16-2 The Digestive Process Begins Parrot Book Pages 518-523.

16-2 The Digestive Process Begins Parrot Book Pages 518-523

Transcript of 16-2 The Digestive Process Begins Parrot Book Pages 518-523.

16-2 The Digestive Process Begins

Parrot Book

Pages 518-523

What are the three functions of the digestive system?

Functions of the Digestive System

1. Breaks down food into molecules the body can use

2. The molecules are absorbed in to the blood as nutrients and carried throughout the body

3. Wastes are eliminated from the body

Organs of the Digestive System

2 Types of Digestion Digestion- process by which body

breaks down food into small nutrient molecules

2 Types of Digestion

Mechanical Digestion Chemical Digestion

Mouth Stomach

Small Intestines


What happens in the mouth?

What happens in the mouth? P 520 Digestion starts in the mouth BOTH: mechanical and chemical

digestion occur in the mouth Mechanical digestion- chewing food

using your teeth, saliva softens the food to make it easier to chew and swallow

Chemical digestion- saliva breaks down starch into sugars

Saliva is an enzyme called amylase

What happens in the mouth?



What happens in the esophagus?

What happens in the esophagus? P 521 Esophagus- Muscular tube that connects

mouth to stomach After you swallow the food it travels to the

stomach (in about 10 seconds) Describe peristalsis Try this- page 521 Why do you think the esophagus is lined with

mucus? What does the epiglottis do? How does the epiglottis prevents food from

entering your lungs?

PeristalsisOccurs in esophagus, stomach, small & large intestines

What happens in the esophagus?

What happens to food in the stomach?

P 522 Do mechanical and/or chemical

digestion occur in the stomach? What are digestive juices? What are enzymes? What is an ulcer?

Inside the Stomachpage 523

The Stomach

The Stomach

What happens to food in the stomach?

Stomach Ulcer
