16 RotecnaWorld

NUMBERSIXTEEN2013 ROTECNA WORLD ANIMAL WELFARE LEGISLATION IMPLEMENTED, AND NOW WHAT? GLOBALPIG 120 CM ELECTRIC HEATING PLATES TECHNOLOGY GROW FEEDER MAXI: THE GENUINE TECHNOLOGY VIETNAM PIG PRODUCTION IN... MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PIG GENOME FUTURENEWS Gener Romeu Rotecna's President LETTERFROMTHEEDITOR ROTECNA WORLD 16 MAY 2013 EDITION: ROTECNA, S.A. POL.IND. NAU-3, 25310 AGRAMUNT (LLEIDA) SPAIN DIRECTOR: GENER ROMEU EDITION/PRODUCTION/DESIGN: MONTSE GUERRERO (MG) EDITORS: MONTSE PALAU (MP) BEGOÑA GIMÉNEZ (BG) TRADUCTION: CHRIS BOSWELL NADIA YUREVA PRINT: IMPRENTA BARNOLA ISSN: L-41-2007 Rotecna's World's editors accept no liability for contributor's opinion The first of January 2013. It seems far away as we are already in March with spring just round the corner, And the animal welfare legislation applied to our farms. Some farmers may ask what price will we pay for this. Others might speculate, “And what now?” “What will the northern countries get into their heads next with the backing of the European Union?” will be the cry of the most revolutionary ones. We cannot look towards the past. We knew about it and that’s all. It’s what happens in difficult situations; you have to get on with it. Again, like so many times before. With a different production system for the sows and a professional challenge in front of us. The best in these moments is not to look back to the past but to focus on the future of Europe. Moreover, the implementation of the legislation has not been gone badly for Spain. For once, we are ahead of the feared Germans in one aspect, as they had only adapted 76% of their sows at the beginning of the year. However, some German framers doubt whether we in the south are ahead of them. Well, the truth is that there are still no official data for countries, as those published to date vary depending on the organisation that provides them. There will possibly be other regulations in the future that will bother us, but that is what the European Union is like. For example, there is talk of animal welfare measures in the maternity phase too. Life is full of challenges; when you reach a 3,000-metre high peak, you see another that rises to 4,000 metres, and from there, to the 8,000 summits is only a question of degree. Large or small. But there is no end to the challenges for those involved in pig breeding. Gener Romeu SUMMARY DOWNLOAD ANY APPS FOR READER QR CODE AND VIEW ROTECNA.COM ROTECNA SCAN ME WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE


The Rotecna's newspaper of global pig market for Rotecna's dealer.

Transcript of 16 RotecnaWorld

Page 1: 16 RotecnaWorld














Gener RomeuRotecna's President



MAY 2013

EDITION:Rotecna, s.a.PoL.InD. naU-3,

25310 aGRaMUnt (LLeIDa) sPaIn







Issn: L-41-2007

Rotecna's World's editors accept no liability for contributor's opinion

The first of January 2013. It seems far away as we are already in March with spring just round the corner, And the animal welfare legislation applied to our farms. Some farmers may ask what price will we pay for this. Others might speculate, “And what now?” “What will the northern countries get into their heads next with the backing of the European Union?” will be the cry of the most revolutionary ones.

We cannot look towards the past. We knew about it and that’s all. It’s what happens in difficult situations; you have to get on with it. Again, like so many times before. With a different production system for the sows and a professional challenge in front of us. The best in these moments is not to look back to the past but to focus on the future of Europe.

Moreover, the implementation of the legislation has not been gone badly for Spain. For once, we are ahead of the feared Germans in one aspect, as they had only adapted 76% of their sows at the beginning of the year. However, some German framers doubt whether we in the south are ahead of them. Well, the truth is that there are still no official data for countries, as those published to date vary depending on the organisation that provides them.

There will possibly be other regulations in the future that will bother us, but that is what the European Union is like. For example, there is talk of animal welfare measures in the maternity phase too. Life is full of challenges; when you reach a 3,000-metre high peak, you see another that rises to 4,000 metres, and from there, to the 8,000 summits is only a question of degree. Large or small. But there is no end to the challenges for those involved in pig breeding.

Gener Romeu




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About 50 kilometres inland from Barcelona, between the Baix Llobregat, Bages and Anoia districts, we find the Montserrat massif. The mountain is made up of the characteristic curious shapes, unique in Catalonia and with its monastery and the Virgin of Montserrat, it is one of the national symbols.

Geologically it is made up of pink conglomerate or pudding stone and clays which give it the curved shapes that erosion has given it both inside and outside with its caves, gulleys and streams. You can reach the mountain by various means, either on foot along the long-distance trails that cross it, by car or public transport: train then cable car, the so-called Aeri de

Montserrat, or by rack and pinion railway from Monistrol de Montserrat to climb the 500 metres to the monastery.

Patron saint of Catalonia

The image of the Virgin of Montserrat is a very beautiful 12th-century polychrome Romanesque woodcarving. Since 1947, it has sat on throne in silver altarpiece, paid for by public donations, in the upper part of the apse of the basilica.

Owing to the dark colour of her skin it is popularly called La Moreneta, although a study in 2001 concluded that that her face was originally white but a combination of the candles and incense in the sanctuary and oxidation of the lead used in



Rotecna with the training of future livestock business people

Montserrat:The mysterious mountain

In February, a group of students from the Tàrrega Agricultural College came to visit the Rotecna installations to get to know the reality of the sector undergoing continuous changes and innovations. Oscar Toledano, head of European sales acted as their guide. “It is important for students to get out on the terrain and or into the companies where they will work in the future, either farms or industrial companies linked to the sector, because while they pick up the theory in the school, they then have to get to know the reality. They are not training just to be farmers but rather business men and women and they need to acquire a lot of technical knowledge”.

Oscar showed them round the company and explained the phases of pig production through the Rotecna products. The subjects that were talked about most

during the visit were the strict health controls in intensive production, the treatment of waste products the animal welfare legislation and trends for the future.

The students showed a keen interest as most were from families that work in the livestock sector and some are even already working in it.

At the end of March, it was the turn of university students from Iowa State University in the USA. This is one of the world’s most prestigious institutions in agricultural education. The students were in Lleida on an exchange visit with the University of Lleida and as part of their programme of activities, they were visiting the leading companies in the sector and they had asked to visit Rotecna to see the latest novelties. . (B.G.)

The Montserrat massif is home to a monastery and Catalonia’s patron saint: The Virgin of Montserrat. The legends lend a mysterious and enigmatic air to one of the symbols of identity of Catalonia.

Rotecna receives periodic

visits from groups of students

studying different subjects

related to the sector. The

training classes link the more

technical aspects with the

more practical questions of

the world of pig-rearing


the paint had darkened her appearance over time.

The best-known legend about the finding of this Romanesque woodcut of the Virgin of Montserrat explains that shepherds from the farm at Riusec de Monistrol were grazing their sheep on Montserrat when they say a light shining out of cave at the bottom of a cliff overlooking the Llobregat river. The shepherds told the priest in Monistrol who, in turn, informed the bishop of Vic. The latter immediately wanted to know what was happening there.

Together with the shepherds, the bishop went to the cave from which emanated the light and celestial voices and found the image of the

Virgin with the baby Jesus in her lap. The bishop decided to take the image to Manresa but in coming down from the mountain to the flat area where the monastery stands today, they became unable to move, which was interpreted as a sign that the Virgin wanted to stay there. The bishop ordered the building of a chapel, and since then, it has been a place of worship of the Virgin of Montserrat.

The mountain features in other legends, such as that of Cavall Bernat, which refers to the most emblematic peak in the range, or the Drummer of El Bruc, which explains that the French troops fled from the sound of the drum played by Isidre Lluçà during a battle in 1808.

Modern mysteries

The legends that surround Montserrat are not only ancient, but also contemporary. According to some scholars and experts in esoteric subjects, such as Ignacio Ondargáin, “ In the forms of the mountain we can appreciate an “intra-terrestrial” emanation of Forces that, like a flame, rise up vertically”. According to Ondargáin and his followers, Montserrat is a gateway between two worlds, a bridge between different dimensions and universes.

Then, every month over the last thirty years or so, there have been sightings of UFOs that bring together hundreds of people who do not want to miss this

phenomenon. There is no scientific evidence for all this, but there are very many stories, future legends about the most mysterious mountain in Catalonia. . (B.G.)

The first of January arrived and with it, the full entry into force of the Directive 2001/88/CE that stipulates the minimum norms for animal welfare in pigs. Under these rules, all European farms must house pregnant sows in groups from 28 days after insemination until a week before farrowing. There are other requisites, such as the quality, width and floor area per sow, from 0.65 square metres in fattening up to 110 kilos and 2.25 square metres for pregnant sows.

The most recent data about the implementation of the regulations in the EU from mid-February shows that most countries comply 100% or nearly so with the new norms. The Commission warned 9 countries in writing (Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Poland and Portugal) about deficiencies in the application of the legislation about sows without crates. These countries were given two

months to respond to the letter. The latest figures from these countries about the application of the Directive about the group housing of pregnant sows were:

The doubt now is whether, Europe will punish the countries that fail to reach 100% compliance. Brussels made it clear in the Council of Ministers at the end of January that it has no intention to ignore the fact that some states do not comply with the norms but no specific action has yet been taken. In this meeting of the Council of

Ministers, some countries emphasised the importance of all States complying with the normative to avoid market distortions between those who fulfil the requirements and those who do not. Some talked about banning the import of pigs or pork from farms that fail to meet the animal welfare standards.

From now on, the market should be alert to the censuses in Europe and the production of piglets and thus, pork meat, so that the EU does not lose competitiveness on the global level.

Transport of animalsIn December, the legislation about animal welfare during transport was again on the lips of members of the European parliament. The Parliament passed Regulation 1/2005, a report presented by the member Janusz Wojciechowski about the protection of animals during transport. Among other things, this report, passed by

555 votes in favour, 56 against and 34 abstentions, required greater commitment by the member states to compliance with the norms, and again, to limit journey times with live animals to eight hours.

As well as restricting the length of the journey, the report also called for an increase in veterinary checks, the implementation of a policy of communication to explain the animal welfare in transport rules to the general public, and to present proposals for real-time sat-nav control. . (M.P.)

Animal Welfare Legislation implemented, and now what?

In the meeting of the EU Council of Ministers, some countries emphasised the importance of all countries complying with the regulations to avoid unfair competition between countries that comply with the rules and those that do not.




ThAT fAiL TO REACh 100%


Will there be sanctions for the countries that fail to reach 100%?

The group housing of pregnant sows is obligatory throughout the EU.

Country Implementation of Animal Belgium 89%Cyprus 62%Denmark 94%France 72%Germany 73%Greece 82%Ireland 82%Poland 90%Portugal 58%Source: EU

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2 32


About 50 kilometres inland from Barcelona, between the Baix Llobregat, Bages and Anoia districts, we find the Montserrat massif. The mountain is made up of the characteristic curious shapes, unique in Catalonia and with its monastery and the Virgin of Montserrat, it is one of the national symbols.

Geologically it is made up of pink conglomerate or pudding stone and clays which give it the curved shapes that erosion has given it both inside and outside with its caves, gulleys and streams. You can reach the mountain by various means, either on foot along the long-distance trails that cross it, by car or public transport: train then cable car, the so-called Aeri de

Montserrat, or by rack and pinion railway from Monistrol de Montserrat to climb the 500 metres to the monastery.

Patron saint of Catalonia

The image of the Virgin of Montserrat is a very beautiful 12th-century polychrome Romanesque woodcarving. Since 1947, it has sat on throne in silver altarpiece, paid for by public donations, in the upper part of the apse of the basilica.

Owing to the dark colour of her skin it is popularly called La Moreneta, although a study in 2001 concluded that that her face was originally white but a combination of the candles and incense in the sanctuary and oxidation of the lead used in



Rotecna with the training of future livestock business people

Montserrat:The mysterious mountain

In February, a group of students from the Tàrrega Agricultural College came to visit the Rotecna installations to get to know the reality of the sector undergoing continuous changes and innovations. Oscar Toledano, head of European sales acted as their guide. “It is important for students to get out on the terrain and or into the companies where they will work in the future, either farms or industrial companies linked to the sector, because while they pick up the theory in the school, they then have to get to know the reality. They are not training just to be farmers but rather business men and women and they need to acquire a lot of technical knowledge”.

Oscar showed them round the company and explained the phases of pig production through the Rotecna products. The subjects that were talked about most

during the visit were the strict health controls in intensive production, the treatment of waste products the animal welfare legislation and trends for the future.

The students showed a keen interest as most were from families that work in the livestock sector and some are even already working in it.

At the end of March, it was the turn of university students from Iowa State University in the USA. This is one of the world’s most prestigious institutions in agricultural education. The students were in Lleida on an exchange visit with the University of Lleida and as part of their programme of activities, they were visiting the leading companies in the sector and they had asked to visit Rotecna to see the latest novelties. . (B.G.)

The Montserrat massif is home to a monastery and Catalonia’s patron saint: The Virgin of Montserrat. The legends lend a mysterious and enigmatic air to one of the symbols of identity of Catalonia.

Rotecna receives periodic

visits from groups of students

studying different subjects

related to the sector. The

training classes link the more

technical aspects with the

more practical questions of

the world of pig-rearing


the paint had darkened her appearance over time.

The best-known legend about the finding of this Romanesque woodcut of the Virgin of Montserrat explains that shepherds from the farm at Riusec de Monistrol were grazing their sheep on Montserrat when they say a light shining out of cave at the bottom of a cliff overlooking the Llobregat river. The shepherds told the priest in Monistrol who, in turn, informed the bishop of Vic. The latter immediately wanted to know what was happening there.

Together with the shepherds, the bishop went to the cave from which emanated the light and celestial voices and found the image of the

Virgin with the baby Jesus in her lap. The bishop decided to take the image to Manresa but in coming down from the mountain to the flat area where the monastery stands today, they became unable to move, which was interpreted as a sign that the Virgin wanted to stay there. The bishop ordered the building of a chapel, and since then, it has been a place of worship of the Virgin of Montserrat.

The mountain features in other legends, such as that of Cavall Bernat, which refers to the most emblematic peak in the range, or the Drummer of El Bruc, which explains that the French troops fled from the sound of the drum played by Isidre Lluçà during a battle in 1808.

Modern mysteries

The legends that surround Montserrat are not only ancient, but also contemporary. According to some scholars and experts in esoteric subjects, such as Ignacio Ondargáin, “ In the forms of the mountain we can appreciate an “intra-terrestrial” emanation of Forces that, like a flame, rise up vertically”. According to Ondargáin and his followers, Montserrat is a gateway between two worlds, a bridge between different dimensions and universes.

Then, every month over the last thirty years or so, there have been sightings of UFOs that bring together hundreds of people who do not want to miss this

phenomenon. There is no scientific evidence for all this, but there are very many stories, future legends about the most mysterious mountain in Catalonia. . (B.G.)

The first of January arrived and with it, the full entry into force of the Directive 2001/88/CE that stipulates the minimum norms for animal welfare in pigs. Under these rules, all European farms must house pregnant sows in groups from 28 days after insemination until a week before farrowing. There are other requisites, such as the quality, width and floor area per sow, from 0.65 square metres in fattening up to 110 kilos and 2.25 square metres for pregnant sows.

The most recent data about the implementation of the regulations in the EU from mid-February shows that most countries comply 100% or nearly so with the new norms. The Commission warned 9 countries in writing (Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Poland and Portugal) about deficiencies in the application of the legislation about sows without crates. These countries were given two

months to respond to the letter. The latest figures from these countries about the application of the Directive about the group housing of pregnant sows were:

The doubt now is whether, Europe will punish the countries that fail to reach 100% compliance. Brussels made it clear in the Council of Ministers at the end of January that it has no intention to ignore the fact that some states do not comply with the norms but no specific action has yet been taken. In this meeting of the Council of

Ministers, some countries emphasised the importance of all States complying with the normative to avoid market distortions between those who fulfil the requirements and those who do not. Some talked about banning the import of pigs or pork from farms that fail to meet the animal welfare standards.

From now on, the market should be alert to the censuses in Europe and the production of piglets and thus, pork meat, so that the EU does not lose competitiveness on the global level.

Transport of animalsIn December, the legislation about animal welfare during transport was again on the lips of members of the European parliament. The Parliament passed Regulation 1/2005, a report presented by the member Janusz Wojciechowski about the protection of animals during transport. Among other things, this report, passed by

555 votes in favour, 56 against and 34 abstentions, required greater commitment by the member states to compliance with the norms, and again, to limit journey times with live animals to eight hours.

As well as restricting the length of the journey, the report also called for an increase in veterinary checks, the implementation of a policy of communication to explain the animal welfare in transport rules to the general public, and to present proposals for real-time sat-nav control. . (M.P.)

Animal Welfare Legislation implemented, and now what?

In the meeting of the EU Council of Ministers, some countries emphasised the importance of all countries complying with the regulations to avoid unfair competition between countries that comply with the rules and those that do not.




ThAT fAiL TO REACh 100%


Will there be sanctions for the countries that fail to reach 100%?

The group housing of pregnant sows is obligatory throughout the EU.

Country Implementation of Animal Belgium 89%Cyprus 62%Denmark 94%France 72%Germany 73%Greece 82%Ireland 82%Poland 90%Portugal 58%Source: EU

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The new regulation mechanism allows to dose the feed drop more precisely and to have a better control depending on the animals’ age and the necessities of each pen. That is why the regulation points have been incremented to 13 positions to provide for a precise control of the feed quantity.

The feeder is made as a whole piece (one-of-a-kind of this size in the market), has 30% more capacity, storing up to 60 l of feed. No need in any accessories. The feeder is robust and resistant to take possible hits of the finishers. All its components are built in the robust body of the feeder. Without any joints or sharp edges that provides for a better cleaning.

The feeder design permits water kit installation both on the right and on the left side according to the layout of the pen. Thanks to a special design the PVC downpipe is built in the feeder, is protected from the animal aggression and avoids the condensation humidity.


The opening trigger of the feed drop mechanism has been redesigned that makes its functioning easier. The mechanism is pulled with a simple movement. Can be cleaned thoroughly after tilting.

The optimum feed conversion rate

Rotecna has worked out various feeder characteristics that provide for the faster adaptation of the weaners in the finishers pens, reducing alterations in the feeding and paying attention to the physical conditions of the finishers.

There are two aspects that have been improved with this objective. The new Grow Feeder Maxi has a longer feed drop mechanism and allows even the smallest weaners to reach it. The nipple position and inclination have been changed so that the smallest piglets can have easier access to water.

The design of the feeders allows piling up, that helps to optimize the space for transportation and as a consequence reduces the freight cost.

ROTECNA has made one step forward towards its standards: the Grow Feeder Maxi is a feeder with a total of 700.000 units sold all over the world. . (M.P.)

Only the evolution of the genuine feeder for finishers can be better than the original version.


Feeder capacity, l 60Animal weight, kg 15-120

Usage finishersFeeding type dry / wet

Nº animals/feeder 10-15Nº outlets 1Height, cm 107Width, cm 37

Bottom size, cm 34Outlet access, cm 14

Regulation Positions 13


sUppORT DEsigN

The out-dirt support for the plate is easy to install. It comes in a kit with four pieces.


More control dosing the feed.

spECiAL DEsigN pREvENTs CONDENsATiONThe PVC tube can be installed on any side of the feeder.

LARgER LEvER TO MAKE ThE MEChANisM LONgEREasier access for weaners, more comfortable for the farmer.

ROTECNA has launched three models of large (120 cm) electric plates.

This new larger design lets the plates heat wider areas and create a very comfortable microclimate in farrowing, weaning and wean to finish. Given that the heated surface is larger, the animals’ comfort is ¡optimised. Moreover, there is a lower power requirement.

ROTECNA has optimized the existing feeder for finishers, improving

the product characteristics that result in an evident, cost- efficient

benefit for the farmer and faster and better adaptation for the animals.

120 cm electric heating plates

The three models of electric plates, with a wide range of dimensions (1200 x 400 mm, 1200 x 500 mm and 1200 x 600 mm), mean versatility in the combinations given that they adapt to any slats. The combinations between the plates and the slats are very varied so the farmer can customise the design according to his or her needs. Moreover, they are easy to install thus avoiding problems for the start-up. The number of connections and cables has also been reduced. They are also solidly built so there is no problem using them in weaning or wean-to-finish installations, with heavier animals. The solidity of their design avoids thermal transmission by convection directly from the plate. The electrical resistance of the plate is in the upper part,

where the heat is needed, above an airtight chamber that acts as insulation to minimise heat loss through the bottom of the plate. Furthermore, the independent out-dirt support allows a flexible settlement of the plates. Tolerance to expansion means that pressure or strain is not transmitted between plates and/or slats. This out-dirt support is easy to install and its special design makes the pens more hygienic by avoiding the build-up of dirt.

Their comfort makes them ideal for piglets. Moreover, the electrical connection is kept apart from the animals (the cable is 4 metres long) to give the animals greater safety and protection. Like the rest of the range, the surface is non-slip. . (M.P.)


• Versatility in a range of installations.

• Reduction in the installation time and ease of start-up.

• Greater irradiation and more efficient energetically.

• Lower power requirements, optimising the sizing of the regulators, electrical installation and power rating.

• Greater comfortable for the piglets.

• Very resistant.

• Without dead corners for easy cleaning.

• Non-slip surfaces.

• Safety and protection by separating the electrical connection from the access for the


•More regulation. The farmer can dose and control the feed quantity with more precision.

•More capacity. Storage capacity up to 60 l, the feeder is designed as one piece, no accessories are required.

•More adaptation. The new dimensions of the feed drop mechanism and the new inclination of the nipple provide for an easier access for piglets.

•More durability. All the components are thoughtfully integrated in the robust structure manufactured as one piece.

•More usability. Its easy handling allows the farmer saving time and labor during cleaning.

•More in less space. Can be stacked. The space for transportation is optimized.

The new Grow Feeder Maxi is More

40 80 50




Example of combination for farrowing pen.


Dimensions, cm 120x40 120x50 120x60

Power, W 120 150 180

Voltage, V 220-230

Heated area, m2 0,45 0,57 0,69

Connection installation Voltage regulator

Length of cable, m 4

60 cm

50 cm

40 cm

120 W

150 w

180 w

Bigger, energetically more efficient.

Due to its genuine design the support is very hygienic as it helps to avoid dirt accumulation.

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The new regulation mechanism allows to dose the feed drop more precisely and to have a better control depending on the animals’ age and the necessities of each pen. That is why the regulation points have been incremented to 13 positions to provide for a precise control of the feed quantity.

The feeder is made as a whole piece (one-of-a-kind of this size in the market), has 30% more capacity, storing up to 60 l of feed. No need in any accessories. The feeder is robust and resistant to take possible hits of the finishers. All its components are built in the robust body of the feeder. Without any joints or sharp edges that provides for a better cleaning.

The feeder design permits water kit installation both on the right and on the left side according to the layout of the pen. Thanks to a special design the PVC downpipe is built in the feeder, is protected from the animal aggression and avoids the condensation humidity.


The opening trigger of the feed drop mechanism has been redesigned that makes its functioning easier. The mechanism is pulled with a simple movement. Can be cleaned thoroughly after tilting.

The optimum feed conversion rate

Rotecna has worked out various feeder characteristics that provide for the faster adaptation of the weaners in the finishers pens, reducing alterations in the feeding and paying attention to the physical conditions of the finishers.

There are two aspects that have been improved with this objective. The new Grow Feeder Maxi has a longer feed drop mechanism and allows even the smallest weaners to reach it. The nipple position and inclination have been changed so that the smallest piglets can have easier access to water.

The design of the feeders allows piling up, that helps to optimize the space for transportation and as a consequence reduces the freight cost.

ROTECNA has made one step forward towards its standards: the Grow Feeder Maxi is a feeder with a total of 700.000 units sold all over the world. . (M.P.)

Only the evolution of the genuine feeder for finishers can be better than the original version.


Feeder capacity, l 60Animal weight, kg 15-120

Usage finishersFeeding type dry / wet

Nº animals/feeder 10-15Nº outlets 1Height, cm 107Width, cm 37

Bottom size, cm 34Outlet access, cm 14

Regulation Positions 13


sUppORT DEsigN

The out-dirt support for the plate is easy to install. It comes in a kit with four pieces.


More control dosing the feed.

spECiAL DEsigN pREvENTs CONDENsATiONThe PVC tube can be installed on any side of the feeder.

LARgER LEvER TO MAKE ThE MEChANisM LONgEREasier access for weaners, more comfortable for the farmer.

ROTECNA has launched three models of large (120 cm) electric plates.

This new larger design lets the plates heat wider areas and create a very comfortable microclimate in farrowing, weaning and wean to finish. Given that the heated surface is larger, the animals’ comfort is ¡optimised. Moreover, there is a lower power requirement.

ROTECNA has optimized the existing feeder for finishers, improving

the product characteristics that result in an evident, cost- efficient

benefit for the farmer and faster and better adaptation for the animals.

120 cm electric heating plates

The three models of electric plates, with a wide range of dimensions (1200 x 400 mm, 1200 x 500 mm and 1200 x 600 mm), mean versatility in the combinations given that they adapt to any slats. The combinations between the plates and the slats are very varied so the farmer can customise the design according to his or her needs. Moreover, they are easy to install thus avoiding problems for the start-up. The number of connections and cables has also been reduced. They are also solidly built so there is no problem using them in weaning or wean-to-finish installations, with heavier animals. The solidity of their design avoids thermal transmission by convection directly from the plate. The electrical resistance of the plate is in the upper part,

where the heat is needed, above an airtight chamber that acts as insulation to minimise heat loss through the bottom of the plate. Furthermore, the independent out-dirt support allows a flexible settlement of the plates. Tolerance to expansion means that pressure or strain is not transmitted between plates and/or slats. This out-dirt support is easy to install and its special design makes the pens more hygienic by avoiding the build-up of dirt.

Their comfort makes them ideal for piglets. Moreover, the electrical connection is kept apart from the animals (the cable is 4 metres long) to give the animals greater safety and protection. Like the rest of the range, the surface is non-slip. . (M.P.)


• Versatility in a range of installations.

• Reduction in the installation time and ease of start-up.

• Greater irradiation and more efficient energetically.

• Lower power requirements, optimising the sizing of the regulators, electrical installation and power rating.

• Greater comfortable for the piglets.

• Very resistant.

• Without dead corners for easy cleaning.

• Non-slip surfaces.

• Safety and protection by separating the electrical connection from the access for the


•More regulation. The farmer can dose and control the feed quantity with more precision.

•More capacity. Storage capacity up to 60 l, the feeder is designed as one piece, no accessories are required.

•More adaptation. The new dimensions of the feed drop mechanism and the new inclination of the nipple provide for an easier access for piglets.

•More durability. All the components are thoughtfully integrated in the robust structure manufactured as one piece.

•More usability. Its easy handling allows the farmer saving time and labor during cleaning.

•More in less space. Can be stacked. The space for transportation is optimized.

The new Grow Feeder Maxi is More

40 80 50




Example of combination for farrowing pen.


Dimensions, cm 120x40 120x50 120x60

Power, W 120 150 180

Voltage, V 220-230

Heated area, m2 0,45 0,57 0,69

Connection installation Voltage regulator

Length of cable, m 4

60 cm

50 cm

40 cm

120 W

150 w

180 w

Bigger, energetically more efficient.

Due to its genuine design the support is very hygienic as it helps to avoid dirt accumulation.

Page 6: 16 RotecnaWorld

producer (large and small) have to reduce their production costs to avoid losing any competitiveness, each in their own fields.

Another of the challenges for the Vietnamese pig sector in is to improve technological ly . Mechanisation could be a key element for maintaining exports against the growing domestic demand, not only on the farms themselves but also in the slaughterhouses, very manual and problems to maintain hygiene. There is a shortfall of veterinary services in the sector in Vietnam, which the country must improve for both the domestic and export markets although the latter only makes up 1% of sales.

In 2012, food safety problems damaged the sector. The cause: the use of growth hormones that caused alarm among Vietnamese consumers. The consequence: the consumption of pork fell and sent prices below the break-even rate for the producers. The small producers are the worst affected by disease, “although there is no conclusive evidence” as the ILRI study states.

Regarding consumption, the only notable change over recent years is that Vietnamese consumers are demanding leaner meat in preference

over meat with a higher proportion of fat. However, the priority is still fresh meat, over ready cut or frozen pork. According to published figures, per-capita pork consumption in Vietnam will rise from 30 kg in 2010 to 40 kg in 2020. According to an ILRI study, the demand for fresh or uncut pork will not be overtaken by cut or frozen meat.

There is no doubt that the sector, with the backing of the government and foreign capital, aims to move forward, beginning with the building of larger-scale intensive farms.

However, it is true that transforming the sector is a hard task. There will not be enough with the government’s 10-year plan that expires in 2020. The small farms will still have an important weight and, thus, their professionalism, the quality of their meat and their commitment to food safety will continue to mark the Vietnamese pig sector. . (M.P.)

Bibliography:Consult the editors.


pigpRODUCTiONiN... pigpRODUCTiONiN...

In 2009, 62% of meat production in Vietnam was in the pig sector, as it had been over the two previous decades. The figure shows the importance of the sector as well as the progressive rise in the number of head over the last decade. Although most farms are small and with a low level of mechanisation, the pig sector is an opportunity for the Vietnamese and for their country.

The demand for fresh meat is growing in Vietnam and, in response to this, family-run pig farms (likewise in the country’s poultry sector) have given way to larger installations. Some of these (mainly with foreign capital) are working to improve the races of pigs in Vietnam and to build a new pork processing industry. The changes are starting. For example, the leading feed producer in Vietnam, Japfda Comfeed, and the genetics company Hypor, have formed a joint-venture (Japfda Hypor Genetics) to create a sales and technical service

company to sell livestock and semen on the Vietnamese market. In September 2012, the company celebrated the opening of its first farm with 700 sows.

The Vietnamese government’s strategy is mainly orientated towards gradually replacing small, family-run farms with intensive commercial farms. That at least is the aim of the strategy from now until 2020. According to figures from the MARD (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), the target in Vietnam is for the country to produce 3.5 metric tons of pork for 2015, with an expected census of 35 million head by 2020 . Nowadays, commercial farms are 5% of the total in Vietnam and the total herd size is currently estimated at 26.48 million pigs, of which 4 million are sows (Graph 1).

Family farm versus commercial farm

Nowadays, a large part of Vietnamese pig farms are small-scale, family-run

installations. According to data from the ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), in 2006, 84% of pig farms had between 1 and 8 sows, while in 2001 the figure was 92%. These figures show a change in tendency although slowly. In 2010, the small farms were 81% of the total. Another notable change, according to the ILRI, is the live weight of the animals, which has risen from 70 kg to 100 kg over the last decade. The domestic demand for pork meat is growing and this is forcing the sector to make some changes.

A first step towards this change was taken last August, when the MARD informed the farmers that it had requested the State Bank of Vietnam to lower the interest rates on loans (both those contracted prior to that date and those taken on after). The aim of this move was to enable some farmers to pay off their debts and encouraging others to invest. The truth is, however, that to date those who have benefited most from thesis

help and support have been the largest farms. The government also announced that it would give 36 million dollars in compensation for losses caused by natural disasters and disease among animals.

If the policy of the Vietnamese government is maintained, the map of pig production could change in the coming decade. In first place, with the rise in intensive farming and secondly, the demand would be not only for fresh meat, but also for processed or cut meat (with little current outlet). The truth is that, according to the study by the ILRI, the number of large-scale farms would reach 12% of the total in Vietnam (double the current figure) as growth depends more on technology than the demand. Thus small-scale production, and thus its competitiveness, will continue in Vietnam.

The challenges

Although it is true that the size of some farms have changed and working methods have become more intensive, the sector doubts about whether it will be able to obtain profits in a context with fierce competition between imports and the largest domestic producers. In the case of the small producers, the challenge is to maintain the market for fresh meat. Among their weak points are a weak race, low feed quality and problems of animal health on the farms. In the current economic context, both types of

Pig production in

VietnamVietnam is one of the countries in Asia where the pig production is growing fastest.


fOR 2020 is fOR ThE





Of pigs.






BEgiNNiNg WiTh ThE



At the end of last year, a multidisciplinary team of 150 researchers from 12 countries published the latest data about the pig genome in the journal Nature. The new data from the study of the genome provide valuable information for improving the species and identifying variants that reinforce the idea of the pig as a biomedical model.

On one hand, the research, which deciphered 20,000 genes, managed to decipher the genetic sequence of the domestic female pig (Sus scrofa) and compared it with the genomes of wild boar and domesticated pigs from Europe and Asia. The results reveal a relation between European and Asian wild boar from a million years ago. This observation supplies a partial justification of the main traits of the map of pig crosses developed in the 1990s, especially those between western and Chinese races. This shows the development of Sus Scrofa and confirms the presence of the species in south-east Asia and its subsequent domestication in many parts of Eurasia. As had been observed in pervious genome research, the immunological responses of the genes show evidence of fast evolution of the pig species. One of the conclusions is that the pig has a wide repertoire of olfactory

receptor genes, which is why experts believe them to be so effective as truffle hunters. It has also been noted that pigs can tolerate high levels of substances that are disagreeable for humans. In the words of Max F. Rothschild, USDA coordinator of National Pig Genome Coordinator at the University of Iowa, “Perhaps that is the reason that makes these animals attractive when they are domesticated is that they eat things that taste bad for humans”.

On the other hand, the study also managed to find links between the human and pig genomes. When multiple genomes from pigs are compared with those from humans, a potential genetic cause for certain diseases appears which increases the value of pigs for biomedical research. On comparing protein sequences from pigs, evidence was found that some mutations increase the risk of suffering diabetes or obesity among humans. In some others, relations have been found with Parkinson’s disease, dyslexia or Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, the information from the genome will allow more details to be known about xenotransplants (transplanting tissue from an animal to a human), which have been talked about for years given the similarity of human and pig organs.

In practice, this type of study into the pig genome should help the industry to improve pig races in the future one way or another. In reality, “ over the last 50 years, genetic selection has led to improvements in the pug sector” as one of the researchers, Alan L. Archibald declared. This new study represents an important benchmark for the European PiGMaP and the USDA Pig Genome, which are designed to decode the full pig genome. There are currently projects under way in this direction in the European Union, The United States, Korea, Japan and China, and various universities around the world are dedicated to its study.

More information about the pig genome

Vietnam produces 80% of the pork that it consumes.

The government has seen this as a golden opportunity

for developing rural areas.


A small family pig farm in Vietnam. Photo by the ILRI.Local piglet market. Photo by the ILRI.



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producer (large and small) have to reduce their production costs to avoid losing any competitiveness, each in their own fields.

Another of the challenges for the Vietnamese pig sector in is to improve technological ly . Mechanisation could be a key element for maintaining exports against the growing domestic demand, not only on the farms themselves but also in the slaughterhouses, very manual and problems to maintain hygiene. There is a shortfall of veterinary services in the sector in Vietnam, which the country must improve for both the domestic and export markets although the latter only makes up 1% of sales.

In 2012, food safety problems damaged the sector. The cause: the use of growth hormones that caused alarm among Vietnamese consumers. The consequence: the consumption of pork fell and sent prices below the break-even rate for the producers. The small producers are the worst affected by disease, “although there is no conclusive evidence” as the ILRI study states.

Regarding consumption, the only notable change over recent years is that Vietnamese consumers are demanding leaner meat in preference

over meat with a higher proportion of fat. However, the priority is still fresh meat, over ready cut or frozen pork. According to published figures, per-capita pork consumption in Vietnam will rise from 30 kg in 2010 to 40 kg in 2020. According to an ILRI study, the demand for fresh or uncut pork will not be overtaken by cut or frozen meat.

There is no doubt that the sector, with the backing of the government and foreign capital, aims to move forward, beginning with the building of larger-scale intensive farms.

However, it is true that transforming the sector is a hard task. There will not be enough with the government’s 10-year plan that expires in 2020. The small farms will still have an important weight and, thus, their professionalism, the quality of their meat and their commitment to food safety will continue to mark the Vietnamese pig sector. . (M.P.)

Bibliography:Consult the editors.


pigpRODUCTiONiN... pigpRODUCTiONiN...

In 2009, 62% of meat production in Vietnam was in the pig sector, as it had been over the two previous decades. The figure shows the importance of the sector as well as the progressive rise in the number of head over the last decade. Although most farms are small and with a low level of mechanisation, the pig sector is an opportunity for the Vietnamese and for their country.

The demand for fresh meat is growing in Vietnam and, in response to this, family-run pig farms (likewise in the country’s poultry sector) have given way to larger installations. Some of these (mainly with foreign capital) are working to improve the races of pigs in Vietnam and to build a new pork processing industry. The changes are starting. For example, the leading feed producer in Vietnam, Japfda Comfeed, and the genetics company Hypor, have formed a joint-venture (Japfda Hypor Genetics) to create a sales and technical service

company to sell livestock and semen on the Vietnamese market. In September 2012, the company celebrated the opening of its first farm with 700 sows.

The Vietnamese government’s strategy is mainly orientated towards gradually replacing small, family-run farms with intensive commercial farms. That at least is the aim of the strategy from now until 2020. According to figures from the MARD (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), the target in Vietnam is for the country to produce 3.5 metric tons of pork for 2015, with an expected census of 35 million head by 2020 . Nowadays, commercial farms are 5% of the total in Vietnam and the total herd size is currently estimated at 26.48 million pigs, of which 4 million are sows (Graph 1).

Family farm versus commercial farm

Nowadays, a large part of Vietnamese pig farms are small-scale, family-run

installations. According to data from the ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), in 2006, 84% of pig farms had between 1 and 8 sows, while in 2001 the figure was 92%. These figures show a change in tendency although slowly. In 2010, the small farms were 81% of the total. Another notable change, according to the ILRI, is the live weight of the animals, which has risen from 70 kg to 100 kg over the last decade. The domestic demand for pork meat is growing and this is forcing the sector to make some changes.

A first step towards this change was taken last August, when the MARD informed the farmers that it had requested the State Bank of Vietnam to lower the interest rates on loans (both those contracted prior to that date and those taken on after). The aim of this move was to enable some farmers to pay off their debts and encouraging others to invest. The truth is, however, that to date those who have benefited most from thesis

help and support have been the largest farms. The government also announced that it would give 36 million dollars in compensation for losses caused by natural disasters and disease among animals.

If the policy of the Vietnamese government is maintained, the map of pig production could change in the coming decade. In first place, with the rise in intensive farming and secondly, the demand would be not only for fresh meat, but also for processed or cut meat (with little current outlet). The truth is that, according to the study by the ILRI, the number of large-scale farms would reach 12% of the total in Vietnam (double the current figure) as growth depends more on technology than the demand. Thus small-scale production, and thus its competitiveness, will continue in Vietnam.

The challenges

Although it is true that the size of some farms have changed and working methods have become more intensive, the sector doubts about whether it will be able to obtain profits in a context with fierce competition between imports and the largest domestic producers. In the case of the small producers, the challenge is to maintain the market for fresh meat. Among their weak points are a weak race, low feed quality and problems of animal health on the farms. In the current economic context, both types of

Pig production in

VietnamVietnam is one of the countries in Asia where the pig production is growing fastest.


fOR 2020 is fOR ThE





Of pigs.






BEgiNNiNg WiTh ThE



At the end of last year, a multidisciplinary team of 150 researchers from 12 countries published the latest data about the pig genome in the journal Nature. The new data from the study of the genome provide valuable information for improving the species and identifying variants that reinforce the idea of the pig as a biomedical model.

On one hand, the research, which deciphered 20,000 genes, managed to decipher the genetic sequence of the domestic female pig (Sus scrofa) and compared it with the genomes of wild boar and domesticated pigs from Europe and Asia. The results reveal a relation between European and Asian wild boar from a million years ago. This observation supplies a partial justification of the main traits of the map of pig crosses developed in the 1990s, especially those between western and Chinese races. This shows the development of Sus Scrofa and confirms the presence of the species in south-east Asia and its subsequent domestication in many parts of Eurasia. As had been observed in pervious genome research, the immunological responses of the genes show evidence of fast evolution of the pig species. One of the conclusions is that the pig has a wide repertoire of olfactory

receptor genes, which is why experts believe them to be so effective as truffle hunters. It has also been noted that pigs can tolerate high levels of substances that are disagreeable for humans. In the words of Max F. Rothschild, USDA coordinator of National Pig Genome Coordinator at the University of Iowa, “Perhaps that is the reason that makes these animals attractive when they are domesticated is that they eat things that taste bad for humans”.

On the other hand, the study also managed to find links between the human and pig genomes. When multiple genomes from pigs are compared with those from humans, a potential genetic cause for certain diseases appears which increases the value of pigs for biomedical research. On comparing protein sequences from pigs, evidence was found that some mutations increase the risk of suffering diabetes or obesity among humans. In some others, relations have been found with Parkinson’s disease, dyslexia or Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, the information from the genome will allow more details to be known about xenotransplants (transplanting tissue from an animal to a human), which have been talked about for years given the similarity of human and pig organs.

In practice, this type of study into the pig genome should help the industry to improve pig races in the future one way or another. In reality, “ over the last 50 years, genetic selection has led to improvements in the pug sector” as one of the researchers, Alan L. Archibald declared. This new study represents an important benchmark for the European PiGMaP and the USDA Pig Genome, which are designed to decode the full pig genome. There are currently projects under way in this direction in the European Union, The United States, Korea, Japan and China, and various universities around the world are dedicated to its study.

More information about the pig genome

Vietnam produces 80% of the pork that it consumes.

The government has seen this as a golden opportunity

for developing rural areas.


A small family pig farm in Vietnam. Photo by the ILRI.Local piglet market. Photo by the ILRI.



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DROP KITS55Ø / 75Ø / 90Ø

AUGERS55Ø / 75Ø / 90Ø

AUGER SYSTEMThe silo outlet system consist of a silo boot, a transfer unit and a slide gate assembly that allows horizontal and inclined installation.