13 genetic engineering bw

Genetic Engineering

Transcript of 13 genetic engineering bw

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Genetic Engineering

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- Archeological evidence shows that humans began cultivating plants and animals for food about 10,000 years ago

- Specific organisms were bred to improve future generations

- Simple form of applied genetics

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Manipulates the characteristics of the off spring by selecting parents

with specific phenotypic traits

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Types of Controlled Breeding

1. Selective BreedingProcess of choosing a few individuals to serve

as parents for next generation

- Luther Burbank: Californian plant breeder (early 1900s)

- responsible for 800 new plant varietiesEx: seedless grape

Spineless cactusBurbank potatoDaisies

- Corn: bred for 7000 years- Small horses, dogs, cats: bred for different


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Types of Controlled Breeding

2. Inbreeding

Process of crossing individuals with similar characteristics so those characteristics appear in offspring

- purpose: to maintain or intensify desireable traits

- individuals closely related (same species)

- more risk of passing recessive genetic defects

ex: poodles: joint deformities maine coon cats: heart murmurs

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Types of Controlled Breeding3. Hybridization

Process of crossing individuals of different but related species

- produces hybrids

- hybrid vigor: offspring are hardier than parents

(grow faster, larger, and are healthier)

Ex: cattle - disease resistant corn – yield 10 times more than old


broccoflower liger zonkey leopon tangelo

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Types of Controlled Breeding4. Induced Mutations (1927)

Polyploidy: common in plants, deadly in animals

- plants treated with chemicals to prevents cell plates

- resulting cells have multiple sets of chromosomes

- results in larger fruit and vegetables

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• Techniques were forerunners modern genetic engineering

• Today geneticists engineer changes directly into an organismsDNA

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• Process of direct gene manipulation

• Goal: to introduce new characteristics into organisms to increase its usefulness

• Basic steps of genetic engineering involve:1. isolation of gene2. manipulation of gene/cloning gene -PCR3. reintroduction of DNA into model organisms

animation: steps in cloning a gene

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Genetic Engineering TechniquesI. Making Recombinant DNA

1. Restriction enzymes cut DNA into fragments that can be isolated and separated

- very specific proteins, recognizes and cuts DNA at specific sequence into pieces

Ex: EcoRI – cuts DNA whenever C-T-T-A-A-G sequence occurs

2. Production of recombinant DNA

- DNA composed of fragments of DNA segments from at least two different organisms

- restriction enzymes cut bacterial plasmids (extra circular DNA molecules in bacteria)

- plasmids have “sticky ends” (unpaired bases)

- original DNA is attached to plasmid sticky ends

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Genetic Engineering Techniques

3. reintroduction of DNA into bacterial vector

- recombinant DNA taken up with bacterial

DNA and now produced by bacterial cell

- recombinant DNA is isolated and CLONED

- PCR (polymerase chain reaction) induced

- purpose: to make 1000s of recombinant plasmids

PCR animation

4.DNA sequencing

- Process of reading exact order of bases in fragment of DNA

- makes it possible for scientists to make sure gene of interest has been cloned

rDNA: animation

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Genetic Engineering Techniques

II. Microinjection - Process of injecting genetic material containing the new gene into the recipient cell

- direct gene transfer, no use of vectors

- in large cells done with fine tipped glass needle

- somehow injected genes find the host cell genes and incorporate themselves among them

Ex: most common method of making genetically altered mice

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Genetic Engineering Techniques

III. Bioballistics

- projectile methods that use metal slivers to deliver the genetic material to the interior of the cell.

- small slivers coated with genetic material

- once in the cell, genetic material is transported to nucleus where it is incorporated among the host genes

IV. Electro and Chemical Poration

- process that creates pores or holes in the cell membrane to allow direct entry of new genes

- done by bathing cells in solutions of special chemicals or weak electric current

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• organisms that contain foreign genes

TransgenesisThe use of recombinant DNA techniques to introduce new characters (ie. genes) into organisms (including humans) that were not present previously.

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Types GMO’sI. Bacteria

-human DNA inserted in bacterial plasmid

-recombinant produces large volumes of proteins

Ex: human growth hormone (HGH), insulin

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Types GMO’sII. Plants

- 1986: Howell - inserted gene to producer enzyme luciferase (fireflies)into tobacco plant

- enzyme in fireflies

- only produces enzyme in conditions without light

(gene expression)

- cloned cells reproduced tobacco plant that

glowed in the dark

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Making Transgenic Crops


1. extracting DNA

2. cloning a gene of interest

3. designing the gene for plant infiltration

4. transformation

5. plant breeding

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Other Transgenic PlantsBT corn (bacillus thuringiensis)

Soil bacterium that resists insecticidal toxins: makes corn resistant to pests and less need for pesticides

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Other Transgenic Plants

Calgene tomato “Flavr Savr”

stays fresh longer because enzyme to break down pectin are reduced by genetic alteration

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Types GMO’sIII. Animals

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Transgenic sheep:

human gene for milk production inserted into sheep and now produces proteins of human milk

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Oncomice (cancer mice)

Used in medical research to find cures for cancer

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Other examples of transgenic animals:

Transgenic chickens: - grow faster and larger in close quarters - produce more protein in their egg whites- produce human protein drugs in their eggs

Transgenic pigs: - produced by fertilizing normal eggs with sperm cells that have incorporated foreign DNA

- may someday be able to produce transgenic pigs that can serve as a source of transplanted

organs for humans


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Cloning Animals 1997 Wilmut (Scottish)

- cloned sheep “Dolly”

- process: nucleus of egg is replaced with nucleus of adult , resultant organism identical to adult

- now companies are making

cloning available to pet owners for

their beloved pets who die

- is this ethical?

Genetic Savings and Clone

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APPLICATIONS OF G.E. The first genetic fingerprint 1984

Electrophoresis Animation Detail

1. DNA Fingerprinting (used in forensics)

Process of identifying and distinguishing DNA of individuals

- each person has unique repeat sequences and numbers of

non coding introns

- sample is taken and DNA is extracted

- fragments of repeats of introns are labeled and put into a gel electrophoresis where they separate

- create banding patterns which are unique for every human

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APPLICATIONS OF G.E.- Once banding patterns are apparent they are transferred

to a Southern Blot for identification

Southern blot animation

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Applications of Genetic EngineeringDNA Fingerprinting

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Applications of Genetic EngineeringDNA Fingerprinting

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms

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Applications of Genetic EngineeringDNA Fingerprinting

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APPLICATIONS OF G.E.2. Gene therapy

Creating transgenic humans to erase genetic diseases

- recombinant DNA put directly into human cells or through virus vectors

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APPLICATIONS OF G.E. 3. Pollution control

- genetically altered bacteria used to decompose garbage

sewage, and petroleum products


Unlike the left tower, which uses chemicals, the tower on the right at this wastewater-treatment plant now uses bacteria-covered foam blocks (inset) to eliminate the hydrogen sulfide bubbling from treated sewage.


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4. Medicines and Vaccines produced by bacteria and viruses

- E coli: used to make human insulin

- hamster cell cultures: used to make TPA (tissue plasminogen activator)- dissolves blood clots in heart attacks

- EPO (erythropoiten): increases red blood cell production

- interferon: fights viral infections, increases immunity

- vaccines

vaccine animation

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5. Agriculture and livestock

- hardier, disease and environmentally resistant fruits and vegetables

- larger sturdier animals

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• begun in 1990: coordinated by US Dept of Energy and NIH

• purpose: - to identify the 20-25,000 genes in human DNA

- to determine sequences of 3 billion DNA base pairs

- to license info to biotech companies to foster new medical applications

• international: US, England, China, France, Germany, Japan

• used combined genomes of anonymous small number of people

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