapAbbolsford Plaid new stjlePink Mix, double and single milledRibbed Cassimere do, and do with every other

    description.Super VetingsSuper Super SalinEnglish and FrenchAnd Summer Vesliugs of every description,

    quahtv, and priceBombazines and Thibet Cloths, cheaper than

    eieroffered in the City, and of SUPERIORQUALITY.

    HATS, BOOTS, AND SHOES,BEST nUALITV; Prunella, Morocco, and Kid

    Pumps;Umbrellas. Collais, Bosoms, Stocks, Cravats,d Pocket Handkerchiefs.Fine fia'd Satins, Silks, and ShawlesPlain SilksPainted Muslin', and French ChintzFrench, English, and Domestic PrintsFine Plaid MuslinsFigured Swiss, Jaconet, and Book .MuslinsDimityFnrmture Prints, and Drapery MuslinBleached, Brown, and Plaid doCotton Osnaburgs, (a heavy article for negro


    LADIES' SHOES.White, Black, ami Blue Satin, French Moroc

    co, Kid, and Kid lined Prunuella,Bonnets, Parasols, Gloves, and Hosiery of eve'

    ry description.

    Together with a full and complete assortment of

    FasBey Articles,in his line.

    J. T, FUAZER.P. S. Arrangements are made to receive Nnv

    Goods every sixty days. Merchants from thecountry are respectfully inv.'ted to cal1, as theycan be supplied at Now York wholesale prices,with carriage.

    Lexington, Ky.. May 27, 1836. 25-- lf

    KENAWHA SALT.LOT of No. 1, KENAWHA SALT,justreceived and lor sale by

    JOHN W. HUNT & SON.Lexington, May 18 22-2- m

    Stimulating Liniment No. 1,A. IMPROVEMENT OF JEWETT'S ST.UULATI.NG

    LINIMENT, NO. 2,Manufactured and sold byM. L. Lewis,

    sale and retail.THIS LINIMENT is celebrated for its. soothing and stimulatiuc tiualiue. to lhose

    who are in pain. It has a decided nhinig.iover all other Liniments kuou itn, as is not sovolatile; there is a body to it which keeps the articles ot stimulant r,om eiianine fiom the skipand when the absotbaut essels take up the sub-stance of the L nent, it puts ihe kystein intoaction, ann men me entering i ihiottn off, andperspiration makes lis apiieaiaime.

    The lollowiug certifiraie will sliow to the lead-er, what has bei-- done with the above article,towards relict ing those who lime used u. whowore sorely afflicted with pain.

    We, the undersigned, hating u(.ed Dr. Lewis'sLiniment, behett it to be as jo-j- J u is recom- - 'ineiK'et!.

    Pr. T R. n'MNINRllAMDi. v vi t orvsi an r.Dr. WM. Al. Gl'FFIN,Dr. C. N LLbK J

    The above I mimeni, & a Keneia! nsBOTANIC MEDIC1NKS r, ..t. . tu.,1BOTANIC DRUG STOKK, M"Cro,t

    11. 1 . N. Benedict couiiuues to levole... .. hllima In tha l Ii nm.iiM w uib ui'tcMiii i rnnifF oi tjPOiimp.Just received, Ap. t ayennc ; Gum Myrrh, and

    ulv. allp. Llm, of superior quality.II T N. BLNEDIUT.-Agt- .

    Lexington, June 21

    WANTED TO HIREANURE, 14 or 15 years ol age. Enq,.,.

    Gazette OfficeJuly 14 ST-- Bt


    Are now leceiving their

    SPRING & SUMMER GOODS,COMPRISING a veiy general assonnieQt ofCJ nearly every vanety of Facy and Staple

    Articles, usually kept in Dry Good Houses;which ate a choice ot of Cloths anrl Cassi- -

    meres; Men ld Bnvs' Summer Goods, Hats andLariifs' Bnniiet's, Boots and Sh e Also, Hard- -

    Queen- - air, and China in I aa umnergPtls. (rnrenes, Aii. The reepctrully invile

    .stimn .mil Inriids to call 4iid examine.Ih1surd 2. 18.SG. 13-- tf


    BfPTJtlE HYRSb HORATF. F. BLAN-6- PCIIARD, hanid tlienivelves in

    the piactice ol me Ij' , in wv v n. u.iC'nuit will ai'en t to ill entrusted totheir care with z- -l ann prm iiiiiuoe.

    LexinSt .ii, Miili 4, 1836 9-- tf

    NEWs'uaSTXTtrHS wahb BOOST,

    OfpHE under-igue- recen'l) from Cincinnati,Li having increased th.-i-r slock of Furniture,

    have the pleasure ofr.u"ein.ga large assortment,and will endeavor to keep sui h a supply as will en-

    able their customers to funm.i themselves on asshort nonce and as lavorah.c teims as elsewheie .Thev have now nn h tnd and Mill continue to man-ufacture the fed mmg:

    SIDEBOARDS, variouspHtiem", 'villi Marble Tops;Dressing Bureaus do do

    " Tables do doCentre " do doPier " do do

    li ,. Enclosed rM-o- Stands do.o ZOMahogRin Dtuni, Cicakfasi,iExtension, Hall and bideboaid lames;

    SOFAS, Spring Seat;Mahogany Chairs;Boston Rocking Chairs, do; Easy do- -,

    Bed Steps; Patent Beadsteads, on an improvedplan, tried and appioved ; with all other ar-ticles in their line.

    QF-Th-ey are prepared to attend to Funeral

    calls.An arrangementlias been made for a supply of

    Eastern made PIANO FORTES.for sale.

    Of-Ju- st received, as a sample, one of Swift'sIron-front- Patent Elastic Cushion-hamme- rPIANOS Also, a eecond-hau- d Piano for sale or


    Joidan's Row, 5th door from Malust.Lexington, April 3C, 1836 17-- tf


    "SMIE Subciiber is now receiung and openingM. at Ins stoic, Maui street, a large and hand-so- n

    e assortment of Fieuch, English and Amcri- -

    " STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS;Such as are usually offered in this market. Heinvites his friends and the public generally, tocall and exainuie Ins stock for theniseles all olwhich he inteflns to sell as low as any other houseinthentv. JOHN SflttOCK.

    apnl 1G, 183G 15-- tf

    New &Feery jgrtore.CURTIS J. SMITH

    OL'LD lespeitfully inform his friends andIhe public generally, that he has taken

    tha stand on Main street, lately occupied by T.Uankin, a sew doors below Urennan's Hotel, andimmediately opposite Miss Susan Cook's Board-ing House, where he has and intends keeping onhand a general ossoilment of

    FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES,as good and as cheap as can De had iu the city.Families or dedlcis supplied by the quantity at theivhnlncalp iinr. .r

    N. Ii. A large supply of measuresjlialf bush-els, pecks and half pecks, sealed, on hand and lorsale.

    May 12, 183G 20-- lf

    New Grocery Store.

    THOMAS P. SHROCK,OULD respectfully inform his friends and

    the public generally, that he has takenthe well known stand, faimerly occupied oy L.Tay'or as a Confectionary Store, and immediate-ly opposite D Laudeman's Saddler's Shop, wherehe has , and intends keeping on hand a general asssoitment of


    KKB.SH GROCERIES,&II TEAS. as good and as cheap as can be

    3 . had in the city. He also intendskeeping an assortmant of CORDIALS and WINES, by the bottle or gallon.Also, an assortment of CANDIES, &c.


    for sale for cash.Lexington, June 27.- -- 33 1m

    J. B. JOHNSONrpTl AICES pleasure in returning his thanks to his

    CJ friends and the public, for the liberal patron-age extended in him for the last ten years, andwould respectfully inform them, that he has takeninto partnership Mr. He.miy Crumbauqii, whowill give his undivided attention to the shop. Thebusiness will ne conducted and known underthefirm of JOHNSON Sc CRUMBAUGH.

    iS I !t( P sSi'

    JO2EWS02? &. ORUSSBAUGXiHave on hand a sine assor ment of SAD-DLES; Iron band Leather TRUNKS, a fi.strate ample; Enghsh Bridle Luiiihs, Singleand D,iue, of the liet quality j togethe! wiih a

    go.id ol all other articles iiMiall y kentsitbv Sa Irileis, "Inch thry offer at a ieasonab!e pro--

    Shop opposite Brennan's Hotel, Lexington, KyMay5,l83G 1,


    NESSr H 1 I I k linrlnrr....,l I.I f. .1M k'"-'. wi tin ini.irm inf1 cn.zensJiL ol LeMn'ln an ihe tliihlic ei nerallt . ilmr

    he has openP,i a shoii I ir RENO V I'INGai..l 1A1LORING Bl'SINb-ss- i

    on Alain treet, opposite Bieunan's Hotel. Ho'azures thn.e who mat fei disponed to uaunuizeljhiin. ihti hp will cpmp m, pains to give satisfac.iii iiihii cases tii, nik will be dnne . !,'ven bc.si .i.ai.nei, ai d oi. ihe lowest leuiis.

    JOHN FISHER.Lex. Miy 12, J ,3(5 '2U-- in

    CTANDY'S WHOLES LE PORTER.J ALE & CIDER ESPABLISHMENTCorner ol Ala and Lime, tone streets, Lex-Jun- e

    '"8 "i fij-16 10-1 oi

    HAi.bt A M1L.1.KJN OF SHINGLES-300,00- 0,

    Srl.200,000 I'ommon do, just rceip3 an it

    be o!d aitlie Market prtceor delivered in LexiHion ai ihe uual or customary carnage.

    Person wauling to p'irhase, ft ill please apply10 JOSLOPil D SWIFT, in Lexington, andtheir order will be promptly filled .

    J NO. B. MclLVAlKE.Mfysmlle, Ma$ 03, 183 624 tf Lex. Int.


    PI C ' 1 I'LI-- inform the Primers ofl-se-

    - the f.nied Suti , to whom they have beenindividually known as established Letter Found-ers, that lhe hae now formed a copartnership insaid business, and Irom then united skill aod ex-tensive experience, they hope to be able to givesatuUciion to all who ma) faor iheni with thetrorders.

    The introduction of marhinery in place of theter'ious ano unhealthy process ol eastirg tjpe byh.uid, a desideratum by the Iuopean sounderswas by American ingeutjity and a heavy pxpendltuieuf tune and money un the part of our seniorpaftner, fiist successfully accomplished. Ixten-sn- e

    use of the machine cast lettei das sully testedaiwl established us superiority in every particularjver those catt hy the nit process.

    Tlw Letter F(iundy Business ill hereafter brcarried on by the patties before named, tinder thefirm of White, Hager, & Co. Their specimen-e' hrbits a coinpietp-stiie- from Diamond to Sixtysour hues Pica, 'ihe book and news type beiryjin tlie inni moderate light and silc,

    White, Ilaeer & Co., are aeuts f r the saVe-o-Smith aiu' Unst Punting Press, which they cafnriiish their ct sir meis a nianufdcti.ier's pnees--

    Chases, Cases, Cnmpoi:ig Sticks, Ink, and ev- -ei aiticle uced i.i the Priming Busines, kept forsrtle and furnished on short notice Old lw&raken in exchange foi new at nine cents per oounriV

    JN. is. Newspaper propnetors who will givethe above three inseiums, will be entitled to Five--Dollars in uch articles as they select from ourspecimens.

    !;. WIIITC & W. HAGER.New York, Oct. 1, 1835 13--

    CABINET SHOP.rgnHE Subscnber lespectfully announces to the-E-

    citizen sof Lexington and its vicinity, thahe has just completed a thorough repair oHiis sho'rand is now ready to wait upon his customers withanything in the Cabinet line. He mil, jt theshortest notice, be able to furnish COFFINS ofall s.zes and desciiptions. He has a NEWHEARSE for tjie better convenience of thecitizens. His present stock of CABINET"WORK is now, and will be kept equal to anyin the Western Country. His shop is on the cor-ner of Short and Limestone streets, diagonilly op-posite the Jail, and his family residence is in thetwo stoiy brick adjoining. By a stnct attention tobusiness, he hopes to receive a hare of public pa-tronage. J. EDRINUTON.

    March 10, ! 635. m


    rjSIHE regular discount da., , will be on TuesLL daymorn.ng of each itetk, and Notes aur

    Bills offered must be deposited in Bank on aepspreceding the discount day.

    WILL. S. WALLER. Cash,.July S, 1835 9.7-- is


    1311. S. C. TRr,l Ti.'R,purchased the entire-S- .

    Slock of DRUGS of the lateT. L. Smith, solicits a continuance

    of the custom of tne house His slockof medicines being very complete is prepaied to-eujp'v. moiesaie Dealers will find it ilieir in-

    terest to call.up wiih care.

    Cheapside, Lex. apnl a, 13G 13-3- mOb. &. Rep. 3 m. is.

    31. JB. B ROWIVING & CO.f--S VV,NG pun based of Calib Wont ly, his

    stock t .lir,KIIADfZi-:- , whichis extensive a. id well assoiled, now offeril Whole-sale and Ilet,iil, on as fair and iea,onable terms aslike goods can be bought in any market nest of theinouuiains. They aie resolved to pare no painsto accommodate and please those who may frtVotthem with a call. To the old pations of thehouse, they look with much confidence, and solicita continuance of iheir custom, iiom whcih it ishoped a mutual benefit and satisfaction will be

    CALEB WORLEYTnav.-- g sold his stock ofto M. E. BUO'tv N1NG tz Co.takes great pleasure in 'ecoiiiniending to his oldcustomers and pjlrons, a continuance of their deal-ing with his success, at the old stano , oppositethe upper end of the Public Square. He would atthe same lime ve,y sincerely return his thanks forthe liberal patronage extended to him during hiscontinuai.re in busm-s- s. It is Ins wish asspeediluas possible it close his business, and he hopes thatallthose who have open accounts will call andclose them by note or payment wunout delavLex. June 15 , 1835 24-- tf


    CHOICE 1.2SS1P.ATUR3'tAS now completed its first Six Months ofand the Dubhshp,. nfru..i.. .ilowing works in testimony of the fulfilment of thepromises made to the public m the oriffinal prospectus. r

    Life of Sir James Mackintosh, by his son.Kincaid's Rifle B.ijaJe.Characteristics ol Hinrioslan, hy Miss RobertsUne in a thousand, by G P.R.Jame,.ICienzi by K. L Bulwer.Random Recollections of the House of Com-mons,The Second Volume has commenced with Se-lections from he Drama, of Joaina lMUirryLC.,'f"sm pennies, or Poslkumo"""' " " ","am W""--a wo,k resem

    ,., r . ,i' ,:.".. "7: r." " ue y "? s u--"J ",v "iaicu iies iron the Diary ofrlivsit inn.The Fust Volu ran be hrl onn.n ....l .l.hrnh ,h. -- -- .ic, WUIlOUt; ; "wir, upon ti,e remittance of$ i ju to uie publishers.The L.hiary ,s published weekly, contai;n!r

    .,:)tV..,.,,,,,T! ,,, companies ,t, fou, paJ'ZH ii,K rim ol every volume. Pricer aiinuni, in advance. C5.Address, E. I CAREY & A. HART.Oi, LOuIS A. GODEY.


    A remittance of five.lie his, vomme of the uZL'XXZNovel., CMnp.ei, , 8,,,hers, contain,, g Pete

    ,,,v" N'wton Forester? -- PachaMany I ales-- au I Janl.et .,, Sa,..h r k. .."F list ic'jlietif l.ihmiu U..J- T -- j.- r. .' S U00R- -My 21,1838-- 33The Barrj Monument

    A LL tho,e gentlemen who hold subscriptionX. pap.rsor.u-d- s, f, the election of the aboveMonument will be go)d.m.n.,.,l,,J,,h Noilo E,.,iheTrea.U"er of the Committee. M,v 03, 1836 22-- tf

    ONE OR TWO APPRENTICES,rEI learn the Art of Printing, will be lakenii. bovsr.etv.een the ages of 14 and 16 wouldbe pre feu- - J, Lexington, March 59-cr- .


