12 Sept, Herald Publication

O HERALD O The Voice of Goa — Since 1900 India: On-screen kissing lands Emraan in trouble Pg 9 Sports: Bowling, fielding was rusty -- Sachin Pg 16 Goa: Davorlim locals brace up to oppose land acquisition Pg 3 Visit us at:www.oheraldo.in panjim, sunDaY, sEpTEmBER 12, 2010 pRiCE Rs. 3.00 (air surcharge Rs 2.00) pages 16+6 S U N D A Y Relive the luxury of French and Italian classics, and discover the flavors of new world wines. Choose your favourites with help from expert tasting notes and food pairing recommendations. With discounts on bottle prices ranging from 35% - 65%, you’ll be spoilt for choice. It’s a monsoon sale – and it’s raining discounts! Monsoon Wine Sale 1 st Sep – 30 th Sep, AZ.U.R WINE. IT ONLY GETS BETTER WITH TIME. Goa Marriott Resort Miramar, Panaji, Goa t: +91 832 2463333 www.goamarriottresort.com PTI WASHINGTON, SEPT 11 As he led Americans in remem- bering the victims of the 9/11 attacks, President Barack Obama today pledged that the US will “never be at war” with Islam as it was dreaded terror group Al- Qaeda which attacked the coun- try, not a religion. Addressing fellow citizens on the heels of a Florida pastor threatening to burn copies of Quran and the controversy sur- rounding plans to build a mosque near the Ground Zero, Obama said the terrorist ele- ments may seek to spark conflict between different faiths. The pastor has since abandoned the plans. “...but as Americans we are not — and never will be — at war with Islam. It was not a re- ligion that attacked us that Sep- tember day — it was Al-Qaeda, a sorry band of men which per- verts religion,” Obama said in his address from Pentagon, one of the sites of the attacks. He also vowed to keep the nation safe come what may and remembered the victims of the terrorist attacks in New York, Pentagon and Pennsylvania that killed more than 3,000 people. “For our nation, this is a day of remembrance, a day of re- flection, and — with God’s grace — a day of unity and renewal,” Obama said as he paid a visit to hallowed ground at the Penta- gon and laid a wreath. The main function was held at the Ground Zero site in New York City, attended by the Vice President Joe Biden. Chaturthi, Eid celebrated HERALD REPORTER PANJIM, SEPT 11 Ganesh festivities began in the State today with pomp and gai- ety. It was a day of double fes- tivity as Muslims also celebrated Eid. People welcomed the arrival of Lord Ganesh in their homes with colourful decorations, bursting of fire crackers and prayers seeking His blessing for prosperity and protection from evil. Though Ganesh festival is cel- ebrated by Hindus in the State — their ways of celebrations differ. Some follow tradition wherein they have celebration for a day-and-a-half and Ganesh idol is immersed into the nearest water body on the second day. Where as at many places cele- bration continues for five days and immersion takes place on the evening of the fifth day. However, more enthusiastic also have Ganesh Chaturthi for seven days and some for nine days. In the changing times aware- ness is growing to have envi- ronment friendly celebration by minimizing use of fire crackers. The Goa State Pollution Con- trol Board (GSPCB) had appealed people not to buy Plaster of Paris idols and against causing noise pollution. A man performing pooja on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi in the city. (More photos on page 2) Photo by Rozario Estibeiro HERALD REPORTER PANJIM, SEPT 11 Day after former minister Fran- cisco ‘Mickky’ Pacheco was grilled for nearly three hours by Delhi Central Bureau of Investi- gation (CBI) sleuths, on Friday, the agency interrogated his es- tranged wife Sara at its branch office in Bambolim on Saturday. CBI’s Anti Corruption Branch (ACB) sleuths probing into the illegal immigration racket against Mickky quizzed Sara for over three hours between 3:50 pm and 7 pm. Sara escorted by social activist Auda Viegas and local Calvert Gomes reached CBI office, three hours after she was telephoni- cally summoned by the investi- gating agency. Speaking to one of the inves- tigating officers, inspector Yadav told Herald that it was a basic interrogation and Sara might be called for further questioning if required. Mickky, 46, who is an alleged accused of forging documents to send Goans abroad, especially United States, was interrogated on Friday evening. The Nation- alist Congress Party (NCP) leg- islator had said that the agency namely ‘Manpower Recruitment Agency’ was a joint venture started by him and Sara in 1998, whereas its license expired in 2000. He also claimed that he stopped handling affairs of the agency after he separated from his wife. To a question whether Sara produced any documents to level her charges against Mickky, the officer replied that they had not asked her to bring any doc- uments. “We did not ask her to get any documents today. She an- swered to our queries and we would call her as and when required. This was basic After Mickky, CBI now grills Sara PTI SRINAGAR, SEPT 11 Jammu and Kashmir Chief Min- ister Omar Abdullah today ac- cused the Chairman of moderate Hurriyat Conference Mirwaiz Umer Farooq of betraying the trust reposed when his close aide asked for permission for march to Lal Chowk and said vi- olent incidents would result in setback for any political initiative in the State. “Today’s protests were un- called for as people wanted to celebrate Eid after a month-long fasting. But violence like today’s will result in set back for any initiative that the Government can think for breaking the im- passe,” he said reacting to protests in the state capital in which two government build- ings were set on fire. Accusing Mirwaiz and JKLF Chief Yaseen Malik of failing in their duty to maintain peace, Omar said “It was Mirwaiz’s of- fice which approached a senior official in my government and requested for permission to have a march to Lal Chowk. “They were repeatedly asked that the mob will go out of con- trol but the repeated insistence from the separatist camp for al- lowing them a political space for peaceful march made me overrule suggestions of my po- lice officials. However, whatever has happened later from Lal Chowk can be termed as be- trayal of trust,” he said. While the Chief Minister re- frained from naming the close aide of Mirwaiz, but sources said the offer was made by the Hurriyat Chairman through Shahid-ul-Islam, a former chief of terrorist group Hizbullah. Omar said the onus for main- taining peace was totally on the two separatists leaders who have been “accusing my gov- ernment for not providing them space for a peaceful protest.” Asked whether such incidents would cast a shadow on the talks about partial removal of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), he said “while we want the changes to take place but such incidents would defi- nitely have a bearing on any moves to restore peace.” Mirwaiz aide reasoned out that the march was a political necessity for them as the space for separatists in the Valley was shrinking fast, the sources said. However, as the mob in Lal Chowk started turning hostile, Mirwaiz and his aides quickly disappeared from the scene. Reacting to Omar, Mirwaiz said it was people’s anger that was playing out on the street though he would not justify the violence. CM accuses Mirwaiz of betraying trust SRINAGAR BURNS CCS to discuss Kashmir crisis on Monday PTI NEW DELHI, SEPT 11 The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) will meet on Monday to discuss measures like partial withdrawal of con- troversial Armed Forces Spe- cial Powers Act (AFSPA) for breaking the impasse in Jammu and Kashmir but today’s sudden flare up of vi- olence in Srinagar appeared to put Government in a spot. Prime Minister, who con- ferred with Congress president Sonia Gandhi, his Cabinet col- leagues and senior party lead- ers in the Congress Core Group yesterday, has convened the meeting to discuss the situa- tion and consider options. HERALD REPORTER MARGAO, SEPT 11 After Education Minister, Babush Monserrate, the social network- ing bug has hit PWD Minister, Churchill Alemao as well. Three days after the educa- tion minister lodged a police complaint alleging that un- known persons have opened his account on Facebook; Alemao has lodged a similar complaint with the Colva police. Alemao’s personal assistant Fredrick Borges last night lodged a written complaint with the Colva police stating that un- known persons have opened an account on social networking site Orkut uploading wrong in- formation and false profile of the PWD minister pertaining to his political and social life. Borges maintained that the information is not only false but maligns the image of PWD min- ister and called for necessary action on a priority basis. Sources in the know said that information relating to Alemao’s political rivals was also uploaded on the site. It is learnt that Ale- mao’s account on the Facebook was reportedly spotted by his children, and after inquiry, it be- came clear that the PWD minis- ter has not opened any account on the social networking site. The matter was immediately taken up with the Superinten- dent of Police, South, Allan De Sa, following which a complaint was lodged with the Colva police on late Saturday night. When contacted, Sub-Divi- sional Police Officer, Margao DySP Umesh Gaonkar said the Colva police have registered a case against unknown persons for impersonation on the net under the Information Technol- ogy Act 2005. The Colva police are probing. The Panjim police are believed to have written to Facebook ask- ing for all details of the person, who created and operated the social networking account in the name of the education minister. Social networking bug hits Churchill too Tar balls at Mumbai’s Juhu Beach HERALD CORRESPONDENT MUMBAI, SEPT 11 Mumbai’s popular Juhu Beach is facing a crisis similar to Goa, as tar balls are washing ashore and polluting the sands since Tues- day, which have severely affected several areas of the beach. According to local residents, tar balls washes up on the Juhu Beach every year during the monsoon, but this year the beach has witnessed more tar balls than ever before. The tar balls have covered a massive stretch of Juhu Beach. Locals are angry with the Ma- harashtra government for not taking any action to stop dump- ing of oil by passing ships, which they say is responsible. They said that so far, no official from the Maharashtra Pollution Con- trol Board has come to inspect the beach. US ‘will never be at war with Islam’: Obama Centre not to ban iron ore exports PTI BANGALORE, SEPT 11 Rejecting Karnataka govern- ment’s plea, the Centre today ruled out the possibility of ban- ning iron ore exports, saying such move would result in mas- sive unemployment, revenue losses and social tensions. Union Commerce and Indus- try Minister Anand Sharma said Indian mines produced close to 230-235 million tonnes annually and the domestic consumption was 85-90 million tonnes, leav- ing an exportable surplus of over 140 million tonnes. He said this surplus could not be stored because it was envi- ronmentally hazardous. Sharma pointed out that min- ing was done in poor, backward areas of the country and the mining industry contributed substantially to the country’s economy. “This industry employs tens of thousands, may be millions. If the export is stopped, it would lead to massive unemployment leading to social tensions”, he said. A written complaint was lodged with the Colva police stating that unknown persons have opened an account on Orkut uploading wrong information and false profile of Mr Alemao. 3 dead in IAF copter crash Three Indian Air Force per- sonnel, including a pilot and a co-pilot, were killed today when a Chetak helicopter carrying them crashed in bad weather at a remote place in Jharkhand. -- (PTI) (Continued on page 11) A woman holds a photograph showing New York firefighter Stephen Siller during 9/11 cere- monies marking the ninth an- niversary of the attacks in New York, on Saturday. pg1_Layout 1 9/12/2010 12:16 AM Page 1


news, entertainment, sports,

Transcript of 12 Sept, Herald Publication

  • OHERALDOThe Voice of Goa Since 1900

    India: On-screen kissing lands

    Emraan in trouble Pg 9

    Sports: Bowling, fielding

    was rusty -- Sachin Pg 16Goa: Davorlim locals brace up

    to oppose land acquisition Pg 3

    Visit us at:www.oheraldo.in panjim, sunDaY, sEpTEmBER 12, 2010 pRiCE Rs. 3.00 (air surcharge Rs 2.00) pages 16+6


    Relive the luxury of French and Italian classics, and discover the flavors of new world wines. Choose your favourites with help from expert tasting notes and food pairing recommendations.

    With discounts on bottle prices ranging from 35% - 65%, youll be spoilt for choice. Its a monsoon sale and its raining discounts!

    MMoonnssoooonn WWiinnee SSaallee

    1st Sep 30th Sep, AZ.U.R



    Goa Marriott Resort Miramar, Panaji, Goa t: +91 832 2463333 www.goamarriottresort.com



    As he led Americans in remem-bering the victims of the 9/11attacks, President Barack Obamatoday pledged that the US willnever be at war with Islam asit was dreaded terror group Al-Qaeda which attacked the coun-try, not a religion.

    Addressing fellow citizens onthe heels of a Florida pastorthreatening to burn copies ofQuran and the controversy sur-rounding plans to build amosque near the Ground Zero,Obama said the terrorist ele-ments may seek to spark conflictbetween different faiths. Thepastor has since abandoned theplans.

    ...but as Americans we arenot and never will be atwar with Islam. It was not a re-ligion that attacked us that Sep-tember day it was Al-Qaeda,a sorry band of men which per-verts religion, Obama said inhis address from Pentagon, oneof the sites of the attacks.

    He also vowed to keep thenation safe come what may andremembered the victims of theterrorist attacks in New York,Pentagon and Pennsylvania that

    killed more than 3,000 people.For our nation, this is a day

    of remembrance, a day of re-flection, and with Gods grace a day of unity and renewal,Obama said as he paid a visit tohallowed ground at the Penta-gon and laid a wreath.

    The main function was heldat the Ground Zero site in NewYork City, attended by the VicePresident Joe Biden.

    Chaturthi, Eid celebrated



    Ganesh festivities began in theState today with pomp and gai-ety. It was a day of double fes-tivity as Muslims also celebratedEid.

    People welcomed the arrivalof Lord Ganesh in their homeswith colourful decorations,bursting of fire crackers andprayers seeking His blessingfor prosperity and protectionfrom evil.

    Though Ganesh festival is cel-ebrated by Hindus in the State their ways of celebrationsdiffer.

    Some fo l l ow t r ad i t ionwherein they have celebrationfor a day-and-a-half and Ganeshidol is immersed into the nearestwater body on the second day.Where as at many places cele-bration continues for five daysand immersion takes placeon the evening of the fifth day.

    However, more enthusiasticalso have Ganesh Chaturthi forseven days and some for ninedays.

    In the changing times aware-ness is growing to have envi-ronment friendly celebration byminimizing use of fire crackers.

    The Goa State Pollution Con-trol Board (GSPCB) had appealedpeople not to buy Plaster ofParis idols and against causingnoise pollution.

    A man performing pooja on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi in the city. (More photos on page 2)

    Photo by Rozario Estibeiro



    Day after former minister Fran-cisco Mickky Pacheco wasgrilled for nearly three hours byDelhi Central Bureau of Investi-gation (CBI) sleuths, on Friday,the agency interrogated his es-tranged wife Sara at its branchoffice in Bambolim on Saturday.

    CBIs Anti Corruption Branch(ACB) sleuths probing into theillegal immigration racketagainst Mickky quizzed Sara forover three hours between 3:50pm and 7 pm.

    Sara escorted by social activistAuda Viegas and local CalvertGomes reached CBI office, three

    hours after she was telephoni-cally summoned by the investi-gating agency.

    Speaking to one of the inves-tigating officers, inspector Yadavtold Herald that it was a basicinterrogation and Sara might becalled for further questioning ifrequired.

    Mickky, 46, who is an allegedaccused of forging documentsto send Goans abroad, especiallyUnited States, was interrogatedon Friday evening. The Nation-alist Congress Party (NCP) leg-islator had said that the agencynamely Manpower RecruitmentAgency was a joint venturestarted by him and Sara in 1998,whereas its license expired in2000.

    He also claimed that hestopped handling affairs of theagency after he separated fromhis wife.

    To a question whether Saraproduced any documents tolevel her charges against Mickky,the officer replied that they hadnot asked her to bring any doc-uments.

    We did not ask her to getany documents today. She an-swered to our queries andwe would cal l her as andwhen required. This was basic

    After Mickky, CBI now grills Sara



    Jammu and Kashmir Chief Min-ister Omar Abdullah today ac-cused the Chairman of moderateHurriyat Conference MirwaizUmer Farooq of betraying thetrust reposed when his closeaide asked for permission formarch to Lal Chowk and said vi-olent incidents would result insetback for any political initiativein the State.

    Todays protests were un-called for as people wanted tocelebrate Eid after a month-longfasting. But violence like todayswill result in set back for anyinitiative that the Governmentcan think for breaking the im-passe, he said reacting toprotests in the state capital inwhich two government build-ings were set on fire.

    Accusing Mirwaiz and JKLFChief Yaseen Malik of failing intheir duty to maintain peace,Omar said It was Mirwaizs of-fice which approached a seniorofficial in my government andrequested for permission tohave a march to Lal Chowk.

    They were repeatedly askedthat the mob will go out of con-trol but the repeated insistence

    from the separatist camp for al-lowing them a political spacefor peaceful march made meoverrule suggestions of my po-lice officials. However, whateverhas happened later from LalChowk can be termed as be-trayal of trust, he said.

    While the Chief Minister re-

    frained from naming the closeaide of Mirwaiz, but sourcessaid the offer was made by theHurriyat Chairman throughShahid-ul-Islam, a former chiefof terrorist group Hizbullah.

    Omar said the onus for main-taining peace was totally on thetwo separatists leaders whohave been accusing my gov-ernment for not providing themspace for a peaceful protest.

    Asked whether such incidentswould cast a shadow on thetalks about partial removal ofArmed Forces Special PowersAct (AFSPA), he said while wewant the changes to take placebut such incidents would defi-nitely have a bearing on anymoves to restore peace.

    Mirwaiz aide reasoned outthat the march was a politicalnecessity for them as the spacefor separatists in the Valley wasshrinking fast, the sources said.

    However, as the mob in LalChowk started turning hostile,Mirwaiz and his aides quicklydisappeared from the scene.

    Reacting to Omar, Mirwaizsaid it was peoples anger thatwas playing out on the streetthough he would not justify theviolence.

    CM accuses Mirwaiz of betraying trust


    CCS to discussKashmir crisis

    on MondayPTI


    The Cabinet Committee onSecurity (CCS) will meet onMonday to discuss measureslike partial withdrawal of con-troversial Armed Forces Spe-cial Powers Act (AFSPA) forbreaking the impasse inJammu and Kashmir buttodays sudden flare up of vi-olence in Srinagar appearedto put Government in a spot.

    Prime Minister, who con-ferred with Congress presidentSonia Gandhi, his Cabinet col-leagues and senior party lead-ers in the Congress Core Groupyesterday, has convened themeeting to discuss the situa-tion and consider options.



    After Education Minister, BabushMonserrate, the social network-ing bug has hit PWD Minister,Churchill Alemao as well.

    Three days after the educa-tion minister lodged a policecomplaint alleging that un-known persons have opened hisaccount on Facebook; Alemaohas lodged a similar complaintwith the Colva police.

    Alemaos personal assistant

    Fredrick Borges last night lodgeda written complaint with theColva police stating that un-known persons have opened anaccount on social networkingsite Orkut uploading wrong in-formation and false profile ofthe PWD minister pertaining tohis political and social life.

    Borges maintained that theinformation is not only false butmaligns the image of PWD min-ister and called for necessaryaction on a priority basis.

    Sources in the know said thatinformation relating to Alemaospolitical rivals was also uploadedon the site. It is learnt that Ale-maos account on the Facebookwas reportedly spotted by hischildren, and after inquiry, it be-came clear that the PWD minis-ter has not opened any accounton the social networking site.

    The matter was immediatelytaken up with the Superinten-dent of Police, South, Allan DeSa, following which a complaintwas lodged with the Colva policeon late Saturday night.

    When contacted, Sub-Divi-sional Police Officer, MargaoDySP Umesh Gaonkar said theColva police have registered acase against unknown personsfor impersonation on the netunder the Information Technol-ogy Act 2005.

    The Colva police are probing.The Panjim police are believed

    to have written to Facebook ask-ing for all details of the person,who created and operated thesocial networking account in thename of the education minister.

    Social networking bug hits Churchill too

    Tar balls at Mumbais



    Mumbais popular Juhu Beach isfacing a crisis similar to Goa, astar balls are washing ashore andpolluting the sands since Tues-day, which have severely affectedseveral areas of the beach.

    According to local residents,tar balls washes up on the JuhuBeach every year during themonsoon, but this year thebeach has witnessed more tarballs than ever before. The tarballs have covered a massivestretch of Juhu Beach.

    Locals are angry with the Ma-harashtra government for nottaking any action to stop dump-ing of oil by passing ships, whichthey say is responsible. Theysaid that so far, no official fromthe Maharashtra Pollution Con-trol Board has come to inspectthe beach.

    US will neverbe at war with Islam: Obama

    Centre not to ban iron ore

    exports PTI


    Rejecting Karnataka govern-ments plea, the Centre todayruled out the possibility of ban-ning iron ore exports, sayingsuch move would result in mas-sive unemployment, revenuelosses and social tensions.

    Union Commerce and Indus-try Minister Anand Sharma saidIndian mines produced close to230-235 million tonnes annuallyand the domestic consumptionwas 85-90 million tonnes, leav-ing an exportable surplus of over140 million tonnes.

    He said this surplus could notbe stored because it was envi-ronmentally hazardous.

    Sharma pointed out that min-ing was done in poor, backwardareas of the country and themining industry contributedsubstantially to the countryseconomy.

    This industry employs tensof thousands, may be millions.If the export is stopped, it wouldlead to massive unemploymentleading to social tensions, hesaid.

    A written complaint waslodged with the Colva police

    stating that unknownpersons have opened an account on Orkut

    uploading wronginformation and false profile of

    Mr Alemao.

    3 dead in IAF copter crash Three Indian Air Force per-sonnel, including a pilot anda co-pilot, were killed todaywhen a Chetak helicoptercarrying them crashed in badweather at a remote place inJharkhand. -- (PTI)

    (Continued on page 11)

    A woman holds a photographshowing New York firefighterStephen Siller during 9/11 cere-monies marking the ninth an-niversary of the attacks in NewYork, on Saturday.

    pg1_Layout 1 9/12/2010 12:16 AM Page 1





    Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the greatest festivals for our Hindu brethren, celebratedall over Goa and in many parts of India. In my village, we were surrounded byhouses of Hindu families. When I was a child, I used to attend poojas andbhajans in neighbouring houses, which I continue till today.

    The most interesting thing to me is the beautiful mattolli, with lots of fruitsand vegetable hanging on it and the beautiful flowers strewn around GanapatiBappa. The fragrance of agarbatis and other essences used to make my day. Andwho can forget the goodies?

    The finale was even more interesting. We used to take part in the procession.All the household idols were gathered at one point and taken in a processionwith much gaiety before immersion in the beautiful fresh water lake called Ban-dollem.

    Today, this once-upon-a-time clean Bandollem is contaminated with humanexcreta, flushed out of toilets in nearby residences. Though the Sancoale Panchayathas built steps to carry the murtis of Ganapati into the lake for visarjan, nothinghas been done to stop the menace of dumping in the lake, where the God ofWisdom for Hindu believers will be immersed this week.

    May Lord Ganesh give wisdom to the concerned authorities to act urgently torectify this injustice, to give Ganapati Bappa a decent immersion before thejoyous cries of Ganapati Bappa Morya, Fuddlea Vorsa Begin-eia, are uttered this time.

    Whos killing whom?K K SwAMi, bY EMAiL

    I think Santosh Bale (BJP & criticism, Herald, 9 Sept) is un-aware of who burnt the Kar Sevaks and who killed the Hindusaint in Orissa. Investigations have shown that the mob outside did not set thefire in the train carrying Kar Sevaks; the blaze started inside. It was the Maoistswho killed the VHP leader, but the VHP put the blame on Christians.

    Christians never do forcible conversions. I dont understand why the SanghParivar gets excited over minor matters like exhibitions by Dr Jose Pereira andSubodh Kerkar. Dont they have other work to do? If someone offended yourGods, let your Gods judge and punish them. Who are you to do so?

    Werent Sanatan Sanstha activists responsible for the blast at Margao last year,where they wanted to shift the blame on other religions? Why hasnt the gov-ernment taken any action against the Sanstha till date? Whats the differentbetween saffron terror and Islamic terror?

    Weed out BJPMANuEL X SOuzA, MAPuSA

    Santosh Bale (BJP & criticism, Herald, 9 Sept) seems to be a sympathiser ofHindutva and Manohar Parrikar. He imagines that in Gujarat and Kandhamal,Orissa, Hindus were killed by Muslims and Christians. There is no evidenceof either. But there is plenty of evidence of murders of innocent Muslims andChristians, systematically planned and executed by the Sangh Parivar.

    Recently, a BJP MLA from Belgaum, who studied in a Catholic institution,incited people to weed out Christianity from India. And a former CM of Goa,currently Leader of the Opposition, is trying to induct Christians into his fold?Is there any sincerity in such a move?

    Muslims, Christians and all good-people must see that the BJP is weededout completely, and given no opportunity in the forthcoming assembly elections.Let us not be fooled by the too-talkative Parrikar.

    Killers on two wheelsivO OSCAR FALEiRO, MARgAO

    Yesterday afternoon it was too hot for a siesta (power cut), so I drove my biketo the top of Monte Hill, to the chapel of Nossa Senhora de Piedade. My childhoodfriend Zezito Pereira was there, but he had a badly bruised and swollen ankle.

    He said he was going to Fatorda at around 10:15 am, and passed two trafficcops near Sanju Bar. A little further at the turn, a 15-year-old boy came at fullspeed on a scooter and rammed into his bike.

    A passer-by told him that police tried to stop this boy and, to avoid them, hesped on, thinking the police might follow him. They didnt, but he banged intoZezito, injuring his left leg.

    This buy was given the scooter by his mother to do some shopping. His fatheris abroad. Just because the parents are rich, do they think they can do whateverthey want, including killing or injuring innocent people?

    I appeal to my fellow readers; please do not give vehicles to your sons anddaughters, till they get a proper driving license. I appeal to the RTO authorities,do not issue licenses unless the applicant has traffic sense. Cancel licenses ofpeople who are regular offenders. I appeal to traffic cops, do not take bribes andrelease offenders. Do your duty without fear. Do not allow any sort of influenceto overcome you while performing your duty. Jai Hind.

    Elections to rob and loot?JOEL MORAiS, CuNCOLiM

    Local candidates for the Cuncolim Municipal Council elections have commencedcampaigning. Some of them had donated projectors to view the recently concludedFootball World Cup matches on big screens, whereas others are financing therepair of chapels, donating train tickets to visit Vailankanni, etc.

    Elections in recent times have become a proper profit-making business. Theone and only requirement to win an election is to fool the people. You makeyour investments (as above) and reap your profits (after election, by corruption).

    After the last Assembly election, one councillor publicly declared that he wontbe contesting the next municipal election. But this is arelatively low investment business and, if turned successful,ensures sacks of money all round. So once elected, veryfew want to resign and take rest, unless the people forciblymake them rest.

    The business yields so much profit that governmentservants earning a decent salary resign from service tocontest municipal elections. We have witnessed a lot ofso-called development in Cuncolim, but nothing compared

    to the development of our elected Councillors. They have earned sacks ofmoney.

    We, the people, should not give them a second chance to loot our historicvillage. Let us vote for a change, not because the new ones will necessarily bebetter, but they will take a while to learn how to rob and loot.

    Unfortunate?R FERNANDES, MARgAO

    Dr Joshi calls the death of Raveena as unfortunate (Herald, 24 August). It couldbe unnecessary, tragic, criminal, but never unfortunate. In this age, death froma non-emergency case of appendicitis is unimaginable. Likening this with payadds insult to injury. Exactly, how much is enough for these doctors paritywith the West? Can we insist, in reverse, on zero deaths in our hospitals?

    New faces, pleaseObiE NOguEiRO, NAvELiM

    I call out to all my Goan brothers and sisters to vote and elect totally new facesin the next assembly elections, who will save our green beautiful Goa. By electingnew faces, we can get rid of all the old and corrupt politicos. Think twice beforeyou cast your next vote.

    Teachers Day thoughts FREDRiCK PEREiRA, PANJiM

    Teachers Day on 5 September marks the memory of the great teacher, scholar,philosopher and former President of India Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. ThoughTeachers Day is celebrated in formal educational institutions, we ought to re-member our very first teachers were our parents and other elders, from whomwe have learnt so much. Equally important are friends and peers.

    For first generation learners, the teachers means a lot, in mind, heart andspirit. Senior teachers have given so much to newcomers and other juniorteachers, as well as to incoming and outgoing students. We also have teachersteachers and mentors, who also need to be remembered with a lot of reverenceand gratitude on this special day.

    But the need of the hour is the accountability of the entire system of education,in which the teachers occupy a prominent place. Who will set suitable parametersand implement them? Where are the administrators, heads of Institutions, thepolitical masters, the PTA committee members and civil society to hold teachersaccountable? Who will hold the persons in power accountable? Can sincere,well-meaning teachers do it, for themselves and their bosses? Is the Ministry ofEducation looking into this?



    Make Bandollem fit for Lord Ganesh

    Muslims offering prayers on the occasion of Eid at Jama Masjid, Panjim. Photo by Rozario Estibeiro



    With everyone anxious to getto Goa for Chovoth, passengershave been adopting unique tac-tics to find place on trains com-ing to Goa for the festival. Forsome of these commuters, the13-hour passenger train journeyfrom Diva to Madgaon took al-most 30 hours!

    The usually-deserted DivaJunction, near Thane, was abuzzwith activity on Thursdayevening. The platform was over-flowing with passengers, andeven more kept streaming in.Most of them wanted to go totheir villages in Konkan and toGoa for the biggest festival ofthe year.

    Around Ganesh Chaturthi, theDiva-Madgaon Passenger is al-ways packed. But this time thecrowd was double, as Chovothcoincided with Eid. To board thetrain, which was scheduled toleave at 6.20 am on Friday fromDiva, passengers arrived at thestation as early as 8.30 pm onThursday.

    Almost 10,000 people withbaggage and children wereready to hop onto the trainwhen it came in from Madgaon.It arrived at 10 pm, 45 minutes

    behind schedule. Passengerswho jumped onto the train asit pulled into the station, hopingto find vacant seats, were dis-appointed. Most of them werealready occupied by those whohad boarded the train at Panvel,at 9 pm.

    The train halts at Diva Junc-tion till 12.30 am, then returnsto Panvel and halts there till 4.45am to fill water and rechargethe power generator. Then itchugs back to Diva to pick uppassengers, and finally departfor its destination, Madgaon, at

    6.20 am. But at Diva Junction on Tues-

    day night, 10,000-odd passen-gers squeezed themselves intothe 10 bogies whose seating ca-pacity is not more than 2,000.A few found seats, others saton the luggage racks or on thefloor, but most passengers stoodin the passageway; many ofthem on one leg.

    Then, the lights and fans inthe train were shut off. In thedark, the janata was just begin-ning to realise that the train wasinfested with mosquitoes. Butgetting off was not an optionA few smart ones had broughtmosquito coils, which theylighted till the train started mov-ing towards Panvel after mid-night.

    The lights and fans came on,but only till the train arrived atPanvel. They pleaded with thestation master to switch on thepower, but he said the lightshad to be turned off to chargethe power generator. At Panvel,even more commuters boardedthe train, and scuffles broke outfor space.

    At 4.45 am, the train finallyleft for Diva and arrived at thestation at 6 am. The lights andfans came on, and passengers

    heaved a high of relief. But therewas a nightmare ahead. For,waiting at the station were an-other 10,000 passengers. Lessthan half managed to squeezeinto the already over-packed bo-gies. Emergency exits were usedto push kids into the compart-ments, followed by luggage.Even the toilets were full, andpassengers were sitting on theroof.

    The engine driver intervenedand called the police, who askedthe rooftop commuters toalight. Disappointed, many pas-sengers returned home.

    The jampacked Diva-MadgoanPassenger finally started rollingat 7 am.

    Santosh Parab of Goa, wholives in Diva, went to Panvel at4 pm on Thursday to board thetrain, as it was on its way fromMadgaon to Diva. It arrived at8.30 pm, and he managed toget seats for his family. SaidParab, A 13-hour journey wasextended to a 30-hour adven-ture, but at least we got seats!He was relieved when the trainfinally touched Madgaon at 8.30pm on Friday, and he was homefor Chovoth.

    30 hours to Goa for Ganesh!


    PANJIM, SEP 11

    Complaints can wait as payingobeisance to Lord Ganesha be-came top priority at the Panjimpolice which was in a prepara-tory mood for the beginning ofthe festivity on Saturday.

    Conrad Menezes, whose carwas stripped off stereo andother valuables, which heparked at the Kala Academyparking space, on Friday eveningwas told at Panjim police stationthat they (police) can act on thecomplaint only on Monday.

    Speaking to Herald, Menezes,resident of Saligao said that hehad parked Maruti Zen car bear-ing registration number GA-03-C-0545 at about 7:30pm andwalked into KA auditorium towatch tiatr.

    On returning back at about11pm, he saw the car bonnetwas open and that speakers andgear knob were robbed.

    I approached the securitywho expressed inability to helpme saying that his duty was toonly check proper vehicleparking. He though gave anumber o f a secur i ty in -charge named Sandeep, butyet again in vain, said thecomplainant.

    He then moved Panjim policestation with a complaint of theftagainst unknown men, wherehe was told that they can acton his case only on Monday.When Herald contacted the Pan-jim police, after 9pm, on Satur-day the Hawaldar who attendedthe call said there was no suchcomplaint as yet.

    Service to God comes firstat Panjim police station!

    nA 13-hour journeywas extended to a30-houradventure, but atleast we gotseats! He wasrelieved when thetrain finallytouched Madgaonat 8.30 pm onFriday, and hewas home forChovoth.

    --Santosh Parab



    Thousands of people will visitMarcel and nearby areas to wit-ness the unique Ganesh idolsmade by various mandals duringthe Ganesh festival.

    The Ganesh idols are hugeand are being made of differenttypes of material, attracting alarge crowd of devotees and cu-rious onlookers.

    This year, the Vithal SanskritMandal of Bazarwada-Marcelhas made a two-and-half metreGanesh idol using material fromthe arecanut tree. The artisansclaim it took them almost amonth to complete the idol.

    The idol will be on public dis-play from Sunday onwards.

    Other mandals in the area willalso exhibit their Ganesh idolsfrom Sunday onwards, till the

    21st day of the Chaturthi.Mandals from Marcel, Cumb-

    harjua and Sant Estevem have,over the years, attracted a largecrowd for their unique Ganeshidols.

    The large crowd has, however,resulted in undue pressure onthe narrow roads.

    Traffic jams will be a daily rou-tine and the traffic police willhave a tough time managing thetraffic.

    MAYEM CORRESPONDENTADDS: Crowds have been visit-ing Bhuipal village of Sattari dur-ing Ganesh festival since thepast five years to catch a glimpseof eco-friendly Ganesh idols.

    Suryakant Gaonkar, an em-ployee of a factory at Pissurlem,has been using his creative skillsto make eco-friendly Ganeshidols out of unusual ingredients.

    Ganesh idols to attract crowds in Marcel, Sattari"This year, I made a large

    Ganesh idol out of sawdust andit took me three weeks to com-plete the idol," Gaonkar toldHerald.

    "Last year, I made use of seedsfrom wild trees to make myGanesh idol and it evoked goodresponse from the public."

    "I am located in the vicinityof the Sahyadri hills, where alot of raw material is easily avail-able for eco-friendly Ganeshidols," he added.

    A few years ago, Gaonkareven made a Ganesh idol of thestem of the Banana tree and thebark of other trees.

    Suryakant's father, Shankar,said the entire family has fullysupported Suryakant in his cre-ative abilities.

    The eco-friendly Ganesh idolwill be on public display atBhuipal for five days.

    The two-and-half metre Ganesh idol made of material from the arecanut tree by the Vithal SanskrutikMandal at Bazarwada-Marcel. Photo by Amresh Parab

    The eco-friendly Ganesh idol at Bhuimpal-Sattari. Photo by Vishant Vaze

    Chief Minister Digambar Kamat along with his wife Asha Kamat and others performing pooja at his Mal-bat residence.






    With the government deter-mined to acquire land admea-suring 1.15 lakh sq mts atDavorlim for the proposedmulti-purpose utility project,Davorlim villagers are bracingup for an agitation to protectwhat they called as the land oftheir ancestors from acquisition.

    Governments order to theSouth Goa district Collector ear-lier this week to acquire theland in question has stirred re-sentment and protests amongstthe villagers. With their sus-tained objections to the projectfalling on deaf ears, the villagersnow plan to take to the streetsand hold protests outside thedistrict Collectorate building.The villagers also plan to con-vene a special gram Sabha meet-ing and plan to call on the local

    ML A and P WD Min i s te r,Churchill Alemao to addresstheir genuine demand.

    Says a villager Antoneta, whohas been in the forefront in theopposition to the project: Thevillagers are fighting to protectthe land from acquisition fortheir children. This is the onlyopen land available in the vil-lage. Where will our childrenand grandchildren go if this landis acquired for government proj-ects not benefiting the vil-lagers.

    Antonetta along her fellowvillagers are contending that theCommunidade land was pre-served and protected by theirancestors for the generationsto come. If the government ac-quires the piece of land for themulti-utility projects, the vil-lagers will have no where to go,she asserted.

    Davorlim villagers along withthe Gram Sabha and Panchayatbody had been opposing theproject since the governmentnotified Section 4 of the LandAcquisition Act to acquire theland last year.

    Their pleas, however, wentunheeded as evident by the factthat the government in June lastnotified Section 6 of the Act.That the government is firm inits resolve to acquire the landin question became crystal clearearlier this week when the dis-trict Collector was given ordersunder section 7 of the Land Ac-quisition Act to acquire the land.

    The Davorlim panchayat hasrallied behind the villagers intheir demand to scrap the landacquisition process. Deputysarpanch sandeep Kambli saidthat enough is enough and thatthe people are now ready to

    come onto the streets. Till date,neither the government nor thedistrict Collector have botheredto take the locals into confi-dence. They have not been ex-plained what multi-utility projectis all about and the projects thatwould come up on the acquiredland, Kambli said.

    Like many a villager, thedeputy sarpanch said the localMLA should support the localvillagers in their battle againstthe land acquisition proceed-ings. The villagers will also callthe Chief Minister DigambarKamat as well to scrap the proj-ect, he added.

    Agitated villagers say the gov-ernment had initially initiatedmoves to acquire lush greenfields for the proposed Kabras-tan and has now set its sight onthe barren Communidade landfor ulterior motives.

    Davorlim residents brace up to oppose land acquisition HERALD REPORTERMARGAO, SEPT 11

    A native of Kerala was founddead in a pool of blood in aColva hotel on Saturday wherehe was putting up since August13.

    The Colva police has regis-tered a case of unnatural deathas preliminary inquiries pointstowards a suspected suicide,but DySP Umesh Gaonkar saidthe police will investigate intoall angles in the death of theKeralite.

    A push botton paper cuttingknife was found inside the room,which was used to cause thefatal injuries on the chin of thedeceased.

    DySP Gauncar told herald thatthe deceased Sunil P J was put-ting up at the hotel since August13. Inquries has revealed thatthe hotel bill of the deceasedhad mounted to around Rs28,000 and the deceased only

    telling the management thathis friend will come to clearthe bill. The deceased alsocould not clear the roomservice bill.

    The hotel management toldthe police that since the de-ceased refused to open the door,which was latched from inside,hotel staff effected entry withthe help of a ladder from therear side, only to find the de-ceased in a pool of blood.

    Sources said broken glasspieces were also found in-side.

    DySP Gauncar said though theColva police have registered acase of unnatural death, the po-lice would continue investiga-tions to ascertain any foul playin the death of the native of Ker-ala.

    The police are also await-ing an autopsy to throwmore light on the death ofthe keralite.

    Keralite found dead in Colva hotel



    When this ramp was built onthe Curtorim side of River Zuari,hopes were raised that peoplewould soon be able to travel toShiroda and Sanvordem withminutes.

    Its now, nearly two years andhalf since the ramp was built,but the promised ferry serviceis yet to become a reality.

    While the ferry ramp at Cur-torim is in place since two yearsand half, the ramp and the ap-proach road on the other sideof the river at Mankeam at Shi-roda is yet to see light of theday.

    Residents of Curtorim havenow urged the government topress into service a ferry be-

    tween Curtorim and Shiroda toalleviate the sufferings of thepeople travelling to Shiroda andSanvordem.

    A resident Sudin Sawant saida ferry service between Cur-

    torim and Shiroda would narrowthe travelling time to Sanvordemand Shiroda.

    If we have to now travel foran hour to reach Sanvordem,the distance can be coveredwithin 15-30 minutes if the twopoints are connected by a ferryservice, he added.

    Another resident ClementeFernandes said that the ferryservice would also benefit theresidents of Macazana and Chan-dor and called upon the gov-ernment to build the approachroad to the ferry point on theShiroda side of the river.

    He appealed to the ShirodaMLA Mahadev Naik to take upthe work at the earliest so thatthe ferry service becomes a re-ality.

    Curtorim-Shiroda ferryservice yet to become reality

    nWhile the ferryramp at Curtorimis in place sincetwo years andhalf, the ramp andthe approachroad on the otherside of the river atMankeam atShiroda is yet tosee light of theday.

    The ferry ramp built on the Curtorim side of the river Zuari lying unutilized for want of a ferry service.



    The Corporation of the City ofPanjim in association with Mis-sion Green has requestedGanesh mandals to use its morethan dozen nirmalya pots tocollect waste generated duringthe celebrations that will go onfor the next few days.

    This year, besides mandaps,nirmalyas have been placed atcity temples namely Mahalak-shmi (on Dada Vaidya Rd), Hanu-man ( Pa t to , A l t i nho andMiramar), Ganesh (St Inez) andRam (Bhatlem).

    In all 14 pots will be used dur-ing the celebrations to collectwaste that will be disposed offseparately keeping in mind itsspiritual relevance.

    Like last year volunteers ofMission Green will oversee andguide people on the importanceof throwing waste into the potsin a systematic manner to paytrue obeisance to Lord Ganesha.Church Square, Boca da Vacaand KTC Bus Stand are placeswhere some of the bigger sar-vajanik Ganesh mandals are sit-uated.

    CCP officials have once againmade a fervent appeal to peoplecoming to the Ferry Point, themain visarjan (immersion)point, to use the two nirmalyapots kept there to throw awaydry waste and wet waste. To-morrow one-and-a-half dayGaneshas will be immersed.

    Pots have been kept at Man-sher in Santa Cruz and Old Patto

    Bridge, the other two immersionpoints.

    The officials have urged peo-ple not to throw any other wastein the nirm a l y a p o t s a sthese have been kept ex-c lus ively for Ganesh cele-brat ion days.

    Waste like agarbatti packets,flowers, thermocol, plastic andother decorative waste, etc.,can be thrown into these,they said.

    Mission Green volunteers saidthis year too they expected co-operation from the city peopleso as to see a clean and greenGanesh celebration.

    Last year Mission Green hadconducted 11 activities educat-ing people on the need to saveenvironment.

    Nirmalyas for clean and green Panjim



    There seems to be no end tothe garbage mess facing theCommercial Capital despiteChief Minister Digambar Kamatsdecision to personally look intothe problem.

    Believe it or not, more thanhalf the road leading to thewholesale fish market at Madelwas occupied by mounds ofgarbage. Daily visitors and ven-dors to the wholesale fish mar-ket had to face the doublehardship of crossing the roadand to contend with the wasteall scattered around.

    City-based Citizens WelfareCommittee president Savio Diassaid the authorities includingthe Margao Municipal Councilhave been taking lightly the taskof clearing waste dumped alongthe road to the wholesale fishmarket.

    He said clearance of waste

    Garbage dump: an eyesore at wholesale fish market

    from the Madel areas of the cityhas been irregular in recenttimes, posing nuisance and ahealth hazard to the resi-dents.

    Sources in the know said thatthe Madel-Davondem area ofthe city is the favourite dumpingground for hotel waste by

    garbage contractors.Sources do not rule out the

    possibility of a collusion be-tween garbage contractors andunscrupulous elements in thecivic body emboldening thecontractors to dump wastein the jurisdiction of thecivic body.

    Garbage seen occupying nearly half the road leading to the wholesale fish market. Photo by Savio Dias



    Margao police arrested oneperson for dumping waste onthe Rawanfond ring road.

    Margao PSI Mohan Gawde in-formed that the police arrestedthe person under section 34 ofthe IPC and also attached vehicle

    in the transportation of thewaste.

    The police acted following acomplaint that a vehicle wasfound dumping waste along thering road under the cover ofdarkness.

    The accused was later re-leased on bail.

    One held for dumping waste



    People of Goa, who visit Bel-gaum in large numbers everyday, can now think of a betterweekend during their holidaysin Belgaum.

    This is because after a ratherlong time, Karnataka Govern-ment has taken the develop-ment of tourism in the statevery seriously.

    If one goes by recent decla-rations by Tourism Minister Ja-nardhan Reddy, tourism inBelgaum and other parts of Kar-nataka would have better days.

    Belgaum, which is the mostpreferred shopping centre, maysoon become a tourism hot spottoo. Thus, the question raisedby every Goan about where togo for sight seeing in Belgaummay soon find an answer.

    According to Reddy, all thedistricts in the state includingBelgaum will soon have PravasiSoudhas, the centres providingall information about touristdestinations and would be en-gaged in promoting tourism inrespective district.

    The tourism minister recentlyheld an important meeting withthe deputy commissioners ofthe North Karnataka comprisingBelgaum, Bijapur, Dharwad,Bagalkot, Gadag, Haveri andUttar Kannada, and discussedin detail the steps to be takenin this regard.

    All these seven districts com-ing under the Belgaum divisionwill be given special preferencein promoting tourism, saidReddy.

    Speaking to media, Reddysaid the state government has

    Belgaum could turn into tourism destination soon

    raised the tourism budget froma meager Rs 15 crore to Rs 250crore.

    Chief Minister B S Yeddyu-rappa, who is very much inter-ested in promoting tourism inthe state, has assured that soonthe tourism budget would bedoubled in the near future, in-formed Reddy.

    Reddy also informed that Heli-tourism will also commence inKarnataka from the forthcomingRajyotsava (statehood) day onNovember 1, when helicopterswould be pressed into servicefor covering the heritage circuitsinvolving Badami, Aihole andPattadakal.

    According to Reddy, everyPravasi Soudha will have a minitheatre, conference hall and will

    be manned by an officer of thestate administrative cadre. Thestate government has alreadyset aside Rs 100 crore to pro-mote tourism in Belgaum divi-sion.

    He also said the process ofdeveloping Kittur Fort, Rajhans-gad Fort and other centres oftourist importance are being de-veloped to provide conven-iences for the tourists.

    However, it was not clearabout what steps the state gov-ernment will be taking to com-fort thousands of Goan touristsvisiting Belgaum.

    It is also not clear whatlanguage will be used in theP ravas i Soudhas , a s a l lGoans visiting Belgaum donot know Kannada.


    upcOming EvEnTS





    Konkani playwright feted

    Former MLA Nirmala Sawant felicitates Konkani writer Ram-nath Gavde at a Fugdi contest at Mollem. Photo by P K Patil.

    COLLEM(HC): Noted Konkani playwright Ramnath GajananGawde was recently felicitated at Mahadeo Temple, Bondu-mal-Mollem.

    Former minister Nirmala Sawant felicitated Gawde duringthe Fugadi contest organised by Shri Brahamani MahadeoSelf Help Group, Duklem-Mollem.

    Sawant, who was the chief guest for the opening programmefor the Fugadi contest, presented Gawde with a shawl, shrifaland a memento. Mollem Sarpanch Govind Gaonkar presidedover the programme, while Mollem Deputy Sarpanch JanuSuzare, Mahadeo Temple Committee Chief Ravindra Vernekar,Panch Savita Gaonkar, Sukanti Gaonkar and others werepresent on the occasion.

    Speaking on the occasion, Sawant appealed the men toco-operate with the women for their developmental work inthe village.

    In his speech, Govind Gaonkar congratulated the playwrightGawde for his story books, novels for children and twoKonkani books. He appealed Gawde to guide the school chil-dren to compose poems and to write stories.

    Earlier, Poornakala Govekar welcomed the chief guest andgathering, Shambali Paryekar compered the programme,while Snehal Gaonkar proposed the vote of thanks.



    Financial assistance amountingto Rs 6.15 lakh was disbursedon Thursday to 101 beneficiariesof Pernem taluka under theKanyadhan Scheme and RajivAwas Yojana.

    The financial assistance wasdisbursed at the hands of Pan-chayat Minister, Manohar Az-gaonkar and MLA LaxmikantParsekar at a function organizedat Pernem.

    The Kanydhan Scheme isbeing implemented by the Di-rectorate of Women and ChildDevelopment. Each beneficiarywas given Rs 15,000 under RajivAwas Yojana while Rs 3.75 lakhwas disbursed to 60 beneficiar-ies to undertake house repairsas the first installment. Theamount each beneficiary wasgiven Rs 6,250.

    Speaking on the occasion, Az-gaonkar said, the governmentwas committed to work for up-liftment of the weaker sectionsof society and overall develop-ment of the state. He appealedto the masses to come forwardand ava i l benef i t s o f theschemes.

    The Panchayat Minister saidthe Kanyadhan scheme is aimedat providing financial assistanceto economically backward sec-tion for marriage of their daugh-ters.

    Azgaonkar said, he favouredthe proposal for setting up theMopa airport and the SportsCity at Dhargal. The projectsonce completed would give aface lift to the entire taluka and

    will create avenues of employ-ment, he added.

    MLA Laximikant Parsekar said,the government is working togive Pernem taluka a new lookand said that people represent-ing various groups should joinhands in the development ofthe state.

    Surangi Harmalkar, ZP Mem-ber, was also present on the oc-casion.

    Tushar Harmalkar, BDO wel-comed the guests and GovekarCDPO proposed the vote ofthanks. Bharat Bagkar comperedthe function.

    Later, Azgaonkar also inaugu-rated Saint Tukaram SarvajanikLibrary at Nagzar in Pernemtaluka.

    Financial assistance provided to needy in

    Pernem taluka



    As part of its nationwide treeplantation drive, the Young In-dians Organization affiliated toConfederation of Indian Industry(CII) distributed saplings to ed-ucational institutes in Quela Pan-chayat in Marcaim constituency.

    The function, held in KavlemPanchayat hall, was attended byall the panchayat members.

    According to the organizers,they have targeted to plant abouttwo lakh saplings as part of itsnationwide tree plantation drive.

    Young Indians Organizationis a sister concern of CII andwas formed with social work asan aim. We are conducting var-ious activities and this tree plan-tation is a nationwide drive,where we had targeted 2 lakhsaplings, said Nitin Dessai ofthe Young Indian, Goa Chapter.

    Panch Rajesh Kavlekar ex-pressed displeasure as most ofthe institutes did not attend thefunction. He said the panchayatis always there to support edu-cational institutes and urged them

    to cooperate with the panchayat.It is very sad that out of the

    three schools, two higher second-ary schools and four primaryschools in our panchayat area, onlyfew have attended. I had even per-sonally called the respective head-masters, but to my surprise hardlyfew attended, stated Kavlekar.

    Our panchayat is alwaysthere to support educational in-stitutes and I hope they will co-operate, added Kavlekar.

    Saplings distributed to institutes in Marcaim

    The Young Indian Organization distributes saplings in the presenceof Quela Panchayat members at Kavlem. Photo by Amresh Parab



    Ten teachers from Infant JesusHigh School, Colva and St JudesHigh School, Betalbatim werefelicitated by Lions Club ofColva at Lions Hall, Colva re-cently.

    A teacher is like a lighthouse,which shows the right path topeople in darkness, statedAlexander Fernandes, president,in his welcome address. Thisis not an easy task. An effectiveteacher must be a good com-municator, a fair evaluator, anadept manager, a strict discipli-narian and even a surrogate par-ent. Only by wearing all of thesehats will the teacher be able toelicit the best from his or herstudents, Alexander pointedout.

    Alexander pointed out that ateacher who walks into the class-room and reads from a book foran hour isn't an effective teacher.A good teacher will strike theright chord with the studentsand have a sixth sense about

    those who need more help. Onemust feel the pulse of a class-room and modify the teachingmethods to maintain a high levelof interest, no matter what thesubject is, he added.

    The teachers were presentedawards by Abijeet Salkar, regionchairperson, who was on an of-ficial visit to the club.

    Abijeet highlighted the stellarrole being played by the

    teachers in taking India togreater heights of progress andglory.

    Chairman of the project,Manuel D'Costa, placed onrecord the tremendous contri-butions being made by theteachers in nurturing and moti-vating children.

    Awardees, Gracy D'Silva andRussel Coutinho said that it wasimportant that teachers werebeing given due recognition soas to motivate them to performstill better.

    The function was comperedby Keneth Luis. Mahesh Lotlekarproposed the vote of thanks.

    Lions Club of Colva felicitates teachers

    The Colva and Betalbatim teachers who were felicitated by LionsClub of Colva on the Teachers Day at Colva alongwith AlexanderFernandes, Abijeet Salkar, Manuel D'Costa, Keneth Luis, MaheshLotlekar.

    Retreat at MiramarPANJIM(HND): Bro Anil of Salvation Ministry will be con-

    ducting a retreat on September 12 at Miramar Residencyfrom 3 pm to 6 pm.

    Watch the Salvation Ministry services on Rophe TV everySaturday between 9:30 pm to 10 pm. For details contact on9226387098 and 9763553575.

    Singing contest at AldonaPANJIM(HNB): Quitula Sports Club, Aldona, will organise

    its annual traditional All Goa Singing competition at the ClubHall on October 2 at 4.30 pm.

    The competition will be held in three categories, subjuniors (upto 10 years), juniors (from 11 to 15 years) andseniors (16 years and above).

    The competition is open to all girls and boys. Entries willbe limited to first 40 participants. Entries may be submittedto Paul Alphonso, Petal Printers, Parish Centre, Aldona,(9922202167), Blaise D'Cruz (9822980346), Nelson D'Cruz,Headmaster, St Theresa's High School, Candolim, RosarioFernandes (9823374316) or Jose Dias at the Club House.

    Dak Adalat at MapusaPANJIM(HND): A divisional level Dak Adalat is scheduled

    to be held in the Office of Sr Superintendent of Post Offices,Goa Division, Mapusa on September 21 at 3 pm. The Adalatwill hear the grievances pertaining to postal services, whichhave remained undecided for more than six weeks.

    The complaints for the Adalat are to be addressed to theAsstt Superintendent of Post Offices (HQ), Office of the SrSuperintendent of Post Offices, Goa Division, Mapusa.

    Gomant Ganesh at PorvorimPORVORIM(HC): Samrat Club of Porvorim will organise a

    special programme Gomant Ganesh at Nilkant BramheshwarJanadurga Sansthan at Porvorim on September 17 at 6.30am.

    About 50 artists from different parts of the State will par-ticipate in the programme. North Goa MP Sripad Naik will bethe chief guest for the programme.

    Other dignitaries who will attend the programme in-clude former ministers Prakash Velip and Suresh Parulekar,social worker Venkatesh Prabhu Moni and Adv AvdhootSalatry.

    Samrat Club of Porvorim President Rajumar Dessai toldHerald that Samrat Club has been organising such type ofprogrammes for the last nine years to provide platform tothe budding artists to showcase their talents.

    Pranic healing workshopPANJIM(HNB): Dr Anjali Shackleton will conduct a Pranic

    Healing workshop basic course at Taleigao on September 19and 26. For details, contact Dr Shackleton on Ph: 2451080or 9987062209.

    Choir inauguration at PilarPANJIM(HND): Fr Fredrick Rodricks, the Principal of Fr Agnel

    College who is the Spiritual Director of the Senior CitizensChoir will inaugurate the new Choir at Fr Agnel College, Pilaron September 19, between 4 pm to 5 pm.

    The Choir is preparing for the Sacred and Gregorian Musicprogramme including Christmas carols in December 2010.The Senior Citizen choir will sing for funerals free of costand is conducted by Prof Agnel Crasto, Senior citizen, 72years of age. The Senior Citizen Choir will also perform GoanFolk Music, including Mandos and Dulpods.

    Those interested should contact Prof Agnel Crasto on telno 2435838/9420818302.

    Melava at KarwarPANJIM(HND): Under the initiative of Konkan Maratha

    Samaj, Mumbai a Vadhu-Var Melava has been organized inKarwar for the benefit of community members of Karwar onOctober 10.

    The Konkan Maratha Samaj whose origins can be tracedto Karwar are now settled at different states including Goa,Maharashtra and Karnataka. In order to provide a commonplatform for match making among the community, thisMelava is proposed at Sadichha Hall, Karwar, says a press

    Bhajani artiste honoured

    Nana Shirgaonkar felicitated by Principal Gerald Delenay. Photo by Vishant Vaze

    MAYEM(HC): Noted Bhajani artiste and music-cum-harmonium teacher Nana Shirgaonkar was recently felicitatedby the PTA of Shri Shantadurga Higher Secondary School, Bi-cholim. PTA President Mahesh Sawaikar, classical singer SurajSahakari and Higher Secondary Principal Gerald Delaney werepresent on the occasion.

    Principal Delanay felicitated Shirgaonkar with a shawl,srifal and memento. Replying to the felicitation, Shirgaonkarexpressed satisfaction over creating different kinds of singersand Bhajani artistes from Bicholim taluka under his guidance,who are now performing in Goa, Maharashtra and Karnataka.

    In his speech, Principal Delanay lauded the efforts of Shir-gaonkar. Earlier, Mahesh Sawaikar welcomed the gathering,while Somnath Pilgaonkar introduced the guests.

    On the occasion, Ghoomat Aarti contest was also held inwhich groups comprising Science XI A, Arts XII, Science XI Band Arts XI won the prizes. The contest was adjudged byNana Shirgaonkar and Sooraj Sahakari.

    Bhagasri Gaonkar compered the function, while ShradhaKudalkar proposed the vote of thanks.

    Inauguralfunction at St Estevam



    Kala Yuvak Sangh, Santo-Es-tevam will be organising theinaugural ceremony of ShriG a n e s h A s h t a v i n a y a kDekhava at the hands of Man-galdas Naik (Panaji) on Sep-tember 12 at 4 pm in Tonca,St Estevam.

    The guests of honour on thisoccasion are Fr Oswal Souza,Ishwar Kubal (Principal ofSaraswati High School), SisterSalvacao Pereira (Headmistressof St Theresa High School),Shashikant Fadte (ex teacher ofSt Anthony High School), Chan-drakant Navelkar (ex teacher ofSt Anthony High School), NarsivFadte (drama and bhajan artist),Domingo Xavier Monteiro (tiatrartist), Xavier Gomes (singerand tiatr artist), Emidio Mon-teiro, Gurudas Shet Govekar,Nilkant B Chodankar, RamraiNaik, Jamuwant Narvekar, Pan-durang S Shet, Madhav Ghat-wal, Ashok Naik, Sudan Naik,Santosh Manjrekar, TulsidasParab, Baburao Chodankar, De-vidas Gad, Arvind Dhawaskar,Manohar Chodankar, RamaNaik, Prabhakar Naik and Jiten-dra Borkar.

    SS visit aged home at Mapusa

    Shiv Sainiks with the inmates of Home for the Aged at Mapusa.Photo by Anil Shankhwalker

    PORVORIM(HC): The Shiv Sainiks paid a visit to the Homefor the Aged at Mapusa, which is being run by Provedoria, onMothers Day.

    The Shiv Sainiks offered the mothers sweets, cakes, biscuitsand other essential items like soaps, hair oils, combs andhand towels and spent time with them.

    The Shiv Sainiks enquired with the mothers in the ashramtheir difficulties and assured them all possible assistance asand when required. The mothers were choked with emotionsat the gesture displayed by the Shiv Sainiks and thanked themwhole heartedly.

    The Shiv Sainiks who visited the Home for the Aged arePhilip DSouza, Shiri Simepuruskar, Sunesh Sawant, SiddheshSimepuruskar and Vijay Amonkar.



    Belgaum SP Sandeep Patil hasstated that the district policewith the co-operation of Excisedepartment officials would ini-tiate stringent measures to pre-vent the inflow of illicit liquorfrom Goa and other states inBelgaum district.

    No lethargy from officialsin this regard will be toler-ated, said SP Patil adding thatthe check post at the districtborders from Maharashtra andGoa would be made more vig-i lant to curb i l l icit l iquortrade.

    He has also affirmed to main-tain a strict vigil to maintain lawand order in the city and thedistrict during the celebrationof Ganesh Chaturthi and Idd thatare being celebrated simultane-ously.

    While a couple of preventivearrests have been made already,

    Strict vigil to stop inflow of Goan liquor into Belgaum

    n Appaji Pawar andhis assistant werearrested forillegally stockingGoa-made liquorat their residenceat Ganeshpurarea.

    the police are geared up totackle any untoward incidentduring the festival. Eleven closecircuit cameras have been in-stalled at strategic locations.

    Anti-social elements tryingto destabilize peace and com-munal harmony will be dealtwith firmly, warned SP Patil.

    After assuming the charge,he also made a survey of theprocession route of immersingGanesh idol and paid visit tostrategically located police sta-tions in the districts.

    Meanwhile, the officials ofBelgaum Excise Department andLottery Ban Cell have seized Goamade liquor worth Rs 1.5 lakh.Two persons have been arrestedin this connection.

    Appaji Pawar and his assistantwere arrested for illegally stock-ing Goa-made liquor at their res-idence at Ganeshpur area, here.The officials have also seizedhooch manufactured at the jun-gles of Belgaum. The cost ofwhich was estimated at Rs 1.25lakh.

    New furniture showroom Nouveau Furniture opened recentlyat St Cruz near Canara Bank, at the hands of Fr Randal Barretoin the presence of Fr Camilo Dias, Proprietor Socorro Fernan-des and others.

    CM releases animation film on mosquito control



    Chief Minister Digambar Kamatreleased an animation film enti-tled Mosquito Control: I Can DoIt at a function held at Kala Acad-emy. The film has been producedby Rajashri Bandodkar Kara-purkar for Goa University andNational Academy of VectorBorne Diseases (Western Region).

    Speaking on the occasion,Kamat complimented the GoaUniversity and NAVBD for theanimation film. He said Goa Uni-versity has taken a right step tocreate awareness among youngminds to control the menace.

    Goa Universitys Vice Chan-cellor Dilip Deobagkar said thatwe cannot eliminate mosquitoesbut we have to keep away fromthem using simple measures.The film will go a long way ineducating people about suchsimple measures, he added.

    Dr Ashwinikumar welcomedthe guests. Dr Borkar comperedthe function.



    A Goan priest has recently takenover as the assistant parishpriest of the St Mary's Churchin Dubai.

    According to reports, Fr Fran-squinho Gomes recently joinedthe parish of St Mary's in Dubai,where he was welcomed by theparishioners, led by the mem-bers of Jesus Mary Joseph, aKonkani Prayer Group of StMary's Church.

    Fr Gomes will also be the Spir-itual Director of the JMJ group.

    At the welcome ceremony inthe parish, JMJ Main CoordinatorOswald Fernandes narrated a briefintroduction about Fr Gomes.

    Fernandes also assured JMJ'sfull support and compliance totheir new spiritual director andrequested his spiritual guidanceand assistance in their futureendeavours.

    In his maiden speech, FrGomes expressed his happinessto assist the Konkani congrega-tion and requested their supportin future.

    Hailing from St Estevam, FrGomes was born on July 19,1978 and joined Capuchin orderin September 2001.

    Fr Gomes completed his sem-inarian education in Parangipetof Karnataka Province. He wasordained at the St Estevam onMay 19, 2009.

    Fr Gomes' first assignmentwas to serve as an Asst. ParishPriest in St Jerome Church, Ma-pusa, for five months.

    In November 2009, Fr Gomesmoved on to the Padre Pio MinorSeminary, Navelim, as Vicar ofFormation House, before taking

    Goan priest to assist St Marys Church in Dubai

    over as assistant parish priestat St Mary's Church, Dubai.

    Fr Gomes replaces Fr FreddyD'Souza, who moves to the Sa-cred Heart Church in Bahrainafter serving at the St Mary'schurch for five years.

    The Parishioners joined to-gether for a thanksgiving masson August 28 at 7.30 pm. FrFreddy along with seven otherpriests from the parish con-cel-ebrated the mass.

    Mar i a Gomes read thefarewell address to Fr Freddyand expressed the sincere grat-itude of the parishioners for thetireless service rendered by him.

    While serving the St Mary'sparish, Fr Freddy was the SpiritualDirector of Konkani Community,Goan Sodality, two KonkaniPrayer Groups, Konkan Yuva, Eng-lish Charismatic Prayer Group,Marriage Encounter Group,Come Alive Youth Group, Bengalicommunity and the Korean Com-munity.

    Fr Freddy was also responsi-ble for celebrating Konkani massonce in a month at St MarysDubai and also at other neigh-

    bouring parishes of Jebel Ali,Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah and attimes Sharjah as well.

    Until last year, he was the co-ordinating priest for variouschoirs in the parish extendinghis support. As a trainer andmentor for the Altar Servers FrFreddy showed great commit-ment and perseverance.

    For the last two years, FrFreddy was also closely involvedin establishing and looking afterthe Young Franciscan group,'YOUFRA'.

    Scouts, Guides training camp



    The patrol leaders training camporganized by Salcete District ofBharat Scouts and Guides, GoaState, will be held from Septem-ber 14-16 at St Anthonys HighSchool, Majorda, says a pressrelease.


    course organisedHERALD CORRESPONDENT


    The Carrier Guidance and Coun-seling Cell of Government Col-lege Quepem recently organizeda six-day Personality Develop-ment Course. The course wasorganized in collaboration withSanvordem Jaycees.

    On the inaugural day of thecourse, Ameya Kamat spoke on'motivation', while on the followingday, a session was conducted on'Goal Setting' by Nilam Mayekan.

    Others who conducted valu-able sessions included Rajan Sa-tardekar and SaiPrasad Naik, whospoke on the concept of leader-ship. Karuna Satrdekar spoke ontime management and AshwiniNaik on 'Emotional Quotient.

    In all, 32 students participatedin the course, which was coordi-nated by Prof Constancio Fernan-des, Minguel Martins, Olivia Soares,Smitha Fernandes, Hazel D'Costaand Paresh Shet Verlekar.

    DSYA selections postponedHERALD NEWS DESK


    The selection trials for NationalAdventure Programme to beheld on September 15 and Sep-tember 17 has been postponedto October 5 at Youth Hostel,Miramar, Panaji at 10 am in orderto select the best 30 partici-pants, boys and girls for beingdeputed to participate in the241st National Adventure pro-gramme to be held from No-vember 9 to November 15 atPachmari, (MP).

    The above adventure pro-gramme will include activitieslike trekking, boating, horse rid-ing, rock climbing, rappelling,rifle shooting, pistol shooting,archery, skating etc.

    Legal aid clinic held at Panjim



    A free legal aid clinic which washeld recently at Panjim waspresided over by Senior Advo-cate, S D Lotlikar and Advocate,Parag Rao have decided issueson recovery of valuables, motoraccident claims and divorce. The next such Clinic will be heldon September 18 at 10.30 am atthe Mediation Centre, Goa StateLegal Services Authority, New HighCourt Building, Altinho, Panaji.

  • GOAOHerALd



    GOA, sundAy, 12 sePTember, 2010



    The Tiswadi Taluka BhandariSamaj recently felicitated 26meritorious SSC, HSSC andgraduate students, who se-cured highest marks at theTiswadi Taluka level at a func-tion organised at MahalaxmiTemple Hall, Panjim.

    Director of Food and CivilSupply Department Gurudas Pi-larnkar felicitated the students.

    Speaking on the occasion,chief guest Pilarnkar appealedto the students to take interest

    in the educational field to getall-round development.

    All Goa Bhandari CommunityPresident Madhukar Naik, Gen-eral Secretary Adv JaiprakashNaik, Tiswadi President NileshBugde, General SecretaryShrikrishna Haldankar alsospoke on the occasion.

    On the occasion, studentswho were felicitated are SitaNaik, Sonali Naik, VighneshRaval, Priyanka Naik, Priya Pil-gaonkar, Swati Chopdekar,Sneha Haldankar, PratameshNaik, Rishva Nasnodkar, Shriya

    Nasnodkar, Aaditya Mandrekar,Nehal Mapari, PandharinathMapari, Karishma Naik, Pratik-sha Madkaikar, NajmaVernekar, Pratiksha Naik,Ramesh Kudaskar, AnaghaNaik, Archana Divakar, AmoghNaik, Shubham Naik, ShilpaNaik, Vishal Naik, DiptiChodankar, Dipti Nagvekar andK Uskaikar.

    Tiswadi Taluka Vice presi-dent Pradeep Dhulapkar com-pered the function, whileVasudev Adconkar proposedthe vote of thanks.

    Meritorious SSC, HSSC, graduate students feted

    A student is felicitated by the Tiswadi Taluka Bhandari Samaj.



    A seven-day camp on Yoga

    and its importance was re-

    cently conducted at Madli-


    The camp was conducted

    under the guidance of

    Pathanjali Dr Kanekar and

    Komal Falari.

    Speaking at the inaugural

    function, Dr Kanekar

    stressed on the benefits of

    Yoga and the ways of imple-

    mentation of the same. Dr

    Kanekar also gave a gist on

    the various techniques of

    performing Yoga.

    Classes on the various as-

    pects of performing Yoga in

    daily life were conducted

    for the participants by

    Komal Falari.

    Dharbandora ZP Member

    Rashmi Lambor also spoke

    on the occasion and empha-

    sised the importance of




    Chorao Samraat Club hon-oured six senior teachers fromChorao and Mayem at ChoraoPanchayat Hall on September5.

    Teachers who were felici-tated are Mukund Khande-parkar (Dayanand High School,Chorao), Tukaram Kholkar (StBartholmews High School,Chorao), Suresh Goankar (ShriMahamaya High School,Mayem), Shrikrishna Tanksali(Vijayanand High School, Tik-hazan), Minakshi Parab (Gov-ernment Primary School,Narve) and Vishaya Chari Ar-charya (Government PrivateSchool, Chorao).

    Executive Editor of daily Go-mantak Suresh Naik honouredthe teachers with shripal,shawls and mementos.

    Students of high secondaryschool were also honoured fortheir achievement in their ac-ademic performance. Studentsfelicitated are ThirtarajKishore Karbotkar (St

    Bartholmews High School,Chorao), Ravina Ramdav Kar-botkar (Dayanand HighSchool, Chorao), DharshaniGaonkar (Vijayanand HighSchool, Tikhazan) and VishakaGosavi (Shri Mahamaya HighSchool, Mayem).

    Students of higher second-ary school were also honouredfor the achievement in their ac-ademic performance. They arePragati R Kubal (VijayanandHigher School, Tikhazan, Com-merce) and Rahul S Arondekar(Vijayanand Higher School, Tik-hazan, Arts).

    Earlier, Samarrat Club Presi-dent and ex-MLA DharmaChondankar in his welcomespeech, highlighted the impor-tance of the Teachers Day.

    Kishore Govekar welcomedthe guests and dignitaries, Ex-ecutive Editor Suresh Naiklighted the traditional lamp,Sandeep Parsekar comperedthe function, while SamraatClub Secretary Suresh Chon-dankar proposed the vote ofthanks.

    Senior teachers from Chorao,

    Mayem honoured HERALD CORRESPONDENTCURCHOREM, SEPT 11Kudchade Vikas Sanghatanaheaded by Curchorem MLAShyam Satardekar has under-taken the repair work andelectrification of streetlightsin entire Curchorem con-stituency.

    This was informed by Sang-hatana Chief co-ordinatorNilesh Cabral. This is thethird year that the MLA haspurchased electrical goodsworth Rs 5 lakh to electricitythe constituency on the eveof Ganesh Chaturthi festival,he added.

    The material purchased in-cludes sodium vapour bulbs,fixtures, tube lights, starters,bulbs and other materials.

    Two persons have been ap-pointed, accompanied by ajeep belonging to the Sang-hatana, to monitor the work.Besides, a mobile van of theelectricity department is inservice to carry out repairwork of the high mast, streetlamps.

    Special arrangements will

    Electrification of streetlights undertaken in Curchorem

    also be made at every spot inthe constituency, where im-mersion of Ganesh idols isbeing done, said Cabral.

    Meanwhile, CurchoremShopkeepers Association

    President Hanumant Vast hasthanked MLA Satardekar andhis Sanghtana for illuminat-ing the Curchorem marketon the eve of GaneshChaturthi.



    The Mapusa SarvajanikGaneshotsav will organise var-ious entertainment programmeand competitions for nine dayscommencing from September13 till September 21.

    On September 13, business-man Suresh Kolvaker will re-lease the Souvenir at 5.30 pm,followed by programme of de-votional songs Swar Tarangini,on September 14 at 7.30 pm,there would be programme offilms songs, gazals and LavaniBhaktitarang and on Septem-ber 15, Pandit ShekharbuvaUyas will deliver Kirtan at 6pm.

    Comedy dramas BajiravMast Me and Chehraferi willbe staged on September 16and 17 at 10 pm respectively.

    Ganeshotsav Mandal willalso organise elocution andKathakathan competitions forthe students of high schoolsin Mapusa on September 18and on September 19, stu-dents from Mapusa, who se-

    cured highest marks in SSCand XII examinations of GoaBoard and the degree exami-nation of Goa University willbe felicitated by Registrar ofGoa University Dr Mohan San-godker.

    Prashant Damle Fan Founda-tion will stage drama Bahu-rupi on September 20 at 10pm and on September 21,dance programme Lakh LakhChanderi will be held at 10pm. The Ganesh idol will be im-mersed on September 22 inthe evening.

    The Mapusa SarvajanikGaneshotsav committeeelected for the purpose com-prises Dr RamachandraMoraskar (president), UmeshDhavajker (vice president), Pan-durang Sawant (secretary),Sreepad Yende (assistant secre-tary), Jaiprakash Poblekar (trea-surer), Vasudev Amonker(assistant treasurer) and AnanKitarmekar, Jaimesh Chari,Suraj Dangui, Harish Nasnod-ker and Prakash Dumal (mem-bers).

    Ganeshotsav celebrations at Mapusa



    Parra Sarpanch Benedict D-Souza recently inaugurated thelaying of 110 mm waterpipeline for Parra villagers.

    DSouza inaugurated the lay-ing of 110 mm water pipelinefor the residents of BokeachiArradi, Arradi and Fondacwards of Parra.

    Antonio Fernandes of Parradid the honours of breakingthe traditional coconut to inau-gurate the laying of pipeline inthe presence of villagers, in-cluding the sarpanch and pan-chas.

    The new initiative will haveimprovement in water sup-plies to the residents ofBokeachi Arradi, while theother two wards of Arradi andFondac, who were earlier sup-plied water from the borewells, will now be providedPWD water.

    Inaugurating the laying ofthe pipeline, Sarpanch D-Souza said this has been donethrough the initiative of PWDMinister Churchill Alemaoand Calangute MLA AgneloFernandes, who had prom-ised the required develop-ments during their visit to

    hear peoples grievances afew months ago at BokeachiArradi, Parra.

    The sarpanch took the op-portunity to thank the leadersfor keeping their promise tohis villagers.

    DSouza also highlightedvarious developments duringhis current term as sarpanchand promised to make Parra amodel village based onplanned developments.

    Others who spoke on the oc-casion were Antonio Fernan-des, Amol Navelkar andChandanand Harmalkar, formerParra sarpanch.

    Laying of water pipeline inaugurated at Parra

    Anthony Fernandes inaugurates the new water pipeline at Parra. Photo by Thomas Fernandes

    Legal literacy camp heldin Collem



    The Sanguem Taluka LegalServices along with SouthGoa Legal Services Cell re-cently conducted a legal liter-acy camp at Our Lady of PietyHigh School, Collem, for SSCEstudents.

    Adv Panduranag Parab,Roopa Prabhudessai and An-jali Phaldessai were the re-source persons at the camp.

    Adv Pandurang Parab spokeon the importance of register-ation of births and deaths andhow they could be registeredthrough court if there is delayin getting the same registeredin time.

    'Tips on laws pertaining toAnti Ragging Act' was given byAdv Roopa Prabhudessaiwhile Adv Anjali Phaldessaispoke on 'Goa Children's Act2000'.

    About 120 students at-tended the camp. SchoolHeadmaster Fr Pio Furtadowelcomed the resource per-sons, while the camp was co-ordinated by Helen Afonso.



    The Sanguem SarvajanikGaneshotsav Mandal has or-ganized various cultural pro-grammes at the GaneshotsavMandal, Sanguem Bus Stand.

    On September 12, the poojawill be performed at 11 am, fol-lowed by 'tirth prasad' at 9 pm.

    On September 13, Kirtanswill be presented by SanskrutiSatyavan Shetty (Valpoi) andthe Konkani Play 'Three Idiots'by Rajdeep Naik will be stagedat 7 pm.

    On September 14, DrSuvinay Damle will deliver atalk on Ayurveda "Jani ManiAyurved" at 4 pm.

    On September 15, Bhajanswill be presented by localartistes at 4 pm, followed bythe release of the souvenir byChief Minister Digambar Kamatand MLA Vassudev MengGaonkar and the Konkanidrama 'Voir Sokol' by ComedianAmbe at 9.30 pm.

    On September 16, a Bhajanprogramme will be organisedat 4 pm, followed by a culturalprogramme by PaikdevPrasadik Mandal, Sanguem at 5pm, and the All Goa Ghumatcontest at 6 pm.

    On September 17, a cultural

    programme will be staged bystudents of pre-primary school,Sanguem, Union High Schooland Miracles High School,Sanguem, followed by an en-tertainment programme'Jadugar Raghuvir'.

    On September 18, the AllGoa Hindi Record Dance Com-petition will be conducted at 4pm, followed by an orchestra'Rockers'.

    On September 19, theMarathi Play 'Shamburaje' willbe presented at 7 pm, while onSeptember 20, 'Tirthprasad'will be conducted at 7 pm, fol-lowed by the Natya Sangeet byMahesh Sarmandali, Mumbai.

    On September 21, theSangeet Programme by 'ShabdSurache Dhenne' will takeplace at 6 pm, followed by theKonkani play 'Ek Khade MhavDusrem Khode Hanv'.

    On September 22, the drawof donation coupons will takeplace, followed by a laser lightdisplay and the immersion ofLord Ganes idol.

    The organizing committeefor this year is headed byRamkrishna Gurav and includesSiddharth Marathe, Kalpit NaikTari, Saish Malwankar, PrashantNaik, Rohit Naik and SandipMapari.

    Cultural programmes at Sanguem Ganeshotsav

    Paikdev SHGholds

    program for Dudhal locals



    The Paikdev Self-Help Group atDudhal-Kalay organized a day-long programme for residentsof Dudhal.

    The programme was inaugu-rated by Kalay Sarpanch San-tosh Gaonkar in the presenceof panchayat member VinodGaonkar.

    Speaking at the function,Gaonkar lauded the women ofKalay village for their talentand for securing the first placefor three successive years atthe Taluka level Women'sSports Festival.

    Assuring all support and co-operation to the self-helpgroup, Gaonkar urged thewomen to take part in culturalprogrammes organized by theSelf-Help Group.

    In the Rangoli competitionorganised on the occasion,Kishori Vaman Naik won thefirst prize, followed by NitaNitin Patel (second) and VasudhaVinay Gaonkar (third). SarpanchSarita Gaonkar and President ofPaikdev Self Help Group SunitaManoj Gaonkar later distributedprizes to the winners.

    Yoga camp conducted



    Bank of India, CurchoremBranch, recently celebrated its10th Foundation Day at a func-tion at Sanvordem PanchayatHall.

    As part of its Foundation Daycelebration, the Branch distrib-uted loan sanction letters toover 60 beneficiaries, mostlywomen beneficiaries under Fi-nancial Inclusion Plan of Re-serve Bank of India under itsnational programme.

    Bank of India, CurchoremBranch, provides all sorts ofbanking services to each andevery household in the vil-lage, including providingneed-based credit to house-

    holds for starting any busi-ness/commercial activity, toincrease the level of incomeof their families, formation ofself help groups and providingfinance.

    Sanguem Block Develop-ment Officer Anuja Phaldessai,Sanvordem Sarpanch NamdevParsekar, Bank of India, GoaZone, Deputy Zonal Manager SB S Kerkar, villagers and bankcustomers were present.

    Curchorem Branch SeniorBranch Manager Govind KDhuri welcomed the gathering.

    BDO Phaldesai highlightedthe need for availing all typesof banking facilities availablefrom the bank, private moneylenders.



    The annual general meeting ofGoa Aided Schools Credit Co-operative Society Ltd, San-corda-Dharbandoda, wasrecently held at V S Lad HigherSecondary School, Piliem-Dhar-bandoda.

    Chief guest Atchut Bhise,chairman of Curchorem CreditCo-op Society, was the chiefguest, while Prof RameshVarepkar presided over themeeting.

    Retired member of the Soci-ety Shripad Jambale was felici-tated by the chief guest. ShamuVelingkar from AnandibaiMarathe High School, Dharban-doda, was also felicitated forbecoming Dharbandodasarpanch and for the work car-ried out by him.

    Besides, meritorious stu-dents at the SSC and HSSCexams held in March were felic-itated.

    Society Chairman RameshVarpekar presented the reportof the Society. Important issueslike fixing of loan installments,increase of loan from Rs 1 lakhto Rs 5 lakh, etc, were dis-cussed at the meeting.

    Earlier, Chairman Varpekarwelcomed the gathering, P KNaik compered the pro-gramme, Jitendra Naik intro-duced the guests, while SudeshFadte proposed the vote ofthanks.

    Foundation Day celebrated



    Volunteers of NSS and YRCunit of St Thomas Higher Sec-

    ondary School, Aldona con-ducted a cleanliness drive atthe Aldona Corjuem Cablestayed bridge recently.

    A group of 54 students en-thusiastically took up cleaningof the road and pavement.Volunteers removed weeds,wild grass, accumulated muckand plastics and then dis-posed it.

    The drive aimed at educat-ing the public about the im-portance of keeping publicplaces clean and instilling inthem the dignity of labour.

    This cleanliness drive washeld under the supervisionand guidance of NSS pro-gramme officer Amarnath Pan-jikar and YRC councillor ArjunGharse.

    Cleanliness drive undertaken




    Pg8GOA, sundAy, 12 september, 2010


    People walk near a sand sculpture of New York's World Trade Centre's twin towers created by sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik at the GoldenBeach in Puri, Orissa.



    The CPI(M) today said that allparties should accept the courtverdict on the Ayodhya titlesuit to be pronounced laterthis month as talks have failedto resolve the issue.

    "All sections should acceptthe court verdict, whatever itmay be. Only a judicial ordercan resolve the Ayodhya issueas negotiations have failed,"CPI(M) general secretaryPrakash Karat told reportershere.

    The Allahabad High Courtwill pronounce its verdict onSeptember 24 on the Ram Jan-mabhoomi-Babri Masjid titlesuit.

    "We feel that to settle theissue all parties should acceptthe court verdict as talks havefailed to resolve the issue.Whatever the judgement maybe, it should be accepted byall. The dissatisfied party canapproach the Supreme Court,"Karat said.

    Demanding that the govern-

    ment distribute free foodgrains to the poor, he said thatthough Punjab and other areasin North India were reelingunder floods following heavyrains, many other areas in thecountry, including Bihar, werefacing drought.

    "We demand that theSupreme Court order on freedistribution of food grains rot-ting in the godowns of the FCIshould be implemented. Thefoodgrains should at least bedistributed through the PublicDistribution System (PDS) inthe drought affected areas ofBihar and other states," hesaid.

    Karat said that his party didnot agree with the Centre's as-sertion that the farmers willsuffer due to free distributionof food grains.

    "The farmers have alreadygot their price as the foodgrains has been procured bythe central agencies after mak-ing payments to the farmers,"he said.

    Replying to a question, he

    said that the party agreed withthe Prime Minister's assertionthat the Supreme Court shouldnot interfere in executive's do-main of policy making, but headded that the apex courtorder on food grain distribu-tion has come following thefailure of the public distribu-tion system.

    "When the rats are eatingthe food in the FCI godowns,why can't it be distributedunder the PDS to the poor andthose living in drought-hitareas," the Left leader ques-tioned.

    Karat charged the UPA gov-ernment at the Centre withfailing to act against RailwayMinister Mamata Banerjeewhose Trinamool Congress hadforged what he described as an"unholy alliance" in West Ben-gal to oust the CPI(M) frompower in assembly elections inthe state.

    "It is regrettable that Mamtaopenly participated in a Maoistrally at Lalgarh on August 7,but the UPA government kept

    quite even though one of itsministers shared the stage withthe Maoists," he said. "How canthe government and the PrimeMinister tolerate this?"

    He said that the CPI(M)would launch a countrywidecampaign from tomorrow onthe issue.

    "The Centre should explainhow it is tolerating its ministersupporting the Maoists whohave indulged in violenceagainst the CPM cadres," Karatsaid.

    "On one hand it sends thecentral Paramilitary forces toassist the state police in tack-ling the Maoist problem andon the other hand a centralminister shares the stage withthese very Maoists," he said.

    Karat opposed Union Cabi-nets move to have a caste cen-sus ext year.

    "We do not want a generalcast census. We are for enu-merating the other back wardclasses in the same manner inwhich SC/ST are done," he said.

    All parties should accept verdict on Ayodhya title suit: CPM



    The death toll in the twin-illicittoddy tragedy in Malappuramdistrict has gone to 26, withone more person, who wasunder treatment, succumbingthis morning.

    The victim Chandrabose(34), hailing from Malappuram,was undergoing treatmentsince September 6, at theKozhikode Medical Collegehospital.

    Few more people, who hadconsumed the illicit brew arestill undergoing treatment atthe Medical college hospital,sources said.

    The Excise CommissionerS Subbaiah, who had vis-ited Vaniyambalam in Van-door, couple of days earlier,had said that the prelimi-nary report on the incidentwould be submitted to thegovernment on September13.

    According to preliminary as-sessment of forensic experts,the toddy supplied by the shopin Kuttippuram could havebeen mixed with methyl, policesaid.

    Kerala government had an-

    nounced a judicial probe by asitting High Court judge intothe tragedy.

    Eight people, including the

    key accused Dhravyan havebeen arrested so far in connec-tion with the tragedy, theysaid.

    Toll in Kerala hooch tragedy rises to 26

    DGP says probe in right direction



    The police enquiry into the illicit toddy tragedy in Malappuramdistrict was moving in the right direction, Director General ofPolice Jacob Punnoose, said today.

    Speaking to mediapersons after he had a review meetingwith top police officials including the crime branch oficials,who has been entrusted with the probe, he said that the policewere able to find out the people behind the tragedy in quicktime.

    He said the probe will also find out whether any officials hadindirectly involved in the incident.

    Police will take stringent steps to see that such incidentsnever happened again in the state, he said.

    To a query on the handing over of the probe to crime branch,he said there is the need for continuously conducting a com-prehensive enquiry, he said, adding the local body electionsare coming and the local police will be engaged.

    However, the police enquiry so far has been moving in theright direction, he said, adding the crime branch enquiry willbe conducted with their (police) cooperation.

    Another reason for entrusting the enquiry to the crimebranch was that the probe might be spread to other parts ofthe state and also outside the state, he said.

    Obama tostay in

    Taj Mahalhotel



    United States President BarackObama will stay in the iconicTaj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai thatreopened in August after mas-sive reconstruction to wipe outall the damages caused by the26/11 attack. He will also ad-dress a meeting of the businessleaders in the hotel before fly-ing off to South Korea to at-tend the G-20 nations summitthere on November 11 and 12.

    He has also expressed desireto visit the Chhatrapati ShivajiTerminus (VT) from where theterrorists began the assault,the foreign ministry sourceshere said. Visit to the terror-struck railway station and stayin the hotel are seen as good-will gestures of the US Presi-dent to pay tributes to victimsof the terror attack that alsoclaimed life of six Americans.

    US Secretary of State HillaryClinton, on her first visit toIndia as USs chief diplomat,had also stayed in the Taj HotelTower as an act of solidaritywith the victims of Mumbai ter-ror attack.



    The Serbian pilot command-ing the Air India Express air-craft from Dubai that crashedat the Mangalore airport onMay 22 killing 158 wasasleep in the cockpit for 90minutes and did not respondto at least six warnings bythe in-built cockpit alarms,the inquiry committeeheaded by Air Marshal (Retd)B N Gokhale was told earlythis week.

    The analysis of the CockpitVoice Recorder (CVR) pre-sented to the inquiry com-mittee revealed the sound of"nasal snoring and breathing"indicating that the com-mander pilot was sleepingduring the flight. The analy-sis also of CVR and DigitalFlight Data Recorder (DFDR)of the flight that tumbledinto the gorge showed thatthe plane's "sink rate" wasvery high and yet six warn-

    ings emitted by the auto-matic alarms in the cockpitwere ignored.

    The Director General CivilAviation (DGCA), aircraftmanufacturer Boeing and GEAviation told the inquirycommittee that the tworecorders showed that theflight approach to the airportwas not stabilised and yetcommander Captain Z Glu-cika brought down the air-craft ignoring repeatedalarm. The recording showedthat co-pilot Harbinder SinghAhluwalia call to his seniorto "better go around" andthen warning him about "lessrunway left" since the aircrafthad overshot.

    The pilot had violated thespeed, glide angle and de-scent parameters, landing athigh speed with too littlespace left on the runway andthen tried to take off withoutsufficient spooling, the in-quiry committee was told.

    Sleeping pilotcrashed aircraft



    The death of a young doctorcouple working at the KLESHospital here on Friday has notonly baffled authorities but hasalso shocked hospital authori-ties.

    Dr Prashant Sajjan (32) andhis wife Dr Uma Sajjan (28),both of whom were working atthe KLES Heart Foundation,were found dead at their resi-dence at Shivbasava Nagararea, here.

    Dr Prashant was cardiolo-gist, while Dr Uma was a gyne-cologist.

    The couple had marriedabout 18 months back andwere residing at Shivbasvnagararea, opposite the J N MedicalCollege, here.

    While Dr Prashant hailedfrom Bijapur, Dr Uma hailedfrom Dharwad.

    According to hospitalsources, Dr Prashant had con-ducted a heart surgery on Fri-day.

    According to police, initialsuspicion led towards the pos-

    sibility of a suicide as bothbodies were found hanging inthe residence of the couple.

    Meanwhile, Addl Superin-tendent of Police S H Gan-gareddy said that since therewas no suicide note the exactreason of suicide could not beascertained.

    According to police, the cou-ple may have had a petty quar-rel that could have led to thesuicide in a fit of rage, whilesome sources said the backlogof studies could also have frus-trated the couple, forcing themto commit the act.

    Doctor couplesdeath shocks

    KLES hospitaln According to police,

    the couple may havehad a petty quarrelthat could have led tothe suicide in a fit ofrage, while somesources said thebacklog of studiescould also have frus-trated the couple,forcing them to com-mit the act.


    PATNA, SEPT 11

    As Bihar gears up for the com-ing assembly polls and battlelines are being drawn, it prom-ises to be a triangular affairwith Congress deciding to con-test all 243 seats on its own.

    The other two camps are theJD(U)-led NDA and the RJD-LJPalliance.

    Congress has never made italone since 1995, though it didenjoy power as an ally of LaluPrasad's RJD twice.

    In 1995 when undividedBihar witnessed a one-to-onefight between the party andLalu Prasad-led Janata Dal, Con-gress contested in all but oneout of the 324 seats and se-cured just 29. Chief MinisterNitish Kumar's fledgling SmataParty was formed just beforethe polls and BJP was not aforce to be reckoned with.

    In the next polls the grandold party contested all the 324and won 23 cutting into thevotes of the BJP. It went on tosupport the Rabri Devi govern-ment and reaped good benefitby having 22 ministers.

    The remaining CongressMLA was made the speaker.

    The tough fight given bythen BJP-JD(U) alliance cameto a naught as the minoritygovernment led by NitishKumar fighting shy of confi-dence vote quit and the so-called secular forces ralliedbehind RJD, leading to the for-mation of the RJD-Congressgovernment.

    In the two subsequent as-sembly elections in February2005 and October-November2005, which saw a brief of pe-riod of central rule, the Con-gress fought in a virtualalliance with the RJD from 84and 51 seats, respectively, butwon only 10 and nine seats.Kumar