18 - UNGeprints.ung.ac.id/4837/9/2013-1-88203-321409001-bab4-01082013120821.pdf · terlihat adanya...

18 CHAPTER IV Results and Discussion The objectives of this chapter are to describe the result of the study also to analyze the data based on the kinds of error that found on the study result. Result of the Study In collecting the data, the researcher took Narrative text as the source of data. In narrative text, the researcher chooses the story from local folklores namely the story of “Asal Usul Danau Limboto” and “Asal Mula Batu Lahilote”. To describe the result of the study, the researcher made the error lists of phrases, clauses, and sentences of Google Translation Output in translating the data in the form of table as follow: Table 1: Table of error lists in the folklore “Asal Usul Danau Limboto” No Source language Google Translation Output Kinds of error Reconstructed Translation 1. a. “Asal Usul Danau Limboto b. “…daerah Limboto… c. “…genangan air laut” a. “Origins Limboto” b. …the area Limboto... c. “…..a stagnant sea water” Omission of Preposition of a. “Origin of Limboto Lakeb. …the area of Limboto... c. “…..a stagnant of sea water”

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Results and Discussion

The objectives of this chapter are to describe the result of the study also to

analyze the data based on the kinds of error that found on the study result.

Result of the Study

In collecting the data, the researcher took Narrative text as the source of data.

In narrative text, the researcher chooses the story from local folklores namely the

story of “Asal Usul Danau Limboto” and “Asal Mula Batu Lahilote”.

To describe the result of the study, the researcher made the error lists of

phrases, clauses, and sentences of Google Translation Output in translating the data in

the form of table as follow:

Table 1: Table of error lists in the folklore “Asal Usul Danau Limboto”

No Source language Google TranslationOutput

Kinds of error ReconstructedTranslation

1.a. “Asal Usul

Danau Limbotob. “…daerah

Limboto…c. “…genangan

air laut”

a. “OriginsLimboto”

b. …the areaLimboto..”.

c. “…..a stagnantsea water”

Omission ofPreposition of

a. “Origin of LimbotoLake”

b. …the area ofLimboto..”.

c. “…..a stagnant ofsea water”



“…petunjuk arah bagimasyarakat yang akanmemasuki Gorontalomelalui jalur laut”

“…the directions forthe people who willenter the Gorontaloby sea”.

Omission ofPreposition to

“….the directions for thepeople who will enter toGorontalo by sea”.


a“Saya Mbu`iBungale”b. “Dahulu, Limbotomerupakan hamparanlaut ya9ng luas”c. “.. mata air iniditurunkan oleh TuhanYang Mahakuasa”

a. “I Mbu` iBungale”b. “previously,Limboto a vastexpanse of ocean”c. “..this springrevealed by GodAlmighty”

Omission of be a. “I am Mbu` iBungale”

b. “previously,Limboto was a vastexpanse of ocean”

c. “.. this spring wasrevealed by GodAlmighty”

4“…dua buah gunungyang tinggi”

“...two highmountain”.

Omission ofPlural marker–s

“...two high mountains”.

5. “bidadari yangkehilangan sayap ituadalah bidadari tertuayang bernama Mbu`iBungale”

“an angel loses it'swings is the oldestangel named Mbu `iBungale”

Omission ofpronoun

“an angel who lost herwings was the oldest angelwhose named Mbu `iBungale”

6 “Kalian mau lihatbuktinya?”

“You want to see theproof?”.

Omission ofAuxiliary verb

“Do you want to see theproof?”.

7“Doa Mbu’I Bungalepun dikabulkan”

“Mbu `i Bungaleprayer was granted”

Omission ofpossessivemarker ‘s

“Mbu `i Bungale’s prayerwas granted”


a. “Raja Limboto”b. “Kawasan mata

air ini…”

a. “King Limboto”.b. “Area this


Omission ofarticle the andpreposition of

a. “The king ofLimboto”.

b. “The area of thisspring”


9 “…kawasan ituberubah menjadidaratan”

“the area was turnedinto the mainland”

Addition of be “the area turned into themainland”

10 “mereka akanmengambil mustikaBimelula itu”

“they will take itBimelula gems”.

Addition ofpronoun

“they will take Bimelulagems”.

11“Mata air Tupalo..” “Tupalo springs…” Addition of

plural marker“Tupalo spring…”

12 “Tak beberapa lamakemudian, kawasan ituberubah menjadihamparan hutan yangsangat luas. Dibeberapa tempat masihterlihat adanya air lauttergenang, dan dibeberapa tempat yanglain muncul sejumlahmata air tawar, yangkemudian membentukgenangan air tawar”

“Not much later, thearea turned into avast expanse offorest. In someplaces it still looks astagnant of seawater, and in someother places appeara basket of freshwater, which thenform a pool of freshwater”

Misformationof verb

“Not much later, the areaturned into a vast expanseof forest. In some placesstill looked a stagnant ofsea water, and in someother places appeared abasket of fresh water,which then formed a poolof fresh water.

13 Dahulu, daerahLimboto merupakanhamparan laut yangluas. Di tengahnyaterdapat dua buahgunung yangtinggi,..Kedua gunungtersebut merupakanpetunjuk arah….”

“Previously, thearea of Limboto wasa vast expanse ofocean. In the centerthere are two highmountain. Both ofthese mountains arethe directions…..”.

Misformationof be

“Previously, the area ofLimboto was a vastexpanse of ocean. In thecenter there were two highmountains. Both of thesemountains were thedirections…..”.

14 “Mereka segeramendekati tudung itudan berniat untukmengangkatnya”

“They immediatelyapproached the hoodand intends to lift it”

Misformationof parallelstructure ofverb in a series

“They immediatelyapproached the hood andintended to lift it”

14 “Gunung Boliohuto danGunung Tilongkabila”

“Mount BoliohutoTilongkabila”

Misordering ofNoun phrase

“Mount Boliohuto andMount Tilongkabila”


15 a.“GunungTilongkabilamenunjukkan arahtimur”b. “pemimpinpelancong itu membacamantranya”

a. “…the east ofmountTilongkabilashows”.

b. “..it is possible toread the spellleader”

Misordering ofsimplesentence

a. “..MountTilongkabilashowed the east”

b. “the leader oftraveler read thespell”

16 “Tinggallah Mbu`iBungale seorang diri ditengah hutan”

“Stay Mbu `iBungale alone in thewoods”

Misordering ofInvertedstructure

“In the woods, stayedMbu’i Mbungale alone”

17 “…menerimatantangan Mbu’iBungale”

“…accepted thechallenge Mbu `iBungale”

Misordering ofpossessivephrase

“…accepted Mbu `iBungale’s challenge”


a. “Usai minum, salahseorang di antaramereka melihat adatudung tergeletak didekat mata airTupalo”

b. “Ia memerintahkankeempat pelanconguntuk naik ke ataspohon yang lebihtinggi karenasebentar lagikawasan itu akantenggelam”

c. “Mbu`i Bungale punmemberinya namaTolango Hula,diambil dari kataTilango lo Hulaloyang berarti cahayabulan.”

a. “After drinking,one ofthem saw lyingnear the hood springs Tupalo”

b. “She ordered thefour travelers toclimb to the topof highest treebecause soon itwill sink area”

c. “Mbu `i BungaleTolango Hulagave him thename, derivedfrom the wordmeaning Tilangolo Hulalomoonlight”.

Misordering ofcomplexsentence

a. “After drinking,one of them sawthe hood was lyingnear the Tupalospring”.

b. “She ordered thefour travelers toclimb to the top ofhighest treebecause soon thearea would sink”

c. “Mbu `i Bungalegave her the nameTolango Hula thatwas derived fromthe words Tilangolo Hulalo thatmeans themoonlight”.


19 “Mbui Bungale segeramembawa gadis kecilitu dan mengajakkeempat pelancongtersebut ke rumahmereka”

“Mbui Bungaleimmediately took thelittle girl and fourinvites travelers intotheir home”.

Misordering ofsimplesentence withcompoundverb

“Mbui Bungaleimmediately took the littlegirl and.invited fourtravelers into their home”

20“..air yang sangatjernih dan sejuk”

“…water so clearand cool”

Misordering ofadjectivephrase

“…so clear and coolwater”

Table 2: Table of error lists in the folklore “Asal Mula Batu Lahilote”

No Source language Google TranslationOutput

Kinds oferror


1 “Nama saya BoilodeHulawa”

“My name BoilodeHulawa”

Omission ofbe

“My name is BoilodeHulawa”

2 “Istriku hanyamemasak sebutirberas”

“My wife just cookedgrain of rice”

Omission ofarticle a

“My wife just cookeda grain of rice”

3 “Perut dinda terasamual”

“Dinda stomach feltqueasy”

Omission ofpossessivemarker ‘s

“Dinda’s stomach feltqueasy”

4 “… Ia akanmemenuhi segalakeinginannya”

“….he will fulfill all herdesires”

Omission of “….he will fulfill allof her desires”

5 “Boliode Huwalasegera memasak satubutir beras di dalamperiuk”

“Boliode Huwalaimmediately cooked thegrains of rice in a pot

Addition ofplural marker–s

“Boliode Huwalaimmediately cooked agrain of rice in a pot”

6 “persediaan padi dilumbung merekahabis”

“The supply of rice intheir barn they wereexhausted”

Addition ofpronoun

“The supply of rice intheir barn wereexhausted”

7 Akhirnya, Lahilote Finally, Lahilote and Misformation Finally, Lahilote and


dan Boilode punmenikah. Mereka8hidup rukun dandamai

Boilode was married.They live in harmonyand peace.

of verb Boilode were married.They lived inharmony and peace.

8 a. Alkisah, diTanah U Duluolo`u Limo loPohite,Gorontalo, adaseorang pemudatampan dangagah bernamaPiilu LeLahilote

b. Ia mendapatiketujuh bidadaritersebut sedangberkemas-kemas.

a. Once upon atime, in the Landof U Duluo lo lo`u Limo Pohite,

Gorontalo, thereis a handsomeand dashingyoung mannamed Piilu LeLahilote,

b. He found that theseven angels arepacking.

Misformationof be

a. Once upon atime, in theLand of U Duluolo lo `u LimoPohite,


there was ahandsome anddashing youngman namedPiilu Le Lahilote,

b. He found thatthe sevenangels werepacking.

9 Lahilote segeraberlari kembali kerumahnya danmemeriksa lumbungpadinya

Lahilote immediately ranback to his house andcheck the rice granary

Misformationof parallelstructure ofverbs in aseries

Lahiloteimmediately ranback to his houseand checked the ricegranary

10 a. “asal mula batulahilote”b. “kenapa berasnyamasih tetapsebutir?”c.“pohon hutia malad. “Di tengahkebingungannya,tiba-tiba seekorburung belatukdatangmenghampirinya”

a. Origin of StoneLahilote

b. Why still a grainof rice?

c. a tree Hutia malad. “In his confused,

a bird suddenlybelatuk cameover him”

Misorderingof nounphrase

a. “Origin ofLahiloteStone”

b. Why the ricestill a grain?

c. Hutia Malatree

d. In hisconfused,suddenly abelatuk bird


came overhim

11 “…AkhirnyaLahilote bertemudengan Hutia Maladan mengetahuibahwa istrinya telahkembali keKahyangan.

“Finally met with HutiaLahilote Mala andknowing that his wife hadreturned to heaven”.

Misorderingof simplesentence withcompoundverb

Finally, Lahilote metwith Hutia Mala andknew that his wife hadreturned to heaven”.

12 a. “Lahilotekembali menemuiketujuh bidadariitu”

b. . “Lahilotemengira ketujuhgadis itupenduduk bumi”

c. “Lahilote punmengajak putriBoilode Hulawake rumahnya”

a. went back to theseventh angelLahilote it”

b. the girl's seventhLahilote thoughtthe earth'spopulation

c. “Lahilote BilodeHulawa daughterwas invited to herhome”

Misorderingof simplesentence

a. Lahilote wentback to theseven angels

b. “Lahilotethought theseven girlswere thepopulation ofthe earth”

c. “Lahiloteinvited BilodeHulawa to hishome

13. “Kau meletakkannyadimana?”

“Do you put it where? Misorderingof questionword

Where do you put it?

14. “Kanda akanmenolong Dinda”

“Kanda Dinda will help” Misorderingof simplefuturesentence

“Kanda will helpDinda”

15 a. “Dinda tidakmempunyaialasan untukmenolakkeinginankanda”

a. “Dinda has noreason to rejectthe desire kanda”

b. The head lahilote

Misorderingof possessivephrase

a. “Dinda has noreason toreject Kanda’sdesire”

b. Lahilote’shead


b. “KepalaLahilote”


To analyze the data, the researcher constructed the errors based on the kinds

of errors. In this case, the researcher analyzing the errors based on Dulay, Burt, and

Krashen (1982) methods in analyzing the errors in which categorized the errors based

on Surface Category Taxonomy that is divided into the error of Omission, addition,

misordering, and misformation. There is some analysis of errors that Google

Translation produced in translating Narrative Text “Asal Usul Danau Limboto” and

“Asal Mula Batu Lahilote” from Indonesian into English. They can be seen in the

following explanation:

Omission Errors

Omission errors are characterized by the absence of an item that must appear

in a well-formed of sentences. The errors of Omission were found in the story “Asal

Usul Danau Limboto” and “Asal Mula Batu Lahilote” can be seen in some cases:

Omission of Preposition

In the first text, as shown in table 1, the title “Asal Usul Danau Limboto” was

translated by Google Translator as “Origins Limboto”. From this translation, the

error was found on the omission of preposition of. The preposition of in the title

above is used for indicate the thing that belonging to (Eastwood,1994, p.299). Thus,

from this phrase, it can be seen that ‘Limboto has its origin’. Hence, the sentence


should be reconstructed as “Origin of Limboto lake”; the omitted of also was found

on the phrase “… daerah Limboto…” that was translated by Google as “…the area

Limboto”. From this translation output, it can be seen that there was found the

absence of preposition. The sentence should be added with preposition of before noun

‘Limboto’. Article ‘the’ before countable noun should be followed by preposition of

that consisting of noun + of + noun to form a noun phrase. Thus, the phrase should be

“The area of Limboto”; Omission of preposition of also was found in the phrase

“genangan air tawar” that was translated by Google as “stagnant sea water”.

Preposition of usually comes before noun phrase. Google translation output omitted

of after adjective (stagnant) to describe noun (sea water). Hence, the reconstructed

translation should be “a stagnant of sea water”; The omission of preposition also

was found on the sentence “…petunjuk arah bagi masyarakat yang akan memasuki

Gorontalo melalui jalur laut” that was translated by Google Translator as “…the

directions for the people who will enter the Gorontalo by sea”. From this translation,

there can be seen that Google translation omitted the preposition ‘to’ that is used to

indicate the place (Gorontalo). The use of ‘the’ is unnecessary because the name of

place cannot be preceded by article. The use of to in the sentence is for destination

(Eastwood,1994, p.293). So, the translation should be reconstructed as “….the

directions for the people who will enter to Gorontalo by sea”.

In the second text, as shown in table 2, there was found that Google

Translation error in the case of using All and All of. The phrase “all her desire”


should be added with preposition of because the next word is a pronoun. Hence, the

translation should be “all of her desires”

From the translation outputs above, there can be seen that Google Translation

was produced the error because Indonesian and English were different in the case of

the use of preposition in which preposition of in English means dari in Indonesian. In

English, preposition of is used together with the other words to show the relation of

the words or nouns (Eastwood,1994, p.300). However, in Indonesian, this

preposition is unnecessary to put in because the noun phrase can be understood

without preposition dari. For example ‘..kawasan Limboto’ can be understood

without preposition dari ‘..kawasan dari Limboto’ but in English, it cannot be

recognized without preposition of because this preposition is used to describe the

relation between two nouns. For example, ‘the area limboto’ should be added with of

to combine two nouns in noun phrase as ‘the area of limboto’

Omission of article and preposition in Noun phrase

The error also was found on the phrase “Kawasan mata air ini…” and “Raja

Limboto” in table 1 that was translated as “Area this spring..” and “King Limboto”.

From both of the translation output, there can found that Google Translation omitted

the definite article ‘the’ and preposition ‘of’. Article the is used when it is clear which

one we mean or to mention specific thing. This article is also used before names that

consisting of noun + of + noun (Thomson & Martinet,1986, p.12). The preposition of

also is used for indicate the noun (Eastwood,1994, p.299). From this explanation, the


phrases could be reconstructed as “The area of this spring” and “The king of


Besides, there also was found the omiited of article a in table 2 in the phrase

“sebutir beras” that was translated by Google as “grain of rice”. The prefix se- in

Indonesian language defines “one”. Thus, the phrase should be as “a grain of rice”.

The translation above shows that Google produced error because there are no

articles in Indonesian language such as definite and indefinite articles in English.

(Thomson & Martinet,1986, p.12) mentioned that article the in English is to show

specific noun that has been known the form also the location of the noun (concrete


Omission of be

In table 1, there also was found the omitted of be in the sentence “Dahulu,

daerah Limboto merupakan hamparan laut yang luas” that was translated by Google

as “Previously, the area of Limboto a vast expanse of ocean”. Logically, the sentence

should be added with be (was). The translation showed incomplete of sentence

because the sentence should consist of Subject + to be + Adjective phrase, in which

to describe the subject, the adjective phrase should be added with to be in order to

give information about the subject (Thomson & Martinet,1986, p.83). So the

translation should be reconstructed as “Previously, the area of Limboto was a vast

expanse of ocean”; The omitted of be also found in the statement “Saya Mbu`i

Bungale”, was translated by Google as “I Mbu` i Bungale”. The translation output


showed that Google Translation omitted be (am) after the subject to denote a person

(Thomson & Mathinet,1986, p.83). Therefore, the translation should be “I am Mbu` i


The omitted of be also was found on the sentence in table 2 “Nama saya

Boilode Hulawa” that was translated by Google Translator “My name Boilode

Hulawa”. The translation clearly shows the omit of is in the sentence. Therefore, the

sentence should be translated as “My name is Boilode Hulawa”.

To be in English shows the meaning adalah, merupakan, yaitu in Indonesian.

To be is used as a linking verb, joining the sentence subject with a subject

complement and adjective complement. The subject complement re-identifies the

subject and adjective complement modifies the subject (Thomson & Martinet,1986,

p.83). However, from the translation output above, Google Translation cannot

recognize to be because Google Translation only translates based on word-for-word


Another error of be also was found in table 1on the sentence “…mata air ini

diturunkan oleh Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa” that was translated by Google as “…this

spring revealed by God Almighty”. The omission was found in the case of omitted of

be (was). A form of the verb to be is combined with a past participle to form the

passive (Thomson & Martinet,1986, p.188). Therefore, the translation should be

“…this spring was revealed by God Almighty”; another error of this omission was

found on the sentence “…benda yang ditutupi tudung” that was translated as “the

object that covered the hood”. It clearly showed that Google Translation omitted be


and preposition by to form passive sentences. In active form, the sentence could be

“the hood that covered the object”. In the passive, the sentence is formed by putting

the verb to be into the same tense as the active verb and adding the past participle of

the active verb. The subject of the active verb becomes the 'agent' of the passive verb.

When the ‘agent’ is mentioned, it is preceded by by and placed at the end of the

clause (Thomson & Martinet,1986, p.188). Thus, the translation should be “…the

object that was covered by the hood”.

Omission of Plural Marker

The next omission is in the case of the absence of plural marker –s to show

the things that consist of more than one noun. Google translated the sentence as

shown in table 1 in which “…dua buah gunung yang tinggi” as “...two high

mountain”. Two define more than a noun, so it shows the plural form for the noun.

To form a regular noun plural, it usually add with –s (Eastwood,1994, p.376).

Therefore the sentence should be reconstructed as “… two high mountains”.

From the translation output above, Google Translation produced error

because Indonesian language and English is different in the use of plural marker.

English has plural suffix –s to express more than one thing but in Indonesian

language the plural concept can be understood by the concept or by adding other

words to express something that more than one (Eastwood,1994, p.376).

Omission of Pronoun


The other error is missing pronoun that Google Translation produced as

shown in table 1 is in the case of translating “bidadari yang kehilangan sayap itu

adalah bidadari tertua yang bernama Mbu`i Bungale” as “an angel loses it's wings

is the oldest angel named Mbu `i Bungale”. It can be seen that the sentence refers to

a person in which: “... an angel was the oldest angel. Her name was Mbu `i Bungale.

She lost her wings”. The translation output showed that Google Translation did the

error in missing pronoun who to substitute the subject and whose to define the

possessive that carries the same meaning with her which connected to a noun.

Without using pronoun, the sentence is not clear which angel that is talking about

(Thomson & Martinet,1986, p.57). Hence, the translation should be reconstructed as

“an angel who lost her wings was the oldest angel whose named Mbu `i Bungale”.

From the translation output show the different of English and Indonesian in

the case of using pronoun. In English, there are many kinds of pronouns, one of them

is relative pronoun. In English, relative pronoun has different function based on the

context of the sentence such as pronoun that substitute person, thing, or to substitute

possessive (who, whom, which, that, and whose). However, In Indonesian, all of

pronouns in English means ‘yang’ and there also no differences in the form of

pronoun like in English.

Omission of Auxiliary verb

Then, the error also was found in the omitted of auxiliary verb (do) in front of

the subject in interrogative sentence. The direct question “Kalian mau lihat

buktinya?” as shown in table 1 was translated by Google service as “You want to see


the proof?”. The translation showed the positive sentence not the interrogative

sentence. The auxiliary verb do commonly is used in negative and interrogative

sentence (Thomson & Martinet,1986, p.88). The subject you define auxiliary do in

the question. Hence, the translation should be reconstructed as auxiliary verb +

subject + main verb “Do you want to see the proof?”. Google Translation cannot

recognize auxiliary verb in the translation output because it only translates based on

lexical meaning. The source data above not put the question word apakah, hence,

Google also does not identify the auxiliary verb.

Omission of Possessive Marker

The omitted error also was shown in table 1 in the sentence “Doa Mbu’I

Bungale pun dikabulkan” that was translated by Google Translation as “Mbu `i

Bungale prayer was granted”. The translation showed the omitted of possesive

marker (‘s) to show the possession of the subject. Thus, the sentence should be

translated “Mbu `i Bungale’s prayer was granted”.

The omitted of possessive marker also was found on table 2 in which “Perut

Dinda” was translated by Google as “Dinda stomach”. As the explanation above, it

should be translated as “Dinda’s stomach”.

The translation showed that Indonesian and English are different in the way of

expressing possessive marker. In English, to show possessive marker is identified

with apostrophe ‘s and In Indonesian is identified with suffix –nya, -ku, and -mu.

From the findings of this study, it can be seen that there are many kinds of

errors in the case of Omission Error in the translation output of Google Translation in


translating Narrative Text of “Asal Usul Danau Limboto” and “Asal Mula Batu

Lahilote” from Indonesian into English. The errors were found in the Omission of

article, Omission of preposition, Omission of be, Omission of relative pronoun,

Omission of plural marker, Omission of auxiliary verb, and Omission of possessive ‘s.

Addition Error

The kind of addition error is when the translation adding one or more

elements which should not exist in the correct sentence. It is the opposite of the

Omission Error. The kinds of addition error that Google Translation produced in

translating Narrative Text “Asal Usul Danau Limboto” and “Asal Mula Batu

Lahilote” from Indonesian into English can be seen as follows:

Addition of be

In table 1, it can be seen the error is in the addition of be. The sentence

“…kawasan itu berubah menjadi daratan” was translated by Google Translator as

“the area was turned into the mainland”. It can be seen that the translation output

showed double marking of predicate in one sentence. Be and Full Verb can not

gathering in one sentence (Pardiyono,2008, p. 120). So, to be (was) is unnecessary

adds in the sentence because it can make double of verb ‘was and turned’ and the

sentence also not a passive sentence. Hence, the translation should be “…the area

turned into the mainland”.

Addition of Pronoun


Then, the error also was found in the addition of unnecessary pronoun in a

sentence as shown in table 1“…mereka akan mengambil mustika Bimelula itu” that

was translated by Google as “…they will take it Bimelula gems”. The word it in that

sentence is not necessary to put on because it caused double marking that shows the

names also its pronoun (it Bimelula). So the translation should be “…they will take

Bimelula gems” or “….they will take it”.

Addition error that was found in table 2 on the sentence “persediaan padi di

lumbung mereka habis” that was translated by Google Translator as “The supply of

rice in their barn they were exhausted”. From this translation, it can be seen that

there was contain double marking of pronoun and its possessive. The word ‘they’

should be omitted because this word already defined by the possessive ‘their’. So, the

translation is better if translated as “The supply of rice in their barn was exhausted”.

Addition of Plural Marker -s

The next error is the addition of plural marker –s as shown in table 1. This

error occurred when the translation put the plural marker –s in singular noun. The

sentence “Mata air Tupalo.” was translated in Google service as “Tupalo springs…”.

The subject clearly showed that there was only a noun, so the plural marker –s is not

necessary. Thus the translation should be “Tupalo spring...”; the addition error also

found in the phrase “pemimpin mereka” that was translated by Google as “their

leaders”. The translation should be “their leader” because there was only one leader.


Additional error of plural marker also was found in table 2 in which “satu

butir beras” was translated by Google as “the grains of rice”. the word ‘satu’ define

only one thing, so the phrase should be as “a grain of rice”.

From the findings, it can be seen that the error in the case of addition can be

classified in the double marking and simple addition in which the errors that occur

because the addition of unnecessary elements in the correct sentence. The errors that

were found were the addition of be, addition of pronoun, addition of double marking

of verb, and addition of plural marker –s.


Misformation occurs when the use of morphemes or structure incorrectly. In

the case of Narrative text, it most often using simple past, but it also using simple

present and simple future depends on the context of the sentences. Many of errors that

Google Translation produced in translating Narrative text were on the use of past verb

form and the use of wrong alternate of words. Narrative text tells a story with a

beginning, middle, and the end. The form of tenses will changed when the text

contain of conversation between the actors in the story.

Generally, the errors of misformation were found in the form of be (is – was,

are – were) as the predicate in the sentence. Narrative text most often uses past tense.

However, when translate Narrative text by using Google Translation, it produced the

errors in the case of translating the form of verb. They can be seen as following


Misformation of to be


In table 1, Google Translation produced the sentence “Previously, the area of

Limboto was a vast expanse of ocean. In the center there are two high mountain….

Both of these mountains are the directions…..”. From this translation output it can be

seen that Google Translation could not recognized the narrative text that using simple

past form. In the sentences above, to be (are) should be in the form of (were) because

the adverb previously describes that the event that already happened in the past, so,

the sentences must be in past tense forms. Therefore, the translation should be

reconstructed as “Previously, the area of Limboto was a vast expanse of ocean. In the

center there were two high mountains. Both of these mountains were the

directions…..”. The others misformation of be also found on the sentences “When the

angels were busy joking, he slowly walked to where the wings are placed”. the word

are in yhe sentences should be also in the form of verb 2 (were). So the sentence

should be reconstructed as “When the angels were busy joking, he slowly walked to

where the wings were placed”

In table 2, there is also found the misformation of be in which in the sentence

“Once upon a time, in the Land of U Duluo lo lo `u Limo Pohite, Gorontalo, there is a

handsome and dashing young man named Piilu Le Lahilote. From this case, to be is

in that translation should be in the form of was because the sentence tells a story that

occurred in the past and is defined by the adverb “once upon a time”. So, the form of

be should be changed as Once upon a time, in the Land of U Duluo lo lo `u Limo


Pohite, Gorontalo, there was a handsome and dashing young man named Piilu Le


From the translation output above, it can be seen that Google Translation

cannot recognize the form of to be in past tense form. It is occurred because English

and Indonesian has different in the way of expressing the event that occur in the past,

present, also future time. The form of be (is, are) in the sentence above should be in

the form of verb II ‘was, were’ because the story tells the event that already occurs.

Misformation of verb

The others errors were found on the verb past form that define regular verbs.

As the same as misformation of be in past tense form, in Narrative text, Google

translation also produced error in translating the verb of past tense in the case of

regular verb that ending with –ed form. The errors of Google Translation output could

be seen in table 1 in the paragraph “Not much later, the area turned into a vast

expanse of forest. In some places it still looks a stagnant of sea water, and in some

other places appear a basket of fresh water, which then form a pool of fresh water”.

The translation should be as “Not much later, the area turned into a vast expanse of

forest. In some places still looked a stagnant of sea water, and in some other places

appeared a basket of fresh water, which then formed a pool of fresh water. The

translation showed the error of misformation in the kind of archi-form, in which the

error in the form of tenses (the tense should use the regular past verb with the suffix –

ed not the simple present).


Similar with the errors above, in the table 2, the sentence “They live in

harmony and peace” contain error in the form of verb. The word ‘live’ should be in

the form of verb II ‘lived’. The translation should be “They lived in harmony and


From the translation outputs of Google Translation above, there were can be

seen that this machine translation can not define a narrative form that most often use

past tense based on the context of the sentence. The using of verb past form in which

by adding the suffix –ed for regular verbs was ignored.

The errors above occurred because in Indonesian language there are no tenses

like in English. In English, the form of verb will change based on the context of time

in which from the translation output above the verb should be in the form of past verb

with suffix –ed (regular verb). In Indonesian, it only need the adverb of time to define

the event that has occurred.

Misformation of parallel structure in a series

Azar (1989, p.287) explain that one use of a conjunction is to connect words

or phrases that have the same grammatical function in a sentence. This use of

conjunction is called parallel structure that showing relationships between ideas in

which the pattern are an, but, or (noun + and + noun/ verb + and + verb). However, in

this case, there was some errors that Google Translation produced in translating the

parallel structure with conjunction, they are:

The wrong forms was found on the sentence as shown in table 1“….they

immediately approached the hood and intends to lift it”. This sentence showed the


misformation of parallel structure of words in a sentence. The translation showed the

different form of verb, in which past and present forms that were found in a series.

This sentence showed there are two phrases that are combined with conjunction and.

The verbs before and after conjunction must have similar forms. Hence, the

translation should be reconstructed as “….they immediately approached the hood and

intended to lift it”; This error also found in the translation “They were interested and

willing to have the gems”. The verb should be reconstructed as “They were

interesting and willing to have the gems”.

In addition, the same error of parallel structure of verbs is also found in the

sentence in table 2 “Lahilote immediately ran back to his house and check the rice

granary” The verb should be reconstructed as “Lahilote immediately ran back to his

house and checked the rice granary”

The translation above clearly shows that in English, the sentence should

contains parallel structure in a series in which must have the similar form and

grammatical ending.

From the explanation above, it can be the proved that Google Translation

produced misformation errors in the case of misformation of be, misformation of verb,

and misformation of parallel structure.


Misordering is the wrong of placement the sequence of words or group of

word in a sentence. The misordering that Google Translation produced can be seen as

the following explanation:


Misordering of Noun phrase

The first error is misordering of noun as shownin table 1 in which “..mata air

Tupalo” was translated by Google as “spring Tupalo”. The translation output showed

that Google Translator ignored the structure of English nominal. There was found two

nouns together. English and Indonesian have different structures of this nominal, in

which in English the first noun modifies the second noun, it tells us something about

it, what kind it is or what it is for (Eastwoods,1994, p.187).. So the translation should

be in Modifies – Head (menerangkan-diterangkan) as “Tupalo spring” in which these

phrases show the name of the spring.

In the table 2, there is also found the error of Google Translator in translating

the phrase “Pohon Hutia Mala” that is translated as “a tree Hutia Mala”. As the

explanation above, the pharse should be reconstructed as “Hutia Mala Tree”.

The error in translation output occurred because English and Indonesian has

different structures in expressing nominal. In English follow the rule modifier-head

(menerangkan – diterangkan) but in Indonesian has the rule head-modifier

(diterangkan – menerangkan).

Another error in the structure of the phrase was found in “Gunung Boliohuto

dan Gunung Tilongkabila” that was translated by Google as “Mount Boliohuto

Tilongkabila”. From the translation, it can be seen that the error occurred in the case

of misordering of two nouns with conjunction. The phrase shows that there have two

mountains. Both of the nouns should be combined by the equivalent conjunction and.


The sentence should be reconstructed as noun + and + noun “Mount Boliohuto and

Mount Tilongkabila”

Misordering of Adjective phrase

The error of structure of words also was found in table 1 in the sentence

“…mengeluarkan air yang sangat jernih dan sejuk” that was translated by Google as

“… issuing water so clear and cool”. The error was showed in the case of structure

of the words that show adjective phrase. The adjectives should be put before the noun

as the modifier of the noun. The word so expressing the degree has the same

meaning with ‘very’. Hence, the phrase should be translated as “…issuing so clear

and cool water” which defines that the water has cool and fresh characteristics.

The translation output above show the error in the structure of adjective

phrase because Indonesian and English has different in the placement of words in

adjective phrase. In English, modifying adjective should be put before the noun to

describe the noun. However, in Indonesian, the adjective is placed after noun.

Misordering of Question word

The question as shown in table 2 “Kau meletakkannya dimana?” is translated

by google as “Do you put it where?”. This translation output shows the error in

ordering the structure of question in English that needs information about the

adverbial of place. (Eastwood,1994, p.28) mention that the word ‘where’ should be

put before auxiliary verb ‘do’. This interrogative sentence clearly shows that there is

needs information about where the place of something was put. It did not showed the


simple answer (yes/no) as found in the question that beginning with ‘do’. so, the

translation should be “Where do you put it?” as the question of the answer “I put it

some where”.

Misordering of simple sentence

Simple sentence has one independent clause. It means that it has one subject

and one verb with the structure Suject + Verb + object/complement. So, it expresses a

complete thought (Azar,1989, p.375). However, there was found the error of structure

that Google Translation produced in structuring the simple sentence. they can be seen

as follow:

As shown in table 1 “Gunung Tilongkabila menunjukkan arah timur” was

translated by Google as “the east of mount Tilongkabila shows”. The translation

showed misordering in the case of the structure of words. Google Translation

produced the error in which placed the wrong position of word in the form of simple

past sentence because in this case the story tells about the condition of Tilongkabila

mountain in the past. Commonly, a sentence consists of Subject, verb, and object.

Thus, the sentence should be reconstructed as “Mount Tilongkabila showed the east”

in active form or “the east was shown by Mount Tilongkabila” in passive form.

The error of structure of simple sentence also was found on the translation

output “…Mbu’i Bungale took the little girl and four invites travelers into their

home”. The translation shows the wrong order in the phrase “four invites travelers

into their home”. This translation was error in the way of structuring Simple Sentence

with compound verb. The conjunction and indicates that combination and structure of


the phrases should be parallel. The sentence should be reconstructed as “…Mbu’i

Bungale took the little girl and invited the four travelers into their home”.

In addition, as shown in table 2, there is the error in conveying the meaning of

the sentence because the error in structuring the word orders of sentence as usual in

simple sentence. The sentence “Lahilote pun mengajak putri Boilode Hulawa ke

rumahnya” was translated by Google as “Lahilote Boilode Hulawa daughter was

invited to her home”. The translation shows that the subject (Lahilote) and the object

(Boilode Hulawa) of the sentence became a unit of subject (a person). There found

misordering of the placement of subject, verb, and object in the sentence. Actually,

the sentence should be reconstructed as “Lahilote invited Bilode Hulawa to his


Misordering of complex sentence

Complex sentence has an independent clause joined by one or more dependent

clause. A complex sentence always has subordinator such as because, after, or when

and relative pronoun such as that, who, or which (Azar,1989, p.376).

The sentence as shown in table 1 “Usai minum, salah seorang di antara

mereka melihat ada tudung tergeletak di dekat mata air Tupalo” was translated by

Google as “After drinking, one of them saw lying near the hood springs Tupalo”.

The translation of Google showed the error in the placement of the word order that

caused the change of meaning. From Google translation output, it could be seen that

the meaning was changed as “Usai minum, salah seorang di antara mereka melihat

tergeletak dekat tudung mata air Tupalo”. The translation showed the misordering in


structuring past continous tense that has the pattern Subject + to be + Verb (-ing) +

place signal/time signal. Hence, the sentence should be reconstructed as “After

drinking, one of them saw the hood was lying near the Tupalo spring”.

The next of misordering translation still was found in table 1“…She ordered

the four travelers to climb to the top of the highest tree because soon it will sink

area”. The translation showed the error in the case of ordering the word in the form

of past future tense that consist of “Subject + would + verb infinitive” because in that

sentence there was found verb II after the subject. So, after subordinating conjunction

the form of tense should agree with the verb. The translation should be “She ordered

the four travelers to climb to the top of the highest tree because soon the area would


The other error was found on the sentence “Mbu`i Bungale pun memberinya

nama Tolango Hula, diambil dari kata Tilango lo Hulalo yang berarti cahaya

bulan.” that was translated as “Mbu `i Bungale Tolango Hula gave him the name,

derived from the word meaning Tilango lo Hulalo moonlight”. This translation

showed misordering of word order. The translation should be reconstructed as “Mbu

`i Bungale gave her the name Tolango Hula that was derived from the words

Tilango lo Hulalo that means the moonlight”.

Misordering of simple future sentence

Simple future is one kind of tenses that is used to express the activity that will

occur. This kind of tense has the rule subject + will + verb infinitive (Azar, 1989,

p.6). However, in this case, Google translation produced error in translating this kind


of tense in which the sentence as shown in table 2 “Kanda akan menolong Dinda”

was translated by Google Translator as “Kanda Dinda will help”. the trnalstion

clearly show the error of simple future form in the case of placement of words. The

word Dinda is the object in this sentence so it must be put in end of the sentence. The

constructing sentence should be Subject + will + verb + object. hence the translation

should be “Kanda will help Dinda”

Misordering of possessive phrase

The next Misordering was found in the phrase as shown in table 1 in which

“…menerima tantangan Mbu’i Bungale” was translated by Google as “…accepted

the challenge Mbu `i Bungale”. The translation output showed the error in ordering

the possessive phrase. The noun should be added with the possessive marker ‘s. So,

the sentence should be reconstructed as “…accepted Mbu `i Bungale’s challenge”

Misordering of possessive phrase also found on table 2 in which “keinginan

kanda” was translated by Google Translator as “the desire kanda”. So, the sentence

should be reconstructed as “…Kanda’s desire”

From the explanation above it can be sum up that the errors in the case of

misordering commonly were found in the misordering of the correct word order of

the sentence. Misordering were found from this folklore was in the case of the error

structure of noun phrase, the error structure of adjective phrase, error in structuring

possessive phrase, the error structure of simple sentence/simple sentence with

compound verb, the error structure of complex sentence, the error structure of simple

future sentence, and the error structure of question word.