O HERALD O The Voice of Goa — Since 1900 PTI NEW DELHI, DEC 16 The Supreme Court will monitor the probe into the 2G spectrum scam on which it directed today widening its compass to cover the grant of licences by both the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the United Progres- sive Alliance (UPA) regimes be- tween 2001-2007. Holding that prima facie “se- rious irregularities” have been founding in the issue of 122 li- cences, the court delivered a seven-point direction to the Cen- tral Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Enforcement Directorate (ED) saying it was satisfied that allegations need a thorough and impartial investigation. It referred to the petition and the affidavits filed by an NGO and said these were sup- ported by documents and also the Central Vigilance Commis- sion (CVC) report and the find- ings by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) in the performance audit report point- ing to a presumptive loss of Rs 1.76 lakh crore. A bench of justices G S Singhvi and A K Ganguly asked both the probe agencies to con- duct a comprehensive and co- ordinated investigation by sharing information “without being influenced by any func- tionary, agency or instrumen- tality of the State and irrespective of the position, rank or status of the person to be in- vestigated/probed” and submit reports in sealed covers on Feb- ruary 10, 2011. It asked the director general, income tax (investigation) to hand over the transcripts of the recording made pursuant to the approval accorded by the home secretary, to CBI to facilitate fur- ther investigation into the FIR (first information report) already registered or which may World: Resolve Kashmir tangle through talks — China Pg 11 Sports: Fiery SA reduces India to 136/9 Pg 16 Goa’s Heartbeat: Zuckerberg named 2010 Person of the Year Pg 1 (Continued on page 11) (Continued on page 11) (Continued on page 11) (Continued on page 11) Can you please tell us, which Bol- lywood heroines you want to sign for your forthcoming birthday bash, sir? Visit us at:www.oheraldo.in panjim, Friday, december 17, 2010 postal reg. no. Goa 101 price rs. 3.00 (air Surcharge rs 2.00) pages 16 + 4 PTI LONDON, DEC 16 Caste-based discrimination ex- ists across Britain, a new re- search commissioned by the United Kingdom government has found, prompting further calls to outlaw the malpractice that blights the lives of many people with origins in the Indian sub-continent. The research, commissioned as part of the debate over the Equalities Bill 2010 that received royal assent in April, was con- ducted by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR), which published its find- ings today. Now termed The Equalities Act 2010, the bill specifically mentions caste under the sec- tion Race. India’s position at interna- tional fora has always been that caste is not an aspect of race. It had succeeded in keeping caste out of the resolution adopted at the 2001 Durban conference on racism organised by the United Nations. The Act says in Part 2, Chap- ter 1: “A minister of the Crown may by order—(a) amend this section so as to provide for caste to be an aspect of race; (b) amend this Act so as to provide for an exception to a provision of this Act to apply, or not to apply, to caste or to apply, or not to apply, to caste in specified circumstances.” The main provisions of the Act came into force in October, according to the Government Equalities Office. The latest research presents several examples of caste-based discrimination in schools, work- places, markets, services, poli- tics, places of worship, health and social care. It discussed the claims of groups that insisted on the ex- istence of the practice as well as those who denied it existed in Britain. The report recommended that “extending the definition of race to include caste would provide further, explicit protection”. It adds that legislations would be the most effective way to tackle it because, “relying on the Indian community to take action to reduce caste discrim- ination and harassment is prob- lematic.” The report says: “Caste awareness in Britain is concen- trated amongst people with roots in the Indian sub-continent (who comprise five per cent of the population). It is not religion specific and is subscribed to by (and affects) members of any or no religion.” The study identified evidence suggesting caste discrimination and harassment of the type cov- ered by the Equality Act 2010 in relation to: work (bullying, recruitment, promotion, task al- location); provision of services; and education (pupil on pupil bullying). The caste discrimination and harassment identified in the study was by higher castes against the lowest castes, the report says and adds that there is no clear evidence on whether the extent of caste discrimina- tion and harassment is changing. Caste bias exists across Britain Probe 2G licences from 2001-07: SC PTI LOS ANGELES, DEC 16 After bagging a Golden Globe nomination, music maestro A R Rahman is once again in Oscar race with his song ‘If I Rise’ from ‘127 Hours’ making it to the academy shortlist for the Orig- inal Song category. A total of 41 tunes, including the number that Rahman wrote for Danny Boyle’s film, will be judged for Oscar considerations by the Academy of Motion Pic- tures Arts and Sciences. Clips featuring the songs will be viewed by the members of the music branch, who will vote to determine the final nominees on January 6, Academy’s official website said unveiling the list today. It is a happy coincidence for Rahman, who had a similar golden run in the award circuits in 2009. The 44-year-old singer- composer won his first Golden Globe in 2009 in the Best Orig- inal Score category for Boyle’s ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, which also went on to fetch him two Oscar statuettes later. Rahman has already received rave reviews for his music in ‘127 Hours’, starring James Franco as real-life mountain climber Aron Ralston, who cut off his arm to escape from be- neath a boulder after being trapped for more than five days. Rahman once again in race for Oscar HERALD REPORTER PANJIM, DEC 16 In what could give rise to new political developments in the State, two Nationalist Congress Party ministers – Jose Philip D’- Souza (revenue and civil sup- plies) and Nilkant Halarnkar (tourism) – in the Congress-led dispensation have been asked to quit their ministerial posts by their party high command. While reliable party sources maintained both were asked to quit citing their meeting in Margao at the residence of Con- gress General Secretary Vijay Sardesai’s house, political an- alysts closely monitoring the situation, think otherwise. The present situation comes at a time when speculations are rife that decks are being cleared for NCP legislator’s Mickky Pacheco’s return as min- ister. However, this part could not be confirmed from any of the national leaders including NCP’s Goa desk in-charge Praful Patel. Analysts said it was too harsh a decision to ask the two min- isters to resign at one time and the reason for such a move doesn’t appear clear for now. Party sources confirmed there was a message sent by the high command which came to the State NCP President Surendra Sirsat asking the two NCP LEADERSHIP FUMES High command tells Jose Philip, Nilkant to quit ministry HERALD REPORTER MARGAO, DEC 16 With the Nationalist Con- gress Party (NCP) leadership mulling action against two of its ministers Jose Philip D’- Souza and Nilkhant Halarnkar, State Congress leaders have turned to the All India Con- gress Committee (AICC) ob- server for Goa, B Hariprasad on the developments unfold- ing in the State, even as Chief Minister, Digambar Kamat left for the national capital on Thursday. Sources in the know said the Congress leaders, who had a meeting with the two NCP ministers at the residence of Goa Pradesh Congress Com- mittee (GPCC) General Secre- tary Vijay Sardessai got in touch with the AICC observer in charge of Goa and briefed him on the political develop- ments. Herald understands that the State leaders have told Hariprasad that no action should be taken on the fate of Jose Philip and Nilkhant with- out the meeting of the coor- dination committee of the coalition partners. While explaining the rea- sons behind holding last night meeting with the two NCP min- isters, the leaders pointed out that the status quo should not be disturbed under any cir- cumstances in the interest of the party. Though the chief minister has headed to Delhi this evening to attend a confer- ence, state Congress leaders have exuded confidence that Kamat would convince the party high command on the need to maintain status quo in the ministry in the interest of the Congress party. Incidentally, these leaders Cong leaders brief Hari, CM for Delhi HERALD REPORTER MARGAO, DEC 16 While Wednesday’s night meet- ing of Congress leaders with the NCP ministers at the resi- dence of GPCC general secre- tary Vijay Sardessai raised many an eyebrow, the devel- opment is being closely watched and monitored by for- mer Tourism Minister, Mickky Pacheco. While last night meeting was aimed at blocking Pacheco’s re- turn to the Digambar Kamat ministry, the former tourism minister has declined to com- ment on the situation, saying that things would be clear in the next few days. Pacheco, however, said that though he had doubts as to who were the leaders re- sponsible for implicating him in false cases in the last six months, last night meeting Mickky silent, watches closely Besides political reasons, aren’t we supposed to sit with our coalition partners for anything else? Let us see about the resignation aspect. — Jose Philip D’Souza Why this resignation? What wrong have I done? Am I involved in any scandal or corruption? This call for resignation was unwarranted. — Nilkant Halarnkar RBI announces steps to inject Rs 48,000 cr PTI MUMBAI, DEC 16 The Reserve Bank today paused further key policy rate hikes and announced steps to pump in Rs 48,000 crore into the banking system, even as Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said this will not add to inflationary pres- sures. “Reduction of one percentage in SLR combined with the infu- sion of Rs 48,000 crore in the next one month time has up- lifted the investor sentiment. leading brokerage firm IIFL Re- search Head Amar Ambani said The Central bank reduced re- duced the Statutory Liquidity Ratio, portion of deposits that banks must invest in govern- ment securities, by one percent- age point to 24 per cent. RBI in its mid-quarter credit review refrained from changing them further. It retained the repo at 6.25 per cent and the reverse repo at 5.25 per cent. (Detailed report on pg 13) Prima facie “serious irregularities” have been found by the Supreme Court in the issue of 122 licences. A seven-point direction has been issued to the CBI and ED saying it was satisfied that allegations need a thorough and impartial investigation. BJP welcomes order, but insists on JPC - Pg7 Faith in the ability of a leader is of slight service unless it be united with faith in his justice. — George Goethals Page 1_Layout 1 12/17/2010 12:23 AM Page 1



Transcript of 17 Dec,2010 HERALD PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD

  • OHERALDOThe Voice of Goa Since 1900


    The Supreme Court will monitorthe probe into the 2G spectrumscam on which it directed todaywidening its compass to coverthe grant of licences by boththe National Democratic Alliance(NDA) and the United Progres-sive Alliance (UPA) regimes be-tween 2001-2007.

    Holding that prima facie se-rious irregularities have beenfounding in the issue of 122 li-cences, the court delivered aseven-point direction to the Cen-tral Bureau of Investigation (CBI)and Enforcement Directorate(ED) saying it was satisfied thatallegations need a thorough andimpartial investigation.

    It referred to the petition

    and the affidavits filed by anNGO and said these were sup-ported by documents and alsothe Central Vigilance Commis-sion (CVC) report and the find-ings by the Comptroller and

    Auditor General (CAG) in theperformance audit report point-ing to a presumptive loss of Rs1.76 lakh crore.

    A bench of justices G SSinghvi and A K Ganguly asked

    both the probe agencies to con-duct a comprehensive and co-ordinated investigation bysharing information withoutbeing influenced by any func-tionary, agency or instrumen-t a l i t y o f the S ta te andirrespective of the position, rankor status of the person to be in-vestigated/probed and submitreports in sealed covers on Feb-ruary 10, 2011.

    It asked the director general,income tax (investigation) tohand over the transcripts of therecording made pursuant to theapproval accorded by the homesecretary, to CBI to facilitate fur-ther investigation into theFIR (first information report)already registered or which may

    World: Resolve Kashmir tangle

    through talks China Pg 11

    Sports: Fiery SA reduces

    India to 136/9 Pg 16

    Goas Heartbeat: Zuckerberg named

    2010 Person of the Year Pg 1

    (Continued on page 11)

    (Continued on page 11) (Continued on page 11)

    (Continued on page 11)

    Can you please tell us, which Bol-lywood heroines you want to signfor your forthcoming birthdaybash, sir?

    Visit us at:www.oheraldo.in panjim, Friday, december 17, 2010 postal reg. no. Goa 101 price rs. 3.00 (air Surcharge rs 2.00) pages 16 + 4


    Caste-based discrimination ex-ists across Britain, a new re-search commissioned by theUnited Kingdom governmenthas found, prompting furthercalls to outlaw the malpracticethat blights the lives of manypeople with origins in the Indiansub-continent.

    The research, commissionedas part of the debate over theEqualities Bill 2010 that receivedroyal assent in April, was con-ducted by the National Instituteof Economic and Social Research(NIESR), which published its find-ings today.

    Now termed The EqualitiesAct 2010, the bill specificallymentions caste under the sec-tion Race.

    Indias position at interna-tional fora has always been thatcaste is not an aspect of race. Ithad succeeded in keeping casteout of the resolution adoptedat the 2001 Durban conferenceon racism organised by theUnited Nations.

    The Act says in Part 2, Chap-ter 1: A minister of the Crownmay by order(a) amend thissection so as to provide for casteto be an aspect of race; (b)amend this Act so as to providefor an exception to a provisionof this Act to apply, or not toapply, to caste or to apply, ornot to apply, to caste in specifiedcircumstances.

    The main provisions of theAct came into force in October,according to the GovernmentEqualities Office.

    The latest research presents

    several examples of caste-baseddiscrimination in schools, work-places, markets, services, poli-tics, places of worship, healthand social care.

    It discussed the claims ofgroups that insisted on the ex-istence of the practice as wellas those who denied it existedin Britain.

    The report recommendedthat extending the definitionof race to include caste wouldprovide further, explicit protection.

    It adds that legislations wouldbe the most effective way totackle it because, relying onthe Indian community to takeaction to reduce caste discrim-ination and harassment is prob-lematic.

    The report says: Casteawareness in Britain is concen-trated amongst people withroots in the Indian sub-continent(who comprise five per cent ofthe population). It is not religionspecific and is subscribed to by(and affects) members of any orno religion.

    The study identified evidencesuggesting caste discriminationand harassment of the type cov-ered by the Equality Act 2010in relation to: work (bullying,recruitment, promotion, task al-location); provision of services;and education (pupil on pupilbullying).

    The caste discrimination andharassment identified in thestudy was by higher castesagainst the lowest castes, thereport says and adds that thereis no clear evidence on whetherthe extent of caste discrimina-tion and harassment is changing.

    Caste bias exists across Britain

    Probe 2G licences from 2001-07: SC


    After bagging a Golden Globenomination, music maestro A RRahman is once again in Oscarrace with his song If I Rise from127 Hours making it to theacademy shortlist for the Orig-inal Song category.

    A total of 41 tunes, includingthe number that Rahman wrotefor Danny Boyles film, will bejudged for Oscar considerationsby the Academy of Motion Pic-tures Arts and Sciences.

    Clips featuring the songs willbe viewed by the members ofthe music branch, who will voteto determine the final nomineeson January 6, Academys officialwebsite said unveiling the listtoday.

    It is a happy coincidence forRahman, who had a similargolden run in the award circuitsin 2009. The 44-year-old singer-composer won his first GoldenGlobe in 2009 in the Best Orig-inal Score category for BoylesSlumdog Millionaire, which alsowent on to fetch him two Oscarstatuettes later.

    Rahman has already receivedrave reviews for his music in127 Hours, starring JamesFranco as real-life mountainclimber Aron Ralston, who cutoff his arm to escape from be-neath a boulder after beingtrapped for more than five days.

    Rahman onceagain in race

    for Oscar


    In what could give rise to newpolitical developments in theState, two Nationalist CongressParty ministers Jose Philip D-Souza (revenue and civil sup-plies) and Nilkant Halarnkar(tourism) in the Congress-leddispensation have been askedto quit their ministerial postsby their party high command.

    While reliable party sourcesmaintained both were askedto quit citing their meeting inMargao at the residence of Con-gress General Secretary VijaySardesais house, political an-alysts closely monitoring thesituation, think otherwise.

    The present situation comesat a time when speculationsare rife that decks are beingcleared for NCP legislatorsMickky Pachecos return as min-

    ister. However, this part couldnot be confirmed from any ofthe national leaders includingNCPs Goa desk in-charge PrafulPatel.

    Analysts said it was too harsha decision to ask the two min-isters to resign at one time and

    the reason for such a movedoesnt appear clear for now.

    Party sources confirmedthere was a message sent bythe high command which cameto the State NCP PresidentSurendra Sirsat asking the two

    NCP LEADERSHIP FUMESHigh command tells Jose Philip, Nilkant to quit ministry


    With the Nationalist Con-gress Party (NCP) leadershipmulling action against two ofits ministers Jose Philip D-Souza and Nilkhant Halarnkar,State Congress leaders haveturned to the All India Con-gress Committee (AICC) ob-server for Goa, B Hariprasadon the developments unfold-ing in the State, even as ChiefMinister, Digambar Kamat leftfor the national capital onThursday.

    Sources in the know saidthe Congress leaders, who hada meeting with the two NCPministers at the residence ofGoa Pradesh Congress Com-

    mittee (GPCC) General Secre-tary Vijay Sardessai got intouch with the AICC observerin charge of Goa and briefedhim on the political develop-ments.

    Herald understands that theSta te l eaders have to ldHariprasad that no actionshould be taken on the fate ofJose Philip and Nilkhant with-out the meeting of the coor-dination committee of thecoalition partners.

    While explaining the rea-sons behind holding last nightmeeting with the two NCP min-isters, the leaders pointed outthat the status quo should notbe disturbed under any cir-cumstances in the interest ofthe party.

    Though the chief ministerhas headed to Delhi thisevening to attend a confer-ence, state Congress leadershave exuded confidence thatKamat would convince theparty high command on theneed to maintain status quoin the ministry in the interestof the Congress party.

    Incidentally, these leaders

    Cong leaders briefHari, CM for Delhi


    While Wednesdays night meet-ing of Congress leaders withthe NCP ministers at the resi-dence of GPCC general secre-tary Vijay Sardessai raisedmany an eyebrow, the devel-opment i s be ing c lose lywatched and monitored by for-mer Tourism Minister, MickkyPacheco.

    While last night meeting wasaimed at blocking Pachecos re-turn to the Digambar Kamat

    ministry, the former tourismminister has declined to com-ment on the situation, sayingthat things would be clear inthe next few days.

    Pacheco, however, said thatthough he had doubts as towho were the leaders re-sponsible for implicatinghim in false cases in the lastsix months, last night meeting

    Mickky silent, watches closely

    Besides political reasons,arent we supposed to sit

    with our coalition partnersfor anything else? Let us

    see about the resignation aspect.

    Jose Philip DSouza

    Why this resignation? Whatwrong have I done? Am I

    involved in any scandal orcorruption? This call for resignation was


    Nilkant Halarnkar

    RBI announcessteps to inject Rs 48,000 cr


    The Reserve Bank today pausedfurther key policy rate hikes andannounced steps to pump in Rs48,000 crore into the bankingsystem, even as Finance MinisterPranab Mukherjee said this willnot add to inflationary pres-sures.

    Reduction of one percentagein SLR combined with the infu-sion of Rs 48,000 crore in thenext one month time has up-lifted the investor sentiment.leading brokerage firm IIFL Re-search Head Amar Ambani said

    The Central bank reduced re-duced the Statutory LiquidityRatio, portion of deposits thatbanks must invest in govern-ment securities, by one percent-age point to 24 per cent.

    RBI in its mid-quarter creditreview refrained from changingthem further.

    It retained the repo at 6.25per cent and the reverse repoat 5.25 per cent.

    (Detailed report on pg 13)

    Prima facie seriousirregularities have been

    found by the Supreme Courtin the issue of 122

    licences. A seven-pointdirection has been issued to

    the CBI and ED saying itwas satisfied that

    allegations need a thoroughand impartial investigation.

    BJP welcomes order, but insists on JPC - Pg7

    Faith in the abilityof a leader is of

    slight service unlessit be united with

    faith in his justice.

    George Goethals

    Page 1_Layout 1 12/17/2010 12:23 AM Page 1





    PANJIM, DEC 16

    If the Goa Pradesh Youth Congress thinksallegations of misappropriation of moneymeant for Canacona flood relief have dieddown, then it is probably mistaken.

    On Thursday, national secretary ofthe Nationalist Congress Party JitendraDeshprabhu answering a questionraked up the issue yet again claimingeven today receipt books for collec-tion of money for Canacona flood re-lief were being circulated by the YouthCongress.

    Deshprabhu took a dig at YC when amedia person questioned him on the moveof its youth wing, Nationalist Youth Con-gress, to strengthen the young brigade inGoa when there was a strong presence ofits allys, the Congress Partys, youth wing.

    He said there was no comparison as theNYC stood independently on the plank ofsecularism and integrity. The YC distributedwrong money, some Rs 10 lakh, to the flood-affected people of Canacona, while it hasactually collected Rs 70 lakh. The State NCP

    had resolved to file a complaint, he men-tioned.

    When the media pressured the nationalsecretary to say why there was no writtencomplaint filed if the party was convincedof the fraud by the YC, he said the HomeMinister was of the Congress. He shouldhave taken suo moto cognisance of thematter. Also, the documentation which isthe evidence is with the Congress, headded.

    CONGRESS COMMUNAL: Once a Con-gressman himself, Deshprabhu ridiculed his

    former party by saying the same had lostfocus and had become communal minded.It is now dividing Hindus for political gains.The Congress of today is far different fromwhat tenets of secularism leaders like Ma-hatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal and in todaystime Sonia Gandhi portrayed, he observed.

    MICKKYS STATEMENT: Answering a ques-tion on its MLA Mickky Pachecos birthdayspeech of fielding candidates in all 40 con-stituencies in the State, the national secre-tary said, NCP is ready if it is forced tofield 40 candidates, but at the same timelet me be specific in stating this issue isleft to the national leadership of both par-ties. It is not right to extract a statementon this issue.

    Tourism Minister Nilkanth Halarnkar, whowas also present, said the Benaulim MLAcant be taken seriously. On yesterdays visitto Congressman Vijay Sardessais residencewhere other Congress bigwigs appeared,Halarnkar claimed it was nothing politicalbut just dinner diplomacy. Four papershave reported the news in four differentways, he added.

    YC still circulating receipts for Canacona relief: Deshprabhu


    PANJIM, DEC 16

    Leader of Opposition Manohar Parrikartoday said that he was being questionedby Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) inthe IFFI scam on the issue of accountabilityand not corruption.

    Addressing the inaugural function of In-dian Corporate Week in the city todaymorning, Parrikar said that CBI in its two-hour-long interrogation had questionedwhy there was a delay in giving the workorder for dredging of Mandovi River.

    CBI officials were also questioning whyfiles were passed on various works expedi-tiously. They were actually questioning meon accountability and not on corruption,he said.

    Parrikar has been accused of financialmisappropriation while creating infrastruc-ture for hosting the IFFI in 2004 during hisChief Ministership.

    The former chief minister said that theinvestigating officers (CBI) were actuallysurprised with the pace of files that weremoved to construct infrastructure for IFFIin 2004.

    The whole infrastructure was readywithin six months and that is what amazedthem, he said adding that within 24 hourstime the file for the infrastructure wasmoved from my office to the other.

    Parrikar stated that during the interro-gation they (CBI) asked me only one questionand rest of the time I was questioning them,he said.

    The Indian Corporate Week with a themeSustainable Business and Good Governanceis jointly organised by Registrar of Compa-nies, Goa in association with Goa Chamber

    of Commerce and Industries (GCCI), Instituteof Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), GoaChapter and Institute of Charted Accountantof India (ICAI), Goa Branch.

    The former chief minister said that Stategovernment has missed its unrealistic targetof Rs 1,200 crore as Additional RevenueMobilisation (ARM) for the current fiscal.

    In last five years Rs 1,200 crore was ex-pected by the government through addi-tional revenue mobilisation but hardly theyhad touched the figure of Rs 50 crore, Par-

    rikar said adding that the relief that theygot after charging export duty ad valeremon the iron ore.

    Thanks to the Central governmentwho amended the Royalty Act and themines exports came to 10 percent of thedeclared value of the mineral instead ofearlier declared royalty of Rs 13 and Rs27, he said adding that suddenly therewas a windfall from that sector to thetune of Rs 480 crore.

    Pointing that the corporates have to goto ethical deficits, Parrikar urged that theofficers should start thinking like trusteeof the corporates. Once you start thinkingthat way, all the aspects would be in place,you dont have to be told to be sensitive toenvironment or ethical, he said.

    GCCI President Cesar Menezes addressingthe gathering said that companies in Goaneed to think about environment impactespecially being the leaders in tourism in-dustry.

    Goa is one state which is known for lesspollution and less environment hazards ...If we lose this image tourists will turn awayfrom Goa, he said.

    Menezes appealed the industries to takea step forward in preserving and conservingenvironment in the State. There is no pointin making just money if we cant serve ourpeople, he said.

    Noted industrialist Dattaraj Salgaocarwas the guest of honour.

    S K Gupta, Registrar of Companies, Swa-tee Rane, Chairperson of ICSI, Ashish PrabhuVerlekar, chairperson of ICAI and VarunSood, Managing partner, Capvent AG,Switzerland were also present.


    CBI questioning on accountability, not corruption, says Parrikarn The YC distributed wrong

    money, some Rs 10 lakh,to the flood-affectedpeople of Canacona, whileit has actually collectedRs 70 lakh. The State NCPhad resolved to file acomplaint.

    -- Deshprabhu

    Calangute MLA dividing people

    for personal gainsHERALD REPORTER

    PANJIM, DEC 16

    The Fishing Community fearsthat trawlers with high-pow-ered motors are hijackinglocal fishing and the FisheriesDepartment is yet to take ac-tion.

    Menino Afonso, Chairman ofthe Mandovi Fishermen Market-ing Cooperative Society toldHerald that their repeated com-plaints on the matter are fallingon deaf ears.

    We approached the FisheriesDepartment that these trawlerswith high-powered motors arekilling our business. But ourgrievances are not paid heed,Afonso said.

    He said that trawlers comingfrom Malpem, Mangalore andKerala install maximum 280 to350 brake horsepower (BHP)motors on their boats, givingan edge over Goas traditional100 BHP motors.

    If this continues, then wewill lose our resources soon.The high powered motor boatsnot only overpower our fishing

    Fisheries dept yetto act against

    hi-tech trawlers but also destroy small fish andeggs with the high-speed, healleged.

    Malim jetty operates 350trawlers and has around 4000workers for fishing and groundduty.

    Afonso alleged that kingfishand mackerels have run out ofstock in Goa as a result of fish-ing by high-powered motorboats. The kingfish catch toBHP motor boats is about fourtonnes and at least six tonnesof mackerels, everyday. Theytransport the total fish catchto their State markets, hestated.

    He added that these trawlersfetch good money also as thedead fish are delivered at fishmill.

    The chairman reiteratedthat trawlers from Karnatakaand Kerala with smaller hole-nets and high powered mo-tors are disturbing the entiremarine ecology. Fisheries Di-rector S Verenkar was how-eve r no t a va i l ab l e fo rcomments.


    PANJIM, DEC 16

    National Fishworkers Forum(NFF) has strongly reacted toWednesdays incident whereinwater sports operators al-l eged l y suppor ted byCalangute MLA Agnelo Fernan-des assaulted a traditional fish-erman.

    The MLA should not behavelike a goonda. He instigatedthe boat owners to hit the tra-ditional fisherman over rightsto use the jetty, NFF actingChairman Matanhy Saldanhasaid.

    The incident occurred whena Fisheries Department officialinstalled a board at SinquerimJetty stating that the jetty willbe used by traditional fisher-men. This was followed by anargument and altercation be-tween the traditional fisher-men and wate r spor t soperators.

    A complaint and counter com-plaint was thereafter registeredwith the Calangute police. Tra-ditional fisherman Reginald Sil-veira complained that the MLA

    instigated his men to form un-lawful assembly and restrainfishermen to the jetty.

    Silveira alleged that he wasattacked by rival groups, injuringhis nose. Whereas, Agnelosbrother, Lawrence in his com-plaint alleged that Silveirathreatened him and two otherswith dire consequences.

    To this, Saldanha said that theMLA is dividing people for per-sonal gains.

    The fishing jetty belongs toFisheries Department and notTourism Department. The MLAis dividing people for his per-sonal gains, he said.

    He should not do such athing for the welfare of the so-ciety, he added. Fisheries Di-rec to r S Ve renka r, whencontacted, told Herald that hehas sought a report from his of-ficer Harmalkar, who was pres-ent at the site during thealtercation.

    I have asked for a reportfrom my officer. Only after study-ing the matter, I will discuss theissue with the Government, hesaid.


    PANJIM, DEC 16

    Even as the Sunburn 2010 organisers claimto have geared up for the three-day eventbeginning from December 27, Goa Policewill launch its inspection on Friday beforegranting approval.

    Deputy Superintendent of Police (MapusaII) P Mapari confirmed that they have re-ceived an application of Sunburn organizersseeking permission to hold the event atCandolim beach.

    The Deputy Collector has forwardedthe application today (Thursday) eveningon basis of which we have asked Calangutepolice to carry out a thorough survey, Ma-pari told Herald.

    The team will prepare a report after as-sessing the security, parking and otherarrangements at the festival venue. Thereport will then be forwarded to the DeputyCollector, which will decide on issuing per-mission.

    Bardez Sub-Divisional Magistrate DashratRedkar also confirmed that Sunburn organ-isers have applied seeking permission tohold the three-day event.

    The organisers claimed that everythingis in place to hold the mega-event. Wehave already applied seeking permissionto hold the event. Everything is on sched-ule, Chief Executive Officer, PerceptSports and Entertainment Devraj Sanyalsaid.

    They even held a meeting with theTourism Minister Nilkanth Halarnkar. Sanyalclaimed to have obtained all required per-missions including permission from thelocal Panchayat.

    An officer said that the festival has toobtain permission from the Home De-partment which is a mandatory circularissued by the Home Department afterthe festival hit controversy with the deathof Bangalore youth Meha Bahuguna in2009.

    The festival in its fourth year has alreadymarketed its event through cyberspace andis expecting a crowd of around 20,000. On-line ticket booking began from Novemberonwards.

    Cops to inspect Sunburn venue today


    PANJIM, DEC 16

    The youth wing of the State Nationalist CongressParty, the Nationalist Youth Congress, on Thursdaydeclared its much-promised team to take pro-grammes and policies of the party to the grass-roots level.

    NCP President Surendra Sirsat making an an-nouncement of the formation of the new teamsaid the same would strive to deal with issues af-flicting the youth in the State.

    Womens Wing in-charge for Goa and nationalsecretary Bharati Chavan said the party supremoSharad Pawar knew the importance of partic-ipation of women in politics and had calledfor their strong reservation at every level offunctioning.

    Chavan said even in the State team of the NYCone will get to see young womens reservation.At the national level too the NCP was attractinga lot of youth to the party fold and unlike in thepast in todays scenario MLAs are as young asever, she stated.

    State NYC President Tanveer Khatib, who camein for much praise from national secretary NCPJeetendra Deshprabhu for getting many youth tothe party fold, said today the new team would

    discuss the new policy in the context of localyouth. Earlier, Khatib had said the team will decideon the policy document having everything meantfor guarding the interests of the youth.

    While speaking at todays function, coordinatorfor the youth team and general secretary AvinashBhonsle called upon the youth to carry forward thethought of the party without looking at the individ-uals. True leaders are those who work at the grassroots level and not the ones that attain positionsvia recommendations, he stated.

    The State team of the NYC for 2010-2012 com-prises of Tanveer Khatib (president), Nitesh Pandit(working president and chief spokesperson), GregFernandes (senior vice president), ChandrajitSapre, Ram Mandrekar, Amrish Bamne (all vicepresidents), Kunal Sagarkar (vice president-media),Gautam Karekar (general secretary), Tanuja Halwai(general secretary-media), Rupesh Vazarkar, PratapGad, Gitesh Naik (all general secretaries), SantoshDivkar (general secretary-PR), Joseph Lobo, SonamNayak, Rupesh Khojuvekar, Neil Fernandes, SeraFernandes, Amer Shirodkar, Satish Gaonkar (allsecretaries), Amit Jog (secretary-students welfare),Nilesh DSouza, Milind Shirodkar, Narendra Kor-gaonkar, Norman DSouza and Kanta Jadhav (alljoint secretaries).

    Sunburn Festival: ready to face the heat.

    NYC forms new team forgrassroot work

    Access to Calangute temple opened

    Calangute Sarpanch Alex Fernandes, former sarpanch Joseph Sequeira and others at the inauguralfunction of the Pradkshina access to Shree Shantadurga Temple, Calangute.

    Photo by Thomas Fernandes



    After a long 22 years struggle,the Pradkshina access to theShree Shantadurga Temple ma-terialised at Calangute on Tues-day.

    The Pradkshina access forShree Shantadurga Temple wasfinally thrown open for devoteesby Calangute Sarpanch Alex Fer-nandes and proprietor ofCalangute Inn Sanjay Khanna inthe p resence o f fo rmerCalangute sarpanchas JosephSequeira, Laxman Porob and Al-bert Fernandes, former deputysarpanchas Ana Maria DSouzaand Rupa Chodankar, ShreeShantadurga Saunsthan Presi-

    dent Panduranj Matkar, AttorneyArjun Appa Shirodker, SaligaoZP member Michael Lobo, com-

    mittee members, devotees andothers.

    The 22-year old dream of the

    devotees of Shree ShantadurgaTemple became a reality withthe inaugural function. Theprocess was started on theDussehra day.

    Addressing the gathering,Arjun Appa Shirodker ex-pressed fond gratitude to thepanchayat members led byJoseph Sequeira, LaxmanPorob, Ana Marie DSouza andRupa Chodankar and propri-etor Sanjay Khanna for beinggenerous in his contributiontowards the temple by provid-ing access through his prop-erty.

    Shirodker also thanked for-mer sarpanch Joseph Sequeirafor being instrumental in achiev-ing the near impossible thingthrough his good offices.

    Calangute Sarpanch Alex Fer-nandes thanked the committeemembers of Shree ShantadurgaTemple for giving him an op-portunity to inaugurate the Palkiaccess.

    Konkani novelist to receive

    sahitya puraskar HERALD REPORTER

    MARGAO, DEC 16

    Eminent Konkani Novelist Ma-habaleshwar Sail will receive thef i rst V imala V Pai V ishwaKonkani Sahitya Puraskar 2010at Ravindra Bhavan on Saturday.

    Sail will be presented withthe award for his outstandingKonkani novel Hawthan and willbe honoured with citation, me-mento and cash prize of Rs onelakh by eminent Oriya LiterateurProf Prafulla Kumar Mohanty ionthe presence of Chief MinisterDigambar Kamat

    Konkani writer Uday Bhem-bre said the award is consti-tuted by World KonkaniCentre, Mangalore and in-stalled by the patron of thecentre, T V Mohandas Pai.

    He said the ceremonywould be witnessed by Chair-man Emeritus R V Desh-pande, Chairman of Konkanilanguage and Cultural Foun-dation Dr P Dayananda Pai,eminent economist and DrN Shivdas, president GoaKonkani Academy.

    The Novel Hawthan (2009)written by reputed Konkani au-thor Mahableshwar Sail and pub-lished by Bimb Prakashan, Goais a well-researched and stirringwork of fiction. Moreover, it isequally a sympathetically drawnand insightfully presented cul-tural map of the miniscule com-munity of traditional potters,known as Kumbars in Goa,which is fast waning.


    MARGAO, DEC 16

    Margao Municipal Chairperson Sushila Naik onThursday evening has called for completion ofthe work on the four-lane road from NavelimChurch to flyover traffic junction within threemonths.

    After inspecting the ongoing work on the roadthis evening, the MMC Chairperson said the con-tractor has been told to complete work on theone lane before Christmas.

    Making her presence felt at the ongoing workcarried out by the Goa State Infrastructure De-velopment Corporation, Naik said she has in-spected the road work being the first citizen ofthe City.

    The work is being undertaken by the GSIDCat a cost of Rs 6.9 crore. But, being the firstcitizen, I have inspected the works and set thedeadline to the contractor, she said.

    Sources in the know said the chairperson in-spected the road works following instructionsfrom the Chief Minister Digambar Kamat, whohas left for Delhi on Thursday.

    While the chairperson was leaving the spotafter the inspection accompanied by the localcitizens, former chairperson Savio Coutinho cameon the scene and drew the attention of the chair-person to the unmotorable condition of the road,connecting the internal roads.

    The chairpersons visit assumes significanceafter the common man raised a hue and cry overthe hotmixing work, saying the hot mix is beinglaid without doing proper soling.

    The contractor, however, has told Coutinhothat the hot mix is being laid on the new roadafter following all road construction normsand as per the specifications laid down by theGoa State Infrastructure Development Corpo-ration.

    MMC chief calls for completing 4-lane road within 3 months


    MARGAO, DEC 16

    Archbishop of Goa, Filipe Neri Fer-rao on Wednesday blessed thefoundation stone for the renova-tion structure of the ShantiAvedna Sadan at Loutolim.

    The Shanti Avedna which hastaken care of terminally ill pa-tients for the last 24 years is ap-proaching its silver jubilee nextyear.

    The Archbishop was the cel-ebrant of the thanksgiving mass

    and also welcomed the new Sis-ters, followed by blessing of thefoundation stone and an audiovisual presentation of the Sadan.

    Administration Superior ofthe Avedna, Sr Valsa Kumblankalsaid the Avedna has been takingcare of the terminally ill patientssince the last 24 years and isapproaching its Silver Jubileeyear next year.

    She sa id the Avedna i spresently housing 11 patientsand the capacity of the premises

    after the renovation work wouldtouch 35 patients.

    A Founder Managing Trusteeof Shanti Avedna Luzitano D-Souza told Herald that the Trusthas been running three sadansin India, including the one atLoutolim for the benefit of theterminally ill patients.

    He said that the service tothe patients is totally free ofcost and terminally ill patientsare admitted in the house irre-spective of caste and creed.

    Archbishop blesses foundation stone for Loutolim Sadan

  • GOA, FRIDAY, 17 DECEMBER, 2010


    OPg 3


    PANJIM, DEC 16

    The organisers of Celebrating1000 Smiles of Goa have ap-pealed to state government tomake their event a feature onGoas tourism calendar.

    The event organiser AtmaramDeshpande said that they wouldbe humbled if Tourism Depart-ment makes the festival 1000Smiles of Goa an official festivalof the state.

    Since last two years, the de-partment has been extendingfull support to us in organisingthe festival. Hence we appeal

    them to make this celebrationan official festival on their cal-endar, Deshpande said.

    1000 smiles of Goa, the con-cept which was initialized inLondon carried through Goa,Hyderabad and Pune, recently.

    The initial idea of 1000street photographs was originalto the city of London. In India,Hyderabad was the first city tofollow the concept in 2008.Later we carried out in 2009.Recently Pune too had a similarconcept, the organiser saidadding that in near future morecities will be added.

    Feature 1000 Smiles on tourism calendar Elaborating further, Deshpande

    said that the concept aims to cap-ture 1000 smiles on the faces ofpublic, who would be requestedto spot their smiling best to berecorded on camera.

    The project is an attempt tocapture and showcase 1000unique smiling people of Goa,he added.

    The concept, which is basedon 10 teams, 10 hours, 10 pho-tographers and 10 locations,will have group of ten photog-raphers moving in almost allparts of the State like Panjim,Margao, Mapusa, Vasco, Ponda,

    Canacona, Sanquelim, Colva and Old Goa.The event will be flagged off on December

    18. Later the exhibition will be thrown opento the public at the Maquinez Palace, Art Galleryfrom December 28 to December 30.


    PANJIM, DEC 16

    Acting on the guidelines issuedby the Government of India,

    Ministry of Tourism, New DelhiDepartment of Tourism, Gov-ernment of Goa has constitutedTourist Security Force compris-

    Tourist security force constituteding of 24 ex-Servicemen, ofwhich two are tourist supervi-sors and remaining tourist war-dens.

    They have undergone trainingand have also attended studytours. Since the last few daysthey are carrying out regular pa-trolling at the beaches of North& South Goa. While dischargingtheir duties they are displayingon their person identity cardsissued to them for their identi-fication by Director of Tourism.They will be provided with uni-form soon.



    Pg 4short takes



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    upcoming events


    Colva: From 9 am to 3 pm. Areas affected are Trinity SuperMarket, Colvado Laxmi temple.

    December 17 TALEIGAO: From 9 am to 2 pm. Areas affected are Taleigao,

    Vodlem Bhat, Shankarwadi, Cardozo Wado, Sailem Bhat, AmaralWadoo St Paul, Taleigao Market and Surrounding areas.


    TALEIGAO: From 9 am to 4 pm. Areas affected are Adolf Morod,Padri Bhat and surrounding areas.

    BETALBATIM: From 9 am to 3 pm. Areas affected are Seraulim,Betalbatim, Munghul, Pedda Benaulim, Pavasa Church.



    Piqued at constant garbagedumping on roads ide , alandowner erected a warningmessage not to deposit garbagein the property besides Agonda-Canacona road.

    It may be recalled that thisparticular junction, where akatcha road passes to fields andother plantations at Keri-Agonda, has been turned into agarbage dumping site since thelast few tourism years.

    A water storage tank, whichtakes its provision from theShristhal treatment plant beforereleasing it onwards to Agonda,is situated within this area,where the atmosphere hascaused serious worries to manyresidents.

    Incidentally, the same over-flowing tank used to regularlybring the wastage onto the mainAgonda road, causing moremess and ecological disasters.

    Sources informed Herald thatfinding the garbage deposit hasrecommenced in the area in theensuing season too, the prop-erty owners reportedly issuedverbal warnings to few knownculprits.

    Agonda landowner warns garbage depositors

    The recently erected warning sign against roadside garbage deposi-tors at Keri-Agonda by a private landowner.

    Photo by Kathy Pereira

    Poetry recitation contest organised

    President of Lions Club of Colva, Alexander Fernandes distrib-uting the prizes along with secretary, Santanino Braganza,Manuel D'Costa, teachers of Colva Primary School at Colva.PANJIM(HND): A poetry recitation competition for the pri-mary and middle section students of Colva Primary Schoolwas organised by Lions Club of Colva as part of ChildrensDay celebration at the school hall, Colva.

    Several students evinced keen interest demonstrating thebest of talent as a large number of children, divided into twogroups, participated.

    Headmistress Maria Annethe Vaz Pinto welcomed. The pres-ident of Lions Club of Colva, Alexander Fernandes, secretarySantanino Braganza and charter member Manuel D'Costa spokeon the importance and distributed the prizes to the winners.

    A couple of days ago, theproperty owners erected a con-crete stand adjacent to road, fit-ting a warning board cautioningthat Defaulters will be prose-cuted.

    The caution notice seems tohad done its trick as the area inand around this isolated locatedlocations was seen without anygarbage deposits, but stoppingdeposits at this prime site hasinstead triggered bringing moreroadside areas under thegarbage dumping ambit.

    Incidentally, locals com-plained that deposits on yet an-

    other isolated linking road haveincreased abnormally, where en-tire motor fleet uses this roadas a shortcut connecting NH-17road at Karmalghat.

    The roadside dumping hastoo gained unending worries asnow more and more pockets arefilled with stench of rotten foodwaste engulfing the entireAgonda-Canacona road section,complain locals.

    Locals have called for policeto guard the area especially atnight and punish the culpritswho are found depositing wastesin the isolated road sections.

    CME on critical care held

    Dr S Bandekar, Dr TVSP Murthy, Dr V N Jindal and Dr Nazarethat the CME on critical care held at GMC recently.

    PANJIM(HND): Department of Medical Education Cell, GoaMedical College, conducted a CME cum workshop on man-agement of critically ill patients and a workshop on the useof ventilators in critically ill patients.

    The CME was inaugurated by Dr V N Jindal, Dean, GoaMedical College and Chairman of newly constituted MedicalEducation Cell, GMC, visiting faculty Dr TVSP Murthy, a wellknown critical care consultant from AFMC Pune, was the mainfaculty assisted by Dr Marilyn Nazareth, HOD of Anaesthesia,Goa Medical College. The newly constituted committee hasstarted its functioning under Dr S M Bandekar, Professor In-charge of Medical Education Cell recently. The newly electedcommittee has very ambitious programme for the year tocome and invites all the private practitioners to participate inlarge numbers for the CME. The CME was attended by residentsand consultants of Goa Medical College. The topic discussedwill definitely have beneficial effect on treatment for criticallyill patients, says a press release issued here.

    Childrens tiatr at PanjimPANJIM(HND): Abhivyaktee, the cultural group from Panjim

    will be producing a childrens tiatr for the Childrens Tiatrfestival organized by the Tiatr Academy of Goa in January2011.

    A tiatr workshop will be conducted for children betweenthe age group of 13 to 19 to those willing to participate inthe said performance to be held at the Museum hall on January11. The workshop will be conducted between 9 am to 1 pmfrom December 27 to January 2. Thereafter, rehearsals willbegin daily from January 3 to 10 in the evenings at Panjim.

    Children who are willing to act or who wish to sing Cantaram,should meet the organizers on Saturday, December 18 at 4pm at the Patto club of the Govt Colony, Patto, Panjim.

    The project is being executed in association with the Pattoclub at their premises.

    Parents may call on 2423951 or 9422448494 for details.

    LESA Christmas Tree PANJIM(HND): Loyola Ex-Students Association (LESA), Margao

    will be organizing their annual LESA Christmas Tree on De-cember 18 from 6 pm onwards at Loyola quadrangle, Margao.There will be loads of fun and games for the children as alsosome attractive moments for the adults as well. The highlightof the evening will be the arrival of Santa Claus. There willalso be music and surprises. Plans open at Rajiv MedicalStores, Near Loyola or call Atul on 9890358046, says a pressrelease.

    Legal literacy campVASCO(HR): The Mormugao Taluka Legal Services Committee

    will organise a legal literacy camp and Human Right Day pro-gramme near Imlika Ped, Baina-Vasco, on December 17.

    During the literacy camp, Adv Jeevan Divkar will speak onEntitlement of Legal Aid, Vasco DySP Mahesh Gaonkar willspeak on Arrest and rights of bail, Adv Chetan Palekar onDomestic Violence Act, Adv Rajiv Dhavlikar on Human Rightsand Renuka Khapreshwar Mahila Mandal president will speakon Entitlement of schemes.

    Mormugao Municipal Council Councilor Saifullah Khan willdeliver the welcome speech and Udhav Pol will compere thefunction.

    Ex-students meetPANJIM(HNB): Goa College of Home Science will host an

    Alumini Meet for all ex-students of the College on December17 at 5 pm.

    All Alumini of the College are cordially invited for the meet.For details, contact Nadisha Coelho on 0832-2227603 or0832-2425254.

    Sand Art Festival at CandolimPANJIM(HND): A three-day Goa Sand Art Festival, on the

    theme Wild Life Conservation will be inaugurated by theTourism Minister, Nilkant Halarnkar at Candolim Beach, Bardezat 3 pm on December 17.

    Swapnil Naik, Director of Tourism will grace the inauguralfunction.

    A team of 10 students and upcoming artists from Mumbai,Pune and Goa have begun the work of creating sand art cre-atives on the theme.

    The festival is being held under the joint auspices of Direc-torate of Tourism and Goa Sand Art Festival.

    Entry to the festival is free of cost and will be open forpublic viewing from December 17 to December 19.

    Christmas Ball at MiramarPANJIM (HND): Youth Creations, a Taleigao based organisa-

    tion, will celebrate the fifteen edition of its traditional ChristmasBall on December 24 at Clube Tennis de Gaspar Dias, Miramar,after the Midnight Mass. The venue will be decorated withChristmas theme and Goas favourite bands Pure Magic andThe Cream will keep the crowd rocking throughout the nightwith host Cedric Da Costa.

    Christmas Magic at KesarvalPANJIM (HND): Hype Entertainment supported by Kingfisher

    Premium will present its traditional Christmas eve dance TheChristmas Magic on December 24 at the Kesarval Garden Re-treat, Cortalim after Midnight Mass with Goas topmost bandsLynx and Crimson Tide. Plans open from December 22 atShoppers Paradise, Margao and Feminine Boutique Margao.For further information Call Seby on 982297139.

    Musical evening at Arturos

    PANJIM(HND): Varcas latest addition, Arturos a family barand restaurant in Varca village will host a dine and winemusical evening on December 19 on the occasion of GoaLiberation Day fron 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm. The theme for theevening will be Goa Liberation and Sea Food in collaborationwith Blues Entertainment. Live jazz, Latin and Goan musicwill be provided by William Rodrigues one man band besidesRetro Dj music by Dj Bill. The newly opened restaurant isowned by Thomas Antonia da Costa an qualified electricalenginner, was instrumental in constructing this unique con-tempory building and adorning it with old fixtures which hebought from old broken down houses across Goa, some ofthe windows are over 400 years old, with stories of oceantrapped in their oyster shell design.

    Arturos offers a multi-cuisine menu with Goan delicaciesas their specialities with drinks at reasonable rates and catersto locals and tourists alike, says a press release.

    PWD Minister Churchill Alemao seen inaugurating motorcycle-pilots, rickshaw, pickup and passengerstaxi stand near Navelim Panchayat at Margao. ZP chairperson Maria Rebello, Navelim sarpanch PauloPereira and others are also present.

    Science project contest



    Shree Balram Education Society,Amone-Poinguinim, headed byPoinguinim MLA Ramesh Tawad-kar in collaboration with Science,Technology and Environment de-partment will organise ScienceProject competition on Sciencein day-to-day life.

    The Science competition ispart of Lokotshav-2011 to beheld in the second week of Jan-uary, 2011, at Adarsh Gram,Amone-Poinguinim.

    According to the organizers,the competition is open to 60schools from the State, which willbe given participation on first-come-first-serve basis and all theselected schools will be providedwith grants of Rs 2,000 each asexpenses for project preparations.

    The selected schools will beasked to submit project in hard andsoft copies on or before December24, 2010, duly certified by head ofthe school about its genuineness.

    The organizers in a selectionprocess will select 30 best proj-ects and the chosen schools willbe informed in advance to displaythe project during Lokostav-2011at Adarsh Gram venue in Amone.

    From the 30, 10 best entrieswill be awarded with first threebagging Rs 10,000, Rs 7,500 andRs 5,000 respectively, while theremaining seven will be awardedconsolation prizes.

    By Elvis Sequeira

    Bab Andrew, a well-knownsinger hailing from Zuari, Goa-Velha has recently released hisfourth Konkani music albumGheyat Punn Diyat, a collectionof 12 songs with an array ofwell-known singers such as Mar-cus Vaz, Francis de Tuem,Tommy (Jr. Nelson), Tony deRibandar, Albert Cabral, Andreaand others.

    The title song Gheyat PunnDiyat, rendered by Bab Andrewfocuses on the plight of thosewho lend money to others trust-ingly, when the borrower re-fuses to honour the terms andconditions of the transactions.Marcus Vaz follows next withRozarachem Kont highlightingthe miraculous powers of therosary. Abru Uboita a duo byBab Andrew and Albert Cabralis followed by Niddukai ren-dered by Bab Andrews daughterAndrea. Francis de Tuem knownfor rapping the knuckles ofpoliticians for their wrong do-ings trains his guns on the non-functioning of the floodlightsat the Nehru Stadium, Fatordain his solo Fatorda StadiumFokannam. A quartet is an allfamily affair sung by Bab An-drew, daughter Andrea and sonsAndron and Aaron. Tony deRibandar sings about parent-

    child relationships in his soloBogsonnem. Bab Andrewteams up with daughter Andreain Sakrament Sambau. Tommy(Jr Nelson), back on the tiatrscene after a very long gap,sings Fondd Vikinaka a mean-ingful solo wherein he makes afervent plea to stop the privateownership of graves which hesays in future will deny a decentburial place for the poor andthe downtrodden. Bab Andrewand Albert Cabral also sing an-other duo Miss. Fottkiro issung by Alias and a politicaltrio Xendri Galun Nidat sungby Bab Andrew, Albert Cabraland Tony de Ribandar. Themusic is played and arrangedby noted musician Norman Car-dozo.

    Gheyat Punn Diyat:focuses on lenders

    plight against borrower

    Officials directedto attend

    Liberation Dayfunction


    PANJIM, DEC 16

    The government has issued acircular asking all officers andemployees of State government,corporations and autonomousbodies to attend the flag hoist-ing ceremony at Panjim and theirrespective taluka head quarters.

    Government will organise in-auguration of golden jubileeyear of Goa on December 18 atAzad Maidan Panjim at 7 pm fol-lowed by cultural programmeorganised by Directorate of Artand Culture. On December 19,the Flag hoisting ceremony willbe held at Parade Ground Panjimand other Taluka places.


    PANJIM, DEC 16

    The Government has institutedan award in the name of theChief Minister for deservingpersons who have exhibitedoutstanding bravery/gallantryin saving human life or prop-erty. The award consisting of acertificate and cash reward ofRs 1 lakh will be called ChiefMinisters Bravery Award andwill be given on the Goa Liber-ation Day.

    Proposals for the grant of thecertificate will be first scruti-nized by the Committee headedby Chief Secretary. The recom-mendations for the grant of theAward will be forwarded by Col-lector North and Collector Southalong with citation giving the

    CMs Bravery Awardinstituted

    details of the event that havetaken place and the courage/gal-lantry displayed while savinghuman life or property.

    The recommendations of theCommittee will be submittedfor Governments approval.

    Govt to pay

    salaries on Dec 22HERALD NEWS DESK

    PANJIM, DEC 16

    The State Government has or-dered disbursement of pay andallowances of Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Government Employ-ees and Pens ion o f thePensioners and Freedom Fight-ers for the month of Decemberon December 22.

  • GOA, FRIDAY, 17 DECEMBER, 2010


    OPg 5


    OLD GOA, DEC 16

    Chief Minister Digambar Kamaton Sunday inaugurated a one-day Madkaikar NavchaitanyaTrusts Self Help Groups con-vention at Old Goa Panchayat.

    Convention Convenor andCumbarjua MLA PandurangMadkaikar, guest of honour andNew Delhi MP Alka Lamba, OldGoa Sarpanch Janita Madkaikarand others were present at theconvention.

    Over 1,600 women fromabout 80 self help groups fromCumbarjua constituency partic-ipated in the convention inwhich programmes like talks,debates, information on variousschemes from the Departmentof Women and Child Develop-ment, Art and Culture and fromKhadi and Village Industries De-partment were highlighted byvarious officials.

    Speaking on the occasion,Chief Minister Kamat said: Inour country, women have alwaysbeen given respect, as our coun-try believes that to make a goodor a bad life, women played animportant role.

    I am happy to see such a bigwomen convention, especially

    CM: Efforts on to see Goan women self dependent

    from Cumbarjua Constituency,said Kamat.

    Even local MLA PandurangMadkaikar feels that Goanwomen should not be left be-hind and government efforts areon to see that Goan womenstand on their own, for whichour government announced var-ious schemes for self helpgroups in the last financialbudget, stated Kamat.

    MP Alka Lamba said: I amthankful to Madkaikar for givingme an opportunity to be presentfor the convention.

    Our fight will go on till weget 33 per cent reservation inLok Sabha and Rajya Sabha andthe day we get this 33 per cent,we will see a woman ruling ourcountry or a state in India, saidMP Lamba.

    Meanwhile, Madkaikar saidthat he was happy to see a hugeresponse to the convention.

    Last year, we had about 35self help groups and now it hasincreased to over 80 self helpgroups, said Madkaikar.

    I will see that each groupmembers insurance is done andno women from self help groupswill have to pay the installment,as it will be paid by me, he said.

    It would give some financialhelp for the self help groupmembers and it will be startedby next month, added Mad-kaikar.

    He further said tour programmefor all the 80 self help groups willalso be arranged in the comingyear and his dreams of formingan association of the self helpgroups from the constituencywould later help in forming a co-operative society or a bank.

    Internationalconference on Catholicism at

    Rachol seminaryBY HERALD REPORTER

    MARGAO, DEC 16

    A four-day international confer-ence on Catholicism in theWorld of Science would get un-derway at the conference hallof the Patriarchal seminary ofRachol from Friday which is cel-ebrating the fourth centenaryof the seminary this year.

    Seminary Rector Fr Dennis Fer-nandes said the conference is or-ganized by the Rachol seminaryin collaboration with the Pontif-ical Council for culture, Vaticancity, St John s University NewYork and the Indian Institute forscience and religion, Pune.

    Fr Fernandes said he looks for-ward for a fruitful intellectual in-teraction in the days to come andexuded confidence that the eventwill bring new energy, grace anddirection to the seminary.

    Convenor Fr Victor Ferraosaid that the conference prom-ises to become an enriching ex-perience to the seminary in theprogram of priestly formation.

    He said the seminarians aspriests to-be being spiritual lead-ers of tomorrow would drawtremendous resource from sci-ence that will enable them to beeffective pastors of the faithful.This dialogue of science andfaith can provide fertile groundfor a profound understanding ofCatholic faith and morals. Theseminarians as priests to-bebeing spiritual leaders of tomor-row would draw tremendous re-source from science that willenable them to be effective pas-tors of the faithful, he added.

    The representative of the Pon-tifical Council for culture, Vaticancity, Fr Theodore Mascarenhassaid the conference will discusswith inputs form experts bothfrom Goa and abroad, how thecatholic church in Goa shouldgear its members to face thechallenges of the rapidly devel-oping modern world.


    MARGAO, DEC 16

    A 62 year old UK National RDSouza was rescued whilestruggling in the sea watersa t B e n a u l i m a f t e r b e i n gpulled by strong undercur-rents.

    Life guards informed thatbeing a poor swimmer, he waspulled in by the strong currentsand gestured for help after get-ting panicky.

    That he was struggling inthe waters was noticed by a

    UK national rescued from drowning at Benaulim beach

    duty lifeguard Pratap Naik,who immediately informedthe tower and swam towardsthe victim with a rescue tube.A f te r be ing secured andbrought safely to the shore,the victim was comforted andreleased after checking his vi-tals.


    PANJIM, DEC 16

    The schools and colleges run bythe Diocesan Society of Educa-tion will organize Christmas fi-esta for Goan public.

    The fiesta, which will consistof Carol singing, skits, fancydress parades and other Christ-mas-related activities will takeplace at Ravindra Bhavan, Mar-

    gao, on December 17 at 10 amand will be presided over byChie f Min i s ter D igambarKamat.

    On December 20, the fiestawill be held at Kala Academy,Panjim, at 10 am and presidedover by Archbishop-Patriarch Fil-ipe Neri Ferrao. Members of thepublic are cordially invited toattend.

    Christmas fiesta at Margao

  • The exposure by news magazines like Outlookand Open has triggered a new and vital dis-cussion regarding the role of journalists

    and editors in formation of governments and,that too, in the interests of corporate giants. Awoman lobbyist who works both for Ambanisand Tatas, gains access to corridors of governmentthrough contacts. These have been developedby editors with political VIPs. The associationwith VIPs is so much that even the selection ofcontroversial A Raja, as a telecommunication min-ister in the Union cabinet has a link with thepowerful lobby that developed ultra-friendly con-tacts with editors and journalists.

    Whether keeping and developing such contactsand motivate governments policy decisions suit-able for corporate giants, is not the moral ques-tion. This is because the Indian polity has historicalbackground of such liaison, though it was not ascontroversial, as it has been today. Birlas had rolein the struggle for independent India by backingMahatma Gandhi and being in touch and providingall sorts of help he needed. While the formerscredentials need not be questioned, it may wellbe interpreted that Birlas corporate activitieswere directly or indirectly encouraged by thethen Nehru government.

    Corporate sector since then assumed a specialstatus in socio-economic life of the country andenjoyed cordial relations with subsequent gov-ernments. Monetary help, by way of donations,to political parties are known techniques and be-cause of the donations, those parties who comein power are inclined to extend their help in re-turn, so much so, that much more is achievedthan what was paid by way of donations. Whetherthe system of donations to political parties shouldbe continued or not, has always been a matter ofdiscussion, in view of fair elections in our democ-racy. But no government or political party has sofar been able to stop the process and limit thehuge expenditure in elections. If accepting con-siderable quantum of cash by way of donationsis considered fair, how can it be immoral or unfairto respond to expectations of the corporate sectorwhenever the sector tycoons boldly influencesboth the political and administrative wings ofthe government?

    The lavish way in which the party leaders andalso editors and journalists are entertained, isnever questioned or criticised as immoral pro-fessional tactics, but spontaneously responded

    by both constituents. The system of public rela-tions and entrusting the task to competent menand charming women, is also not a new phenom-enon.

    The arrangement of lavish press conferenceswith drinks and gifts as also other periodical al-lurements has been a routine practice. NeitherTatas, nor Ambanis nor any other corporate giantis free from such practices and cannot claim thatthey do not indulge in creating cordial relationshipwith political bosses or influential editors andjournalists. The way they utilise such relationsfor their corporate profit, may be a secret whichis, however, exposed by way of tapes, and havecreated controversy.

    The current controversy should be viewed ina sequence. After the Adarsh scam came intolimelight, the corruption in the corridors of gov-ernment turned out to be a hot subject. In thisbackground, Ratan Tata exposed by his statement,that some ministers demanded a bribe of a fewcrores for clearing his airline project. Tatas state-ment created commotion in political circles and

    some parties demanded further clarification anddeclaration of the ministers names. But Tata keptquiet. Why did he not further explain by exposingthe parties or ministers, is perhaps, a matter ofstrategy or he wanted to avoid further controversy.But his statement indirectly hinted that politicalbosses are corrupt, and he is reluctant to be en-couraging such corruption.

    And then came the Outlook and Open withtheir exposure of tapes of dialogue between Tataand Nira Radia and editors and journalists. Thetapes clearly hinted that Tatas cannot claim tobe above any strategic technique to influencepolitical power, for corporate gains. The tapesindicate that whatever discussed is in a veryfriendly and routine manner, without any tingeof guilt, as if everything is fair in corporate affairs,as it is in love and war. While both the electronicand print media has described Nira Radia andher expertise in maintaining relations and keycontacts, nobody has expressed any surprise ora case of mismatch, when it is disclosed thatRadia is working both for Tatas and Ambanis.

    How can one woman, despite her expertise, workas a key person, to create and influence policymatters for both competitive corporate giants?This is also fair in corporate affairs.

    Apart from influencing policy decisions, thecorporate giants have succeeded in influencingthe mind-set of ministers who think corporategovernance is ideal one and should be followedby the government administration. While gracingthe position of a chief minister of Maharashtra,Vilasrao Deshmukh has openly declared in boththe interviews and public speeches, that govern-ment should run in a corporate style.

    What are the other qualities attractive in cor-porate administration, apart from corporate styleand efficient management of money and men?Now, in view of the new context, both the cor-porate giants and the ministers who are influencedby the corporate style of governance, shouldcome forward and let the public know of theplus points of corporate governance which shouldbe followed in government administration.

    This is necessary, because the newly electedMLAs and MPs of almost all political parties arealmost enticed by corporate PROs, the momentthey enter the state capitals or centres capital.They are gradually tuned with the corporate styleof living and working and feel that whateverproblems and difficulties the corporate sector isfacing, are much more important than those beingfaced by their home constituencies in urban andrural areas.

    The reason why most of the developmentschemes or rehabilitation of dam-affected in ruralareas, are inordinately delayed, may well be tracedto the influence of the corporate sector, whichgains priority over other issues and difficultiesbeing faced by the neglected sections of societyor rural areas. It is difficult to locate or analysesuch indirect influences, but they may be assessedin view of the corporate sectors gaining priorityin getting their proposals speedily sanctioned bythe ruling governments.

    The systemic technique has been so matureand routine that it cannot be duly analysed frommoral point of view. If everything is fair in loveand war, it is also fair in corporate affairs. Butthose who fail in the game of love and war byusing so objectionable techniques that they areexposed as guilty from the point of view of thelaw of the land, they( as also the corporate con-stituents) have to face the consequences.

    Pat down searchNelson Lopes, Chinchinim

    Prominent Indian citizens like Shah RukhKhan, President Abdul Kalam, etc and nowHardeep Puri have been subjected tosearch. Certain diplomatic privileges en-joyed, have been breached either by igno-rance or over zealousness.

    Fortunately, President Kalam submittedto the procedure without feeling insulted,or claiming any diplomatic immunity. Theclamour for tit for tat reprisals is not inkeeping with courtesy, culture, and decency,since rightful privileges of our government,are perfectly in line with internationalnorms. Such actions should not evoke aretaliatory response.

    A pat down search is humiliating and anaffront to basic human dignity. Alternativeand non invasive methods need to be putin place, to circumvent such embarrass-ment.

    Vasco in shamblesGeorge Almeida, Vasco

    Mormugao Muncipal Council was formeda long time ago, and all councillors hadbeen talking of development in Vasco. Thevegetable market was the main objectiveon their agenda. Till now, nothing has beendone. It looks as if the MMC doesnt exist.

    The only saving grace is the efforts ofthe Lions Club of Vasco for organising themarathon for green Vasco.

    But Vascoites are used to such patheticconditions. Our MLA is requested to lookinto the matter and develop our Vasco.

    MPTs fantasyA C Menezes, Chinchinim

    It is said that the wonders of the worldnever cease.

    Farmers for generations have been tillingland and harvesting its produce like rice,wheat, etc. Fisherfolk too, like farmers,harvest fish from the seawaters. The coast-line plus seawater areas where their canoes(voddim), roamed for generations, shouldbelong to the traditional fishermen.

    The grotesque claim that coastal watersand adjoining land belong to the MPT is arealm of fantasy.

    DNS & Freedom fightersDr Shiv Prabhu, by email

    I refer to the oHeraldos 26 November edi-tion of a report of the freedom fighterspurifying the sea. DNS is nothing but is agimmick.

    These freedom fighters may have ex-pected a revolt from Goan youth as to whyso many government jobs have been re-served for their siblings. This was pureeyewash to distract attention and therefore,the advertisements, dharnas, and tamashas.

    Do those who advocate for shifting ofthe Portuguese consulate, realise what willhappen to their siblings and relatives if thePortuguese Consulate is shifted out of Goa?

    I wish the Consulate makes up its mind,packs up and goes. They (freedom fighters)will be most welcome elsewhere.

    Reschedule IFFIMathew DCosta, Curchorem

    It is surprising that the film festival (IFFI)is held during the religious novenas of StFrancis Xavier at Old Goa. As the yearshave rolled by, more and more devoteesand pilgrims attend the novenas. Trafficcongestion during these days is unbearableand to add to it, the IFFI crowd has to becontended with.

    Is it ideal to have an IFFI that coincideswith the novenas, considering the inade-quate infrastructure, like roads, parkingsetbacks and huge crowds?

    The government along with the ESGshould reschedule the IFFI so that the datesdo not clash.

    Sidetrack to 2G scamMathew Oommen, Pune

    From emanating media reports, a complainthas been lodged by a black listed medicinevendor probably for the sake of sensationalism.

    This medicine supplier is a disgruntledperson. If he was adversely affected, heshould have approached the higher military

    authorities including the Major GeneralMedicals at the Southern Command, Pune.Maligning the Command Hospital author-ities shows that he has sidelined internal checks.

    It looks like the CBIs hyper action inthe Command Hospital is a staged danceto the tune of some unknown controllinghands with a view to side track big scamslike 2G spectrum. It shows that any personwith vested interests can take the systemfor a ride.

    Declining tourist numbersJon Jons, Calangute

    Goa suffered last season from a decline intourist numbers from Europe. This time,the suffering is more. The voices of peoplecry out to no avail. They come and bringthe hard currency which provides Goanfamilies with income for many years.

    One visa fiasco after the other has madethem fed up. While other countries welcomeforeign visitors, India is just the opposite.

    Tourists are also fed up with taxi driverswho charge double the rate. When willGoa follow the rest of India and make taximeters mandatory?

    Power cuts are another issue, that failconstantly. Why are more and more build-ings allowed, when there is insufficient

    power? There is constant spitting and uri-nating. Rubbish is dumped everywhere,when facilities are available, for collection.Goa is actually going backwards at an ac-celerating rate.

    Protecting agricultureCamilo DSouza, Anjuna

    Goa must get special status and the tenancyact must go, as it has destroyed the agri-cultural sector. Many fields are not culti-vated and farm houses are being built bythe people who are in possession of theselands. Comunidade lands are destroyeddue to this act. The landowners were ren-dered helpless and frustrated. In manyplaces, there are no cashew trees, but thereare caretakers who are called tenants. Nowis the time to change the Tenancy Act andthe Mundkar Act which will benefit all andprotect agriculture.

    An acid testGregory Fernandes, Mumbai

    Reference your editorial The myth of thefree world (Herald, 13 Dec); the WikiLeaksissue will give the governments led by theUS administration to defend their actions,if they disagree with the perceived notionsof freedom. Efforts to muzzle WikiLeakswill not succeed.

    The issue has disappointed all those whovalue freedom of information. The onlyoffence committed by the website is toput documents up for public viewing. Re-solving the Assanges episode in a fair man-ner, will be an acid test for them.

    Evils of abortionJeffrey John Pinto, Parra

    Kudos to Antonio Cruz Fernandes of GoaVelha for his letter Choose Life (Herald,11 Dec). The topic of abortion is treatedvery lightly. No one gives a thought to theinhuman and horrid deaths unborn babieshave to face under the scalpel of the un-scrupulous surgeon.

    It is high time people are educated notonly in colleges but also during religiousservices of the evils of abortion and itseternal effects on those who wish to killtheir own flesh and blood.


    Pg6Vol No CX No: 315

    Goa, Friday, 17 December, 2010

    Letters to the Editor

    Letter of the Day

    Dubious reputationJose Maria Miranda, Margao

    The Goa Govt. is trying to exempt LMVs and two wheelers registered in Goa, frompaying toll on National Highways. The hassles encountered to transfer a vehicle fromother states to Goa are such a ridiculous proposition, that it is better to run a vehiclewith outside registration. I tried my luck with the company vehicle to have it transferredto Goa on the companys local address. However, when the procedures were complete,I was told that I would have to procure a sales invoice citing purchase of the saidvehicle, and pay the road tax from that time. This is despite the fact, that the vehiclewas purchased in Mumbai 11 years ago, with life tax paid in toto.

    My letters to the authorities did not yield any results, as procedures to have therules changed, are lengthy and cumbersome. The Goa exchequer, is the ultimate loser.What one can anticipate from the proposed exemption of toll, is that genuine peopledesirous of transferring vehicles to Goa, will have to suffer and those who are basedelsewhere, but regularly ply to Goa, will have their vehicles registered in Goa, at aprice. Doesnt this smack of a dubious reputation?

    Printed and published by Vinayak Pai Bir for and on behalf of Herald Publications Pvt Ltd. Printed at Herald Publications Pvt Ltd, Plot No: L-135, Phase II, Verna Industrial Estate, Verna, Salcete, Goa. Published at PO Box 160, Rua Sao Tome, Panjim, Goa - 403001. Editor-in-chief: Mr R F Fernandes. Editor: Ashwin Tombat(Responsible under PRB Act). Regd Office: St Tome Road, Panjim, Goa. Tel: 2224202, 2228083, Fax: 2222475 (all Editorial); 2230535, Fax: 2225622 (Advertising); Margao: 2737689. Mumbai Office: 16-A, Bell Building, 2nd Floor, 19 Sir PM Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400001 (Tel: 22840702/22844908). RNI No: 43667/83. HOW TO CONTACT US: [email protected] For press notes, general queries. [email protected] Junior Herald; [email protected] Careers. [email protected] Sunday Mirror. [email protected] For Reporters. [email protected] For Business [email protected] For Letters to the Editor. [email protected] For Sports news. [email protected] For Advertisements. [email protected] For Herald 2day. [email protected] For Tiatr Reviews and Reports. Disclaimer: Except for the editorial above, articles and letters in Heraldrepresent the views of the concerned authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Herald editor, publisher, and/or owners.

    everything is fair in love, war and corporate affairs, says PrABhAKAr KULKArnI


    By Anthony simoes


    Special status of corporate sector

    PArtners of hegemony

    For whom thehighway tolls

    It sounds good. In fact, its music to the ears. The onlyquestion is, is there any substance to the talk? ChiefMinister Digambar Kamat announced on Tuesday that two

    and three wheelers would be exempt from paying toll whenthe widening of National Highway (NH) 17 and NH4A is takenup by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).

    The CMs good news came after the Legislative Assemblyssub-committee meeting. According to Mr Kamat, the com-mittee has recommended that four wheelers registered inGoa should also be exempted from paying toll. It would benice, if the NHAI could afford it.

    The thing is that both highway widening projects are beingexecuted by the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) route. Thismeans private parties will be asked to bid for the highway.They will have to pay for building the road, and recover thecosts partly from collecting toll for a fixed number of years.

    The operative word here is partly. That is because it isclose to impossible to collect enough money from toll tofund a big highway or bridge project, unless the toll is fixedat unreasonably high levels, which will meet with strong op-position from vehicle owners.

    To get around this, the NHAI and the central governmentoffer what is called viability gap funding, which means thecentre will meet the expenses incurred that cannot be re-covered by the toll. Usually, in bidding for such projects, thecompany that asks for the least viability gasp funding grabsthe contract.

    But if the company is asked to exempt X, Y or Z class ofvehicles from paying toll, it will upset the entire viability cal-culation, and the PPP contractor will have to ask for agreateramount in viability funding. In the case of both NH17 andNH4A, the PPP tender for the highways have already beenawarded. What happens to the viability calculations of theinfrastructure companies that have taken up the projects?

    Unless the centre is willing to cough up a much largeramount than it originally envisaged, all such recommendationsfor exempting more and more classes of vehicles from tollwill remain fond hopes that float only till they dash on thehard rock of rerality and sink. So whether it is the demandof the BJP and the National Highways Diversion Action Com-mittee (NHDAC) that the toll be scrapped for Goans as itwould be an additional burden or PWD Minister ChurchillAlemaos recommendation that booths be at every 40km in-stead of every 20 km, or Chief Minister Digambar Kamatsfond hope that four wheelers registered in Goa be exemptedfrom toll, each of these proposals will have to pass the litmusteast of viability before they can even be considered for im-plementation. All party delegations going to New Delhi maynot necessarily succeed in their bid to impress upon theUnion Minister for Road Transport and Highways Kamal Nath.

    It is best, under the circumstances, that the state govern-ment makes such pronouncements only after its recommen-dations find favour with the authorities in New Delhi, anddo not take the people for a ride with some rosy announce-ments that sound good, but may never see the reality.

    Weather botherGoas weather has been extremely variable, with a prolonged

    monsoon. One of the worlds leading experts on climatechange has warned that the state is deeply vulnerable toclimate change, mostly sea level rise. An eminent climatescientist whose organisation, the Inter-governmental Panelon Climate Change (IPCC) has won a Nobel Prize, R K Pachauridelivered the keynote address at the fourth Vasudeva V SinaiDempo memorial lecture on 'Restoring respect for nature ineconomic development'. We hope the government was listening.

    A modern parableBreakfast of Champions

    Adozen years ago, on a warm afternoon, I was lying down inmy balcao on a mat. I was not feeling very well, and I musthave fallen asleep. I suddenly woke up to a rattling sound.

    Someone was lightly shaking the small wrought iron gate whichbarred the entrance to the balcao.

    I woke up to find a poor fisherman called Cosma looking at mewith a tentative but sad smile. He was poor, because he was oldand too weak to fish. So he only helped in landing the catch andsorting the fish. His wife, who suffered from spondylosis, thentook the fish given to Cosma as wages, and proceeded to themarket to sell it.

    This old couple had, many years earlier, adopted a son, sincethey were childless. As luck (or God) would have it, they had a sonsix years later. To the bad luck of Cosma and his wife Ritin, bothboys grew up to be lazy louts. They were happy to take up oddjobs in the nearby hotels and shacks during the tourism season.Whatever they earned was just enough to keep them in liquor,cigarettes and matka gambling.

    Then, one of the boys decided to get married. Cosma and Ritin

    were happy. They were sure that once married, their son wouldredeem himself; that he would walk the straight and narrow roadof a family man. His wife would also be a great help to the ageingparents. And, like in fairy tales, they would live happily everafter.

    So, on this warm afternoon, Cosma told me that he and his wifehad to distribute 600 bole as part of their Kazarachem Vojem andneeded help, since they could not afford the cost. To reduce thecost, they were going to work at the bakery to make the bole.

    The previous day we had plucked coconuts from the half-dozentrees in our compound, and they were stacked at the other endof the balcao from where I was lying down. I told Cosma to helphimself to the coconuts, even though he could not pay for it. Hewent home, brought his sons along and a few sacks, and tookaway 60 coconuts.

    A few weeks later my wife, son and I spent the day at my sistershome and returned home after dark. The next morning, I noticedpigs trying to dig up the mud heaped around the roots of our co-conut trees. But huge laterite stones prevented them from doing

    this. After a few days, the pigs gave up, and I soon forgot theentire episode.

    Two months later, I met Cosma in the market. He told me thaton Christmas Day, a huge amount of dead fish had washed up onthe beach. Because it would create a stink, the hotel where hissons worked paid him overtime rates to remove the fish. So Cosmaand his two sons removed the rotting fish and earned some money.Then they brought this rotting fish and buried it around the rootsof my six coconut trees.

    Gratitude all round. This happened on Christmas Day 1998, when my family and I

    spent the day at my sisters home. Over the next three years,thanks to the rotting fish, my six coconut trees yielded 600 coconutsmore then they usually did.

    I gave Cosma 60 coconuts when he needed it. Over the nextthree years, thanks to Cosma and Gods grace, I got 10 times morethen what I gave away. Maybe this is what Christmas is all about goodwill and peace to all men.

    Month of MuharramBy Samir Khan

    Indeed, the sacred month of Muharramis a blessed and important month. It isthe first month of the Islamic calendarand is one of the four sacred monthsconcerning which Allah says, (Verily, thenumber of months with Allah is twelvemonths (in a year), so it was ordainedby Allah on the Day when He createdthe heavens and the earth; of them, fourare sacred. That is the right religion, sowrong not yourselves therein) (HolyQuran - 9: 36)

    Abu Bakrah (may Allah be pleased withhim) reported that the Prophet (peaceand blessings be upon him) said: Timehas come back to its original state whichit had when Allah created the Heavensand the Earth; the year is twelve months,four of which are sacred. Three of themare in succession: Dhul-Qa`da, Dhul-Hijja and Al-Muharram, and (the fourthbeing) Rajab Mudar (named after thetribe of Mudar as they used to respectthis month) which stands between Jumad(ath-Thani) and Sha`ban.

    Muharram is a sacred month and toconfirm its sanctity, Allah Almighty says,(so wrong not yourselves therein), whichmeans do not wrong yourselves in thesesacred months, because sin in thesemonths, is worse than in other months.

    Wrongdoing at any time is a seriousmatter, but Allah gives more weight towhichever of His commands He will.Allah has chosen certain ones of His Cre-ation. He has chosen from amongmankind Messengers. He chose fromamong speech His remembrance or dhikr.He chose from among the earth themosques, from among the months Ra-madan and the sacred months, fromamong the days Friday and from amongthe nights laylat al-qadr,(Night of Power)so venerate that which Allah has told usto venerate. People of understandingand wisdom venerate the things thatAllah has told us to venerate. (Summa-rized from the Tafseer of Ibn Kathir,Tafseer of Surah at-Tawbah, verse 36).

    Paths of Wisdom

    100 Years Ago

    17 December 1910Two committees formedTwo committees are being set up to for-ward their opinion in regards to variousmatters concerning the Colonies.

    Appointment of professorOur compatriot Agostinho de Souza isgoing to be appointed as the provisionalprofessor of Lyceum of Vila Real.

    Instant cureIt is reported that a teenage girl sufferingfrom a chronic sickness incurable anydoses of medicines when she went toOld Goa to pay a visit to the reveredbody while approaching the relics, shefelt a strange sensation which was im-mediately prescribed to having beencured.

    Eyesight restoredYet there is another miracle attributedto St. Francis Xavier where a two-yearold girl-child born blind who, along withher parents, went to kiss the feet of theSaint felt she could see everything indetail.


  • GOA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2010


    Illogicality ofannoyance

    ByPachu menon

    With traffic jams being the order of the day, none wouldthink much of the other irritants that plague ourroads. So preoccupied are we with this dilemma, that

    nothing hassles us more. In our haste to avoid traffic bottle-necks, we are blind to some equally irksome happeningsaround us, which are just as annoying.

    Speaking of haste! Over-speeding has been attributed to asudden surge of adrenalin in the blood stream, and ones ageis not a criterion, when one does get afflicted by this temporaryhigh. Speed-breakers serve to keep these aberrations undercheck.

    Normally the District Magistrate is conferred with the powerto notify speed-breakers, but our Goan villagers have theirown sets of rules when it comes to such routine matters.

    It is not unusual to find a speed-breaker erected at everydoorstep in the neighbourhood. Presumably, apart from con-trolling the speeding maniacs, they also serve to keep out therainwater from draining into ones compound. This, indeed,is a tribute to the haphazard planning of residences that hasbrought about such innovative techniques into use.

    Likewise, if the District Magistrate declares bus-stops, noparking zones and traffic sign boards, should we then gleanthat by virtue of bus operators stopping as and where theyplease, to take in and disgorge passengers, that these com-muniqus hardly have any relevance? Could anything be moreexasperating!

    And now that we are on the matter of notifications! Thegarbage disposal issue has been tormenting every sane citizenfor quite some time now. Some have invented novel schemesto get rid of their trash dump it in someone elses yard! Orbetter still, at some vacant and unmanned locations! Takingcognisance of this impropriety, the concerned municipalitiesand village panchayats have been identifying such places anderecting notice-boards warning people not to litter the areawith refuse and other waste over fears of fine and prosecution.But lo! These sites are today virtual mounds of leftovers andremains!

    Let us now move over to the highways. Enough has beenheard and written about roadside markets flourishing allalong such expanses. The authorities have also been turninga blind eye to the conversions of some points thereaboutsas convenient parking spots for inter-state trucks andtrailers. But for commuters, these avenues are a never-ending source of mirth and glee bordering on varyingdegrees of vexation.

    Those frequenting the four-lane highway from Verna toDabolim airport would be used to the sights of the armyutilising this stretch to train their drivers. A convoy of heavy-duty vehicles cruising along at a pre-determined pace, unmindfulof the teeming traffic on either sides of the freeway; a fewjawans posted at junctions, with red flags in hand which theykeep on swirling at will to regulate the vehicular movement,so as not to hamper their training; these exercises usuallyamuse motorists initially, only to be cursed later for beingvirtual tests of patience!

    Built by the famed border road organisation, this trunk ofthe main road to the airport and farther, was conceived withcertain intentions in mind, the least of which would not bethe military drivers training schedule. But observing buffaloesand other cattle squatting or straying all along the route, withan expression of bovine amazement, one is forced to believethat these roads do serve other purposes as well.

    Nothing pains one more than the sight of workers diggingup newly laid roads. Efforts are never made by the variousdepartments concerned, to work in tandem. For instance,the public works department undertakes the hot-mixing ofroads and by-lanes periodically, only to have them dug upthe very next day for laying cables or repairing pipelines.One just cant imagine a day without the roads beingbutchered and mutilated. It is as if the throughways are apermanent playfield for a multitude of departmental organ-isations.

    If one can pity the students and their relentless study-hours,what with their normal classes and then the ineluctable tu-ition-sessions stretching to ungodly hours, it is the parentswho deserve all the brickbats for heaping on the children theburden of their hopes. However, these parents crowdingaround the school gates to pick and drop their wards, createthe worst ruckus on public thoroughfares.

    Now that I mention commotion! The pandemonium atrailway crossings is another un-lively experience, the lesssaid about it the better. With a cacophony of blaring hornsand every visible semblance of impatience, the gateman ismade to feel self-conscience and guilty of holding up trafficto allow the train through.

    Well I am reminded of the motorcades of ministers andother dignitaries. The wailing sirens of ambulances and fire-tenders invites the kind of awe and reverence, that makesone hastily move aside, to make way for the life-saving services.The high-pitched sirens accompanying the cavalcades of theVVIPs however, portend another sensation; an extreme feelingof hopelessness at their pomposity, an emotion born out ofarrogance that they are the first among equals. Why shouldwe make way for them?

    All said and done, travelling on roads is an experience byitself, a sophistication that comes out of relentless hours, un-excitedly waiting in long queues; resigned to the fate eitherby choice or compulsion. It is how well one can adjust tothese eccentricities posed by people and situations that decidethe absurdity of the frustration and displeasures.





    Union Minister Vilasrao Desh-mukh today rejected oppositiondemand for his resignation afterthe Supreme Court rebuked himfor abusing his position as ChiefMinister, an issue which rockedthe Maharashtra Assembly.

    "These are political things. Icannot expect anything positivefrom my opponents", Deshmukhsaid when asked about the de-mand from BJP and Shiv Sena inMaharashtra that he quit in thewake of the court's observationsagainst him for his action whenhe was chief minister of thewestern state.

    The Union Minister for HeavyIndustries said he has asked fora certified copy of the SupremeCourt judgement.

    The Supreme Court had onTuesday pulled up Deshmukhfor shielding a Congress legis-lator's money-lender father froma criminal case and imposed aRs 10 lakh fine on the state gov-ernment.

    In Nagpur, the Legislative As-sembly witnessed noisy scenesand ruckus.

    Opposition members shoutedslogans and trooped into the wellof the House on the last day ofthe winter session, thereby dis-rupting the proceedings, afterwhich Deputy Speaker Vasant

    SC TAKEThe SC had pulled up

    Deshmukh for shield-

    ing a Congress legisla-

    tor's money-lender

    father from a criminal

    case and imposed a

    Rs 10 lakh fine on the

    State Government.

    OPPN DEMANDBJP and Shiv Sena in

    Maharashtra de-

    manded that Desh-

    mukh quit in the wake

    of the court's obser-

    vations against him.

    DESHMUKH TALKThese are political

    things. I cannot expect

    anything positive from

    my opponents.

    Purke, who was in the Chair, ad-journed the House for 10 min-utes. They demanded a statementfrom the treasury benches.

    When the House reassembled,the din continued and treasurybenches rushed to finish the busi-ness. Panel Speaker SadashivraoPatil again adjourned the Housefor 30 minutes.

    As soon as the House assem-bled for the day, OppositionLeader, Eknath Khadse raisedthe issue saying Deshmukh hadviolated the oath of not favour-ing anyone by helping party MLADilip Sananda, engaged inmoney lending business, by ask-ing police not to arrest his fa-ther.

    Khadse said by doing so hehad clearly violated the Consti-tution and therefore the rulingcombine should come out witha statement on the whole affair.

    Subhash Desai (Sena) said theapex court has imposed a fineof Rs 10 lakh on the state gov-ernment in this case and the fi-nanc i a l bu rden w i l l f a l lautomatically on the tax payersof Maharashtra. "Who shouldpay the fine?" he asked.

    Nitin Sardesai and others alsojoined the issue demanding a clar-ificat