1/5/2016 - SharpSchoolp1cdn4static.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers... · Tutankhamen was...

1/5/2016 1 King Tutankhamen (King Tut) died at Age 19 and was succeded by Ay (1352-1348), who married King Tutankhamen's widow, Ankhesenamen, and furnished the former king's tomb. Although all the other tombs in the Valley of the Kings at Thebes were later plundered, the tomb in which King Tutankhamen was ultimately buried was hidden by rock chips dumped from cutting the tomb of a later king. His undisturbed tomb gives a look into Egyptian life Tutankhamen's tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter It was filled with extraordinary treasure, including a solid gold coffin, a gold mask, jewelry, and many amazing artifacts from ancient Egypt

Transcript of 1/5/2016 - SharpSchoolp1cdn4static.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers... · Tutankhamen was...

Page 1: 1/5/2016 - SharpSchoolp1cdn4static.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers... · Tutankhamen was ultimately buried was hidden by rock chips dumped from cutting the tomb of a later king.



King Tutankhamen (King Tut) died at Age 19 and was succeded by Ay (1352-1348), who married King Tutankhamen's widow, Ankhesenamen, and furnished the

former king's tomb.

Although all the other tombs in the Valley of the Kings at Thebes were later plundered, the tomb in which King

Tutankhamen was ultimately buried was hidden by rock chips dumped from cutting the tomb of a later king.

His undisturbed tomb gives a look into Egyptian life

Tutankhamen's tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter

It was filled with extraordinary treasure, including a solid gold coffin, a gold mask, jewelry, and many amazing artifacts from ancient Egypt

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4 Gilded Structures that surrounded the sarcophagus of Tut’s mummy


4 Gilded Structures that surrounded the sarcophagus of Tut’s mummy

King Tutankhamen

Coffin Arrangement

A stone (quartzite) sarcophagus enclosed the

three coffins and mummy

(1)First Coffin - It is made of Cypress wood

overlaid with gold foil

(2)Second Coffin - This coffin of finer

workmanship than the preceding, was also

made of wood covered in gold foil

(3)Third Coffin - It is made of solid gold and

weighs 243 pounds.

(4)The Mummy - It was decorated with near

150 amulets, jewels and the superb golden

mask inlaid with wonderful glass

TOTAL WEIGHT 2900 pounds!

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First Coffin

It is made of

Cypress wood

overlaid with

gold foil

"Those few withered flowers, still retaining their tinge of colour, told us what a short period 3,300 years really was - but yesterday and tomorrow."

Those were the words said by Carter when he saw a small wreath of flowers, preserved in the dry air of the tomb for thirty-three centuries, is wrapped around the uraeus on the brow of the first coffin.

Second Coffin

This coffin of finer

workmanship than the

preceding, was also made

of wood covered in

gold foil

Third Coffin

It is made of

solid gold and


243 pounds.


at November, 2014 gold prices

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King Tut’s Death Mask King Tut’s Death Mask

King Tut’s Death Mask Actual Mask


The unwrapping of the mummified king began on November 11, 1923. The autopsy was undertaken by Douglas E. Derry.

The first parts unwrapped were the king’s legs, then the sexual organs, slowly working their way up the body until the whole corpse was visible.

The autopsy suggested that Tutankhamun was 5 ft 4 in tall, the exact measurements of the guardian statues in the Antechamber.

He had died between the ages of 17-19. It was found that there were small fragments of bone within the skull and it was concluded that the king had been murdered

and had not died of tuberculosis.

What did King Tut look like? What did King Tut look like?

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What did King Tut look like? What did King Tut look like?

What did King Tut look like?

Head Blow Did Not Kill King Tut, CT Scan Suggests by Christopher Joyce, National Public Radio March 9, 2005

One of the great mysteries of ancient Egypt has just become a little less mysterious. Scientists who've been studying the 3,300-year-old mummy of King Tutankhamen say computerized scans contradict the long-held theory that a blow to the head killed the boy pharaoh.

Archeologists believe King Tutankhamun ascended the throne during the so-called 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt, when he was just 8 years old. He died at 19 and was mummified.

Head Blow Did Not Kill King Tut, CT Scan Suggests British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered King Tut's

tomb, in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor, Egypt, in 1922. It was filled with some 5,000 artifacts, including a life-size golden mask of the young man's head. Since then, scientists have wondered how Tut died.

An X-ray taken in 1968 showed a bone fragment inside King Tut's skull, but the test was not advanced enough to reveal whether the fragment was the result of a blow to the head.

Head Blow Did Not Kill King Tut, CT Scan Suggests This past January, a group led by the head of Egypt's Supreme

Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, briefly removed King Tut's mummy from its tomb to examine the body with computerized scanning machines. They found no evidence of a blow to the head -- though they did find signs of a leg fracture.

Egyptian scientists agree that it might have been murder -- by poisoning, for example. Or it could have been an infection. But there's no way to tell for sure.

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Inside King Tut's tomb, Zahi Hawass (center), head of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, looks on as the 3,300-year-old mummy is removed from its

sarcophagus, Jan. 5, 2005. National Geographic © 2005

The mummy of King Tut is prepared for scanning. The CT scan took place

outside Tutankhamun's tomb in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor, Egypt. National Geographic © 2005

Results of the CT scan

showed a broken thigh which may have led to an infection that more than likely caused his death. National Geographic © 2007

Hawass (far right) looks on as King Tut's coffin lid is replaced after the CT scan. Data processing of the scan cast doubt on the popular theory that the boy king was the victim of a blow

to the head. National Geographic © 2005



The Museum's collection of ancient Egyptian art consists of approximately 26,000 objects of artistic, historical, and cultural importance, dating from the Paleolithic to the Roman period (ca. 300,000 B.C.–A.D. 4th century). More than half of the collection is derived from the Museum's thirty-five years of archaeological work in Egypt, initiated in 1906 in response to increasing Western interest in the culture of ancient Egypt.


In1906, the Museum established an Egyptian Expedition to conduct archaeological excavations at several sites along the Nile. The Egyptian government (through the Egyptian Antiquities Service) was granting foreign institutions the right to excavate with the understanding that the resulting finds would be divided evenly between the excavators and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

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The Metropolitan Museum was granted concessions for the Middle Kingdom royal cemeteries of Lisht; the Late Dynastic Period temple of Hibis at Kharga Oasis in the western desert; the New Kingdom royal palace at Malqata; and the Middle and New Kingdom cemeteries and temples of Deir el-Bahri in the Theban necropolis opposite modern Luxor.


In 1920, they discovered a small, untouched chamber in the tomb of the early Middle Kingdom chancellor Meketre (ca. 1990 B.C.). The chamber contained a set of twenty-four painted wooden models of boats, gardens, offering figures, and scenes of food production that are more detailed than any found before or since. These models are among the most prized possessions of the collections at the Met and at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.


Winlock also discovered hundreds of fragments of the smashed statues that had once embellished the funerary temple of Hatshepsut, the great female pharaoh who ruled during Dynasty 18 (ca. 1473–1458 B.C.). Painstakingly reassembled, these statues are some of the great masterpieces now to be found in New York and Cairo.


www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org

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www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org

www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org

www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org

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www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org

www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org


Sarcophagus of Wereshnefer 30th Dynasty


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www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org

www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org

www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org

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www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org

www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org

www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org

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www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org


Egyptian temples were not simply houses for a cult image but also represented, in their design and decoration, a variety of religious and mythological concepts. One important symbolic aspect was based on the understanding of the temple as an image of the natural world as the Egyptians knew it.


Lining the temple base are carvings of papyrus and lotus plants that seem to grow from water, symbolized by figures of the Nile god Hapy. The two columns on the porch rise toward the sky like tall bundles of papyrus stalks with lotus blossoms bound with them.


Above the gate and temple entrance are images of the sun disk flanked by the outspread wings of Horus, the sky god. The sky is also represented by the vultures, wings outspread, that appear on the ceiling of the entrance porch.


On the outer walls between earth and sky are carved scenes of the king making offerings to deities who hold scepters and the ankh, the symbol of life.

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The figures are carved in sunk relief. In the brilliant Egyptian sunlight, shadows cast along the figures' edges would have emphasized their outlines. Isis, Osiris, their son Horus, and the other deities are identified by their crowns and the inscriptions beside their figures.


These scenes are repeated in two horizontal registers. The king is identified by his regalia and by his names, which appear close to his head in elongated oval shapes called cartouches; many of the cartouches simply read "pharaoh."


This king was actually Caesar Augustus of Rome, who, as ruler of Egypt, had himself depicted in the traditional regalia of the pharaoh. Augustus had many temples erected in Egyptian style, honoring Egyptian deities. This small temple, built about 15 B.C., honored the goddess Isis


www.metmuseum.org www.metmuseum.org