136898 Mandibular Fractures

Mandibular fractures Introduction Aetiology Classification Surgical Anatomy Applied Anatomy Clinical examination Radiology Preliminary treatment Fractures of dentulous mandibles Fractures of edentulous mandibles Fractures of condylar regions Fracutres of mandible in children Postoperative crae Complications Fractures with gross comminution of bone and loss of hard and soft tissue Introduction The first description of mandible fractures was as early as 1650 BC, when an Egyptian papyrus described the examination, diagnosis, and treatment of mandible fractures. Many patients either were not treated properly or received no treatment and subsequently died. A broken jaw (or mandibular fracture) is a common facial injury. Only the nose is broken more frequently. A broken jaw is the tenth most common fractured bone in the human body. Fractures (these are breaks in the bone) are generally the result of a direct force or trauma to the jawbone. Men are about 3 times more likely than women to sustain a broken jaw. Those aged 20-29 years are the most common group affected. Broadly divided into: Fractures with no gross comminution of bone and without soft tissue/hard tissue loss. Fractures with gross comminution of bone and significant hard and soft tissue loss. Aetiology Road injuries Interpersonal violence Falls



Transcript of 136898 Mandibular Fractures

  • Mandibular fractures

    Introduction Aetiology Classification Surgical Anatomy Applied Anatomy Clinical examination Radiology Preliminary treatment Fractures of dentulous mandibles Fractures of edentulous mandibles Fractures of condylar regions Fracutres of mandible in children Postoperative crae Complications Fractures with gross comminution of bone and loss of hard and soft tissue


    The first description of mandible fractures was as early as 1650 BC, when an Egyptian papyrus

    described the examination, diagnosis, and treatment of mandible fractures. Many patients either were

    not treated properly or received no treatment and subsequently died.

    A broken jaw (or mandibular fracture) is a common facial injury. Only the nose is broken more

    frequently. A broken jaw is the tenth most common fractured bone in the human body. Fractures

    (these are breaks in the bone) are generally the result of a direct force or trauma to the jawbone.

    Men are about 3 times more likely than women to sustain a broken jaw. Those aged 20-29 years are

    the most common group affected.

    Broadly divided into:

    Fractures with no gross comminution of bone and without soft tissue/hard tissue loss.

    Fractures with gross comminution of bone and significant hard and soft tissue loss.


    Road injuries Interpersonal violence Falls

  • Sporting injuries Industrial trauma Missile injuries Gunshot wounds Pathological fractures

    The primary causes of mandible fractures are vehicular accidents and assaults. These vary according

    to the area in which the survey was taken and the socioeconomic and ethnic status of the community.

    Other significant causes are falls and sports injuries. In a large retrospective study of 2137 patients

    with mandibular fractures, Ellis et al reported that 43% were caused by vehicular accidents, 34% by

    assaults, 7% were work related, 7% occurred as the result of a fall, 4% occurred in sporting

    accidents, and the remainder had miscellaneous causes. Vaillant and Benoist described 14 cases of

    gunshot injuries to the mandible. Patients were aged 6-68 years. Two children were victims of

    accidents, and the adults were either suicide or assault victims.


    According to

    Type of fracture

    Simple or closed : Fracture that does not produce a wound open to the external, whether it be through the skin, mucosa, or periodontal membrane .

    Compound or open : Fracture in which an external wound, involving skin, mucosa, or periodontal membrane, communicates with the break in the bone

    Comminuted : Fracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed Greenstick : Fracture in which one cortex of the bone is broken and the other cortex is bent Pathologic : Fracture occurring from mild injury because of preexisting bone disease Multiple : Variety in which two or more lines of fracture on the same bone are not

    communicating with one another

    Impacted : Fracture in which one fragment is driven firmly into the other Atrophic : Fracture resulting from severe atrophy of the bone, as in edentulous mandibles Indirect : Fracture at a point distant from the site of injury Complicated or complex : Fracture in which considerable injury to the adjacent soft tissues

    or adjacent parts occurs; may be simple or compound

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

  • Site of fracture

    Symphysis : Fracture in the region of the central incisors that runs from the alveolar process through the inferior border of the mandible

    Parasymphyseal : Fractures occurring within the boundaries of vertical lines distal to the canine teeth

    Body : From the distal symphysis to a line coinciding with the alveolar border of the masseter muscle (usually including the third molar)

    Angle : Triangular region bounded by the anterior border of the masseter muscle to the posterosuperior attachment of the masseter

    Ramus : Bounded by the superior aspect of the angle to two lines forming an apex at the sigmoid notch

    Condylar process : Area of the condylar process superior to the ramus region Coronoid process : Includes the coronoid process of the mandible superior to the ramus


    Alveolar process : Region that normally contains teeth

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

  • Effects of muscle attatchments

    The effect of muscle action on the fracture fragments is important in classification of mandibular

    angle and body fractures. Angle fractures may be classified as

    (1) vertically favorable or unfavorable and

    (2) horizontally favorable or unfavorable.

    The muscles attached to the ramus (masseter, temporal, medial pterygoid) displace the proximal

    segment upward and medially when the fractures are vertically and horizontally unfavorable.

    Conversely, these same muscles tend to stabilize the bony fragments in horizontally and vertically

    favorable fractures.

    In bilateral fractures in the cuspid areas, the symphysis of the mandible is displaced inferiorly and

    posteriorly by the pull of the digastric, geniohyoid, and genioglossus muscles.

    Condylar fractures

    Condylar fractures are classified as extracapsular, subcondylar, or intracapsular. The lateral

    pterygoid tends to cause anterior and medial displacement of the condylar head. Five types of

    condylar fractures are described in order of increasing severity:

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

  • Type I is a fracture of the neck of the condyle with relatively slight displacement of the head. The angle between head and axis of ramus varies from 10-45.

    Type II fractures produce an angle from 45-90, resulting in tearing of the medial portion of the joint capsule.

    Type III fractures are those in which the fragments are not in contact, and the head is displaced medially and forward. The fragments are confined within the area of the

    glenoid fossa. The capsule is torn, and the head is outside the capsule.

    Type IV fractures of the condylar head articulate on or in a forward position with regard to the articular eminence.

    Type V fractures consist of vertical or oblique fractures through the head of the condyle.

    Cause of fracture

    Direct impact Indirect impact Excessive muscular contraction

    Surgical anatomy

    The mandible is a U-shaped bone. It is the only mobile bone of the facial skeleton, and, since it

    houses the lower teeth, its motion is essential for mastication. It is formed by intramembranous

    ossification. The mandible is composed of 2 hemimandibles joined at the midline by a vertical

    symphysis. The hemimandibles fuse to form a single bone by age 2 years. Each hemimandible is

    composed of a horizontal body with a posterior vertical extension termed the ramus.


    Lateral surface

    On the anterior inferior midline region of the hemimandible body is a triangular thickening of bone

    termed the mental protuberance. The thickened inferior rim of the mental protuberance extends

    laterally from the midline and forms 2 rounded protrusions termed the mental tubercles. Located

    lateral to the midline on the external surface are the mental foramina that transmit the mental nerves

    and vessels. They usually are located below the apex of the second bicuspid and have 6-10 mm of

    variation in the anteroposterior dimension. The rim of bone lateral to the mental tubercles extends

    posteriorly and ascends obliquely as the oblique line to join the anterior edge of the coronoid

    process. The inferior rim of the posterior body thickens and flares laterally where it attaches to the

    masseter muscle.

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

  • Medial surface

    Just lateral to the symphysis on the inner surface of the mandible are 2 paired protuberances termed

    the superior and inferior mental spines. The genioglossus muscle attaches to the superior mental

    spines, and the geniohyoid muscle attaches to the inferior mental spines. Just lateral to the inferior

    mental spines on the inferior border of the mandible are 2 concavities called the digastric fossae,

    where the anterior digastric muscles attach. Extending obliquely in a posterosuperior direction from

    the midline is a ridge of bone called the mylohyoid line, which serves as the attachment site for the

    mylohyoid muscle. Above and below the mylohyoid line on the inner mandibular body are 2 shallow

    convexities against which the sublingual and submandibular glands abut, respectively. Medial to the

    ascending edge of the anterior ramus is the retromolar trigone, located immediately behind the third



    Lateral surface

    The ramus extends vertically in a posterosuperior direction posterior to the body on each

    hemimandible. The mandibular angle is formed by the intersection of the inferior rim of the body

    and the posterior rim of the ascending ramus. The superior ramus bifurcates into an anterior coronoid

    process and a posterior condylar process. The concavity between the 2 processes is called the

    mandibular notch. The coronoid is thin and triangular. With the teeth in occlusion, its superior extent

    is medial to the zygomatic arch. The coronoid is the site of attachment of the temporalis muscle.

    Inferiorly, the condylar process has a narrow neck that widens to a globular head that articulates with

    the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone.

    Medial surface

    On the medial surface of the ramus, just below the mandibular notch, is an aperture termed the

    mandibular foramen; the inferior alveolar nerve and blood vessels run through this aperture. Just

    medial to the mandibular foramen is the lingula, a triangular bony protuberance with its apex

    pointing posterosuperiorly toward the condylar head. Extending anteriorly and inferiorly from the

    mandibular notch toward the inferior rim of the body is the mylohyoid groove, through which the

    mylohyoid nerve runs.

    Internal anatomy

    The mandible has a large medullary core with a cortical rim 2-4 mm thick. The inferior alveolar

    canal begins at the mandibular foramen and courses inferiorly, anteriorly, and toward the lingual

    surface in the ramus. In adults, the canal comes in close proximity to the roots of the third molar. In

    the mandibular body, the canal courses along the inferior border close to the lingual surface.

    Anteriorly, the canal runs typically inferior to the level of the mental foramen, to which it ascends at

  • its terminal end. The mandible houses the lower dentition, which in adults consists of 2 central and 2

    lateral incisors, 2 canines, 2 first and 2 second premolars, and 3 sets of molars. Interdental septi run

    between the buccal and lingual cortices of the mandible, and interradicular septi run between the

    mesial and distal roots of the molars.

    Fracture sites

    In mandible the forces are directed directly towards the base of the skull through the

    temporomandibular joint, thus minor mandibular fractures may cause surprising degree of head

    injury. The mandible is more sensitive to lateral impact than the frontal impact. Fracture of condyle

    infact acts as a safety mechanism to prevent the transmission of force to the middle cranial fossa.

    Lowest tolerance of mandible to frontal impact was found to be 425 lbs (Nahum 1972). For

    symphyseal fracture 800-900 lbs (Nahum).

    The mandible, the largest and strongest bone of the face, serves for the reception of the lower teeth.

    It consists of a curved, horizontal portion, the body, and two perpendicular portions, the rami, which

    unite with the ends of the body nearly at right angles.

    The Body (corpus mandibul) : The body is curved somewhat like a horseshoe and has two

    surfaces and two borders.

    Surfaces : The external surface is marked in the median line by a faint ridge, indicating the

    symphysis or line of junction of the two pieces of which the bone is composed at an early period of

    life. This ridge divides below and encloses a triangular eminence, the mental protuberance, the

    base of which is depressed in the center but raised on either side to form the mental tubercle. On

    either side of the symphysis, just below the incisor teeth, is a depression, the incisive fossa, which

    gives origin to the Mentalis and a small portion of the Orbicularis oris. Below the second premolar

    tooth, on either side, midway between the upper and lower borders of the body, is the mental

    foramen, for the passage of the mental vessels and nerve. Running backward and upward from each

    mental tubercle is a faint ridge, the oblique line, which is continuous with the anterior border of the

    ramus; it affords attachment to the Quadratus labii inferioris and Triangularis; the Platysma is

    attached below it.

  • Mandible. Outer surface. Side view.

    The internal surface is concave from side to side. Near the lower part of the symphysis is a pair

    of laterally placed spines, termed the mental spines, which give origin to the Genioglossi.

    Immediately below these is a second pair of spines, or more frequently a median ridge or impression,

    for the origin of the Geniohyoidei. In some cases the mental spines are fused to form a single

    eminence, in others they are absent and their position is indicated merely by an irregularity of the

    surface. Above the mental spines a median foramen and furrow are sometimes seen; they mark the

    line of union of the halves of the bone. Below the mental spines, on either side of the middle line, is

    an oval depression for the attachment of the anterior belly of the Digastricus. Extending upward and

    backward on either side from the lower part of the symphysis is the mylohyoid line, which gives

    origin to the Mylohyoideus; the posterior part of this line, near the alveolar margin, gives attachment

    to a small part of the Constrictor pharyngis superior, and to the pterygomandibular raph. Above the

    anterior part of this line is a smooth triangular area against which the sublingual gland rests, and

    below the hinder part, an oval fossa for the submaxillary gland. Borders.The superior or

    alveolar border, wider behind than in front, is hollowed into cavities, for the reception of the teeth;

    these cavities are sixteen in number, and vary in depth and size according to the teeth which they

    contain. To the outer lip of the superior border, on either side, the Buccinator is attached as far

    forward as the first molar tooth. The inferior border is rounded, longer than the superior, and

    thicker in front than behind; at the point where it joins the lower border of the ramus a shallow

    groove; for the external maxillary artery, may be present.

  • Mandible. Inner surface. Side view.

    The Ramus (ramus mandibul; perpendicular portion).The ramus is quadrilateral in shape,

    and has two surfaces, four borders, and two processes. Surfaces.The lateral surface is flat and

    marked by oblique ridges at its lower part; it gives attachment throughout nearly the whole of its

    extent to the Masseter. The medial surface presents about its center the oblique mandibular

    foramen, for the entrance of the inferior alveolar vessels and nerve. The margin of this opening is

    irregular; it presents in front a prominent ridge, surmounted by a sharp spine, the lingula

    mandibul, which gives attachment to the sphenomandibular ligament; at its lower and back part is

    a notch from which the mylohyoid groove runs obliquely downward and forward, and lodges the

    mylohyoid vessels and nerve. Behind this groove is a rough surface, for the insertion of the

    Pterygoideus internus. The mandibular canal runs obliquely downward and forward in the ramus,

    and then horizontally forward in the body, where it is placed under the alveoli and communicates

    with them by small openings. On arriving at the incisor teeth, it turns back to communicate with the

    mental foramen, giving off two small canals which run to the cavities containing the incisor teeth. In

    the posterior two-thirds of the bone the canal is situated nearer the internal surface of the mandible;

    and in the anterior third, nearer its external surface. It contains the inferior alveolar vessels and

    nerve, from which branches are distributed to the teeth. The lower border of the ramus is thick,

    straight, and continuous with the inferior border of the body of the bone. At its junction with the

    posterior border is the angle of the mandible, which may be either inverted or everted and is

    marked by rough, oblique ridges on each side, for the attachment of the Masseter laterally, and the

    Pterygoideus internus medially; the stylomandibular ligament is attached to the angle between these

    muscles. The anterior border is thin above, thicker below, and continuous with the oblique line.

  • The posterior border is thick, smooth, rounded, and covered by the parotid gland. The upper

    border is thin, and is surmounted by two processes, the coronoid in front and the condyloid behind,

    separated by a deep concavity, the mandibular notch. The Coronoid Process (processus

    coronoideus) is a thin, triangular eminence, which is flattened from side to side and varies in shape

    and size. Its anterior border is convex and is continuous below with the anterior border of the ramus;

    its posterior border is concave and forms the anterior boundary of the mandibular notch. Its lateral

    surface is smooth, and affords insertion to the Temporalis and Masseter. Its medial surface gives

    insertion to the Temporalis, and presents a ridge which begins near the apex of the process and runs

    downward and forward to the inner side of the last molar tooth. Between this ridge and the anterior

    border is a grooved triangular area, the upper part of which gives attachment to the Temporalis, the

    lower part to some fibers of the Buccinator. The Condyloid Process (processus condyloideus) is

    thicker than the coronoid, and consists of two portions: the condyle, and the constricted portion

    which supports it, the neck. The condyle presents an articular surface for articulation with the

    articular disk of the temporomandibular joint; it is convex from before backward and from side to

    side, and extends farther on the posterior than on the anterior surface. Its long axis is directed

    medialward and slightly backward, and if prolonged to the middle line will meet that of the opposite

    condyle near the anterior margin of the foramen magnum. At the lateral extremity of the condyle is a

    small tubercle for the attachment of the temporomandibular ligament. The neck is flattened from

    before backward, and strengthened by ridges which descend from the forepart and sides of the

    condyle. Its posterior surface is convex; its anterior presents a depression for the attachment of the

    Pterygoideus externus. The mandibular notch, separating the two processes, is a deep semilunar

    depression, and is crossed by the masseteric vessels and nerve. Ossification.The mandible is

    ossified in the fibrous membrane covering the outer surfaces of Meckels cartilages. These cartilages

    form the cartilaginous bar of the mandibular arch , and are two in number, a right and a left. Their

    proximal or cranial ends are connected with the ear capsules, and their distal extremities are joined

    to one another at the symphysis by mesodermal tissue. They run forward immediately below the

    condyles and then, bending downward, lie in a groove near the lower border of the bone; in front of

    the canine tooth they incline upward to the symphysis. From the proximal end of each cartilage the

    malleus and incus, two of the bones of the middle ear, are developed; the next succeeding portion, as

    far as the lingula, is replaced by fibrous tissue, which persists to form the sphenomandibular

    ligament. Between the lingula and the canine tooth the cartilage disappears, while the portion of it

    below and behind the incisor teeth becomes ossified and incorporated with this part of the

    mandible. Ossification takes place in the membrane covering the outer surface of the ventral end

    of Meckels cartilage. and each half of the bone is formed from a single center which appears, near

    the mental foramen, about the sixth week of fetal life. By the tenth week the portion of Meckels

    cartilage which lies below and behind the incisor teeth is surrounded and invaded by the membrane

    bone. Somewhat later, accessory nuclei of cartilage make their appearance, viz., a wedge-shaped

    nucleus in the condyloid process and extending downward through the ramus; a small strip along the

    anterior border of the coronoid process; and smaller nuclei in the front part of both alveolar walls

    and along the front of the lower border of the bone. These accessory nuclei possess no separate

    ossific centers, but are invaded by the surrounding membrane bone and undergo absorption. The

    inner alveolar border, usually described as arising from a separate ossific center (splenial center), is

    formed in the human mandible by an ingrowth from the main mass of the bone. At birth the bone

    consists of two parts, united by a fibrous symphysis, in which ossification takes place during the first

    year. The foregoing description of the ossification of the mandible is based on the researches of

    Low and Fawcett, and differs somewhat from that usually given.

  • Changes Produced in the Mandible by AgeAt birth the body of the bone is a mere shell,

    containing the sockets of the two incisor, the canine, and the two deciduous molar teeth, imperfectly

    partitioned off from one another. The mandibular canal is of large size, and runs near the lower

    border of the bone; the mental foramen opens beneath the socket of the first deciduous molar tooth.

    The angle is obtuse (175), and the condyloid portion is nearly in line with the body. The coronoid

    process is of comparatively large size, and projects above the level of the condyle.

    At birth.

    In childhood.

    In the adult.

    In old age. Side view of the mandible at different periods of life.

    After birth the two segments of the bone become joined at the symphysis, from below upward, in

    the first year; but a trace of separation may be visible in the beginning of the second year, near the

    alveolar margin. The body becomes elongated in its whole length, but more especially behind the

    mental foramen, to provide space for the three additional teeth developed in this part. The depth of

    the body increases owing to increased growth of the alveolar part, to afford room for the roots of the

    teeth, and by thickening of the subdental portion which enables the jaw to withstand the powerful

    action of the masticatory muscles; but the alveolar portion is the deeper of the two, and,

    consequently, the chief part of the body lies above the oblique line. The mandibular canal, after the

    second dentition, is situated just above the level of the mylohyoid line; and the mental foramen

    occupies the position usual to it in the adult. The angle becomes less obtuse, owing to the separation

    of the jaws by the teeth; about the fourth year it is 140. In the adult the alveolar and subdental

    portions of the body are usually of equal depth. The mental foramen opens midway between the

    upper and lower borders of the bone, and the mandibular canal runs nearly parallel with the

    mylohyoid line. The ramus is almost vertical in direction, the angle measuring from 110 to

    120. In old age the bone becomes greatly reduced in size, for with the loss of the teeth the

    alveolar process is absorbed, and, consequently, the chief part of the bone is below the oblique line.

  • The mandibular canal, with the mental foramen opening from it, is close to the alveolar border. The

    ramus is oblique in direction, the angle measures about 140, and the neck of the condyle is more or

    less bent backward.

    Blood supply of mandible

    The mandible is primarily supplied by

    Endosteal blood supply Perisoteal blood supply

    Endosteal blood supply: Inferior dental artery and vein and is important in young patients.

    Occasionally a fracture of mandible will result in complete rupture of inferior dental artery.

    Periosteal blood supply: The periosteal blood supply becomes increasingly important with ageing

    as the inferior dental artery slowly diminishes in size and gradually disappears (Bradley).

    Nerve supply of mandible

    Inferior dental nerve is frequently damaged in mandibular body and angle fractures producing

    anesthesia and paresthesia within the sites of distribution.

    In numerous cases facial nerve has been damaged due to direct trauma to the mandible. Occasionally

    the mandibular division of facial nerve may be damaged in association with the fracture of the body

    and the angle.

    Temporomandibular joint

    Traumatic arthritis without condylar fracture from indirect transmitted violence Synovial effusion with widening of joint space causing extreme pain and limited


    Intracapsular condylar fractures cause haemarthrosis Meniscus damage Bleeding from external ear due to external auditory meatus damage Damage to middle cranial fossa and base of the skull and glenoid fossa

    Clinical examination

  • Clinical:


    Obtain a thorough history specific to preexisting systemic bone disease, neoplasia, arthritis, collagen

    vascular disorders, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. Knowledge of the type and

    direction of the causative traumatic force helps determine the nature of injury. For example, motor

    vehicle accidents (MVAs) have a larger associated magnitude of force than assaults. As a result, a

    patient who has experienced an MVA most often sustains multiple, compound, comminuted

    mandibular fractures, whereas a patient hit by a fist may sustain a single, simple, nondisplaced


    Knowing the direction of force and the object associated with the fracture also assists the clinician in

    diagnosing additional fractures.

    A complete medical and psychiatric history is important for diagnosis and future treatment of mandible fractures.

    Thoroughly explore possible bleeding disorders, endocrine disorders, or bony and collagenous disorders prior to surgery.

    History of previous mandibular trauma can help prevent misdiagnoses. Any pretraumatic temporomandibular joint dysfunction needs to be documented in detail

    prior to treatment.

    The source, size, and direction of traumatic force are helpful in diagnosis. Fractures sustained by a fist tend to have single, simple, or nondisplaced fractures

    whereas patients involved in motor vehicle accidents sustain compound

    comminuted fractures.

    Localized trauma (eg, pipe, stick, hammer) tends to cause a single comminuted

    fracture since the force is concentrated in a small area.

    Trauma distributed to a larger surface area may cause several fractures (eg,

    symphysis, condyle) secondary to distribution of the force throughout the


    Direction of the force can help in making the diagnosis of concomitant fractures.

    Trauma directed to the chin often results in a symphyseal fracture with

    concomitant unilateral or bilateral condylar fractures.

    Clinical examination

    Advanced trauma life support protocol Note facial lacerations, swellings, and hematomas. A common site for a laceration

    is under the chin, and this should alert the clinician to the possibility of an

    associated subcondylar or symphysis fracture.

  • From behind the supine or seated patient, bimanually palpate the inferior border

    of the mandible from the symphysis to the angle on each side. Note areas of

    swelling, step deformity, or tenderness.

    Note areas of paresthesia, dysesthesia, or anesthesia along the distribution of the

    inferior alveolar nerve. Numbness in this region is almost pathognomonic of a

    fracture distal to the mandibular foramen.

    Standing in front of the patient, palpate the movement of the condyle through the

    external auditory meatus. Pain elicited through palpation of the preauricular

    region should alert the clinician to a possible condylar fracture.

    Observe any deviation on opening of the mouth. Classically, deviation on opening

    is toward the side of the mandibular condyle fracture. Note any limited opening

    and trismus that may be a result of reflex muscle spasm, temporomandibular

    effusion, or mechanical obstruction to the coronoid process resulting from

    depression of the zygomatic bone or arch.

    Changes in occlusion are highly suggestive of a mandibular fracture. A change in

    occlusion may be due to a displaced fracture, fractured teeth and alveolus, or

    injury to the temporomandibular joint.

    Look for intraoral mucosal or gingival tears. Floor of the mouth ecchymosis may

    indicate a mandibular body or symphyseal fracture.

    Pertinent physical findings are limited to the injury site.

    Change in occlusion may be evident on physical examination. Any change in

    occlusion is highly suggestive of mandibular fracture. Ask the patient how his or

    her bite feels.

    Posttraumatic premature posterior dental contact (anterior open bite) and

    retrognathic occlusion may result from an angle fracture. Unilateral open bite is

    associated with a unilateral angle fracture.

    Anesthesia, paresthesia, or dysesthesia of the lower lip may be evident. Most

    nondisplaced mandible fractures are not associated with changes in lower lip

    sensation; however, displaced fractures distal to the mandibular foramen (in the

    distribution of the inferior alveolar nerve) may exhibit these findings.

    Change in facial contour or loss of external mandibular form may indicate

    mandibular fracture. A body fracture may cause the lateral aspect of the face to

    appear flattened. Loss of the mandibular body on palpation may be due to an

    unfavorable fracture. The anterior face may be displaced forward, causing

    elongation. In this case, the anterior mandible is displaced downward. Damage to

    the condylar growth center can cause retarded growth of the mandible and facial

    asymmetry in children.

    Lacerations, hematoma, and ecchymosis are associated with mandibular fractures.

    Lacerations may provide diagnostic evidence of the type of fracture sustained.

    Hematoma and ecchymosis may alert the clinician to a mandibular fracture. Do

    not close facial lacerations before treating underlying fractures. Ecchymosis in the

    floor of the mouth is a diagnostic sign of a mandibular body or symphysis


    Pain, swelling, redness, and localized heat are signs of inflammation evident in

    primary trauma.

  • If a fracture site along the mandible is suggested, grasp the mandible on each side

    of the suspected site and gently manipulate it to assess mobility.

    Bilateral parasymphyseal/body and, at times, subcondylar fractures can result in

    the posterior displacement of the tongue, leading to airway compromise. In

    accordance with the tenets of trauma care, the airway should always be addressed


    Fractures that occur in the region of the teeth are considered to be compound

    fractures, which can be predisposed to bacterial contamination from the oral

    cavity. An open laceration and bleeding from the site also may be evident with

    compound fractures. These types of fractures should, therefore, be

    prophylactically treated with antibiotics.

    Radiologic diagnosis

    Imaging Studies:

    The following types of radiographs are helpful in diagnosis of mandibular fractures: Panoramic radiograph

    Lateral oblique radiographs

    Posteroanterior (PA) mandibular view

    Reverse Towne view

    Mandibular occlusal view

  • Periapical radiographs

    Temporomandibular joint views including tomography

    CT scan

    Initial screening of patients is most effective with a panoramic radiograph, since it

    shows the entire mandible including the condyles.

    Standard mandibular series should consist of at least a panoramic radiograph, a PA view, and a reverse Towne view.

    Since an accurate panoramic radiograph requires that the patient is able to stand upright and without any motion, achieving good quality films with severely traumatized patients

    may be difficult. Traditional lateral oblique views of the mandible can be used when

    obtaining a panoramic radiograph is not possible.

    The reverse Towne view is the plain film of choice for excluding condylar and subcondylar fractures. Transcranial temporomandibular radiographs also may be helpful in detecting

    condylar fractures and anterior displacement of the condylar head. If visualization of the

    condylar head is difficult with plain films, obtain a CT scan. Although high cost and

    radiation exposure limit its use, CT scan is ideal for intracapsular and high neck condylar


    Occlusal views are helpful for accurate assessment of symphyseal fractures. Obtain periapical radiographs of the teeth on either side of a fracture to assess root


    Diagnostic Procedures:

    For cases where the preinjury occlusion is difficult to determine, particularly in partially dentate and edentulous patients, the use of study models is very helpful. Model surgery on

    the study models can be performed and acrylic splints fabricated to the new arch form.

    These splints may include a lingual, palatal, or labial splint that will be secured in place

    during surgery. The splints may be secured with the use of circummandibular wires for the

    mandible or with circumzygomatic or piriform wires for the maxilla. A maxillary splint

    also may be secured with palatal screws.

    For fully edentulous patients, dentures can be secured to the maxilla and mandible and used for splints. If dentures are not available, impressions are taken of the jaws, and acrylic

    baseplates are processed and used as dentures. These are known as Gunning splints. An

    arch bar also can be processed into the dentures, or holes can be placed into the flange of

    the denture for intermaxillary wires. Prosthetic incisor teeth can be removed for existing

    dentures, and space can be made in the acrylic to allow food intake.

  • Preliminary treatment

    Airway Haemorrhage Soft tissue lacerations Support of bone fragments Control of pain Control of infection Food and fluid

    Management of mandibular fractures

    Medical therapy:

    Patients with isolated nondisplaced or minimally displaced condylar fractures may be treated

    with analgesics, soft diet, and close observation. Patients with coronoid process fractures may

    be treated similarly. Additionally, these patients may require mandibular exercises to prevent

    trismus. If the fractured coronoid restricts mandible movement, medical therapy is

    contraindicated. Use prophylactic antibiotics for compound fractures. Penicillin remains the

    antibiotic of choice.

    Nondisplaced fractures:


    Soft diet

    oral surgery referral in 1-2 days

    Displaced fractures, open fractures and fractures with associated dental trauma

    Urgent oral surgery consultation

    vipul varma

  • All fractures should be treated with antibiotics and tetanus prophylaxis.

    Surgical therapy:

    Closed reduction of dentate patients

    Erich arch bars

    Initially, use a bar of sufficient length to accommodate the maxillary and mandibular arches

    from first molar to contralateral first molar.

    Next, use 24-gauge stainless steel circumdental wires at the first bicuspid positions, one on

    each side of the arch to secure the arch bar.

    At this point, tightly place circumdental wires along the greater segment of the fracture.

    The greater segment is the fracture segment; that is the most tooth-bearing segment.

    Loosely place circumdental wires along the lesser segment of the fracture. The lesser

    segment is the fracture segment that bears the least amount of teeth.

    Then tightly place circumdental wires along the opposing arch.

    Place the patient into his or her preinjury occlusion. With the patient held into occlusion,

    tighten the looser segment circumdental wires. This prevents arch bar placement from

    interfering with proper occlusion.

    Place interarch 25-gauge stainless steel box wires along the molar/premolar region and the

    premolar/canine region bilaterally

    Placement of arch bars can be difficult when dentition is poor, the fracture is unstable and

    comminuted, and dentoalveolar fractures are present.

    Bridle wire

    Bridle wire is used for temporary stabilization of a fractured segment. This provides some

    patient comfort by minimizing mobility of the fracture segments.

    Manually reduce the segments with the use of local anesthesia.

    Loop two teeth (if available) with 24-gauge wire anterior and posterior to the fracture

    segment. The closest stable teeth can be used if the adjacent dentition is poor or missing.

    Tighten the wire in a clockwise fashion while manually reducing the segments

    Ivy loops

    Ivy loops are used for intermaxillary fixation when full dentition is present in good

    condition and the fracture is displaced minimally.

    Construct a loop in the middle of a 24-gauge wire.

    Pass the loose ends of the wire interproximal to two stable teeth.

    Loop the wire ends around the mesial and distal sides of the teeth.

    Pass the distal wire under or through the loop and then tighten it to the mesial wire in an

    apical direction.

    Accomplish the same procedure on the opposite arch directly opposing the first wire.

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

    vipul varma

  • The loops need to be short enough to allow for an interarch wire to be tightened.

    Pass a 25-gauge interarch wire through the two opposing loops and tighten it in a clockwise


    At least one ivy loop on each side is necessary.

    A variety of wiring techniques (eg, Essig wire, continuous-loop [Stout] wiring) besides those

    mentioned above has been used for closed reduction and intermaxillary fixation.

    Closed reduction of partially edentulous patients

    If a patient is partially dentate, the existing partial denture can be used for intermaxillary fixation.

    The partial dentures can be secured to either jaw using circummandibular or circumzygomatic

    wiring techniques. If the patient has no existing partial denture, acrylic blocks also can be fabricated

    with an incorporated arch bar and secured with circummandibular or circumzygomatic wires.

    Closed reduction of edentulous patients

    If dentures are available, they can be secured with circummandibular wires,

    circumzygomatic wires, or palatal screws.

    Dentures also can be fabricated with incorporated arch bars as well as a space in the

    anterior for feeding (Gunning splint). They are secured in the same fashion with

    circummandibular wires, circumzygomatic wires, or palatal screws.

    Biphasic pin fixation (external pin fixation or Joe Hall Morris appliance) also is used for

    edentulous patients. Its indications for use are as follows:

    In edentulous patients with a discontinuity defect because of either severe trauma or


    In severely comminuted fractures

    When intermaxillary or rigid fixation cannot be used

    Biphasic pin fixation using two pins on both the proximal and distal fragments: Use a

    transbuccal trocar approach to place two bicortical screws on either side of the fracture.

    Secure a series of locking plates and bars to the 4 or more pins and then construct a self-

    curing acrylic secondary splint.

    Open reduction

    Wire osteosynthesis

    This is rarely used for definitive fixation since the advent of rigid fixation. However, it may be

    useful for help in alignment of fractured segments prior to rigid fixation.

    This can be placed either by an intraoral or extraoral route. The wire should be a prestretched

    soft stainless steel.

  • A straight wire can be used across the fracture site. This is placed so the direction of pull of

    the wire is perpendicular to the fracture site. This can be placed as a monocortical or

    bicortical wire.

    A figure-of-8 wire can provide increased strength at the superior and inferior borders

    compared to the straight wire.

    Intraoral approach

    Advantages over the extraoral approach are that it is quicker to perform, results in no

    extraoral scar and no damage to the facial nerve, and can be performed under local


    Complication rates and infection rates appear to be similar between the intraoral and

    extraoral approaches when large numbers of patients are studied.

    Symphysis and parasymphysis fractures can be accessed through a genioplasty-type incision.

    Identification of the mental neurovascular bundle is important to preserve its integrity.

    Body, angle, and ramus fractures can be accessed through a vestibular incision that may

    extend onto the external oblique ridge as high as the mandibular occlusal plane. Extending

    the incision higher predisposes the buccal fat pad to prolapsing onto the surgical field. The

    entire surface of the ramus and the subcondylar region can be exposed by stripping the

    buccinator and temporal tendon with a notched ramus retractor and periosteal elevator. Bauer

    retractors placed in the sigmoid and antegonial notch can help in gaining access to the

    subcondylar and ramus regions.

    Submandibular approach

    The submandibular approach often is referred to as the Risdon approach since he first

    described it in 1934.

    Make the skin incision approximately 2 cm below the angle of the mandible in a natural skin


    Dissect the subcutaneous fat and superficial cervical fasciae to reach the platysma muscle.

    Sharply dissect the platysma to reach the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia. The

    marginal mandibular nerve runs just deep to this layer.

    Carry dissection to bone through the deep cervical fascia with the aid of a nerve stimulator.

    Carry the dissection down to the level of the pterygomasseteric sling.

    Sharply divide the sling to expose the bone

    Retromandibular approach

    Hinds and Girotti first described this approach in 1967.

    Make the incision approximately 0.5 cm below the lobe of the ear and continue it inferiorly

    3-3.5 cm. Place it just behind the posterior border of the mandible; it may extend below the

    level of the mandibular angle.

    Carry the dissection through the scant platysma, superficial musculoaponeurotic layer

    (SMAS), and parotid capsule.

  • The marginal mandibular branch and the cervical branch of the facial nerve may be


    The retromandibular vein runs vertically in this region and commonly is exposed. This vein

    rarely requires ligation unless it has been transected inadvertently.

    Carry out sharp incision through the pterygomasseteric sling.

    Strip the muscle off the lateral surface of the mandible superiorly, which gives access to the

    ramus and subcondylar region of the mandible

    Preauricular approach

    This approach is excellent for exposure to the temporomandibular joint.

    Make the incision sharply in the preauricular folds, approximately 2.5-3.5 cm in length as

    described by Thoma (1945) and Rowe (1972).

    Take care not to extend the incision inferiorly, since it may encounter the facial nerve as it

    enters the posterior border of the parotid gland.

    Carry the incision and dissection along the perichondrium of the tragal cartilage. Some

    surgeons advocate making the incision through the tragus.

    The temporal fascia is encountered along the superior portion of the incision. Take care to be

    sure one is deep to the superficial temporal fascia or the temporoparietal fascia.

    Make an incision through the superficial (outer) layer of the temporalis fascia beginning from

    the root of the zygomatic arch just in front of the tragus anterosuperiorly toward the upper

    corner of the retracted flap.

    Insert the sharp end of a periosteal elevator in the fascial incision, deep to the superficial

    layer of temporalis fascia, and sweep it back and forth.

    Once the periosteal elevator dissection is approximately 1 cm below the arch, sharply release

    the intervening tissue posteriorly along the plane of the initial incision.

    Retract the entire flap anteriorly, exposing the joint capsule. Fracture location dictates

    whether the capsule is opened.

    Intraoperative details: Concomitant dentoalveolar injuries should be evaluated and treated

    concurrently with treatment of mandibular fractures. Teeth in the line of fracture should be evaluated

    and if necessary, extracted. Whether teeth in the line of mandibular fractures are associated with

    increased morbidity is a controversial subject. Neal, Wagner, and Alpert reported that there was no

    statistical difference whether teeth in the line of fracture were removed or retained when examining

    257 fractures with teeth in the line of fracture (molars, premolars, anteriors). Amaratunga looked at

    191 patients with 226 fractures and used the following criteria for removal of teeth in the line of


    Excessive mobility

    Root exposure due to distraction of the fracture

    Tooth fracture with pulp exposure

    Caries with pulp exposure

    Fractures were treated with mobilization mandibular fracture (MMF) for 4 weeks or open reduction.

    He found that 13.7% of teeth removed in the line of fracture had complications and that 16.1% of

    teeth retained in the line of fracture had complications. He concluded that there was no significant

  • difference between the number of complications in the teeth removed and teeth retained groups,

    which indicates that noninfected teeth in the line of fracture can be preserved when antibiotics are

    used. After a review of the literature, Shetty and Freymiller made the following recommendations

    concerning teeth in the line of mandibular fracture:

    Intact teeth in the fracture line should be left if they show no evidence of severe loosening or

    inflammatory change.

    Impacted molars, especially full bony impactions, should be left in place to provide a larger

    repositioning surface. Exceptions are partially erupted molars with pericoronitis or those

    associated with a follicular cyst

    Teeth that prevent reduction of fractures should be removed.

    Teeth with crown fractures may be retained provided emergency endodontics is performed.

    Teeth with fractured roots must be removed Teeth with exposed root apices tend to develop

    pulpal or perio complications.

    Teeth that appear nonvital at time of injury should be treated conservatively due to potential

    for recovery.

    Perform primary extraction when there is extensive periodontal damage.

    Timing of the fracture is important; less complications occur when reduction and adequate

    fixation is instituted as soon as possible.


    Delayed union and nonunion

    Delayed union and nonunion occur in approximately 3% of fractures.

    Delayed union is a temporary condition in which adequate reduction and immobilization

    eventually produce bony union.

    Nonunion indicates a lack of bony healing between the segments that persists indefinitely

    without evidence of bone healing unless surgical treatment is undertaken to repair the


    Nonunion is characterized by pain and abnormal mobility following treatment.

    Radiographs demonstrate no evidence of healing and in later stages show rounding off of the

    bone ends.

    The most likely cause for delayed union and nonunion is poor reduction and immobilization.

    Infection is often an underlying cause. Carefully assess teeth in the line of fractures for

    possible extraction or they may be a nidus for infection.

    Decreased blood supply can lead to a delay in healing. Excessive stripping of the periosteum,

    especially in comminuted and edentulous fractures, can lead to delayed healing.

    Alcoholics have been shown to have an increased incidence of delayed union and nonunion.

    These patients usually are at increased likelihood to sustain a mandibular fracture. Whether

  • metabolic and vitamin deficiencies, poor compliance with intermaxillary fixation, poor bone

    quality, impaired local blood supply, or most likely a combination of the above reasons is the

    cause for an increased incidence of nonunion and delayed union is unknown.


    In some studies, particularly those without antibiotics, infection may occur in more than 50%

    of patients.

    Systemic factors include alcoholism, immunocompromised patients, and lack of antibiotic


    Local factors include poor reduction and fixation, fractured teeth in the line of fracture, and

    comminuted fractures.

    Most infections are mixed in nature, with alpha-hemolytic streptococci and Bacteroides

    organisms found most commonly.

    When infection is present it must be managed with debridement of sequestra, drainage, and

    antibiotic therapy. Apply rigid internal fixation with or without intermaxillary fixation across

    the fracture site. If a gap is present between the bone ends, a bone graft may be necessary


    Malunion is defined as improper alignment of the healed bony segments. Not all malunions

    are clinically significant.

    When a dentate portion is involved in the malunion, a malocclusion can result.

    These malocclusions may be treated with orthodontics or osteotomies after complete bony



    Ankylosis is a rare complication of mandibular fractures.

    It is most likely to occur in children and is associated with intracapsular fractures and

    immobilization of the mandible.

    It is believed to occur secondary to intra-articular hemorrhage, leading to abnormal fibrosis

    and ultimately ankylosis.

    Ankylosis may result in disturbed growth and underdevelopment of the affected side in

    children. The use of only short periods of intermaxillary fixation in children can help reduce

    the occurrence of this complication.

    Nerve injury

    The inferior alveolar nerve and its branches are the most commonly injured nerves. The

    prominent sign of inferior alveolar nerve deficit is numbness or other sensory changes in the

    lower lip and chin.

  • Damage to the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve is rare. More commonly, nerve

    damage caused by trauma in the region of the condyle, ramus, and angle of the mandible and

    by lacerations along its course is seen.

    Most of the sensory and motor functions of these nerves improve and return to normal with


    General principles

    Reduction Fixation Immobilization


    Prior to the management of mandibular fractures, the patient should be properly assessed. Reduction

    of fractures can be delayed until the patient is stable. Ideally, fracture reduction should be performed

    within 7-10 days. After this period, the risks of malunion, malocclusion, and facial asymmetry


    Goals of treatment include anatomic reduction of fracture segments, restoration of premorbid

    occlusion, and avoidance of complications. Ideally, treatment should be instituted within 7 days.

    Options to consider include closed or open reduction. Closed reduction maintains the segments by

  • maxillomandibular fixation. Open reduction allows for direct evaluation of the mandibular segments

    and further for internal or external fixation. Internal fixation can be accomplished by wire (used

    more historically and in children), titanium plate, and screw fixation.

    Reduction of fracture means the restoration of functional alignment of the bony fragments. Reduction has to follow exact anatomic alignment in dentulous mandible to restore the

    occlusion, whereas it need not be precise in cases of edentulous mandibles where occlusion

    doesnt determine the reduction.

    Presence of teeth provides an accurate guide for reduction. Note for occlusal facets and wears. Any preexisting occlusal deformity or malocclusion should be recognized prior to


    Reduction can be carried out as Closed reduction : Alignment without visualization of the fracture line.

    o By elastic traction

    o By manipulation

    Open reduction :

    Closed reduction:

    Most of mandibular fractures can be treated by closed reduction Relatively simple, low cost, and non invasive nature of the treatment Presence of teeth serves as a guide, but recognise any preexisting occlusal abnormalities

    Indications for closed reduction

    Nondisplaced favorable fractures: Open reduction carries an increased risk of morbidity, thus

    use the simplest method to reduce and fixate the fracture.

    Grossly comminuted fractures: Generally, these are best treated by closed reduction to

    minimize stripping of the periosteum of small bone fragments.

    Severely atrophic edentulous mandibles: These have little cancellous bone remaining and

    minimal osteogenic potential for fracture healing. Closed reduction with the use of

    circummandibular wires offers a more conservative approach.

    Fractures in children involving the developing dentition: Such fractures are difficult to

    manage by open reduction because of the possibility of damage to the tooth buds or partially

    erupted teeth. A special concern in children is trauma to the mandibular condyle. The condyle

    is the growth center of the mandible, and trauma to this area can retard growth and cause

    facial asymmetry. Early mobilization (7-10 d of intermaxillary fixation) of the condyle is

    important. If open reduction is necessary because of severe displacement of the fracture, the

  • use of resorbable fixation or wires along the most inferior border of the mandible may be


    Coronoid fractures: These fractures usually require no treatment unless impingement on the

    zygomatic arch is present.

    Treatment of condylar fractures: This is one of the most controversial topics in maxillofacial

    trauma. Indications for open reduction are discussed below. If condylar fractures do not fall

    within this criteria, they can be treated with closed reduction for a period of 2-3 weeks to

    allow for initial fibrous union of the fracture segments. If the condylar fracture is in

    association with another fracture of the mandible, treat the noncondylar fracture with ORIF,

    and treat the condylar fracture with closed reduction.

    In closed reduction an arch bar or dental wiring is carried is applied to individual arches and

    satisfactory occlusion is gained after reduction and MMF is carried out.


    Contraindications to closed reduction:

    Patients with poorly controlled seizure history

    Patients with compromised pulmonary function (ie, moderate-to-severe asthma, chronic

    obstructive pulmonary disease)

    Patients with psychiatric or neurologic problems

    Patients with eating or GI disorders

    Patients who are noncompliant

    Patients with alcoholism, seizure disorder, severe pulmonary dysfunction, mental retardation,

    psychosis, or poor nutrition (eg, patients with diabetes)

    Patients who are pregnant

    Patients with multiple injuries

    Patients who are unwilling to make the change in lifestyle that is needed for 4-6 weeks

    These patients benefit from ORIF.

    Reduction by manipulation :

    When fractured segments are adequately mobile without much overriding or impaction and the patient comes for treatment immediately after trauma

    Specially designed instruments for grasping Disimpaction forceps

    Bone holding forceps

    Can be done under GA or LA.

    Redution by traction :

    Intraoral traction method Prefabricated arch bars are attatched to the arches by means of dental wiring

  • The fractured segments are subjected to gradual elastic traction by placing elastics in

    a specific pattern

    Extraoral traction method

    Anchorage is taken from skull of the patients and different types of head gears are used

    which are connected to archbars

    When elastic traction is used slow movements of mandible should be encouraged for

    activation of elastics.

    Patient should be kept on analgesics for pain control

    Following reduction fixation is carried out (MMF)

    Open reduction:

    With the advent of antibiotic era, open reduction and improved fixation open reduction and rigid

    fixation have emerged as the first choice treatment in mandibular fractures.

    Indications for open reduction

    Displaced unfavorable fractures through the angle of the mandible: Often, the proximal

    segment is displaced superiorly and medially and requires an open technique for proper reduction.

    Condylar fractures: Although strong evidence supporting open reduction of condylar fractures

    is lacking, a specific group of individuals benefit from surgical intervention. The classic article by

    Zide and Kent lists absolute and relative indications for open reduction of the fractured mandibular

    condyle. Careful evaluation of each case on an individual basis is crucial.

    Absolute indications

    1. Displacement of the condyle into the middle cranial fossa

    2. Inability to obtain adequate occlusion by closed techniques

    3. Lateral extracapsular dislocation of the condyle

    Relative indications

    1. Bilateral condylar fractures in an edentulous patient when splints are unavailable or

    impossible because of severe ridge atrophy

    2. Unilateral or bilateral condylar fractures when splinting is not recommended because

    of concomitant medical conditions or when physiotherapy is not possible

    3. Bilateral fractures associated with comminuted midfacial fractures

  • Medically compromised patients: These patients may require open reduction. This group of

    patients includes those with decreased pulmonary function, GI disorders, severe seizure disorders,

    and patients with psychiatric or neurologic problems.

    Complex facial fractures: Such fractures can be reconstructed best after open reduction and

    fixation of the mandibular segments to provide a stable base for restoration.

    Other fractures: Consider open reduction with primary bone grafting in fractures of a severely

    atrophic edentulous mandible with severe displacement of the fracture segments or a nonunion

    after closed reduction of a severely atrophic edentulous mandible fracture.

    Mandibular nonunions require open access for debridement and subsequent reduction.

    Malunions after improper reduction often require osteotomies through open surgical

    approaches to correct mandibular


    Archbars Winter



    Half round german silver

    Dental wiring Direct dental wiring : Gilmers

    Ivys interdental eyelet wiring

    Essigs wiring

    Risdons wiring

    Col. Stouts multiloop wiring

    Bonded modified orthodontic brackets Cap splints

  • Archbars:

    It is the most versatile form of

    Many types of prefabricated arch bars are available but most commonly used is Erichs archbar.

    Erich arch bars

    Initially, use a bar of sufficient length to accommodate the maxillary and mandibular arches

    from first molar to contralateral first molar.

    Next, use 24-gauge stainless steel circumdental wires at the first bicuspid positions, one on

    each side of the arch to secure the arch bar.

    At this point, tightly place circumdental wires along the greater segment of the fracture.

    The greater segment is the fracture segment; that is the most tooth-bearing segment.

    Loosely place circumdental wires along the lesser segment of the fracture. The lesser

    segment is the fracture segment that bears the least amount of teeth.

    Then tightly place circumdental wires along the opposing arch.

    Place the patient into his or her preinjury occlusion. With the patient held into occlusion,

    tighten the looser segment circumdental wires. This prevents arch bar placement from

    interfering with proper occlusion.

    Place interarch 25-gauge stainless steel box wires along the molar/premolar region and the

    premolar/canine region bilaterally

    Placement of arch bars can be difficult when dentition is poor, the fracture is unstable and

    comminuted, and dentoalveolar fractures are present.


    Bridle wire

    Bridle wire is used for temporary stabilization of a fractured segment. This provides some

    patient comfort by minimizing mobility of the fracture segments.

    Manually reduce the segments with the use of local anesthesia.

    Loop two teeth (if available) with 24-gauge wire anterior and posterior to the fracture

    segment. The closest stable teeth can be used if the adjacent dentition is poor or missing.

  • Tighten the wire in a clockwise fashion while manually reducing the segments

    Ivy loops

    Ivy loops are used for intermaxillary fixation when full dentition is present in good

    condition and the fracture is displaced minimally.

    Construct a loop in the middle of a 24-gauge wire.

    Pass the loose ends of the wire interproximal to two stable teeth.

    Loop the wire ends around the mesial and distal sides of the teeth.

    Pass the distal wire under or through the loop and then tighten it to the mesial wire in an

    apical direction.

    Accomplish the same procedure on the opposite arch directly opposing the first wire.

    The loops need to be short enough to allow for an interarch wire to be tightened.

    Pass a 25-gauge interarch wire through the two opposing loops and tighten it in a clockwise


    At least one ivy loop on each side is necessary.

    Essigs wiring

    Essigs wiring can be used to stabilize the dentoalveolar fractures as well as an anchoring device for

    IMF. Luxated teeth can also be stabilized by this method.

    There must be sufficient number of teeth on either side of the fracture line to take anchorage.

    40 cm long prestretched wire is used. The wire is passed around the neck of the chosen teeth, one

    end going buccal to lingual and other end going lingual to buccal in each interdental space

  • Body Rami Internal anatomy Closed reduction of dentate patientsClosed reduction of partially edentulous patientsClosed reduction of edentulous patientsOpen reduction