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Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey sweep, June 10 Armenia 1. Diplomatic circles are saying that Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev will bring a final agreement on the Karabakh settlement to Armenia in August. The diplomatic sources say that there has also been an agreement on the deployment of peacekeeping forces in territories adjacent to Karabakh. 2. Upon the invitation of the Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, Finland’s Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb is due to pay a working visit to Armenia June 11, Foreign Ministry reported. Alexander Stubb is expected to meet with President Serzh Sargsyan, FM Edward Nalbandian. 3. The current U.S. policy towards Iran is rather anti-Armenian than anti-Iranian, according to expert Sergey Shakaryants. “The UN Security Council’s resolution on imposing new sanctions against Iran is a blow to the interests of all countries of the region. Appliance of sanctions will hardly stop uranium enrichment and nuclear research in Iran but will create new obstacles in Iran’s relations with its neighbors, including Armenia,” he told journalists on June 10. Azerbaijan 1. Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev signed an order approving the agreement between the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Government of Kuwait on cooperation in the fields of sport and youth policy. 2. SOCAR has received a license from the regulator of the energy market in Turkey for the construction of a refinery with capacity of 10 million tons per year, near the petrochemical complex

Transcript of 127572_Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey Sweep 06-10

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Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey sweep, June 10


1. Diplomatic circles are saying that Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev will bring a final agreement on the Karabakh settlement to Armenia in August. The diplomatic sources say that there has also been an agreement on the deployment of peacekeeping forces in territories adjacent to Karabakh.

2. Upon the invitation of the Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, Finland’s Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb is due to pay a working visit to Armenia June 11, Foreign Ministry reported. Alexander Stubb is expected to meet with President Serzh Sargsyan, FM Edward Nalbandian.

3. The current U.S. policy towards Iran is rather anti-Armenian than anti-Iranian, according to expert Sergey Shakaryants. “The UN Security Council’s resolution on imposing new sanctions against Iran is a blow to the interests of all countries of the region. Appliance of sanctions will hardly stop uranium enrichment and nuclear research in Iran but will create new obstacles in Iran’s relations with its neighbors, including Armenia,” he told journalists on June 10.


1. Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev signed an order approving the agreement between the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Government of Kuwait on cooperation in the fields of sport and youth policy.

2. SOCAR has received a license from the regulator of the energy market in Turkey for the construction of a refinery with capacity of 10 million tons per year, near the petrochemical complex Petkim, in which SOCAR has a stake, SOCAR said. It is expected that construction of a refinery will be launched next year.

3. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov received a delegation from the United Arab Emirates, headed by Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs, Tariq Hida, the press-service of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry reported.

4. BP is planning to drill thirty oil deposits under the Sah Daniz 2 project, First Vice-President of the State Oil Company Xosbaxt Yusifzada has said: "Gas will be pumped to a platform and then to compressor stations via underwater pipelines. BP will launch relevant activities in 2016 and is predicted to bring the production to 16bn cu. m in the same year with 29bn cu. m in 2029. This figure has not been confirmed yet and it is being elaborated now."

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1. Ukraine and Georgia have signed an intergovernmental agreement on air links, Interfax-Ukraine news agency has reported, citing Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kostyantyn Hryshchenko.

2. Georgia's foreign minister thanked Ukrainian authorities on Thursday for their refusal to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia. "I want to thank the Ukrainian president and foreign minister, in the presence of journalists, for the statements that were recently made over the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia" Grigol Vashadze said during a visit to Kiev.

3. Philippe Le Houérou, the World Bank Vice President, will visit Georgia on June 11th-14th to see the progress of projects financed by the organisation.

4. Georgian Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze will pay “an official visit” to Ukraine on June 10-11, the Georgian Foreign Ministry said.


1. Turkish Historical Society is working on a project on Armenian problem in which nearly 300 academicians from different countries will participate.

2. Turkey's chief negotiator for EU talks, Egemen Bagis, said on Thursday [10 June] that Turkey would not give up Cyprus for European Union and European Union for Cyprus.

3. Turkish prime minister said on Thursday that recent news published by the media claiming that 15 billion USD received from Saudi Arabia caused an increase in portfolio investments and deposits in Turkey were totally wrong.

4. It may take months of intense work but both Israel and Turkey have a vested interest in rebuilding ties after the Gaza flotilla assault, a former head of Israel's foreign intelligence agency said on Thursday.

5. Turkey said Thursday there is a 'good chance' that the United Nations-led mediation on ethnically divided Cyprus would work out a settlement by year's end.

6. Syrian-Turkish relations are relations among brothers in the same family, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. Premier Erdogan was speaking in a speech at the 5th Arab-Turkish Economic Forum which kicked off on Tuesday [8 June, as published] with the participation of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Mu'allim.

7. The Turkish foreign minister said that Turkish-Arab world had the most strategic zone in the world from Kars (Turkey) to Morocco and Mauritania, from Sinop (Turkey) to Sudan, from Istanbul Strait to Gulf of Aden. Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu delivered a speech at the joint inauguration of Turkish-Arab Cooperation Forum (TAC) and the Third Meeting of TAC Foreign Ministers in Istanbul on Thursday. Davutoglu said, "we want this zone to turn into

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a security, economic integration and prosperity zone. We are resolute on this matter."

8. The European Union on Wednesday rejected a US charge that its failure to accept Turkey as a member was partly responsible for the deterioration of relations between Ankara and Israel. "The EU has very good relations with both Turkey and Israel," and "the bilateral relations between these two countries are not linked with the bilateral relations between the EU and each of these countries," insisted Maja Kocijancic, spokeswoman for the bloc's foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton.

9. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that peace and stability could not be restored in the region when Gaza was under blockade.

10. Arab League's Secretary General Amr Moussa praised Turkey's stance regarding Gaza. Moussa said, "We have seen that a hostile attack was staged on a ship which was sailing in international waters with a noble cause. A murder was committed in violation of human rights. As the Arab world and people of the region we appreciate Turkey's stance."

11. Turkish President Abdullah Gul will travel to South Korea upon invitation by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak. A statement by the Presidential Press Center said on Thursday that President Gul would pay a formal visit to South Korea between June 14 and 16.

12. A military helicopter crashed in the central province of Tokat on Thursday. Tokat's Governor Serif Yilmaz said he had learned that there were no survivors in the military helicopter crash.

13. Yemen and Turkey is to launch on Friday a political dialogue in the Turkish capital, Ankara.A diplomatic source told the weekly 26 September that the Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Muthana will head the Yemeni delegation in the dialogue, which will focus on enhancing mutual cooperation and coordination at the bilateral, regional and international levels.

14. Families of imprisoned children are in their seventh day of protest outside Diyarbakır prison. Children are charged under the Anti-Terror Act (TMK). 

15. Fourteen years old Cihan Isik and 35 years old Hamza Uca have been injured when they got hit by gas bombs in Yuksekova, district of Hakkari. Clashes erupted when the police attacked the people demonstrating in Hakkari and its district Yuksekova.

16. The relatives of the missing people of Turkey, who have been gathering in front of Galatasaray High School every week, are going to march to Ankara from Istanbul to bring their demands to the Turkey Grand National Assembly (TBMM) and to meet the political parties. The march to Ankara is going to begin on June 12 from Istanbul.

17. Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria signed a joint declaration on Thursday [10 June] to launch an initiative to form a free-trade zone and a visa-free zone. These nations will also set up a joint cooperation council.

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1. Foreign peacekeepers to be deployed around breakaway Karabakh - Armenian paper Excerpt from Lusine Barseghyan's report by Armenian newspaper Haykakan Zhamanak on 5 June headlined "Medvedev will bring it to Armenia in August"; the subheading as given: Diplomatic circles are saying that Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev will bring a final agreement on the Karabakh settlement to Armenia in August.Our diplomatic sources say that there has also been an agreement on the deployment of peacekeeping forces in territories adjacent to Karabakh. According to it, Kalbacar, Fuzuli and Agdam districts will be ceded [Armenia will return the territories to Azerbaijan] at the first stage. Russian troops will be deployed in Kalbacar, and US troops in Fuzuli, and Azerbaijan will immediately start rehabilitation work in Agdam. Thus, in fact, NATO troops will be stationed in Fuzuli, which borders Iran, and probably Iran's growing interest in a Nagornyy Karabakh settlement is linked to this circumstance. There are also reports that [former Armenian President] Robert Kocharyan visited Moscow in the week commencing on 24 April [- 30 May] and complained saying: "What are you doing? We will have problems in the country [Armenia]." However, they [the Russian authorities] explained that [Armenian President] Serzh Sargsyan has consented to the proposed option and said that he ha! d said "yes" to everything. We have requested Kocharyan's office to officially clarify the report on his Moscow visit. The head of Kocharyan's office, Viktor Soghomonyan, did not answer our phone calls.

They are changing the Supreme Body Against this background, the meeting of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation - Dashnaktsutyun, which started on 4 June, is quite noteworthy. Naturally, the meeting is held beyond closed doors and is held in Aghavnadzor [a resort area in Armenia's Kotayk Region] although Dashnaks keep even the venue secret for unknown reasons. This political force, which is one of Kocharyan's pillars, will discuss political, PR, organizational issues, will approve resolutions for the next two years of activities, and will also change the composition of Dashnaktsutyun's supreme body.Armen Rustamyan, the head of the parliamentary committee on foreign relations, is the representative of Dashnaktsutyun's supreme body. It is known that Dashnaktsutyun is split into two parts: part of it leans towards Kocharyan, but there is another part that is working quite well with Sargsyan. We asked a member of Dashnaktsutyun's Supreme Body, Artyush Shahbazyan, what were new possible accents in case of expected changes in the political line. "This will become clear at the end of the meeting," he said.[Passage omitted: Dashnaktsutyun branches abroad have been displeased with the party's "mild policy" and support for President Sargsyan and may try to get rid of some members of the party]Source: Haykakan Zhamanak, Yerevan, in Armenian 5 Jun 10, p 3 BBC Mon TCU 100610 sa/ah

2. Finland’s Foreign Minister to visit Armeniahttp://www.panorama.am/en/politics/2010/06/10/finland-minister/15:49 10/06/2010 » Politics

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Upon the invitation of the Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, Finland’s Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb is due to pay a working visit to Armenia June 11, Foreign Ministry reported.

Alexander Stubb is expected to meet with President Serzh Sargsyan, FM Edward Nalbandian. 3. Sanctions against Iran to affect Armenian-Iranian cooperationhttp://www.panarmenian.net/eng/politics/news/49843/June 10, 2010 - 13:33 AMT 08:33 GMTPanARMENIAN.Net - The current U.S. policy towards Iran is rather anti-Armenian than anti-Iranian, according to expert Sergey Shakaryants.“The UN Security Council’s resolution on imposing new sanctions against Iran is a blow to the interests of all countries of the region. Appliance of sanctions will hardly stop uranium enrichment and nuclear research in Iran but will create new obstacles in Iran’s relations with its neighbors, including Armenia,” he told journalists on June 10.Shakaryants reminded that Armenia and Iran have developed a number of joint energy projects. “Yesterday’s decision will affect the Armenian-Iranian cooperation,” he said.He noted that during the coming months tensions may heighten in Middle East. “All depends on the hearings on Israel to be held in the UN. If the organization fails to take an equal position on both Israel and Iran, it can have grave consequences. After the yesterday’s resolution, Iran will hardly observe the agreements reached by Brazil and Turkey.


1. Azerbaijan president approves inter-governmental agreement between Azerbaijan and Kuwait


10.06.2010 23:04 Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev signed an order approving the agreement between the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Government of Kuwait on cooperation in the fields of sport and youth policy, AzerTAj state news agency reported.

According to the decree, the Ministry of Youth and Sports was mandated to implement the agreement, and the Foreign Ministry to notify the Government of Kuwait of the implementation of internal procedures required for entry into force of the agreement.

2. SOCAR gets license for construction of oil refinery in Turkey10.06.2010 17:12 http://en.trend.az/capital/pengineering/1702875.html

SOCAR has received a license from the regulator of the energy market in Turkey for the construction of a refinery with capacity of 10 million tons per year, near the petrochemical

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complex Petkim, in which SOCAR has a stake, SOCAR said.

It is expected that construction of a refinery will be launched next year. A detailed engineering will be conducted by the end of this year.

The biggest asset of SOCAR in Turkey is a petrochemical complex Petkim. All operations are carried out to build a refinery needed to ensure the complex with raw material

Capacity of the new plant will be 10 million tons per year, of which 4 million tons will be supplied to the needs of Petkim in raw materials. The rest part, in particular diesel fuel, jet fuel and other energy resources will be sold on the markets of Turkey and Europe.

In 2008, the alliance between SOCAR and Turcas Petrol / Injaz Projects has won a tender to sell 51 percent stake of chemical concern Petkim, offering $2.04 billion. Now Turkey imports 70-75 percent of the necessary chemical products. Investments of SOCAR / Turcas / Injaz to the development of Petkim will reduce imports by 30 percent.

Petkim Petrokimya Holding manufactures plastic packaging, fabric, PVC, detergents. It is the only Turkish producer of such products. The company exports a quarter of the production.

3. Azerbaijani FM receives UAE deputy FM10.06.2010 20:19 http://en.trend.az/news/politics/foreign/1703090.html

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov received a delegation from the United Arab Emirates, headed by Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs, Tariq Hida, the press-service of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry reported.

The guest expressed his satisfaction with participation in the first political consultations of the foreign ministries of the two countries and mentioned the high level of relations between the UAE and Azerbaijan.

In his turn, Mammadyarov stressed that Azerbaijan's relations with the Persian Gulf countries are developing, and noted the importance of exchanging experiences between Azerbaijan and the UAE in the field of energy, rational use of energy sources, alternative energy development, the use of oil revenues. The two sides exchanged views on various issues of mutual interest.

4. Azeri top oil official on offshore gas exploration plans The following is the text of report by Azerbaijani newspaper Ekspress on 4 June headlined "SOCAR does not agree with BP" and subheaded "The State Oil Company does not see eye to eye with the British company on Sah Daniz 2 deposit" and again subheaded "Xosbaxt Yusifzada: `Azerbaijan's total gas reserve may reach 5bn cu. m'" and again subheaded "SOCAR and British BP company do not see eye to eye on Sah Daniz 2 deposit"

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BP is planning to drill thirty oil deposits under the Sah Daniz 2 project, First Vice-President of the State Oil Company Xosbaxt Yusifzada has said: "Gas will be pumped to a platform and then to compressor stations via underwater pipelines. BP will launch relevant activities in 2016 and is predicted to bring the production to 16bn cu. m in the same year with 29bn cu. m in 2029. This figure has not been confirmed yet and it is being elaborated now. There exist negative aspects from security standpoint. No horizontal drillings is planned in the deposits."However, Yusifzada said that SOCAR's plan is made up of two options. First, it is planned to drill oil wells in shallow (200 metres) and other (350-400 metres) areas. Two platforms will be installed with 11 oil deposits on each of them: "This will also ensure security. We are working jointly with the BP company, and will come to a general agreement." (APA-Economics)Yusifzada believes that this option has been applied to Azari-Ciraq-Gunasli (ACG) block of oil deposits. At present, the upper layers contain 350bn cu. m of gas, the first vice-president said, adding that lower layers also contain a certain amount of fuel: "Economically, SOCAR's option is a bit expensive. A final decision will soon be made."Incidentally, up until now, Azerbaijan has produced 570bn cu. m of gas; of these, 510bn has been extracted by SOCAR with 60bn by foreign companies. As of now, when the need of European and other regional countries for gas is on the increase, Azerbaijan has upped gas output, Yusifzada noted.He believes that as of now, Azerbaijan's daily gas output stands at 75m cu. m; of these, 19m cu. m by SOCAR; 23-24m cu. m from Sah Daniz and 34m cu. m from the Azari-Ciraq-Gunasli deposits. The daily output of the Azerbaijan International Operations Company stands at 24m cu.m.At present, Azerbaijan is exporting gas to Turkey, Georgia and Russia, Yusifzada said, adding that gas output has gone up five times over the last five years: "If the country's gas output stood at 24bn cu. m in 2009, this amount will be brought up to 29bn cu m in 2010."The annual gas output of Sah Daniz is 8.6bn cu.m. The production of gas from Sah Daniz will be sanctioned in 2016. In September this year, SOCAR will launch exploration drilling on the offshore Abseron deposit in the Caspian Sea. Yusifzada believes that up to 300bn cu. m of gas reserves have been predicted in this deposit. The drilling will also be launched at Umid deposit. It is believed that the 6,500m-deposit contains 250bn cu. m of gas.SOCAR is also planning to start drillings at Bulla-Daniz as well as at Naxcivan, Asiman, Safaq, Zafar and Masal deposits. In general, it is predicted that Azerbaijan's total gas deposits contain 2.6bn cu. m of gas. "If extra deposits are drilled, reserves might reach 5bn cu. m," SOCAR's official said.Source: Ekspress, Baku, in Azeri 4 Jun 10 p 7


1. Ukraine, Georgia sign air agreement Ukraine and Georgia have signed an intergovernmental agreement on air links, Interfax-Ukraine news agency has reported, citing Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kostyantyn Hryshchenko.Hryshchenko was meeting his Georgian counterpart Grigol Vashadze in Kiev on 10 June.The sides also discussed prospects for bilateral cooperation in economic, cultural and humanitarian sectors.For his part, Vashadze said the sides had "a very interesting dialogue". "There are many more agreements to come," he said.

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Hryshchenko also said that economic cooperation should be stepped up within GUAM, a regional group of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova, UNIAN said in a different report on the same day. "We do not think that the political element should prevail here. We see this structure as a possibility for regional cooperation, and in this context it completely suits such a pragmatic approach," Hryshchenko said.Sources: Interfax-Ukraine news agency, Kiev, in Russian 0923 gmt 10 Jun 10; Interfax-Ukraine news agency, Kiev, in Russian 0849 gmt 10 Jun 10 BBC Mon KVU 100610 dz

2. Georgia hails Ukrainian refusal to recognize Abkhazia, S. Ossetia16:47 10/06/2010http://en.rian.ru/exsoviet/20100610/159375922.html

Georgia's foreign minister thanked Ukrainian authorities on Thursday for their refusal to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

"I want to thank the Ukrainian president and foreign minister, in the presence of journalists, for the statements that were recently made over the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia" Grigol Vashadze said during a visit to Kiev.

Yanukovych, who has notably improved ties with Russia since taking office in February, said on June 4 that Ukraine would refuse to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as this would run counter to international norms.

Russia recognized the former Georgian republics shortly after a five-day war with Georgia in August 2008.

So far, only Nicaragua, Venezuela and the tiny island nation of Nauru have recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

KIEV, June 10 (RIA Novosti)

3. World Bank Vice President to visit Georgiahttp://www.news.az/articles/17288 Thu 10 June 2010 | 12:35 GMT Text size: Philippe Le Houérou, the World Bank Vice President, will visit Georgia on June 11th-14th to see the progress of projects financed by the organisation.In particular it concerns construction of dwelling for refugees, highways and energy projects - the VZGLYAD.

Currently 49 projects of the WB at the total cost of 1.4 bn are being implemented in Georgia.

Special attention is paid to projects being implemented after August 2008 events.

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4. Vashadze Visits Ukrainehttp://www.civil.ge/eng/article.php?id=22406Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 10 Jun.'10 / 12:42Georgian Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze will pay “an official visit” to Ukraine on June 10-11, the Georgian Foreign Ministry said.The visit, which the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry described as “a working” one, will be the first by the Georgian Foreign Minister after President Viktor Yanukovych’s election.M Vashadze will meet with his Ukrainian counterpart Konstantin Grishenko to discuss a broad range of bilateral relations and regional cooperation, the Georgian Foreign Ministry said.


1. Turkish Historical Society launches project on Armenian issue Text of report in English by Turkish semi-official news agency Anatolia Sakarya, 10 June 2010: Turkish Historical Society is working on a project on Armenian problem in which nearly 300 academicians from different countries will participate.The project on "Turkey-Armenia relations in history and Armenian problem" will cluster more than 500 research papers and articles.The project is expected to be made up of 20 volumes. The project team aims to create the most comprehensive resource on Armenian problem.Professor Enis Sahin from Armenian Studies of Turkish Historical Society, head of the project team, said Thursday that the project had been announced in 2009. He said scholars from several countries such as Azerbaijan, Italy, France, United States, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Georgia and Armenia would be involved in the project."When we first started this project, we thought it would be comprised of 5,000-6,000 pages," Sahin said."Now it seems to be a set of books of nearly 20 volumes each with 600 or 700 pages. It will become an encyclopedia," he added.The set will include extensive information starting from early ages of Armenian history, and it will also feature several other periods of Armenian history, such as the Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods, as well as Armenian migration, Armenian diaspora and lobbying.Enis Sahin said the encyclopedia would be published in 2011 in response to Armenian preparation for 2015, the 100th anniversary of the incidents of 1915.Source: Anatolia news agency, Ankara, in English 0955 gmt 10 Jun 10

2. Turkey will not sacrifice Cyprus for EU or EU for Cyprus - Turkish minister Text of report in English by Turkish semi-official news agency Anatolia Nicosia, 10 June: Turkey's chief negotiator for EU talks, Egemen Bagis, said on Thursday [10 June] that Turkey would not give up Cyprus for European Union and European Union for Cyprus.Speaking at a meeting with Prime Minister Irsen Kucuk of the [self-declared] Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Bagis said Turkey considered Cyprus as national cause.

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Bagis said image of TRNC changed in the past eight years adding that "from now on we are not considered as the centre of the problem but the key to the solution".Bagis said TRNC opened representations in various countries of the world and that various countries were trying to open representations in TRNC. "Efforts should be stepped up from now on to put the decision made by Council of Europe on 26 April 2004 into force. I mean unjust isolations imposed on Northern Cyprus should be removed from now on."Bagis said the world was very closely pursuing Cyprus and that TRNC and Turkish Cypriot people gave very clear messages to the world for peace and tranquillity. "All the world appreciated statement of [Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis] Eroglu that TRNC would not escape from the negotiation table," he said.Bagis said Turkey's EU process was the most important civilization project of Turkey after the declaration of the republic, "We will not sacrifice Cyprus for the EU and EU for Cyprus because we are rightful in both cases. I believe that we will succeed in both matters simultaneously," he added.

3. CLAIMS ON 15 BLN USD FROM SAUDI ARABIA ARE WRONG, TURKISH PRIME MINISTERhttp://www.aa.com.tr/en/ingilizce-haberler/

# Turkish prime minister said on Thursday that recent news published by the media claiming that 15 billion USD received from Saudi Arabia caused an increase in portfolio investments and deposits in Turkey were totally wrong.   Replying to questions at a press conference held after the "Sixth Meeting of the Investment Advisory Council of Turkey", Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan commented on several news stories claiming that Turkey had overcome the crisis thanks to a substantial amount of money it received from Saudi Arabia.   "Several press organs claimed that Turkey received 15 billion USD from Saudi Arabia and this money caused an increase in portfolio investments and deposits. These allegations are totally wrong and unfounded. Please do not give them any credit," Erdogan said.   Pointing to the news stating "monthly increase in deposits at banks broke a record with 10 percent, amounting to 23.5 billion Turkish liras, in May 2006", Erdogan said such deposits were the savings of residents of Turkey.   "The increase actually stemmed from the change in foreign exchange rates in May, 2006. Central Bank has also delivered the necessary statements on the issue," he added.   Commenting on today's meeting of the Investment Advisory Council of Turkey as well, the Turkish prime minister said members of the council expressed their appreciation over the government's successful activities improving the investment environment.   Erdogan said the council members also confirmed Turkey's improving economic structure and they reiterated that Turkey was among the countries which could manage global fluctuations in the best way thanks to its government's decisive policies.   (DO-GC)

4.Israel, Turkey can rebuild ties -Mossad ex-chief10 Jun 2010 16:18:08 GMT

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Source: Reutershttp://alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/LDE65920A.htm

BRUSSELS, June 10 (Reuters) - It may take months of intense work but both Israel and Turkey have a vested interest in rebuilding ties after the Gaza flotilla assault, a former head of Israel's foreign intelligence agency said on Thursday.

Efraim Halevy, the director of Mossad from 1998-2002 and a former senior adviser to a succession of Israeli prime ministers, said the flotilla attack, in which nine Turkish men were killed by Israeli forces, had severely damaged relations.

But he said ties between the countries were not built on sentiment alone, and that both were conscious that their history and shared interests were worth protecting and rebuilding, even if it might take time and hard diplomacy to achieve it.

"Relations between Turkey and Israel have seen many, many years of very sincere and very profound cooperation," Halevy told reporters in Brussels, where he was speaking on terrorism threats in Europe.

He said there was "a deep understanding" in Israel of the importance of Turkey in the Middle East.

"There is an effort, a very difficult effort, but an effort that has to be made on both sides -- I would say also on our side, on the Israeli side -- to do whatever is possible to preserve these relations which have served both countries over a long period of time," he said

Relations between Israel and majority Muslim Turkey formally date back to 1949, but have been particularly warm since the mid-1990s. Israel is a major arms supplier to Turkey, and Turkey has acted as a mediator for Israeli-Arab peace discussions.

Ties were strained by Israel's three-week war in Gaza in 2008-2009, and were damaged even further by the May 31, 2010 flotilla assault, in which Israeli naval forces raided a convoy of aid ships attempting to breach Israel's blockade of Gaza.

Halevy, who first went to Turkey in 1963 and developed close ties with the country's leadership over four decades, said the two nations had more common ground than cause for division.

"These are interests which are geopolitical, they are interests which are born out of the fact that both Turkey and Israel are democratic countries with democratically elected governments and also out of a deep appreciation of the role that Turkey has played from time to time in the Israeli-Arab dispute," he said.

He said he believed the basic interests of Turkey and Israel were still very close.

"I hope that in the months to come, both sides will make the necessary effort to bring relations back at least to a level that would enable both of us to benefit from this important relationship,"

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he said.

(Editing by Peter Graff)

5. Turkey: "Good chance" of settling division on Cyprus this yearJun 10, 2010, 17:34 GMT


New York - Turkey said Thursday there is a 'good chance' that the United Nations-led mediation on ethnically divided Cyprus would work out a settlement by year's end.

The UN mediator, former Australian foreign minister Alexander Downer, said Turkey has shown more enthusiasm than the Greek Cypriots. But he said both sides have considered 2010 'the year of solution.'

Cyprus is divided, since the 1960s, between Turkish Cyprus in the north and Greek Cypriots in the south of the Mediterranean island. Turkey provides military troops and support for the north while the Greek Cyprus part has a stronger economy and EU membership.

The UN Security Council held a closed-door discussion on the resumed negotiations in Cyprus between the two communities' leaders and was told of progress in the talks.

Turkish UN Ambassador Ertegul Apakan told reporters, 'There is a good chance that the UN process would reach an agreement by the end of 2010. We support the UN role and the UN Security Council will encourage the two sides to continue their efforts to reach an agreement.'

Downer said both sides have shown 'a good deal of enthusiasm' on progress of the talks in Nicosia even though the Greek Cypriots have been 'less expressive.'

Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu and Greek Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias have maintained a good relationship during the talks, which dealt with power sharing if the two sides were to agree on a federal government and other issues like property and family reunion.

A UN peacekeeping mission has been manning a ceasefire line separating the two communities.

6. Turkish premier praises Turkey's ties with Syria Text of report in English by state-run Syrian news agency SANA website ["Erdogan: Syrian-Turkish relations are among brothers" - SANA headline]Istanbul, Turkey (SANA) - Syrian-Turkish relations are relations among brothers in the same family, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.Premier Erdogan was speaking in a speech at the 5th Arab-Turkish Economic Forum which kicked off on Tuesday [8 June, as published] with the participation of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Mu'allim.

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"Peace has not been achieved in Palestine. We don't believe that there is no solution, but some parties want to preserve their interests," Erdogan said. He asserted that peace couldn't be achieved unless the siege imposed on Gaza Strip lifted."We firmly stressed that we stand against all forms of terrorism including state terrorism. We will not keep silent over killing nine Turks through the Israeli state terrorism in the international waters," Erdogan added.He went on to say "Turkey exerts all possible efforts to achieve stability, welfare and peace in the region."Erdogan added that Turkey will continue the diplomatic efforts in coordination with Brazil regarding the Iranian nuclear file, describing the imposition of sanctions on Iran as wrong."We don't only share the same geography, breath the same air and live in the same region, but we also have a common history, feelings and culture," Erdogan said.Source: SANA news agency website, Damascus in English 10 Jun 10

7. Turkey, Arab League discuss joint regional initiative The Turkish foreign minister said that Turkish-Arab world had the most strategic zone in the world.http://www.worldbulletin.net/news_detail.php?id=59771 The Turkish foreign minister said that Turkish-Arab world had the most strategic zone in the world from Kars (Turkey) to Morocco and Mauritania, from Sinop (Turkey) to Sudan, from Istanbul Strait to Gulf of Aden.

Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu delivered a speech at the joint inauguration of Turkish-Arab Cooperation Forum (TAC) and the Third Meeting of TAC Foreign Ministers in Istanbul on Thursday.

Davutoglu said, "we want this zone to turn into a security, economic integration and prosperity zone. We are resolute on this matter."

"Economic walls and political walls among us are collapsing. But the most important thing is that walls in minds are collapsing. There is a new mentality now. This new mentality will build a new history and it will create a brand new atmosphere in this important strategic zone," Davutoglu said.

Davutoglu said they supported joint regional initiative that was proposed by Arab League's Secretary General Amr Moussa at the last Arab Summit and they discussed some details on Wednesday and would continue to discuss it today as well.

"When we are working to turn the region into a secure region, we consider that the biggest obstacle is the policy of pressure which has been imposed on our Palestinian friends for more than a half century. It is difficult for this zone to reach security and get normalized before Palestine is freed," he said.

"The latest attacks and developments showed that the region has a fragile structure. We have to

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focus on works that will make the region a zone of security," he said.

"Israel violated international law and attacked on a civil flotilla, killing nine people and wounding several others. I would like to thank Arab League for its solidarity in regard to the incident," he said.

Davutoglu said, "Turkey will keep dealing with every kind of problem in the region. We will not remain indifferent to any problem."

8. EU denies responsibility for Turkey-Israel tension09 June 2010, 22:35 CET— filed under: Turkey, Israel, diplomacy, US, Gaza, conflicthttp://www.eubusiness.com/news-eu/israel-gaza-turkey.53r/

(BRUSSELS) - The European Union on Wednesday rejected a US charge that its failure to accept Turkey as a member was partly responsible for the deterioration of relations between Ankara and Israel.

"The EU has very good relations with both Turkey and Israel," and "the bilateral relations between these two countries are not linked with the bilateral relations between the EU and each of these countries," insisted Maja Kocijancic, spokeswoman for the bloc's foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton.

She added that "as far as Turkey is concerned, progress in accession negotiations depends on the progress in reforms taking place" there.

Earlier US Defence Secretary Robert Gates argued that the EU's refusal to accept Turkey as a member swiftly has partly caused Ankara's foreign policy shift and the deterioration in its relations with Israel,

"If there is anything to the notion that Turkey is, if you will, moving eastward, it is my view in no small part because it was pushed and pushed by some in Europe, refusing to give Turkey the kind of organic link to the West that Turkey sought," Gate told reporters in London.

Turkey's EU membership talks began in 2005 but have been moving at glacial pace due to the lack of reforms but also the French and German views that Ankara is not a real European nation and should instead be offered some kind of "privileged partnership".

On top of that Turkey's refusal to deal normally with EU member Cyprus is another problem.

Relations between Turkey and Israel have been seriously downgraded following an Israeli naval raid against an aid flotilla to the Gaza Strip on May 31, which left nine Turks dead.

9. Turkey's PM expects Arab govts to step up steps for besieged Gaza

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"Arabic countries should take more initiatives for solution of the problem through peaceful means," Erdogan said.http://www.worldbulletin.net/news_detail.php?id=59763 Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that peace and stability could not be restored in the region when Gaza was under blockade.

"Arabic countries should take more initiatives for solution of the problem through peaceful means," Erdogan said while speaking at the opening of the Third Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Turkish-Arab Cooperation Forum (TAC).

Erdogan said billions of dollars, which had to be spent for employment, production and poor people, were spent to armament because of unreal problems. "We face severe criticisms as we voice the problems and we say peace, stability and welfare. We face criticisms as we raise our voice for injustice and oppose to every kind of terrorism and state terrorism," he said.

Erdogan said, "Shall we remain silent against attacks on ships, which set out from Turkey, carrying activists of 32 different countries, and which were only loaded with relief materials. Shall I close my eyes against massacre of my 9 citizens in the international waters with terrorism and injury and maltreatment of 24 people from different countries. I visited all those injured one by one and saw their situation. Some of those injured are still under treatment in intensive care unit. Shall we remain silent against inhumane practices in Palestine? Won't this be approving state terrorism? Won't this be tolerance to unlawful acts?"

Erdogan said international community and international organizations condoned such kind of inhumane practices and encouraged them secretly, "this process can not continue so and should not. Peace and stability can not be restored when Gaza is under blockade. My government will never make concession from the principles we believe whatever they say to us," he said.

Erdogan said he expected Arabic countries to take more initiatives for the solution of the problem through peaceful means and noted that no country could restore peace and stability as a whole when Palestinian-Israel problem stayed there.

"We should boost alliances and exert more efforts in the name of peace. Neither me nor the government is after getting a role in the region. We believe that the sufferings, tragedies, unlawful acts and piracy give serious damages to all the countries in the region and the region itself," Erdogan said.

10. Arab League labels Israel "black hole", praises TurkeyArab League's Secretary General Amr Moussa praised Turkey's stance regarding Gaza.

http://www.worldbulletin.net/news_detail.php?id=59762 Arab League's Secretary General Amr Moussa praised Turkey's stance regarding Gaza.

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Moussa who addressed the Foreign Ministers meeting of the Turkish-Arab Forum in Istanbul referred to the Israeli attack on the Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

Moussa said, "We have seen that a hostile attack was staged on a ship which was sailing in international waters with a noble cause. A murder was committed in violation of human rights. As the Arab world and people of the region we appreciate Turkey's stance."

Amr Moussa said Arab countries and Turkey shared a deep rooted tradition and had the same hopes. He said the relation between Arab community and Turkey was based on brotherhood adding that they knew well how sincere Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan's approach to its neighbours.

Moussa said the black hole of the middle east was Israel, adding that Palestinian issue was in the root of all confrontations. He said the Foreign Ministers meeting was an opportunity discuss the problems of the region.

Moussa pointed out that Arab countries should develop financial interests with Turkey. He said the commercial relations between Turkey and the Arab world should be enhanced. He said the trade volume reached 40 billion TL in 2008, but recorded a decline with the impact of the crisis.

Amr Moussa called for firm decisions in the meeting noting that the current structure in the region should be changed.

"Many pains were suffered in this region. However we need to take bold decisions and protect our peoples. Yes, we salute Turkey's stance. Israel is the main issue in protection of the Arab peoples," said Moussa.

11. Gul to be first Turkish president to visit S.Korea after 28 yearsPresident Gul will pay a formal visit to South Korea between June 14 and 16. http://www.worldbulletin.net/news_detail.php?id=59755 Turkish President Abdullah Gul will travel to South Korea upon invitation by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak.

A statement by the Presidential Press Center said on Thursday that President Gul would pay a formal visit to South Korea between June 14 and 16.

President Gul would be the first Turkish president to visit South Korea after 28 years, the statement said.

Ministers, deputies, representatives of nongovernmental organizations and businesspeople will accompany Gul during his visit.

President Gul and South Korea's President Lee will discuss bilateral relations, cooperation opportunities, regional and international issues during their meeting.

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Gul will also attend a meeting of the Turkish-South Korean Business Council and address businesspeople and investors.

12. No survivors as Turkish military helicopter crashesA military helicopter crashed in the central province of Tokat on Thursdayhttp://www.worldbulletin.net/news_detail.php?id=59754 A military helicopter crashed in the central province of Tokat on Thursday.

Senel Kucuk, the head of Tokat's Golcuk village, said a military helicopter crashed in a forested area between Kuzulan Plateau and Sehitler village.

"We have seen smoke rising from the area after the crash," Kucuk said.

Also, Tokat's Governor Serif Yilmaz said he had just learned that there were no survivors in the military helicopter crash.

13. Yemen, Turkey to launch political dialogue [10/June/2010]

http://www.sabanews.net/en/news216796.htm SANA'A, June 10 (Saba) - Yemen and Turkey is to launch on Friday a political dialogue in the Turkish capital, Ankara.

A diplomatic source told the weekly 26 September that the Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Muthana will head the Yemeni delegation in the dialogue, which will focus on enhancing mutual cooperation and coordination at the bilateral, regional and international levels.

Moreover, he will take part in the Yemeni-Turkish Forum meeting to be held in Istanbul city on June 16 – 17 to discuss several issues concerning cultural, scientific and academic cooperation between Yemen and Turkey, according to the source.

Muthana has participated in the Arab-Turkish Forum held on June 9 – 11 in Istanbul city. It discussed the cooperation relations between Arab countries and Turkey.

14. Sit-in by families of imprisoned children to go onhttp://en.firatnews.com/index.php?rupel=article&nuceID=29610 June 2010Families of jailed children enter their seventh day of protest in front of Diyarbakır prison

Families of imprisoned children are in their seventh day of protest outside Diyarbakır prison.

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Children are charged under the Anti-Terror Act (TMK).

Activists and families have begun their sit-in action for an indefinite period to protest against the transfer and detention of children.

Many associations and organizations have joined the protest.

The number of children being tried on the ground of throwing stones at the police and shouting slogans has reached seven thousands. The children are ranked as terrorists.

Despite the fact that the evidences are limited and often end up being the sole police report, the children have been in prison for months. They are deprived not only of their freedom, but also of their very childhood, education and basic rights.

According to the Ministry of Justice, nearly three thousand children are being tried for having taken part in social demonstrations. According to the Diyarbakır Bar Association, seven thousand children are being tried. The total sentence for the stone throwing children is over two thousand years. The numbers are growing and children are continuing to stay in prisons.

15. Teenager and man injured in Hakkari when police attacked demonstratorshttp://en.firatnews.com/index.php?rupel=article&nuceID=29510 June 2010Fourteen years old Cihan Isik and 35 years old Hamza Uca have been injured in Hakkari

Fourteen years old Cihan Isik and 35 years old Hamza Uca have been injured when they got hit by gas bombs in Yuksekova, district of Hakkari. 

Clashes erupted when the police attacked the people demonstrating in Hakkari and its district Yuksekova. It is reported that two people including 14 year old teenager have been wounded and taken to hospital. Heavily injured Hamza Uca has undergone surgery. 

Demonstrations were organized immediately after the news spread of raids and arrests in Hakkari and Yuksekova. 

16. A march from Istanbul to Ankara to ask justice for disappeared peoplehttp://en.firatnews.com/index.php?rupel=article&nuceID=29410 June 2010The families of the disappeared people of Turkey will start off on 12 June from Istanbul

The relatives of the missing people of Turkey, who have been gathering in front of Galatasaray High School every week, are going to march to Ankara from Istanbul to bring their demands to the Turkey Grand National Assembly (TBMM) and to meet the political parties.

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There are more than 17.000 missing or killed people by unknown perpetrators in Turkey. The relatives of missing people ask to find and punish perpetrators as well as to learn their loved ones’ faith.

The march to Ankara is going to begin on June 12 from Istanbul. The families are going to stop in Izmit, Yalova, Bursa and Eskisehir where new people are going to join the march. There will be a press conference in front of TBMM when the march arrive in Ankara and meetings with group representatives of BDP (Peace and Democracy Party), CHP (Republican People’s Party) and AKP (Justice and Development Party).

A file containing the applications for disappeared people will be presented to the Human Rights Committee of TBMM by the marchers.

17. Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria to try setting up visa-free zone

Text of report in English by Turkish semi-official news agency Anatolia

Istanbul, 10 June: Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria signed a joint declaration on Thursday [10 June] to launch an initiative to form a free-trade zone and a visa-free zone. These nations will also set up a joint cooperation council.

The declaration, announced at the end of the meeting of foreign ministers of the Turkish - Arab Cooperation Forum held in Istanbul, said that Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria has taken aim at cooperation on several fields, including trade, Customs, agriculture, health and energy.

After reading the declaration, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that the declaration has formed an extensive area of cooperation among these four countries.

"I hope this area will become larger and include other regional countries," Davutoglu said.

Source: Anatolia news agency, Ankara, in English 1216 gmt 10 Jun 10


1. The view is that the raid on the ship (not killing Turks) was designed to send Turkey a message given Ankara’s moves that the Israelis see as defending the Iranians.

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From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Bayless ParsleySent: June-10-10 2:38 PMTo: Analyst ListSubject: Re: INSIGHT - TURKEY/ISRAEL - On the flotilla - CN65

it's one thing to say the israelis wanted to kill turks to send a message -- that i find really hard to believe

but to say that the israelis were extra determined to block the ship b/c it was turkish-led is not at all controversial imo

Reva Bhalla wrote:

yeah, that's a story being circulated by a lot of TUrks. they say with tons of conviction that Israel planned to board the ship and kill a bunch of ppl to send a message. it's propaganda

On Jun 10, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Michael Wilson wrote:

SOURCE: CN65ATTRIBUTION: Australian contact connected with the government and natural resourcesSOURCE DESCRIPTION:  Former Australian Senator.  Source is well-connected politically, militarily and economically.  He has become aprivate businessman helping foreign companies with M&AsPUBLICATION: Yes but with no attributionSOURCE RELIABILITY: AITEM CREDIBILITY: ? second-hand from a person that seems to be in the knowDISTRIBUTION: AnalystsSPECIAL HANDLING: NoneSOURCE HANDLER: Jen

A friend of mine has just returned from Turkey.  He is a member of that Gulen led organisation which is closely align to the ruling party, and which had some more pacific things to say about the recent events than others.  My chum is the leader of their organisation here in Queensland.


He said some of his friends from his hometown were on the ships, and that he saw the loading of some of them before they sailed.

One of his comments was most interesting.  I had said the Israelis really pissed some of us off by undertaking action on the high seas, like pirates.  His take on the Israeli response was that Israel wanted to really gain attention, and to do make a point to Turkey.  He said Israel did this because they wanted to put Turkey in their place for working with Brazil to on their Iran proposal.

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