12 Prolog Part 2 - Department of Computer Sciencecannata/cs345/Class Notes/12 Prolog...Dr. Philip...

Dr. Philip Cannata 1 Programming Languages Logic Programming – Prolog Part 2

Transcript of 12 Prolog Part 2 - Department of Computer Sciencecannata/cs345/Class Notes/12 Prolog...Dr. Philip...

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Programming Languages

Logic Programming – Prolog Part 2

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Standard Oracle emp / dept Database

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Oracle Sqldeveper


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Oracle Sqldeveper

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Oracle Sqldeveper

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Oracle Sqldeveper

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Oracle Sqldeveper

Cut and Paste this into here and press

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Oracle Sqldeveper

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Oracle Sqldeveper

This database is for this book. But, the book is old and assumes

you’re using sqlplus not sqldeveloper. So, ignore all of the formatting examples in the

book and just do the sql.

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emp(7839, king, president, 0, 17-nov-81, 5000, 0, 10).emp(7698, blake, manager, 7839, 01-may-81, 2850, 0, 30).emp(7782, clark, manager, 7839, 09-jun-81, 2450, 0, 10).emp(7566, jones, manager, 7839, 02-apr-81, 2975, 0, 20).emp(7788, scott, analyst, 7566, 09-dec-82, 3000, 0, 20).emp(7902, ford, analyst, 7566, 03-dec-81, 3000, 0, 20).emp(7369, smith, clerk, 7902, 17-dec-80, 800, 0, 20).emp(7499, allen, salesman, 7698, 20-feb-81, 1600, 300, 30).emp(7521, ward, salesman, 7698, 22-feb-81, 1250, 500, 30).emp(7654, martin, salesman, 7698, 28-sep-81, 1250, 1400, 30).emp(7844, turner, salesman, 7698, 08-sep-81, 1500, 0, 30).emp(7876, adams, clerk, 7788, 12-jan-83, 1100, 0, 20).emp(7900, james, clerk, 7698, 03-dec-81, 950, 0, 30).emp(7934, miller, clerk, 7782, 23-jan-82, 1300, 0, 10).

dept(10, accounting, new_york).dept(20, research, dallas).dept(30, sales, chicago).dept(40, operations, boston).

select 'emp(' || empno || ', ' || lower(ename) || ', ' || lower(job) || ', ' || nvl(mgr, 0) || ', ' || lower(hiredate) || ', ' || sal || ', ' || nvl(comm, 0) || ', ' || deptno || ').' from emp

select 'dept(' || deptno || ', ' || lower(dname) || ', ' || lower(loc) || ').' from dept

emp / dept Database in Prolog

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Haskell> [(empno, ename, job, sal, deptno) | (empno, ename, job, _, _, sal, deptno) <- emp]

| ?- emp(Empno, Ename, Job, _, _, Sal, _, Deptno).

Deptno = 10Empno = 7839Ename = kingJob = presidentSal = 5000 ? ;

Deptno = 30Empno = 7698Ename = blakeJob = managerSal = 2850 ?

. . .

emp / dept Database in Prolog

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Haskell> [(empno, ename, job, sal, deptno) | (empno, ename, job, _, _, sal, deptno) <- emp, deptno == 10]

| ?- emp(Empno, Ename, Job, _, _, Sal, _, 10).

Empno = 7839Ename = kingJob = presidentSal = 5000 ? ;

Empno = 7782Ename = clarkJob = managerSal = 2450 ? ;

Empno = 7934Ename = millerJob = clerkSal = 1300

yes| ?-

emp / dept Database in Prolog

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Main> [(empno, ename, job, sal, dname) | (empno, ename, job, _, _, sal, edeptno) <- emp, (deptno, dname, loc) <- dept, edeptno == deptno ]

| ?- emp(Empno, Ename, Job, _, _, Sal, _, D), dept(D, Dname, _).

D = 10Dname = accountingEmpno = 7839Ename = kingJob = presidentSal = 5000 ? ;

D = 30Dname = salesEmpno = 7698Ename = blakeJob = managerSal = 2850 ? ;

D = 10Dname = accountingEmpno = 7782Ename = clarkJob = managerSal = 2450 ?

emp / dept Database in Prolog

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ename(7839, king).ename(7698, blake).ename(7782, clark).ename(7566, jones).ename(7788, scott).ename(7902, ford).ename(7369, smith).ename(7499, allen).ename(7521, ward).ename(7654, martin).ename(7844, turner).ename(7876, adams).ename(7900, james).ename(7934, miller).

job(7839, president).job(7698, manager).job(7782, manager).job(7566, manager).job(7788, analyst).job(7902, analyst).job(7369, clerk).job(7499, salesman).job(7521, salesman).job(7654, salesman).job(7844, salesman).job(7876, clerk).job(7900, clerk).job(7934, clerk).

hiredate(7839, 17-nov-81).hiredate(7698, 01-may-81).hiredate(7782, 09-jun-81).hiredate(7566, 02-apr-81).hiredate(7788, 09-dec-82).hiredate(7902, 03-dec-81).hiredate(7369, 17-dec-80).hiredate(7499, 20-feb-81).hiredate(7521, 22-feb-81).hiredate(7654, 28-sep-81).hiredate(7844, 08-sep-81).hiredate(7876, 12-jan-83).hiredate(7900, 03-dec-81).hiredate(7934, 23-jan-82).

salary(7839, 5000).salary(7698, 2850).salary(7782, 2450).salary(7566, 2975).salary(7788, 3000).salary(7902, 3000).salary(7369, 800).salary(7499, 1600).salary(7521, 1250).salary(7654, 1250).salary(7844, 1500).salary(7876, 1100).salary(7900, 950).salary(7934, 1300).

mgr(7839, 0).mgr(7698, 7839).mgr(7782, 7839).mgr(7566, 7839).mgr(7788, 7566).mgr(7902, 7566).mgr(7369, 7902).mgr(7499, 7698).mgr(7521, 7698).mgr(7654, 7698).mgr(7844, 7698).mgr(7876, 7788).mgr(7900, 7698).mgr(7934, 7782).

deptno(7839, 10).deptno(7698, 30).deptno(7782, 10).deptno(7566, 20).deptno(7788, 20).deptno(7902, 20).deptno(7369, 20).deptno(7499, 30).deptno(7521, 30).deptno(7654, 30).deptno(7844, 30).deptno(7876, 20).deptno(7900, 30).deptno(7934, 10).

emp / dept Database in Prolog as Binary Relations (Triple Store)

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Haskell> [(empno, ename, job, sal, deptno) |(x0, empno) <- empno, (x1, ename) <- ename, (x2, job) <- job,(x3, sal) <- sal, (x4, deptno) <- deptno, x0 == x1 && x1 == x2 && x2 == x3 && x3 == x4]

| ?- ename(E, Ename), job(E, Job), salary(E, Salary), deptno(E, Deptno).

Deptno = 10E = 7839Ename = kingJob = presidentSalary = 5000 ? ;

Deptno = 30E = 7698Ename = blakeJob = managerSalary = 2850 ? ;

Deptno = 10E = 7782Ename = clarkJob = managerSalary = 2450 ?

emp / dept Database in Prolog as Binary Relations (Triple Store)

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name = [ (7839, "KING"), (7698, "BLAKE"), (7782, "CLARK"), (7566, "JONES"), (7788, "SCOTT"), (7902, "FORD"), (7369, "SMITH"), (7499, "ALLEN"), (7521, "WARD"), (7654, "MARTIN"), (7844, "TURNER"), (7876, "ADAMS"), (7900, "JAMES"), (7934, "MILLER") ]

name(7839, KING).name(7698, BLAKE).name(7782, CLARK).name(7566, JONES).name(7788, SCOTT).name(7902, FORD).name(7369, SMITH).name(7499, ALLEN).name(7521, WARD).name(7654, MARTIN).name(7844, TURNER).name(7876, ADAMS).name(7900, JAMES).name(7934, MILLER).

(7839, name, KING)(7698, name, BLAKE)(7782, name, CLARK)(7566, name, JONES)(7788, name, SCOTT)(7902, name, FORD)(7369, name, SMITH)(7499, name, ALLEN)(7521, name, WARD)(7654, name, MARTIN)(7844, name, TURNER)(7876, name, ADAMS)(7900, name, JAMES)(7934, name, MILLER)

These are all the same relation

Haskell Prolog RDF *

* seeAlso called Predicates( Predicate Logic – the

science of correct thinking. )

Also called a triple store.

Also a form of a graph.

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