1520 Sochi conference 2015 Idea 10 Strategic Planning

Ян К. Хардер ИДЕЯ 10: СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКОЕ ПЛАНИРОВАНИЕ Урок оптимизма Железнодорожный транспорт – 2050. Как выглядит идеальное будущее? Jan C. Harder IDEA 10: STRATEGIC PLANNING Workshop on Optimism Rail Transport 2050: A Close Look into a Perfect Tomorrow

Transcript of 1520 Sochi conference 2015 Idea 10 Strategic Planning

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Урок оптимизма

Железнодорожный транспорт – 2050.

Как выглядит идеальное будущее?

Jan C. HarderIDEA 10: STRATEGIC PLANNING Workshop on Optimism Rail Transport 2050: A Close Look into a Perfect Tomorrow

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All of human history is tied to the evolution of mobility,which has occurred because of cities along traderoutes, including river, land and sea routes.

Every civilization had its own system of mobility. Forthe Romans, it was a road network; for the Venetians,Portuguese, and Spaniards, there were sea and oceanroutes. The Tartars had a transcontinental postalnetwork, and the Ottomans had caravan routes andports.

Every mobility crisis leads to negative economic andsocial consequences: When people and goods cannottravel freely, both the safety and stability of local andnational communities are jeopardized.

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New forms of transportation can change geography. Within theEuropean Union, the TEN-T network is creating a “Euro Metro,”with cities as metro stops and transport corridors as metro lines.

Innovative system enabling the growth of relationships and thecirculation of people and ideas.

The New Silk Road rail project extends from the West to the FarEast and from the Atlantic to the Pacific, rediscovering a new SilkRoad through the Middle East, Europe, Turkey and Russia (theMETR region), where the role of the Mediterranean is becomingcrucial.

It has implications for transport and business and especially forsocial, cultural and political spheres. In those spheres, the mostdramatically affected issue is human migration.

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To create a platform for cultural, social, economic, and politicaldialogue between the cities of the METR region in order toprotect and promote the common interests of those territoriesand the cooperation of communities interested in this connection

To support a new level of mobility of goods and passengersthrough an extension to the east of the European network TEN-Tby means of new high-speed and high-capacity corridors

To promote an initiative among cities on eco-friendlytransportation development in view of 2050, via communicationand connection projects by involving local communities

To support potential private and public partnerships between Eastand West for the study, design, implementation, and managementof the infrastructures of the new Railway Silk Road.

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Vision of mobilityin the METR region


Forum of the




best practiceplatform

White Bookeditions

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