15 February 2015

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, FEB 14 As much as 266 kg gold is missing from the famed Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple here, says former chief government auditor Vinod Rai in his audit report submitted to the apex court. The highlight of the report that has been obtained by media reveals that out of the 893 kg gold that was given out for var- ious works, only 627 kg has been returned to the temple. Rai was asked by the Supreme Court last year to conduct an audit of the temple`s books and accounts. An division bench of Justice RM Lodha and Justice AK Patnaik last April in its interim order asked former comptroller and auditor general (CAG) Rai to undertake the audit of the temple accounts and properties for the past quarter of a century. This directive came on the recommendations of CONTD. ON P AGE 3 MUMBAI Temperature: 31 0 C Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 41% Wind: 18 Km/hr HAQ SAADDA FIGHT FOR RIGHT Sunday, February 15, 2015 AAP to agitate if centre won''t listen: Kumar Vishwas Asus ZenFone 2 Cheaper Variants Powered by Qualcomm, MediaTek Coming Soon: Report Ranbir Kapoor ran his car over a cameraman’s foot NEW DELHI, FEB 14 Sounding more mature and pragmatic in his second innings, AAP leader and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal Saturday pledged to make Delhi India's first cor- ruption-free city and end "VIP culture" even as he warned his colleagues against "arrogance" after his party's thumping election win. Addressing some 100,000 cheering supporters at the Ramlila Maidan after being sworn in, Kejriwal, 46, also sought the status of a full state for Delhi, saying Prime Minister Narendra Modi had too many issues to take care of and Delhi must be left to Delhiites. And the Aam Aadmi Party leader -- sporting his party's white cap with the words "Main hoon aam aadmi" (I am a common man) -- reached out to his vanquished rivals, Kiran Bedi of the BJP and Ajay Maken of the Congress, saying he would consult both on how to develop Delhi. He called Bedi his "elder sister". A few hours later, Kejriwal - sounding and looking unwell - drove to the Delhi Secretariat. He came to the venue after taking Crocin. In a first of its kind in the coun- try, the AAP announced that Kejriwal will not hold any portfolio but only oversee the work of ministers and legisla- tors. The decision makes his long-time confidant Manish Sisodia, 43, the most power- ful minister. "After our (earlier) 49 days in office, we have the confi- dence that we will finish off corruption in Delhi," the 46- year-old Kejriwal said to loud cheers at the ground. "We have to make Delhi the first corruption-free city in India. We can do it." And repeating the lines from his Ramlila Maidan speech of 2013, Kejriwal urged people to covertly record on their mobile phones demands for bribes by offi- cials and send the recording to him. "We will take the strictest action," he said, trig- gering another approving CONTD. ON P AGE 3 Arvind Kejriwal sworn-in as CM, pledges to make Delhi India's first corruption-free city P8 NEW DELHI,FEB 14 The average age of Arvind Kejriwal government is mere- ly 42 years and is one of the youngest cabinets in the coun- try. However, the cabinet of last AAP government was a year younger when the aver- age age was 41. Health and CONTD. ON P AGE 3 Delhi has the youngest cabinet HYDERABAD, FEB 14 Police here arrested two Nigerian nationals for allegedly trying to cheat peo- ple in the name of fake Lottery prizes, offering online. Based on credible inputs, Cyber Crimes Team laid a trap yesterday and CONTD. ON P AGE 3 Two Nigerians held in online cheating case SHEIKHPURA (BIHAR), FEB 14 At least 50 students of eighth standard have fled the hostel by scaling the boundary wall of Navodaya Vidyalay here complaining ragging by seniors, District Magistrate Pranav Kumar said on CONTD. ON P AGE 3 50 students flee hos- tel due to ragging by seniors in Bihar Vol. 1 Issue: 149 Price: Rs.3:00 Reg. No: DELENG/2014/58212 Delhi Edition Pages: 8 Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: [email protected] GUWAHATI, FEB 14 Accusing JD(U) leader Nitish Kumar of being respon- sible for a Constitutional crisis in Bihar, Union Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan asserted the situation "is fit for imposition of President's Rule there". "There is a Constitutional crisis in CONTD. ON P AGE 3 Paswan favours President's Rule in Bihar KOLKATA, FEB 14 On a day when AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal took oath as the eighth chief minister of Delhi, senior BJP leader M Venkaiah Naidu on Saturday said that the saffron party had made a tactical mistake of not going in for the Assembly poll in Delhi immediately after the Lok Sabha election last year. CONTD. ON P AGE 3 BJP made mistake not going for Delhi poll after LS poll: Naidu NEW DELHI, FEB 14 Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will not hold any portfolio but oversee the work of all the ministers, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia announced Saturday. "Kejriwal will not hold any portfolio," Sisodia told the media shortly after the new CONTD. ON P AGE 3 Kejriwal not to hold any portfolio: Manish Sisodia FARIDABAD, FEB 14 Members of Nepali commu- nity today protested against the rape and brutal murder of a Nepali woman in Rohtak and demanded death for the accused. Nepalese citizens associated with various CONTD. ON P AGE 3 Nepalese demand hanging of Rohtak rape accused SRINAGAR. FEB 14 Aiming at making their presence felt in the Valley, BJP on Saturday claimed that the party crossed 50,000 mark of new entrants as part of its ongoing membership drive. "We have crossed the 50,000 mark of new entrants CONTD. ON P AGE 3 BJP claims to cross 50,000 mark of party entrants in Valley LOHARDAGA, FEB 14 In a huge haul, 6000 kg ammonium nitrate and 20,000 detonators were recovered in Jharkhand's Lohardaga dis- trict in the early hours of Saturday. Acting on a tip-off, the police raided a place at Kalehapat village and seized the explosives and 550 metre CONTD. ON P AGE 3 Huge explosive haul recovered in Jharkhand P6 P2 266 kg gold missing from Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple: Audit report JAMMU, FEB 14 Army on Saturday foiled an infiltration bid along the Line of Control (LoC) in Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir. Three-four persons were today found crossing the line of control in Poonch Sector from Pakistan side at about 10.45 am, Defence Spokesman, Northern Command, Col S D Goswami said tonight. "When these persons were well within the Indian territory, our troops deployed in the area opened fire on them," Col Goswami said, adding that simul- taneously, Pakistani post located immediately across this area resorted to heavy firing. During the resultant exchange of fire, the infiltrators ran back towards CONTD. ON P AGE 3 NEW DELHI, FEB 14 Despite personal invitations from Arvind Kejriwal, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and central ministers did not turn up at his swearing-in ceremony as Delhi Chief Minister at the Ramlila Maidan on Saturday. Kiran Bedi, who was BJP's chief minis- terial candidate for the Delhi polls, and senior Congress leader Ajay Maken also skipped the oath-taking cere- mony of Kejriwal. Modi, who had prior engagements in Maharashtra, had con- veyed to Kejriwal when he had gone to invite him for the cer- emony that he would be unavailable for the day. Apart from Modi, Kejriwal had also invited Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh and Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu for the oath-taking cere- mony. Singh and Naidu too were away from the city due to official engagements. However, the three elected BJP MLAs -- CONTD. ON P AGE 3 PM Modi, NDA ministers absent at Kejriwal's oath-taking ceremony Army foils infiltration bid along LoC in Poonch Weather Report DELHI Temperature: 25 0 C Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 23% Wind: 21Km/hr KOLKA T A Temperature: 26 0 C Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 35% Wind: 11Km/hr CHENNAI Temperature: 32 0 C Precipitation: 10% Humidity:64% Wind: 18Km/hr LAHORE, FEB 14 Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Saturday said Pakistan would wel- come the visit of India's Foreign Secretary to the country during which "all issues, including Kashmir" will be dis- cussed. "We will welcome the visit of Indian foreign secretary here as Pakistan wants peaceful relations with its neighbours," the premier said in reply to a question during a meeting with the Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors (CPNE) here. "If Indian foreign secretary arrives here Pakistan will talk on all issues, including Kashmir," Sharif said. New Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar's visit was announced after Prime Minister Narendra Modi yes- terday called his Pakistani counterpart Sharif and other heads of the SAARC nations participating in the ICC Cricket World Cup and con- veyed best wishes for the showpiece event. The cricket diplo- macy was considered as ice-breaking after a six-month hiatus in Indo-Pak ties. CONTD. ON P AGE 3 All issues will be discussed with Indian Foreign Secretary: Nawaz Sharif NEW DELHI, FEB 14 India's goal of reaching 100 gigawatt solar energy goal by 2022 could create one million jobs, a new analysis released Saturday said. The analysis also said that it will also improve the energy access for Indian citizens and help fight climate change. "Achieving Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recently announced 100 gigawatt (GW) solar ener- gy goal by 2022 could cre- ate as many as one million jobs while greatly improv- ing energy access for Indian citizens and fight- ing climate change," the analysis said. The analysis titled "clean energy powers local job growth in India" has been conducted by the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). It further said that achieving India's proposed target of 60GW of wind energy by 2022 would also generate an additional 180,000 jobs. The analysis finds that this one million jobs will come from proj- ect planning, construction, installation and operations CONTD. ON P AGE 3 NEW DELHI, FEB 14 Wearing wedding attire and carrying plac- ards reading "Fall in Love, Not in Line", around 150 protesters Saturday gathered out- side the Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha's office here to protest against the outfit's moral policing, but were detained by police. These protesters, mainly from the Jawaharlal Nehru University Student's Union (JNUSU) and from different organisa- tions, gathered at the Mandir Marg office of the right-wing outfit which had declared that they will marry off the couples who would express their love for each other by any "inde- cent" means. "We are witnessing continuous vandalisation of churches, massive communal frenzy, cases of brutal rape. The gov- ernment too has shown CONTD. ON P AGE 3 Valentine's Day: Protesters detained, Hindu Mahasabha says married off couples 'India's solar energy output goal could create 1 million jobs' AGARTALA, FEB 14 Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh Saturday said the government would not tolerate terrorist violence in the northeast, calling on militant outfits to shun violence and help the government in devel- oping the region. "The government would not tolerate the violent activities of the under- ground militants of north- east region," Singh told reporters here. "I appeal to the militant outfits to shun violence and to help the govern- ment to develop the CONTD. ON P AGE 3 TRIPOLI, FEB 14 A security official in the central Libyan city of Sirte says gunmen from an al Qaeda inspired militia have taken over radio and television stations there. He says the seizure of the buildings happened on Thursday after militants from Ansar al-Sharia had warned the station to stop broadcasting music. The group, con- sidered a terrorist organization by the United States, is accused of being involved in a deadly 2012 attack on a US mission and annex in Benghazi. Its branch in the city of Derna has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group. The official said resi- dents went about their business after the seizure and traffic flowed normally. A res- ident said that the radio CONTD. ON P AGE 3 Rajnath Singh asks militants in northeast to shun violence Islamic States militants seize radio, TV stations in central Libya



Transcript of 15 February 2015

Page 1: 15 February 2015

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, FEB 14As much as 266 kg gold

is missing from the famedSree Padmanabhaswamytemple here, says formerchief government auditorVinod Rai in his auditreport submitted to theapex court.

The highlight of thereport that has beenobtained by media revealsthat out of the 893 kg goldthat was given out for var-ious works, only 627 kghas been returned to thetemple.

Rai was asked by theSupreme Court last year toconduct an audit of thetemple`s books andaccounts.

An division bench of

Justice RM Lodha andJustice AK Patnaik lastApril in its interim orderasked former comptrollerand auditor general (CAG)Rai to undertake the audit

of the temple accounts andproperties for the pastquarter of a century.

This directive came onthe recommendations of


MUMBAITemperature: 310CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 41%Wind: 18 Km/hr

HAQSAADDAFIGHT FOR RIGHTSunday, February 15, 2015

AAP to agitate if centre won''tlisten: Kumar Vishwas

Asus ZenFone 2 Cheaper Variants Powered byQualcomm, MediaTek Coming Soon: Report

Ranbir Kapoor ran his car over acameraman’s foot

NEW DELHI, FEB 14Sounding more mature and

pragmatic in his secondinnings, AAP leader andChief Minister ArvindKejriwal Saturday pledged tomake Delhi India's first cor-ruption-free city and end"VIP culture" even as hewarned his colleagues against"arrogance" after his party'sthumping election win.

Addressing some 100,000cheering supporters at theRamlila Maidan after beingsworn in, Kejriwal, 46, alsosought the status of a full statefor Delhi, saying PrimeMinister Narendra Modi hadtoo many issues to take careof and Delhi must be left toDelhiites.

And the Aam Aadmi Partyleader -- sporting his party'swhite cap with the words"Main hoon aam aadmi" (I am

a common man) -- reachedout to his vanquished rivals,Kiran Bedi of the BJP andAjay Maken of the Congress,saying he would consult bothon how to develop Delhi. Hecalled Bedi his "elder sister".

A few hours later, Kejriwal

- sounding and lookingunwell - drove to the DelhiSecretariat. He came to thevenue after taking Crocin. Ina first of its kind in the coun-try, the AAP announced thatKejriwal will not hold anyportfolio but only oversee the

work of ministers and legisla-tors.

The decision makes hislong-time confidant ManishSisodia, 43, the most power-ful minister.

"After our (earlier) 49 daysin office, we have the confi-dence that we will finish offcorruption in Delhi," the 46-year-old Kejriwal said to loudcheers at the ground. "Wehave to make Delhi the firstcorruption-free city in India.We can do it."

And repeating the linesfrom his Ramlila Maidanspeech of 2013, Kejriwalurged people to covertlyrecord on their mobile phonesdemands for bribes by offi-cials and send the recordingto him. "We will take thestrictest action," he said, trig-gering another approving


Arvind Kejriwal sworn-in as CM, pledges tomake Delhi India's first corruption-free city


NEW DELHI, FEB 14The average age of Arvind

Kejriwal government is mere-ly 42 years and is one of theyoungest cabinets in the coun-try. However, the cabinet oflast AAP government was ayear younger when the aver-age age was 41. Health and


Delhi has theyoungest cabinet

HYDERABAD, FEB 14Police here arrested two

Nigerian nationals forallegedly trying to cheat peo-ple in the name of fakeLottery prizes, offeringonline. Based on credibleinputs, Cyber Crimes Teamlaid a trap yesterday and


Two Nigerians held inonline cheating case

SHEIKHPURA (BIHAR), FEB 14At least 50 students of

eighth standard have fled thehostel by scaling the boundarywall of Navodaya Vidyalayhere complaining ragging byseniors, District MagistratePranav Kumar said on


50 students flee hos-tel due to ragging byseniors in Bihar

Vol. 1 Issue: 149 Price: Rs.3:00 Reg. No: DELENG/2014/58212 Delhi Edition Pages: 8 Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: [email protected]

GUWAHATI, FEB 14Accusing JD(U) leader

Nitish Kumar of being respon-sible for a Constitutional crisisin Bihar, Union ConsumerAffairs Minister Ram VilasPaswan asserted the situation"is fit for imposition ofPresident's Rule there". "Thereis a Constitutional crisis in


Paswan favoursPresident's Rule in Bihar

KOLKATA, FEB 14On a day when AAP leader

Arvind Kejriwal took oath asthe eighth chief minister ofDelhi, senior BJP leader MVenkaiah Naidu on Saturdaysaid that the saffron party hadmade a tactical mistake of notgoing in for the Assembly pollin Delhi immediately after theLok Sabha election last year.


BJP made mistake not going forDelhi poll after LS poll: Naidu

NEW DELHI, FEB 14Delhi Chief Minister Arvind

Kejriwal will not hold anyportfolio but oversee the workof all the ministers, DeputyChief Minister Manish Sisodiaannounced Saturday.

"Kejriwal will not hold anyportfolio," Sisodia told themedia shortly after the new


Kejriwal not to hold anyportfolio: Manish Sisodia

FARIDABAD, FEB 14Members of Nepali commu-

nity today protested againstthe rape and brutal murder ofa Nepali woman in Rohtakand demanded death for theaccused. Nepalese citizensassociated with various


Nepalese demandhanging of Rohtakrape accused

SRINAGAR. FEB 14Aiming at making their

presence felt in the Valley,BJP on Saturday claimed thatthe party crossed 50,000 markof new entrants as part of itsongoing membership drive.

"We have crossed the50,000 mark of new entrants


BJP claims to cross50,000 mark of partyentrants in Valley

LOHARDAGA, FEB 14In a huge haul, 6000 kg

ammonium nitrate and 20,000detonators were recovered inJharkhand's Lohardaga dis-trict in the early hours ofSaturday.

Acting on a tip-off, thepolice raided a place atKalehapat village and seizedthe explosives and 550 metre


Huge explosive haulrecovered in Jharkhand


266 kg gold missing from SreePadmanabhaswamy temple: Audit report

JAMMU, FEB 14Army on Saturday foiled an

infiltration bid along the Line ofControl (LoC) in Poonch districtof Jammu and Kashmir.

Three-four persons were todayfound crossing the line of controlin Poonch Sector from Pakistanside at about 10.45 am, DefenceSpokesman, Northern Command,Col S D Goswami said tonight.

"When these persons were wellwithin the Indian territory, ourtroops deployed in the areaopened fire on them," ColGoswami said, adding that simul-taneously, Pakistani post locatedimmediately across this arearesorted to heavy firing. Duringthe resultant exchange of fire, theinfiltrators ran back towards


NEW DELHI, FEB 14Despite personal

invitations fromArvind Kejriwal,Prime MinisterNarendra Modi andcentral ministers didnot turn up at hisswearing-in ceremonyas Delhi ChiefMinister at theRamlila Maidan onSaturday.

Kiran Bedi, whowas BJP's chief minis-terial candidate for theDelhi polls, and seniorCongress leader AjayMaken also skippedthe oath-taking cere-mony of Kejriwal.

Modi, who had priorengagements inMaharashtra, had con-

veyed to Kejriwalwhen he had gone toinvite him for the cer-emony that he wouldbe unavailable for theday. Apart from Modi,Kejriwal had alsoinvited Union HomeMinister RajnathSingh and Urban

Development MinisterVenkaiah Naidu forthe oath-taking cere-mony. Singh andNaidu too were awayfrom the city due toofficial engagements.

However, the threeelected BJP MLAs --


PM Modi, NDA ministers absent atKejriwal's oath-taking ceremony

Army foilsinfiltration bidalong LoC inPoonch

Weather ReportDELHITemperature: 250CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 23%Wind: 21Km/hr

KOLKATATemperature: 260CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 35% Wind: 11Km/hr

CHENNAITemperature: 320CPrecipitation: 10%Humidity:64%Wind: 18Km/hr

LAHORE, FEB 14Prime Minister

Nawaz Sharif onSaturday saidPakistan would wel-come the visit ofIndia's ForeignSecretary to thecountry during which"all issues, includingKashmir" will be dis-cussed.

"We will welcomethe visit of Indianforeign secretary hereas Pakistan wantspeaceful relationswith its neighbours,"the premier said inreply to a questionduring a meetingwith the Council ofPakistan NewspaperEditors (CPNE) here.

"If Indian foreignsecretary arrives herePakistan will talk on

all issues, includingKashmir," Sharifsaid.

New ForeignSecretary SJaishankar's visit wasannounced afterPrime MinisterNarendra Modi yes-terday called hisPakistani counterpartSharif and other

heads of the SAARCnations participatingin the ICC CricketWorld Cup and con-veyed best wishes forthe showpiece event.

The cricket diplo-macy was consideredas ice-breaking aftera six-month hiatus inIndo-Pak ties.


All issues will be discussed with IndianForeign Secretary: Nawaz Sharif

NEW DELHI, FEB 14India's goal of reaching

100 gigawatt solar energygoal by 2022 could createone million jobs, a newanalysis released Saturdaysaid.

The analysis also saidthat it will also improvethe energy access forIndian citizens and helpfight climate change.

"Achieving PrimeMinister Narendra Modi'srecently announced 100gigawatt (GW) solar ener-gy goal by 2022 could cre-ate as many as one millionjobs while greatly improv-ing energy access forIndian citizens and fight-

ing climate change," theanalysis said.

The analysis titled "cleanenergy powers local jobgrowth in India" has beenconducted by the Councilon Energy, Environmentand Water (CEEW) andthe Natural ResourcesDefense Council (NRDC).

It further said thatachieving India's proposedtarget of 60GW of windenergy by 2022 would alsogenerate an additional180,000 jobs. The analysisfinds that this one millionjobs will come from proj-ect planning, construction,installation and operations


NEW DELHI, FEB 14Wearing wedding

attire and carrying plac-ards reading "Fall inLove, Not in Line",around 150 protestersSaturday gathered out-side the Akhil BharatiyaHindu Mahasabha'soffice here to protestagainst the outfit's moralpolicing, but weredetained by police.

These protesters,mainly from theJawaharlal NehruUniversity Student'sUnion (JNUSU) andfrom different organisa-tions, gathered at theMandir Marg office of

the right-wing outfitwhich had declared thatthey will marry off thecouples who wouldexpress their love foreach other by any "inde-cent" means.

"We are witnessingcontinuous vandalisationof churches, massivecommunal frenzy, casesof brutal rape. The gov-ernment too has shown


Valentine's Day: Protesters detained, HinduMahasabha says married off couples

'India's solar energy output goalcould create 1 million jobs'

AGARTALA, FEB 14Union Home Minister

Rajnath Singh Saturdaysaid the governmentwould not tolerate terroristviolence in the northeast,calling on militant outfitsto shun violence and helpthe government in devel-oping the region.

"The government wouldnot tolerate the violentactivities of the under-ground militants of north-east region," Singh toldreporters here.

"I appeal to the militantoutfits to shun violenceand to help the govern-

ment to develop the CONTD. ON PAGE 3

TRIPOLI, FEB 14A security official in

the central Libyan cityof Sirte says gunmenfrom an al Qaedainspired militia havetaken over radio andtelevision stationsthere. He says theseizure of the buildingshappened on Thursdayafter militants fromAnsar al-Sharia hadwarned the station tostop broadcastingmusic. The group, con-sidered a terrorist

organization by theUnited States, isaccused of beinginvolved in a deadly2012 attack on a USmission and annex inBenghazi. Its branch inthe city of Derna haspledged allegiance tothe Islamic State group.

The official said resi-dents went about theirbusiness after theseizure and trafficflowed normally. A res-ident said that the radio


Rajnath Singh asks militantsin northeast to shun violence

Islamic States militants seize radio,TV stations in central Libya

Page 2: 15 February 2015


NEW DELHI, FEB 14Arvind Kejriwal's swear-

ing-in ceremony onSaturday had some unusualsupporters as well, includ-ing a mythical 'PK', bring-ing in a dash of humour tothe day.

Amid the sea of trade-mark AAP white caps, aman wearing a yellowmotorcycle helmet, with "5saal Kejriwal" painted inred over it, was seen mov-ing around in the crowd.

The man, who had comedressed up as the famouseponymous character por-trayed by Aamir Khan inthe film "PK" was aninstant hit among thecrowd as well as the lens-men.

The man also carried aplacard in praise ofKejriwal, using the lan-guage and references usedin the movie.

"'E gola ke un sabhilogan ka dhanyawad. JonKejriwal bhai ko vote diye.Ab AK bhai desh ke lulsystem ko sudharenge

(Thanks to all the people ofthis planet who voted forKejriwal. Now, AK willreform the spoilt system'),"

the message read.The back side of his hel-

met had "AK" emblazonedin red. People were seentaking selfies with this"unusual visitor", whomany, in lighter vein said,"had come from anothergola (planet) to supportKejriwal".

In the movie, the 'PK'character says that hewears yellow-coloured hel-

met so that god can seehim clearly.

"This man wearing thesame coloured helmet can

easily be spotted amid thesea of white caps. And,look he even does that eye-popping thing like AamirKhan too," said Asmat Ali,who was one among thosewho attended the function.

Among other unusualsupporters included a manfrom Bihar who wasdressed up in AAP capsfrom top to toe, and wield-ed a broom in his hand.

The man who identifiedhimself as Mohammedfrom Araria district, hadpinned up the trademarkcaps over his clothes, andchanted praises forKejriwal.

"I only have faith inArvind Kejriwal and if hisparty decides to enter poli-tics in Bihar, I will go thereand sing praises for himthere as well. I am sick ofcorruption in our society,"he said. Adding to the listof "weird characters" wasanother man, who came tothe venue, wearing a longred vest over a red knickerwith red leggings beneathit. He wore a white leatherbelt on his waist and hadthrown a multi-coloured'duppata' over his shoul-ders. Sporting a pair ofshades he had a bling-bear-ing caps over his head andwore blue-and-white longarm bands, while a coupleof beaded chains with a bigpendant dangled from hisneck.

'PK' attends Arvind Kejriwal'sswearing-in ceremony

NEW DELHI, FEB 14Street-vendor Lala was

so excited by ArvindKejriwal's swearing-in cer-emony on Saturday that helowered the price of creamrolls from Rs 10 to Rs 5, adecision that was morethan symbolic.

Lala, who lives inGhaziabad, and hawks eat-ables in the city for hislivelihood, was one of thethousands of visitors whopoured on to the RamlilaMaidan in a show of soli-darity for the Aam AadmiParty (AAP).

Flashing his inked finger,he said, "'Paanch saalKejriwal', isiliye paanchrupaiya ka cream roll ('Fiveyears for Kejriwal, so thecream roll is for Rs 5

also)."Hem Pal Yadav, a native

of Uttar Pradesh's Badaunwho sells tea in Old Delhi,decided to come to thevenue, "only for Kejriwal"."I make decent money inPurani Dilli, but today irre-spective of how muchmoney I make, I am hereonly to support the manwho has suffered for ourbetterment," he said.

Along with Yadav, prac-tically, every hawker in thestreet, today wore the alle-giance to the party on theirsleeves by sporting thetrademark white AAP cap,bearing the broom symbol.

Some even had carried aflag bearing Kejriwal'simage and the party's nameand symbol. The pride was

writ large on their faceswhile the excitement in theair was unmistakable.

Many among them, whoconducted their businesselsewhere, today lined theperiphery of the Maidan,only to hear the AAP leaderspeak. "I belong to Badaun,so my voter card is fromUP. But, our votes from ourhearts still belong toKejriwal...I otherwise sellmy stuff at India Gate, butI came today only to sup-port my leader, who caresfor us poor," Pal Singh, apoppadum seller said.

Balbeer, a streethawkerfrom Seelampur, who sells'kulfi' for a living, alsoturned up at the venue, butmore than selling he wasinterested in supporting the

AAP leader and his party."I am so happy, I have

decided to lower the priceof the kulfis, from Rs 10 toRs 5. It is an extraordinaryday. I wouldn't havemissed it for the world," hesaid. Ice-cream vendorShiv Murut, who lives inTrilokpuri and otherwisesells his stuff at ConnaughtPlace, was also excited bythe occasion.

"Kejriwal's 49-day gov-ernment had done a lot ofgood despite the shorttime. The extortion hadstopped. People hadmocked him, slapped himand smeared his face withink, but today, he hasredeemed himself. Todayhe is every man's hero," hesaid.

Hawkers lower price to celebrateArvind Kejriwal's oath-taking

NEW DELHI, FEB 14Ramlila Maidan on

Saturday had a distinct whiffof love for a large number ofDelhi's young couples whochose to spend theValentine's Day by keeping a"date with Arvind Kejriwal".

While for some couplesthe choice was not difficultconsidering their admirationfor the Delhi Chief Minister,for many others it was akinto walking a tightrope.

22-year-old Shekhar Singhput it best when he said, "Iwanted to spend Valentine'sday with her but I also couldnot afford to miss a moment

as historic as this. So Ipopped the idea of celebrat-ing it here and thankfully sheagreed."

AAP, as a party, has a largebase of young supporters, soit was not hard to spot volun-teer couples standing cheekby jowl in the crowd, sport-ing trendy "mufflerman"sweatshirts and the ubiqui-tous party cap.

"We were a part of theanti-corruption movement sohis swearing-in is moreimportant for us than any-thing else. It is no less amoment of success for us aswell," 23-year-old Urvashi

said, as her boyfriend Sachinchipped in.

"We support his principlesand we are here to show sol-idarity," he said.

Specially crafted heart-shaped placards bearingmessages such as "Arvind,India Loves You" were alsoabound in the crowd goingwith the mood.

Also seen in the crowdwere a substantial number ofmarried couples who choseto celebrate the day at thehistoric venue on the occa-sion.

Ranjita Gulbani, whocame along with her husband

PC Gulbani and their daugh-ter to witness Kejriwal'sswearing-in, said, "I thinkthis would be our most mem-orable Valentine's Day. Weknew that we could not havegone to any other placebefore attending Kejriwal'soath-taking ceremony. It isgoing to be a part of ourmemories."

But not all was lost for thelovelorn as they sought sol-ace terming Delhi as their'Valentine'.

"This Valentine's Day isfor my love, Delhi," saidNilotpal Bansal, a long timesupporter of Kejriwal.

NEW DELHI, FEB 14Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader

Kumar Vishwas said his party wouldfollow democratic norms, but in casethe party`s voice went unheard by thecentre it will resort to dharna, ralliesand fasts.

Participating in TV show Aap KiAdalat, the AAP leader said: "If ourvoice is heard, it`s fine, in case not,then the paths of dharna, rallies andfast are open."

The AAP Saturday formed the gov-ernment in Delhi, following a mas-sive win in the Feb 7 assembly elec-tion.

Talking about how the ArvindKejriwal-government would functionin case the centre did not support itfully, the poet-leader said "Even hus-band and wife resort to dharna if theyquarrel," adding that all matters ofpublic importance must be heard byany government.

"...if a daughter (rape-murder vic-tim) from Rohtak calls us and thegovernment refuses to listen, tell uswhere should we go? Their chiefminister (Manohar Lal Khattar) saysgirls who wear jeans often becomevictims of rape, but our prime minis-ter says, `beti bachao` (save daugh-

ters)," he said."When we resort to dharna, the

prime minister says send them to thejungle, they are Naxals," he added."We thank the people of Delhi whosaved us from being sent to the jungleby electing us."

On charges against some AAPMLAs by seniormost party leaderShanti Bhushan, Vishwas said theeminent lawyer "had levelled chargesagainst some leaders and these were

probed by an internal inquiry com-mittee headed by his son PrashantBhushan". "It was he, who soon after,said that he disagreed with thecharges levelled by his father."

Vishwas also said that he wouldspeak out if the core principles of theparty were compromised. "If the coreprinciples are compromised, I willraise my voice inside the party, and ifmy voice is not heard, I will raise itoutside," he said.

AAP to agitate if centrewon''t listen: Kumar Vishwas

Couples keep 'date' with Kejriwalon Valentine's Day

NEW DELHI, FEB 14Children from different

areas of the city onSaturday flocked to theRamlila ground with theirparents to witness the his-toric swearing-in ceremo-ny of Delhi Chief MinisterArvind Kejriwal and hiscabinet.

Five-year-old Sonia,who lives in Nigeria and ison a vacation at her grand-father's house in Gurgaon,came along with her sisterand parents to see "Kejriuncle".

"I like Kejri uncle," thestandard one student saidwhile sipping the last dropfrom a bottle of cold drink.

Her sister Ashi chippedin with a vociferous"Paanch saal Kejriwal."

Sunny, a standard four

student at an english medi-um school in east Delhi'sLaxmi Nagar, came withhis uncle and father to seethe new Chief Minister ofDelhi.

"I like Kejriwal. He ismy hero," said the 10-year-old sitting on hisfather's shoulders whiletrying hard to catch aglimpse of the new ChiefMinister.

He added, "I also wantto vote for him."

Many of those who hadconverged for the eventhad to stand outside thevenue and watch theswearing-in ceremony ongiant screens.

One of them was 3-year-old Manoj. Though hecould not speak much, butone thing he knew was

"Kejriwal".Manoj was himself

dressed like Kejriwal witha trademark AAP cap. Hecheered every time theCM was on the giantscreen.

His father, RavishKumar, is a dedicated sup-porter of the party. "Myson is a fan of Kejriwal.As he came to know that Iwill be coming here today,he forced me to bringhim."

Seventh standard stu-dent, Rakhi who camefrom Faridabad alsoshared a similar story.

"My father was notready to bring me as it istoo crowded here, but Iinsisted because I did notwant to miss this," shesaid.

Children accompany parentsto see Kejriwal 'uncle'

NEW DELHI, FEB 14An employee of a pri-

vate company has beenarrested for raping his25-year-old womanfriend along with his twoassociates, police saidhere Saturday.

The victim lodged thecomplaint against theaccused Friday eveningin Vasant Kunj policestation in south Delhi.

Police said the victimwas gang raped by herboyfriend Amit and histwo friends inside aroom in Rangpuri Pahariarea in south DelhiFriday.

Amit, in his 30s, wasarrested late Friday nightwhile his friends are stillon the run, an official

said. "Both -- the victimand her boyfriend Amit -- live in the slums ofRangpuri Pahari. Amitworks as a delivery boyin a private company.They have been in lovefor the last one year," theofficial said.

In her complaint, thevictim told police thatAmit took her to a roomin Rangpuri on the pre-text of celebratingValentine`s Day (Feb14), where she was givena cold drink laced withsedatives.

"After taking the colddrink, I lost conscious-ness. When I regainedconsciousness, I wasraped," the victim toldpolice.

Satyendar Jain rewardedfor his loyalty to Kejriwal

NEW DELHI, FEB 14An architect by qualification, softspoken

Satyendar Jain has been given the charge of keyHealth and Power departments in the new AAPgovernment, a reward for his loyalty to partychief Arvind Kejriwal.

At 50, Jain is the oldest member of Kejriwal-led government.

Media-shy and softspoken, Jain has beengiven the portfolio for his 'good work' done inhis earlier stint when he was credited with haveensured adequate stock of medicines in the hos-pitals.

Apart from Health, he has also been givenimportant portfolios like industries and PWD.

Besides Sisodia, a close confidant ofKejriwal, Jain is the only minister from the ear-lier AAP government who has found place inthe new cabinet.

Jain has been associated with Kejriwal sinceIndia Against Corruption days. When Kejriwalformed Aam Aadmi Party, he also joined him tobe a part of the new organisation. He won theassembly elections from Shakur Basti, a pre-dominantly Muslim area.

This time, he defeated BJP's S C Vats by anarrow margin of 3,133 votes.

NEW DELHI, FEB 14Seeking to cash in on the

popularity of Aam AadmiParty, a city-based beveragesmanufacturer on Saturdaylaunched 'AAP Cola' which thepromoters say is a cold drinkfor the "aam aadmi".

Launched in four flavours-cola, lemon, orange and sur-prise- a 400ml pet bottle will beavailable for Rs 15 across thecity from tomorrow.

Jitender Keswani, who alongwith his family owns the com-pany, said the cola is for the'common man' who cannotafford to buy costly soft drinksof foreign companies.

"A common man- one wholives in slums, JJ Clusters-thinks twice before spendingRs 35-40 to buy a cold drink, sowe have made the AAP colawhich he can easily afford,"

Keswani said.Keswani and his family were

present at the swearing-in cere-mony of Arvind Kejriwal as thenew chief minister at theRamlila Ground where around20,000 bottles of the AAP Colawere distributed free ofcost.

"We were associated withKejriwal and his whole teamsince the days of anti-graftmovement led by Anna Hazare.We are a dedicated supporter ofthe party and now I feel proudthat I can also contribute in myown way to the dream ourChief Minister once saw," hesaid.

Keswani said the slogangiven for the drink is the best. Itreads, "Drink and fight for yourright".

The family started its busi-ness with a humble Paan shop

in south Delhi's GreaterKailash in the 1960s, 'PrincePaan', and then moved to busi-ness of beverages.

The company already has the'Prince Cola' brand in the mar-ket which Keswani claims to beas popular as other foreignbrands among the commonpeople of the city.

"We started with the PrincePaan shop in GK then myfather started another shop inRK Puram. Then as the busi-ness started getting big, weentered the beverages segment.Now we want to expand thebusiness with innovations likethis which will also benifit theaam aadmi," he said.

Shri Brahm Shakti PrinceBeverages Pvt Ltd has its man-ufacturing facility in Noidawith its registered office inGreater Kailash Part 1.

Now an AAP Cola by beverage-maker inspired by Kejriwal's party

Boyfriend rapes womanwith friends, held in Delhi

NEW DELHI, FEB 14With the AAP making it

clear that it will pursueallegations of corruptionagainst ex-Chief MinisterSheila Dikshit, Congresstoday warned it that "pol-itics of revenge" alwaysbackfires.

"Those who practisepolitics of revenge havethe voting public takingpolitical revenge onthem", party spokesmanAbhishek Singhvi said ina series of tweets.

Singhvi's tweet came inthe backdrop of DeputyChief Minister ManishSisodia's statement thatAAP government willpursue allegations of cor-ruption against Dikshitand industrialist MukeshAmbani and others.

All the cases that wereregistered last year dur-ing Kejriwal govern-ment's 49-day stint "willbe pursued", Sisodia hadsaid.

In an obvious referenceto the swearing-in of theKejriwal government onValentine's day today,Singhvi said "Kejriwal'sproposal to people wentwell. 14th Feb is his firstdate & then a 5 year rela-tionship. Hope he doesn'thave early breakupplans." Last time,Kejriwal had resigned asChief Minister after a 49-day stint. "Best toKejriwal. Hope he is ableto ground, root& actu-alise some of his mentalflights into implementedprograms," he said.

NEW DELHI, FEB 14A number of former

IITians, including batch-mates of ArvindKejriwal at the IITKharagpur, were at theRamlila Maidan to wit-ness his swearing-in cer-emony as the DelhiChief Minister onSaturday.

IITians have a specialplace for Kejriwal asthey identify themselveswith him, which is why anumber of them came.Apart from Kejriwal,former Goa chief minis-

ter Manohar Parrikar isalso a former IITianfrom Bombay.

An ardent supporter ofKejriwal, Subrata Saha,his batchmate from theIIT, also made it to theswearing ceremony. ADubai based business-man who deals in chemi-cals, Saha was one of the11 people who was nom-inated by Kejriwal toraise funds when theparty launched 'I supportHonest Politics' donationcampaign.

"I was here for cam-

paigning for the assem-bly election and then Iwent back to Dubai. ButI have again returned forthe swearing ceremony,"Saha said.

Revealing Kejriwal'sfondness for movies,Saha said the Delhi chiefminister particularlyliked the Anil Kapoorand Madhuri Dixit starerTezab, and had watchedit several times. Butwhat attracted Saha tohim was Kejriwal's "pos-itive commitment andsensitivity towards soci-

ety".Another IITian and

Kejriwal's juniorPrasanjit Pratik was alsopresent for the swearingceremony and so wasArvind Jha.

Pratik, who owns asoftware company inBhubaneshwar, helpedparty in the field ofInformation Technologywhile Jha is in theFinance team of theparty. "There are some15-20 IITians in theground to witness theceremony," Pratik said.

Alumni throng Ramlila asIITian takes oath as Delhi CM

Politics of revenge willbackfire: Cong to AAP

Page 3: 15 February 2015

Continuation 3NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | FEB 15, 2015SAADDA HAQ

Arvind Kejriwal...roar. Kejriwal said a Helpline number he

had announced in his first stint would berestarted -- for people to complain about cor-ruption. His government would also pass theJan Lokpal bill.

It was a sea of caps at the sprawling groundin the heart of the capital. Hundreds whocouldn't get in packed the roads as well asbalconies and rooftops of nearby buildings.There was unending slogan shouting. Peoplecame not only from Delhi but other statestoo.

The huge gathering went wild as Kejriwaltook the oath of office from Lt GovernorNajeeb Jung -- followed by six ministers --and then spoke in Hindi. Besides Sisodia, thedeputy chief minister, the other ministers areSatyendra Jain, Sandeep Kumar, Gopal Rai,Asim Ahmed Khan and Jitendra SinghTomar.

Speaking from his heart, Kejriwal admittedthat the AAP's decision to contest the 2014Lok Sabha election -- he himself took onModi in Varanasi and lost -- was a blunder.

He urged his ministers, legislators andAAP colleagues never to show arrogancesaying this had derailed the Congress and theBJP. "If arrogance creeps in, we will not beable to fulfil our mission."

The AAP won 67 of the 70 seats, leavingthree to the BJP. "I know people of Delhilove us. But I didn't know they love us somuch." Calling the result a "miracle", he saidGod was trying to convey a message. "Wehave to understand the message."

Like last time, Kejriwal announced a banon what he called VIP culture, including redbeacon lights on official vehicles and strut-ting around in public places with a phalanx ofsecurity. He said Indians wanted a societywhere political leaders would also travel inbuses like in many European countries.

The former income tax officer and aMagsaysay award winner decried statementsby AAP colleagues that after the Delhi victo-ry, the party would expand to other states.This, he said, smacked of arrogance.

"God has ordered us, the people of Delhihave ordered us to serve them... All the com-ing five years I will serve only the people ofDelhi."

He said he told Modi that the AAP stoodfor "constructive cooperation" with the cen-tral government, and it was time the capitalDelhi was granted full statehood.

"As prime minister, he is very busy. He hasto think about the country, he has to goabroad... Please leave Delhi to the people ofDelhi... I am confident Modi will think aboutthis positively."

He said that although Delhi Police didn'tcome under his control, his governmentwould make Delhi a secure city for people ofall religions and communities.

Referring to the Hindu-Muslim riots in eastDelhi and the recent attacks on churches andChristian institutions, Kejriwal said Delhihad never seen troubles of this sort for 35long years. "People of Delhi want peace.They won't tolerate this."

He ended his 30-minute address by singinga song on brotherhood and communal amity,which he asked the crowd to sing with him,demonstrating yet again how this unusualand in some ways maverick stood out fromthe rest of the political flock.

Shortly after the speech, the AAP govern-ment said that its focus would be on curbingcorruption, controlling price rise, and provid-ing uninterrupted power and water.

All issues...India broke off foreign secretary-level talks

with Pakistan in August at the eleventh hourbecause the Pakistan High Commissioner inNew Delhi held consultations with Kashmiriseparatists.

Prime Minister Modi announced thatJaishankar will undertake a "SAARC yatra"soon to strengthen relationship with thecountries, including Pakistan.

Significantly, Modi's telephonic call toSharif today came hours after US PresidentBarack Obama spoke with the PakistaniPrime Minister.

Addressing the CPNE, Sharif also assertedthat he believed in a free and independentmedia and judiciary but it was crucial for themedia to hold itself accountable.

He also said that the military operationagainst militants in North Waziristan willcontinue until the area is cleared of terrorists.

Army foils...Pakistan side, he said.

PM Modi...Om Prakash Sharma, Jagdish Pradhan and

Vijender Gupta -- attended the oath-takingceremony. Two of the seven Delhi BJP MPs- South Delhi MP Ramesh Bidhuri andNorth-West MP Udit Raj - were also present.

"AAP has got the people's mandate follow-ing which we went today to attend his oath-taking ceremony," Bidhuri said.e, however,expressed disappointment that he and otherBJP leaders were not allowed by the securitypersonnel to meet Kejriwal and his cabinetministers.

266 kg gold...amicus curiae Gopal Subramaniam, who

had sought overhauling of the functioning ofthe temple.

Apart from asking Rai to audit the accounts

of the temple, the apex court also directed theformation of a new five-member committeecomprising of a judge from the capital city,the temple tantri, chief nambi of the SriPadmanabhaswamy temple and two moremembers, of which one will be appointed inconsultation with the state government andone would be the choice of the judge.

It was in July 2011 that an apex court com-mittee stumbled upon six vaults in the templeand with just vault B left to be opened, thetreasure that has been found in the other fivevaults have been estimated to be valued morethan Rs.100,000 crore.

Since then, armed security guards besidesstate of the art security equipment has beendeployed for the safe upkeep of this treasure.

Reacting to the new developments,Communist Party of India-Marxist legislatorV.Sivankutty said that a few years back allhell broke loose when VS Achuthanandansaid that things are not going in the way itshould go in the temple as far as the pricelesstreasures upkeep are concerned and blamedthe Travancore royal family.

"Look, what Rai has come out in his report.There are some views from some quartersthat the issues of this temple should behushed up. Now with this report, responsibil-ities should be fixed and those people whohave caused this should be brought to light,"he said.

The erstwhile Travancore Royal Familywith its headquarters in the capital city ishowever yet to react on Rai`s report.

Valentine's Day...its characteristic apathy and inaction but

when students groups organise peacefulprotest against moral policing, it takes notmore than 10 minutes to crack down voicesof opposition," said JNUSU presidentAshutosh Kumar.

However, these protests didn't deter theMahasabha from doing what they had said.

The website of the organisation claimedthat they have successfully married off cou-ples at a wedding ceremony held at theirDelhi office.

"On this occasion we have also done reli-gious purification(shuddikaran) of a fewMuslim and Christian couples and havebrought them back into the Hinduism," thestatement said.

"We strongly believe that celebration ofValentine's Day is an international conspira-cy to destroy the Indian culture," it added.

Early in the morning, wearing masks andcarrying posters like "Koi na Koi Chaye"(You Need Someone) "Mujh Se ShaadiKarogi?" (Will you marry me?), these pro-testers reached their office for the sake of"keeping up their promise" of marrying cou-ples on the Valentine's Day.

"We wanted to tell them that that they can'tdictate terms to us. Love is no crime and sois Valentine's day. We protested because webelieve in freedom of all sorts of expression,including love," said Varun Kumar, one ofthe protesters.

Around noon, these protesters weredetained and taken to the Parliament Streetpolice station.

Soon after they were detained, the protestvideos were quickly shared on the officialFacebook page of "Shud Desi Romance -Everyone weds Anyone" who had openlyinvited struggling lovers to the HinduMahasabha office.

These videos showed how the protesterswere telling the policemen to not detain themas they "will miss their wedding" and wereshouting "Haq Humara Azaadi" - throughoutthe march.

Additional Deputy Commissioner of PoliceJatin Narwal told IANS that these studentswere released by 5.30 pm.

The Mahasabha also lamented the fact thatthe Delhi Police didn't allow them to have a"dialogue" with the protesters.

"Even though the Delhi Police didn't allowus to meet these couples who wanted to getmarried, yet we have been able to preparethese young couples for marriage and havegenerated awareness about it," it said.

'India's solar...required to meet this solar goal."Clean and renewable energy is going to be

a growing share of India's energy mix in thecoming years and decades. In addition tocontributing to energy access and mitigatinggreenhouse gas emissions, there is a clearthird benefit which is jobs," said ArunabhaGhosh, CEO, CEEW.

In January, Narendra Modi and PresidentBarack Obama solidified their shared com-mitment to fighting climate change andaccelerating clean energy during the US-India summit, creating joint programmes toscale up renewable energy and create jobsthrough innovative transnational investmentstrategies.

"That commitment came on the heels ofModi government's announcement inNovember 2014 to quintuple the NationalSolar Mission goal for scaling up solar ener-gy, increasing the target from 20GW to100GW of grid-connected solar energy by2022," the statement said.

Islamic States...station had begun playing religious songs

and lessons. Both spoke on condition ofanonymity for fear of reprisals.

Rajnath Singh ...northeastern states. Unless the violence is

stopped, development cannot be done atdesired level," he added.

"Terrorism is a major issue in northeast,"the home minister said.

Singh, who visited Khantlang in northernTripura along the India-Bangladesh-Mizoram border with minister of state forhome affairs Kiren Rijiju and officials, saidthe Myanmar and Bangladesh governmentswere also cooperating with the Indian author-ities to deal with the militants.

"At least give us 10 years' time to developthe northeast. Development of northeastIndia is the top priority of the incumbent cen-tral government," he said before leaving forNew Delhi.

The home minister also said that there wasclarity in concept of both the central and stategovernments in curbing militancy in Tripura.

"I assured Tripura chief minister that thecentral government would extend all cooper-ation in curbing militancy and to undertakedevelopment. Tripura has changed a lot,"Singh said while being accompanied byChief Minister Manik Sarkar.

The central ministers also held a meetingwith the leaders of refugees at Kanchanpur(155 km from here) in northern Tripura.

"I have requested the refugees to go back totheir villages in Mizoram. Governmentwould provide all assistance to the repatriat-ed refugees. I believe they are ready to goback to their homes," Singh stated.

He asked the Mizoram government not todiscriminate among refugees regarding theirrehabilitation and security. "I believe theMizoram government would extend all helpand assistance to the repatriated refugees."

"Refugee problem would be resolved," hesaid when reporters told him that manyinconclusive meetings were held earlier torepatriate the refugees to Mizoram.

After visiting the border areas, Singh metManik Sarkar and senior state governmentofficials in Agartala to chalk out a plan torepatriate the tribal refugees to Mizoram.

Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawlacould not attend this meet.

"I may talk to Mizoram chief minister lateon the refugee issue," Singh told IANS.

About 32,000 Reang tribals are staying inseven camps in Tripura for the last 17 yearsafter fleeing their villages in Mizoram, fol-lowing ethnic trouble.

The Tripura government has been askingboth Mizoram and the union home ministryto repatriate the tribal refugees to their homesin Mizoram.

Paswan favours ...Bihar. It is a fit case for imposition of

President's Rule there. Nitish Kumar isresponsible for it," Paswan told reportershere on the situation in his home state ofBihar.

"Why did Nitish Kumar resign for hisparty's poor performance in the last LokSabha elections. (Chief Minister) Jitan RamManjhi was his dummy candidate. After hebecame Chief Minister he has gone afterManjhi and not allowed him to work," hesaid.

"When Manjhi refused to remain in hispocket, Nitish Kumar started creating trou-ble," Paswan said.

"Kumar is very cunning. He has broken allpolitical parties, including my Lok JanshaktiParty, RJD, CPI earlier. He is a master ofdefection and horse trading", he said.

"He (Nitish) has no faith in his own MLAsthat they will stay with him. So he is keepingthem away outside Bihar in Noida in UttarPradesh", accused Paswan.

"Let Manjhi prove his majority on the floorof the Assembly on February 20 as fixed bythe Governor. If both sides have no majorityand the instability continues, then President'sRule will be recommended by the Governor,"Paswan said.

On Nitish Kumar's accusations about BJPwriting the script for Manjhi asserting he hasmajority to continue as Chief Minister,Paswan shot back, "why BJP? NDA will not


Kejriwal not...AAP government was sworn in. "He will

oversee all ministries through modern tech-nology. He will try to bring systemicchanges."

Kejriwal will connect with the people,Sisodia said. "He will meet people to knowwhat their problems are. He will also overseethe MLAs."

BJP made ..."We made a tactical mistake. I have no hes-

itation in accepting it. After the Lok Sabhaelection, we could have gone for anAssembly election immediately, we wouldhave won hands down in Delhi. But a lot oftime has passed," Naidu told reporters here.

He said that the BJP has to introspect andfind out the means to expand its base further.

"Delhi election is definitely a setbackundoubtedly, but the BJP's base in Delhi isintact. Our vote base remains intact," he saidadding that it was the votes of other partieswhich got transferred to the AAP.

"There is a lesson for the BJP to learn inthis election. The lesson is even if all otherparties join together, you must be in a posi-tion to win the election. Earlier, there used tobe four-cornered, five cornered but nowsome of the parties have decided that theywould extend their support base to other par-ties," Naidu said.

He said that the AAP promised Delhiitesreduction in rates of electricity and water,which the BJP couldn't.

"We could not say it because we know thefinancial health of Delhi," the urban develop-ment minister said while wishing AAP bestof luck for the future.

Delhi has...Power Minister Satyendar Jain (50) is the

oldest minister in AAP government while 33-year-old Sandeep Kumar, who is handlingWomen and Child Development and SC andST Welfare Minister, is the youngest of thelot.

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is himself46-year-old while his deputy Manish Sisodiais 43.

Food and Civil Supplies, Environment andForest and Election Minister is 38-year-oldwhile Home and Law and Justice MinisterJitendra Singh Tomar is 48-year-old.

Senior AAP leader and Transport andLabour Minister Gopal Rai is 40-year-old.

In the last cabinet, Labour Minister GirishSoni was the oldest, followed by Jain, whileRakhi Birla was the youngest cabinet minis-ter holding the charge of Women and ChildWelfare department.

Two Nigerians...nabbed Osa Buogbemen Christopher, 31

and Ogiegbea Amen Victor, 34, fromManikonda area, police said today.

The duo, who belong to Benin city ofNigeria, were under surveillance for the lastfew days for dubious life style, a release fromCyberabad Police said.

Cyber Crime sleuths have seized two lap-tops and two cell phones from their posses-sion.

When the laptops were opened for analysis,it contained about one lakh email IDs of dif-ferent people and found incriminating evi-dence such as draft documents of lettersbeing sent to victims telling that they havewon a lottery called 'Microsoft Outlook lot-tery' of prize money of USD 8,00,000, it said.

Police said during interrogation, the duoadmitted to be living in different cities inIndia illegally. They said they had come toIndia on student visa about 3 years ago.

The seized laptops would be sent toForensic Science Laboratory for analysis,police said, adding, Cyber Crimes policeteam is probing to ascertain the victims who

have fallen into the trap.Normally, all the splinter groups of

Nigerian gangs share the information amongthemselves. They draft fake letters, preparelogos, email IDs of different persons whichare available on 'darknet' sites and shareamong themselves, the release said.

Police said many gangs also collect moneyin the name of 'Anti Terrorism and DrugTraffic Certificate'. By the time victim realis-es he has been cheated, they change theirphone numbers and stop responding to theemails.

In some cases, online fraudsters collect theprofiles of job seekers from different job por-tals and send mails to them introducing them-selves as authorised persons of reputedMNCs by sending fake emails, police said.

50 students ...Saturday. Fed up with ragging by students

of eleventh standard and inaction by authori-ties despite complaints in the past, the stu-dents after dinner scaled the boundary wall ofthe campus and fled late last night, Kumarsaid.

The incident came to light today when dur-ing the morning assembly the students of 8thstandard were not spotted. The school princi-pal then enquired about them and came toknow about the escape, a school official said.

The students who had run away assembledat the residence of the district magistrate thismorning after which he called up the schoolPrincipal K Kanhaiya, Kumar said.

The DM asked the Principal to probe thecomplaints and call parents of the seniorsfound involved in ragging.

Later, the students were sent to school withstrict instruction to the Principal that thereshould be no further complaint, the DM said.

About 500 children reside in hostels of theNavodaya Vidyalay at Sheikhpura.

Nepalese demand...organisations gathered at the Town Park,

near the Deputy Commissioner's office.They reached outside the office the Deputy

Commissioner Amit Kumar Agrawal's officedemanding capital punishment for allaccused in the rape and murder of the Nepaliwoman.

Later, led by President Akhil Bharat NepaliEkta Manch Mohan Raut, a delegation sub-mitted a memorandum to Agarwal.

BJP claims...in the party in our latest membership drive

across Kashmir Valley," Altaf Thakur, party'smedia in-charge Kashmir said.

He said Modi's slogan of good governance,development, special attention towardsKashmiri society and financial help to floodaffected people has attracted the new mem-bers into the party fold.

"The most important is the youth ofKashmir and from last one month, we haveadded thousands into our party," Thakur said,adding the aim of the drive is to strengthenthe party's foothold across the Valley.

The media head stated that BJP is aiming toadd at least three lakh new members into itsfold in the coming months.

"The membership drive would continue tillMarch 31. The initiative was taken across thecountry to make BJP one of the largest cadre-based parties in the world," he said.

Thakur mentioned that the highest numberof members came from Devsar constituencyof south Kashmir's Kulgam district whereabout 9,000 people registered themselveswith the party.

Huge explosive...of codex wire around 2 am, Superintendent

of Police Manoj Ratan Chouthe said here.The consignment was meant to be sent to

Naxalites, he said, adding one person wasarrested in this connection.

PANAJI, FEB 14Defence Minister Manohar

Parrikar on Saturday said thatthe Indian Navy must remain a"superior force" in the IndianOcean region and assured thatthe government would extendfull support for making it a trulybluewater navy.

Addressing the sailors andofficers of the newly-inductedaircraft carrier INSVikramaditya after witnessingtwo days of Theatre ReadinessOperational Level Exercise(TROPEX-2015), off the coastof Goa in the Arabian Sea,Parrikar said his stay on boardthe vessel had been instructive.

He said he is can now under-stand better the many difficultsituations that defence forces,especially sailors and naval offi-cers, face while ensuring thesafety and security of the nation.

Parrikar was accompanied byMinister of State for Defence,Rao Inderjit Singh, Goa ChiefMinister Laxmikant Parsekar,Chief of Naval Staff Admiral RKDhowan and Flag Officer

Commanding-in-Chief, WesternNaval Command, Vice AdmiralAK Chopra.

During the exercise, Parrikarand others were provided anoverview of the multi-dimen-sional capabilities of the navy.

The navy demonstrated multi-ple facets of operations duringhis stay which encompassed avariety of weapons firing, MiG29K and Sea Harrier operationsfrom two aircraft carriers -- theother being INS Viraat -- integra-tion of the P8I aircraft with fleet,and operations by the navy'sMarine Commandos.

INS Vikramaditya was induct-ed into the Navy by PrimeMinister Narendra Modi in Junelast year. The Defence Ministeralso witnessed a successful andimpressive vertical launch of theBrahmos, the supersonic longrange anti-ship cruise missile,from the recently commissionedstealth destroyer INS Kolkata, amilestone in itself.

A critical part of Anti-MissileDefence being surfa-ce-to- airMissiles (SAM), the Defence

Minister last night witnessed thesuccessful interception of a fast,low-flying, surface-to- surfacemissile by a SAM.

Parrikar also watched a full-scale air power demonstrationfrom INS Vikramaditya and INSViraat involving MiG 29-Ks, SeaHarriers, Sea-kings, UH3H,Advanced Light Helicopters andChetaks, an official statementsaid. The recently-acquired MiG29-Ks proved their mettle byshowing the STOBAR opera-tions, including the bombingruns. Parrikar also witnessednaval commandos MARCOSdemonstrate insertion andextraction in the middle of theocean by slithering. During thatdrill, the Defence Minister alsosaw first hand the potency of theupgraded Sea Harriers, particu-larly in the networked environ-ment, the statement said.

The two completely networkedfleets of the Indian Navy --Eastern and Western -- were keptwidely dispersed across seas inthe Indian Ocean, operating in adense electronic environment to

match their professional andtechnical proficiency.

New weapons, sensors, com-munication systems and tacticswere being tested and tried tooptimise the net combat powerof the fleets.

Over 40 surface combatants ofvarious classes, including thetwo aircraft carriers(Vikramaditya and Viraat), sub-marines, including the INSChakra, a large number of air-craft and UAVs are participatingin TROPEX-2015. Notably, aftermany years, the Navy hasdeployed two Carrier TaskForces during the exercise.

The exercise had a jointman-ship element of IAF with partic-ipation by aircraft such asSukhois, Mirages and Jaguars.

All the operations were facili-tated by a robust and seamlesscommunication network, includ-ing satellite communicationsunder the Navy's overall thruston Network Centric Operations,aligned with the Prime Minister'svision of 'Digital India', thestatement said.

Navy should remain a 'superior force'in Indian Ocean: Manohar Parrikar

Page 4: 15 February 2015


Over the past eight months, thegovernment has issued somestrong statements on the

economy and taken some bold stepsaimed at transforming it. As it pre-pares to present its first real budgetwe may reflect upon the directionthat it should take.

First, we would expect a budgetwith a focus, one that resists thetemptation to spread either alloca-tions or interventions too thin. Ifquickening growth is the objective,and the government has stated that itis, the budget should address thisobjective squarely by increasing theallocation for capital formation.

We know that the trajectory of theeconomy over the past decade isrelated to the path of public capitalformation, notably in infrastructure.To be effective in the context of a sig-nificant slowing of growth, however,a substantial hike in public invest-ment would be necessary. This willcome up against the programme offiscal consolidation being pursued. Ido not consider it vital to stick to the4.1 per cent fiscal-deficit targetannounced for this year. Reports arethat this target may have beenbreached already. But there is a moresubstantial argument.

In the present state of the economy— when there is excess capacity inmanufacturing, adequate stocks offoodgrain and the inflation rate istrending downwards — we have anopportune moment for a publicinvestment-centred fiscal expansion.Tax revenues will rise following theresulting expansion in output and theincreased debt incurred to fund theexpansion is thereby financed. Thisdividend has been termed, cheekilybut surely, a “fiscal free lunch”. Italso suggests that when there is afeed-forward impulse present in theeconomy, i.e., its current state casts ashadow on its future, fiscal absti-nence when the economy is sluggishcould actually lead to a worsened fis-cal balance in terms of the debt-GDPratio, for growth would have beenlower. Nothing said here detractsfrom sticking to fiscal consolidationas a desirable long-term objective. It

only suggests that its pace must notbe forced, but instead calibrated tothe state of the economy. Right now arigid adherence to a targeted fiscaldeficit is not optimal. To borrow fromKeynes, “the boom ... is the righttime for austerity”. However, the fear

is that the government may currentlybe practising the reverse of thismaxim. There are reports that facedwith the prospect of overshooting thetarget of 4.1 per cent for the fiscaldeficit in the current fiscal year, theMinistry of Finance has advised areduction of plan expenditure. To doso would be foolhardy. Note thatwhat is being called for is only a tem-porary deviation from the target forthe fiscal deficit. Any fiscal expan-sion may be reversed as its beneficialeffects occur and the economyexpands. However, this may take upto three years or so given that growthhas slowed for about twice as long.

‘Make in India’

The argument thus far is based onconsiderations of aggregate demanddeficiency. But there are also signifi-cant supply-side gains to be had frompublic capital formation. These sup-ply-side gains feed into one of thegovernment’s major initiatives andalso one that is lacking even as it isvery important for the country. The

first is the idea of ‘Make in India’.The second is agriculture, which hasso far received less attention from thegovernment than it deserves given itsimportance.

There is a perception that the

‘Make in India’ initiative is pitchedtowards foreign firms. Foreign directinvestment (FDI) is important both asa source of funds, foreign exchangeand technology, and conditions mustbe created for a favourable entry offoreign firms, but we can hardlyignore India’s entrepreneurs if we areinterested in the wide-spreading ofprosperity. And, while Indian firmsrightly expect a predictable taxregime and freedom from InspectorRaj, they are also hobbled by the lackof adequate infrastructure. This onlythe government can provide, thoughnot the Central government alone.There is a major role for the Stategovernments in this regard. So longas we are interested not only in eco-nomic growth but also in the partici-pation in it by individuals, publicly-provided infrastructure is what isgoing to make the difference. WhileSpecial Economic Zones (SEZ) canbe useful, especially for raisingexports, and large corporates maypush for them, I have in mind theinfrastructure needed to service thesegment of Indian manufacturing

dubbed “unorganised”. More recent-ly termed the MSME — micro, smalland medium enterprises — sector,this sector produces close to half themanufacturing output, comprises thelargest number of production units,employs the largest number of work-

ers, and generates a significant shareof exports. What its firms need mostis producer services. These rangefrom electricity to waste disposal andassured water supply. These smallerproducers do not have the wherewith-al to supply these services them-selves. On the other hand they wouldbe willing to pay for them.

Agriculture and rural India

For ‘Make in India’ to progressbeyond promise, more than mere leg-islation is required. An attractiveinvestment climate is made up notonly by favourable laws but also byenabling producer services. Amongthese are also information andadvice. There is a strong case forsomething akin to the agriculturalextension service for the MSME sec-tor. It could be housed in the districtindustries centres, which were insti-tuted nearly 40 years ago but haveremained dormant.

A sector of the economy that hasnot so far received even token atten-

tion from the government is agricul-ture and rural India in general,though technically speaking ‘Makein India’, can be said to include ruralindustry. It is not sufficiently wellknown that in the past decade the realprice of food has risen by 25 per cent.This is completely out of line withthe experience of the richereconomies of the world where theprice of food has shown a seculardecline. Take China, where the shareof food in the household budget is onaverage much lower than it is inIndia. As less need be spent on itnow, cheaper food expands thedemand for manufactures. The gener-al approach in India has been toincrease the production of food, butthe point actually is to also lower itscost of production. Public capital for-mation in agriculture has been on thedownward trend for about 25 yearsnow, preventing the yield increasenecessary for keeping price increasein check. The trend needs to bereversed. Whether in industry or inagriculture, expansion of the econo-my’s infrastructural base increasesproductivity, driving growth andenhancing the tax revenue needed tofinance the public debt. But more so,infrastructure empowers people morethan consumption subsidies do.

Having made a case for greaterpublic capital formation, the issue ofwhich projects to undertake is a realone. There is no question that thechoice of projects should be donecarefully and the implementation rig-orous. The Pradhan Mantri GramSadak Yojana initiated some yearsago would be an ideal vehicle forinvestment. After all, roads are need-ed across the country, rural Indiawould be targeted and the overalloutlay will be substantial. Only,given India’s diverse geographies aflexible approach should be adoptedand the States taken on board.Nothing is gained by insisting onone-size-fits-all solutions, a featurethat has plagued Central schemes his-torically.


The suggestion that the budget beused as the vehicle for expanding thecapital base of the country ought also

to be seen from the point of view ofthe mode of financing. The much-vaunted PPP model for expandinginfrastructure, in vogue for a decade,has broken down. Also, public sectorcommercial banks are now undercap-italised having been pressured to lendto long-gestation projects which theyare not suited to do.

Once again, some perspective is tobe gained from the experience ofChina where the infrastructure hasbeen built by the state. In general, theimportance of public capital in theform of infrastructure for economicgrowth, not to mention well-being,has been underrated in the discourseon the future of India.

Greater public capital formationwould have to be financed. Asalready argued we may expect atleast some part of the increased debtdue to the fiscal expansion to financeitself. Two other possibilities are forfunds from consumption subsidies tobe channelled into public infrastruc-ture and for proceeds from disinvest-ment to be earmarked similarly.Consumption subsidies other than onfood for the poor should be reviewed.The slide in growth after 2008 beganas the government chose to privilegeconsumption subsidies over invest-ment. Do we really need a subsidyfor cooking gas which we know to beregressive? The kerosene subsidy isknown to abet criminality as thestock is diverted to adulterate trans-portation fuel. The food subsidycould be trimmed if the public distri-bution system (PDS) is linked toAadhaar and the buffer stock reducedsubstantially. Increasing the food-stock beyond what is necessary is notonly costly but also raises the marketprice, leaving the poor without accessto the PDS worse off, thus defeatingthe very purpose of governmentintervention. Narendra Modi hadpromised maximum governance.Fortune, it is said, favours the braveand the budget would be a good placeto start.

(The writer may be reached atwww.pulaprebalakrishnan.in)

Editorial4 NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | FEB 15, 2015SAADDA HAQ


January marked animportant break-through in the fight

against tropical diseases.Researchers at theInternational Centre forGenetic Engineering andBiotechnology (ICGEB)in Delhi found a drug can-didate that prevented TBand malaria pathogensfrom infecting humanblood cells.

It is not just that this cut-ting edge research tookplace in India, but it alsoaddresses Indian chal-lenges whose solutionshave global implications.Further, AnandRanganathan and his col-leagues did not just findthis drug candidate, butalso helped developprocesses to develop thesedrug leads. It also hap-pened thanks to a combi-nation of a United Nationsfacility set up decadesago, attracting top globalresearch talent to comeback to India and workhere. And the research wasfunded not just throughinternational sources, butalso a ‘Grand ChallengeProgramme’ on vaccinesset up by the Departmentof Biotechnology,Government of India.Much of this success is thedelayed fruit of a biotech-nology push in India thatstarted in the mid-1980s,and that has gained instrength over time.

However, the discoveryof the drug candidate M5synthetic peptide is thebeginning of a long roadand not the end. Theprocess of drug discoveryhere is not yet complete,and has to be succeededby more research and ahost of clinical trials. Hereis a plausible set of inter-

mediate steps from thework of Dr. Ranganathanand others, before a newTB or malaria drug entersthe market.

First steps forward

ICGEB researchers haveattempted ‘rational drugdesign,’ where they havenot only found a drug can-didate, but have done sowhile identifying whatprotein target it interactswith in the body, and themechanism it uses to pre-vent disease. The firststeps forward for all inter-ested researchers in thefield will likely be to studyfurther how the peptidedrug candidate works,what its structure is, whatthe key biochemical inter-actions are, and how itstarget proteins behave.

“Policymakers in Indiawill need to strike the rightbalance between publicfunding and the role andreturn on private invest-ment on drug develop-ment”

While the drug candi-date might work well in atest tube or an agar plate,

its efficacy in the humanbody is an entirely differ-ent story. At this stage,whether the peptide can beeasily absorbed by the

body or be happy in blood,whether it finds the righttargets, has no side effectsor toxicity, are allunknown. Researchers,including those in privatepharmaceuticals, can startdeveloping variants of theM5 peptide that mighthave more desirable prop-erties and have higher effi-cacy, and a good numberof promising drug candi-dates might be patented bypublic sector researchersor pharma companies,depending on who discov-ers their utility.

It is after this that pre-clinical trials start onpromising compounds,from tests in mammals tofinally humans. Phase Iclinical trials are typicallyabout testing safety amonghealthy people. Phase IIconsists of small trials ofefficacy among patients.The last and the mostexpensive Phase IIIinvolves large, double-blind tests to determine

both safety and efficacyamong large groups ofpeople.

The entire process of

drug development is oneof attrition, where a hun-dred lead compoundsmight trickle down to oneor two medicines. It cantake a decade or more, andcost in the order of a bil-lion dollars, or more thanRs.6,000 crore.

Science is oftendescribed in popularretelling in a triumphalistmanner, when in realityresearch involves manymisses by researchers,incremental progress, andthe eventual success ofsomeone who stands onthe shoulders of manygiants.

Robust research ecosys-tem

For this process to hap-pen, you need to have arobust research ecosys-tem, adequate funding,and good pipelines thatensure minimum frictionin the development ofdrug candidates and lead

compounds into medicinethat you can buy at thecorner shop.

The challenge in India isthat tropical diseases haveoften been neglected bypharmaceuticals becausethe size of the drug marketis smaller, with peoplehaving lower incomes intropical countries. Further,companies are uncertainabout Intellectual PropertyRights on essential drugs,unsure about whether theycan recover high sunkcosts in this inherentlyrisky proposition. It is nosurprise that big Indiancorporations have stayedaway from pharmaceuticalR&D, finding more secureavenues for a return ontheir investment.

Policymakers in Indiawill need to strike the rightbalance between publicfunding and the role andreturn on private invest-ment on drug develop-ment. Greater clarity onIndia’s eminent domainand compulsory licensingpositions could make for-eign-patented drugs morecostly for India, but mightspur R&D on tropical andendemic diseases in thelong run.

Further, the unwrittencompact in developedcountries on drug develop-ment is that a thick layerof public funds pay for thebasic research up to andincluding drug candidatediscovery. It is over andabove this that privatepharmaceuticals come in,patent drugs and developthem.

Indian funding on basicresearch and drug discov-ery remains minuscule incomparison, with theentire Department of

Biotechnology budgetbeing less than Rs.1,500crore in 2014-15, or about$250 million. TheGovernment of India’sspending on drug develop-ment is broadly of thesame order of magnitudeof what is spent by theGates Foundation and oth-ers on drugs for tropicaldiseases, and both thequality and quantity ofpublic spending has todramatically improve ifwe want more drug candi-dates against TB, malaria,dengue, cholera and otherdiseases.

One way to increasefunding is to redirectextensive funds that gotowards large health-caresubsidies, so that futuredrugs can be better andcheaper.

India also has the oppor-tunity to re-examine howclinical trials are gov-erned. While we want eth-ical and safe practices inclinical testing, Americanor European regulationshave accumulated someextra bureaucracy and reg-ulations along the way.India can also set newstandards on transparencyso that new research iseasy to discover, verifyand build on.

Getting 21st centurymedical solutions toIndia’s health concerns isa long slog. The newpotential cure for TB andmalaria gives us a chanceto think through how todevelop medicines inIndia, and for India.

(Pavan Srinath is thehead of policy research at

the TakshashilaInstitution, an independ-ent think tank and school

of public policy.)

Need to temper expectationsSunday | February 15, 2015


A budget to transform

Our team will publish yourthoughts send us your articles at

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M e d i c i n e s i n I n d i a , f o r I n d i a

The argument thus far is based on considerationsof aggregate demand deficiency. But there are alsosignificant supply-side gains to be had from public

capital formation. These supply-side gains feed intoone of the government’s major initiatives and alsoone that is lacking even as it is very important forthe country. The first is the idea of ‘Make in India’.

The second is agriculture, which has so farreceived less attention from the government than it

deserves given its importance.

Fresh revelations about the existence of a list of 1,195Indians with accounts in a bank in Switzerland, esti-mated to contain funds to the tune of Rs.25,420

crore, has escalated the pressure on the government tomake renewed efforts to trace unaccounted money stashedaway abroad. There is little doubt that the probe will nowhave to be widened to take the new disclosures intoaccount. However, the publication of the list by an interna-tional consortium of investigative journalists may notautomatically mean that all these accounts are illegal orthat the funds in them are tainted. That some prominentindustrialists and other individuals have found a place inthis ‘black’ list is cause for some excitement, but shouldnot give rise to heightened anticipation that the country iscloser than before to bringing home wealth hoarded awayin safe havens. In the public imagination, the archetypalholder of a Swiss bank account is the businessman whoparks money in a jurisdiction famed for its banking secre-cy, or the political leader hiding corruption-tainted cash. Itis not known how many of those named in the fresh list ofoffshore accounts said to be held by Indian nationals inHSBC’s banking arm in Switzerland fall under either ofthese categories. Some of them have denied that they hadany illegal accounts or that they had any overseas bankaccount at all. The need, as pointed out rightly by FinanceMinister Arun Jaitley, is not for names, but hard evidenceto show that these accounts held black money. Theseaccounts will have to be scrutinised first to assess whetherits holders were entitled to operate them, whether themoney was legitimately acquired and liable to be taxed inIndia. After scrutiny of an earlier list of 628, the govern-ment found that 428 of them were actionable, and therewere 128 orders of assessment. It has launched prosecu-tions in 60 cases for wilful tax evasion. The process oughtto be completed by March 31 this year. These numbersprovide some perspective on the mammoth task at hand,and the clear absence of any shortcuts. Expectations aris-ing from these disclosures will have to be tempered. Thegovernment will do well to continue efforts to act on thesuggestion by the Special Investigation Team that treatiessigned with other countries to curb black money be rene-gotiated. The Attorney General has also spoken about newlegislative measures on the treatment of unaccountedmoney abroad. Even while strengthening transbordermeasures to check tax evasion, domestic laws also requireamendments to curb the menace. Dealing with the blackeconomy is a complex issue that involves managing juris-dictions where confidentiality is the norm, and negotiatingan exchange of information based on an applicable legalframework.

Page 5: 15 February 2015

State Watch 5NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | FEB 15, 2015SAADDA HAQ

BENGALURU, FEB 14Traffic on the rail track

between Anekal and Hosurnear Karnataka-TamilNadu border, disrupted bythe derailment of theErnakulam-bound Expresstrain that claimed ninelives, was restored onSaturday.

"Yes, the (accident) sitehas been cleared and theroute has been restored (fortraffic) this morning,"Divisional RailwayManager (Bangalore) AnilKumar Agarwal said.

He also said the tollstood at nine and theinjured were being treatedat hospitals

Investigations were on toascertain the cause of thederailment, he added.

Nine passengers werekilled and 18 were serious-

ly injured when ninebogies of Bangalore-Ernakulam Inter-cityExpress derailed nearAnekal, about 45 kms fromhere, yesterday. The vic-tims included three womenand a nine-year-old boy.

The daily train hadderailed nearly 80 minutesafter departure fromBengaluru between AnekalRoad and Hosur onBangalore City-SalemSection, resulting in eitherfull or partial cancellationor diversion of severaltrains.

"Prima-facie cause of thederailment was a boulderon the track," an officialstatement had said.

An inquiry into themishap is being conductedby Commissioner RailwaySafety SK Mittal.

Rail mishap: Traffic restored nearKarnataka-Tamil Nadu border

PATNA, FEB 14Going ahead with his efforts

to shower largesse, BiharCabinet on Saturday approveda politically sensitive proposalof including the Paswan castein the 'Mahadalit' category.

The decision was taken at aspecial meeting of the Cabinetpresided over by ChiefMinister Jitan Ram Manjhihere.

The Paswan caste had beenleft out from the Mahadalitcategory during former ChiefMinister Nitish Kumar's timewhen he had constituted aMahadalit commission andannounced many special wel-fare programmes for them.

Union Food ministerRamvilas Paswan hasexpressed resentment overKumar's decision of non-inclusion of Mahadalits allalong and maintained it wasdue to his political rivalry withhim. The Manjhi cabinet alsoapproved a proposal, in princi-ple, to appoint "Vikas Mitra"

among Scheduled Tribes fami-lies to speed up welfare of STsin numerous programmes, BPradhan, Principal Secretary

Cabinet CoordinationDepartment told reporters.

Manjhi also announced agift for mediapersons by okay-ing a proposal of pensionscheme for scribes.

In accordance with Biharmediapersons pensionscheme, a sum of Rs 5000 per

month would be provided tomembers of press after retire-ment at the age of 60. In caseof death a sum of Rs 2500 per

month would be provided tofamily of the beneficiaryscribes. Journalists and pho-tographers of daily and fort-nightly newspapers, maga-zines, electronic media, newsportal, news channels andnews agencies would benefitfrom the pension scheme

Bihar CM Manjhi includesPaswan in Mahadalit category

HYDERABAD, FEB 14The bitter dispute between

Andhra Pradesh and Telanganaover sharing of water ofNagarjuna Sagar dam ended ina thaw with Chief Ministers NChandrababu Naidu and KChandrasekhar Rao meeting inthe presence of commonGovernor ESL Narasimhanhere on Saturday.

Leaving behind the bitternesswitnessed yesterday in whichpolicemen of the two statesalmost came to blows at thedam site, the state governmentstoday decided to see that stand-ing crops in both the states aresaved.

After the conclusion of abouta two-hour-long meetingbetween the Chief Ministers,Telangana Irrigation Minister THarish Rao and Andhra PradeshIrrigation Minister DUmamaheswara Rao jointly

addressed mediapersons.Irrigation Engineers-in-Chief

(ENCs) of both the states wouldsit and decide on release ofwater, they said.

"It was decided in the meet-ing that, as per availability ofwater in Nagarjuna Sagar dam,crops in the two states shouldbe saved in the larger interestsof farmers," Harish Rao said.

"It is decided that the twostates should very carefully usethe available water so that cropsdon't dry up. ENCs of bothstates should sit, discuss andsee that crops both in Telanganaor Andhra are saved," he said.

The help of CentralGovernment officials would betaken and some principlesadopted with regard to sharingof water in (future) the comingKharif season, he said.

In view of yesterday's inci-dent, policemen from both the

states and political workerswould not be allowed to go onto the dam. The operations of

the dam would be conducted byengineers of the two states,Harish Rao said.

Observing that both stateswould act in coordination,Umamaheswara Rao said ChiefMinisters, Irrigation Ministers,Principal Secretaries of irriga-tion, ENCs would communi-cate and review from time totime.

Both the states would coordi-nate in future in the event ofheavy rains, flood and others,Umamaheswara Rao said.

Replying to a query, he saidpriority is for saving crops andmeeting drinking water require-ments and the ENCs woulddecide on water release.

The meeting of the two ChiefMinisters was held in the wakeof tension prevailing yesterdayat the Nagarjuna Sagar damwhen policemen from both thestates were engaged in a fight atthe site. The dam is locatedbetween Guntur district ofAndhra Pradesh and Nalgonda

district of Telangana.The unsavoury incident yes-

terday took place when bothsides failed to reach an under-standing on release of water,though talks were held betweenofficials of irrigation and otherdepartments. The decision onthe CMs holding talks cameafter Naidu spoke to Rao overphone last night and discussedthe situation at NagarjunaSagar, a release from Rao'soffice said, adding the latterexpressed readiness to resolvethe issue amicably.

Alleging that Andhra Pradeshhad already used water inexcess of its share, theTelangana Irrigation Ministersaid yesterday that his govern-ment had to protect standingcrops in Nalgonda andKhammam districts.

He, however, said theTelangana Government is ready

to be accommodative in releas-ing the water, but Andhra has tofirst come out with a proposalon the amount of water it needs.

Harish Rao alleged that theAndhra government is notready to give such a proposal.

Meanwhile, the AndhraPradesh government accusedTelangana of indulging in"provocative" actions.Speaking in Vijayawada lastnight, the AP IrrigationMinister said Andhra Pradeshgovernment has already givenletters (regarding the proposal)and he himself spoke to HarishRao on the issue.

He said Andhra Pradesh isutilising water as per project-wise allocations made byBachawat award (on share ofwater). The minister allegedthat stopping of water byTelangana badly hit crops inGuntur and Prakasam districts.

CMs of Andhra and Telangana meet; water row ends in thaw

PATNA, FEB 14BJP on Saturday strongly contested

JD(U)'s plea to accord it status ofopposition in Legislative Assemblyand said any step by the Speaker infavour of JD(U) would be challengedin the court.

Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhidespite being declared unattachedmember remains with the JD(U)flock and hence the plea by NitishKumar's party to recognise them asopposition was not legitimate, theLeader of Opposition in AssemblyNand Kishore Yadav told reportershere.

About his party's role in crucialconfidence vote, Yadav said BJPwould take a decision on trust vote atits Legislature Party meeting onFebruary 18.

BJP has 87 members in BiharHouse and if Manjhi manages 31votes of its own, the party could helpit sail through in the confidence vote.

Bihar Assembly at present has aneffective strength of 233 and 117 isthe magic figure required for majori-ty.

"If Manjhi tries to join some partyin the capacity of being unattached

member his membership can go. Hehad become MLA on the JD(U) sym-bol and hence remains in that partyfold," Yadav said.

The BJP leader reiterated that ifSpeaker violated rules and gave sta-tus of opposition to JD(U) his partywould knock the door of the court.

JD(U) Legislature Party Leader inBihar Legislative Assembly VijayKumar Chaudhary had yesterdayasked Speaker Uday NarayanChaudhary to recognise his party asthe main opposition in the House andaccordingly make seating arrange-ments for them in the House.

Apprising the Speaker that theJD(U) has decided to oppose theManjhi government in the House anddecided to sit in the opposition,Chaudhary urged the former to recog-nise his party as the main oppositionand accordingly make sitting arrange-ments for his party MLAs in theHouse.

Yadav, who had served asConvenor of NDA in Bihar and was asenior minister in Nitish Kumar'sministry, came down heavily onKumar labelling him as "An expert inhorse trading".

'BJP will move court if Bihar AssemblySpeaker recognises JD(U) as opposition'

PATNA, FEB 14Bihar Assembly Speaker

Uday Narayan Chaudharyon Saturday called a meet-ing of leaders of all politi-cal parties on Monday todiscuss arrangements forthe February-20 confi-dence vote.

"A meeting of leaders ofall political parties will beheld at 3 PM on February16," Chaudhary said.

He said a separate letterwould be sent to ChiefMinister Jitan Ram Manjhito participate in the meet-ing.

The meeting will discussarrangements in the Housefor February 20 when trust

vote will be conductedimmediately after addressof Governor Keshari NathTripathi to the joint sittingof both the Houses, hesaid.

Asked if JD(U) hasrequested to allow them tosit in the opposition galleryduring confidence vote andrecognise its leader VijayChaudhary as Leader ofOpposition in place of BJP,he said "this will also comefor discussion during themeeting."

Meanwhile, anIndependent MLA PawanJaiswal, who is siding withManjhi, has given a noticefor no confidence motion

against the Speaker for"gravitating" towards theNitish Kumar group.

The Speaker said anotice had been receivedagainst him and suitableaction would be taken.

According to rules of theHouse, no confidencemotion against the Speakeris admitted only if 38members would approvethe proposal. After admis-sion of the motion, votingon it is to be conductedafter 14 days of the admis-sion.

This makes it clear thatthe Speake will presideover the House during thetrust vote.

Bihar Assembly Speaker calls meetingfor arrangements during trust vote

AHMEDABAD, FEB 14A trial court on Friday

acquitted all the 68 accuseddue to lack of evidence in acase related to the 2002post-Godhra riot at Seshanvillage in Deodar tehsil ofBanaskantha district.

Fourteen persons, includ-ing two children, werekilled in the violence at thevillage -- which is about150 km from here -- in theaftermath of the Godhratrain-burning incident.

Additional District andSessions Judge V K Pujaraof Taluka court, Deodar,said the statements of thewitnesses did not supportother evidence. 190 wit-nesses had deposed beforethe court. The first charge-sheet was filed in 2002,

while 12 supplementarycharge-sheets were filedsubsequently.

The prosecution hadargued that accounts of theeye-witnesses clearlyshowed that all the accusedpersons were involved inthe killing of 14 persons.

But the defence pointedout that the witnesses couldnot recognise the accusedduring the identificationparade.

According to police, amob of around 5,000 peo-ple, armed with swords andsticks, had attacked the vil-lage on March 2, 2002. Thevillage had about 200 peo-ple of Baloch Muslim com-munity, who had been liv-ing there since 1947.

The mob killed 14

Muslims, including twogirls who were five-year-old and 11-year-old,respectively, and twowomen.

Two persons from themob were killed in police-firing. Additional PublicProsecutor D V Thakorsaid the victims made rep-resentations before JusticeG T Nanavati Commission,probing the riots, seeking aspeedy trial.

Following which aninquiry was conducted byBanaskantha SP S MKatara, while earlier theprobe had been conductedby Deputy Superintendentof police Ravindra Patel.Ten out of the 68 accusedwere in jail for the last 12years.

Court acquits 68 for lack of evidence in 2002 Gujarat riot case

HYDERABAD, FEB 14The row between

Telangana and AndhraPradesh over sharing ofKrishna river water took aserious turn Friday withpolice of the two Telugustates clashing atNagarjuna Sagar dam.

Tension prevailed at thedam in Nalgonda districtof Telangana as policemenof the two statesexchanged blows after aheated argument betweenofficials of the irrigationdepartments of both thesides.

Intervention by seniorofficials saved the situa-tion from going out ofhands.

Chief ministers of bothTelangana and AndhraPradesh Friday nightdecided to meet in thepresence of Governor E. S.

L. Narasimhan hereSaturday to discuss andsort out the issueamicably.

Andhra Pradesh ChiefMinister N. ChandrababuNaidu spoke to hisTelangana counterpart K.Chandrasekhar Rao overphone. Rao mooted thesuggestion of a meeting inthe governor`s presenceand Naidu agreed.

The Telangana chiefminister also assuredNaidu that he would callback police from the dam.He asked police force toexercise restraint.

The trouble at the dambegan Friday when irriga-tion officials of Andhrademanded their counter-parts to release the waterfor Krishna delta. The irri-gation officials ofTelangana refused to

oblige, saying they havenot received any ordersfrom their government.

Telangana IrrigationMinister Harish Rao andhis Andhra counterpart D.Umamaheswara Rao alsotraded allegations.

Harish Rao told reportersin Hyderabad that AndhraPradesh had drawn 43.13TMC more water than itsdue share.

He, however, agreed torelease more water to savecrops in Andhra providedthe Andhra governmentmake a written request.

The Andhra irrigationminister told reporters inVijayawada that Telanganais wasting water but notreleasing it to Andhra tosave the crops. He claimedthat Andhra is seekingwater as per the Krishnawater tribunal award.

Telangana, Andhra Police clashover sharing of river water

SRINAGAR, FEB 14National Conference on

Saturday welcomed thediplomatic efforts by Indiaand Pakistan for starting afresh round of talks, sayingthat time was ripe for theneighboring countries toend hostility in the region.

"Talks between theneighbors are necessary toend the stalemate but webelieve the dialogue shouldnot be reduced to merely atea-photo session betweenthe leadership," NC gener-al secretary AliMohammad Sagar saidwhile addressing partyworkers here.

"In the past, many suchdialogues have taken placebut small incidents ineither countries puncturedall those efforts," he said.The NC leader said thepeople across the regionhave a strong yearning forpeace and progress whichcan be bought only throughdialogue.

"The hostility between

India and Pakistan shouldbe removed and both thecountries should sit acrossthe dialogue table andresolve their differences,"he said.

He noted that Kashmiriswere the "worst sufferers"of the hostility betweenIndia and Pakistan whichhas been continuing sincemany decades and the lead-ership of the countriesshould show empathytowards the people of theValley.

The countries havefought four wars in the pastbut wars have yieldednothing so far and nowpeace should be given achance, he said. "Lingeringthe Kashmir issue has hada very bad impact on thestate and people of the sub-continent have to face thebrunt of this issue, which isunfortunate," Sagar said.Prime Minister NarendraModi had yesterday calledhis Pakistani counterpartSharif.

SURAT, FEB 14A man killed his daugh-

ters aged between 2 to 9years due to financial crisisand threw the bodies into acanal near Mangrol villagein Jalalpor tehsil of Navsaridistrict on Saturday, policesaid. Sanjay Dubey, whohails from Uttar Pradeshand lives in Pandesara areahere, strangulated his threedaughters today. He thenthrew the bodies into acanal off Ubhrat-Maroliroad near Mangrol, saidinspector Mahendra Kher.

The victims were identi-fied as Akanskha (9), Priya(7) and the youngestBhavna (2), Kher said,adding the police hadarrested Dubey underIndian Penal Code sections

302 (murder) and 201(destruction of evidence)on the basis of a complaintby Dubey's younger brotherDhananjay. Dubey told thepolice that his financial sit-uation had become diffi-cult, and he wanted a soninstead of three daughters,which led him to committhe gruesome act. Lastevening he told his wifethat he was taking the girlsout for a fun-fair and shop-ping in the city. When theydid not return till late, sheapproached the police.

The sarpanch of Mangrolspotted the bodies todayand alerted the police whofished them out. Bodies hasbeen sent for autopsy andfurther probe is on, Khersaid.

Man kills 3 minor daugh-ters due to financial crisis

Girl wrestler foundhanging from ceiling inher hostel room in JindJIND, FEB 14

In the second such case in 19 days in a sportsschool hostel in the district, a girl wrestler wasfound hanging from the ceiling of her hostelroom under mysterious circumstances, policesaid here today.

Moni, a Class 11 student of Bharat Singhmemorial sports school at Nidani village in thedistrict and resident of village Mohala of Hisardistrict, was found hanging from the ceiling ofher hostel room yesterday, InvestigatingOfficer Ram Mehar Singh said.

Body of the student was handed over to thefamily members and viscera has been sent toascertain the exact cause of death, he said,adding that only after a probe it could be saidwhether it was suicide or not.

Principal of the school, Rajwanti Malik saidthat she had not discussed with any one, if shewas having some problem.

It is to be noted that body of Shubham, a girlstudent from Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh,was also found hanging from the ceiling of herhostel room under mysterious circumstanceson Jaunary 26.

NC welcomes India-Pak diplomatic efforts

Vaiko meetsAchuthanandan to drumup support against INOALUVA, FEB 14

MDMK General Secretary Vaiko onSaturday met CPI(M) Veteran andLeader of the Opposition in the KeralaAssembly V S Achuthanandan to seekhis support against the Centre's pro-posed India-based Nutrino ResearchCentre in Tamil Nadu's Theni District,bordering the state.

Vaiko who has already filed a PIL inMadras High Court against the multi-crore project raising safety concernsabout dams in the region, said there wasneed to put pressure on the UnionGovernment not to proceed with theproposal. Achuthanandan later toldreporters that he had promised his sup-port for the cause. Tamil Nadu andKerala should together fight against theproposal, he said. Vaiko said the Centrecould pose a threat to the Idukki andMullaiperiyar dams in Kerala and vari-ous irrigation projects involving car-damom estates.

Page 6: 15 February 2015

Snapdeal's founder and chief executive Kunal Bahl said on Saturday the e-commerce major is close to announcing an acquisition,which will play the role of an enabler for the platform.

"You will see us make some acquisitions, some may be announced soon," Bahl said while speaking at the annual Nasscomm IndiaLeadership Forum in Mumbai.

Bahl, however, refused to give any indication on the ticket size or on the target company, limiting himself to saying that this will be an"enabler" in the larger scheme of things at the online seller.

"Anything that will be an enabler for our ecosystem that will make our sellers more successful, which will make business more success-ful as well as the platform...it could be core tech, it couldany service that our sellers use, logistics may or may notbe an enabler, my lens is always on how do you makeecosystem more successful," he said.

Snapdeal has so far raised $1.5 billion (roughly Rs.9,300 crores) from a clutch of investors that includeJapan's Softbank which owns 33 percent and Ratan Tata,among others.

Fuelled by big investments, the e-commerce space iswitnessing aggressive competition between Snapdeal, itsbigger rival Flipkart and global giant Amazon, who havebeen throwing in big discounts to attract customers andhave emerged as among the biggest advertisers now.

Bahl also said there are no plans to list the company inthe near-term due to the availability of ample liquidity inthe private capital markets.

"Because the private capital markets are so liquid rightnow and in such quantum, I would weigh the benefits care-fully for going public, at least in the near-term," he said,when asked about the IPO.

Bahl said Snapdeal is targeting to increase its total num-ber of sellers to one million from the current 100,000.

"We want to create one million successful online entre-preneurs in next three years. We're at 100,000 and 30 per-cent of them are women. Many of them didn't have anyincome," he said.

He, however, refused to state the GMV, saying such aneventuality of having so many entrepreneurs on board canresult in "billions of dollars" worth of transactions.

NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | FEB 15, 2015SAADDA HAQScience & Tech6

Candy Crush Saga usersspent a whopping $1.3billion (roughly Rs.

8,070 crores) on in-app pur-chases in 2014, a report hasrevealed. Most of the purchas-es are said to have been forextra lives, extra moves,colour bombs, lollipop ham-mers, and gold bars.

While that's an impressivenumber, considering the factthat the game clocked over $1billion in revenue in just thesecond half of 2013, it's a bit ofclimbdown from its headydays. The best quarter thegame's even seen was in Q32013 when it garnered $551 inrevenue, and the numbers havesteadily declined since.

Launched in June 2013,Candy Crush Saga by KingDigital Entertainment Plc, iscurrently on the third spotunder the highest grossing

apps section on Apple's AppStore in the US. Its sister gam-ing app, Candy Crush SodaSaga is at sixth position.Candy Crush Saga represents45 percent of the total revenuefor Q4 2014, analysis of thecompany's latest financialresults by The Guardian hasrevealed.

In Q4 2014, King reported356 million monthly uniqueusers, although a fraction - 2.3percent or 8.3 million - spentany money on the games,translating to an average of$23.42 (roughly Rs. 1,500) permonth spend by paying users.

With revenues from itsbiggest title in decline, King issaid to working on differentgames to avoid relying onCandy Crush Saga for its prof-its for long. In August, whenKing Digital Entertainmentshowed weak Q2 figures,

investors had raised concernsthat unless King delivers a setof consistent and long-lastinghits, apart from Candy CrushSaga" it might suffer the samefate as Farmville maker ZyngaInc and Angry Birds developerRovio Corp, which are strug-gling to retain players.

Zynga reported lower-than-expected quarterly bookingson Friday with as releases suchas New Words with Friendshaving failed to excite gamers.Zynga reported bookings of$182.4 million (Rs. 1,130crores) for the fourth quarter.

Analysts on average hadexpected $201.5 million(roughly Rs. 1,250 crores),according to research firmStreetAccount. The mobilegames company said it wouldclose its Beijing office by June30 and lay off all 71 employ-ees.

1. The largest production of mica in Asia is fromA. Indonesia B. MalaysiaC. Myanmar D. India

2. The latitude 'AA' on the map represents theA. Tropic of Cancer B. Tropic of CapricornC. Equator D. None of the above

3. The largest fresh water lake of Africa, area wise isA. lake Victoria B. lake TanganyikaC. lake Malawi D. lake Rudot

4. The important mountains of Europe includeA. Andes, Alps, PyreneesB. Alps, Carpathians, Pyrenees, ApenninesC. Alps, Himalayas, Rock mountainsD. None of the above

5. The last major glacial period began about 2,000,000years before present and is commonly known asA. Pleistocene or ice age B. Paleocene or ice ageC. Pliocene or ice age D. Holocene or ice age

6. The imaginary axis at which the earth rotatesremains inclined at an angle of ____ to the plane ofearth's orbit.A. 44 1/2 º B. 55 1/2 ºC. 66 1/2 º D. 0 º


Answer: 1(D), 2 (C), 3(A), 4(B), 5(A), 6(C)

12:00AM Nisha AurUske Cousins12:30AM MasterChefIndia

01:00AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein01:30AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam

Doon...Ek Baar Phir02:00AM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai02:30AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas03:00AM Tu Mera Hero03:30AM Suhani Si Ek Ladki04:00AM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya04:30AM Everest05:00AM Diya Aur Baati Hum05:30AM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins06:00AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam

Doon...Ek Baar Phir06:30AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein07:00AM MasterChef India08:00AM MasterChef India08:30AM MasterChef India09:00AM MasterChef India09:30AM MasterChef India10:00AM MasterChef India10:30AM MasterChef India11:00AM Tu Mera Hero11:30AM Tu Mera Hero12:00PM Tu Mera Hero12:30PM Tu Mera Hero01:00PM Tu Mera Hero01:30PM Tu Mera Hero02:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum : Maha

Movie04:30PM Dabangg07:00PM MasterChef India08:00PM P.I.Private Investigator09:00PM Star Valentines Day :

Muskuraane Ki Wajah Tum Ho __________________________

12:00AM Jhalak01:05AM Goldsafe02:00AM Qubool Hai

04:00AM Baba Ramdev Ka Yog05:00AM Teleshopping06:00AM Shakti Yug06:30AM Joel Osteen07:00AM Bill Winston07:30AM Winning Walk08:00AM Joseph Prince08:30AM Joel Osteen09:00AM Jodha Akbar09:30AM Exposure Jhalak10:00AM Kahani Ab Tak10:30AM The Zee Q Show11:00AM Kahani Ab Tak12:00PM Neeli Chatri Waale01:00PM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs02:00PM Chennai Express05:00PM Locha-E-Ulfat

08:00PM Neeli Chatri Waale09:00PM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs10:00PM Locha-E-Ulfat ________________________

0 1 : 0 0 A MTelebrands02:00AM Home

Shop 1805:00AM Iskcon Aarti05:30AM Shastri Sisters06:00AM Telebrands07:00AM Narayan Sewa Sansthan

Trust07:30AM Home Shop 1808:00AM Fear Factor Khatron Ke

Khiladi Darr Ka BlockbusterReturns

09:30AM Comedy Nights with Kapil12:00PM Fear Factor Khatron Ke

Khiladi Darr Ka BlockbusterReturns

01:30PM Code Red03:30PM Comedy Nights with Kapil06:30PM Ungli09:00PM Fear Factor Khatron Ke

Khiladi Darr Ka BlockbusterReturns

10:00PM Comedy Nights with Kapil11:00PM Comedy Nights with Kapil ___________________________

12:00AM Best ofSavdhaan India: IndiaFights Back : UP FightBack Now

01:00AM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath : Ghosts

02:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fight BackNow

03:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra Ki

04:00AM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath : Ghosts

05:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : Punjab FightBack Now

06:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fight BackNow

07:00AM 21st Annual Life OK ScreenAwards

08:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

10:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : Maha Movie

12:00PM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra Ki

01:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

02:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fights Back

03:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

03:30PM Kabhi Khushi KabhieGham...

08:00PM Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back : Punjab Fight BackNow

09:00PM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath : Ghosts

10:00PM Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back : UP Fight Back Now

11:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : Punjab FightBack Now

___________________________12:00AM Bhanwar0 1 : 0 0 A MTeleshopping02:00AM C.I.D

05:00AM Bhakti06:00AM Teleshopping06:30AM Bhakti07:00AM Teleshopping08:30AM Comedy Circus Ke

Mahabali09:00AM C.I.D12:00PM Aashiqui 203:00PM Crime Patrol - Satark04:00PM 60th Filmfare Awards 201408:00PM Adaalat09:00PM Bhanwar10:00PM C.I.D11:00PM Crime Patrol - Satark11:30PM Bhanwar ________________________

12:00AM BodyBizarre : Elephant

Man Marries & The Albino Kids01:00AM Telebrand02:00AM Factory Made : Saw

Blades/ Led Street Lights/ CoffeeBeans/ Opalescent Glass

02:30AM Factory Made03:00AM Mutant Planet04:00AM A Haunting05:00AM Telebrand06:00AM Food Factory07:00AM How Do They Do it?07:30AM How Do They Do it?08:00AM Chadar, The Ice Trail09:00AM Man Vs. Wild01:00PM Man Vs. Wild : Pacific

Island02:00PM Eaten Alive04:00PM Man Vs. Wild05:00PM What Happened Next?05:30PM Destroyed in Seconds06:00PM Dual Survival

07:00PM Body Bizarre : 50 OrgasmsA Day & The Littlest Man

08:00PM Revealed09:00PM Running Wild with Bear

Grylls : Zac Efron10:00PM Man Vs. Wild : Land Of

The Maori11:00PM A Haunting ___________________________

12:00AM VSuperstar Preview12:30AM V

Distractions01:00AM Gumrah02:00AM Sadda Haq My Life My

Choice02:30AM V Distractions03:00AM Gumrah04:00AM V Distractions04:30AM Million Dollar Girl05:00AM Sadda Haq My Life My

Choice05:30AM V Distractions06:00AM Gumrah07:00AM V Superstar Preview07:30AM V Distractions08:00AM Specials09:00AM V Fest 201510:00AM Gumrah11:00AM V Distractions01:00PM Gumrah02:00PM Specials03:00PM Sadda Haq My Life My

Choice03:30PM V Superstar Preview04:00PM V For Valentine : 201505:30PM Million Dollar Girl06:00PM V Day Trippin with the

Stars07:00PM Gumrah08:00PM Specials09:00PM Sadda Haq My Life My

Choice09:30PM V Superstar Preview10:00PM V Day Trippin with the

Stars11:00PM Gumrah __________________________

12:47AM Filler04:20AM Pappu Can’t Dance Saala06:31AM Break Ke Baad09:00AM Andaz Apna Apna12:00PM I Know What You Did Last

Summer02:11PM Aar Paar: Judgement Day04:54PM Taarzan: The Wonder Car07:58PM Entertainment10:53PM Mahabharat

TV Channels Schedule TODAY’S STARARIES It would be a good idea to socialize with others today in a

comfortable, open setting. Say what you feel instead of justconcentrating on what you think, Aries. Be just as good a lis-tener as you expect others to be for you. Join a writing circleor take a painting class. Your creativity is looking for an outlettoday, so you might as well share this gift among friends.

TAURUS Stick with what comes naturally, Taurus. If something feels difficult orabrasive, this is a sign that your energy is better used elsewhere. Butdon't turn away until you're sure that what you're facing is actually acombative force instead of your own skewed sense of reality. Youcould be overly sensitive about a given situation and thereby makingup scenarios that don't even exist.

GEMINI Your heart may feel extra loving today, Gemini, which isgood, since you will probably need it. There is most like-ly someone close to you who needs a lift of some sort.You may be like the tow truck that arrives to pull a car outof the ditch. Be careful when you hook up the chains.Don't scratch the bumper or pull too hard all at once!

CANCER Your heart may feel extra loving today, Gemini, which isgood, since you will probably need it. There is most likelysomeone close to you who needs a lift of some sort. Youmay be like the tow truck that arrives to pull a car out of theditch. Be careful when you hook up the chains. Don'tscratch the bumper or pull too hard all at once!

LEO You may be a bit confused today, Leo. More than likely, it willbe hard for you to get an accurate read on your emotions. Oneof your automatic responses in situations like this is to turn toa close partner for advice. Unfortunately, this advice maythrow you into even more of a tailspin. What you need morethan anything is to spend quality time alone.

VIRGO Secure your emotions and make sure you're set in your mindbefore you take action today, Virgo. This is a terrific time to getthings started. Following through to completion shouldn't be aproblem. The difficult part is taking that first step. This can beeasily done on a day like today, so don't miss this opportunitywhen your intuitive sense is extra keen.

LIBRA Break through the potential moodiness of the day, Libra. Burstinto song while walking down the street. Encourage others tosing back to you, as if your life were an opera. Your creativityis extra strong at this point, so let it shine in unexpected areasof your world. You have the wonderful ability to turn even themost mundane situations into something exciting.

SCORPIO You may be plagued with restlessness, Scorpio, to the point thatyou may not be able to get anything done. If you sense that thisis happening to you even in the slightest degree, stop whateveryou're doing and take a break. Your work isn't worth the sacrificeof your sanity. Consider going to a spa or call up a friend with ahot tub so you can soak in some warm, relaxing water for a while.

SAGITTARIUSBe careful of exerting your will too strongly toward someone whoreally isn't receptive to it, Sagittarius. Be conscious of other people'sfeelings. Be gentle when it comes to love and romance. You have ayellow light, which means that it's OK to proceed. Be careful that theother person is receptive to your advances. Don't come across astoo aggressive and end up making a fool of yourself.

CAPRICORN Overall, this should be a pretty good day for you, Capricorn, aslong as you don't get overly sensitive about certain things. Yourawareness is bound to be extra sharp today, so use this ability tostay alert and open to what's going on around you. Perhapsyou're feeling a bit restless when it comes to matters of the heart.This is telling you to stop fidgeting and take action.

AQUARIUS This is one day in which your heart pounds with excitement. Forsome reason, Aquarius, there's a quiet voice inside warning thatyou may be getting yourself into a great deal of trouble. An enthu-siastic approach toward love may be necessary, but this may notbe the best day to act. People are too sensitive and not neces-sarily that impressed with your potentially abrasive demeanor.

PISCES Be more aggressive when it comes to your intentions in a romanticsituation, Pisces. It would be a great idea to impress your lover witha delicious home-cooked meal on a night like this. Put a bit morepassion into the equation and relight the spark that might haverecently gone out. Don't hesitate to be the instigator in love.

Asus will report-edly soon belaunching new

variants of the recentannounced ZenFone2 handset. These newvariants will be pow-ered by chips fromQualcomm andMediaTek, unlike theZenFone 2 and origi-nal ZenFone seriesthat's been poweredby Intel processors.The move is an effortby the company 'todiversify its smart-phone componentsuppliers,' the reportadded.

The report byFocus Taiwan saysthat the Qualcommchipset-based AsusZenFone 2 smart-phone will be avail-able in Q2 of thisyear, and will bepriced lower than theone alreadyannounced. Asuswill also launchMediaTek-powered3G variant of thehandsets in markets likeIndia, where LTE con-nectivity is yet to reachits full potential, thereport added. This vari-ant will likely be even

cheaper than theQualcomm powered

ZenFone 2.

Asustek CEO JerryShen reportedly told aninvestors conference that

40-50 percent

ZenFone 2 shipmentswill rock QualcommSoCs, while the rest 50-60 percent will be split

betweenIntel and MediaTek.

Announced lastmonth, Asus ZenFone 2will be reaching Taiwan,Hong Kong, Singapore,China, and France inMarch this year; andIndonesia, Malaysia,Vietnam, Thailand, Italyand the US in April.Japan and Brazil wouldhave to wait until Mayand June respectively.

Asus ZenFone 2comes in two processorand RAM variants, IntelAtom Z3580 and Z3560with 4GB or 2GB ofRAM. Other specifica-tions of the handsetinclude 5.5-inch full-HDIPS display, 13-megapixel rear camerawith f/2.0-aperture, 5-megapixel front camera,16GB/ 32GB/ 64GBinbuilt storage options,expandable storage viamicroSD card (up to64GB), and 3000mAhbattery.

Asus earlier this weeklaunched its ZenFone C(ZC451CG) in India atRs. 5,999. The companyhad launched the AsusZenFone 5 (A501CG-2B509WWE) last monthin India.

Asus ZenFone 2 Cheaper Variants Powered byQualcomm, MediaTek Coming Soon: Report

Candy Crush Saga Users Spent $1.3 Billionon In-App Purchases in 2014: Report

Snapdeal to Soon Get Into AcquisitionMode, Targets 1 Million Sellers on Platform

Page 7: 15 February 2015


MELBOURNE, FEB 14Mitchell Marsh proved the unlikely

bowling star and Aaron Finch blastedthe first ton of the World Cup asAustralia crushed England by 111 runsat the Melbourne Cricket Ground onSaturday.

The tournament favourites ruthlesslyswept to victory in their opening Pool Amatch by posting their highest-everone-day international total againstEngland of 342 for nine.

They then dismissed their haplessarch-rivals for 231 with more than eightovers to spare.

All-rounder Marsh, making his WorldCup debut, claimed five for 33 asAustralia latched on to their catcheswith Steve Smith`s mid-air screamer todismiss Jos Buttler the best of the high-light reel.

It was a comprehensive victory thatsignalled Australia as the team to beatas they bid to win their fifth World Cupand their first at home since going outin the semi-finals to England when theylast hosted the event in 1992.

It was a grim night for England, whoonly narrowly avoided their heaviestWorld Cup defeat -- in terms of runs --following a 122 run-thrashing by SouthAfrica at The Oval in 1999.

And apart from their bowlers gettingflogged and dropped catches, England

skipper Eoin Morgan was out for hisfourth nought in his last seveninnings.James Taylor`s face-savingunbeaten knock of 98 not out was thelone shining beacon, with England now

having won just two of their last 16ODI encounters Down Under.

Diminutive opener Finch punishedEngland for Chris Woakes putting himdown at mid-wicket on the fifth ball of

the innings off James Anderson beforethe batsman had scored.

Finch thrilled his massive 84,336home-town crowd with three sixes and12 fours before he was finally run outby Morgan`s brilliant direct hit in the37th over.

Finch`s knock was the second highestagainst England at the World Cup afterWest Indies great Vivian Richards`s138 not out in the 1979 final.

All-rounder Glenn Maxwell showedoff his improvised shotmaking in hisall-action knock of 66 off 40 balls andskipper George Bailey contributed 55.

England made early inroads beforeFinch and Bailey restored the homeside`s position from 70 for three to puton a stand of 146 runs off 156 ballsafter Stuart Broad took two wickets intwo balls to remove the dangerousDavid Warner (22) and Shane Watson,caught behind for a first-ballduck.

Woakes followed up with the prizedwicket of Smith for five to have theAussies wobbling at 70 for three.

England`s fielding became raggedand Maxwell smashed seamer StevenFinn for four consecutive fours to bringup his 50 off just 30 balls on his way to66 while Brad Haddin slammed 31 off14 balls.

Finn took the 2015 World Cup`s first

hat-trick with the last three balls of theinnings but Australia had already com-piled a huge total.

England, who had never beforechased down more than 306 to win anODI, soon crumbled under aggressivebowling and tight fielding with Marshon a hat-trick after dismissing Ian Bell(36) and Joe Root (5) with successiveballs.

Morgan`s woes continued when hetried to pull Marsh but instead got anunder-edge that was superbly held, one-handed, by diving wicketkeeperHaddin.

Buttler fell to a sensational airbornecatch by Smith for 10 at short cover.

Woakes and Taylor held upAustralia`s victory charge for with a92-run stand for the seventh wicket.

Mitchell Starc bowled Broad for aduck, Finn was caught and bowled byJohnson for one.

England didn`t even have the conso-lation of seeing the gutsy Taylor get toa maiden ODI hundred when the matchended in confusion fashion.

Taylor wa adjudged lbw but over-turned the decision on review.However, Anderson was given run outfor eight as he went for a single withTaylor`s protestations that the ball wasdead when he was initially given outfailing to impress the umpires.

Cricket World Cup: Aaron Finch, MitchellMarsh star as Aussies hammer England

MELBOURNE, FEB 14The International Cricket

Council said the matchumpires had made a mistakeafter reviewing England`s finaldismissal in the World Cupagainst Australia on Saturdaywhich potentially cost JamesTaylor a century.

While England were wellbeaten by 111 runs at theMelbourne Cricket Ground,there was some debate aboutwhether the final dismissalshould have been termed a"dead ball" and as a conse-quence James Andersonshould not have been given runout.

Anderson`s dismissal after aleg before wicket appeal onTaylor was overturned by thevideo umpire, meant thatTaylor lost his opportunity toscore a century as he was leftstranded on 98.

The Australians hadappealed for a run out onAnderson at the non-striker`send as he scampered back toregain his ground and umpireKumar Dharmasena made areferral to the third umpire,who gave Anderson out.

The ICC released a state-ment after the match, whichread: "Following Australia`s111-run victory over Englandin the Group A ICC CricketWorld Cup clash at MelbourneCricket Ground on Saturdaynight, the Playing ControlTeam (PCT) met and reviewedthe final ball of the gamewhich resulted in JamesAnderson being given run out.

"Article 3.6a of Appendix 6

of the Decision ReviewSystem (DRS) PlayingConditions states that the ballshould have been deemed deadwhen the batsman (JamesTaylor) was given out legbefore wicket (lbw). No fur-ther runs or dismissals werepossible. "The PCT spoke tothe England team managementand acknowledges that thegame ended incorrectly and anerror was made."

ICC admit umpire errorin England`s final wicket


84,336 attend WorldCup opener at MCGMELBOURNE, FEB 14

A gigantic crowd ofalmost 85,000 at theMelbourne CricketGround (MCG) cheeredAustralia to victory asthey beat arch-rivalsEngland by 111 runs in theWorld Cup opener hereSaturday.

According to CricketAustralia (CA), the offi-cial attendance for thegame was 84,336. CAtweeted, “The officialattendance for the#AUSvENG @cricket-worldcup opener at the@MCG is 84,336.#GoGold”. Most fanswere seen in the tradition-al 'yellow-gold' and the‘baggy greens’ who brokeinto a jig wheneverAustralia were clobberingEngland bowlers to theropes. Also spotted inaudience were stuffed orinflated Kangaroos whichwere held up in the air. Ahighly pleased crowd roseup to acknowledge thesuperb performance oftheir team as they walkedoff the field after victory.

Australia captainGeorge Bailey said it wasa “very special moment”leading the side in front ofa packed stadium.

CHRISTCHURCH, FEB 14Hosts New Zealand gave the cricket

World Cup a cracking start with a scintillat-ing batting show as they crushed last editionlosing finalists Sri Lanka by 98 runs in theopening match of the showpiece event hereon Saturday.

Sent into bat, New Zealand posted animposing 331 for six with captain BrendonMcCullum (65) and big-hitting CoreyAnderson (75) smashing boundary-ladenhalf centuries to set the World Cup alight.

In-form Kane Williamson also chipped inwith a useful 57 on a batting pitch at theHagley Oval as the Black Caps hit theLankan bowlers all over the park.

Chasing a stiff target, Sri Lanka lost threekey wickets, including those of MahelaJayawardene (0) and Kumar Sangakkara(39), in a heap in middle overs to be bun-dled out for 233 in 46.1 overs and lose thelopsided Group A game.

Opener Lahiru Thirimanne was the lonebatsman to offer any semblance of a fightwith a 60-ball 65 while captain AngeloMathews made 46 as Sri Lankan battingcame a cropper.

Mathew's decision to bowl first seemedcorrect as there was light rain just after thetoss and the start of the match was delayedby eight minutes but it ultimatelyboomeranged as the home side batsmenmade a flying star and there was hardly anylull except a few overs midway into theKiwi innings.

McCullum, who hit 10 fours and a six in

his 49-ball knock, and Martin Guptill (49)put on 111 runs from 15.5 overs for theopening wicket before a twin strike off con-secutive deliveries by leg-spinner JeevanMendis in the 34th over -- that ofWilliamson and Ross Taylor (14) -- putbrakes on the New Zealand innings.

But, Anderson, who came out at 193 for 4in the 34th over, upped the tempo for NewZealand with his 75 off 46 deliveries, whichincluded eight fours and two sixes, beforehe was out on the last ball of the innings.

He added 65 with Grant Elliott (29) forthe fifth wicket and 73 with Luke Ronchi(29 not out) for the sixth wicket as NewZealand scored 102 runs from the last 10overs. Sri Lanka made a cautious start with-out losing early wickets and they were ontrack till the 22nd over when they were 124for one. But, three quick key wickets fell --that of Thirimanne, Jayawardene andSangakkara -- as Sri Lanka lost the plotfrom there on to suffer a crushing defeat.

Veteran left-arm spinner Daniel Vettorigave New Zealand the breakthrough byhaving Tillakaratne Dilshan caught andbowled for 24 before pacer Trent Boult sentThirimanne's wickets cartwheeling in thelast ball of the 22nd over.

That triggered a mini collapse as six ballslater Vettori got the wicket of Jayawardeneas wicketkeeper Ronchi gleefully snappedan outside edge.

Next over, Boult returned to win an LBWdecision against Sangakkara, who todaybecame the second highest run scorer inODI cricket after surpassing formerAustralian captain Ricky Ponting, as SriLanka were reduced to 129 for four from124 from one in the space of two overs.

Mathews gave some fight with a 52-ball46 but the asking rate had crossed 10 runsper over by the 35th over and 12 an over atthe end of 40th over with three wickets in

hand. When Mathews was out in the 42ndover as the eighth batsman to be dismissedit was all over for Sri Lanka.

For New Zealand, five bowlers -- Vettroi,Boult, Anderson, Tim Shouthee and AdamMilne -- took two wickets apiece.

Earlier, the home side made a rollickingstart with McCullum and Guptil racing to77 for no loss at the end of 10 overs with theKiwi captain smashing an erratic LasithMalinga for 23 runs in the bowler's fourthover and eighth of innings.

Malinga was taken off immediately afterconceding 42 runs from his first spell offour overs. An expensive Malinga ended theday wicketless while conceding 84 from his10 overs.

New Zealand reached to 100-mark in the14th over but McCullum got out two overslater while going for a pre-determined shotoff left-arm spinner Rangana Herath only tofind Jeevan Mendis just mere inches fromboundary ropes. New Zealand lost their firstwicket at Nelson score of 111.

The other partner, Guptil was out in the23rd over off Suranga Lakmal with wicket-keeper Kumar Sangakkara diving to hisright to take the edge offered by the bats-man.

Sri Lanka were able to slow down theNew Zealand innings in the middle overswith Lakmal, Herath and Angelo Mathewsbowling economical spells. It looked likethe match could turn on its head as thehome side were dealt a double blow withWilliamson and Taylor getting out in con-secutive balls in the 34th over bowled byMendis. But Anderson had other ideas inhis mind as he smashed the Lankan bowlersto all over the park in his 46-ball innings totake New Zealand to an imposing total.

For Sri Lanka, Lakmal and Mendisgrabbed two wickets each while Herath andKulasekara got one apiece.

New Zealand thrash Sri Lanka by 98 in World Cup opener

ADELAIDE, FEB 14New India and Pakistan

have played 126 one-dayinternationals in more thanthree decades. We look atfive memorable matchesahead of Sunday`s WorldCup clash in Adelaide:

March 22, 1985; Sharjah- India won by 38 runs

Pakistani pacemanImran Khan had virtuallyput his team in a winningposition when he grabbed6-14 off 10 overs to bowlIndia out for a paltry 125in a Four-Nations Cupmatch. But India, led byfast bowler Kapil Dev (3-17), dismissed Pakistan for87 to clinch a low-scoringthriller. India had just wonthe world championshipsof cricket in Melbourne tobuild on its 1983 WorldCup triumph.

April 18, 1986; Sharjah -Pakistan won by onewicket

A match no fan on eitherside of the border will for-get. Pakistan, needing fourruns off the last ball to liftthe Australasia Cup, sailedthrough as Javed Miandadpulled a full toss fromseamer Chetan Sharma forsix. Instantly, Miandad

became a national heroand Sharma was reducedto facing barbs and insults

on his return home.Pakistan dominated Indiafor a long time in theirdesert duels after thatgame.

March 1, 2003;Centurion - India won bysix wickets

The World Cup matchwas as much about India vPakistan as about SachinTendulkar v ShoaibAkhtar. Tendulkarsmashed a 75-ball 98 tohelp his team achieve astiff 274-run target.Pakistani fast bowler

Akhtar bagged just onewicket, that of Tendulkar,while conceding 72 runs in

his 10 overs. Pakistaniopener Saeed Anwar (101)was the only batsman toscore a century in thematch.

March 13, 2004; Karachi- India won by five runs

India`s first full tour ofPakistan in 15 years beganon a rousing note with athrilling finish in the firstone-day international atthe jam-packed NationalStadium in Karachi. Set atough chase of India`s349-7, the hosts rode on abrilliant 122 off 102 balls

from skipper Inzamam-ulHaq to make a spiritedreply to leave them need-

ing a six off the final ball.But as Miandad watchedfrom the dressing room asPakistan`s coach, MoinKhan holed out in the deepto hand India a narrowwin.

March 2, 2014; Dhaka -Pakistan won by onewicket

The most recent one-daymatch between the twoarch-rivals produced athriller during the AsiaCup in Bangladesh.Pakistan appeared to becruising when they needed

11 off the last 10 balls withfour wickets in hand toovertake India`s 245-8.But three wickets fellquickly and it came downto nine runs off the lastfour deliveries fromRavichandran Ashwin.Shahid Afridi showed whyhe is one of the mostdestructive batsmen in thegame when he smashedthe next two balls for sixesto take Pakistan home.

HEAD-TO-HEADMatches played: 126India wins: 50,

Pakistan wins: 72,Tied/No result: 4

First meeting: October1, 1978, Quetta - Indiawon by four runs.

Last meeting: March 2,2014, Dhaka - Pakistanwon by one wicket.

List of top five India-Pakistan one-day thrillers

Top seed KeiNishikorireachesMemphissemi-finals

MEMPHIS, FEB 14Top seed Kei Nishikori

kept his bid for a thirdstraight ATP Memphis titlealive on Friday with a 4-6,6-3, 6-4 quarter-final winover Austin Krajicek.

The 25-year-old Japanesestar, ranked fifth in theworld, needed two hoursand 10 minutes to subduethe American qualifier,ranked 156th.

Nishikori seized control

in the third set with an earlybreak for a 2-0 lead.

Krajicek broke to levelthe set at 4-4, but Nishikoriimmediately broke back toavert the danger and servedout the match.

Nishikori, who savedeight of the 10 break pointshe faced, next faces thewinner of Friday night`smatch between third-seed-ed John Isner and fellowAmerican Sam Querrey.

Second-seeded SouthAfrican Kevin Andersonalso advanced, downingAmerican Steve Johnson 6-4, 6-4.

Anderson fired 16 acesand saved all three breakpoints he faced in the 65-minute contest. He`ll takeon American DonaldYoung, who defeatedAustralian Bernard Tomic7-6 (10/8), 4-6, 7-5 to reachthe semi-finals.

Page 8: 15 February 2015

Ranbir Kapoor seems to be entangled in quite a manynot-so-good matters. His Friday release ‘Roy’ badlyfailed to meet the expectation of numerous fans. It

was even deemed “Kapoor’s hall of shame” by a critic.Ranbir has yet another thing to be sorry about, this one beingan off screen performance. He ran his car over a camera-man’s foot. The incident took place on the occasion of therecently held Filmfare Awards. The interesting thing is thatthe media came to know of this accident even before Ranbirknew about it. The cameraman Puneet Rawat wanted to takea shot of the charming actor through the windshield. He did-n’t notice that his foot was right under the car’s wheel andRanbir started the vehicle.

The man reported the incident to the media, “I wanted tocapture him through the windshield, and I wasn’t aware thatmy foot was under the car’s front tyre. When it passed overmy foot, I couldn’t balance and fell down, but was helpedby my friends. My foot is completely swollen now, and I’mon bed rest.” But he does not blame anybody for the acci-dent. He even said that Ranbir hadn’t come to know of it,“They are not aware that anything of this kind has hap-pened. It wasn’t anyone’s fault.” It is true that Ranbir was-n’t aware of the incident for quite some time. He was laterinformed about it and was pretty shocked. He then inquiredthe contact details of the hurt guy to see how he was doing.Cameraman Puneet Rawat says that the accident took placebecause Ranbir was leaving the venue in a hurry.

The 60th Filmfare Awards were held on 31st January atYash Raj Studio in Mumbai. Alia Bhatt, Karan Johar andKapil Sharma were the hosts for the evening. Ranbir wasseen in a total fun mood at the event. He looked stunningdressed in all black. He was seated with actors ShahidKapoor and Varun Dhawan. These three young talents werespotted enjoying each other’s company and making themost of the lovely evening. Varun was dressed in a whitesuite with black tie and Shahid chose a black coat pairedwith white shirt and an elegant bow. The three even tookgoofy pictures and were reported chatting throughout theshow. Ranbir is looking forward to his ‘Bombay Velvet’and ‘Jagga Jasoos’ that would be released in May andNovember 2015 respectively.

Want to look younger thanyou are? Here we list outa few hairstyles that can

take years off your face.

Want to look younger than youare? Well, you have a few options— you could either slather on anti-ageing creams, spend thousands togo for a non-invasive treatment ofbotox or fillers, or simply opt for anew hairstyle or haircut — the lastoption is not just easy on the pock-et, but it also shows results instant-ly. Here we list out a few hairstylesthat can take years off your face.

Wavy bobWith age, the hair thins out and

this style with large curls, layersand highlights can help to add vol-ume and make you look youthful.This can also hide your crow's feet!Tip: Highlights or light-reflectingshine on a few stands framing yourface, will lend a radiance to yourskin Apt for: Shoulder-length orshorter thin hair

Side braid

If you have dark heavy hair thatreaches above your waist, you cantry a side swept French braid. Oncedone, tease the hair strands of thebraid from either side to make itlook thicker. Tip: Soften the lookof a French braid or fish-till braid

by pulling down a few strands bythe ear Apt for: Heavy hair with nohighlights

A high ponyThis is one of the easiest styles to

go for. It pulls the hair off your

face and makes your face lookslimmer and youthful. This workswith a fringe or bangs (as shown inthe pic) and even without it. Bangson forehead can hide lines on yourforehead. Tip: Use two bobby pinsunder the base of your pony tomake an anti-droop pony thatstands better Apt for: Shoulder-length wavy hair

Asymmetrical pixie cropThis stylish haircut is low-main-

tenance and can give you the edgylook. You need to have at leastshoulder length hair to get this cut.This style is a saver for round facesbecause it can visually cut thebroadness of your face. Tip: Ironyour hair to get this look. Take adrop of shine serum on your palms,rub them together and then runover your hair Apt for: Short, thin-ning hair

Point to keep in mind:Loose, carefree waves, that is

slightly roughed-up, spells youth.Avoid the meticulously done-upstiff hairstyles.

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Knock the years off with these hairstylesDespite opening with

negative reviews,J a c q u e l i n e

Fernandez, Arjun Rampaland Royng>Ranbir Kapoorstarrer ‘Roy’ managed tomint in Rs 10.40 crore inthe opening day. The open-ing day collection of ‘Roy’is much better than ArjunKapoor and SonakshiSinha’s ‘Tevar’ whichbadly doomed at the box-office. The same dayrelease movie, ‘MSG: TheMessenger of God’ had adull start.

‘Roy’ managed to regis-ter 50 percent occupancyin theatres. Releasing inpre-valentine’s day, themovie definitely had anadvantage. Good words ofmouth are the only hope tosave the film from drown-ing. ‘Roy’ might pick up inthe weekend.

The plotline of ‘Roy’ is

claimed to be boring andconfusing. ‘Roy’ was wellpromoted and it was highlyexpected that the film willscore high at the box-office.

The film has done well incircuits like Delhi, UP andEast Punjab. The film col-lected around Rs 3 crorenett in Mumbai.

Multiplexes has fared wellcompared to single the-atres. Vikramjit Singh’s‘Roy’ had an advantagedue to the present heart-throb of Bollywood RanbirKapoor and sensuousJacqueline Fernandez.

Hope, the film picks upin the days to come.

The ‘Haider’ actress ShraddhaKapoor has been replaced byAlia Bhatt to play the female

lead in the sequel to successful film,‘Rock On 2’. At first Alia wasapproached for the role but later shewas replaced by Shraddha Kapoor.

Confirming the news, Kapoor told,“I am extremely excited to be a partof ‘Rock On 2?. I am a big fan of thefirst part and love the character I amplaying in the sequel. It is a role thatinvolves singing and live perform-ances and that very few roles giveyou the chance to do.”

Shraddha is happy that the film willgive her an ample scope to sing asshe has previously lent her voice tosongs in ‘Ek Villain’ (2014) and‘Haider’ (2014). She will now singfor ‘Rock On 2’ too.

‘Rock On’ (2008) stars FarhanAkhtar, Arjun Rampal and PurabKohli in the lead and was a major hitof the year. Farhan and RiteshSidhwani now gears up for thesequel. However, the original filmwas directed by Abhishek Kapoor,the sequel is set to be directed bydebutant director Shujaat Saudagar.

"@ShraddhaKapoor welcomeaboard to Rock N Roll...#Rockon2#RockOn2... Prachi Desaiplays an important part and it's not aspecial appearance," Sidhwani posted

on Twitter.Shraddha Kapoor has recently

wrapped up the shooting of dancebased drama 'ABCD 2' by PrabhuDeva.

Shraddha Kapoor replacesAlia Bhatt in ‘Rock On 2’

Ranbir Kapoor's ‘Roy’ earns10.40 crore in the opening day

Ranbir Kapoor ranhis car over acameraman’s foot

With ‘Kick’,Salman enter-tained his fans

with the ultimate powerpacked actions spiced upwith his unique style andpunchy dialogues. Nowthe sequel of ‘Kick’ iscoming and Salman’saction is not the only thingto be looked forward too.With this film, he isexploring yet anotherdimension of his abilitiesand turning into a scriptwriter. This sequel willhave the script and screen-play that would be the cre-ation of none other thanSalman. There is a buzzthat the film’s directorSajid Khan discussed thematter with Salman andthey both thought it was agood idea. The film mightstart shooting by end of2016.

The sequel of ‘Kick’ istitled ‘Devil’. Salman wasthe one to come up with astory for this flick. Asource close to SajidNadiadwala reported,“Sajid had no idea at allwhen he'd make Devil. Hehad decided he would noteven think about the sequeluntil he found a kickasssubject.” During a chat

between Salman and Sajid,Salman suggested some-thing for the sequel thatSajid totally liked. Thesource further added, “Itwas just a one-liner thatSalman threw at Sajid.That was it. Sajid not onlygrabbed the idea he alsoasked Salman to write thescreenplay.”

Few people know thatSalman has tried his handat script writing earlier too.He wrote the story for‘Chandra Mukhi’.

This 1993 film createdquite the excitementbecause of the lead actors

it featured. Sridevi waspaired with Salman Khanand it was their first filmtogether.

Director SajidNadiadwala finds the titlequite apt. Salman’s charac-ter in ‘Kick’ was calledDevi Lal Singh, more com-monly known as Devil.After the film, there hadbeen rumors that thesequel would be titled‘Devil’ and Sajid washappy with this buzz.When he was asked aboutthe same, he replied to themedia, “Yes, it’s true thatSalman has come up with

the story idea, but it’s tooearly to talk about it.”

Another source reported,“Salman has cracked thestory idea. In fact, he isvery kicked about it; andhas already discussed itwith his close friends. Noone is aware of the exactstoryline, but it's going tobe an emotional tale. Sincehe is busy with the shoot-ings of multiple films, hestill doesn't want to rushthrough it. If all goes well,Sajid will direct the sequelbased on Salman's story,but there's no timeline toit.”

Salman Khan turnsscriptwriter for 'Kick' sequel

According to the latestgrapevine, Kangana Ranauthas been signed to play

Aamir Khan’s daughter in ‘Dangal’.After the super-duper success of‘PK’, the perfectionist returns with apower packed script in which he willbe seen in the role of a wrestlerMahavir Phogat. The film is a biopicbased on the life of Mahavir Phogat.

Few weeks back, Aamir inMahavir Phogat’s looks was cap-tured by media and he looks aged inthe picture. The movie has beenhelmed by Nitesh Tiwari. The‘Queen’ actress will enact the role ofMahavir’s daughter Geeta Phogat inthe film.

The story of ‘Dangal’ is based onthe life of Mahavir Phogat, theIndian wrestler and Geeta Phogat, hisdaughter and the first womanwrestler of India. Mahavir trained hisdaughter Geeta to win many acco-lades, including the Bronze medal atthe 2012 Summer Olympics.'Dangal' will be an inspiring story formany women in Haryana as well inmany parts of India where girls aretouted to be a burden and they aredeprived from studies. Geeta Phogatis India's first female wrestler whowon gold at the 2010Commonwealth Games in the 55 kgfree-style category and her sisterBabita won silver. 55 year oldMahavir coaches his two daughtersto make a place in wrestling. The twodaughters worked hard and made

their father as well the nation proudwith their achievement at the nation-al and international level.

For the first time Kangana Ranautand Aamir Khan will be workingtogether. The duo had onceexpressed their desire to work withone another. Aamir praisedKangana’s acting skill and Kanganatoo is a big fan of the actor. Their ide-ology is also similar to some degree.

Like Aamir, Kangana also boycottaward functions as she is not favourof the award procedure.

Recently, Kangana threw a bash tocelebrate her win at Filmfare awards.She has been awarded best actressaward for ‘Queen’ performance.Kangana is highly excited to grab theproject.

Well, we hope the unique father-daughter duo combination will takethe silver screen by storm!

Kangana to play Aamir’s daughter in ‘Dangal’