15 16 - N Question ITL

Back and forth: Again, this time with gusto. Lillian’s Music Store leased space in the basement of a discount mall from Discount Mall Rental Space. Lillian’s Music Store and Discount Mall Rental Space are locked in an argument over the mice-caused damage to a Martin Special Edition 3 Cherry Soprano Ukulele. Harrison, Lillian’s Music Store attorney, agrees to meet with Discount Mall Rental Space’s attorney, Taimane. The following exchange ensued: Harrison: Your mice destroyed this special edition ukulele. This is going to cost you $4000. Not a penny less. Taimane: You’ll take $200, and you’ll be happy. I can’t go any higher Harrison: I could take $3000, but that’s it. Taimane: My best and final offer is $800. Harrison: I will not leave with less than $2400 Taimane: You’re killing me, but I could go to $1600. Harrison: $2000? Taimine: Deal



Transcript of 15 16 - N Question ITL

Back and forth: Again, this time with gusto. Lillians Music Store leased space in the basement of a discount mall from Discount Mall Rental Space. Lillians Music Store and Discount Mall Rental Space are locked in an argument over the mice-caused damage to a Martin Special Edition 3 Cherry Soprano Ukulele. Harrison, Lillians Music Store attorney, agrees to meet with Discount Mall Rental Spaces attorney, Taimane. The following exchange ensued:

Harrison: Your mice destroyed this special edition ukulele. This is going to cost you $4000. Not a penny less.

Taimane: Youll take $200, and youll be happy. I cant go any higher

Harrison: I could take $3000, but thats it.

Taimane: My best and final offer is $800.

Harrison: I will not leave with less than $2400

Taimane: Youre killing me, but I could go to $1600.

Harrison: $2000?

Taimine: Deal

Which statement best describes Taimanes strategy and style?

(A) Value claiming and cooperative

(B) Value claiming and competitive

(C) Value creating and cooperative

(D) Value creating and competitive