13-03-19 Future of St Cyres Site Appendix A Council... · conclusion that St Cyres Comprehensive...


Transcript of 13-03-19 Future of St Cyres Site Appendix A Council... · conclusion that St Cyres Comprehensive...

The Future of the former St Cyres School Site in Dinas Powys

Consultation Report



A public consultation was undertaken between 12 November 2012 and 18

January 2013. The purpose of the exercise was to gain an understanding of

two issues; firstly which issues Vale residents felt the Vale of Glamorgan

Council should consider to be its priorities when developing a plan for the

future of the former St Cyres School site in Dinas Powys and, secondly, what

specifically Vale residents would like to see developed on the site.

The consultation received a very encouraging response. 477 Vale residents

responded to the consultation, expressing a wide range of views.

The most common issues that residents felt the Council should consider when

developing a plan for the site were as follows.

1. Meeting the needs of the local community

2. The current infrastructure in place in Dinas Powys. In particular the

road network

3. The future development of the local area

The most popular suggested uses for the former St Cyres School site in Dinas

Powys were as follows.

1. Sporting or leisure facilities

2. Housing

3. Educational facilities

4. Green space and/or allotments

5. A new medical centre


1. Background

The Vale of Glamorgan Council's Learning and Skills Directorate have

considered future pupil projections for local schools and reached the

conclusion that St Cyres Comprehensive School no longer requires a

second campus. As a result the smaller of the two campuses, the former

lower school site in Dinas Powys, closed in 2012.

The former school site features a number of buildings as well as extensive

playing fields and communal areas. In addition to the main site, there is a

second piece of land adjacent to the old school. The whole site measures a

total of 30.66 acres.

As the site is no longer required to meet the educational needs of children in

the area a decision on how best to dispose of the land must be taken. In order

to ensure that this is done in a manner that meets the needs of the residents

of the Vale of Glamorgan a public consultation was undertaken.

2. Methodology

The development of the old school site will affect the whole of the Vale of

Glamorgan. For this reason the consultation was designed to be as wide and

as accessible as possible.

To make Vale residents aware of the process the public consultation on the

future of the St Cyres site in Dinas Powys was widely promoted both in the

local press and online. In addition to this promotional posters and flyers were

displayed at locations across the Vale. All information was made available in

both English and Welsh.

The public consultation posed two questions. The first asked what the Council

should consider to be its priorities when creating a plan for the site. The

second asked respondents to suggest what specific facilities or services they

would like to see on the site.


All Vale residents and local stakeholders were able to respond to the

consultation either in writing via a freepost address, by email, via an online

form or by telephone through the C1V contact centre.

The consultation period lasted for ten weeks from 12 November 2012 to 18

January 2013.

In order to further promote the consultation and to provide residents with the

opportunity to discuss the future of the site face-to-face with elected members

and Council officers a ‘drop-in’ session was held at a community venue close

to the site. This took place on 08 December 2012. Residents were also able to

respond to the consultation by completing response forms distributed at this


The consultation received a significant amount of media coverage. There

were 11 separate pieces about the St Cyres consultation in the local press

during the consultation period.

3. Results

There were 477 responses to the consultation. 19 of these were written

responses submitted by post, 12 were submitted by email, 2 responses

submitted by telephone via the C1V contact centre, 70 responses were

submitted following the drop-in session (this figure includes response forms

completed on the day and those returned following the session) and 374

responses were submitted via the online form on the Vale of Glamorgan

Council website. One response was submitted in Welsh and the remainder in


The majority of responses were submitted by residents of Dinas Powys

however a number were also received from Vale residents living in other

areas (see appendix 1).


3.1 Priorities for Development

The first question posed in the consultation asked residents what they felt the

Council’s priorities should be when developing a plan for the site. This

question gathered a range of responses that touched on a number of issues.

There was a consensus of opinion that the development of the site should not

be considered in isolation and that the Council should give careful

consideration not only to the needs of the local community but also the impact

of any potential development of the old school site.

This site should not be considered in isolation. The reuse of this site provides

the basis for a unique opportunity to comprehensively review the community

needs and facilities in Dinas Powys. This could best be achieved through the

preparation of a Community Plan for the village, combining the knowledge of

the Community Council and local organisations with the expertise of the Vale.

Further to this a number of specific priorities for consideration in the

development of the site were suggested.

Meeting the needs of the local community

The responses received to this first question make clear that the respondents

would like to see any future plan for the site developed in line with the needs

of the local community. 216 respondents felt that a priority for the Council

should be to be to ensure either that the development of the site met the

needs of the local community or that the development resulted in a facility for

the local community to use.

The local community should be the priority. As closing down the school has

directly affected them, it only seems right and proper that the local community

benefit from whatever is proposed.


Infrastructure Concerns

A large number of the responses to this question suggested that the main

priority for the Council when considering the future development of the site

should be the impact on the infrastructure of Dinas Powys.

It would be really nice if this was more community facilities but whatever is put

there, there needs to be the proper infrastructure in place first. Too often

facilities / housing are created and the actual logistics of how people will use

the site, travel to it and what the repercussions to the surrounding community

will be are not looked into properly.

The most common issue raised in the comments concerning Dinas Powys’

infrastructure was the current traffic situation within the village. 146

respondents addressed the issue of highways traffic in their response.

Within these responses the most common opinion expressed was that careful

consideration would be needed to ensure that the site was developed in a

way that did not aggravate existing problems caused by heavy traffic during

peak times or that something should be done to relieve this problem as part of

any development of the site.

Many of the infrastructure concerns focused on the impact of building a large

number of new homes on the site. It was commonly felt that the local

infrastructure could not cope with a large scale development of any kind.

The road access to and from the site must be able to cope with any increase

in traffic that might result. The site should benefit as many residents of Dinas

Powys as possible.

It is also evident in the responses to this first question that there is a clear

perception held by a number of residents that any housing development would

result in a significant increase in traffic levels.


The number of concerns raised about this issue makes clear it will be

necessary that any plan for the site will need to address these concerns.


When asked what the Council’s priorities for the site should be, 40

respondents stated that they were opposed to any form of housing

development while 34 respondents stated that some form of housing

development should be a priority.

Comments relating to housing are a major theme of the responses received

during the consultation and are addressed in detail in section 3.2 of this


Other Priorities

In addition to the priorities highlighted above 12 respondents stated that the

provision of sustainable transport routes such as cycle paths should be a

priority. There were also a small number of suggestions for other aspects of

the area surrounding the old school site that could benefit from revenue

generated by any potential development of the site.

3.2 Suggested Uses for the Former St Cyres Site

The second question posed in the consultation asked respondents what they

would like to see on the former St Cyres School site. Due to the size of the

site and the desire to gain as wide a range of suggested uses for the site as

possible, respondents were prompted to suggest as many ideas as they


There were a wide range of suggested uses for the site. These ranged from

basic suggestions to detailed representations from interested parties. The vast

majority of respondents suggested more than one use for the site.


A number of general facilities were suggested. 117 respondents wanted

general facilities for young people. 67 respondents wanted a non-specific

‘community facility’.

The remaining suggestions were for specific future uses for the site.

Sporting or Leisure Facilities

The most common suggestion for the future use of the former St Cyres site

was for sports or leisure facilities. 215 respondents suggested that the site

should be used for this purpose. The responses received on this issue ranged

from suggestions for general ‘sports’ facilities to detailed suggestions outlining

specific facilities that the Vale required.

There was a definite consensus among those residents suggesting sports or

leisure facilities that these should offer provision for young people in Dinas


The most common specific suggestion was to use the site to provide football

facilities for Dinas Powys. 85 respondents suggested this.

There were 34 responses specifically suggesting that the site should provide a

home for improved facilities for Dinas Powys Football Club. The responses

suggest that the club is valued by local residents and is presently in need of

improved facilities and a permanent clubhouse to allow it to continue to serve

the local community.

Dinas Powys football club caters for hundreds of young children, adolescents,

males, females, older citizens - with an over 40's team - and those with

disability every year and is a large part of the community. Having played and

coached for the club and met hundreds of people over the years it really does


help to get people active and create a community spirit, providing people with

something to do that benefits their health in a friendly, fun environment.

A detailed submission from Dinas Powys FC was received. This submission

outlines the club’s desire to work with the Council to investigate available

funding with a view to developing new football facilities on the site.

Provision of football facilities was by far the most common specific sporting

use suggested. In addition to this rugby, cricket, tennis, badminton and riding

facilities were all suggested. A detailed submission from Dinas Powys Cricket

Club was also received.


106 respondents suggested that the site should be used to provide some form

of housing. This was the second most popular suggestion during the


The responses to the consultation suggest there are a significant number of

residents that feel Dinas Powys needs more houses.

I do believe that more housing is required in the area. Especially affordable

family homes. But I also believe that the proposal for 400 is excessive. I would

like to see 200 affordable 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties but also with a new

doctor’s surgery and a large playground catering for the young and the older


A number of specific types of housing provision were suggested. The most

frequently suggested was affordable housing. 23% of the respondents that

suggested housing for the site stipulated that this should be affordable or

social housing. Other specific suggestions included luxury or ‘character’

houses, housing for older people and low rise housing.


Affordable starter homes so that young Dinas Powys residents starting out on

the property ladder can afford to stay in their community.

When suggesting housing a number of respondents did raise concerns

regarding the impact of additional traffic on the area’s road network. There

was a definite consensus that the number of houses should be restricted to

minimise the impact.

It should also be noted that a number of respondents stated that they did not

wish to see housing on the site. 20 respondents specifically objected to the

building of houses in their suggestions for the site.

Educational Facilities

The third most common response was for some type of education facility to

remain on the site. 101 respondents suggested some form of continued

educational use for the site.

43 respondents suggested that either or both of the local infant and junior

schools could be relocated to the site to free up more land in Dinas Powys for

the development of community facilities or housing and/or to relieve some of

the pressure on the road network in the village at peak times.

This possibility has previously been investigated by Council officers. However

it was deemed, for a number of reasons, to be unviable.

The majority of the other responses relating to educational facilities suggested

the provision of some form of adult education classes in the existing building

or in a new multi purpose centre to be built on the St Cyres site.

Green Space / Allotments


Another common suggestion was for part of the land to be retained as some

form of public green space or used for allotments. 78 respondents suggested

either or both of these options as a potential use for the site.

The majority of these responses were for non specific ‘parks’ or ‘gardens’.

Specific suggestions included allotments, a mature tree garden, a sensory

garden, a community orchard and a city farm.

A secure allotment area and gardens or a cycle or horse track to serve the

local community.

A number of respondents suggested that if additional space for allotments in

Dinas Powys was provided as part of the development of the former St Cyres

site then this could allow for the expansion of the local cemetery.

Allotments, to replace existing allotments next to Dinas Powys cemetery and

release additional area for burials.

37 respondents specifically stated that they wished to see allotments on the

site. In addition to this Dinas Powys Community Council submitted a formal

response to the consultation in which the organisation expressed an interest

in buying part of the land for this purpose.

Medical Centre

A significant number of respondents felt that Dinas Powys required a new

medical centre. It is felt that the current medical centre is too small for the

village’s population and does not provide sufficient parking spaces.

78 respondents specifically suggested a new medical centre for the St Cyres

site. There was a consensus that the St Cyres site would allow for adequate

parking facilities and could potentially be more accessible for local residents.


The current health centre on Cardiff Road simply isn't practical in terms of

parking and the facilities it is able to offer. Moving this up to the [former St

Cyres School] site would provide adequate parking (so that the residents near

the existing surgery are not annoyed each day as they can't park outside their

house!) and it will also open up doors to additional medical assistance as it

could accommodate more GPs.

It should also be noted that a small number of responses were received which

stated that the St Cyres Site would not be appropriate for a new medical

centre as it was not in a central location.

Church Facilities

Another popular suggested use for the site was as a base for new church

facilities. 44 respondents wanted to see part of the site developed as a base

for Dinas Powys Baptist Church.

I am aware that Dinas Powys Baptist church has used this site previously. It

would be wonderful if they could have this site as they would be able to use it

to help those in the surrounding area and it will be a great benefit to Dinas


Dinas Powys Baptist Church also made a detailed response proposing that

they should occupy part of the existing building in which they would

accommodate church services and a range of community groups and adult

education classes.

Other suggestions

There were a number of other recurring suggestions. These included a

children’s play area (29 suggestions), retail space for Dinas Powys (23

suggestions), a new home for the local pony club (20 responses) improved


library facilities for Dinas Powys (19 suggestions) and an extra care facility

or retirement home (9 suggestions).

4. Conclusions

The responses received during the consultation allow us to draw the following


1. Local residents would like to see a mixed development on the site.

Only a very small number suggested just one use for the former St

Cyres School site. This makes clear that residents generally favour a

mixed development.

2. Infrastructure concerns, particularly the strain on the road network, are

a major issue for Dinas Powys residents.

3. There is clearly demand from local residents for improved sporting

facilities in the area. The results of the consultation suggest that there

is significant local support for Dinas Powys Football Club.

4. Housing is clearly an important issue to the residents of Dinas Powys.

56% of respondents (270 in total) mentioned housing at some point in

their response (either when asked to consider priorities for the

development or suggested uses for the site). Housing was one of the

most popular suggestions for the site but it is also clear that residents

have concerns about the impact of a significant increase in the number

of homes in the area.

5. There is demand from local residents to see some form of communal

green space provided as part of any development. Provision of

additional allotments to Dinas Powys also appears to be popular.


6. A large number of residents feel that Dinas Powys requires a new

health centre and that the former St Cyres School site would be a

suitable location for one to be based.

7. The Dinas Powys Baptist Church appears to be supported by a

significant number of local residents who would like to a permanent

home for the organisation feature as part of any development of the



Appendix 1

The postcodes given by respondents to the consultation on the future of the

former St Cyres site have been plotted on the map below. Not all respondents

provided a postcode. As the map shows the vast majority of responses were

from residents living in Dinas Powys.