14 On Page SEO Elements to Fix and Get Sorted

14 On Page SEO Elements to Help You Get Your Website Ranked Ant Hodges Managing Director - HodgesNet
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Download the free guide to accompany this presentation > http://www.hodgesnet.co.uk/seo-whitepaper-guide/ With the SEO landscape changing every day, it is difficult to keep up and to have an SEO agency that knows what they are doing to give you the best results. On-page SEO is the best way to gain almost instant recognition in the search engines and just simply optimising on page content could get you some VERY quick wins. Higher rankings, more traffic = more sales.

Transcript of 14 On Page SEO Elements to Fix and Get Sorted

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14 On Page SEO Elements to Help You Get Your Website Ranked

Ant HodgesManaging Director - HodgesNet

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The BIG Issue

The big problem is that many business owners and online marketers are listening to the messages of “SEO is dead” and “Just focus on blogging.”

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Three Cornerstones of SEO• A well thought through Keyword Strategy for specific

phrases and terms you want to be found for... and that

people are actually using online.

• The best website you can, with perfect, technically

sound, on-page SEO - both for the actual coding and

the content visible to the users.

• A rock solid content strategy for both off-site activity

and all the fresh content you need for on-site content.

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14 MUST FIX on-page SEO elements

1. Single topic pages2. Title tag3. Keywords tag4. Description tag5. URL6. H1 heading tag7. First paragraph

8. Image filename9. Image alt text10.Keyword rich content11.Use BOLD / Italics12.Unique content13.Internal linking14.Link to home page

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1 – Single topic pagesBe super relevant to a single topic, keyword/phrase per page.

Avoid being vague, generic or duplicating other content on your site. Each page should be unique.

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2 – Title Tag

Include the keyword/phrase in your <title> tag

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3 – Keywords Tag

Include the keyword/phrase at the start of the <meta> keywords tag (not used by Google now but still used by

some other search engines)

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4 – Description Tag

Include the keyword/phrase at the start of the <meta> description tag (this is also what appears in the short

descriptions on the SERPs - maybe include your phone number or a call to action also)

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5 – URL

Include the keyword/phrase in the URL of your page (either the page file name or subdirectory)

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6 – H1 heading tag

Make sure that the keyword/phrase is included at the start of your <h1> tag on your page and that you have

only one <h1> tag on each page - and get your Logo out of the <h1> tag if your developer has coded it in there.

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7 – First Paragraph

Include the keyword/phrase within the first paragraph of your page.

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8 – Image Filename

Include your chosen keyword/phrase in the filename of at least one image (this has a huge

impact as the image may then be found in image searches too).

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9 – Image Alt Text

Include keyword/phrase in at least one image alt=”” text

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10 – Keyword rich contentSpecify your keyword/phrase

multiple times throughout the text content of your page

- but don’t overdo it! Make sure it reads well for humans and that you don’t

keyword stuff your page.Write for humans not the

search engines.

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11 – BOLD and ItalicMake the

keyword/phrase in your content, bold and italic at least once for each

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12 – Unique ContentProvide unique content that

you have humanly written about the given subject that

the page is focused on.

Try to avoid the use of spun articles, do not copy content from somewhere else online or from other pages of your


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13 – Internal Linking

Link each page back to its category / product page / subcategory /navigation page (If applicable), using text based anchor text


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14 – Home Page Link

Link back to your homepage somewhere on the page.

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Getting No1 is your aim

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