12d15 lk9

Christianity 103: Meet Needs Luke 9: 10-17, 37-43a

Transcript of 12d15 lk9

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Christianity 103: Meet Needs

Luke 9: 10-17, 37-43a

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1. Notice Needs (Luke 9: 10-12)10 Then the apostles came back and described all they had done to Jesus. He took them and retired in private to a town called Bethsaida, 11 but the crowds learned this and followed him. He welcomed them, spoke to them of the Reign of God, and cured those who needed to be healed. 12 Now as the day began to decline the twelve came up to him and said, "Send the crowd off to lodge in the villages and farms around and get provisions there, for here we are in a desert place."

:10 Jesus had Sent them on the Mission (pardon the caps)! It was real – “it” worked (He did: Jn. 9:4).

We must work in the remaining daylight – the time that we have. What good is it to allow more darkness (the darkness of dissipation - getting worse) to set in? Just Do It!

:11 True faith is followed by works (Ja. 2:14-26). And people will see that and understand-ably begin to glorify God! (Matt. 5:16, 1 Pet. 2:12) Like fish in the Lost Sea (Illus.), attracted by light to see and real food in a totally dark and devoid world.

Jesus did not turn people who asked away (Lk. 6:29, the greater Samaritan)

:12 The apostles (not just disciples)’ presumption – they can fend for themselves (“It’s too hard to solve this problem, God.”)

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2. Take Action (Luke 9:13-17)13 He said to them, "Give them some food yourselves." They said, "We have only got five loaves and two fish. Unless — are we to go and buy food for the whole of this people?" 14 (There were about 5000 men of them.) He said to his disciples, "Make them lie down in rows of about fifty.“ 15 They did so, and made them all lie down. 16 Then taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven he blessed them, broke them in pieces and handed them to the disciples to set before the crowd. 17 And they all ate and had enough. What they had left over was picked up, twelve baskets full of fragments. :13 Why doesn’t God just instantly solve our problems (recall the two in Emmaus)?

To reveal our faith-less-ness.

Note the confusion “our loaves and fishes, or are we to go natural (buying food)? The young boy (not revealed here, but in other gospels) has shown faith like a child, in Christ, but… what now? No plan presents – except to trust God!

Our God of order: No panick-y rush – BUT disciplined control, as people submitted to His grace

:16 The Source… Revealed (Jesus thanks the Father)!

My work friend Ann’s “test-imony” of unbelief. BUT Jesus’ hands were instrumental! God wants to build our faith thru signs (Jn. 1:3, Col. 1:16; Mk. 16:20; Jn. 2:11)

:17 Fragments more than the start (seed faith). Enough to feed all, VERY practically

Prophecy? Gentile world – masses saved – yet Israel will be provided for (1 disciple per tribe). The 12 disciples will one Day judge the 12 Tribes’, providing for them (Lk. 22:30)

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3. Trust God (Luke 9:37-43a)37 Next day, when they came down the hill, a large crowd met him. 38 “Teacher”, shouted a man from the crowd, "look at my son, I beg of you, for he is my only boy, 39 and a spirit gets hold of him till he suddenly shrieks; it convulses him till he foams; indeed it will hardly leave off tearing him to pieces. 40 I begged your disciples to cast it out, but they could not." 41 Jesus answered, "O faithless and perverse generation, how long must I still be with you and bear with you? Fetch your son here." 42 Before the boy could reach Jesus, the demon dashed him down and convulsed him, but Jesus checked the unclean spirit, cured the boy, and handed him back to his father.

43 And all were astounded at this grand display of God. But while all marveled at all he did, he said to his disciples, 44 Let these words sink into your ears: 'the Son of man is to be betrayed into the hands of men.' :41 Why was Jesus disappointed? What had the disciples just returned from & done,

earlier in this chapter (Lk. 9:1-6)? They were connected to Christ by their faith!

A disappointed friend, God is amazed at our unamazedness, after He gives us so much!

Jesus was confronted with Many people’s requests. The disciples were to be His hands

ILLUS. (Dr. Jeremiah): A destroyed cathedral’s rebuilt statue of Christ was missing hands. Christians rebuilding it finally added a plaque: “You are the hands of Christ”

The disciples could not heal – even after their mission. Prayer & fasting are essential ingredients we often MISS out on

Ghandi faulted Christianity (Christ as a weak teacher), because of [H]his weak Church.

Even after miracles, Jesus endures great rejections, by heading in Love to the cross

Many will reject us/Him, but to please Him, we must endure/ LOVE past all men’s sins!

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