#15 & #16 Dividend Policy

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Transcript of #15 & #16 Dividend Policy

  • 8/2/2019 #15 & #16 Dividend Policy



    15Dividends and Other

    CF-II (Term III 2012) Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)


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    Slide 2

    1. Different Types ofDividends

    Many companies pay a regular cash dividend.

    Public companies often pay quarterly.

    Sometimes firms will pay an extra cash dividend.

    The extreme case would be a liquidating dividend.

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)


    No cash leaves the firm.

    The firm increases the number of shares outstanding.

    Some companies declare a dividend in kind. Wrigleys Gum sends a box of chewing gum.

    Dundee Crematoria offers shareholders discountedcremations.

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    Slide 3

    2. Standard Method of Cash


    Ex-Dividend Date - Date that determines

    Cash Dividend - Payment of cash by the firm

    to its shareholders.

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    Record Date Date on which company

    determines existing shareholders.

    whether a stockholder is entitled to a dividend

    payment; anyone holding stock immediately

    before this date is entitled to a dividend.

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    Procedure for Cash Dividend

    25 Oct. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 5 Nov. 7 Dec.











    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    Declaration Date: The Board of Directors declares a payment

    of dividends.

    Cum-Dividend Date: Buyer of stock still receives the dividend.

    Ex-Dividend Date: Seller of the stock retains the dividend.

    Record Date: The corporation prepares a list of all individuals

    believed to be stockholders as of 5 November.

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    Price Behavior

    In a perfect world, the stock price will fall by theamount of the dividend on the ex-dividend date.


    -t -2 -1 0 +1 +2

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    $P - div




    The price drops

    by the amount of

    the cashdividend. Taxes complicate things a bit. Empirically, the

    price drop is less than the dividend and occurs

    within the first few minutes of the ex-date.

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    3. The Irrelevance of

    Dividend Policy A compelling case can be made that dividendpolicyis irrelevant.

    Since investors do not need dividends to

    convert shares to cash; they will not pay

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    higher prices for firms with higher dividends.

    In other words, dividend policy will have noimpact on the value of the firm becauseinvestors can create whatever income streamthey prefer by using homemade dividends.

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    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

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    After the imminent dividend is paid, the stockprice will immediately fall to

    $9.09 (= $19.09 - $10).

    Several members of Bristols board haveex ressed dissatisfaction with the current

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    dividend policy and have asked you to analyze analternative policy.

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    Example: Alternative Policy

    Another policy is for the firm to pay a dividend of$11 per share immediately - the extra $1,000must be raised in one of a few ways.

    Issue $1,000 of bonds or stock now (at date 0).

    Assume that stock is issued and the newstockholders will desire enough cash flow at date

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    1 to let them earn the required 10 percent returnon their date 0 investment.

    The new stockholders will demand $1,100 of the

    date 1 cashflow, leaving only $8,900 to the oldstockholders. The dividends to the oldstockholders will be these:

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    Example: Alternative Policy

    Date 0 Date 1Aggregate Dividends to OldShareholders

    $11,000 $8,900

    Dividends per Share $11.00 $8.90

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

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    Homemade Dividends

    Bianchi Inc. is a $42 stock about to pay a $2cash dividend.

    Bob Investor owns 80 shares and prefers a $3dividend.

    Bobs homemade dividend strategy:

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    Sell 2 shares ex-dividend

    homemade dividends

    Cash from dividend $160Cash from selling stock $80

    Total Cash $240

    Value of Stock Holdings $40 78 =


    $3 Dividend



    $39 80 =


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    Dividend Policy is Irrelevant

    In the above example, Bob Investor began witha total wealth of $3,360:


    42$shares80360,3$ =

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)


    39$shares80360,3$ +=


    40$shares78360,3$ ++=

    After a $3 dividend, his total wealth is still $3,360:

    After a $2 dividend and sale of 2 ex-dividend shares, histotal wealth is still $3,360:

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    Slide 13Dividends and InvestmentPolicy

    Firms should never forgo positive NPVprojects to increase a dividend (or to pay a

    dividend for the first time).

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    underlying the dividend-irrelevanceargument is: The investment policy of the

    firm is set ahead of time and is not alteredby changes in dividend policy.

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    4. Repurchase of Stock

    Instead of declaring cash dividends, firmscan rid themselves of excess cash through

    buying shares of their own stock.

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    ,an important way of distributing earningsto shareholders.

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    Slide 15Stock Repurchase versusDividend



    Consider a firm that wishes to distribute $100,000 to its


    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    $10=/100,000$1,000,000=Price per share100,000=outstandingShares

    1,000,000Value of Firm1,000,000Value of Firm



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    Slide 16Stock Repurchase versusDividend



    If they distribute the $100,000 as a cash dividend, the balance

    sheet will look like this:

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)





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    Stock Repurchase versusDividend

    Assets Liabilities & Equity

    C. After stock repurchase

    If they distribute the $100,000 through a stock repurchase, the

    balance sheet will look like this:

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    Cash $50,000 Debt 0

    Other Assets 850,000 Equity 900,000

    Value of Firm 900,000 Value of Firm 900,000

    Shares outstanding= 90,000Price pershare = $900,000 / 90,000 = $10

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    Share Repurchase

    Flexibility for shareholders

    Keeps stock price higher..Executivecompensation Good for insiders who hold stock o tions

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    Existing stock options have greater value dueto share repurchase...

    As an investment of the firm(undervaluation)

    Tax benefits

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    5. Personal Taxes and

    Dividends To get the result that dividend policy is

    irrelevant, we needed three assumptions: No taxes

    No transactions costs

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    In the United States, both cash dividends andcapital gains are taxed at a maximum rate of 15percent.

    Since capital gains can be deferred, the tax rateon dividends is greater than the effective rate oncapital gains.

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    Firms without Sufficient Cash

    Cash: stock issue

    Investment Bankers The direct costs ofstock issuance willadd to this effect.

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    In a world of personal taxes,firms should not issue stockto pay a dividend.


    HoldersCash: dividends



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    Firms with Sufficient Cash

    The above argument does not necessarilyapply to firms with excess cash.

    Consider a firm that has $1 million in cash

    after selecting all available positive NPV

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)


    Select additional capital budgeting projects(by assumption, these are negative NPV).

    Acquire other companies Purchase financial assets

    Repurchase shares

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    Taxes and Dividends

    In the presence of personal taxes:

    1. A firm should not issue stock to pay adividend.

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    .alternative uses for funds to reducedividends.

    3. Though personal taxes mitigate against thepayment of dividends, these taxes are notsufficient to lead firms to eliminate alldividends.

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    6. Real-World Factors FavoringHigh Dividends

    Desire for Current Income

    Behavioral Finance

    It forces investors to be disciplined.

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    Tax Arbitrage

    Investors can create positions in high dividendyield securities that avoid tax liabilities.

    Agency Costs

    High dividends reduce free cash flow.

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    7. The Clientele Effect Clienteles for various dividend payout

    policies are likely to form in the followingway:

    Group Stock Type

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    High Tax Bracket Individuals

    Low Tax Bracket Individuals

    Tax-Free InstitutionsCorporations

    Zero-to-Low payout

    Low-to-Medium payout

    Medium payoutHigh payout

    Once the clienteles have been satisfied, a corporation is

    unlikely to create value by changingits dividend policy.

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    8. What We Know and Do Not Know

    Corporations smooth dividends..Lintners Study

    Fewer companies are paying dividends.

    Dividends provide information to the market

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    earnings & dividends

    Firms should follow a sensible policy:

    Do not forgo positive NPV projects just to pay adividend.

    Avoid issuing stock to pay dividends.

    Consider share repurchase when there are few better

    uses for the cash.

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    9. Stock Dividends

    Pay additional shares of stock instead ofcash

    Increases the number of outstanding shares

    Small stock dividend

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    Less than 20 to 25%

    If you own 100 shares and the companydeclared a 10% stock dividend, you would

    receive an additional 10 shares.

    Large stock dividend more than 20 to 25%

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    Stock Splits

    Stock splits essentially the same as astock dividend except it is expressed as aratio

    For example, a 2 for 1 stock split is the sameas a 100% stock dividend.

    Dr. Kulbir Singh (IMT-Nagpur)Term III (2012)

    Stock price is reduced when the stocksplits.

    Common explanation for split is to returnprice to a more desirable trading range.