13 a laurengoodwin

Portfolio Lauren Goodwin

Transcript of 13 a laurengoodwin

Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact Portfolio

Lauren Goodwin

Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]


[email protected]



Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact Table of Contents

- Magazine

- Photodesign

- Montage

- Infographic

- Business Identity

- HTML and CSS

- Web Page Mockup

- Brochure

Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]


DESCRIPTIONDesign a magazine cover with a photo of yourself.

PROCESS (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles)

1. I selected a suitable photo.2. On a whiteboard, I drew several rough sketches of pos-sible layouts.3. Using InDesign, I used my sketch and the BBC History magazine to create a shape map.4. I used Photoshop to cut out the background of my photo, leaving just myself and the satyr statue.5. I began filling in my InDesign shape map with text and the BBC logo. Then I pasted in my photo and started refining the design.6. Once I had things more or less situated, I played with different color schemes, ending up with a split comple-mentary scheme of green, purple and orange.7. I submitted my draft in JPEG format for critique.

MESSAGEI wanted to creatively portray myself and my interests on a magazine cover.

AUDIENCEAny who wish to know more about myself, and have an interest in fantasy and mythology.

Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactMagazineOctober 2016 Issue 24


the MuseDiscover the roots of modern fantasy.

SmaugThe Land of

A writer’s perspective on New Zealand

The Heroine’s Journey: There and back again...and again...and again.

THE WISE MENTOR The driving force behind writing.

WONDERDo they have to die?

Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactDESCRIPTIONCreate a photo with a quote and color scheme, including titled color swatches with the color scheme.


1. The Friday the previous photo activity was due, anoth-er class of mine – Themes in Literature – was cancelled so that every class member could spend the hour or so of class reading a YA book. I did so with great pleasure, hot chocolate and a fuzzy blanket.

2. I fiddled around with shapes and colors without a preliminary sketch and ended up with something that wasn’t quite what I was looking for. I managed to learn how to use the ‘Match Color’ tool to change the blanket, but struggled with making it look both vibrant and real-istically colored. I kept trying to draw the purple from the cup into my color scheme but couldn’t figure out how to do so. However, I was able to receive help and a cri-tique from the tech lab assistant, and she helped me pull the photo together with an (actually) analogous color scheme.

MESSAGESet time aside to thoroughly enjoy a good book.

AUDIENCEThose ready to curl up with a good book.


Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]


Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactMontageDESCRIPTIONCreate a montage image with a spiritual quote, using at least one filter.

PROCESS1. I looked at photos on Pintrest and using Google image search to create an idea of what I wanted in my head. I looked for a good quote. The one that most caught my eye was “Our charge extends as deep and as far as the love of God” by D Todd Christofferson.2. I decided on a family history theme after seeing a pho-to of looking out the Mount Timpanogos Temple window that says “Holiness to the Lord” from the inside.3. After my teacher’s critique, in which she mentioned that the text on the window was hard to read and sug-gested finding a Temple sealing room photo instead, I went fishing in Google again and came up with a photo I liked – it had a stained glass window of a tree that went well with my theme.4. I learned how to warp a photo’s perspective from the Adobe website and inserted a photo of my great grand-parents and their family. I warped the perspective so they could fit naturally, then placed in my photo texture from another website and masked it over everything. I masked the Temple photo to bring out color in the stained glass window, added text, and added a filter.5. I then asked my friend with Photoshop experience what she thought. I modified according to the time and ability I had.

MESSAGEOur responsibility to do family history and Temple work.

AUDIENCELDS Church members.

Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]


Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactInfographicDESCRIPTIONCreate an infographic.PROCESS (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles)1. I decided my subject – Trickster characters from world my-thologies – and did a brainstorm and layout sketches.2. I researched various Tricksters and compiled a list of their traits – what they were god of, what powers they had, what their attitude towards humanity was, etc.3. I started creating the mask on Illustrator and searching for images that represented different world cultures to put on each piece. I decided on a quadratic color scheme. At first, I made the background a purple gradient and placed photos in the different pieces of the mask. I had trouble because I didn’t draw the mask so that I could divide it into pieces, so I used the brush tool to draw over the pathways I’d drawn and created new pieces that way.4. The real photos and the gradient looked terrible. So I started looking for vector images. I submitted what I had on Facebook as a draft.5. With my teacher’s advice, I looked for a better font. I couldn’t figure out how to divide info on different Tricksters and in the end I used the same mask shaped piece to put the information on.MESSAGEA basic overview of Tricksters in world mythology and their defining traits.AUDIENCEAnyone who is interested in learning about mythology.

Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]


Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactBusiness IdentityDESCRIPTIONCreate a logo for a company and place on stationary and business cards.


1. I came up with my company. My little twelve-year-old sister wants to work with film when she grows up, and base her company in New Zealand (she was born there). So I decided to make her a ‘Kiwi Productions’ logo and began sketching out options.2. After sketching, I created three of my favorites in Adobe Illustrator. A friend suggested I add claws. That inspired me to add the cross hatch along the side; Goo-gle told me how after some searching and I created it in Illustrator and copied it over to InDesign.3. I created my draft stationary in InDesign and submitted it for critique.4. Following my teacher’s critique, I altered the color scheme, changed the font to a custom one I found on the internet, extended the cross hatching and added it to the front of the business card, and edited the information on the card and stationary. She suggested moving the logo a little on the stationary, and told me to enlarge the name Rachel Goodwin on the business card. I thought it resulted pretty well.5. After altering, I asked a lab tech for his critique. He suggested either raising or lowering the kiwi on the busi-ness card front, and changing the sub-font. I changed it to Gill Sans.

MESSAGETo advertise a movie production company that combines creativity with quality.

Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]


Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactDESCRIPTIONCreate a custom webpage with HTML and CSS.

PROCESS (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles)1. I created my logo in Illustrator.2. I downloaded and customized my HTML file.3. I downloaded and customized my CSS file.4. I looked up the hex color of my logo and its corre-sponding analogous colors, then began plugging them into my CSS to see how to get them to coordinate well.5. I resized my logo and created my background texture in Illustrator.6. I validated my HTML and CSS throughout the process.7. I added the background to my CSS file and after a cri-tique finalized my webpage.


I talked with my roommate Masha Prach, who is studying Communications, and she said that my logo needed to be centered. I did so and everything looked much better.

MESSAGEA showcasing of a good movie production studio.



Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]


Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactDESCRIPTIONDesign a website homepage in Photoshop.PROCESS (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles)1. I asked my little sister what movies she wanted to cre-ate, deciding to reuse her Kiwi Productions logo from a different project.2. I sketched a few layout possibilities, then created the wireframe in Photoshop.3. I started filling in the wireframe with images and text. After my critique, I moved things around, lengthened the webpage and created more images to fill it in. I added a footer and several black rectangles to subtly divide the page into sections, as well as text to better show the pur-pose of the website.4. I added layer comps to show what would happen if you clicked the arrows on the main images.5. I got my critique from a lab tech. She liked just about everything but agreed that the darker picture of the girl should be in the center.MESSAGEKiwi Productions creates quality movies.AUDIENCEAnyone who likes creative, quality movies.

Web Page Mockup

Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]


Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactDESCRIPTIONDesign a brochure.

PROCESS (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles)1. I first created the logo in Illustrator.2. I created the first draft, after searching for a simple but unique fold I liked on Pinterest. It’s difficult to see without a physical copy, but the pages fold right to either side of the line of Celtic knots, making the outside just the beige page with the two blue logos with the map on the imme-diate inside and the panorama what you see when you unfold the brochure.3. My dad helped me figure out how to fix things so they pulled together better. We made the fold horizontal in-stead of vertical.4. I went over the map I had in Illustrator, made it a calig-raphy style, and incorporated it into the brochure. I did the same with the top logo.

CRITIQUE PROCESSI talked with my dad, who has a lot of Photoshop expe-rience, about the layout and hashed out a better version with him. He created a logo and put together a photo-shop file that had a lot of the layout we’d discussed, which helped a lot with putting everything together.

Instructor Critique: My instructor told me to pull the book summary to the fold line and give the text more space. She said to make sure I put the full 250 words there somewhere.

MESSAGEThe Kiwi Productions movie is something you should go see.

AUDIENCEMovie-goers, particularly young adults.


Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

Contact ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]


Jake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]

ContactJake Spencer:23 W. 1St N.Rexburg, ID [email protected]
