12 Steps to Creating a Content and Social Media Strategy Before Product Launch for Entrepreneurs

12 Steps to Creating a Content and Social Media Strategy Before Product Launch for Entrepreneurs by Devore Agency


Find out the exact steps you need to take before a product launch. Learn to predict and increase the success of your launch by creating a specialized content and social media strategy. This Slideshare guides you through the exact formula, from product adopters, to press releases, news sources, opt-in pages, syndicating content across media, videos, and most importantly... Following up with customers after they buy. Taking the extra steps now will put you in the lead, and leave your competitors in the dust. Thanks for sliding with us! Richard Akhmerov Devore Agency

Transcript of 12 Steps to Creating a Content and Social Media Strategy Before Product Launch for Entrepreneurs

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12 Steps to Creating a Content and Social Media Strategy Before Product Launch for Entrepreneurs

by Devore Agency

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Step 1: The Foundation

Identify your target customer or persona. If you've done this in the past, do it again, as it might have changed while the product was being created. This is one of the most important steps, and should not be skipped over.

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Step 2: Product Adopters

These are the people who will drive your product's success. Create a high converting opt-in page for them, and offer them great tips, content, freebies, and a front line pass to your product before release. Treat them like gold, the velocity of your launch greatly depends on these early product adopters.

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Step 3: Transform Your Company into an Authority

It's time to put your company on the map. Start releasing high-quality content and placing it on the website. Make sure it revolves with your field and is targeted towards future customers. It is absolutely essential that this information is top tier. Syndicate across your social media profiles.

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Step 4: Using News Outlets

Utilizing press releases and news outlets can create amazing awareness for your product. Your press release needs to be well written, and most importantly interesting, before you syndicate the article across news sources.

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Step 5: Email Lists are Lifelines

There is perhaps nothing more important than growing your email list. This is the only technology where you still have direct contact with prospects to do whatever you want. Cherish this list, and make sure you build it by giving away offers, whether it's a front seat to your product, or an eBook that can help them. The possibilities are endless here.

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Step 6: Social Media Pre-Product Launch

Before your product launches, it is important for you to be talking and engaging with your followers. Keep them up to date on everything that happens. Be honest. And most importantly, don't be boring and monotone. Speak up, act human, and keep the conversations going. Make them excited... They should be.

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Step 7: More, More, More Videos

Give your audience a hands on experience of your product by filming yourself using it. Show them secret tricks and benefits that they'll get to using this product. Build desire in your audience. Utilizing Youtube and syndicating it across your social media can have a great effect on the amount of prospects who will turn into paying customers.

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Step 8: Your Social Proof: Testimonials

Remember those early product adopters you created a list for? Well, now it's time to repay the favor. Contact them directly, and offer to send them your product, for free. All you ask for in exchange is their true and honest opinion on your product. This will create social proof for your product, and will build instant trust with prospects... Before the product ever gets released.

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Step 9: Turn Your Sales Page On!

Have you build your sales page yet? Your product is about to launch in a week... How will you take orders? Get professional copywriters to build up your sales page for you, they'll be able to tell you what type of conversion offer you'll need for your type of product. This single page is going to be responsible for the sales that come through, so focus your attention on getting this done, sooner than later.

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Step 10: Content and Social Media During Launch

As your launch starts to happen, it's time for you to really kick it in high gear. Go above and beyond what a regular company will do. Did someone order from you and you're connected with them on Twitter? Why not send out a tweet and let them know the order has been sent? Create amazing customer interaction. Also, right now is an important time to be split testing your sales page offer.

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Step 11: Post Launch: Build Phenomenal Value

It's not over yet... Now that the product has been launched, and is in the hands of buyers... Utilize your email and social media to provide them with more direct benefits which they didn't know your product could do. No direct benefits? Send them tips, tricks and helpful videos on your industry. Keep providing value.

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Step 12: Success! What Next?

Now that your product has launched, you've gotten great feedback, and your customers are happy... You can utilize that email list, and the same tactics to create your next product. The second time will be easier, as you already have experience, authority, and an established customer base. Don't disregard your previous lists for your next endeavors.

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You're a product launch wizard.

Utilizing these techniques will get you further ahead than 99% of companies out there performing their first launch. You've given your customers value, this is the most important thing to remember. Of course, it's not easy to create all of this content while you're in the midst of launching your product. Sometimes you need outside help.

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