150317 Ice Storage Animation

Calmac Ice Storage Systems ‘Cooling with ice reduces electrical demand’

Transcript of 150317 Ice Storage Animation

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CalmacIce Storage Systems

‘Cooling with ice reduces electrical demand’

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Cooling with ice reduces electrical demand

A presentation by

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236 buildings with more than 20 storeys planned for London require cooling.

Our cities are growing....

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...and they will all use energy, at the same time.

This places stress on our energy network.

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Currently, most of our energy is stored as fossil fuels.

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Power stations must produce enough energy to meet variable demands



Power Demand

Typical Day

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Constructing more buildings increases PEAK power demand requiring new power stations.

Power Demand

Typical Day

David Barley
Would be great if we could show the number of buildings increasing in this picture.Perhaps use the earlier slide (fewer buildings) and build up / increase to this level?
David Barley
Add in 'morning, afternoon, night'?
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But PEAK power demand is rarely required.


Power Demand

Typical Day

What if we could store energy economically?

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This stored energy could be used to meet the peak demand without the need for more power stations

Power Demand

Typical Day


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Calmac integrates energy storage as ice tanks into the cooling systems of buildings.

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Buildings require cooling to provide comfort by removing the heat generated by lights, people, computers and the sun.

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Electricity is used to power equipment to cool the building.

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At night, occupants leave the building negating the need for cooling

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The Calmac system takes advantage of low energy demand to make ice which is stored in an array of Ice Tanks.

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Peak electrical demand is then reduced by using the energy stored as ice to cool the building.Which also reduces the electrical availability charges for the building.

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Infrastructure and business benefits from reduced costs plus there is no need to ‘switch anything off’ and occupants continue to be comfortable and productive....

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.... they also save money by utilizing more favorable ‘off peak and other incentive’ Tariffs. Energy consumption is reduced when it’s most expensive and polluting.

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In the future when there will be many more renewable energy generating technologies such as wind turbines.

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But when the wind stops, we need to be able to prevent blackouts.

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The current option is to use stored fossil fuel to meet demand and keep the lights on...

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...the alternative is to use stored energy to overcome the fluctuations in power supply from renewables.

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The Calmac solution reduces the need to use dirty, carbon intensive ‘peaking generators’ and ensures that energy generated by renewables is captured.

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Calmac ice tanks have been installed in 4,000 projects world wide since 1979. Shifting 6 GW hrs and reducijng peak demand by 1 GW.1% of installations currently in the UK shifting 60 MWhrs and reducing peak by 10MW.

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Calmac Ice Storage

Today’s energy storage system

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Business wins – comfortable buildings reduced costs

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Environment wins – less CO2

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Society wins –reduced electrical infrastructure

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