13-09-2021 2021-22 AAKRITI JHA XI A PREM

13-09-2021 2021-22 AAKRITI JHA XI A PREM In the core team for independence day&country week program'21In the organising for MCSMUNPart of the choreo&coordination for the country week dance'20Comparer in interhouse architechture build competition'20Camera duty for carmelian and haywire'19 event Choreo&coordination of the country week dance'19Choreo&coordination in interhouse folk dance competitionChoreo&coordination in every independence day dance exhibition since'15 Monitor for a time period in 9 8 7 & 5 class.Multiple group projects. 91.5% Na% 92.67% YES

Transcript of 13-09-2021 2021-22 AAKRITI JHA XI A PREM

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In the core team for independence day&country week program'21In the organising for MCSMUNPart of the

choreo&coordination for the country week dance'20Comparer in interhouse architechture build

competition'20Camera duty for carmelian and haywire'19 event Choreo&coordination of the country week

dance'19Choreo&coordination in interhouse folk dance competitionChoreo&coordination in every

independence day dance exhibition since'15 Monitor for a time period in 9 8 7 & 5 class.Multiple group






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3 best delegate, 3 special mentions, 2 high commendations in MUNs and participation in over 91 bronze, 2

silver medals in behes debate Part of the main caste annual day'18 and participation in the dance, every year

from '09 Trinity grade 4 certification in dramaParticipation in multiple interschool street play competitions 1st

position in interhouse courtroom drama2nd position in interhouse tell a tale'191st position in interhouse JAM

session'171st position in interhouse spin a yarn' 15

On school sports day,Participation in 400m relay 20192nd position in discus event 20193rd position in 400m

relay 20171st position in 200m relay 2014 2nd position in interhouse cross country race 2014Participation in

interhouse cross country 2015

1st position in interhouse Carol singing3rd position in interschool watercolor painting' 18 Participation in

interschool folk dance' 14 Participation in interschool western dance '17 Participation in dance for russian

embassy Submitted multiple artworks for independence day art exhibition since 2016 Frequent Participation in

dance and skits for earth day, founding day, teacher's day, country weeks, sports days, annual days and

special assemblies throughout the years


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• I have been in this institution for the past 13 years and have noticed lack of opportunity and or situations

which are limiting for female students for example NCC being allowed only to male students and female

students not being allowed to wear clothing in sports coachings and dance practices that their male

counterparts are allowed. • I have heard and witnessed gender biased preferences being prevalent in Multiple

spheres of the school. • What I have gathered from this situation is that on many occasions females leave a

certain activity because of the environment they are a part of or refrain from joining certain other ones because

of the fear of the same. This creates the projection that what they wear is more important that their contribution

to the activity and that is incredibly demotivating for them. • We are a great institution & have great set of

values. Something like this prevailing in our school is an absolute disgrace. I believe to solve this we should

provide equal opportunity to all sexes in all spheres & lessen the rigidity of dress code for females in



• I have been a very present member in the cultural sphere of our school and have noticed certain problems,

arguably the most prevalent one is how late we always receive information about completions. Whether it be

on house level, or for interschool competitions, the problem still remains. Moreover on the house level, I have

noticed the inconsistency of information being provided to the students, some houses know about certain

completions prior to others. The situation has only worsened with the online classes as now children Don't

even come to know of competitions. • Our school students have undeniable potential and will that could fetch

us multiple laurels on an interschool level. This delayed relay of information has become a hamper in

unlocking their full potential as they don't get enough time to practice. On the house level, it has often

provided certain houses an advantage over the others which leads to unfair competition. • I believe that a

system should be set up to ensure information should reach students punctually and we should restart house

meetings on online platforms and provide information about competitions every other Friday.

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• In my amature view of the situation, sports coachings and academic responsibilities have held more

credibility than the cultural ones due to the difference in their structures. Where sports coachings have a

proper membership and participation record with attendance being taken, cultural activities such as dance and

art have a momentary participation and informal periodic selection system. Cultural sector doesn't have proper

coachings and therefore inconsistent participation. • Because of this, a situation arises where a competition is

on hand, and participants aren't ready to win the first price because so much time is lost in selection of new

students and formation a new strategy from scratch. Also, there is no concrete title to measure one's presence

in the cultural sphere in the way that there is in say the sports one. •. I believe formal coachings for cultural

activities should be set up atleast for teams that will compete on an interschool or zonal level so that there is a

core group of people who are mentally and physically prepared to win a competition. Selections for said teams

carried out in the same manner as the sports ones with yearly trials.


• To put it simply, I do not know any students from other sections, or even a large group of students from my

own. This online environment that we are in currently, has isolated classes. We only ever interact with the

teacher or the minority of students that are willing to speak up in class.• The reason why this is a problem is

because a school is not just a classroom where we study. A school has a culture. A school has a community

with people that share similar problems with diverse ideas to solve them. If we continue to carry out classes in

isolation that culture and community will become weaker which would be a shame considering how rich of a

culture our school has. Also, it has become a huge problem for new admissions. Where they would have been

familiarised about all school activities by this time in the school year, they are left confused and feeling left

out. • A way of dealing with this situation is to set up non- academic group activities across classes in which

teachers play the role of coordinators so that students get to freely interact and connect. This will help in

students' interests and excitement about school being rejuvenated along with socialisation they will get to do

which will improve their people skills.